The eagerly awaited second session of parliament is set to restart today from about 10AM- see Order Paper. The decision to prorogue parliament from the 8 August 2020 caught political pundits by surprise and has been the source of robust debate.

The Government has determined that it is necessary that we take fresh guard. The Parliament of Barbados will be prorogued on the 8th of August, 2020, with us resuming in a new session on the 15th of September with a new Throne Speech and with a new direction as to where we must go in order to meet these extraordinarily different circumstances from the original Throne Speech of two years ago

Prime Minister Mia Mottley

Even before the pandemic struck the global economy, Barbados had been struggling with a non performing economy. The Mottley government took an immediate decision to enter an IMF program (BERT) on winning the governbment in 2018 that included a restructure of domestic and foreign debt with the contracted services of White Oak. The big concern was carrying the risk of low foreign reserves with a junk status credit rating and a high debt to GDP load- reported in 2018 as the third highest in the world.

If was not difficult for the Barbados government to manage an economy in free fall and at the same time whip confidence in a proud people who were suffering from economic fatigue, along came COVID 19. The prime minister in her wisdom- time will tell- decided to leverage the parliamentary tools at her command “to take fresh guard”.

It would be remiss of the blogmaster if the minority view offered by the contentious Pachamama in this forum was not added to this commentary.

We have been telling this PM, here on BU and through back-channels, that this ‘reset’, so-called, is highly misconceived.

Our suggestion is that an election should be called to ‘reset’ the political-economy. Not the farcical and ritualistic contrivances as planned for sometime this week.

Her sequestration, seclusion, on the gold coast should have been unnecessary as neither she nor those beating a trail to meet with her has anything of material importance to tell her beyond pomp and pageantry.


We are living in an unprecedented time. We are attempting to navigate uncharted waters. The challenges confronting Barbados is not a binary problem to solve. Those who enter the debate by injecting absolutes should be viewed with suspicion.

The blogmaster urges the Prime Minster and other leaders in civil society to ignore the power of this moment at our peril. This and future generations will be affected by decisions taken today.

And in the visitation of the winds,

Who take the ruffian billows by the top,

Curling their monstrous heads and hanging them

With deafening clamour in the slippery clouds,

That, with the hurly, death itself awakes?

Canst thou, O partial sleep, give thy repose

To the wet sea-boy in an hour so rude,

And in the calmest and most stillest night,

With all appliances and means to boot,

Deny it to a king? Then happy low, lie down!

Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.

Shakespeare’s Henry IV. Part II, 1597

– See Parliament TV

407 responses to “Government Using Throne Speech to Signal Fresh Guard”

  1. Tron. You been listening? de Pacha & CB gang planing a lynching. I bringing yuh horse round de back. Let we go before we end up @ durants…

  2. Those who criticize the queen´s speech have misunderstood its meaning. Of course, the speech is not addressed to our foreign investors, i.e. the true masters of Barbados, but to the common Barbadian people (eg those on BU), who think in nationalistic-insulan terms and have no sense for financial matters. Therefore the content of the speech is actually irrelevant. Nothing more than a theater play for small children.

    What is important is action. Here I see good progress with BOSS, the streamlining of the private sector and wage cuts. Our government must under no circumstances lose its nerve now. New elections are poison for our economy, because they scare off investors. We already have a racist atmosphere against foreign investors, fuelled by Presscott, the unions and the rest of the opposition, driven by low work ethic, arrogance and blindness. How sad.

    What we need now are technocrats who will make the necessary social cuts, curtail workers’ rights, weaken unions, lower taxes for the top-performers and eliminate regulations. We need technocrats who will make a population exchange: 80,000 emigrants from the civil service and unemployed to Guyana and Costa Rica and in their place 80,000 wealthy foreign top performers who will bring foreign currency into the country permanently.

    No sacrifice is great enough to save the nation.

  3. @ss
    You are usually well versed in social topics. The Cdn GG is no ‘darling’. Recent revelations of staff treatment come as little surprise, recall she an assault charge “expunged”. She would fit as a CSIS honcho much better than GG.
    Several same-sex unions today raise children. Former Minister Bryson left politics to “spend more time with his daughters”, his partner is male. Woodbine jockey EJ Wilson’s lesbian wife recently gave birth.

  4. The devil is in the detail………….to follow.
    Still unsure why Parliament was prorogued. Seems much of the content, most of which I cannot find fault with, do not comprise a ‘re-set’.

  5. @Pacha
    In your predictive role, I am 95% sure you will get your election B4 a second default. Not two in one term. Maybe successive terms.


    Bishop Atherley says several portions of the actual speech were a repetition of the Barbados Labour Party’s manifesto and a number of mission critical issues that were to be solved within six months of the Government coming to office

  7. My thoughts are as follows:

    The Republic – this is more an exorcism of the plantation legacy than anything else. Is it necessary? I think yes. In many ways, as so many writers on this blog have said, Barbados still has semblance of the plantation culture. One example, Tron’s rant about foreign bajans taking money out each year. That is an old plantation mentality, wherein the slave has to get massa or the overseer permission for taking anything off the plantation, even his or her own possessions. Stupse. Then, the idea that workers should not have recourse to unions. The country has regressed in this respect and a large part comes from the inept union leadership, largely because the union bosses did not create succession planning, as much else on the island, the elders kept things for themselves, kicked the ladder out.

    The lack of a mature and effective land use policy, including government owned properties derelict, wherein a citizen cannot buy or lease land for agriculture allotments, is another sign that the old cultures have not moved forward.

    There was no mention of such a policy in the Throne Speech, but there should have been, if it was to look forward. As others said, it was bereft of ideas that really change the economic structure.

    In short, the move to a Republic is necessary from a psychological viewpoint, but, if not managed properly could be economically disastrous, because of political reasons.

    Social policies – as others have said, the same sex union policies are warranted to maintain cohesion with internationally accepted policies. Long called for anyway, hopefully to remove the stigma of sexual identification. This is another sign of the plantation and colonial era, a Victorian, behind closed doors but not in the open and bullying mentality. Yes, the Jamaican one is even worse, them don’t like battyman. But Barbados should not put its standards at the lowest common denominator. I actually agree with those above, John A (even if in jest), Donna, who suggested that legalisation of sexual services should be addressed. Properly regulated is better than trafficking and would provide protection for the providers of these services. The stigma of sexual services is so backward, again, Victorian. That false Christian approach, while children starve worldwide and they murder people with bombs. I mean, WTH? Warped thinking.

    Marijuana – of course small amounts should be legalised. Total waste of police time and money. Follow Canada on this one, to be in line with international standards. Allow people to grow at home for self use. Again, plantation control of everything someone does. Get over it already. That goes double for Rastafarian use for religious purposes. Should be totally allowed. Stop trying to control people.

    Economic – the Barbados economy is going through a brutal time, like any other. What you need to ask yourself, is why, in the years 1999-2007, when the world was flying high economically, Barbados did not put more aside to weather future storms and also put more into infrastructure, such as water resources. These subject WERE mentioned all back when these blogs started, go back and look. The next thing to ask is, what the heck did the idiots in 2008-2017 do? Waste, nothing, no development, NIS monies pelted away.

    Those two terms caused the economic ruination of the country. Now some of you think that MIA can correct all of that crap in three years. Is she superhuman? Stupse.

    The answer is not abolishing unions nor workers rights as Tron (maybe sarcastically) is asking for. It is actually improving those, improving tax collection, improving industrial relations, NOT throwing everything out of the window.

    Becoming a MORE DISCIPLINED SOCIETY is critical to the future of the country.

    Summary – on hindsight the throne speech was necessary, if only due to the announcement of a defined timeline on the republic. However, it clearly was an attempt to manage expectations. There is a lot more that I would have done and said, but, then, I am a only a Brumley boy. What do I know? Especially not compared to the experts wunna got.

  8. Everyone needs to pay more attention to the fact that the GG/Mia government is hellbent on violating the human rights of the majority Black population more than it is about EMPOWERING black people, focusing instead on dismantling such classless, go nowhere governments is more important than regurgitating the pomp and bullshit that lacked any substance, how to get rid of these parasites should be everyone’s goal right now. Mia is no longer to feel comfortable promoting, elevating and enriching minorities at the expense of the people who elected her to benefit herself and her fellow crooks. Weaponizing crypto-racism to enrich everyone else but the people who fund the island must be EXPOSED far and wide and at every level until she gets the message….right up until she can be brought up on some kinda charges somewhere for her vile practice….it can happen…the only power she and the others in the parliament have is what has been given to them BY THE PEOPLE and it can be TAKEN AWAY by the people.

  9. “The stigma of sexual services is so backward, again, Victorian.”

    that’s all you will ever get from any government in the parliament, they are colonial creatures and agents, that is all they know, don’t care how many times they unshackle from UK, they were socially engineered to be colonial creatures and it will take another 75-100 years to wash away that damaged psyche.

    “Allow people to grow at home for self use. Again, plantation control of everything someone does.”

    that is what we have been advocating for since they rushed into the parliament to continue their colonial degradation of the people, but when the wicked nig*a mind is intent on bullying controlling disenfranchising and criminalizing their own, keeping them firmly at the very bottom of the economic ladder, this is the end result. Not one country or island neglected to make provisions for at least 4 or 6 plants per year for the citizens to be able to have their own medicine which commonsense dictates will eliminate the heavy burden on the healthcare system, no one except the self-hating, racist Mia government..

  10. I am confused. Barbados has announced its intention to become a Republic. However, several weeks ago our esteemed Prime minister argued that we would need to have a public date to decide the future of Lord Nelson’s statue.

    The acceptance of gay unions is a nod to external pressures and Barbados desire to engage the pink economy. I just read an article by Forbes which stated that Barbados was one of the most dangerous countries in the world for gays. They conviently forgot to add that African Americans are probably the most endangered species in the world.

    I would advise Mia to take a look at the eroding beaches to the west of the island and the retreat of the coastline on the east coast. Factor in rising sea levels and the flooding it will bring to an island that is relatively flat.

    Tron and Mia are in favour of accepting wealthy non-black migrants to Barbados. They forgot to add that any such development will predominantly take place on coastal lands which will further compromise our environment.

  11. “I am confused. Barbados has announced its intention to become a Republic. However, several weeks ago our esteemed Prime minister argued that we would need to have a public date to decide the future of Lord Nelson’s statue.”

    Mia is a clear and present danger to African people, especially in Barbados, look what she helped cause in Guyana with her deceitfulness and hypocrisy, despite knowing the psychology of what was simmering just below the surface between African descended people and Indian descent people in the country for decades, she and Gonsalves did it anyway with their evil ass selves…..something has to be done about her and her no-good government.

  12. @Crusoe

    A constructive comment. There is no blueprint for Mottley to follow. She decided to use the Throne Speech from the toolbox. Bear in mind there will always be a political element to decisions taken at the mid term stage. What if some of the initiatives were presented? The blogmaster is of the view of all the prime ministers to have preceded her, Mottley has been dealt the worst hand.

    Let us get on with it.

  13. The government has communicated to Barbadians the statue will be relocated. It subsequently updated that because of the Rock Hall free village project, it had to push back on the date. Clearly in light of the push to a republic the removal of Nelson statue is a fait accompli.

  14. Piece the Prophet Avatar

    I, Piece the Prophet, spoke of these things and now, as they are transpiring, the sheeple are cowering and gnashing their teeth.

    Mugabe Mottley was always seeking to be a Pol Pot!

    A Dictator!

    For Barbadians to understand this threat, her 30 to nothing victory was critical.

    For during her underperformed 2 year rule, Barbadians have seen that she is just a big tub of lard and hot air bent on marrieding some body daughter.

    And these things are good because they will wake up a sleep electorate

    Ask yourselves these questions.

    Why has Mugabe changed the Constitution 3 times?

    For Rawdon when she mek he a non bajan a Senator and Kay?

    Why Mugabe brek de laws and refuse to honour the Government Bonds to citizens (and no one has carried her to court)?

    Why Mugabe broke the public Services Commission regulations and appointed 2 Ddputy commissioners?

    What is the pattern this Dictator is showing to all citizens?

    Thst even in the absence of any opposition she frightened and is fleeing an imaginary enemy.

    Proverbs 28. 1

    “The wicked flee when no man pursueth”

    And Mugabe is very wicked so she running all these tricks pun the citizens of Barbados

    And there are several more to come UNTIL BARBADIANS STAND UP and say Enough!

    But until then we will groan in silence like the sheep we are

  15. Those two terms caused the economic ruination of the country. Now some of you think that MIA can correct all of that crap in three years. Is she superhuman? Stupse.







  16. Piece the Prophet Avatar

    Your assistance please Honourable Blogmaster

    You said and de one man quotes

    “…If was not difficult for the Barbados government to manage an economy in free fall and at the same time whip confidence in a proud people who were suffering from economic fatigue…”

    Where you went school?

    What does “whip confidence” mean?

    You realise how serious that Freudian slip is?

    You are so right cause Mugabe the Dictator, has been using her Whip

    And soon, very soon, it will be her guns but I, Piece the Prophet, is leaving that for the sheeple to experience themselves

    Vote Mugabe Out if you want to save Barbados

  17. Dame Sandra outlines way forward


    barryalleyne@nationnews. com

    GOVERNMENT WILL SOON be implementing a special one-year COVID-19 Relief Programme valued at $40 million to get people back to work, improve the lives of every citizen and reboot the economy.

    Add a $300 million stimulus package known as the Barbados Employment and Sustainable Transformation programme (BEST) which will be provided to a tourism industry decimated by the COVID-19 pandemic since March.

    These were some of the initiatives revealed by Governor General Dame Sandra Mason yesterday in her two-hour, ten-minute Throne Speech, the second in the past 27 months, held at the Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Conference Centre, which became the temporary home of Parliament due to the unavailability of the historic Parliament Buildings in Bridgetown.

    Dame Sandra said Government’s Adopt-a-Family Programme and other projects had helped, but it was time to go further, and with hotel bookings for October and November looking promising, help for the country’s most important sector would be a timely one.

    “The COVID Relief Programme will be designed to ensure that people in the country have work to which they can go. While the private sector fights to restore a level of economic activity and provide jobs, Government will play its part to ensure that the largest number of people possible is able to support their families.

    “These jobs will be provided by contracting persons for 12 months, to carry out a range of activities across Barbados that are required to improve the quality of our life, our environment and our infrastructure,” the Governor General added in the nationally televised address.

    In reaction to the speech, political scientist Dr George Belle said Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley would have likely silenced the naysayers regarding the necessity of a mid-term Throne Speech, noting that many Barbadians would likely glean confidence by Government’s decision to take fresh guard within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Chairman of the Barbados Private Sector Association, Edward Clarke, told the NATION there were no real surprises in the speech, but was hopeful that the new $40 million COVID-19 Relief Programme “will certainly be a stimulus”. His concern was having timelines to ensure a quick and efficient implementation of the initiatives.

    Regarding BEST, Dame Sandra said it would be the largest fiscal stimulus package being offered to the country.

    “It is intended to protect jobs, support the balance sheets of our companies in the tourism sector and those of direct tourism services, and ultimately, ensure that our physical infrastructure remains fit for when some level of normalcy returns. Barbados must be fully prepared for that moment,” she said. The plan involves Government making an investment in tourism businesses to enable them to re-engage all of their workers on 80 per cent of their normal salary for up to two years should the need arise.

    Workers entering the scheme will not lose their existing rights to severance pay if they are laid off again at any point within the next 12 months.

    Housing programme

    The resources will only be available if tourism numbers and revenues remain below the levels required for the survival of the sector.

    The Governor General also revealed Government would soon be rolling out a housing programme titled Home Ownership Providing Energy (HOPE), which will see construction of 1 000 affordable homes.

    Lands of Todds Plantation near Four Roads, St John,and other lands near Chancery

    Lane, Christ Church, have been identified as the location for the first 200 homes.

    They will be first offered to police, nurses, teachers, and other civil servants earning $4 000 a month andunder. The total cost of HOPE is over $250 million with the Government putting in $40 million. All homes will be energy-efficient and solar-powered.

    Purchasers will have the land worth $20 or more per square foot, at no more than $12 per square foot.

    In a controversial move, Government announced it was prepared to recognise a form of civil unions for couples of the same gender to ensure they would not be discriminated against, but only a referendum would determine if same-sex marriages would become legal in Barbados.

    However, Opposition Leader Bishop Joseph Atherley wants the Prime Minister to give the details on how exactly Government plans to recognise these civil unions, adding it did not mean the same thing everywhere. He said he wanted to be sure this was not the opening for same-sex marriages.

    Political scientist Peter Wickham, who is in a same-sex marriage, was not pleased about the move.

    “What she seems to be doing is telling the LGBTQ community is that they can have this type of union, but you stop short of having what we identify as a marriage in the more legal literal sense,” he said.

    Dame Sandra also said a new policy would see people no longer being arrested for using small amounts of cannabis, and instead a ticketing system would be introduced.

    Democratic Labour Party president Verla De Peiza saw the measures as nothing new, adding the Throne Speech was “replete with tired clichés from the last campaign trail”.

    Source: Nation


    OTHER HIGHLIGHTS of Governor General Dame Sandra Mason’s

    Throne Speech:

    There will be more National Heroes.

    New deal for vendors, including access to funding, refurbished public markets.

    Big boost in Black Belly lamb production for local consumption, and development of a Black Belly leather industry to reduce imports.

    Increase in food crop production, including a 100-acre pineapple farm, and growing more plantains and bananas to reduce imports of bananas by almost

    50 per cent.

    Major roadworks programme particularly in some eastern parishes.

    Increased monitoring and surveillance of retail shops and supermarkets to address any problem with price gouging during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Financial Services Tribunal coming for ordinary citizens to resolve disputes with financial institutions.

    Financial Literacy Bureau to be set up to help Barbadians to be more financially literate, and a Junior Stock Exchange to encourage and promote investment in businesses, and give micro and small businesses an alternative source of financing through equity financing.

    New Immigration Bill to provide attractive options for descendants of Barbadians to obtain citizenship, and also target other skill sets. Goal is to plug the

    80 000 population shortfall.

    Shoreline enhancements for Oistins, Christ Church; Mullins and Sand Street, St Peter, and Clinketts, St Lucy.

    Vaucluse, St Thomas, will become the location for a $360 million, 30-megawatt Green Energy Park.

    Praedial Larceny Act of 2017 to be repealed to include use of drone technology for surveillance, and police to set up a unit to deal with praedial larceny.

    Former Cabinet Minister, St James North MP Edmund Hinkson, will chair a Commission For Improving the Lives of People With Disabilities.

    A Commission on the Reform of Parliament to be set up under the chairmanship of former President of the Senate Sir Richard Cheltenham.

    Source: Nation

  19. Atherley seeking same-sex answers
    OPPOSITION LEADER Bishop Joseph Atherley is calling on Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley to urgently provide details on how her administration intends to go about recognising civil unions for couples of the same gender, as outlined in the Throne Speech yesterday.
    He told the MIDWEEK NATION the term “civil union” did not mean the same thing everywhere and he needed to be sure this was not going to be a gateway to same-sex marriages. He also needed clarity on whether Government intended to hold a referendum on the same-sex civil unions or samesex marriages.
    “I got the impression we would be having a referendum on civil unions but we are definitely not going down the path of same-sex marriage. Government needs to be very clear on that matter. We would need to know specifically what you are talking about when you talk about civil unions because it does not mean the same thing everywhere. We would also need to see what the legislation looks like because often the devil can be in the details,” the Opposition Leader said.
    During the two-hour speech, Governor General Dame Sandra Mason said Government was moving in this direction because Barbados had increasingly found itself on international lists for having a “poor human rights record”, and could not afford to be blacklisted when it relied so heavily on external funding and investment.
    However, Atherley contended that Barbadian values ought to also be factored in when Government was considering this new legislation. He made it clear he was not accusing the Mottley administration of any sleight of hand tricks.
    Meanwhile, the move to recognise a form of civil union for same-gender couples is not sitting too well with some church leaders.
    Apostle Dr Lucille Baird, of Mount Zion’s Missions, said she was disheartened.
    “In all fairness to her (Dame Sandra Mason), Government and myself, I would like to read in essence the Throne Speech and write a statement responding to it at a later date,” she said.
    Very disheartened
    “But I am very disheartened and disquieted in my spirit and that is as much as I am going to say.”
    An Anglican Church priest, who requested anonymity, said: “There is something called a conscientious objector where one does not have to marry [same-gender couples] if it’s not within their conscience. So any magistrate or any priest who does not engage in those marriages, they can state their claim to be a conscientious objector.”
    Pastor Glenworth Joseph of the Seventh-Day Adventist denomination, who spoke as founder of the LA Doh Re Music Ministry, said he knew this development was coming.
    “Based on Scripture, this will happen and must happen so the Scripture could be fulfilled,” he said yesterday. “The Government is not a church and the state cannot operate like the church. The church will preach that marriage between two men or two women is not ordained by God, but the state can permit it.”
    Joseph said church leaders still had the right to decline solemnising same-gender unions. (CLM/SB)

    Source: Nation

  20. Wickham sees civil union move as a token step

    GOVERNMENT’S INTENT to recognise civil unions for couples of the same gender, while stating that same-sex marriages are not on the cards unless sanctioned through a referendum, is being regarded by political scientist Peter Wickham as token acknowledgement of the rights of the LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) community.
    He told the MIDWEEK NATION
    that Government was essentially saying marriage was in a class by itself and members of the LGBTQ community were not allowed to be part of it.
    “The Prime Minister [Mia Amor Mottley] indicated that she is willing to go in the direction of same-sex unions. Barbados has legislation that refers to unions other than marriage, which is essentially a way of the state recognising nonreligious unions. What she seems to be doing is telling the LGBTQ community is that they can have this type of union, but you stop short of having what we identify as a marriage in the more legal literal sense,” said Wickham.
    Drawing from his experience where had to go abroad in order to tie the knot with his samesex partner in January, Wickham contended this was sending a message that Barbadian couples of different sexual orientations did not have the same rights as heterosexual partners.
    Different views
    “I am in a same-sex marriage, so my views on that are very different from the average man on the street. The idea of marriage between persons of the same sex cannot be based on giving them less entitlement than the rights afforded to a man and a woman.
    “If you deny samesex couples marriage but offer them a union of another type which is similar to that which is in the Family Law Act, it sends a signal to me that marriage is in a class by itself and it belongs to persons who are differently oriented,” he said.
    The regional pollster added: “This is something I have a problem with because I believe that my entitlements as a Barbadian are no different than of a straight Barbadian, but at the same time this is a conversation that would have to happen at another time. We have
    to be clear that what she has said is that we are going in the direction of recognising samesex unions. However, they would stop short of offering the community marriage.”
    During the Throne Speech by Governor General Dame Sandra Mason yesterday, it was announced that Government was moving in this direction because the island had increasingly found itself on international lists for having a “poor human rights record”. She added the country could not afford to be blacklisted when it relied so heavily on external funding and investment.
    However, Wickham said he did not buy this argument as Barbados had only received international pressure as it related to its buggery laws.

    Source: Nation

  21. DLP wonders how promises will be kept
    YESTERDAY’S MID-TERM Throne Speech was nothing more than “warmed-over soup”, says president of the Democratic Labour Party, Verla De Peiza, as she called it a waste of time.
    “The Throne Speech of September 2020 was unprecedented in several ways: Barbados has never had a mid-term Throne Speech, and never in the annals of Commonwealth history has there ever been such a politically charged Throne Speech . . . replete with tired clichés from the last campaign trail.”
    De Peiza said there were no new initiatives to justify the proroguing of Parliament and a fresh Throne Speech.
    “We heard again about the unified family court; digitisation and ease of doing business; the blue and green economies; the marijuana industry. The Democratic Labour Party reads with interest of the stimulus packages, most of which also were announced previously, but without any information at all as to how it will be afforded, in a climate of drastically reduced revenues. Given the difficulty in implementing and disbursing previous packages, the country awaits delivery of these new alleviation promises,” she said.
    She also knocked Mottley for reducing the size of her Cabinet in July, only to now find new posts for former Minister of the Environment Trevor Prescod and former Minister of Home Affairs Edmund Hinkson.
    However, the DLP president said she was on board with the idea of Barbados becoming a republic by
    next year, but added a good first step to shedding the country’s colonial ties would be the removal of Lord Nelson’s statue from Heroes Square. She also endorsed the plans to decriminalise small amounts of marijuana.
    De Peiza added: “We welcome the promise to revive the water augmentation and mains replacement projects, as well as the pit eradication project, DLP initiatives that should never have been abandoned. The plan for solar-powered homes is intriguing and the decriminalisation of mere possession of marijuana is long overdue.” (CLM)

    Source: Nation

  22. Private sector upbeat, but wants timelines

    GOVERNMENT’S BLUEPRINT for the economy and society to rebound from the COVID-19 pandemic over the next two years has been welcomed by the private sector.
    But business leaders want assurances that the programmes announced in yesterday’s Throne Speech by Governor General Dame Sandra Mason have timelines to ensure their quick and efficient implementation.
    That was the reaction yesterday from Barbados Private Sector Association chairman Edward Clarke and Barbados Chamber of Commerce & Industry president Trisha Tannis, who spoke to the MIDWEEK NATION separately.
    No surprises
    Clarke said there were no real surprises in the Speech and he was hopeful that the new $40 million COVID-19 Relief Programme “will certainly be a stimulus”.
    “The $300 million for the hotels and tourism sector and the protection of jobs through the BEST (Barbados Employment and Sustainable Transformation) programme, obviously we heard about that coming, so we are hoping this will take off and be taken up by those in the sector to really have a positive impact on employment, to upskill workers and to improve the job skills of the general workforce in Barbados,” he said.
    While noting that there was not much detail on Government’s planned infrastructure projects, Clarke said the $1.4 billion in investments that were expected to create thousands of jobs during the construction and operational phases were positive, though not new.
    Other highlights for him were the planned new digital bank, the 30 per cent of local ownership in the renewable energy sector, and the new junior stock exchange that would be applicable to micro and small businesses.
    Tannis said the Throne Speech was “a very needed call to action” since the COVID-19 pandemic “has created such an air of uncertainty and such a revolution really of how the globe is going to operate”.
    The business executive was not surprised by the efforts to recapitalise the operations of tourism companies and increase training for workers in the sector.
    “That in and of itself should put people back to work very quickly and help to stimulate some much-needed economic activity,” she said.
    “One caveat obviously there is that we have persons who have been on layoff . . . going on 22 weeks now and we would appreciate that when they do return to work that there is going to be significant debt to be repaid and so on that would have built up over the last 22 weeks.”
    Tannis was also encouraged by the business development initiatives announced, including those intended to re-energise small businesses and productive sectors like agriculture and manufacturing.
    “What was particularly heartening was the emphasis on the ease of doing business, re-engineering and digitising, the particular focus on [the Corporation Affairs and Intellectual Property Office] and all of the other public sector processes that they are looking at as well. So, in a nutshell, we are very encouraged,” she added.
    However, she and Clarke stressed the need to avoid delays in programme implementation.
    “One of the concerns that we have in Barbados obviously is that things take very, very long to get implemented, and we have seen, even from some of the previous plans and programmes since the March statement by the Prime Minister, some of them haven’t been implemented for one reason or the other,” Clarke said.
    “So we have to see these things pushed through, and I am hoping that Government will put key people in areas that they want to focus on and get these new programmes and strategies implemented at the earliest possible time.”
    Tannis said she would have liked to see some timelines being outlined in terms of “when we were going to achieve these things”.
    “Of course, the details now have to be fleshed out, but normally when we have these pronouncements, there is a little bit of a lag between what is intended and what actually happens on the ground.
    “So we would be interested to see and to hear more of the details,” she said.

    Source: Nation

  23. Belle: Speech reassured Bajans

    POLITICAL SCIENTIST Dr George Belle says Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley would have likely silenced the naysayers regarding the necessity of a midterm Throne Speech, noting that many Barbadians would likely glean confidence by Government’s decision to take fresh guard within the context of COVID-19 pandemic.
    He argued that based on the comprehensive plan of action, which was a combination of adjustments because of the hand dealt by the pandemic, as well as a commitment to follow through on previously stated objectives, Barbadians were reassured that their elected officials had the matter well in hand.
    At the same time, he warned that the Throne Speech would have also provided some major talking points for detractors, who were likely to use them to stir up controversy, noting that the push for same-sex unions and the decriminalisation of small quantities of marijuana were at the top of the list.
    Heavy undertaking
    “The extent [to] which the COVID-19 crisis has hit the society, it is understandable why the Prime Minister took the opportunity to restate things within the context of the crisis. I think she would have addressed most of what Barbadians wanted to hear,” Belle told the MIDWEEK NATION shortly after Governor General Dame Sandra Mason delivered the more than two-hour speech yesterday.
    However, he argued that the task outlined in the Throne Speech was a heavy undertaking and it would be fair to ask the Mottley administration to explain just how it intended to get all of it done.
    “The overall feeling that one got from the presentation was that it was extremely comprehensive and extensive . . . . The Speech also provided hope and inspiration for the future, but the question would be whether we have the manpower and the operational capacity to implement what was proposed,” he said.
    The political scientist pointed out that Government stating it “is prepared to recognise a form of civil unions for couples of the same gender”, was sure to generate some backlash from religious circles and other conservative members of society. As indicated in the Throne Speech, Belle argued that the country had no choice but to go this route as it needed to shed such international pressure, as inclusivity needed to be part of the economic recovery effort.
    Remove obstacles
    “To remove that pressure is to remove obstacles that may be standing in the way of Barbados’ economic recovery. You do not want this issue to result in problems regarding persons who would want to come to Barbados, and we shouldn’t let something like this stand in our way. I am sure that there would be people, on religious and other various grounds, that would use this as something to be contentious on,” said Belle.
    He added that Government’s plan to decriminalise half-ounce or less of marijuana was also likely to draw some criticisms.
    “The marijuana issue is being brought to bear on us because of outside developments. There is a global admission now that one may as well go in that direction and I think we are simply falling in line with that.
    “Again, this may produce some controversy because there may be those who think that this would likely get out of control. So the regime would have to convince people that you can put measures and resources in place to monitor and control it in a manner so as not to have negative impact on the community,” he said.
    On the idea of Barbados becoming a republic by next year’s Independence anniversary, Belle said most people were likely to be on board.
    “The issue of being a Republic has been around for a long time and successive administrations would have given the impression that they were in favour of it but never implemented it. In my view this is something that should have been implemented a long time ago.
    “I think you will get some backlash from a few people who do not understand there are many countries that are republics and that status has not disturbed the way they have functioned over the years. There would also be those who simply do not want any change from the status quo.”

    Source: Nation

  24. Today’s Nation Editorial

    Bold plans for economy

    EVERYTHING IN GOVERNOR GENERAL Dame Sandra Mason’s Throne Speech, read yesterday on behalf of the Government, focused on two complementary messages and a third but discordant one certain to get tongues wagging for many months.
    The first was the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the upheaval it has caused, and will continue to cause, on the country for an extended period; and the second, that the economy remains the top item, now as before, of the Mia Amor Mottley administration.
    The proposal to entrench the human rights of same-sex people by adopting legislation to allow them to have civil unions will engage national attention. We expect heated support for and against this move. This discussion may very well initially drown out much of the other measures outlined yesterday.
    On the other hand, plans to decriminalise the possession of small amounts of marijuana in a society where its use is already widespread will certainly win plaudits.
    The coronavirus pandemic has exposed weaknesses within the society, which is perhaps why great emphasis has been placed on helping both vulnerable individuals and struggling corporate entities financially to prevent a significant number from falling through the cracks.
    COVID-19 has certainly upended the Government’s fiscal measures, including the ambitious targets under its Barbados Economic Recovery and Transformation (BERT) programme.
    The relaxation of certain projections under BERT signifies the administration has listened to the comments of economists and social commentators who warned that it made no sense meeting financial objectives while people are suffering.
    The speech recapped much of what the administration had previously outlined over the past 28 months and continues to emphasise. It did outline some bold plans for rebuilding a more suitable, clean and equitable economy.
    The emphasis is placed on agriculture, greening, digitisation, enhancing health and wellness, and restructuring the tourism sector to boost both job retention and job creation. The challenge will be whether the private sector wants to do the kind of
    lifting the Government is requesting.
    What was surprising was the absence of any reference to the redevelopment of Speightstown through major private sector capital projects given the continued focus on the Hyatt, Sam Lord’s Castle and Discovery Bay initiatives. The public needs to get a definitive comment on whether the Sandals Beaches project at Heywoods, St Peter, is on or off. This is also about foreign investment and jobs.
    Political strategy was evident in the speech, given the number of feel-good programmes, whether becoming a republic or naming of more national heroes. These, however, are not bread and butter issues which will impact the daily livelihood of many people.
    The Government has a packed legislative agenda to undertake in a relatively short time frame before the next General Election, constitutionally due by 2023. We do not expect the Mottley administration to encounter any roadblocks in getting its policy priorities passed. It must also successfully manoeuvre both the health and economic hurdles simultaneously.
    The challenges will be in the details and the implementation.
    We are not out of the woods.
    The emphasis is placed on agriculture, greening, digitisation, enhancing health and wellness, and restructuring the tourism sector to boost both job retention and job

  25. More Bajans!

    AT THE TURN of the century, when I served as public relations officer at the Barbados Association of Retired Persons, at the 35th anniversary lecture sponsored by the National Insurance Department, at the Frank Collymore Hall, I got up and asked a question.
    After a wide-ranging lecture by special guest Warren R. McGillvray, I took the microphone and, holding aloft Page 5 of The NATION newspaper of Tuesday, May 28, 2004, with the large headline “Baby boom call”, asked: “Sir, our population, at one end, is ageing and dying; the birthrate, at the other end, is declining; couples are deciding they want only two, or one … or none.
    “AIDS is on the rampage; gun violence has joined in; and there’s carnage on our roads. Against this backdrop, don’t you think that we’re going to need some more Barbadians?”
    Not schooled in actuarial science, economics or any of the disciplines that attach themselves to this matter, I was surprised that no one seemed to consider that replenishing the population had to be one of the “options” the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) has been putting before the public these past several years.
    Pay more
    I inquired: “Could it be that only (now deceased) Astor Marshall ‘the Cement Man’, of talk radio notoriety, and I, think that over the next ten, 20 or 30 years we will simply need more people to pay national insurance if others are to receive pensions in their retirement?
    “Or are we the only ones bold enough to say, as ‘the Cement Man’ puts it, breed more?”
    McGillvray thanked me for the question, stopped short of admitting than he hadn’t thought about it that way, and warned me that it was not an easy proposition to sell. He politely went on to the next question; I got a muted round of applause from the audience and sat down.
    Of course, it’s not going to be easy. Hard decisions are never easy, either to make or to sell. Spain, for example, whose demographic situation the lecturer briefly mentioned, had already put in place measures to grow more people.
    “If you plan to produce an adult in the year 2024,” I mused, “you will have to start tonight!”
    So what was Spain doing back there in 2004? Offering the young population incentives. It said to every married couple, produce one baby and we’ll give you US$2 800; produce two and we’ll double that. Italy, too, had a population problem and again, as a governmental policy, decided that since it could not top up in a hurry, it would encourage mass immigration.
    I continued: “Now watch this: From where are these immigrants to come? From countries like ours that need the same human resources. Other countries are doing it more subtly. Haven’t we exported several teachers and nurses already? While no right-thinking person would try to stop another from seizing an opportunity to advance himself or herself, are not these the very people we need to build our poor countries? Now, Britain is coming down for some of our policemen, at a time when our force is finding it difficult to recruit enough quality people.”
    In that newspaper article, the Minister of Health was suggesting, as he addressed the 47th annual general meeting of the Barbados Family Planning Association, that “Barbadians are going to have to have more children”.
    Slow pace
    He observed: “The population is growing at a relatively slow pace of approximately 0.35 per cent per annum. This is generally considered to be too low since we are not producing at the same rate at which we continue to lose people through HIV/AIDS and other chronic illnesses.”
    I again: “Let’s face it; the family planning message of the 50s and 60s has worked remarkably well. We now have to top up the population if there are going to be enough productive people around in the next three decades.
    “The minister’s hint must now develop into a string of policies, social and economic, designed to tackle this problem. And the job is not that of the Family Planning Association. If you ask me, they’ve done their job too well these past 40 years. The Government must come up with creative tax incentives and other devices to deal with this situation.
    “Our greatest drawback in Barbados is that we seem to be able to think only five years at a time; I’m talking about 20 and 30 years down the road. Even the Prime Minister, thinker that he is, did not factor this demographic reality into his wide-ranging Budget speech last October 22.
    “It’s simplistic, impracticable and unkind, in light of the same chronic diseases around us, to ask people to work until they are 70 and 75, and for my twenty-nine-year-old son to contribute more out of his monthly salary and get little or nothing 36 years later when he retires.
    “The problem goes deeper than that. We have to produce more Barbadians. We have to produce more productive Barbadians.
    “If we don’t, rest assured that others will do it for us, and the issue in 2042 may not be what to do with Lord Nelson – the new National Hero may well be the Mahatma.”
    *** From his grave, the Cement Man must be saying: “I told you so!”
    But he was not alone. Over the years, an education minister, Ronald Jones, in less brusque language than Marshall’s, has joined in.
    Ambassador Dr Clyde Mascoll did, too, seven years earlier!
    Last month our first female Prime Minister, Mia Amor Mottley, joined the choir. She asserts that we’re going to need about 80 000 more people. We’re sure to hear from her soon as she explains the how, the when and the where.
    I agree with her “why” – over 20 years ago.
    Carl Moore was the NATION’s first Editor.

  26. Bajans to get final say on same-sex marriages

    BARBADIANS will get their chance to determine if this country will make same-sex marriages legal.
    Governor General Dame Sandra Mason revealed yesterday that Government was prepared to recognise a form of civil unions for couples of the same gender to ensure no human being in Barbados would be discriminated against, but that a referendum would let the country speak on same-sex marriages.
    “I wish to emphasise that my Government is not allowing any form of same-sex marriage, and will put this matter to a public referendum. Government will accept and be guided by the vote of the public as promised in the manifesto,” she said during her twohour Throne Speech at the Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Conference Centre.
    International list
    Dame Sandra said the legal systems of modern societies recognised many different forms of human relationships, and Barbados was increasingly finding itself on international lists, including within the multilateral system, which identified the country as having a poor human rights record.
    “Barbados does not conduct business, trade with itself or give itself loan funding. In some cases, our human rights record, when viewed against modern international standards, impacts these other issues and how we are viewed amongst the global family of nations.
    “If we wish to be considered amongst the progressive nations of the world, Barbados cannot afford to lose its international leadership place and reputation. Nor can a society as tolerant as ours allow itself to be blacklisted for human and civil rights abuses or discrimination on the matter of how we treat to human sexuality and relations.”
    She added: “My Government will do the right thing, understanding that this too will attract controversy. Equally, it is our hope that with the passage of time, the changes we now propose will be part of the fabric of our country’s record of law, human rights and social justice.” (BA)

    Source: Nation

  27. Vending boost coming
    VENDING IN Barbados is set for a significant upgrade.
    In her second Throne Speech in 27 months, Governor General Dame Sandra Mason revealed yesterday said it was all part of Barbados’ response to making a better life for self-employed people still battling with earning revenue during the coronavirus pandemic.
    “Government is resolved that the vendors of Barbados must have a new deal,” Dame Sandra said in her two-hour speech from the Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Conference Centre.
    “This will include refurbished markets and the construction of new areas, from Fairchild Street to Brandons, and from Baxter’s Road to Temple Yard, as well as a number of community vending facilities. Much of this work has started,” she said.
    Dame Sandra noted a new bill that would halt the criminalisation of vendors for breach of licences would simultaneously regulate vending so there was no mayhem and disorder.
    In addition, Fund Access would be recapitalised by $20 million for vendors to seek out financing, and the Trust Loan Programme would be provided a further $10 million.
    “Small businesses have already received benefits for job subsidies in a programme being administered by Fund Access. Government will now assist farmers in providing food and other essential items for our tables through a low-rate financing initiative (1.5 per cent to 2.5 per cent under special conditions) through the Cooperative Society Investment Fund. These funds will be made available to farming and food producer cooperatives and their members, to assist them in purchasing much-needed raw materials and equipment. The package will target the growth and development of six key priority sectors, namely, renewable energy; agribusiness; health and wellness; creative industries; tourism-related businesses and manufacturing,” the Governor General said.
    Major plank
    Government plans to keep food security as a major plank of the island’s redevelopment during the pandemic.
    The Farmers Empowerment and Enfranchisement Drive (FEED) will be strengthened, and young people will be encouraged to get involved in freight farms which yield high returns on investment, are operated by mobile telephone, tablet or laptop and use less water in a climate-º controlled environment. This will be done on a lease-to-own basis.
    Some 800 people have already signed for the FEED programme, which is expected to benefit 2 000 people. There will be no initial set-up or investment costs to participating farmers.
    Brought on stream
    Rapid production of Black Belly lamb will be brought on stream for local consumption.
    Local butchers will be trained to produce specialty cuts for the hospitality sector without damaging the hides in order to develop a Black Belly leather industry. This will reduce current imports of $14 million in lamb per annum and put that money into the pockets of local families.
    Increasing the production of local vegetables is also planned and anticipated to save $25 million in the import costs.
    Cleared land at Bath, St John, has already gone to the Ichirouganaim Council for the Advancement of Rastafarian for farming, more specifically for the growth and production of herbs, aloes, roots and tubers such as sweet potatoes, cassava and yams.
    Active support is also being given to a 100-acre private sector pineapple farm at Turners Hall, St Andrew, that is also going to package and can tertiary pineapple products, while at Frizers in St Joseph, plantains and bananas are being grown and are on target to reduce imports of bananas by almost 50 per cent.
    At Lears in St Michael, a significant acreage of private sector lands will be made available to the public for use as allotments on which they can engage in farming. One hundred Barbadians are expected to benefit from this programme.

    Source: Nation

  28. “Those two terms caused the economic ruination of the country. Now some of you think that MIA can correct all of that crap in three years. Is she superhuman? Stupse.”

    the fowl slaves can sit around all day and watch all of us NOT GIVING A SHIT…if she is dangerous to safety and development of Black people, she is dangerous and something has to be done about her.

    “…If was not difficult for the Barbados government to manage an economy in free fall and at the same time whip confidence in a proud people who were suffering from economic fatigue…”

    …human rights violations take PRECEDENCE over all of that salad dressing crap, none of it is as important as STOPPING MIA from violating another generation of Black people’s human rights……criminalizing the Black population only for a plant that everyone else is legalizing and enslaving the people on marijuana plantations to enrich minorities is violating human rights…..when ministers and minority crooks tief from the people for decades, the economy will always be in perpetual free fall.

    too many black people are still stuck in the colonial pomp and bullshit phase, they can go down with the corrupt government, but not everyone is so inclined.

  29. by Anesta Henry

    Opposition Senator Caswell Franklyn has urged Government to stop sending mixed signals on legalizing same sex relationships and allow Barbadians to vote on the issue, as he accused the administration of trying to “sneak it through the back door”.

    His call came after Governor General Dame Sandra Mason announced in the Throne Speech at the opening of Parliament today, that Government is prepared to ”recognise a form of same sex civil unions” but would not allow same sex marriage as that would be put to a public referendum.

    Franklyn said the decision made no sense as far as he was concerned, as it was “basically saying I am going to allow people to do what couples do but we are not in for it”.

    “What Government must do is to change the law if they want to do this thing, because they are encouraging people to break the law.

    “Let me make it absolutely clear that I don’t care what you or anybody else does in the privacy of their homes. But our law says it is illegal and I don’t know
    if you call it sex, but if you have that type of thing with a man and man that is a crime in Barbados still.

    “Now if you want to encourage that and you want to talk about discrimination, you must change that law first,” he argued.

    “When you have these civil unions of people living together, they don’t just go home, cook, and have breakfast, dinner, watch television and then come back home and do it all over again.

    “No, they do these things that the law does not allow,” he told Barbados TODAY.

    The Governor General, in her speech, pointed out that the legal systems of modern societies recognise many different forms of human relationships and noted that Barbados was increasingly finding itself on international lists that identify it as having a poor human rights record.

    However, Senator Franklyn insisted
    that if the Barbados Labour Party administration is a government of law, it must change legislation first and stop “trying to rush things through the back door
    or sneak it through the back door”.

    “They have to stop this nonsense and think things through. They don’t speak to the morals of this country.

    “Whether the Americans like it or not, whether the Europeans like it or not, this is Barbados and Barbados has certain values. Now if you want to change those values you must bring it in gradually to get people
    to accept them,” he contended.

    “You just don’t come and push it down people’s throats because you want to be seen hugging up your boyfriend and kissing your boyfriend down town.

    It is unacceptable the way that they are proposing to do this. Go and change the laws first, let us have a debate in this country, let everybody join in the debate.

    “Give us adequate notice so that people would be able to have their say on it one way or the other.

    “It is not good enough to say we are the Government, we got 29 seats and we can do whatever we like, because just now you wouldn’t have 29 seats, you might not even get two, not if you continue behaving in this manner,” Franklyn argued.

  30. What the hell is a political scientist anyway….and the UWI idiots need to stop speaking for other people within hours of a feel-good, go nowhere speech from some agent sitting on a colonial chair…..

  31. And still am not impressed by any of it, the mediocre repulses me….the limited intellect in government pretending to be geniuses is cause for laughter and ridicule… especially when none of their watered down, regurgitated, rewritten, warmed-over plans bear no resemblance to empowering the people.

  32. Give Mia a chance!
    It is amusing that for over the last years of the Freundel Stuart nightmare that people were complaining bitterly about his leadership, his emotional reticence, his disconnect, his silence, his absence, his failures, his loss of parliamentary control, his slumber, his rise from slumber, his return to slumber, his nose, and so on and so on. The people spoke in resounding terms and elected Mia Mottley as Prime Minister.
    That was just over two years ago. Now people are complaining about her leadership, her emotional exuberance, her constant connect, her loquaciousness, her presence, her successes so far, her control of parliament, her activeness, her increased activeness, her return to normal activeness, her aversion to dresses, and so on and so on.
    It is impossible to please Barbadians. No one can fault her for trying things. Mr Stuart slept through most of his term of office to such an extent that someone had to wake him from slumber to call the general election at the very last minute.
    A little more and he would have gone past the statutory period.
    We need to have some faith, give Miss Mottley some breathing space. . .
    “and watch muh”.
    Pat Harris

  33. You do not give a racist, discriminating, oppressive, exploitative government any more chances to continue maintaining a SLAVE SOCIETY at the financial EXPENSE AT THE BLACK MAJORITY….get rid of the enslaved mind and just maybe you will see things more clearly.

  34. Over 60 years of economic and social bondage is more than enuff for mentally weary people..

  35. Why does BU spend all its time cutting and pasting from other newspapers, usually badly written articles? If BU has a role, it should be the home of original ideas, or those who have been marginalised by the Nation and Barbados Today.
    By cutting and pasting all the chairman is doing is allowing his rivals to set the agenda, to dominate the narrative. STOP IT.

  36. Mia is not the first PM to be dealt a tough hand
    However mia way of applying and implementing measures has not been equitable in distribution
    More often than not the measure have become burdensome to the hard working barbadian who have been forced to make decisions between helping govt resolve financial economic problems and their own personnel problems

  37. @ Mariposa

    Mia came to the prime ministership with a reputation as being very clever, born to lead, and, at least to herself, being world class. In just over two years we now know most of that is bogus. She is not as clever as she and her fans think, she is not a leader but a bully and she is not even CARIBBEAN CLASS, FARLESS WORLD CLASS.
    She has misled the people by fabricating myths of her achievements (that Barbados now has a current account surplus). What is sad is that no one seems to want to challenge these out right concoctions.

  38. Mr Campbell you noticed it too ? This guy John A is always negative once this government announces any initiative pretending be is neutral but he is just a disgruntled dem like many of the doom and gloomers who arr on here everyday hoping for the worse for Barbados.Personally i did not hear the entire speech but from wbat i heard the only two areas ogf concern for me was this haste to go republic and ssme sex unions without a referendum
    Otherwise i am reasonably happy with what i heard, in this unchartered covid period which has to be a factor in all decisions goimg forward. I believe we as bajand will get through this difficult period since bajans generally are reslient people.So to all the doom and gloomers on here Barbados will rebound.

  39. Heard Atherley making talk of govt possibly calling early elections
    A thought which is worthwhile media pursuing

  40. Also makes for wonder a govt who defaulted on barbados a historical moment in our time (to say the least) is given so much of benefit of doubt
    How is it that defaulting of debt can be measured as good economic planning

  41. @ Hal
    “ she ( Mottley)is not even Caribbean class, Far less world class”
    Why is world class superior to Caribbean class ? We continue to measure ourselves as inferior when in fact there are few world leaders that stand out. Indeed the so called leader of the free world is now considered the biggest dummy and the current PM of England is considered a world class comedian.
    As for our two most recent PMs , on this blog , I have made it clear that one was indolent and the current one vacuous but I will venture to say that both are vastly superior to those I have mentioned above.
    I quite don’t appreciate using “ even by Caribbean standards” which denotes that we are somewhat inferior to the collective jokers running the world into nothing but chaos.
    The problem with those who have been promoting Mottley for years , is that they wrongfully accused her of being brilliant. Another gimmick she uses is pretending she could deliver unwritten speeches, thereby often waffling , and her followers considered that to be genius. Those who know better consider it careless and unprepared. There is a reason that Tom Adams never engaged in such stupidity.
    The Throne Speech yesterday , should have taken no more than an hour and maybe ten minutes at the most.However , we had a Governor General using the phrase “ lost decade” at least three times. Ironically the GG suffered the humiliation of publicly saying , that she was appointed during that period.
    That alone showed the “ brilliance” of the speech writer.

  42. Fowl slaves would accept and be happy with anything.

  43. Yesterday everyone was looking forward to fresh Guard to push country forward
    How in this Covid environment will having barbados become a republic pushing barbados in am environment that is economically sound
    This Covid enviroment was where Mottley as chairman of Caricom could have built a foundation of unity on a Mantra that we are all in this together
    A fight which requires building upon on our resources collectively and using our people in productive manner to build sustainable economies
    Hence pushing forward unified dialogue amongst govt and people
    All in all Mia missed the boat as Chairman of Caricom which was a more useful tool than the Throne speech
    A brand-new and worthwhile path which would have strengthen ties and place all Carribbean nations as a place to be reckon with on the global landscape

  44. @ William

    Simple. I was basing it on geography. Home, nation, region, world. You are reading the inferiority in to my statement, I am afraid. I agree with your assessment of the speech.
    It was long, tedious, misleading and, in important places, plagiarised US and UK policy. I am sure that Professor Dr Persaud will not like his name associated with plagiarising.
    The promise of the prorogation of parliament, and setting a new pathway post-CoVid, fell flat. She is a colossal failure as a leader, a policy-maker, an ideas person and a motivator.
    She has the ethics of a second hand car dealer and is not above talking about being world class, the bet governed black country in the world, and other myths.
    Even the dangerous proposal of importing immigrants, she tried to sell like a damaged car, about descendants of Barbadians wanting to settle in the nation.
    That is the unethical bit, playing on the heart strings of ordinary Barbadians who would not, should not, object to their kith and kin coming to live in Barbados.
    Of course, once the legislation is on the statute books, the new imports will be Pakistanis, Brits, and Latinos. It will change forever the historic demographic shape of the island.
    Then not to be technical, she introduced nonsense about referenda. Does our constitution make provision for referenda? Would parliament be bound by the outcome of a referendum?
    Then we got the bogus rhythm of a sports economy, a blue economy, a green economy, an orange economy and a black economy. A rainbow suite of economies.
    @William, let us ignore the misinterpretation of the geography of the speech and concentrate on the substance.

  45. Bing A Bonga Binga
    In case you dint know Queen Elisa is His Story

    Read all about tit
    Barbados to remove Queen Elizabeth as head of state

  46. “Does our constitution make provision for referenda?”

    yes, but it’s only used as bait by the corrupt governments to achieve their own agendas, they know the psychological weaknesses of the majority population, so they play on that, then nothing ever gets resolved, it’s a gimmick used to spread backward gossip among the population, it is used to degrade and demean the will of the people.

  47. Wuh even buckingham palace sounds like they too are tired of ONLY HEARING ABOUT IT…..😂🤣😂🤣

    “Buckingham Palace said that it was a matter for the government and people of Barbados.
    A source at Buckingham Palace said that the idea “was not out of the blue” and “has been mooted and publicly talked about many times”, BBC royal correspondent Jonny Dymond said.”

  48. @ David

    The issue i have with what was outlined is that it speaks more to aid to the pre covid type of ecomomy, than it does to creating a post covid sustainable economy.

    For example i would of preferred to have seen say $200M given to tourism and $100M used to enhance an island wide alternative energy program using solar.

    To me the speech failed to give details on the transforming of a post covid economy away from tourism dependancy. It is for this reason that i continue to say that i dont see government having a clear understanding that the pre covid economic drivers will not be the post covid ones. For me it was my hope the speech would of focused on transitioning the economy away from tourism dependancy with a clearly defined plan complete with a timeline. This was not the case.

    The same sex thing and all the rest was of no interest to me, as it really only presented distractions from the real issue which is the need for total economic reform in the shortest time possible.

  49. It is a good thing that we get more national heroes.

    The naive masses, raised to laziness by the deep welfare state, naturally want even more losers as national heroes. But I think we need real successful people as national heroes.

    Here is my personal wish list:

    Goddess Bim
    Nanny Grigg
    Leader Mia Mottley
    Lord Marshal Dale
    Sir Richard
    Ph.h.c. Bizzy and Sir Charles Williams
    Sir Kyffin of Simpson
    Charles Herbert
    Sir Assad Haloute

  50. When i speak of economic diversification being needed urgently let me explain by example what i mean.

    Lets say a shop in the past made 50% of its profit from selling cigarettes. Sales from Cigarettes start falling but the sale of drinks are growing. The shop owner though says ” i did always make money off cigrets” so he advertises cigrets for sale and still no luck as the DEMAND is not there. If he continues on this path he will close his doors.

    Shop keeper B now is faced with the same problem but he uses a different approach. He cuts down the shelf space for cigrets and increasing the space he gives the drinks. So his shop door stays open and he prospers.

    That is all the fancy talk of “economic diversification” is. Basically its recognising a change in market forces and responding instead of trying to fight the change. My concern is we still banking pun de cigret sales!

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