The annual conference of the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) is scheduled to be held from 18th to 22nd of August 2021. Although political parties are technically private clubs, parochial decisions taken have national ramifications. In this instance the establishment and incumbent President of the DLP Verla De peiza will be challenged by newcomer Reverend Guy Hewitt IF all things remain the same.

The blogmaster is confident the establishment candidate will win the contest. Neither of the two main political party have shown an appetite over the years to embrace a ‘rock the boat’ approach to doing its business. Although Hewitt is a political neophyte compared to De peiza, his entry to the political space in a short three months has spurred a hitherto lethargic DLP into unaccustomed activity. For more than a decade the DLP has developed a slow to respond culture, inherited from the leadership styles of former leader of the party Prime Minister Freundel Stuart and carried on by incumbent Verla De peiza.

It is unfortunate with 2023 quickly approaching and the possibility of an early bell, the DLP has to be distracted by a leadership challenge. DLPites will explain the situation playing out between De peiza and Hewitt by saying the DLP manages its affairs democratically and the party will be stronger for it. The blogmaster begs to differ. A strong leader must be able to command the respect and support of a political party at this stage of the election cycle.

The blogmaster watched the video of the combined DLP St. Phillip branch meeting held last week at which challenger Guy Hewitt delivered a ‘çall to arms’ speech. Even more interesting, he commanded the public endorsement of former ministers Ronald Jones and John Boyce as well as former member of parliament James Paul. Whether the public supports these three from the old guard or not, one suspects there is residual support within the bowels of the DLP for them. Added to which, former member of parliament representing St. Lucy Denis Kellman continues to withhold his endorsement for De peiza who is the DLP candidate selected to run in his former constituency. 

All credit to Guy Hewitt who appears willing to fall in line should he lose the election. Unfortunately it will not erase doubts expressed about De Peiza’s ability to inspire a lacklustre DLP to win against the marauding political personage of Mia Mottley. All things considered the DLP can do no worse if Hewitt is selected to contest a Christ Church riding.

If anything is to be deduced from the unprecedented shellacking of the DLP in the 2018 general election, it is Barbadians have become impatient with the game the duopoly plays perennially of winning by default. We want the kind of representation from political parties willing to hold themselves accountable to the the citizenry. Regrettably a third party is not an option.

215 responses to “De Peiza versus Hewitt – (D)LP for Democratic”

  1. @ David

    It may definitely work in her favour.

    However, I’m sure you’ve noticed how Denis Lowe has been ‘towing the line.’

    And, I’m also hearing that David Estwick is seeking to ‘run’ the next general elections and……….. Michael Lashley, if he is asked to do so.

    Seems it’s going to be a very interesting general election campaign.

    So far, the DEMS have been concentrating more on ‘infighting,’ while engaging in frivolous, petty criticisms, such as the PM going on vacation or correlating a photograph with racism.

    According to DEM, during their tenure, “stop criticizing and bring solutions.”

    We are yet hear what are their socioeconomic policies, how will they ago about dealing with COVID-19, if they plan to restructure the economy, more importantly, Verla’s vision for Barbados.

  2. angela cox August 22, 2021 8:36 AM #: “Further explanation is necessary.”


    My response is self-explanatory.

  3. Is a lost cause for the DLP – the Old guard knows this .

    Verla Got a bump up now But after another massive defeat at the polls , the door Will be openned to the ‘Old guards’ candidate

    NDP. Need to make some more noise . The new president gave two good interview after he was selected now they need to be In the news/community more

    Mia went silent and let them fight the spile to the nation and sucked the Air from their big new day

  4. @Artax

    The key for DePeiza is her leadership ability to covert parochial success to the national level. A look at Hewitts use of traditional and social media channels suggests he has something to offer the party. Assign him a task given his strengths.

  5. Artax
    We are yet hear what are their socioeconomic policies, how will they ago about dealing with COVID-19, if they plan to restructure the economy, more importantly, Verla’s vision for Barbados
    Xxx cccccc
    If memory serves correct Verla had made several statements on Covid even stating that govt take on vaccinations were insufficient to give public clarity on the issue of mandatory vaccine
    On the issue of the economy dlp spokesperson Ryan Walter’s have made several comments and statements which Depezia has not disagreed
    In any case going into the last election MiA kept her plans closed and only a pursue a plan of criticizing the then govt

  6. @ David,

    The BLP will win a majority in the next elections.The magnitude will likely be more than 20 seats.

    Bajans will show their gratitude for the International aid obtained by the BLP government.

  7. @Hants

    It is too early to call although it is likely. With the economy continuing to tank, and COVID 19 fatigue messing with the psyche of many there are so many unknowns to compare with election cycles of the past.

  8. Homework for Hants.
    Two separate assignments
    (1) List, in order of desirability, the names of the 20 worth keeping and the reason they should be kept.

    (2) List the names of the 10 worth dumping? What separate these ten from the last ten in list #1.

  9. Homework for TheOGazerts,

    Diaspora Corner where you will find the results of my preferred ” Homework ”

    My contributions to BU are not to be taken seriously except my choices of songstresses as evident in the Diaspora Corner.

    G G is still my # one.

  10. @ David,

    Strategic distribution of Aid money and the spin attack by MIA’s minions will be unbeatable.

  11. Depezia 507
    Hewitt 295
    Results given by dlp

  12. angela cox August 22, 2021 9:25 AM

    My friend, it’s clear you read, but DO NOT UNDERSTAND what you read.

    I wrote, “we are yet hear how will they ago about DEALING with COVID-19.”

    “Verla making several statements on Covid and even stating that govt take on vaccinations were insufficient to give public clarity on the issue of mandatory vaccine,”……………

    …………. are MERE CRITICISMS and NOT an articulation of a COVID-19 policy.

  13. My response should be one gathered with sufficient understanding that Depezia has made sufficient input on that issue and many others
    Hencein likewise manner Mia kept a closed mouth on issues going into the last election
    Verla should not be denied the same due

  14. angela cox August 22, 2021 10:39 AM

    Sufficient input in what?????

    Criticizing is NOT the same as ARTICULATING a policy initiative.

    And, you’re suggesting the DLP shouldn’t outline their plans for socioeconomic development of the island, but the electorate should ‘buy a pig in a bag’ and vote for them based ONLY on their criticisms of the BLP?

  15. @Artax

    Unfortunately our system of politics is one which encourages adversarial tactics. We live by the political sword, we die by the political sword.

  16. @ David

    That reminds me……….. the official Opposition Leader and his PdP are extremely quiet. This is not very encouraging.

  17. @Artax

    The PdP is a contrived official opposition created to avert a constitutional crisis. Subtract Caswell and what is left?

  18. Between a rock and a hard place. Six is still half dozen.


    Only eight hundred people disagreed with me that this is a bore.

  19. The president of the Dlp delivers a speech borne on confidence to the rousing and thunderous applause of members
    Also a call for unity by Depezia is foremost going forward

  20. Waiting to hear the political pundits take on the voting numbers

  21. Angela Cox Ms Depeiza is a political lightweight who has retained her position over another political lightweight hardly earth shattering news.The big question is csn she even win the St Lucy seat without the support of Mr Kellman?I doubt it and after the next elections the old guard of either Mr Sealy, or Dr Estwick will return to vie for the leadership.This was a point made by Mr Hartley Henry the other night on CBC and i totally agree with himThosr guys will not allow any of the newbies to lead them.By the way AC you heard the PM yesterday ? I hope you heard that they had recoended Dame Mason as the president and they have no intention of erasing the late Mr Barrow, s legacy.These points were being bandied about by dems on the call in programmes as reasons not to dupport the republic or the November 30 th date.Both has been dismissed as pure political shite talk by the dems.I gone.

  22. LorenzoAugust 22, 2021 4:13 PM

    Angela Cox Ms Depeiza is a political lightweight who has retained her position over another political lightweight hardly earth shattering news.

    Is that the way the blp sees or think of Depezia
    Then why aren’t u celebrating her win instead of speaking of names once again to contest her

  23. Guy Hewitt

    The DLP won today!

    I am pleased to have been part of this journey and I am grateful to my team for their hard work, and to my supporters who came out.

    In analysing our goals and milestones; we’ve had a higher voter turnout, we reignited and inspired the Party, and shone a spotlight on this Party that radiated across this great nation; but in the end the voters have spoken.

    Congrats to Madame President and the newly elected officers.

    Guy Hewitt

  24. The arrogant ex-ambassador Hewitt obviously lives in a world apart. Florida, perhaps? He is just trying to suck up to the DLP grandees now, so that he can soon move into parliament and live there at the taxpayer’s expense – just as he did in London when he enjoyed the luxury of his white masters as ambassador.

    Time for Comrade Hewitt to finally publish the list of goods he imported tax-free at the expense of the black masses to the plantation called Barbados after his ambassadorship expired. Those who betray the working class should stand by it!

  25. How many mouths Guy Hewit got?

    Wuh I hear reading about problems he says he has with lack of transparency in the election process.

    First he had no intetest in running to divide the party and in a couple of weeks he was here running and dividing the party.

    Then he was calling for a clean campaign just before he got dirty.

    Then he said he would accept the results of the election just before complaining about transparency in the process and now he is congratulating De Peiza on her victory?

    The people obviously made the right choice.

  26. DonnaAugust 22, 2021 7:04 PM

    How many mouths Guy Hewit got

    Now answer this how many Mouths does Mia have ?

  27. The Democratic Labour Party (DLP) is charging that the Mia Amor Mottley administration has no power under the Constitution to nominate Governor General Dame Sandra Mason to be the first President of Barbados.

    Verla De Peiza, who was re-elected as president after voting on Friday and Saturday, said today that the DLP will not be sitting silently.

  28. @Donna
    Then he said he would accept the results of the election just before complaining about transparency in the process and now he is congratulating De Peiza on her victory?
    What is wrong with Hewitt congratulating DePeiza? Should he continue the acrimony after the DLP members voted for her?

  29. The dlp is ready for their next battle
    Depezia has put together a young vibrant team
    Many suspect that Mia might early election making it almost next to.impossible for the dlp to pull together enough financial support to fight govt machinery

  30. @angela coxAugust 23, 2021 4:04 PM

    “young vibrant team”?

    That sounds a lot like the chaos squad that economically plundered the black masses from 2008 to 2018.

  31. TronAugust 23, 2021 4:24 PM

    @angela coxAugust 23, 2021 4:04 PM

    “young vibrant team”?

    That sounds a lot like the chaos squad that economically plundered the black masses from 2008 to 2018.
    What about this overbloated bunch that says nothing and does nothing

  32. Sargeant,

    Not a thing wrong with congratulating her on her victory. Something wrong with everything that came before.

    Something wrong with flip flopping so quickly on EVERY DAMN THING HE SAYS.

    Since Donald Trump questioned the US election, every damn candidate seems to be sowing seeds of doubt in every election process in Barbados.

    We have such in the NUPW elections and now in the DLP elections.

    The man just came back from Florida a couple of weeks ago and expected to oust the woman just so????? I expected him to be beaten and he was.

    And after watching what happened in America close up one should not casually toss around comments about lack of transparency in an election process without providing details for perusal.

    His congratulatory mouthings ring hollow to me shortly after his comments about lack of transparency.

    Trying to have it both ways.

    That’s all I need to know about him.

    Presenting himself as some reluctant saviour! Who the hell does he think he is fooling?

  33. In reading the story, it would appear that the city members still have a willingness to fight the good fight.

    The high-handed and ‘disrespectful’ efforts does not build party unity. Verla has to be careful that she does not splinter the party or create strong independent candidates.

  34. David see how quick you are to jump onto the dlp problems

  35. “It is total disrespect, because how can they think that the same candidate who is not fit to be general secretary could be fit to run in The City as the representative?”
    Those are some potent words, has the marijuana charge been resolved? If he was removed of his post pending the resolution of those charges and the charges are still outstanding then the City reps criticism is well founded

    Over to you Ms DePeiza

  36. @ Sargeant,

    marijuana will be legal in Barbados before the next elections.

  37. I did not know marijuana smoking is seen as a big problem in the city!

  38. @Hants
    What are you smoking? Yuh mean to tell me that you know the results of the promised Referendum on the legalization of marijuana? 😉

    Smoking marijuana may not be an issue in the City but the DLP made it an issue for Kemar when they removed him from his leadership position in the Party because he was charged with a marijuana related offence. They could have waited but they panicked and removed him, they can’t have it both ways but what do I know.

  39. Build the desal plants up in St.Lucy do!. Nuff time to complete projects and up the vaccination numbers. The only way for the economy is up. Doubt me? After the next election Verla will be beaten again and her political career done without even starting. Where is Kellman from? Where’s Peter Phillips from? Verla? The lady is busy talking nonsense about vacation and the constitutionality of government indicating its preference for the first President to be the sitting GG, appointed by her party while she was a government Senator. Make it make sense.

  40. Enuff Verla brought u out of hibernation
    Looks like Verla words made u so uncomfortable that you telling govt to hurry up and build the Desal plants in St. Lucy

  41. DLP’s leadership errors
    VERLA DE PEIZA’S success in staving off a second challenge to her leadership may, in the shortterm, provide some post-election stability to the Democratic Labour Party (DLP), but in the long-run, might militate against necessary actions of re-organisation and ideological reformulation required for future success.
    A common error of parties like the DLP which are reeling from shattering electoral defeats, is their tendency to focus too narrowly on the question of leadership. (Problem: we have been mauled at the polls. Solution: find a miraculous leader who will bring immediate electoral success). Out of this simple formula arises the thousand missteps now publicly on display within the DLP. The error is compounded by the several “public commentators” whose every “analysis” revolves around personal commentary about the various potential DLP leadership contenders, with simplistic prognosis around their chances against Mia Amor Mottley, the current leader of the Barbados Labour Party.
    Surely, the analysis of political parties is a far more sophisticated and nuanced undertaking than such “strawman”type formulas would allow.
    The problem arises from an over-emphasis on electoral readiness rather than the deeper organic question of the role of the party within the specific political-economy of the given moment. When Errol Barrow and his contemporaries formed the DLP, they were thinking less of future electoral success, and more of questions of independence, the role of government in the context of retreating colonialism, regionalism after the federation, and related questions relevant to the political economy of Barbados at the time. It is such questions which differentiated the DLP from the BLP, not whether Barrow was a more “exciting” leader than Grantley or Tom Adams.
    It is a grave error to assume that the only explanation for the DLP’s 30-0 defeat in the 2018 election is Freundel Stuart’s “leadership style” versus Mia Mottley’s. It is equally foolhardy to assume that the current problems of the DLP revolve around the style and personality of De Peiza and that the solution is to find a more “exciting” personality. Significantly, the two charging “young bulls” that she has nonchalantly brushed aside were both spurred by the same assumptions and had the same sponsors and backers, all associated with 2018. It is unlikely that a third challenge will emerge soon. Hopefully, the moment will allow for the focus on the deeper critical
    However, De Peiza’s internal consolidation has not resolved the DLP’s challenges. Her problems reside less in the annual nuisance challenges, and more in her failure to present appropriate policy responses to the BLP, best illustrated by her current stances on republicanism. Instead of organising themselves annually to challenge De Peiza, the DLP’s “brains trust” would better spend their time on policy formulation relevant to the present political economy of Barbados, recalling Barrow in the 1960s.
    Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven, and electoral success shall be added unto you!
    Tennyson Joseph is a political scientist at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, specialising in regional affairs. Email

    Source: Nation

  42. Tennyson Joseph commentary should have been posted under more Baffled Bull.Shit
    Mottley brought nothing to the Blp going into the last general election
    Most likely her “charisma ” many bought into which was seen to be a completion of her being a formidable leader for the party
    Along with being experienced in those things political
    Verla battle will also include one of winning the hearts and minds of the people
    Much has been said about the loss of Hewitt but not much said that in three months his ability to win the hearts of three hundred might have expose verlas weakness going into the general election

    Reality check

  43. She won the hearts and minds of DLP faithfuls. It is no surprise what Joseph is saying travels above your head. In many ways he he criticizing the political culture that’s plagues our landscape at this time.

  44. @ David

    I agree with Dr. Joseph. What he outlined in his article cannot, in all honesty, be refuted.

    Recall I mentioned in previous contributions that Verla hasn’t provided the electorate with any information relative to her vision for the future development of the island, or how the DEMS plan to deal with COVID 19, or their socioeconomic policies.

    A ‘foot soldier’ presented Verla’s criticisms of mandatory vaccinations as sound policy initiatives. And, because Mottley kept policies ‘close to her chest,’ Verla should be allowed to do the same. So, we shouldn’t ask her any questions, but vote for the DLP based solely on they criticizing Mia Mottley.


    It is this type of political immature thinking that causes one to shudder at the fact we’re faced with either retaining the BLP or returning to the DLP.

  45. The pandemic had presented the opportunity for out of the box approaches, the economic meltdown before that- what has we observed?

  46. It is also unfortunate that Peter Wickman seems committed at every turn to a pro government stance. What is the objective presenting Khaleel on the program when he is own? Note the blogmaster has no problem with the young man.

  47. DavidAugust 26, 2021 7:02 AM

    She won the hearts and minds of DLP faithfuls. It is no surprise what

    If five hundred votes translate to winning the hearts when going into the general election
    What can I say
    Moving on I only have stan pipe mentality

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