Finally the symbol of an oppressed colonial past was laid to rest. Nelson statue for years positioned at the top of Broad Street and lately in Heroes Square was removed by the Mia Mottley government on the International Day of Tolerance. History the blogmaster suspects will view this act- delayed though it was- kindly.

The Removal of the Statue of Lord Horatio Nelson [ Nov 16 2020 ]

338 responses to “Lord Nelson Put to Rest”

  1. Critical Analyzer Avatar
    Critical Analyzer

    Healing and freeing the mind, body and soul can only happen when you know where your next meal is coming come and you are not afraid to answer the knock of a stranger at the door because it might be a debt collector come knocking.

    We first have to get out of the economic depression before we can have the luxury of enlightened reflection.

    Try not eating anything for two straight days and only drink water and see what your mind starts doing.

  2. Put the statue of Nelson in a plexiglass box and place it near a dive site 30metres below the surface of the sea.

  3. (Quote):
    Time also to signal our intentions to the white shadows. This is the moment. The journey begins. (Unquote).

    The white shadows are fast disappearing like the evening light.

    We will be merely tilting at windmills.

    The economic cake is now controlled by other shadows especially from India and the M E; even if via Trinidad.

    There will never be real empowerment of the Bajan blacks until there is economic enfranchisement and control of the country’s resources, albeit very limited.

  4. @ Hal Austin,

    I did not but it. It was given to me by my late father.

  5. buy

  6. OK. I thought you were one of Elombe Mottley’s customers.

  7. PachamamaNovember 17, 2020 7:11 AM

    Trevor Marshall has been unremitting in his quest to have that racist Nelson removed’


    Trevor Marshall has taken his whole life to figure out that moving Nelson will upset black people more than it will white people!!

    My old cane cutter friend shaking his head trying to understand what Barbados did to get here!!

    He will be 76 in a couple of days.

    Funnily enough he loves Trump like the security guards and other workers I overheard since way back in 2016.

    He tells me he knew and appreciated Trump from Trump’s days in wrestling!!

    Somehow the peoples in power have disconnected from the workers they claim to represent and are becoming irrelevant.

  8. @Pacha

    Nothing of note. He trifling mouthings have been subsumed by the PM.

  9. Monumental stupidity from the 30 zeroes.

  10. It is unfortunate that we believe only one part of our history must be publically displayed. We pass Haggatt Hall and see the Bussa statue yet we must not pass anywhere and see the Nelson statue.

    As of today what has changed for the Barbadian public? Has moving Nelson suddenly found work for the 40,000 hotel workers? It’s a pity we spend so much time in sideshows and so little on our reality.

    Feel free to cuss me who don’t like it as it will be no more than water off a ducks back. Lol

  11. Well, the deed is done! Yippee! As a taxpayer, I am happy to have had a say in how my taxes were spent. Anybody who has another opinion can continue to waste time crying over spilt milk that has been lapped up by the cat who killed the rat. I will continue to support vendors on the street as I did yesterday even when I already had what they were asking me to buy. I will continue to support charities as I did yesterday.

    P.S. Some Bajans went to school with hungry bellies and survived. They had force of will. We continue to work to prevent that from happening but we cannot neglect all other matters.

  12. @John A

    The question can best be answered in time to come. Moving Nelson is not a monetary/economic transaction.

  13. The Sick One is attempting to get his Trump fix. Quite boring watching lame ducks with clipped wings.

  14. @ David

    Never said it was just asking what has changed for bajans as of today? We have major challenges for our people of today such as employment. Side shows like moving Nelson, same sex marriage and a republic will address none of them. It plays to a certain segment of the population of course but does little to assist in dealing with out dire state for our people, many of whom are without jobs waiting for the said British tourist and others to return.

    To an unemployed man or taxi driver do you believe that 6 months from now moving Nelson will matter to him?

  15. An ingenious and grand move by our Supreme Leader!

    This will calm down the unemployed masses (estimated 50 percent) for a week. They will forget that they do not even have enough bread and milk.

    The economic situation is now so dire that even the rich locals want to rent out their 1000 square meter villas to save money. So we need even more bread and circuses.

    Let us tear down all the windmills, burn down all the plantations, destroy all the buildings from before 1966 and let us give the natives back their African names. This will keep the masses busy for another six months, until the tourists return to us in the second half of 2021.

  16. @ Hants November 17, 2020 9:59 AM
    “Put the statue of Nelson in a plexiglass box and place it near a dive site 30metres below the surface of the sea.”

    That’ not a commercially bad idea!

    You mean as a curiosity piece for recreational scuba divers from overseas just like the sunken statue of “Jesus Christ of the Abyss”?

    In that case, the sunken Bajan Satan, would be paying in forex for the sins of his 19th Century Bajan fans.

    Even ‘proactive’ Grenada is ahead in the race to make money from sunken bronze statues.

  17. “To an unemployed man or taxi driver do you believe that 6 months from now moving Nelson will matter to him?”

    it’s more for the context of future generations of bajans who will say “Nelson Who?!”

  18. Trump who?!

  19. @John A

    We should be able to implement policies that reach all areas of society. We are a serviced based economy buffeting in a pandemic. There will be dislocation.

  20. @ Tron

    Let us go one step further and ban all flights from Europe and the UK too just to make sure that they are no 5th great great grand cousins of Nelson coming to our shores. We must then replace all BA flights and Virgin Flights with carriers like Ghanan airways and Air Africa only! Now also our ministers will no longer meet in an air conditioned parliament, but we will erect a shanti hut for them to meet under with benches only in Mandella Park. Meals will be catered by Rassbongo and feature only ground provisions. By doing this we will appease our fore fathers and the milk and honey will flow again regardless of our financial reality.

    I say all the above to ask the simple question which is ” AND THEN WHAT?”

  21. “Quite a double-jointed act”

    that’s what you get from liars, frauds and thieves and the colluding black faces who have no honor for or respect their ancestors and ancestry…

    “will never be real empowerment of the Bajan blacks until there is economic enfranchisement and control of the country’s resources, albeit very limited”

    we have to be thankful for small mercies, if Barbados had resources that were valuable outside of the people….they would still be disenfranchised robbed and sold out, so it’s a good thing they don’t….the black faces would not hesitate to tief as much as they can and give away the rest for their cut…..this way, whatever ancentral resources there are on the continent would be for future generations who decide to venture towards the east and expand their minds, skills and knowledge…… from sell out negros and tiefing minorities in the west, particularly in Barbados……20-30 years from now, they will see their way, most of the minority thieves, tiefing lawyers etc on the island will mostly be dead by then…

    .oh Africa has heard all about them, they are famous their names are known…they have been warned..

    there are still elements of slavery in Barbados, that’s for sure, from not paying police officers and nurses on time to lowlife tourism players treating staff as slaves on plantations …….to the recent realization when i spoke to two white bajan kids and they unknowingly exposed what the domestics who work in their homes have to endure….and they did this right in front of their grandparents who nearly had twin heart attacks and told the kids, don’t say that, we don’t talk about that……what can i see, when kids see me they trust me right away and start to talk.and am like, ok , so i know what’s going on in Barbados now with these low paid workers that work in ya filthy houses, ya treat them like slaves.. yes, we know ya no good black face leaders not only look the other way at the slavery like practices of minorities on the island…. but they practice modern day slavery themselves by not paying the people who elected them, on time…

  22. Yep it’s real, had some people cleaning for me, and the elderly lady would explain how the minority indians she worked for who had, some still do, stores in Bridgetown but would look at her, a grown woman with small growing children to feed and pay her $60 bds per week, that was many years ago, but still, the stink minded indian was so vicious, he would’nt buy a washing machine for domestics, she had to wash by hand, and they wanted her to spend all day working and go home late at night…..the day she told him she was leaving the job, the next week he bought a washing machine, he intended to treat her like a slave and work her to death, but good for her she told him to shove his slave job……..yes, it happens on slave society islands like Barbados and anywhere you still find slavery laws still blighting statute books, slave codes still in force and racism as a staple…because wicked governments refuse to remove them..

    Why do yall think the black faces will refuse to remove any of it…..because it puts them in a good light for racists and wannabe slave masters to pat their nappy heads, they too love their credits and adoration…which they would go to any lengths to get to benefit themselves at the expense of black people..

  23. People Get Ready

    It’s about 12:00 Time for some Civil Rights anthems

    (1) Impressions

    (2) Aretha Franklin

  24. Ah take it that Professor Shillary is in no way amused by any of this…..REALITY can be quite the bitch…….🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    “Not only did the Church of England own slaves but missionaries were brutal in reinforcing proprietorship and now that establishment says it wants to make amends. However, the University of the West Indies has retorted that mere words are not enough.

    So vast was the slave ownership of that mother church of the international Anglican communion mainly through its UK-based clergymen and missionaries that the compensation figure for the men of the cloth in the UK alone at the time of abolition in 1833 reportedly amounted to 46 million pounds sterling in today’s money.”

  25. I Believe

    I Do Believe

    (3) Aretha Franklin with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

    (4) The Blind Boys of Alabama

  26. (6) The Blind Boys of Alabama (Live on Morning Becomes Eclectic)

    (7) Al Green

  27. It’s never easy being forced to confront reality, i just hope that people are aware that IT CAN HAPPEN AGAIN./..with weak black minds that are always ready to ACCEPT ANYTHING…are still brainwashed and indoctrinated with utter shit. Keep believing the same animals who destroyed your ancestors and their minions, imps, pimps and sell out negros….and see where yall will end up again.

    hello, hello, hello Hilary….YA ARE STILL SEEN AS A SECOND CLASS CITIZENS, right in Barbados, slave title yoke or not,, yall are the ones to end that…..

    it’s really too enlightening not to read the whole thing.

    “In this part of the world there is the history of the church in the past acting in oppression. It is no use covering that up, pretending it did not happen, making excuses. It is true,” he had said at the Christ Church Parish Church.

    To date, CoE is, however, not known to have made any concrete restitution to descendants of those subjected to 200 years of slavery.

    Speaking from Barbados, Beckles zoomed in on CoE’s slave ownership on this island.

    “The Church of England was one of the largest slave owners in Barbados through ownership of the Codrington plantations and would brand their Africans like everyone [did]. . . with a hot iron that said… ‘C of E’.”

    “It is that history that led the Bishop of Exeter to receive the largest amount of reparations for slavery. More than anyone in England,” he added.

    According to the UK Guardian newspaper, “The church [CoE] received £8,823 8s 9d, about £500,000 in today’s money, for the loss of slave labour on its Codrington plantation in Barbados.

    “The contemporary Bishop of Exeter and his business associates received even more, nearly £13,000.”

    Beckles said that following the abolition of slavery the Anglican parish churches in Barbados and across the Caribbean then

    confined the freed Africans to the back pews during service. “We had 100 years after slavery of sitting in the back of the Anglican churches of the Church of England where we were deemed to be second-class citizens.””

  28. Curtis Mayfield

    The Movement

  29. “Meals will be catered by Rassbongo and feature only ground provisions.”

    John A seems to have similar style of sarcasm and bitter nuance penmanship that Jack Bowman possessed in abundance, who was allegedly John Knox when frustrated working out the stress in his mind body and spirit.

    Just saying, but I don’t really care about other anonymous bloggers conception and perception.

    Not sure who Rass Bongo is, but Robert Nesta Marley is the dread lion like iron in zion, who’s spirit lives on.

    One Love / People Get Ready

  30. Long overdue but at least the deed has been done. Let the white supremacists gnash their teeth in frustration. Good riddance to them and their Nelson.

    For the record, those governments putting countries on money laundering lists are the most corrupt money launderers in the world. Let’s not support international oppression because we don’t like Mia Mottley or her BLP government.

  31. .. Sorry I forgot to post 5

    (5) · Al Green · Heather Headley

  32. @ Tee White

    I am not sure I have got you right. Are you saying is that although our regulatory system may be poor, so are the ones in the OECD member states and the EU?
    Oar are you saying our regulatory system is highly competent and there is no moneylaundering and they are picking on little Barbados? Or that they too have moneylaundering so what is a little organised crime?
    Or that we are a little island and we should be given a pass? I understand the organised attacks on the EU and OECD, but it is not clear what we are saying.

  33. @Ha
    What are you asking 🙂
    Your selection today is quite refreshing.

  34. @ 555

    I end with the same question I started with which is AND WHAT THEN?

    When all the distractions have exhausted themselves we will still be waiting to discuss how we plan to run a country on 25% less revenue than budgeted.

  35. @Hants

    I had two Shirt Jacs, I am tempted to say I bought them direct from Juman’s Garment factory and would wear them to work on “casual” Fridays.

  36. And then we begin the process of freeing our minds. No magicical carpet ride. A long journey on foot.

  37. A seed has been planted.

  38. Carson C Cadogan Avatar

    Tron November 17, 10.46 am

    I know that you are being facetious, because you would never say anything good for the 97% of the Population. But this time you are are nearly correct, except for the last part.

    If I bought a Plantation , I first have to burn it down and sanitize the spot before I use it for better purposes So much wrong went on in Plantations against the people who form 97% of the Barbados population by your ancestors..

  39. Nelson..

    Yes, obviously Mia shares that sentiment.

    Watery grave for sailors.

    Carlisle-Bay mouth is open and ready…

    Hooray 🤣🇧🇧

  40. Carson C Cadogan Avatar

    I must say that this is one time I agree with MIA AMOR MOTTLEY.

    I was saying for years that statue should be taken down and throw into the Ocean. Not relocated.

    I give MIA AMOR MOTTLEY credit for moving, but I don’t like where the Barbados Labour Party Govt. took it , it should be at the bottom of the Ocean.

  41. Carson C Cadogan Avatar


    Just look at VERLA DEPESA of the DLP. She is being threatened with being lock up by MALONEY as highlighted by HANTS. The head of the DLP. MIA AMOR MOTTLEY stated that PRECONCCO(MALONEY) was allegedly given $1billion in contracts by the DLP. But that don’t matter now, we will use the Black Idiots and then when we finish with them we will discard them like so much rubbish.
    That is how the 3% of the Barbados think. Which BLACK BARBADIAN received $1billion in contracts from the last Govt.???????

    The problem with some Black people is they don’t know their friends and go and much up to the wrong people.

  42. @ Sargeant,

    I wore my Shirt-jac in a photo shoot to advertise Shirt-jacs.

  43. @Hants

    There was the Elite brand. Do you recall?

  44. Donna may be spot on her idea of planting a sedd on nelson’s demise, Her raving about her first cucumber may give an alternative thought rather than a lot of you staring into the ocean with your thumb up your ass.

  45. @ David,
    Mapps Garment Factory.

  46. @ David, the Barbados garment industry was robust in the 60s and 70s.

    There was competition from imports but some of the local factories were successful.

  47. Thanks Hants

  48. Carson C Cadogan Avatar


  49. @ Hants

    People still wear clothes, even on the beaches..

  50. “When all the distractions have exhausted themselves we will still be waiting to discuss how we plan to run a country on 25% less revenue than budgeted.”

    the simple answer to your connundrum is more tax gate pressure

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