Submitted by Observing

Back in March 2020 the GoB outlined a series of steps to address the Covid -19 challenge by entering Stage 3 and announcing a lockdown after 24 cases were recorded. These were all imported.

Fast forward to December 3, 2020 where we had 281 total cases (24 active) and 7 deaths. We were still managing well under the circumstances.

Fast forward again to December 31, 2020 where ten new cases were announced and the first signal of worry kicked in.

This led to the period Jan 1st to 4th 2021 where we added 297 new cases and then onto January 26, 2021 when we prepared to “pause.”

Since the pause we have had 520 more positive cases, 11 more deaths and an average positivity rate between 4% and 9% with spikes as high as 15% on some days.

Now with the national pause set to expire we wait with bated breath to see what happens

  • Former president of the Barbados Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Eddy Abed has made clear that “the private sector can’t take another lock down” (Feb 12, 2021)
  • President of the Barbados Private Sector Association (BPSA) Edward Clarke suggested that only in “extreme circumstances” should such drastic measures be taken. (Feb 10, 2021)
  • Chamber of Commerce president Trisha Tannis warns Barbadians to brace for the possibility of more job losses
  • However, Dr. Adrian Lorde says that an extension to the lockdown may be necessary
  • We still record between 25 and 40+ cases each day with regrettable deaths in between.

So, which will it be? What should we choose?

Extend the pause out of caution and in the interest of public health or, reopen with the known risk and the hope of economic gain?

253 responses to “Which will it be, Extend the PAUSE or REOPEN?”

  1. @ Hal

    You do realise that Vitamin D argument for Covid does not hold up to scrutiny? If there was any truth in that wouldn’t states like California of had way lower rates of infection than other parts of the USA based on their sunny weather.

  2. @ John A

    I m not a scientist, but some are saying it is valid. The scientific community are divided.

    Health officials carried out a rapid review of the evidence on links between vitamin D and Covid-19, after a small number of studies had suggested it might play a role in the body’s immune response to respiratory viruses.
    However, they found there was “insufficient evidence” to recommend it for preventing or treating the disease….(Quote)

  3. John AFebruary 14, 2021 5:07 PM

    @ Hal

    You do realise that Vitamin D argument for Covid does not hold up to scrutiny? If there was any truth in that wouldn’t states like California of had way lower rates of infection than other parts of the USA based on their sunny weather.


    Depends on how many Californians walk about in the sun!!

    Me, I am trying to lose weight and be as active outdoors as possible.

    So far I am down 11 pounds and feeling great.

    I want to lose another 9 pounds … at least.

    I am eating well, just making sure I am as physically active as I can be.

    Today was flying fish, peas and rice and vegetables, yesterday was baked chicken peas and rice and string beans and on Friday it was lamb and white rice and vegetables.

    I am soon going to try some yams.

    Not breaking any rules!!

    I’ve discovered that the island has a far more serious problem than COVID.

    Cow Itch.

    Cleared a large area yesterday and today!!

    Learning techniques.

    My old friend the cane cutter told me in his day people were paid by the plantation extra for any cow itch plants they brought in.

    Consequently, most of Barbados was clear.

  4. @Tron February 13, 2021 9:12 PM “The virus spreads because the population, especially our public servants, does not follow the protocol. Too many locals offering sex services to tourists”


    Please don’t tell me that there are people who have sex with strangers. That is so nasty man! I thought that that nonsense had gone out of fashion from the beginning of the HIV epidemic 40 years ago.

  5. @ GP,
    We don’t hear much from you these days. Thanks for the article.
    I noticed this piece of text:

    “It was a matter of pride for plantations to have neatly weeded and maintained gutters bordered by khus khus grass next to the highway. The khus khus grass provided an excellent way to prevent soil erosion due to its density and strong root system. It also smelled nice when dried and was placed in clothes drawers to keep clothes smelling fresh. Any manager who let this maintenance slip would be needled by his peers at social functions. Some plantations also planted pea trees along the hedgerows as an additional source of food and income.”

    My grandparents use to have a pea hedgerow along the boundary of their land in the North of the island.

    We need a return to some of the old ways. However, it is clear that in many ways poverty appears to remain a permanent fixture amongst too many of our fellow Bajans. As is the case with classicism and racism. I hope that these views will not upset Artax, Donna or David.

  6. @ John February 14, 2021 3:53 PM
    “Or, tell people get off their asses and go and walk about in the sun!!”

    Isn’t that a bit too richly ‘enlightening’ coming from a pale-skin white supremacist like you?

    We were more expecting you to advise the blacks to lock themselves inside their houses of virtual prayer-rooms to beseech your dead deaf and dumb god Yahweh to send a brazen snake to heal them from the curse of the serpent called Covid an enemy of the descendants of Asclepius and Hygeia.

    The Sun is the natural disinfectant and virus fighter for mother Earth’s mammals.

    Black people are natural children of the Sun. Any long-term deprivation of its healing powers must result in compromised immune systems.

    That’s why there will be little relief, vaccine or no vaccine, in the Northern hemisphere until the Sun crosses the celestial Equator (or more like the Earth reversing its tilt to achieve aphelion) on its way to bring the much needed ‘apogee’ of heat and “perigee” of light to the Northern hemisphere.

  7. I like to walk, but you can’t imagine how many people feel sorry for me and offer me lifts. I used to work an hour outside of Bridgetown, and I would walk from there to the bus-stand, then take a 20 minute bus ride home. My colleges thought that I was mad when I would very, very politely refuse their offer of a lift to town. I used to walk with John Knox too typically the 3 hour Sunday morning stop and stare walk, although I did the Sunday afternoon walk sometimes. Church every other Sunday morning, then a 3 hour walk every other Sunday morning. Nearly 70 and I can still do five hours in what people call “the hot broiling sun” as long as I drink half a pint of cool water every half an hour.

    I rarely agree with John about anything but I agree with him that we all need to spend more time in the sun. My former employer provided an air conditioned lunch room, but also provided benches and tables in the sun where employees could choose to eat lunch outdoors. Maybe more employers could do the same. A few benches and tables would do only a minor amount of damage to the bottom line of most companies.

  8. @John A February 14, 2021 5:07 PM “You do realise that Vitamin D argument for Covid does not hold up to scrutiny? If there was any truth in that wouldn’t states like California of had way lower rates of infection than other parts of the USA based on their sunny weather.”

    Ahhh!, but Americans do love their central air conditioning and air conditioned cars. If you go from air conditioned house to air conditioned car to air conditioned factory, mall or office you have little contact with the sun. May as well be living in the Arctic.

    Have you noticed that none of the people who do outdoor work for the NCC have MS? Probably not many with Covid either, and none or few with osteoporosis or broken hips in old age.


  9. @ Cuhdear

    Yes good point.

    Now you mention it I remember as a young boy growing up alot of guys road bicycles to and from work. Not the fancy ones like today but a heavy steel 3 speed one called a Raleigh. They were black or green in colour. These guys were slim and rode well into their eighties and never went in a hospital either. So yes we have forgotten alot about the lessons of the past. I guess that’s why they called them the good old days before the fast food places took over.

  10. “I rarely agree with John about anything but I agree with him that we all need to spend more time in the sun.”

    You know there are some mad people who don’t want to look dark even if it could save their lives. I remember many times when i would go sunning on the beach i would be told that i think…thinking for me and all…that am a tourist.

    they won’t even notice like i did that if i stay out of the sun for too long, many, many months, i start to lose melanin. and if for years, not liking that at all, and that’s not healthy, but am not tellng what to do:DISCLAIMER..

  11. For John Knox:

    Try to clear away the cow itch plants BEFORE the cow itch beans form, and certainly before they mature.Cow itch has a beautiful purple flower. Uproot the plant once you notice the beautiful purple flowers. It does not itch at that time. Only the mature beans cause itching.

  12. How many test cricketers do we hear of with COVID?

    They spend 6 hours a day running about in the sun.

    Diet, Exercise and Sun!!

    Admittedly, they live under restrictions, still, we all do.

  13. @ks February 14, 2021 9:32 AM “Wearing mask, sanitising, etc., even at home, may make more of a difference.”

    I would say Wearing mask, sanitising, etc., ESPECIALLY at home.

    Since this thing started I wear a mask at home whenever ANYBODY, including my sweet grandchildren [little germ incubators, lol!] is in the same room as I am.

    People seem to believe that their own family is CLEAN and other people are nasty. But at this point we are MORE LIKELY to catch Covid from our “clean” family than from a stranger.

  14. @ John A February 14, 2021 7:42 PM “Now you mention it I remember as a young boy growing up alot of guys road bicycles to and from work. Not the fancy ones like today but a heavy steel 3 speed one called a Raleigh.”

    I learned to ride a bicycle on my old man’s 3 speed Raleigh. It was his work transportation, but he let all of his children learn to ride on it. He did all the maintenance on it himself.

    I know another old man who up to his late 80’s or early 90’s rode his bicycle from northern St. James to Green Hill to spend every night to spend time with his girlfriend. Rode back home in the opposite direction every morning. He was as thin a a rake. Those old men knew that life was for living. Don’t know how many modern men would ride 15 miles per day to visit their lady love.

  15. And I am not saying that it can’t happen, but I have not heard of any covid among Sanitation Service Authority outdoor workers, yet those men [and a few women] are potentially exposed t0 all sorts of bio-hazards every single day.

  16. @Hal Austin February 14, 2021 4:49 PM “You cannot put people aged over 70 on lockdown and impose a national pause, then tell people to get off their backsides and walkabout in the sunshine. In any case, sunshine is limited to the tourists who do not like seeing natives on the beaches”

    Maybe Hal has lived outside of Barbados so long that he does nor realise that the sun does not only shine on the beach.

    Lemme tell wunna a secret, I was outside today and the sun was shining in my backyard, side yard and front yard. And I 100% guarantee that it will do the same tomorrow, and the next day and the next day for a few more billion years. There is no shortage of sunshine at 13.06 degrees north.

    Barbados in not on lockdown. Nobody is stopping anybody from going out in their yard. Just keep 6 feet from your neighbor.

  17. And we don’t really care what the tourists don’t like seeing. When we come on the beach they can close their eyes.

  18. This woman should be arrested for abuse…😀

    “Maybe Hal has lived outside of Barbados so long that he does nor realise that the sun does not only shine on the beach.

    Lemme tell wunna a secret, I was outside today and the sun was shining in my backyard, side yard and front yard. And I 100% guarantee that it will do the same tomorrow, and the next day and the next day for a few more billion years. There is no shortage of sunshine at 13.06 degrees north.”

  19. It is time to transform Barbados into a republic. First of all, we should give our government quasi-dictatorial powers to fight the epidemic effectively. The people want it that way.

    Traditional freedom means chaos.
    Total government means new freedom.

  20. So whether you are sitting on your back step in the Orleans or Greenfields or Boscobelle or East Point or by a pool at Sandy Lane it is the EXACT SAME sun.

    “In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. FOR HE GIVES HIS SUNLIGHT TO BOTH THE EVIL AND THE GOOD , and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike.” Matthew 5:45

  21. Shut down for another two weeks

    Curfew need extending – maybe to include all day on weekends

  22. One cloud we have is that a large segment of the population is at risk with their own versions of NCD’s.

    I’m guessing 1/3 by looking at the data on those who live a sedentary lifestyle.

    However we have a silver lining.

    Our lungs good and COVID goes for the lungs!!

    The other cloud is that many of our leaders, God bless their souls, our elite if you like, are members of the at risk segment and will do anything to preserve their own lives.

    If it means locking down the country and destroying its economy so be it.

    Get up and move.

    By all means observe sensible precautions but let’s get moving for heavens sakes.

    Conventional wisdom is that COVID like flu and the common cold will always be with us, just like the at risk segment of our population.

    Next time our leaders appear before us on TV or whatever means, turn off the audio and observe them.

    You will see they are scared shitless of their own mortality.

    In two two’s you will find you are moved to turn off the video as well.

    They turn your stomachs.

  23. Decision day
    Bajans to know if lockdown will be extended
    BY TODAY, Barbadians should know whether the stay-at-home order will be lifted or extended.
    Late last night Government and health officials were hunkered down in a meeting on the all-important decision which has been occupying everyday discussions for the last week. On February 3 the country was placed on lockdown or, as Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley referred to it, “national pause” until February 17.
    Two days away from the proposed end, there was an emergency meeting of health officials on the positive tests and the rise to 24 deaths since the first case of COVID-19 was recorded in Barbados in March 2020. Sixteen of those deaths of mainly elderly people have occurred this year.
    The latest casualties of the virus were a 45-year-old Trinidadian woman who was on dialysis and died on Thursday; a 75-year-old Barbadian woman who died on Friday; and an 80-year-old Trinidadian woman who died on Saturday.
    Meanwhile, a health official said yesterday that the double-digit positive cases at a popular St Michael supermarket was now being treated as a cluster, as that establishment joined a number of businesses affected by positive tests leading to their temporary closure in order for staff to be tested and for sanitisation.
    The current lockdown followed on from a December 31 banning of all Old Year’s Night events when it was discovered that a bus crawl was a super spreader event. Later, clusters were discovered on the West and South Coasts and at Her Majesty’s Prisons Dodds, where both staff and inmates were affected. Then on January 24, Government announced there was community spread as some cases could not be traced.
    Dr Corey Forde, the infectious disease specialist who manages the isolation facilities, has warned that the tide is turning for the worse in the COVID-19 battle, with more young people without pre-existing conditions becoming severely ill. On Saturday night, he painted a grim picture of a pandemic threatening to gallop out of control and strongly advised Barbadians to take the AstraZeneca vaccine which became available
    from last week.
    Last night up to 9 o’clock, there had been no official release on COVID-19 numbers for tests conducted by the Bestdos Santos Public Health Laboratory. (AC)

    Source: Nation

  24. Vaccine rush at polyclinic
    CONFUSION REIGNED at the Randal Phillips Polyclinic on Saturday after more than 100 members of the Indian community, many of whom were not front-line or essential workers, turned up to be vaccinated.
    It is understood that arrangements were made with Government for 40 people of the Indian community to receive vaccines in the fight against COVID-19, but triple that number turned up, creating problems at the clinic in Oistins, Christ Church.
    Some also went to the Branford Taitt Polyclinic in Black Rock, and the Edgar Cochrane Polyclinic in Wildey, both in St Michael, but were turned away.
    Sources said some nurses were so angry – because they believed that the group was “jumping over” essential and front-line workers – that they downed needles and had to be persuaded by medical officials to vaccinate some of those who were not on the list.
    Yesterday morning, several Indians continued to flock to Randal Phillips.
    When contacted yesterday, an official connected to the community apologised for the situation, pointing out that members of the Indian business community, known as Sindhis, showed up even though their names were not on the list.
    “The Prime Minister asked us to send a list of Indians who need the vaccine. We sent a list of Indians who live in Barbados who have Indian passports only. We sent it to the organisers and they arranged for them to be vaccinated on Saturday at 2 p.m.
    “Some members of the business community did not follow our instructions and they went even though they have Barbadian passports. They claimed they asked the person who was giving
    the injections whether they could have it and they said ‘okay’, and they got it,” the official said.
    The official added that members of the American University of Barbados, some professionals such as doctors and their wives, two couples from the Muslim community and Indians working here as chefs were among the names submitted for vaccination.
    A source told the DAILY NATION that the nurses started to get concerned when several Indians turned up, both young and old, without any form of identification, as was arranged.
    Clan turned up
    “One family was told to register their parents and they tried to get the whole clan vaccinated. When told ‘no’, they persuaded the nurses,” a source said.
    Another recalled that young men in their early 20s who were not front-line or essential workers, and who had no medical conditions, also presented themselves.
    However, the Indian official said the nurses should have refused to vaccinate those who were not on the list.
    “Everything we did was above board. It was no underhand dealings or preferential treatment. Everyone on our list was vaccinated yesterday. The nurses should have objected. They should say to them, ‘You are not on the list’,” the official said, adding that some members of the Indian community were claiming that Barbadians were not interested in the vaccine and were quibbling about it, so they would go and get it.
    Last Tuesday, Barbados received a shipment of 100 000 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine, which is manufactured in India, after Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley wrote to the prime minister of India requesting the drug.
    A source has revealed that members of the Indian
    community have written to Mottley to assist in buying vaccines for Barbados.
    Efforts to reach Dr Elizabeth Ferdinand, coordinator of the COVID-19 vaccination programme, were unsuccessful.

    Source: Nation

  25. We all know John bloody Fucking Knox is not an original thinker and is a copycat copycat sitting on the doormat

    “Exercise and build up your structure. Go to sea and learn how to swim. If you can’t afford off a gym. Buy a piece of rope!”

  26. We’ve had enough fearmongers
    We have had indulgent health officials and call-in programme moderators allowing every Tom, Dick, Harry and Mabel to air their views on vaccines.
    Echoing the uninformed or the malignant conspiracy theories and anti-vaccine lobbies on social media of the eccentrics in the United States, on the mostly imaginary risks of the COVID-19 vaccine and indeed any vaccine, when vaccines have in fact saved millions of lives from so many infectious diseases – from small pox, polio, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, tuberculosis, measles, rubella, pneumococcal pneumonia, et cetera .. even ebola.
    It is time to make it absolutely clear that a little tenderness at the site and occasional small rise in temperature are the only common side effects. Anaphylaxis has not been reported in any of the
    many doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine given. It is perfectly safe, and unless the great majority of adults receive the vaccination we will live under siege with increased suffering for many for a very long time.
    So enough is enough. We understand the fears of anything new, but let us go forward based on the science and the evidence.
    God-speed to the government in getting enough vaccines here quickly.
    Meanwhile, folks, please wear your mask properly – preferably double mask or add a face shield, sanitise, keep your social distance, use your common sense and get out into the sun for your generous daily dose of sunshine with its Vitamin D, or Vitamin D supplements for the “shut-ins”.
    This has not been emphasised, unfortunately, but it greatly reduces your risk of infection, of severe illness and of death from COVID-19.

  27. Service your engine if you want it to function.
    Check your oil and clean your radiator.
    Make sure you clean your carburator.
    Throw some water in the radiator.

  28. We’ve had enough fearmongers

    David are you not guilty of encouraging the nutters to air their views about their conspiracy hypothesis

    problem is people cannot think with their own minds and read crap to copy and sound clever

  29. “AstraZeneca vaccine given. It is perfectly safe,”

    same vaccine now banned in several european countries…pro-vaxxers are just as careless with information…and coming from a FRAUD who is not credible.

  30. “We’ve had enough fearmongers

    “Vaccine rush at polyclinic”

    “Shut down for another two weeks

    Curfew need extending – maybe to include all day on weekends”

    “This woman should be arrested for abuse…”

    Clearly, there are opposing views here related to the “Spread” of Covid-19 in Barbados.
    Some contributors see a real problem and believe that we should engage in locking down the island to halt the spread of a virus that is barely deadly. (And if there is anyone who dares to challenge that statement, I will take them on. So before responding with ignorance, go and so some calculations first.)
    This lockdown is to the detriment of the economy and the livelihood of over 100,000 Barbadians. Why? Well Barbados produces nothing but idiots and fools it appears. People who clearly cannot think or reason with any degree of clarity, or rationalism, but who seem to be all caught up in the belief that a “Highly infectious disease can be avoided by wearing a mask. And that makes perfect sense to them, because the government has said as much.
    Then there is CNN here to add credibility to that.
    Some will say “look how many people are dying”. To that I say, check the death rates from Cancer ( all forms) and other NCD’s in Barbados for the last two years.
    Then, I will ask, who is verifying and validating these local figures? Is there ANY independent analysis or validation, or is the government the sole source of news about this?

    You see, when I listen to some news outlets like VoB and Brasstacks, with their very biased moderators, I hear a clear undertone that tells me that some of these persons based on their memberships and organizational affiliations believe themselves to be more “Enlightened” than the average bear.
    They feel that by their readings of specific writings which may not be publicly available, that they hold knowledge that is too good for the rest of us and that by doing so, they are entitled to push an agenda which is clearly detrimental to the rest of us “useless eaters!”
    Then they are those who want something to “belong to” They have no real voice or value, but by adopting the Covid-19 agenda of the “elites” they believe that they will be somehow rewarded or will do some great good for society. So they call radio talk shows every day that these programmes are open and spew pure ignorance and stupidity in the name of “following science” and “following protocols”
    Lets quickly look at mask wearing. Excessive wearing of masks and re-absorption of Carbon Dioxide will result in acidic blood. You don’t have to believe a word of it. You can even go and do research which refutes it. But humans were made to metabolize food for energy in the presence of oxygen. Plants were made to do the same in the presence of Co2. That is the balance of nature.
    But some idiots from the W.H.O, CDC and local clowns like Corey Forde, Infections Disease Specialist tell us that we can breath Co2 with no ill effects because Covid-19 is worse and we accept that.
    That makes sense.
    Man is now smarter than God!

    Locking down wont halt any spread. Actually, in last years lockdown, we heard rumors of another one to come. And here it is!
    Somehow, we KNEW that we would need another lockdown, and it was to halt the spread of covid and we accepted that. As far as I am concerned, if you knew that back in March 2020, you should have used your great insight and ability to see into the future to halt the spread back then.
    I am certain if people could tell the future, the present would look quite different, But that is just my idea.

    Locking down wont change death rates either. People will die because people are unwell. Period. They spent years eating badly, not taking care of their own health and now are at risk. A vaccine wont save them either. Its natural selection at work. The weaker of a species will die.

    There was a contributor earlier who was castigating the Vitamin D theory. Some people only want something from Big Pharma. The stand in disbelief that half of these challenges we have have simple solutions. But Big Pharma says that is a lie, and they buy it. But when a PM says “Stan home” “Stan inside” I see conspiracy here.
    The bulk of New Yorkers spend 2/3 of their day on the inside of some building, be it at home, work on a Subway platform, wherever. There is so much research which supports the linkage between Vitamin D and immune health that its bewildering, but you are told to “Stan inside!” I guess you have an air filtration system on your houses too.

    You see this whole Covid-19 thing. It is about the willingness, or ability to get people to sell or surrender their souls to whomever has masterfully put this whole plan in motion.
    Don’t believe for one instant that ant mortal man could be able to influence the world to behave the exact same way across differing and diverging religions, cultures, social beliefs and geographies. That is just about as possible as when you walk outside, a micro-meteorite hits you and kills you.
    This is an early fight for souls and some have tried rather covertly to sell ours for their on self aggrandizement and elevation. It is evident by their behavior which clearly demonstrates that they have been given over to a reprobate mind.

    But persons are pushing back because they probably “feel” that something is not right. Some are saying that there is not enough testing of the vaccine to be a willing participant , while others are distrusting of the constant brown beatings from the media on why they need to take it.

    To those who will hear, and heed, Protect your souls from the wiles of the evil ones!

  31. Watcher

    Lockdown turns the heat down when there are spikes in Covid spread

    Feasible Conspiracy theories are
    It gives World Governments opportunities to spy on public such as track and trace apps and police watching drugs runnings

  32. There is no right or wrong position. As individuals (country) we have to take decisions in our best interest based on what confronts us. Barbados is a country with high incidence of NCDs also an aging population.

  33. ….. and get out into the sun for your generous daily dose of sunshine with its Vitamin D, or Vitamin D supplements for the “shut-ins”. This has not been emphasised, unfortunately, but it greatly reduces your risk of infection, of severe illness and of death from COVID-19.


    In non medical jargon, get up offa wunna backsides and get to f… outside.


  34. “This woman should be arrested for abuse”

    I think you misunderstood the context.

    Cuhdear does a great job of dissecting some comments. Was my way of saying “Great job” to her.

    Had nothing to do with fear mongering.

  35. @ 555dubstreet
    There is no need to turn the heat down on a virus that is not deadly. When we have cold season here do we lockdown? When there was the dreaded spread of Chikungunya here did we lockdown?
    Why government feels that they know whats best for persons healthwise? It makes no logical sense.
    However, if I am to deal with what you said related to Conspiracies, they are all possible. They are probably just results or outcomes of the lockdown more so than the reason for implementing them.
    As I said in my column earlier, this is about souls at the end of the day. The push to inject and vaccinate all of these people with an untested, unproven and clearly unstable vaccine doesnt make sense especially when you tell me that it wont prevent me from contracting it, just prevent me from having severe symptoms! That is dumb, Just plain dumb!
    But back to what you said about turning heat down, I dont see the need as this isn’t Ebola and doent kill on contact.
    Want to turn the heat way down?
    Encourage persons to eat healthy.
    Encourage the to exercise at least 30 mins a day
    Encourage them to get sunlight
    Encourage them to go to or in the sea.
    Enlighten them with information and let them make decisions for themselves.

    Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome is a sign of madness!

  36. Why are the Indians rushing to get vaccinated

  37. “But back to what you said about turning heat down, I dont see the need as this isn’t Ebola and doent kill on contact.”

    Ebola was deadlier but easier to control than an innocuous insidious virus like Covid which kills some but not all (somebunall)

    Exercising is good for you generally speaking Covid or not.

    True health is a balance between body mind and spirit.

    There are a gazillion resources on youtube in the aquarian age sharing information

  38. Almost tuned out. Just scanning contributions.

    Unable to process the mixture of facts, false facts diatribes, truth and lies. My spider senses stopped tingling.

  39. A guy who is a professor of dentistry for 40 years does not have a debate with a guy who removed his teeth with a string and a door knob.
    Listen to, if only for the laugh

  40. @Angela Cox,

    Why is it an issue. Many of you have expressed reticence over the vaccine (e.g. your post of February 14 9.22).

    Some police and nurses have refused to have it.

    Now that some members of the Indian Community are keen to have it, you have a problem with that too.


    Good for them. They actually understand what is going on.

  41. Obviously the PM extended a courtesy to 40 Indians in Barbados holding Indian passports.

  42. @Theo,

    Funny and accurate. Thank you.

  43. @ David February 15, 2021 8:36 AM
    “There is no right or wrong position. As individuals (country) we have to take decisions in our best interest based on what confronts us. Barbados is a country with high incidence of NCDs also an aging population.”

    Since you have spoken the ‘inconvenient truth’ about the state of the health of the Barbadian nation how about a revisit to the debate about the imposition of a Fat Tax as a kind of vaccine to help fight the spread of the virus called ‘Mass Obesity’, the cause of many of the ailments which the likes of Covid can easily find to be a ready-made home to cripple a nation?

    Covid has acted as a two-edged sword to not only put a severe economic dent in the government’s revenues but also to expose the country’s public health vulnerabilities.

    It has also shown that the sale of ‘readymade’ processed foods at fast food outlets is NOT an essential service or activity but just another luxury for the long-term lazy with their spoiled chubby brats in tow.

    Here is a golden opportunity for the government to eliminate two challenges by one attempt to protect the future health of the nation from potential ravages like Covid-21:

    Why not impose a ‘healthy-eating tax’ on all fast food outlets with annual sales ‘turnovers’ greater than $50,000 or whatever is the current threshold for VAT registration?

    There is no need to reinvent the tax collecting wheel. Why not piggyback on the existing VAT system while using the opportunity to fine-tune the entire VAT regime?

    That would not only help stem the bleeding of the Covid-impacted government coffers but also act as a sinking fund to help mitigate the growing costs of ‘treating’ those NCDs, the perniciously biggest bugbear to a healthy population of Barbados.

  44. Critical Analyzer Avatar

    @David February 15, 2021 10:13 AM

    Obviously the PM extended a courtesy to 40 Indians in Barbados holding Indian passports.

    This sounds like this was most likely our government fulfilling one of the conditions attached to India’s vaccine donation. Give their fellow Indian nationals vaccine priority in the first round.

    It is what makes most sense to me when I put on my thinking cap.

  45. I stop reading at the part about mask raising co2 levels

    Was reading mask for about a year
    3 blood tests in that time and all co2 levels normal

    Last blood was drawn in Friday logged in this morning and got the results

    With mask co2 = normal
    Ride planes, train and shuttles/ buses
    No Covid / flu / cold with in that period

  46. Lock down worked before and it will work again

    Back to ABC shopping

  47. GUINEA PIGS ? We will soon know if the vaccine works.

    ” It is understood that arrangements were made with Government for 40 people of the Indian community to receive vaccines in the fight against COVID-19, but triple that number turned up, creating problems at the clinic in Oistins, Christ Church.”

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