The annual conference of the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) is scheduled to be held from 18th to 22nd of August 2021. Although political parties are technically private clubs, parochial decisions taken have national ramifications. In this instance the establishment and incumbent President of the DLP Verla De peiza will be challenged by newcomer Reverend Guy Hewitt IF all things remain the same.

The blogmaster is confident the establishment candidate will win the contest. Neither of the two main political party have shown an appetite over the years to embrace a ‘rock the boat’ approach to doing its business. Although Hewitt is a political neophyte compared to De peiza, his entry to the political space in a short three months has spurred a hitherto lethargic DLP into unaccustomed activity. For more than a decade the DLP has developed a slow to respond culture, inherited from the leadership styles of former leader of the party Prime Minister Freundel Stuart and carried on by incumbent Verla De peiza.

It is unfortunate with 2023 quickly approaching and the possibility of an early bell, the DLP has to be distracted by a leadership challenge. DLPites will explain the situation playing out between De peiza and Hewitt by saying the DLP manages its affairs democratically and the party will be stronger for it. The blogmaster begs to differ. A strong leader must be able to command the respect and support of a political party at this stage of the election cycle.

The blogmaster watched the video of the combined DLP St. Phillip branch meeting held last week at which challenger Guy Hewitt delivered a ‘çall to arms’ speech. Even more interesting, he commanded the public endorsement of former ministers Ronald Jones and John Boyce as well as former member of parliament James Paul. Whether the public supports these three from the old guard or not, one suspects there is residual support within the bowels of the DLP for them. Added to which, former member of parliament representing St. Lucy Denis Kellman continues to withhold his endorsement for De peiza who is the DLP candidate selected to run in his former constituency. 

All credit to Guy Hewitt who appears willing to fall in line should he lose the election. Unfortunately it will not erase doubts expressed about De Peiza’s ability to inspire a lacklustre DLP to win against the marauding political personage of Mia Mottley. All things considered the DLP can do no worse if Hewitt is selected to contest a Christ Church riding.

If anything is to be deduced from the unprecedented shellacking of the DLP in the 2018 general election, it is Barbadians have become impatient with the game the duopoly plays perennially of winning by default. We want the kind of representation from political parties willing to hold themselves accountable to the the citizenry. Regrettably a third party is not an option.

215 responses to “De Peiza versus Hewitt – (D)LP for Democratic”

  1. @Miller

    From the mouth of De Peiza only three ridings left. So Ronnie has switched from courting St. James South as a Bee?

  2. I hope the BLP wins the next election by at least an 80% majority.

    They deserve to spend the money /Aid/loans that they are begging the International Agencies for.

    an wen de hurricane come ? mo betta aid money.

    buh doan mine me. I should mine muh business and focus on Canadian politics.

  3. The ‘battle’ between Hewitt and De Peiza is shaping up to be a bitter one, reminiscent to Mascoll and Taitt. The challenge for De Peiza is that she does not have an anchor in a constituency which makes her vulnerable to challenges. The next general election will be critical to De Peiza AND the DLP’s future.

  4. @ David

    I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but, every year on the eve of or during their annual conferences, representatives from both the BLP and DLP, always talk about an increase in membership of their respective political parties.

    The reason why I take that information ‘with a pinch of salt’ is, the DEMS, for example, announced increases in the party’s membership, during annual conferences for the years 2014, 2015, 2016, and especially 2017, yet such increases and enthusiasm were not reflected in the May 18, 2018 general election.

  5. @Artax

    So true, make the membership list public or shut up. They are always quick to remind the public these elections are internal.

  6. @ Artax August 18, 2021 1:44 PM

    I am not at all surprised by the figures claimed. It was the same with the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and with the National Socialists in the Greater German Empire. Shortly before the collapse, membership was at its highest. So the DLP as a national and socialist workers’ party is in good company.

  7. The trade unions engaged in the same rhetoric as well at election times, however, when you tally the number of votes at election time it is a disappointing number.

  8. DavidAugust 18, 2021 1:52 PM


    So true, make the membership list public or shut up. They are always quick to remind the public these elections are internal
    Why u always finding something negative about Depezia efforts
    Why must she release the list
    Did she not say that the rules and regulations of the party give her that right

  9. Why you always finding something negative to say about Mottley?

  10. DavidAugust 20, 2021 5:06 AM

    Why you always finding something negative to say about Mottley?
    I expected that to be your childish answer
    In any case Mia had given enough reasons for the criticisms to be lodged against her
    For e.g her many unilateral decisions some of which disregard the Constitution which I have never heard u pick teeth to criticize
    Now once again what wrong or illegality has Depezia done by witholding the membership list

  11. She has done nothing wrong in much the same way MICHAEL CARRINGTON did nothing wrong with the late John Griffiths money. Have the last word.

  12. DavidAugust 20, 2021 5:37 AM

    She has done nothing wrong in much the same way MICHAEL CARRINGTON did nothing wrong with the late John Griffiths money. Have the last word.

    Given your asssine above comment I guess you have no answer but rather attack Depezia
    Btw how do u come to such reasoning
    Hope you are not a member of the legal system

  13. For three years Mia made unilateral decisions some of which has hurt pensioners and you David kept a silent mouth on such dastardly decisions
    Now in one of your postings seeks to find fault with Depezia decisions
    This is a blatant case of who the cat like he licks

  14. @ David

    Is Verla ABOVE criticism?

    Hasn’t Guy made some very interesting observations that warrants criticism of Verla?

  15. What is happening with the daily governance under the management of this govt lead by the directives of the IMF should be of more importance as many households are catching more hell than previously happened under any other govt
    Yet the speckled fowl David finds time to criticize Verla handling of the party internal politics
    Right or wrong unless u David can provide evidence where her decision lack transparency your criticisms are unfounded

  16. @Artax

    Verla will probably win on the weekend BUT the campaign has exposed her weaknesses that will be exploited. It will be interesting for the pundits how post election activities take shape.

  17. @ David

    If you judge them by what they have been saying recently, prominent members of the ‘old guard’ seem to be endorsing Guy.
    Take Hammie Lah for example. He went ‘all around the world’ to say Verla is not the appropriate person to lead the DLP into the next general election.

    If the resident yard-fowls believe they can control the narrative on BU that all discussions must be focused on what they want to discuss, then they’re in for a ‘big surprise.’

    Verla, Guy, et al, presented themselves to Barbadians as the ‘ALTERNATIVE GOVERNMENT’ in waiting. Yet, so far, they haven’t given us any alternative socioeconomic policies or solutions to the problems we’re currently facing.
    Instead, what we’re hearing from them are frivolous, childish criticisms, such as the PM going on vacation, while the yard-fowls continue to seek ‘political mileage’ of her recent photograph.

  18. @Artax

    Also prominent DLP talk show callers Miss Undecided and Alvin LOL.

  19. Verla and Guy has made serious discussions about the weakness in this economy and govt mishandling
    Yet one. resident BU yardfowl states differently in effort to find baseless criticisms of the two contenders via for party leadership
    Also one cannot forget that Mia has many weaknesses which has been exposed and which would be used against her going into the next election

  20. So yes both PM and AG two of the most important govt officials take vacation at a time of health crisis

  21. Confident Depezia


    Candidates speak

  23. “Verla and Guy has made serious discussions about the weakness in this economy and govt mishandling.”

    “Yuh hear lie? That is lie,
    Lie? Yuh hear lie” 🎵
    Teacher Percy say if you tell a lie,
    You going to hell as soon as you die.” 🎶

    Apologies to Lord Nelson.

  24. What lie
    Have seen Depezia on social media via fb live forums and local media platforms discussing the economy
    The same can be said for Hewitt

  25. This is exactly why she is being criticized by DLP stalwarts and Guy Hewitt. She is happy to operate in the social media bubble. This is how Hewitt has exposed her flank. Hewitt has been on the radio, writing articles in the press, advertising on Instagram etc. he forced DePeiza to come out her comfort zone.

  26. “Have seen Depezia on social media via fb live forums and local media platforms discussing the economy and
    The same can be said for Hewitt.”

    It is a KNOWN FACT you DO NOT HESITATE in POSTING opinions or videos from Youtube or Facebook, you believe reflect negatively on Mia Mottley and the BLP.


  27. For your info
    U can visit the dlp fb website and don’t say u are not on fb
    Many of your comments give evidence that u are on fb
    Hewitt is on u tube u can go and take a look for yourself

  28. Towards a one term BLP regime
    In medicine, the notion of genetic predisposition or genetic susceptibility refers to the increased likelihood of developing a particular disease based on one’s genes.
    Research has identified genetic triggers for several major diseases including coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, rheumatoid arthritis, and certain types of cancer.
    As someone trained in political sociology, I am interested in whether persons could be genetically predisposed (or susceptible) to certain types of political behaviours, including despotism.
    What is a despot? A despot is a leader who wields absolute power and authority.
    Despots can be found in families, sports teams, social clubs, and even religious groups. Colloquially, the word despot applies to those who use their power and authority to ensure their desired outcomes are realised.
    In the publication, “Beyond the Bridge: a series of lectures to commemorate the 375th anniversary of Bridgetown”, there is an article by Sir Richard ‘Johnny’ Cheltenham titled ‘Mottley and the City’ which focused on Ernest Deighton Mottley, the former mayor of Bridgetown and the current Prime Minister’s grandfather.
    Sir Richard notes that in 1963, a “Dr Richard Jackson was appointed the sole Commissioner to enquire into the working of all aspects of the Local Government Councils on the island…” He wrote, “Dr Jackson was critical of the administration of many of the services performed by the Councils. He felt that the services were run with neither efficiency nor economy. He was of the opinion that, in some cases, interference in the administration of the services by elected members was responsible for the inefficiency.
    “In what could only be regarded as a dig at [ED] Mottley himself, he wrote that ‘the object of Local Government is defeated if it becomes a one man show’. He recommended that various services be centralised and left to Government the decision whether the system should be abolished.”

  29. I copied the above from page 17 of Barbados Today.

  30. @ David August 20, 2021 1:31 PM

    I’m sure you remember me expressing a similar view as well.

    PM has come under criticism for taking a vacation “during a health crisis.”

    Recall, last year……… during the SAME “health crisis,” the PM took medical leave from office after undergoing surgery.
    Perhaps DePieza and the DLP’s ‘resident foot soldier’ on BU, would have preferred if she had waited until the crisis was over to schedule the operation.

    Also recall, on Tuesday, June 29, 2021, Mottley went into mourning following the death of her brother, Warren, whom she described as her ‘twin.’
    Under those unfortunate circumstances, and taking into consideration the relationship she had with her brother, Mottley REMAINED in office DURING the SAME “health crisis,”……….. even AFTER Warren’s burial, on Friday, July 16, 2021 and until she took vacation on Friday, July 30, 2021.

    Let’s be FAIR and REASONABLE.

    What are the significant differences between Mottley taking bereavement or vacation leave FOLLOWING her brother’s death and burial…………. or taking such leave AFTER?

    Also, isn’t the PM entitled to rest similarly to any other human being?

  31. angela cox August 20, 2021 2:01 PM

    RE: “U can visit the dlp fb website and don’t say u are not on fb.”

    NO, I will not!!!!

    You made the claim. Therefore, the onus is on YOU to provide BU with the information.

    RE: “Many of your comments give evidence that u are on fb.”

    NO, I AM NOT!!! You’re MAKING an ASSUMPTION. And, I’m putting it to you that you CANNOT present any of my “comments as evidence that I’m on fb.”

    But, without even noticing, you have essentially admitted to using ‘Facebook’ as your main source of information.

    After all, you’re the one who is ALWAYS posting comments and videos from that social media platform.

    Bearing this in mind, I’m sure you recall me mentioning that you’re often unable to develop or explain the arguments you present to this forum, which clearly SUGGESTS they are not your original thoughts, but PROBABLY a regurgitation of what you read on social media.

    I’ve also read comments in which you ‘said’ your fan club’s chairman is also present on a FB page you follow and from which posted one of his contributions to BU or made references. For example, his criticisms of Mottley are couched in specific jargon.
    Upon reading your criticisms of Mottley, it is obvious you use his thoughts as a basis to construct your comments, while switching around or adding a few words to give the impression of originality.

    As such, using the evidence you continually provide, one does not have to be “on fb” to make certain observations and form a conclusion.

  32. ArtaxAugust 20, 2021 4:05 PM

    angela cox August 20, 2021 2:01 PM

    RE: “U can visit the dlp fb website and don’t say u are not on fb.”

    NO, I will not!!!!

    You made the claim. Therefore, the onus is on YOU to provide BU with the information

    My memory serves me correct to say that u made a comment in reference to a fb profile pic of mine
    But then again I expect u to deny you having a fb page

  33. (Quote):
    Despots can be found in families, sports teams, social clubs, and even religious groups. Colloquially, the word despot applies to those who use their power and authority to ensure their desired outcomes are realised. (Unquote).

    This might be simply adding a layer of credence to the late Owen ‘Seetru’ Arthur’s perception while peeping into the Bajan political crystal ball of a real prime ministerial dictatorship.

    Maybe the very ambitious Reverend Guy, being a man of the real red cloth, has his own well-informed political crystal ball lent to him by Apep and has perceived the image of a physically-wounded ‘she-male’ leader of the politically red pack.

    He certainly fancies his chances of not merely replacing the sitting red Bishop in the HoA but, actually, to replace the budding despot of the coming republic.

    The maverick man of the cloth should always ponder on the fate of his English predecessors like Thomas a Becket and Cardinal Wolsey who tried to ‘usurp’ the despotic tendencies of those whose heads wear the real political Crown.

    For it is clearly written in his own good book of religious instruction to:
    “Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and unto God what is God’s”.

  34. “My memory serves me correct to say that u made a comment in reference to a fb profile pic of mine.”

    Come on, my friend.

    Although you must “join ‘Facebook’ to connect with friends and other you may know,” it is not necessary requirement if you want to view members with a particular name.

    However, “my memory also serves me correct to say that”, some time ago, you posted a link from that social media site to BU that included a comment from an ‘Angela Cox,’ and the individual in the profile photo wore what appeared to be a ‘weave.’

    Having read on BU that you wear a ‘weave,’ I assumed the individual was you. Hence, my reference to the profile photo.

    Are you admitting that particular ‘Angela Cox’ on ‘Facebook’ is you?

    If it is, yuh ent a ‘bad looking chick.’ Perhaps we could hook up for a dinner date and talk about anything EXCEPT politics.


  35. De Peiza, Hewitt upbeat as vote begins
    With the highly anticipated elections in the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) getting under way yesterday, both presidential contenders Verla De Peiza and Reverend Guy Hewitt are optimistic about their chances of leading the party for the next year.
    Yesterday, both candidates were present at the DLP’s George Street, St Michael headquarters to observe the process.
    De Peiza, the incumbent, told the Saturday Sun that even though she was expecting to be victorious when the results are announced tomorrow, she is prepared to accept the will of the people, even if it is not in her favour.
    However, referencing her defeat of the more politically experienced George Pilgrim last year, the attorney said she had seen nothing to suggest she would not overcome her second challenge for the party leadership in as many years.
    She added that she saw the challenge as part of the democratic process of the party and a good dry run for the next General Election constitutionally due in 2023.
    “This is the tried and true part of the process and I have all faith in the process. The members would do what the members think is in the best interest of the party and I am prepared to live with the outcome.
    “As far as I am concerned, competition is always healthy once you behave yourself well during the competition and there is sportsmanship and not gamesmanship.
    No change in plans
    “So I don’t have any difficulty with being challenged. I have my plans for the future and they have not changed and we will carry on seamlessly after this process,” said De Peiza.
    “The political process is one of competitiveness, so this really is a precursor of what is to come in the real fight. Last year was a more seasoned campaigner who had a record in the party and I saw him off handily, and I have no doubt that the result will be quite the same this time around.”
    Hewitt said he was hoping for a large turnout and was quite happy with the smooth start.
    “Everything seems to be organised at the start of the elections. I am looking forward to a large turnout and I think it is going to be really great for the Democratic Labour Party. The level of national interest that has been paid in these elections is also a good sign . . . . I am committed to the cause and I am up to the task,” said the former Barbados High Commissioner to London.
    The Anglican priest made it clear that should he fail to reach the mark when the votes were tallied, the party would continue to enjoy his support.
    “I will wait on the outcome and afterwards I will reflect on how we move forward, but I remain committed to the Democratic Labour Party. It has always had my support and it will continue to have it into the far future,” he said.
    Voting began promptly at 10 a.m., but such was the enthusiasm of the base that a long line was already forming outside of the polling area an hour before.
    Full COVID-19 protocols were in effect, but this did not hamper the relatively smooth flow of the process.
    Among the well-known Dems spotted turning up to vote were former deputy prime minister Sir Phillip Greaves, and former ministers Ronald Jones, Stephen Lashley and Hamilton Lashley. Party stalwart Dame Maizie Barker-Welch as well as former backbencher James Paul were also in attendance. (CLM)

    Source: Nation

  36. Angela Cox Ms Mottley is entitled to a vacation like anybody else.Therefore you are talking shite as usual.I heard Mr Abrahams stating Ms Mottley will address the nation shortly what is your hurry?.Meanwhile i hear your dems like the taxi man and Ms Decided supporting Rev Hewitt while Mr P and Alvin seem to support Ms Depeiza.A clear divide in the dems .Which one do you AC ? In my view it makes little difference in the opinions of Mr Henry, Mr Wickham or Dr Belle based on what they stated on the cbc program the other night.Of course the dem Ms Holder saw it differently.Speaking of cbc i wonder what happen to the admiral on the talk show? Ihave not heard him since he brass up ms decided some time ago.I miss his input since Ms Skeete is a little too laid back for me.

  37. Lorenzo
    Don’t u have nothing to do with your time
    The people have a choice
    BTW don’t forget how OSA lambast Mia with words like despot and megolmanic
    Yet to here such disparaging remarks coming from the mouths of Hewitt or Verla towards each other
    BTW what business is it of yours who I choose for
    My support is for best interest of country and people
    So far the deliverables by this govt has been towards the influencers who help to secure this govt a victory

  38. @ David

    Heard members are being called and encouraged to vote for Hewitt. An elderly person I know said he received such a call, but voted for Verla instead.

    Also heard Freundel has been encouraging members to vote for Hewitt as well.

    We’ve already witnessed how certain DEMS have been attempting to influence the vote for the guy.

  39. @Artax

    A simple analysis of total numbers reported for De Peiza vs George Pilgrim and De Peiza vs Hewitt will leave you to make a simple conclusion, a political neophyte roused the DLP base.

  40. Well the count is finished results obtained retains Verla Depezia as President Depezia and the party membership next goal is to kick present govt out of office
    A govt who made promises of HOPE to the people but yet to deliver
    Congratulations Verla Depezia
    May God give her the strength and direction to defeat this awful govt in the next general election

    Country First

  41. @ David

    If DePieza won, perhaps DEMS are fantasizing about her becoming the first female DLP Prime Minister

    How can we CLAIM to believe in ‘country first’ and not SHUDDER at thinking that, without a viable alternatives, our only options are either to retain “this awful government” or turn to the “awful DLP?”

    Perhaps we’re more concerned with ‘party first.’

  42. Artax

    How can we CLAIM to believe in ‘country first’ and not SHUDDER at thinking that, without a viable alternatives, our only options are either to retain “this awful government” or turn to the “awful DLP?”
    Interesting comment which makes for shuddering of mind and one which begs the question
    Why can’t the DlP be considered a viable opposition

  43. @Artax

    The blogmaster has been trying to extract from former MP for St. Lucy Denis Kellman whether he endorses De Peiza for St. Lucy. Do you have a view?

  44. @ David

    I doubt he will endorse her.

    History indicates Kellman has ALWAYS been all about HIMSELF.

    Kellman first……… party second.

    And, if you take into consideration many of the ‘old guard’ seem not to be supportive of Verla.

  45. @Artax

    Agree with your assessment.

    One anticipates the fact most of the old guard being unsupportive maybe work for DePeiza come 2023.

  46. “Why can’t the DlP be considered a viable opposition?”

    ANY political party can “be considered a viable opposition.”

  47. ArtaxAugust 22, 2021 7:56

    ANY political party can “be considered a viable opposition

    Further explanation is necessary

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