The blogmaster followed with interest the passing of Bills yesterday in the Lower House of the National Payment System Bill 2021 and the Barbados Identity Management Bill 2021. The government appears to be moving to take advantage of technology to enhance and transform how Barbadians do business in a new ecosystem, pay for goods, services. Gone are the days when banks and to a lesser extent credit unions monopolized payment systems. Replacing the ‘tattered and embarrassing’ looking Barbados ID card is also overdue. From following the debate the new Barbados ID card will use current technology to store a range of data to permit the holder to do different types of transactions with optional validation with the use of biometrics etc. The improvements once implemented will improve business facilitation and other deficiencies.

The initiative by government to improve the ‘national payment ecosystem’ to quote Minister in the ministry of Finance Ryan Straughn although laudable exposes the fact homegrown businesses do not control the bulk of payment transactions. For too long Barbadians seem happy to be consumers of goods and services instead of becoming owners in the distribution chain whether financial or commodity. Unless we discover ways to emancipate ourselves from mental slavery enhancements we make facilitated by new laws in parliament will be nothing more than painting ‘lipstick on the pig’.

The other development which caught the attention of the blogmaster was the announcement last week a comeyuh promised to invest 10 million dollars to transform the 400 acre Haymans plantation to a state of the art farm. The blogmaster commends the investor who for whatever reason appears to be motivated to do something that should be part of a larger project to address food security in Barbados. Covid 19 has exposed our shortcomings as far as agriculture production is concerned. We agree there has been increase in agricultural output, however, nothing that has significantly moved the needle to address food security concerns. Did it escape Barbadians Charles Gagnon, owner of Haymans had to remove 50 truckloads of garbage illegally dumped on the site.

Related Links:

The initiative is a timely reminder to inquire what is the project status of 30 acres of land located at Dukes plantation that was donated to UWI Cave Hill Campus in 2017. There is a lethargy that seems to permeate everything we do in Barbados. Surely we have referred to implementation deficit often enough to have made a conclusion by now that we have to change how we do business if we want to sustain an acceptable quality of life for our people. There is an advantage to being a 2×3 island. It should equip us to be nimble in decision-making and project execution.

In simple less flowery language Barbadians must shed comfortable politically partisan positions and evolve to assessing what are national imperatives and just do it. The constant and banal snarling exhibited by stakeholders in civil society is unacceptable given our investment in education. We are a Black majority nation and should be embarrassed to acknowledge that our key gateways to economic activity are controlled by minority AND foreign interest.


235 responses to “Execute or Die”

  1. That is a good one, Lawson.

  2. Perhaps the 71 year old is not the real / actual / true / father / sperm donar

  3. I prefer chocolate to vanilla
    but I like all flavours of ice cream
    to do the gonad bump dance with
    I am talking personal preferences
    and not making a pass or hitting on
    any brown sugars out deh

  4. @ Donna,

    Some of us men suffer from EAP syndrome enabled by OTF.

    It is nobody’s business who fu ping hoo. lol

  5. The last civil war widow died 155 years after the civil war ended , Its a great way to get a pension, marry an old duffer on his way out and get a pension for life, happens all the time up here especially at the veterans hospital. You got dudes fathering kids in their 90 s he is still a spring chicken. Now her on the other hand in a lot of countries would be considered an old maid till he married her.

  6. An old joke
    There was a 80 year-old man that married a 21 year-old woman. A year later the woman had a baby and the doctor came out and told the old man that he was the father of a 9lb 8oz baby boy. The old man replied, “This old motor is still a’ running.” Next next year his wife had another baby and the doctor came out and told the man that he was the father of a 8lb 5oz baby girl. The old man replied, “This old motor is still a’ running.” The next year his wife was back in the hospital yet again, having their third child and the doctor came out and told the old man that he was the father of a 10lb 9oz baby boy. The old man replied again, “This old motor is still a’ running.” And the doctor said, “Yeah but you better get your oil changed because this one is black

  7. Nuff old men does get fool wid ready made jackets.

    Lawson get with it! Women are getting married and also having children routinely in their mid forties now. Besides, you can freeze your eggs when you are young and save them for later.

    Old maid is no longer a thing.

  8. Hidden figures white men know nothing about. Toxic white men who tell us if we hate white people don’t use their inventions. Looks like hardly anything was invented without black input. Not even the damn COVID vaccines the white bitches lining up to get fighting to get. It wasn’t just one black Bajan man on those teams. Saw a black woman on another team today via MSNBC.

  9. @Hal Austin February 25, 2021 5:09 AM ” Records of births, marriages and death – and probate – are public records in the UK and other developed countries.”

    But you were at the Barbados registry, so are you a village idiot to believe that something which applies in the UK also applies in Barbados?

    Do you wear your winter coat while in Barbados? Do you wear your 3 piece suit? Do you carry your brolly? Are you one of those who demand that Bajan men wear hot collar and ties? That Bajan women are indecently attired if they wear sleeveless dresses?


    Who is eligible to get a copy of a [New York] birth certificate?

    The person named on the birth certificate.
    A parent of the person named on the birth certificate. The requesting parent's name must be on the birth certificate.
    A spouse, child or others, but only by order of a New York State court.


    Who can apply [for an Ontario birth certificate]

    You can apply for a birth certificate for:

    yourself, if you are at least 13 years old
    your child, if you are named as a parent on your child’s birth registration
    a child, if you are the legal guardian and can provide court documents proving that you have custody of the child. If you are applying online, you will need to submit the supporting documentation together with a letter quoting the online order number, by fax or mail

    If you are applying for a birth certificate for a person who is deceased, you can only get a certified copy of birth registration if you are the next of kin, executor or estate administrator (supporting documents are required).

    Next of kin are:

    spouse or common-law partner
    children, and

    If all the next of kin are deceased, extended next of kin or their authorized representative may apply.

    Extended next of kin are:

    first cousin
    nephew, and

    I can quote from hundreds of different jurisdictions but I won’t bore you. The truth is that even within the same country the rules which govern who can apply for birth, marriage, divorce and death records vary from place to place.

    However typically archival records are open to the public so of course John or Hal can access my grandmothers birth 1879 and 1886 birth certificates even though those men are not family.

    Rules may also vary depending on whether or not the person is a public figure, so I may well be able to access Donald Trump’s or Joe Biden’s or Boris Johnson’s birth certificate because there is a public interest in those people whereas there is no public interest in me so it is unlikely that they can access mine [unless they use the good offices of their respective secret services, lol!]

  12. @John February 24, 2021 11:04 PM “My grandmother’s baptism record from 1883 is online.
    You can also go to the archives and view it.” TRUE.

    @John February 24, 2021 11:04 PM “Not my mother’s or mine or the generations after me.”
    And have you ever wondered why your mother’s nor yours nor the generations after you are not in the public domain?

    The reason why current records are not in the public domain is to protect the privacy of LIVING people.

    Although as I noted the records of public figures may be handled differently.

    I do know a thing or two about records management.


    While it varies from state to state [in the United States of America] death certificates are NOT COMMONLY MADE PUBLIC. In some states, informational copies of death certificates may be made public but do not typically contain all of the personal information or cause of death. So exactly who can get a copy of a death certificate? The requirements for obtaining someone’s death certificate are pretty straightforward. In most cases, in order to request a certified copy of a death certificate, you will either need to be a legally-appointed executor of the estate, a member of the deceased’s immediate family (spouse, sibling, child or parent), or the funeral director. If you happen to be a named inherent, or other close relative with pertinent cause, it’s best to contact the vital records office in the area where the death occurred for more information.

  14. So the sun has long set on the British Empire and British rules are not universally applied.

  15. @555dubstreet February 25, 2021 5:45 AM “Hal you don’t have to act like a big head show off Mr. Know It All just because someone made a statement in error.”

    Please note that I was NOT in error with regards to Barbados’ birth, marriage, divorce and death certificates. Hal was. Many jurisdictions put quite heavy restrictions on who may obtain such documents, especially for living people, but also for recently deceased people. In Barbados’ case records from the Records from the 17th to 19th centuries are typically open, The UK may actually be an outlier in apparently making all such current documents public.

    Maybe the Ivy has lost its idiot.

  16. Cultures are different ways of living and when you visit a different culture viewing it through the spectacles of your own culture will not help in understanding the new culture you visit.

    Birth certificates affect varies areas of law. In UK you have to register births by law and mother has parental responsibility and ‘father’ has parental responsibility if he marries the mother or is named on the birth certificate as father or applies to the court for a parental responsibility order. These effect areas like citizenship, child maintenance as well as wards of court, adoptions

    Here is an example of a sample
    Big Beat / Rock Box

  17. I also know a ting or two about managing records
    here are the B-Boy mix and Dub versions of Rock Box

  18. Wait a minute! Did that WURA say I only knew about mental slavery of some Barbadians when Mia spoke about it on Itv?????? If you check my BU comments from years back I too have been saying that for years. Never used the term though until I heard it from Bob Marley when I was a teenager. But in my pre-teen years I always thought it ridiculous when I heard how many Bajans spoke so nauseatingly about white people and brown skinned people. Many even argued about who is “clearer” than whom. Now if that is not an indication of mental slavery then I do not know what is. I recognised it as a problem even though I could not put a name to it at the time.

    My mother’s family especially has not been mentally enslaved for at least three generations that I know of. And my father’s father was another strongminded and strongwilled maverick.

    The mental slavery of Barbadians is on the decline. The young people will complete the process.

    You need to stop saying whatever comes to your mind as though it is a fact. Sometimes you are flat out lying.

    For years I have been preaching on BU ad nauseum that we must “start at the very beginning” because our problem is all in our mind. Many times I have said that we must treat the brainwashing before we can think for ourselves

    Even posted Julie Andrews from The Sound of Music to make the point.

    “Let’s start at the very beginning – a very good place to start!”

    Stop bloody well lying to try to make yourself seem superior!

    And now the stage is yours because it is back to enjoying my island life.

    Good morning to Cuhdear Bajan who uplifts my spirits more than you can depress them!

    Village idiot, yuh sista heh!

  19. “I recognised it as a problem even though I could not put a name to it at the time.”

    then you can’t measure shit, because you don’t know to what depth OR DEGREE any of it goes..

    “You need to stop saying whatever comes to your mind as though it is a fact. Sometimes you are flat out lying.”

    so stop disgreeing with what i post, then copying the content …”MY LIES” turning it into your own words and posting as if it’s your ideas…SOME OF MY WORK IS COPYRIGHTED…ALL RIGTHS RESERVED…ya will cause problems for the Blogmaster.


    plagarism is serious shit…..just read and learn…form YOU OWN analysis…THEN POST.

  21. THINKING IS FREE…ya are word literate…then take it from there.

  22. Cuhdear Bajan
    FYI Harold is the sort of man to ignore your comments of counter rebuttals to his rebuttals and will turn a deaf ear to save his face so you should have qualified your statement with something like: “A non-response will be deemed as acknowledgement confirmation and acceptance that you have been burned on BU”

    Sucker M.C.’s (Krush-Groove 1)

  23. The same way you were pretending no one noticed what ya were up to, i pretended i didn’t see, all i had to do was wait for you and the other mentally enslaved passive/agressive asshole to come out again to attack me….do your own shit and stay in your corner….

  24. Here We Go (Live at the Funhouse)

    Down with the King

  25. Donna don’t think i remember the very first day she came on the blog a few years ago, and of course the males did their usual BAPTISM BY FIRE… just as they did with me, but, am made of sterner stuff, Donna however, ran away for months…then got the courage to come back….i sensed something, damn glad i did not defend her then.

  26. This is called progress and upward mobility…and Costco is leading the kickoff

    “The hourly pay increase, which goes into effect next week, will make wholesale giant Costco the highest-paying retail chain in the nation.”

  27. “A non-response will be deemed as acknowledgement confirmation and acceptance that you have been burned on BU”

    My first chuckle got the day.

  28. Yet there are clowns will look u in your face and tell that this clear danger to Black lives that led to Black genocide before and could again…is not so bad. Steupps. Some people just never learn anything.

  29. Mia better get rid of those dirty ass racists and wannabe white supremacists in Barbados or have them removed for her….no one has time to play games with idiots anymore….she can do that on her own time and on her own dime…but not on BLACK TAXPAYERS’.

  30. “…………….SOME OF MY WORK IS COPYRIGHTED…ALL RIGTHS RESERVED…ya will cause problems for the Blogmaster.”

  31. Theo…that was your first chuckle, but what followed per Phillip’s video is the beginning of the end for the no good racists in Barbados and their sellout ENABLERS….now we are free to remove the evil bitches OUT OF BLACK LIVES, BLACK TAXES, treasury and PENSION FUND, NIS….or have all their asses hauled away….


  32. Thanks Theo, Donna, 555

    Imagine if death certificates were open to all. Imagine that my spouse, or Hal’s or yours, died of AIDS which is still a highly stigmatized and which any of us may have contracted. Imagine if all my friends, enemies, neighbors, colleges, church members, enemies and complete strangers could walk into the registry and have a copy of the death certificate, which could well give those busy bodies access to my most sensitive health information.

    In any event when I first started doing genealogical research I learned that Barbados issues two different death certificates. One is a fact of death which documents that the named person has died and which includes age, last address etc. A cause of death certificate can also be issued on request, which is how I found out that stories I had been told about one grandmother’s poor appetite and refusal to eat were based on her adult children’s observed reality. In the late 50’s anorexia was recorded as the cause of death. Me? If I get even slightly sick I lose my appetite, not hungry, no interest at all in food, so I have told my children not to worry and no force feeding please, because when I don’t feel hungry I am not suffering. I feel fine.

  33. For those who wasted ALL THOSE YEARS ON BU contributing WORTHLESS SHIT.. ya not only look “appallingly ignorant”…..but also appalling STUPID…🤣🤣😂😂😂…yall got a FREE BLOG to contribute to make A POSITIVE DIFFERENCE…and what did ya do… stupid shit YEAR AFTER YEAR AFTER YEAR….and that’s only when ya ain’t TIEFING other people’s posts and pretending it’s ya own..

    and as for the fowl Slaves….wuhloss…..lawd…..

  34. Even the UK has some restrictions on who may access birth and perhaps other certificates

    “There are many ways to obtain a copy of a UK (British) birth certificate, whether you need this as a replacement for a lost certificate, or to further ancestral or genealogical research. Under UK law, anyone can apply for a copy certificate as they have been classified as ‘Public Records’. The only RESTRICTION is that under Identity Fraud legislation you must know the full details of the person (including full date of birth and parents names) for any birth that occurred within the past 50 years.”

  35. Silly Woman,

    The reason I “ran away” for months was a problem with the telephone line. A lighting bolt knocked it out. The phone company was in the middle of changing over to fiber optics and they took forever to set up a port. Then they filled up the port with new connections and had to create another one for me. After the problem was solved I found that I did not miss BU.

    But yes, from time to time I will take breaks from your toxicity and the toxicity of others. Who wants to deal with your mental problems every day?????

    Problems for David????? DON’T sue David.! I hereby give him permission to disclose my name if necessary. I live in St. Philip. You may sue ME!

  36. David,

    Archives are forever, right?

  37. Murdaaah! About twenty- five years ago, Donna, in her capacity as Youth Leader, choreographed a dance to a Bob Marley medley. If I recall, it began with an extract from Redemption song – “Emancipate yourself from MENTAL SLAVERY, none but ourselves can free our minds” and ended with an extract from One love.

    Donna has in her possession poetry and monologues THAT SHE WROTE, some of which were performed at Frank Collymore Hall in the presence of a full audience.

    Donna has numerous witnesses who can attest to the fact that her thinking on the contested matter was developed long before BU came into existence.

    The lawsuit should be great fun.

    For ME!

  38. My ‘last will and testament’s
    We all make contributions in our own ways. Allow me to cite a few examples.

    I have taken pokes at ac, Hal, John and others but in my heart, I know they often make excellent contributions.

    I have made negative comments about cuhdear, but lately her contributions have all been graded A- or higher.

    Artax is always excellent.
    Donna is always solid.
    Waru has areas where she is unequalled.
    Even my BFF, Lorenzo, is doing a fine task defending his hero.

    555 has some strange and at times very expressions. Wonders if he/she was a philosophy major or is deeply religious.

    One ‘nut’ has me drinking tonic water (that cannot be refuted).

    My point, we all bring something to the table. Forget the personal battles.

  39. Stop straddling the fence before you damage your balls!

    The woman is crazy and a liar! I have been posting on these matters since
    I came to BU. The archives are there. I have no idea where all of these ideas came from but some of them would have slipped in through books, documentaries, lectures, poetry and songs and finally, my own observations and analysis.

    NOTHING WURA has posted is original!


    We have been here before with Hal Austin. You have a tendency to lag behind.

  40. The resident court jester is brilliant and irreplacable.

    I hope he reaches out beyond BU.

  41. cat fight

  42. “Stop straddling the fence before you damage your balls!”

    Alas, balls were removed about 20 years ago.

    Woke up one morning, realized they were gone and all I could muster was WTH.
    From the bedroom I heard a voice saying STFU.
    At least I know where they are.😃

  43. Gawblummah! Lucky we are in cyberspace because I doubt you could keep me off her lying ass in person!

  44. Good one!

    Do not expect me to make peace with someone who has accused me of shit!

    You have read what she said about me. If you share her opinion then say so. If you think it untrue then at least get the hell outta my way!

    You will discover that I am no slouch in the ball collecting department. When I played “cricket” for Soc Sci I was the wicketkeeper.

  45. theo

    re One ‘nut’ has me drinking tonic water (that cannot be refuted).




  46. @ Donna February 27, 2021 1:02 PM
    “Gawblummah! Lucky we are in cyberspace because I doubt you could keep me off her lying ass in person!”

    Oh dear!

    Is that you, Ms Prim & Proper Lady Donna?

    That sweet-sounding ‘exclamation’- which had to have awaken any goddess from her serenity in the Land of Nod- now makes you a full-bred Bajan.

    Now there is No more need for you to claim citizenship by de(s)cent.

    It’s a well known cultural fact that Bajans have the sweetest mouths when it comes to the use of a variegation of colourful colloquial expressions aka cussing to make their pent-up feelings absolutely clear.

    We note, from your own admission, that you have done a lot in the area of writing for a Bajan audience.

    So why not try your hand at compiling a dictionary or compendium of Bajan ‘off-coloured’ expressions similar to what has been done with “Bajan Proverbs” to reflect that uniqueness of the Bajan brand of literary excellence which is an admixture of Celtic swear words smoothened on the Blarney stone and delivered with the effervescence of West African colourful gaiety?

    We are sure there are many on this blog (like Hal Asstin, given his [Back] Ivy league colourful upbringing) who would be more than eager to lend a helping hand.

The blogmaster invites you to join the discussion.


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