The eagerly awaited second session of parliament is set to restart today from about 10AM- see Order Paper. The decision to prorogue parliament from the 8 August 2020 caught political pundits by surprise and has been the source of robust debate.

The Government has determined that it is necessary that we take fresh guard. The Parliament of Barbados will be prorogued on the 8th of August, 2020, with us resuming in a new session on the 15th of September with a new Throne Speech and with a new direction as to where we must go in order to meet these extraordinarily different circumstances from the original Throne Speech of two years ago

Prime Minister Mia Mottley

Even before the pandemic struck the global economy, Barbados had been struggling with a non performing economy. The Mottley government took an immediate decision to enter an IMF program (BERT) on winning the governbment in 2018 that included a restructure of domestic and foreign debt with the contracted services of White Oak. The big concern was carrying the risk of low foreign reserves with a junk status credit rating and a high debt to GDP load- reported in 2018 as the third highest in the world.

If was not difficult for the Barbados government to manage an economy in free fall and at the same time whip confidence in a proud people who were suffering from economic fatigue, along came COVID 19. The prime minister in her wisdom- time will tell- decided to leverage the parliamentary tools at her command “to take fresh guard”.

It would be remiss of the blogmaster if the minority view offered by the contentious Pachamama in this forum was not added to this commentary.

We have been telling this PM, here on BU and through back-channels, that this ‘reset’, so-called, is highly misconceived.

Our suggestion is that an election should be called to ‘reset’ the political-economy. Not the farcical and ritualistic contrivances as planned for sometime this week.

Her sequestration, seclusion, on the gold coast should have been unnecessary as neither she nor those beating a trail to meet with her has anything of material importance to tell her beyond pomp and pageantry.


We are living in an unprecedented time. We are attempting to navigate uncharted waters. The challenges confronting Barbados is not a binary problem to solve. Those who enter the debate by injecting absolutes should be viewed with suspicion.

The blogmaster urges the Prime Minster and other leaders in civil society to ignore the power of this moment at our peril. This and future generations will be affected by decisions taken today.

And in the visitation of the winds,

Who take the ruffian billows by the top,

Curling their monstrous heads and hanging them

With deafening clamour in the slippery clouds,

That, with the hurly, death itself awakes?

Canst thou, O partial sleep, give thy repose

To the wet sea-boy in an hour so rude,

And in the calmest and most stillest night,

With all appliances and means to boot,

Deny it to a king? Then happy low, lie down!

Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.

Shakespeare’s Henry IV. Part II, 1597

– See Parliament TV

407 responses to “Government Using Throne Speech to Signal Fresh Guard”

  1. @Hal Austin September 15, 2020 12:00 PM “Nothing yet about a further 80000 citizens.”

    I can’t believe that it seems as though the government will have to get doctors to write prescriptions ordering Bajans to have sex every other day at a minimum.

  2. Next stop – prostitution!

    As much as I hate it.

    Underground prostitution is dangerous. I don’t like the idea of brothels but reality must be faced.

  3. @ SargeantSeptember 15, 2020 4:23 PM

    Well spotted!

    You are indeed a fan of the “Bard”.

    Maybe the ‘author(s)’ of this inevitable proposal to ‘democratize’ the institution of ‘holy matrimony’ is chomping at the bit to exit the public toilet and let in the disinfectant of moral sunshine.

    Why would Queen Romeo want to die without the love of her life, Julietta, at her lawful side?

    Now that’s a real ‘barb’ aimed at the Queen.

    Euphemisms are unpleasant truths wearing diplomatic cologne.⁓ Quentin Crisp

  4. David
    Mugabe’s no better than Owen.
    In cricket, when he got out, he would take fresh guard and bat again otherwise the game done, according to the eulogist!
    Judged by the speech alone and the comments here thereon
    Looks like she get one-ball, this time
    She aint last long
    Think she’ll take fresh guard again
    Say it aint so!
    Call an eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelection!

  5. i would like De Madam to be the first person to be joined in civil union and her father or uncle be the first president of the new republic. i would also like her to do away with independence for a huge ong celebration of Republic month. also do away with Barrow Day for Mottley Day.

    that would be a reboot right there

  6. Critical Analyzer Avatar

    Will somebody help me understand this sudden rush to go Republic.
    1) What difference does a republic make apart from having a president instead of a governor general to swear in parliament?
    2) How much money will this cost us the taxpayers?
    3) How much legislative drafting time will be wasted that could have been spent fixing other laws?
    4) Is this a push to put money in party supporters hands during these hard times?
    5) Will we have an election to elect a president like the US or will the PM just appoint someone like they do for the Governor General?

  7. Just heard Verlas reply, predictable with her big clash coming up. She has no choice but to take an anti stance.

  8. The term civil union is to avoid inflaming the so-called Christians who believe they will be forced to perform marriage ceremonies.

    This way the same effect can be produced while forestalling that argument. All they are left with now is a morality argument instead of a human rights argument.

    To that we can reply- ” We are not a theocracy. Citizens who pay taxes and NIS etc. are entitled to th same benefits AND since their behaviour does not take anything away from your rights we can safely LEAVE THEIR JUDGMENT TO GOD.

  9. @Pachamama September 15, 2020 1:46 PM “Maybe, just maybe, this is the reason why OSA vowed never to leave his party”

    Owen dead, dead, dead as a doornail.

    He int coming back, ok.

    He has NO power.


  10. Self-respect is priceless. I don’t see the cost as being prohibitive. I see the benefits in the mind. Penny wise is often pound foolish.

    I feel a load being removed from me already.

  11. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    “According to Barbados law she was already a citizen at birth was simplyseeking recognition of that fact.”

    @SS, there is a brevity of accuracy to some of your posts that are OUTSTANDING!

    “That pledging to serve the white queen thing stopped me from participating in certain things since the age of twelve. I could never get those words out of my mouth.”

    @Donna I adopted a different stance: participated but simply went totally dumb when we had to give those group loyalty pledges … very mild almost, ‘collaborator’ activsm of course but at that age I wanted the benefit of things like ‘Duke of Edinburgh’ hikes etc but still wanted to stick my middle finger to the royal folly!

    I agree with you completely on that front.

  12. @ Theo

    I self medication now that 4 beers is only $10.

    I have come to the conclusion that they are 2 views on the post covid economy.

    The political view is dont talk too much bout it and focus on the window dressing( same sex marriage and republic) and it will blow ever.

    Then the other view which many share is that covid will result in a completely new way of ecomomic activity. In this post covid economy tourism will no longer be the golden goose and we must diversify to survive.

    Personally i would focus more on the second option and be proactive, but if focusing on same sex marriage and a president more important, then carry on smartly.

  13. @Pachamama September 15, 2020 1:46 PM “Maybe, just maybe, this is the reason why OSA vowed never to leave his party”
    Owen dead, dead, dead as a doornail.
    He int coming back, ok.
    He has NO power.

    What is certainly dead, but should be alive, is the Mugabe manifesto of just two years ago

    Also certainly dead is the vision of the misleadership class of the BLP and DLP

  14. @Hal Austin September 15, 2020 2:07 PM “Johnny Cheltenham, or Elliot Mottley. We can bet our first president will be a lawyer. How about Sonny Ramphal or even Henry Forde?”

    i am old and all of those look physically feeble to me.

    Imagine how they look to our teenaged grandchildren? I am certain that our grandchildren do not wish to be saddled with a geriocracy.

    We should do like the Canadians do, appoint a GG or President whichever for a five year fixed term, and choose some young or youngish people to fill the post. I think that the most recent Canadian GG had/has? a teenaged son when she moved into Rideau Hall. I like that, I would like to know that the patter of little feet sound in our Government House. Keep things real. Keep things youthful.

    I am old but I am tired of elderly feeble looking GG’s. Frankly I find it embarassing.

    P. S. for the BU intelligensia, 70+ is not relatively young. 70+ is old. 80+ is old, old, old.

    Reminder: the life expectancy of a non heavy rum drinking Bajan man is 78.

  15. If he is a heavy rum drinker subtract 10 to 20 years.

  16. @David September 15, 2020 1:20 PM “Barbados to recognise same-sex civil unions”

    I am an old age pensioner, and one of my elementary school teachers have been livin-wid she woman, since long before my 10th birthday, long, long before our Auntie Mia was born.

    I don’t know where de rest of wunna been living.

    Maybe we country people have different mores.

  17. @Tron September 15, 2020 2:14 PM “If our leader does not run as president, she should appoint Sir Charles Williams, Ph.D. h.c. Bizzy Williams or Lord Kyff, since the social group with most power should represent the whole nation.”

    All too old and feeble looking. See my statement above.




  19. @Enuff September 15, 2020 2:17 PM “called the expansion of the right to citizenship by descent smoke and mirrors, claiming the rights already exist?”

    The right does already exists.

    It is called an application for the RECOGNITION of citizenship by descent.

    My parents have 9 grand children who were born outside of Barbados between 1959 and 1989 and a good number of them have applied not for citizenship, but for RECOGNITION of the citizenship which already existed at their births. Although once an idiotic public servant [not in the Immigration department though] who Lord help us, subsequently became a Permanent Secretary told me that the kid is question was not a Bajan.

    He was wrong.

    As usual I was RIGHT.

    P.S. And a good number of these “kids” have only 2 Bajan grandparents, my parents. we like marrying out.

  20. I wish Blogmaster will stop allowing himself to be set up for disappointment each and every time, this government keeps violating Black Bajans’ rights and something has to be done about them one way or the other. Hemp is not illegal anywhere, neither is it regulated…Miller check out this backwardness from the Mia/GG government…and yall are so quick to believe every fraudulent scam they bring and that’s already mapped out.

    “I think Barbados is owed an explanation on the rationale for impending legislation that is intended to prohibit the sale of hemp products, without a prescription.

    Internationally, no prescription or doctor is needed for the purchase of hemp or CBD oils since these products do not contain THC like cannabis does. Therefore, the average consumer can purchase these hemp and CBD products from a wide variety of stores and online venues, making experiencing the health benefits of these oils easier than ever before with no prescription necessary.

    What would you do if the government stated tomorrow that Mangoes were illegal? Would you remove your Mango Tree, or would you remove the government? Today Hemp is our Mango!

    It seems that the Barbadian government is more interested in controlling the economics of the hemp and cannabis industries, steering it away from the masses of Barbadians to position it in the hands of the few.

    While we are smack bang in the height of heightened Black consciousness, building on the call for justice and equality for African descended people intentionally, Barbados is “HELL” bent on violating human and constitutional rights by creating structures within a legal framework intended to disenfranchise its citizens.

    The people of Barbados cannot condone the actions of The Minister of Health and Wellness who has announced plans to crack down on businesses selling products that should only be sold by pharmacies.

    According to the CBC news it is understood that these include products made from hemp and cannabis and those used for skin lightening.

    To stamp their greedy paws on all revenue that the average Barbadian can attain from the diverse hemp and cannabis industries, Health Minister, Lieutenant Colonel Jeffrey Bostic, says changes are coming to the Pharmacy Act. Is it not amazing how the government can change laws in order disadvantage its people, while failing to create legislation to empower them, in relation to the topic at hand.

    These changes are expected to among other things, deal with establishments which are not registered as pharmacies, but have been selling pharmaceutical products.”

  21. Critical Analyzer Avatar

    You have my vote for the Republic if we going to have:
    1) Set parliamentary elections to a fixed day every five years and
    2) The presidential election exactly three years after the parliament elections with a five year term as well.

  22. @BAJE September 15, 2020 6:56 PM

    Barbados has always had gay people working in high level positions, this was so even in British colonial days.

    So what’s new?

    P.S. Fellas, please don’t take it personally if a lesbian does not want to lay with you. Remind yourself that there a couple billion other women in the world who would be gladly contribute to your happiness if you ask nicely.

  23. @Tron September 15, 2020 2:37 PM “In any case, I am happy about the new, fifth IMF program called STARVE. We must continue to lower the living standards of the population”

    The last person I saw writing about Bajans needing to starve, dead and gone long ever since.

    i wish the same for you.

  24. @David September 15, 2020 3:30 PM ‘When Queen Elizabeth 11 dies what is next? ”

    If the een shuts her eyes tomorrow, we get the adulterers Charles abd Camilla. That should keep Silversleeves happy.

    But my pastor tells me that adultery is an abomination in the sight of God.

  25. And for Tron, maybe cancer will help you to make your exit, sooner rather than later. I expect that death form cancer is better than death from starvation.

  26. Baje i know you do not live about here but i have heard stories about many in the Dems as well so what is your point.

  27. To the gay people of Barbados the civil union thing is a big deal.

    Who cares if Mia and Jerome benefit? So will thousands of other deserving citizens of Barbados. If we believe we voted for a gay PM why should we complain when she validates herself?


  28. @Cuhdear Bajan September 15, 2020 5:55 PM “a whole set of bureaucratic nonsense.”

    This bureaucratic nonsense included “you can’t come in the Registry in an arm-hole bodice”

  29. The young crowd on Insta seem to have given the thumbs up to decriminalizing the weed..

  30. Baje i know you do not live about here but i have heard stories about many in the Dems as well so what is your point.




  31. But back to the economy- I think it is unfair to say that nothing was addressed. It is also unfair to say that the concerns of the poor were ignored. Who was expecting a magic formula?

    I always had a good memory. I think some people need to read the speech (easier to read than listen) because they don’t seem to remember the earlier bits.

  32. David b or D would agree the Throne speech was warmed over left over soups serve in the queens Brass bowls
    Verla got the tempo
    Sorry if u did not but without haste drank the servings right out of the queens brass bowls

  33. No problem with ending legal “bastardy”.
    No problem with legalizing abortions
    No problem with selling plantation house spots to long term tenants at 10 cents per square foot.
    No problem with legal same-sex civil unions. No problems with same sex marriages either, as I always say to my best bud, if a gay person does not marry a gay person, who then shall they marry? You? Then he tells me that he does not wish to marry a man.
    No problem with decriminalizing li’l bits of weed.

    Want to see the worldwide COVID monster banished to the bush.

  34. We have people here who support, on the one hand, the measures to reverse negation population

    On the other hand, they also support the civil unions without seeing a contradiction.

    Even this regime manifests, to some extent, a contradictory policy as well.

    We have thusly entered the confused state of the ‘first world country’ some projected us as.

  35. What about the safety net to keep Barbadians employed during COVID? Some here seem to have forgotten about the challenging environment in which are operating.

  36. @Pacha

    Should we deny the legal rights to those in a civil union?

  37. @David

    As i said earlier let go a few red herrings and deflect from the issues. Pick the herrings so as to capture as large as possible a cross section of the population. So this is what you do to keep them from focusing on the real issues.

    Same sex marriage for the gays and anti gays.

    Republic for the anti colonialist and colonialist.

    Little weed for the fellows that like a little burn and the pastors that object.

    I would of add casino gambling for the church crowd to talk bout and legalising prostitution for the moralist though. Then finally I would of hold a referendum pun moving Nelson, followed by another one for who to put there!

    With them herrings let go i would of make sure and offer the economist little to hold me too and go from there. I would then of left Persaud to make a few pie in the sky statements, like the above will provide for an increase in fiscal space and so on and the throne speech would of serve it purpose.

    Got to tell you from alot of the responses so far the approach working as planned really well too.

  38. @John A

    You got what you wanted, BERT suspended.

  39. @Pachamama September 15, 2020 8:02 PM “We have people here who support, on the one hand, the measures to reverse negation population. On the other hand, they also support the civil unions”

    True. I am one of those people.

    Because it is a truth universally acknowledged that neither male or female homosexuals have ever been on the frontline when it comes to begetting or bearing or raising children. So “no” we can’t blame the homosexuals for the declining birthrate.

    The birth rate declines once women have access to many years of formal education.

    The birth rate further once working women get little or no help with the child raising from the fathers of their children.

    No honest person can put the declining birth rate on the homosexuals male or female

  40. What contradiction? What impact will the rubber stamping of an already gay couple going to affect our birth rates??????

    The only effect will be financial as the claims for survivors’ benefits under the NIS will increase. That will have to be factored in going forward.

  41. Uh-oh! Rephrase the second sentance of the last post until it makes sense.

  42. Sentence

  43. @ David

    As i and others have said Bert was a failure to begin with so that aint no victory. Lol

    To be honest i was hoping for a little less fluff and a few more hard facts. Then again the whole gay discussion and republic thing dont interest me to begin with, so i am a bad example to go by probably as my concerns are less colourful, like how do we put 40,000 back to work and stuff like that.

  44. Cuhdear Bajan,

    That is an example of a person desperately searching for a reason to support his position to the point of being absurd.

    And to think, brother Pacha is not even a “Christian” fundamentalist.


  45. Everybody wants a young, healthy, vibrant, well educated workforce.

    But as Owen said “everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die”

    Nobody wants a bare foot and constantly pregnant illiterate or semi-literate wife.

    NOBODY wants labor pains.

    Nobody wants to spend decades cooking, washing and cleaning snotty nosed li’l children. Especially the political/economic class wants none of this.

    Nobody wants to throw their money into the bottomless pit of child rearing, not when playing the stock market is sooooo much easier.

    Nobody male nor female wants to curb their economic, political or social ambitions in order to raise children.

    But everybody wants a young, healthy vibrant, and well educated workforce.

    Let’s see how that works.

  46. Many aspects of life are important. We can consider all of them at the same time.

  47. John A

    I am not surprised at your comments. It is typical of a DLP supporter playing neutral and appeasing your master the newspaper man.

  48. @ Michael

    Yes regrettably it comes as a result of being able to think for myself and not be led like a sheep who follows blindly regardless of consequence.

    You should try it sometime it really is quite liberating! You see it comes from not giving a rats ass about party, but being able to look at every issue impartially while dealing only in facts.

    Truly a curse i know but one i will live with as opposed to being a party sheep. LOL

  49. Yes, we do need to keep an eye on the $300 m. Most definitely. We know what the bottom line is with these businesses.

    If that is all Atherley does, he would be worth the salary.

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