The annual conference of the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) is scheduled to be held from 18th to 22nd of August 2021. Although political parties are technically private clubs, parochial decisions taken have national ramifications. In this instance the establishment and incumbent President of the DLP Verla De peiza will be challenged by newcomer Reverend Guy Hewitt IF all things remain the same.

The blogmaster is confident the establishment candidate will win the contest. Neither of the two main political party have shown an appetite over the years to embrace a ‘rock the boat’ approach to doing its business. Although Hewitt is a political neophyte compared to De peiza, his entry to the political space in a short three months has spurred a hitherto lethargic DLP into unaccustomed activity. For more than a decade the DLP has developed a slow to respond culture, inherited from the leadership styles of former leader of the party Prime Minister Freundel Stuart and carried on by incumbent Verla De peiza.

It is unfortunate with 2023 quickly approaching and the possibility of an early bell, the DLP has to be distracted by a leadership challenge. DLPites will explain the situation playing out between De peiza and Hewitt by saying the DLP manages its affairs democratically and the party will be stronger for it. The blogmaster begs to differ. A strong leader must be able to command the respect and support of a political party at this stage of the election cycle.

The blogmaster watched the video of the combined DLP St. Phillip branch meeting held last week at which challenger Guy Hewitt delivered a ‘çall to arms’ speech. Even more interesting, he commanded the public endorsement of former ministers Ronald Jones and John Boyce as well as former member of parliament James Paul. Whether the public supports these three from the old guard or not, one suspects there is residual support within the bowels of the DLP for them. Added to which, former member of parliament representing St. Lucy Denis Kellman continues to withhold his endorsement for De peiza who is the DLP candidate selected to run in his former constituency. 

All credit to Guy Hewitt who appears willing to fall in line should he lose the election. Unfortunately it will not erase doubts expressed about De Peiza’s ability to inspire a lacklustre DLP to win against the marauding political personage of Mia Mottley. All things considered the DLP can do no worse if Hewitt is selected to contest a Christ Church riding.

If anything is to be deduced from the unprecedented shellacking of the DLP in the 2018 general election, it is Barbadians have become impatient with the game the duopoly plays perennially of winning by default. We want the kind of representation from political parties willing to hold themselves accountable to the the citizenry. Regrettably a third party is not an option.

215 responses to “De Peiza versus Hewitt – (D)LP for Democratic”

  1. Paul: Let’s not make same leadership mistake

    THE DEMOCRATIC LABOUR Party (DLP) must learn from the mistakes its leaders made that led to their crushing 30-0 defeat in the 2018 General Election, says former Member of Parliament James Paul.
    Paul, who represented St Michael West Central, made the point on Sunday during a meeting at Princess Margaret Secondary School, Six Roads, St Philip.
    He said that the party had a leadership challenge while acknowledging the role he played in their downfall.
    “When we lost the election in 2018 it was a bitter loss. One of the things we should learn from that loss is never pushing your head in the sand about leadership. We all did and the people of Barbados said to us: ‘I know that is what you think, but we have other ideas’.
    “I have to admit I was a leader then and I think I failed my people in some respects, all of us did. But we must not even at this juncture, fool ourselves as to what happened and why it happened. Because only fools repeat mistakes that are so obvious,” he said.
    Endorsed Hewitt
    Paul also endorsed Reverend Guy Hewitt, who is running for the presidency of the party and seeking to replace current president Verla De Peiza.
    Under the Freundel Stuart-led DLP administration, Hewitt, a social development specialist served as the High Commissioner of Barbados in London from 2014 to 2018.
    Paul stressed that, unlike others who questioned why Hewitt “appeared” after they lost to the Mia Amor Mottley-led Barbados Labour Party, his endorsement of the reverend was objective as he believed Hewitt was the best for the party.
    “At a meeting at George Street (after the 2018 election), it was an acid environment. We were ready to cannibalise one another
    and for those who said ‘where was Guy’, I remember he offered to help and assist and you know what was the remark made by some people ‘who he thinks he is? He now come back here and thinks he wants to represent people’. Those of us who are honest should stop repeating this lie because all of us know where he came from,” Paul said.
    “And when you examine what happened in 2018, what happened since in terms of the party’s readiness, the image and everything else you have to seriously be living in La La land to not think you need to look at an alternative. I want to encourage you to give Guy the opportunity to make the contribution he can make. If we keep on doing the same with the same result, who must we blame but ourselves.” (TG)

    Source: Nation

  2. So far Depiza and Hewitt has set a decent tone which has kept the party from becoming explosive
    Commentary has been grounded in exposing govt policies that are bringing more pain and suffering to the people
    The democratic process is being put to the test within the party
    So far so good

  3. Why would intelligent Black people continue to allow “private clubs” like DBLP to mislead them, sell them out, STEAL FROM THEM and drive them into further poverty, while upkeeping the status quo of boer apartheid, racism, oppression and a colonial slave society system at their generational EXPENSE…

    time to put a SPECTACULAR end to this stupid unnecessary shit..

  4. Barbados has separate classes like all colonial captured lands legacies, but TV made them see the bigger picture and everyone wants to be like a young Michael Jackson with their moves.

    I don’t buy into DLP spin and propaganda and say Fuck a DLP BLP all day everyday

  5. “THE DEMOCRATIC LABOUR Party (DLP) must learn from the mistakes its leaders made that led to their crushing 30-0 defeat in the 2018 General Election”, says former Member of Parliament James Paul.

    “When we lost the election in 2018 it was a bitter loss. One of the things we should learn from that loss is never pushing your head in the sand about leadership. We all did and the people of Barbados said to us: ‘I know that is what you think, but we have other ideas’.

    “I have to admit I was a leader then and I think I failed my people in some respects, all of us did. But we must not even at this juncture, fool ourselves as to what happened and why it happened. Because only fools repeat mistakes that are so obvious,” he said.

    DLP should be more open and honest and say why they lost with a forensic analysis truth commission factual reconciliation 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29.. 30
    to sweet fuck all nada, zip, zilch, nothing

    was it due to their inherent systemic criminal corruption, hubris, personal greed, incompetence, stupidity, bankruptcy in ideas, vision and monies, laziness, fat cats, complacency, vanity

    what are they going to offer the people apart from plagiarising pithy soundbites from internet echo chamber chatterings

  6. The choice between De Pizza and the fat pastor Hewitt is like the choice between plague and cholera. Both are deadly to our population. The DLP is empty and depleted in terms of personnel and programme.

    Where was Hewitt when his party was economically raping the black masses from 2008 to 2018? Where was he when the shit on the South Coast stank to high heaven? That’s right, Hewitt was in London enjoying the luxuries of the North with great devotion along with his white masters. If you vote for Hewitt, you can vote for Lord Drax of Drax Hall. There is only a cosmetic difference.

    It would be best for Donville Inniss, our Texas boy, to run anyway.

  7. NorthernObserver Avatar

    People in glass houses….if Hewitt is fat, what is Mia? And he doesn’t have the benefit of a personal chef, who accompanies her to her multiple west coast holiday homes.

  8. @NorthernObserverAugust 11, 2021 8:45 AM

    Our Supreme Leader and Prime Minister is under the greatest stress to repel the opposition’s attacks on state, party and people. That is why she is sacrificing her health for us.

    I don’t see anything like that with Hewitt.

  9. Was Depeiza colouring her hair? Her recent pictures suggests the greying process has caught up with the prime minister.

  10. @NO
    Normally you are on the ball, but I would be more impressed if you said she had a Personal Trainer, a personal chef doesn’t mean that diet conscious meals are on the menu it just means that you don’t have to cook the macaroni pie yourself.

  11. One suspects the PM has a medical problem. However a look at her mother and siblings suggests thick bone runs in the ‘dna’.

  12. @ David August 11, 2021 9:16 AM

    When you have party pals like Donville Inniss, grey hair is inevitable.

  13. This party “intrigue” is of no interest to me. The party system is at the root of many of our problems.

  14. @ Donna August 11, 2021 10:18 AM

    This is precisely why patriots like the Chairperson of the Constitutional Commission are arguing for a presidency for life and popular election of the president. We need a strong president who stands above the parties and serves the people alone. Like Mia Mottley.

  15. None of them have anything to sHow where they have advanced, empowered or enriched the Black population educationally, socially or financially….in 55 YEARS…all self-serving FRAUDS…

    who could forget Ronald Idiot Jones..

    they all REDUCE Black lives educatioally, socially and financially…jokers.

  16. Come next week the dlp would elect a President and life goes on
    The same old problems in Barbados would remain until come next election the people love for
    Kool-aid has lost its flavor and a new govt is elected

  17. HorseCock-Cummings Avatar


    If you guys and gals don’t have anything good to say about our future President. Keep Her name out of your holes, or experience having your Airway stuffed/flooded.


  18. @11:44
    Standard Barbadian response from Santia “People ketching all over the world”

    Very sensible response from Caddle ‘These are necessary if we want to do business with others”

  19. The wicked, uncaring vote beggars in the parliament will never care about the hardships THEY VISITED on the people by selling them out, sold out the hotel workers using the cabinet and tinkered with labor laws putting already low salaries and severance in jeopardy, and now the vulnerable have to sell themselves to survive…as long as their monthly salaries are assured, but they will be around to beg for votes again shortly, they would legislate to bring on MORE SUFFERING…..vile political criminals. The gonowhere marijuana slave plantation they set up while pushing the population into poverty will be the end of them they already struck out with their fintech scam in Nigeria…LOTS MORE TO COME….chickens and yardfowls coming home to roost….nastyminsws fcukers don’t want to see the Black/African population accessing their birthright or any opportunties to which they are ENTITLED….these traitors have A LOT TO PAY FOR…

    “But the Leader of the Opposition accused his colleagues of “marking time”. According to him, Barbadians are experiencing unprecedented levels of hardships. This, he contended, has resulted in increasingly high numbers of people turning to hustling, of which “selling themselves” is becoming a major component.

    Bishop Atherley declared: “People out there now are selling everything, everywhere because they are reduced to a life of hustle. It used to be only the ZR people with whom we associated that word hustle, now it’s all working class people.

    “Life is a hustle, whether we want to acknowledge it or hear it or not. It is a hustle for too many and that is the reality we face. I am fully convinced that there are many more people in Barbados today who are selling themselves and not only women.”

  20. Everybody got their number…they can’t fool a fella…yardfowls/Slaves don’t count.

  21. So how long has he known this and why has he said nothing before…what a shame, DBLP parliament frauds have always REPULSED me on sight, now i know why..

    “A Government backbencher wants this country’s legislation to cater to a wider range of persons with disabilities, allowing more of them access to financial assistance from the National Insurance Scheme (NIS).

    Member of Parliament for St James North Edmund Hinkson said that presently only blind or deaf persons are entitled to monetary benefits under the NIS Act which was enacted back in 1967.”

  22. Barbados will ALWAYS be a wretched Slave society, yall continue perpetrating the FRAUD…ya heard the pretend pedigree talking about emancipation….that was supposed to be DONE AND OVER WITH in the 1800s still spewing poison that “emancipation is a journey”…

    don’t remove yaselves from it….the population has now been maliciously DRIVEN INTO PROSTITUTION….with the THEFT of BILLIONS OF DOLLARS from the economy…and all the disasters which followed could have been AVOIDED, that stolen money could have provided a cushion…….and yall still want to trust these LYING, slimy DBLP skunks…

    “Colonel Hilton, a professional British soldier, saw a Creole white woman in the slave market examining the genitals of a slave. F.V. Bayley, and English travel writer of the 1820’s wrote about slave prostitution in Bridgetown as a highly organized institution that white Barbadian males considered socially indispensable.”

    As the African descended. you are doing a disservice to your ancestors, yourselves and your future generations….the yardfowls/Slaves can hang around, no one cares about them.

  23. And this is how the thieves in the parliament and bar association/judiciary got their hands on so many plantations and now pretending to be massa…..pretending they got Slaves…well the only slaves ya got are ya yardfowls..

    “An answer is to hire attorneys to speak in parliament. Attorneys in the sense that plantations hired attorneys to look after the plantations.”

  24. The pretend elites…the island is filled with pretenders.

    “We grew up as babies, four and five years old, hearing things about Samuel Jackman Prescod that are not even in folklore and no body will believe. If you want to know the basis of Samuel Jackman’s thinking read the Canadian Constitution. Do you know that he proposed something like a Federation of the West Indies and that he had a model constitution for a government of the colonies of the West Indies – a government that was not only Barbados – a precursor of federation. This was taken up by the Canadians and that was the basis of the Canadian Constitution. I think Alexander Hoyos alludes vaguely to that. He is a very sketchy historian but then I do not know what was available to him.

    Because he was an immigrant. After World War II the Hoyoses came seeking asylum. E.K. Walcott was Attorney General and Rocky told me that when they came running from South America his father said that anyone seeking political asylum would be accommodated and the Hoyos were allowed in. The story from Rocky goes that the “Hoyoses caused World War I” – honestly he said that jokingly many times. Count Hoyos – meaning high man – was head of the Civil Service, when the Archduke was assassinated and he is the one that gave the advice that the Kaizer would back them and from there came all the interplays and face offs. I did find a Count Hoyos in Liddell book on World War I. The Hoyoses ran to South America and had a rubber plantation and from there they “stirred up trouble” and ran seeking aslyum. Hoyos grounding is not in the island, not even in the Caribbean.”

  25. Barbados open for business – Barbados open for business:

  26. HorseCock-Cummings Avatar

    Stop crying.
    Open wide and take this pacifiers.

  27. Let the cannibalization and bloodletting begin.

    David Cumberbatch
    When the Democratic labour party got defeated they needed a leader. Where were you guy? That young lady took it upon herself and bore that burden. As soon as she put them back together you show up. The party has a leader it doesn’t need anymore. What the party needs is all the moral support it can get especially at a time like this. But guess you’re not about party. Just self.

    Source: Guy Hewitt FB

  28. Tropical Storm Fred is tracking over the Dominican Republic.

  29. Stop giving political TERRORISTS power and control over you and your families..

  30. Barbados has the same political system as the United States: two mainstream parties, where any newcomer just siphons away votes from one or the other party. The solution is reform from within, similar to what Trump almost did in America before he was shut down. It is only in the aftermath of a cataclysmic economy, like the Great Depression, that great changes can be made permanent. Does this mean we hope for a Second Great Depression? (Click on blue)

  31. “The Hoyoses ran to South America.”

    since i know personally that one of them is married to a Cuban, i got the whole sordid story years ago, some of them could be downright nasty and uppity. and believe they are some gift to Barbados..

  32. HorseCock-Cummings Avatar


    Pacifiers don’t calm you. Huh, come sit on this airbus and ride over the black cliffs of Dover darling.

  33. @ Catxman August 11, 2021 7:55 PM

    Your analysis is totally wrong. Unlike the US, Barbados is de facto a one-party system with unity of power. Our Supreme Leader towers above everything.

    I don’t want people to believe that the DLP will ever come back to power. Donville Inniss, now a plantation inmate in the federal prison in Texas, was just the beginning. The Americans will hopefully put iron collars on many more DLP grandees to force them into penal labour. Goddess Bim wants it that way.

    It would therefore only be consistent to revoke Barrow’s status as a national hero as the founder of the DLP and to take down his monuments. We need a second emancipation. The age of blue slavery is over.

  34. NorthernObserver Avatar

    What opposition? The red Bishop?
    If that causes stress, she must stress out awful easy. It can’t be VdeP for you couldn’t find a meeker foe. The stress must be how to pay all those public employees in the months ahead. Seems an early ’22 election is in order. But by then your supreme leader will be President?

  35. Are you asking, or making a support statement.

    “Seems an early ’22 election is in order. But by then our supreme leader will be President?”
    She certainly will laddie.

  36. It seems to onlookers Hewitt would be an appealing candidate to run in Christ Church, compared to who the DLP has been selecting so far. Unfortunately the party machinery is about to crush him. Hopefully it will not cause Ronald Jones to be vocal against he beloved party.

  37. Mia – a figurehead? And who will be PM?

    We are not going for an executive president. That big of a change will not be accepted with the level of consultation that is being done.

    That would be a very big deal.

  38. Told yall for years that your enemies are in the parliament, bar association and judiciary….they are so desperate now after their DECADES of rampaging and trampling on Black/African lives that they have no choice but to SHOW THEIR TRUE COLORS.

    “The enemies of a people are those who keep them in ignorance.” ~ Thomas Sankara

  39. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Neither. Your MIS C&P which removed the Y, making Your into Our, says it all. Politicians are simply obstacles who must be bribed to get anything done.

  40. @NO

    Is this bribing thing of politicians a Barbados only occurrence?

  41. @ Northern Observer August 11, 2021 9:42 PM
    The stress must be how to pay all those public employees in the months ahead. Seems an early ’22 election is in order. But by then your supreme leader will be President? (Unquote).

    Good piece of political forecasting there, NO!

    Given the many major ‘economic adjustments’ to the current welfare state and lethargically parasitic public sector workforce (aka army of occupation) which have to be made in the coming months (after going republic) we can’t see how MAM (if still physically fit for the job) can go past the second qtr of 2022 without calling general elections in order to obtain a mandate to implement those programmes to satisfy the IMF and to force the citizens to live within their forex-earning means.

    BTW, the PM is already the de facto la presidente sans the wearing of the medallion of the dame of St. Michael & St. George.

    Since all roads will still lead to that One in a post monarchical world we can simply ask our BU court jester Tron and he will show you the star which shines from the rear (end) of His Supreme Dame Commander.

  42. Yall famous Enuff.

  43. We know what countries in SURVIVAL MODE do…we also know what the traitors in small parliaments do and how they work AGAINST Black/Africans.

  44. @ NorthernObserver

    I noticed that you are detailed and pay attention to scripted misquotes.

    Sharp at your age 😂😂😅😅

  45. @ Miller August 12, 2021 8:09 AM

    Your analysis of the dire economic situation is correct, but not the conclusion: our cherished government received an overwhelming, grandiose mandate for permanent one-party rule with unity of power in 2018. Since the plans for the republic were already on the table, our government also has the mandate to enact a new presidential constitution without a referendum. Apparently our government shares the opinion of its most trusted advisor, the Shadow Council of State.

    For the rest, the blame for the desolate situation lies with the DLP, which led Barbados to independence and inflated the Barbadian welfare state, and the Chinese with their Wuhan plague, not our caring government. Once aside from the human surplus of civil servants, I see no fault with our government. Our government has achieved almost superhuman things: it has restored the state’s finances, solved the sewage problem, renewed almost all major roads, and much more; in short, it has restored people’s dignity.

    Finally, come to terms with the fact that the DLP is deader than dead. We don’t need referendums, etc. We had those in 2018. What we need is a strong Supreme Leader who executes the will of the nation.

  46. NorthernObserver Avatar

    It happens everywhere. Only with the multiple layers in bigger places it can be more complicated and less obvious. The beauty of a small island with a single government, they are fewer places to hide.

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