The countdown to January 19, 2021 and so far Barbadians have been treated to a lackluster campaign. The biggest issue so far has been the lack of opportunity for Covid 19 infected patients to vote, that is until the strategic revelations from former Senator Lucille Moe last weekend. 

For those who didn’t understand Moe’s prolong absences from the Senate, now we know. There was a plot to be hatched. The blogmaster deems her behaviour to be dishonest and unethical. She had a difference of opinion with the prime minister- or so it seems- and refused to take the honourable decision to resign. Mia Mottley is not blameless, ministers and senators serve at the pleasure of the prime minister, Moe should have been fired. The blogmaster gives no credence to feeble rebuttals that she submitted excuses to the President to the Senate. Citizens must continue to find ways to hold elected officials accountable. The struggle is real.

While the Moe plot appears to have fully delivered 2 days before the general elections, former minister of finance Chris Sinckler decided to enter the political space for the first time since the last general election in May, 2018. The stars have aligned and the winner is…?

At a time educated and sensible Barbadians should be consumed with exacting intelligible utterances from prospective representatives in parliament, instead we have been treated to the same old dog and pony show. 

  • Have we has good explanations why six decades after independence we have been unable to enact and operationalize transparency and integrity legislation in Barbados?
  • Have we had good explanation why the NIS Scheme has been mismanaged by successive governments to the point where taxpayers will be asked to suffer more sacrifice to ensure its viability?
  • Have we had a good explanation why after the long talk about establishing a Creative Cultural Industries framework this sector remains uninspired and rudderless?
  • Have we had a good explanation why decades of Auditor General reports have been ignored by successive governments?
  • Have we had a good explanation why a small island developing state located in the idyllic tropical Caribbean has been unable to aggressively retrofit and integrate renewable energy by utilizing the natural resources of sun and wind?
  • Have we had an intelligent national debate about pensions for members of parliament and in particular the public service which is unfunded?
  • What about the urgent need for a comprehensive waste management strategy to align with the utterances about a commitment to the environment?

The point of this submission is to remind fellow Barbadians that we benefit from making smart decisions. If we continue to be mesmerized and entertained by the dog and pony shows performing to the same scripts, there will be no apotheoses.

262 responses to “Whatup Bajans?”

  1. Justice Cicely Chase has thrown out the challenge to the suit brought to halt the General Elections, saying she did not have jurisdiction to hear the matter and that it ought to have been brought before an election court.

    She said the action was incorrectly filed.

    Arguments were heard from attorney Lalu Hanuman, who brought the challenge on behalf of St Thomas constituency hopeful, Philip Nathanial Catlyn, of the Barbados Sovereignty Party (BSP), as well as Queen’s Counsel Alrick Scott who represents President The Most Honourable Dame Sandra Mason and Queen’s Counsel Roger Forde who appears for the Attorney General.

    Catlyn was seeking a restraining order against the holding of Wednesday’s General Elections until “the disenfranchisement of thousands of electors who are in quarantine due to the zoonotic COVID-19 viral pandemic is resolved beforehand”.

  2. Queens Counsel desserts

  3. Exactly, the discretion is with the president.

  4. @ B’s & B’s

    Breaking Breaking Hot hot hot 🔥 BDS (LGBTQ Community) vote unanimously over de weekend to Support de BLP in this Election Tomorrow.

    The decision came about at a general meeting held at Andy’s Restaurant @ Brandon’s beach 🏖. Complimentary Rum-punch was flowing like water…Per “Rodney Parris”

    Who Calling 📞 ?

  5. They got this……maybe

    ” Government will aggressively go after economic growth this year, Prime Minister Mia Mottley has declared.”

  6. NorthernObserver Avatar

    I was 23-7 since last September, cannot change.
    A friend has a WhatsApp pool going, anywhere from 0-12 with 87 participants.
    The political types in that group are going low. Don’t know if that’s bias or an informed number.
    Seems the seats in highest chance of winning go StPN, st.John, St.J? Y’wood and from there it is scramble of opinion.

  7. NorthernObserver Avatar

    With two females leaders how could we ban the erection? (That is for Donna )

  8. This ruling should not have come as a surprise to anyone. I doubt that the lawyers were surprised. This is the classic six for a nine or the pee on your leg it is raining trick.

    I am unimpressed by this last minute continuation of doing nothing by now doing something.

    Anyone with a modicum of commonsense knew that when the ECB promised to study it and get back to you that nothing would change. And, now, lawyers waiting until the very last moment to go the courts is the same useless ploy.

    Go wash your leg, that is not rain.

  9. The FINAL ORDER is only one day away.

    Hyatt is coming!
    Transparency legislation is coming!
    Economic recovery is coming!
    Heroine’s memorial for our Prime Minister at Admiral Nelson’s former place is coming!

    Everything the opposition has blocked since 2018 to harm the people and the nation will now be implemented.

    Thanks to our SUPREME LEADER, our President-elect for life from 2027 on.

    Let’s go ahead and support our Supreme Leader, through neutral comments and good advice.

    Tron, a simple, neutral commenter
    in year 4 SL, year 1 NR

  10. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Everything the opposition has blocked since 2018….
    What opposition? The external lenders?

  11. @ NorthernObserver,

    two females leaders but them is not interested in erection.

    As a Canadian you are aware of ” pronouns “. lol

  12. Update: Election challenge dismissed

    Article by
    Kareem Smith
    Published on
    January 18, 2022

    The January 19 General Election is on.

    High Court Judge Madam Justice Cicely Chase this evening dismissed the application to call off the election.

    She ruled that the court had no jurisdiction to hear the matter.

    Philip Catlyn of the Barbados Sovereignty Party had filed the application on the grounds that the exclusion of COVID-19 positive individuals from the election breaches Section 6 of the Representation of the People Act, which enshrines the right of eligible residents and citizens to vote.

    Veteran human rights attorney Lalu Hanuman represented Catlyn in the matter.

    Source: Barbados Today

  13. There were 652 new COVID-19 cases – 296 males and 356 females – recorded on Monday, January 17, from the 2 503 tests conducted by the Best-dos Santos Public Health Laboratory.

  14. Potentially another 533 people can’t vote because they tested positive for Covid.

    Nuh big ting. voting is not as serious as when I was a teenager and was lectured on ” right and responsibility to vote “

  15. Northern,

    Don’t get me started on female orgasms again!

  16. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Please don’t
    Was hoping you might share your prediction

  17. @Donna January 18, 2022 7:27 AM ” they noticed that many UWI students were lacking in the basics of expression…”


    The WORSE piece of prose I’ve even read in my ENTIRE lifewas written by a DLP lawyer politician.

    So DEM can’t talk about other people children “lacking the basics of expression.

    Don’t get me started. DEM unfair the young people. Denied young people the “tax-funded”, NOT free education for which their parents had already paid through their taxes and labour.

    I hate to see young people being unfaired.

  18. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @David, you say that discretion was with the President but I perceive u use that word quite broadly … what ‘indiscretion’ (if I may put it that way) did she legally have to do ANYTHING other than calling the election … now if we travel along that turgid path presented by @Northern one suspects that she surely then possessed many options to discharge the issue, no doubt!

    And @Theo, I take a different spin on this to you. The attorney should be embarrassed … if u are going to court for a career defining last minute injunctive case …fah damn sure don’t get thrown out on grounds that “… the action was incorrectly filed.”

    That’s professionally inexcusable …BUT, BUT I only cut him some slack because of the rushed time and he didn’t have a team of constitutional lawyers behind him.

    The fact is that it surely appeared that he went down the wrong path, however!

    You perceive it was all smoke and mirrors … well if it was then the entire legal corps on the DLP should be hanged in abject shame … that they did not mount a case re the ‘draconian’ emergency edicts that restricted the isolated Bajans from voting, boggles my thinking … you (a) can’t fight the constitutional legality of calling a snap election but surely you can (b) seriously question the govt doing that while emergency pandemic prohibitions were in place.. Thus you seek relief of B because of the constitutional rights enshrined for A…

    And not a DLP fella fought that for the same Bajans they say they want to represent and neither a BLP fella either.

    So alas we back to the same square still … all a-dem tekking freaking Self and Turf (well done) with a side of :Baked Barbados. A lead pipe crust, filled with a dense molasses based filling, with crusty sea salt top. A sweet-salt creation for the ages.” from @Northern’s menu.

    And re that menu Chef Northern,.. do tell… which culinary institute did u attend before you switched careers to business! 😇👍🏿

  19. David
    27-3 or 4

  20. Norther I’ll take the breadfruit cou-cou and gravy, but you could really have thrown a pork chop in there.

    In the absence of a pork chop you will HAVE TO gie we some drinks man!

  21. NorthernObserver Avatar

    As I mentioned to you elsewhere, it is pork season in Central GWN, I have skinned and cut up so many legs and shoulders in past week, pork wasn’t on the menu brain…lol…I want something else. The cold weather has my outdoor freezer working well 😂
    Yours seems to be “concensus”.

    A safe election day to all.

  22. NorthernObserver Avatar

    I cook to live, not live to cook. Must be experience reading menus. The last time I was in a restaurant was March 2020.

  23. Hoping that the best team is elected to the Barbados Parliament. This is not for the best party, but for the best set of candidates.

    Have a great day Barbados.

  24. Anything other than a clear 31:0 victory is electoral fraud!

    Tron, year 4 SL, year 1 NR

  25. @ NorthernObserver January 18, 2022 9:04 PM

    It was not the IMF but the treacherous opposition that sabotaged the landmark Total Transparency and Integrity Bill (T2IB) in the Senate.

    This to document the true historical events before Year 1 of the New Republic.

  26. Northern,

    Today is not the day to go into the results of my latest “investigations”. I’ll save that for another time.

    But Liz Thompson was so hot last night that I swear the normally Bee but vex wid Aunty Mia crowd will put vexation aside like she asked and still gih she de ‘x’ an’ watch she fuh anudder five years.

    Liz, anudder woman, bring home de bacon, I bet.

    She even got me thinking so she gotta be good!

  27. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved

    “Justice Cicely Chase has thrown out the challenge”

    they too love a pappy show….aren’t the Springers and Chases COUSINS……steupppsss….watch the new scam play out….

    again for those who actually post USEFULL information to this or any other blog/forum/platform….stop…it is being MISUSED…

    what was needed to set what was set in motion YEARS AGO…already worked, no more needed..

  28. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved

    “You forgot to invite the royal bling-wearing Lady Dame president from the republic of the Bajan Monarchy to say grace.”

    they are all taking this for a joke…….as long as the descendants UNDERSTAND that they DO NOT OWE any of these Caribbean islands anything, our ancestors BUILT THEM FOR FREE and PAID with their blood, lives and social existence…there was nothing in return for them…and now their descendants are seen as numbers to enrich criminals….

    .the trash who PRETEND they care about the people, just so they can get their hands in the treasury and pension fund can ALL GO TO HELL…..real AFRIKAN MINDS have choices and know how to use them…

    this is where we are at right now, even if some don’t know it..

  29. William Skinner Avatar

    The only result possible:
    The Duopoly will win the election;
    the people will lose another election.
    That being said , I have once more enjoyed another pantomime, with some of the most hilarious comments, I have ever read anywhere.
    Well, that’s it folks , unless somebody, or party springs up in the next , five years or maybe three , to inject some real change, in our beloved country, the next pantomime and extension/Crop Over would be just as entertaining.
    But , as always, there are pantomimes everywhere and the whole world awaits progressive leadership and real change. So, why should we worry.

  30. Again, nobody said we should not worry. We said we must be realistic in our expectations as we strive and struggle to make it better.

    The fact that this is a HUMAN problem rather than a BARBADIAN problem sheds some light on how we must proceed.

    NOBODY said we should allow this surrender to this fate.

    You continue to misrepresent our position for some reason that I cannot fathom.

  31. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved

    “That being said , I have once more enjoyed another pantomime, ”

    glad you enjoyed it, the pain will come for the most vulnerable after, unless they start paying attention..

  32. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved

    William…in reality, everyone should be afraid of all of them….no matter how much DAMAGE CONTROL filled with LIES is being offered…only the koolaid drinkers will find that appetizing…..real thinkers would retch at the thought..

    i see the Liat workers not getting their severance is being blamed on the Antigua government doing something illegal..

    so is it the same for the hotel workers who did not get their benefits from tiefing hoteliers and the NIS contributors had to dish out 18 million dollars to cover that illegality/crime..

  33. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved

    Some of you done know that one was NEVER going to get past me….🤣🤣🤣🤣

  34. @ WURA
    No need to worry. Nurses, hotel workers and others , throughout the world, often suffer such a fate. I assure you, we are working on all these problems and Rome was not built in a day.
    And furthermore, it is a known fact, that the problem with the nurses is a long standing problem with those who work in the public service. There are many who have had to work without getting their Cheques on time.
    The pain of the vulnerable and marginalized , is not peculiar to our country. We are trying our best to deal with these things but it’s a lot better now than back in 1733.
    I think we complain too much. Here is a statistic that we ought to pay attention to:
    Over 37 million older adults in the USA do not have enough money to makes ends meet. That’s 1 in 3 seniors who simply can’t afford to pay utilities , rent, medication, and food.
    There is no utopia anywhere.

  35. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved

    “The pain of the vulnerable and marginalized , is not peculiar to our country. We are trying our best to deal with these things but it’s a lot better now than back in 1733.”

    yep and the idiots keep trying to reel in those who know better…..let them keep looking and gazing at US and everyone else….who can GET ACCESS TO RESOURCES AT ANYTIME TO FIX THEIR PROBLEMS…..whenever they decide to…

    clowns would like to pretend that people are not SUFFERING on the island…while PEOPLE SUFFER..

  36. Like they say politicians and diapers should be changed frequently…….and for the exact same reason

  37. 25-5 [d]
    23-7 [n]
    27-3 or 4 [c]

    I man prediction
    30-0 [k]
    [based on DLP performance]

  38. Steupse! Not you, Lawson! You are making the most sense this morning.

    Others want to play foolish and misrepresent positions.

  39. EVERYTHING William Skinner has said here, I would have said but he continues to ignore what I meant when I said it.

  40. When William finds the magic wand that changes HUMANITY in an instant, I invite him to use it immediately.

    Me, I continue to chip away at the beast that resides in every human being.

    We humans are still classified as animals…..

    ….but the history books detail our gradual evolution from naturally primitive and savage beginnings to beings who mostly see the need to fight against our savage nature.

  41. If you like a good Chinese Takeaway meal…
    … vote BLP 19/1/2121 All day

    Learn the Benefits of Qigong 🔆 and How to Get Started TODAY😌

    Try This Qigong Practice To Increase Your Energy ⚡️& Mood TODAY 🤗

  42. 19/1/2122

    get on the ball

  43. 19/1/2022 obviously

  44. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved

    Glad to see certain people in media…not the 2 or 3 lone ones the island know……have gone after the government for “that superspreader event last night that broke directives” ..they said “we will not tolerate 2 Barbados”

    Years of pushing and pushing has resulted in people STANDING UP and saying NO MORE…

  45. @ Donna
    Respectfully, , I have never believed in trying the same thing or doing the same thing and expecting different results.
    If anybody had told me fifty years ago , that this is where we would be today, I would have said they were crazy.
    We have been “ chipping away “ for the last sixty years and while anybody , with a penny of intellectual honesty, will agree that we have come some distance; I cannot say that we have travelled that far in real wealth or economic enfranchisement of the black majority population.
    Finally, the rhetorical question I proffer is simply that. It is not condemnatory of anybody on this blog.
    Quite frankly, you have never placed me in any box or “ throwashade” gang , so while , we may share different styles and methods, as you often say, we want progress. There is no one road to progress.

  46. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved

    have gone after the government for…….specifically someone called Ronald Chapman and the Covid Monitoring Unit….

    who ever that is, i lost track, they have been flipping them around so much, have no clue who is who…

  47. 20

    Implications for Africa from China’s One Belt One Road Strategy

    China and Barbados signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation within the Framework of the Belt and Road Initiative

  48. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved

    Am done even attempting to give explanations, my time is very precious and….i owe no one anything…and would just flip right over them and say what i have to say…not interested in the primary school BS…

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