Submitted by Grenville Phillips II

he recently defeated Integrity in Public Life Bill (Integrity Bill) will not trouble the scores. Despite the fake Oscar-contention outrage of our senators, if the bill had passed, it would simply have made corruption legal in Barbados. That is how terrible the bill was designed.

At first, the bill specified that a person could not be investigated for corruption after they had retired from public life for 2 years. So, a person who received a bribe in January 2018 and then retired, cannot be investigated after February 2020.

A sloppy bribe may be uncovered by a financial audit, but the 2018 accounts are audited in 2019. The earliest the Auditor General will look at the 2019 audited accounts is in 2020, after the fellow has retired. How convenient. Perhaps the time has come to ask our politicians and senators, why they would champion such a farce.

After Solutions Barbados explained the farce, the final Bill increased the time where no investigations can happen, to 5 years. That is also useless in Barbados, since the Auditor General provides his annual report of many issues that are more than five years old. A short limit on investigating corruption is a glaring loophole for guilty persons.

The Integrity Bill will likely cost taxpayers $5M each year, to recover less than $50,000. It is a farce. It conveniently ignores the estimated $100M of corrupting no-bid contracts each year. The Integrity Bill is wasteful, ineffective, and practically useless for Barbados. Consider the following scenario.


A company bribes a person to get a no-bid contract. The company charges the Government five times the normal value of the work, which Barbadians must pay in higher taxes (that is why most Barbadians live hand-to-mouth). The bribe may be paid in any of the following ways.

1. Paying his election advertising expenses.

2. Building a house, and transferring ownership five years after he retires.

3. Purchasing land, and transferring ownership five years after he retires.

4. Purchasing financial instruments that mature five years after he retires.

5. Funding community projects in his constituency.

6. Paying money to his friends.

7. Selling him property (eg. car, house, etc) at a significant discount.

8. Paying for the renovation of his house.

9. Paying his children’s educational costs.

10. Hiring consultants and employees whom he recommends.

11. Hiring him as a consultant five years after he retires.

12. Procuring and managing a business (eg restaurant or store), and transferring ownership to his family five years after he retires.

There are hundreds of similar ways of paying and receiving bribes. Our useless Integrity Bill is conveniently designed to avoid all of them. Worse, the Integrity bill does not address any of the common methods of political corruption.


Forcing the public to make payments to consultants that only benefit one political party, is political corruption. The payments are normally made to political supporters, who may be disguised as: public relations, media, information technology, security, or financial advisors.

Solutions Barbados recommended an effective anti-corruption policy. It is based on the proven method of rewarding whistle-blowers, as an incentive to blow the whistle. We planned to reward them with the total value of the bribe. We also planned to fine both the bribe givers and the bribe takers, to pay for the policy.

The whistle-blowers already know about the corrupt activities. They include: tellers who did the bank transactions, contractors who renovated the houses, lawyers who drafted the contracts, accountants who did the audits, and vendors who sold the properties. Employees of the department that gave the no-bid contract, and the company that paid the bribe, also know.

The Government is planning to pass a whistle-blower protection bill, but there is no reward incentive. Instead, the exposed whistle-blower gets to keep working in the now toxic work environment, until it takes its foreseen emotional health toll. What a farce of an incentive.

It is time for our politicians and senators to stop giving us false hopes. If they do not plan to reward whistle-blowers, and abolish corrupting no-bid contracts, then at least be honest with Barbadians. Passing an ineffective Integrity Bill is not in the public’s best interest. However, it is good political advice, that benefits only one political party.

Grenville Phillips II is a Chartered Structural Engineer and President of Solutions Barbados. He can be reached at NextParty246@gmail.com

341 responses to “Preventing Corruption in Barbados”

  1. How do you prevent corruption with a mentality like this in existence?

  2. Why do we need the police?

    Why do we need judges?


  3. How did such a mentality even come into existence?

  4. DavidAugust 15, 2020 11:43 AM

    Why do we need the police?


    I see you have the same mentality as Ariel Atkins!!

    How did you get this way?

  5. Black John sounds jealous…..if ya want to go and enjoy such luxury, ya better have money….ya can’t just go down there tiefing just like that anymore, there are enuff thieves there that need putting out already, they are having quite the exodus….

    and there you are stuck in slave society Barbados…

  6. Like the majority of Black and Hispanic, White and Asian in the US I do not support defunding the Police.

    Unlike Ariel Atkins and David I know why the Police are necessary.


  7. BLM has nothing to do with Black lives.

    No lives matter to this Marxist political organisation..

  8. Here is Prescott stating the obvious, but don’t know if any of them have the brain power to analyze what they have allowed their SLAVE TITLES in someone else’s slave system….to cause them to become…it will eventually have to be OUTLINED for them on an international stage for tens of millions of people to view, then maybe they will understand.

    “Cabinet ministers should be chosen by the people of Barbados, and not only the Prime Minister, says former Minister of Environment Trevor Prescod.

    He said he also hoped that in the future the “elitist” practice of people being appointed based on their political connections would be discontinued.”

  9. Prescod is one of the zeroes in the 30 zeroes who won seats in the House of Assembly.

    Zero is zero!!

  10. #BLACKLIVESMATTER is just an euphemism for #BLACKLIFE
    It is also a protest against White Racism in all manifestation


  11. “When the looting starts, the shooting starts” said the racist white PotUS
    .. but in South Chicago, when the shooting starts, they shoot back.

  12. So the IMF big up Mottley after her doing they dirty work of placing unbearable pain and suffering on the peoples back
    Now what in heavens name was she rewarded to be placed on any economic position by the IMF giving that barbados economy has yet to be giving guidance and a pathway that would spur economic growth

  13. With all the grandstanding and celebration afforded Mottley the poor man continues to suck salt
    A promised by way of telling the populace which would never happen under her watch as PM
    All one can do is sit in wonder and amazement at the ways and manners Mia climbs to the top while her fellow country people fight for the crumbs that fall off the masters table
    Where has the sensitivity gone which was promised in the past ten years
    People now have to watch staggering crime
    Increased unemployment
    Increased in poverty
    Banks calling in loans on properties which many had worked hard and established a security of keeping a roof over their heads all but being taken away
    Meanwhile Mia continues to establish herself seeking refuge in the limelight of smoke and mirror politics

  14. Mari, this blog bout preventing corruption in Barbados, so let we talk bout corruption a lil bit.

    What you think bout your boy Donville losing his court appeal and what you think is the way forward for preventing the type of corruption he do in Barbados?

    It is smoke and mirrors the Don use to get the draw back from ICB?

    You feel the police should of press charges against he from this end?

  15. I also smell probable corruption when some one is rewarded
    by carrot and stick design or by gestures which takes on the face of sinister opportunities

  16. What is most dumbfounding is when one look at the economics on the ground and its effect on the people
    A question of suspicious thoughts flood the mind to ask
    How is it possible that a PM who cannot come up with a reasonable economic plan to remove some pain and suffering off the backs of the people can be elevated to economic post of some sort within the IMF
    Something here does not seem right and smells of rotten fish

  17. @ Mariposa

    Was there a need for a vote for the position? If so, who proposed the president and who voted for her?

  18. Mari, wuh smell of rotten fish is that after the Donville affair wunnuh DEMS should of been telling Bajans how wunnuh plan to stop corruption by ministers of the crown. By now the DEMS should of draft their own integrity legislation and present it to the public.

    After all, wunnuh spend 14 years in opposition talking bout it. Yuh promise to introduce it within uh 100 days of winning the government, but instead yuh spend 10 years promising to do it. Now yuh gone back talking bout it for the last 2 years.

    That means you had 26 years to draft some sort of good governance, freedom of information and integrity legislation. But while Freundel was in the House and you on BU talking shyte and cussing Mottley, Donville and God only know who else in the DLP was doing they own thing.

    This when, just like you, suspicious thoughts cross my mind too.

  19. Ahh Hal
    Those are top secrets the sheep were only told the results
    And all including the media went Bahhhh

  20. @ Mariposa

    Be careful. If you raise these deceptions the predators will attack. By any measure, the president is out of her league. She has spent all her adult life hoping, expecting, to be prime minister and when it finally came to her, she freaked out.
    Rhetorical acrobatics, finger pointing, even tears, all that makes for the drama of Hollywood. One does not have to be a party politician to realise she has failed.
    By 2023, there will not be a Barbados worth anything. She likes being popular and the creoles and New Barbadians will take her to the cleaners.

  21. Is this the same Mottley who hired a mob uh ton of consultants to run the economic affairs of barbados
    This got to be a bad dream but then again this is 2020 and anything that can go wrong wil go wrong
    Hence Mia elevation after a two year stint of having evidence to support the elevation

  22. The truth is that not one of the consultants was expecting like COVID19. Their education has been far too narrow.

    My own nursing sister stayed with me a few years ago, after SARS. She had worked in the SARS epidemic. We sat and talked for hours and hours, and hours about 60 years worth of talk.

    She told me “one of these days we will have another epidemic, and things will be real-real bad in the United States, because they do things so badly there”

    I wish that she had had the conversation with Donald Trump or Boris Johnson, but those fellas never, never have conversations with poor black country girls from shithole countries.

    I am glad that she went peacefully to her maker before COVID19. She would have been broken hearted. More that 1 million people WILL DIE before this is done. Many, many more than 1 million. Maybe me too. It did not have to be like this. This pandemic was entirely predictable, but the political scientists, the Wall Street and London boys and the lawyers and politicians only talk to a very, very narrow group of people. So policy is made without hearing ALL of the voices that need to be heard.

    There will be other epidemics, worse than this one. Like this one casually transmitted, but with a far higher kill rate.

    Now you know.

  23. Notice how the blog master side step the issue
    Not even a article posted to suffice in any way
    I guess he understands the difference between chalk and cheese

  24. So did Donald Trump’s little brother die of Covid-19?

    The family is being closed mouth enough.

    I mean my BU boys are always talking about 70 something men being “relatively young”.

    So I am wondering why a relatively young man in a wealthy country and from a very wealthy family is dead at 71?

    Why i have a couple of cousins over 300 pounds and over 75 years and living in this shithole country and healthy as anything.

    So why is a wealthy young man, living in a wealthy country dead at 71? And why the big secrecy about the cause of death?

  25. Is this the same Mottley who hired a mob uh ton of consultants to run the economic affairs of barbados
    This got to be a bad dream but then again this is 2020 and anything that can go wrong wil go wrong
    Hence Mia elevation after a two year stint of having no evidence to support the elevation

  26. Wuh even gear box would be worthy of such elevation at the IMF economic table by following Mia economic model of plenty borrowing
    Tax breaks for business
    Taxes for the most vulnerable
    And multi million dollar wages to consultants

  27. @ Mariposa
    What is going on with White Oak? It all seems to be very quiet on that front.

  28. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ Cuhdear Bajan

    Let me assure you that my generation of economists and lecturers included external shocks in most of our Caribbean models.I think the mathematics could have been inadequate in capturing the risks and the uncertainty components adequately. Is there really a method of capturing known unknowns in any model…epidemiological or economic?

  29. I am sure that the economists did their traditional best. But my assertion is that typicaly physicians, epidemiologists etc. do not sit at the decision making tables.

    I am not blaming economists, as the saying goes, some of them are my best friends. My contention still is that the decision makers are far too narrow a group. I KNOW that we will NEVER forget COVID19 and that we WILL DO BETTER going forward. We may even add a compulsory epidemiology course to university curricula.

  30. I mean my BU boys are always talking about 70 something men being “relatively young”
    Why i have a couple of cousins over 300 pounds and over 75 years and living in this shithole country and healthy as anything.
    According to WHO life expectancy for a Barbadian male is 73.1 years which reminds me that the job of PM should come with a warning “this job may be hazardous to your health” as three Bajan PM’s died in Office before they reached the age of 70 (Tom 54, Thompson 48 and Barrow 67) in addition St. John and Arthur who were out of office when they went to meet their maker at 72 and 70 respectively.

    Those numbers should make one pause and reflect 5 out of 8, of the remainder 2 are retired at approx. 70 and 83 with an incumbent at 54.


  31. @ Vincent

    The chief economist at the Bank of England, Andy Haldane, only has O level maths. And, if he is normal, it is unlikely he got 100 per cent of the questions right. Had he done, I am sure he would have done maths A level.
    Epidemiology is simply a statistical assumption, it is not rocket science. In Barbados we still do not know what epidemiological model the government is using since they refuse to publish the model.
    By the way, what has happened to the Czar?

  32. White Oaks sticking to their agreement one of which includes a substantial earnings to them
    So far outside they saying they helped barbados to “save” money and Atherley calling out govt for the ridiculous fees paid to consultants no word is being said on their performance and help to barbados economy
    As far as my mind can project their role as advisors to govt might be stymied by COVID invasion
    However that will not stop them from being paid
    Meanwhile the employees who have paid into NIS are being told out front that the NIS fund is low
    SMH but in meanwhile Mia takes her excursion out of sight at the IMF table
    A patriotic servant of the IMF with self interest in mind
    People be dammed

  33. Cuhdear,

    The Obama administration warned the Trump administration about the likelihood of a lethal pandemic originating in China. That was the advice of the public health experts.

    Any other administration, Democrat or Republican would have done better.

  34. True Donna.

    But the current crop of lawyer/politicians and their economic/financial whizzes did not know understand why they should take advise from less powerful people.

  35. Thanks Sarge.

  36. NorthernObserver Avatar

    White Oaks is quickly becoming a new version of the NIS. The GoB was quick to contract their services, and to lay said contract before the House. That contract included a monthly retainer and several commission payments on the total debt settled. The most egregious was the success fee, for debt which was going to be automatic given the terms of the proposals and the percentage of that debt held by the NIS, CBB and other public agencies.
    Mr Persaud was fast to applaud the GoB for their transparency.
    The IMF claims debt negotiations were completed in Dec 2019. Yet any continued transparency in disclosing payments to White Oak is missing. Cat got Dey tongue?
    The UK government needs to begin looking at WO financial filings. We know based on the contract, we are talking millions in revenue. Is the GoB paying them offshore? And to whom is WO paying finder’s and consultant fees.

  37. “The UK government needs to begin looking at WO financial filings”

    plus they are free to money launder, they never signed up to be monitored in UK ….it’s cited in black and white in their documents last year….and no one in Barbados will monitor them as we well know..hopefully they are on every radar across the world.

  38. @ Northern

    We still do not know if any member of the government, relatives, friends or consultants have had any dealings with White Oaks prior to the May 30, 2018 contract.
    But consider this. The general election was on May 25, 2018, the new government came to power on May 25, and by May 30, five days later, it had decided to default and to hire a little known UK firm with a reputation of having done business with some of our neighbouring islands.
    This suggests to me the president was already in talks with her soon to be consultants, other advisers and this little know firm prior to the general election, or they were on fast dial after May 25.
    Further, and you talk of egregious acts, we have a parliament of lawyer/politicians who discussed a contract with a little UK firm not even well known in their own homes, and allowed it to be written under the law of England and Wales, and monthly payments in pound sterling.
    This is either incompetence, conspiracy, or collaboration to defraud. It is certainly not clever negotiating. Anyone who trusts the Mottley government needs his or her head examining. Stuart was out of his depth, but Mottley has a master plan.

  39. Same complaints over and over about the way taxpayer funded, government managed agencies still operate in the dark ages….still stuck in their 1800s time machine…..shameful, still “punching above ya weight” in the victorian era and boasting about it too….steupppss…they have no shame, millions of people are seeing this traversty.

    1. This is de year of our Lord 2020, de dawn of de 2nd. decade of de 21st. century. Do you really think that the people of Barbados should got to stand up at a bus-stop not knowing what is de status of a particular service – whether it coming or gine?
    2. Any o’ wunna aware that in other countries commuters can tell when the bus/train arriving down to de last minute?
    3. Duh got anybody at Weymouth that ever hear bout something called an App. that people can download to tell them whether a particular service on or not?
    4. Assuming there is, would it be so hard for wunna to get somebody to design one of them to bring public transport in Barbados out o’ de dark ages?”

  40. am not the one who said this, but i do remember there was an article about electric buses being on the island, so a photo is running on FB that they can’t get the windows of the buses to open, i tke it they are talking about new buses…..maybe my friends the fowl slaves can confirm if this is true or not…they should know..


  41. This is a better link..


  42. Black Bajans are going to have to make informed decisions, this cannot continue, the island is going nowhere and there is no progress for the people, apparently they only exist to be consumers and live indefinitely in debt bondage…..and it’s very clear that those who are supposed to lead are only interested in being corrupt and boasting about material shit they steal from the people….poverty will be a staple for generations to come if the people do not do something about the shite leaders..

    ..so how come the opposition parties are not monitoring this…more of the same rob the treasury scam…

    “some predetermined individuals or company will already have the contract to install or modify windows at the cost of 250.000 dollars ,to provide work for barbadians in this covid19 time.”

    “So is this the joke bus that has no opening wimdows.”

  43. @NO
    The UK government needs to begin looking at WO financial filings. We know based on the contract, we are talking millions in revenue. Is the GoB paying them offshore? And to whom is WO paying finder’s and consultant fees.
    Are you a fan of Johnny Nash? Have you ever heard “There are more questions than answers”? Has anyone in Bim ever declared a conflict of interest? Why did the Integrity Bill die on the vine?

    How does a Gov’t police its consultants?

    You may have smelled a rat from the very beginning but like the last go around “VECO” no one at the local level spilled any beans, it was up to authorities in another jurisdiction to bell the cat, but unless someone in Blighty runs afoul of their laws its BAU.

    Perhaps someday like Johnny you will sing “I can see clearly now”

  44. We got this.

  45. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Of course the master plan was predetermined. And MAM had several birdies whispering. Look who kept jobs and promotions, after less than stellar performances?
    One of those WO unknowns, was actually known in Bim. Google and see where he appeared in years prior?
    Just from memory, I believe ALL the payments were in US$.

  46. NorthernObserver Avatar

    My book “On a clear day you can see ‘Offshore’ is at the printers.
    All in jest, I know not one sh!!the will happen.
    What we know is that sweet a deal, for 💰 💰 going out the front door, had to have some returning via the back door.
    Otherwise two fellas in London just made US$25M each in 18 months. (Expenses were paid by the client)

  47. Northern

    What kind of masterplan would not have considered the deep recession some of us saw coming from a long way off and warned this regime even as they defaulted and constructed BERT.

    Now that the government’s master planning has been found wanting surely the only way to make a correction is not the socalled reset of another throne speech but an election for Mugabe and company to convince Bajans that in their lack of vision hindsight comes a distant second.

  48. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Do you think with the opposition in a mess, a new election will see the defeat of the BLP?
    Or that being forced to provide a ‘new plan’ will produce anything ground breaking? From any party?
    Maybe it would be cunning to call, to extend your timeline to 2025.

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