Submitted by Ironside

After a long break, I was hoping to postpone my return to this blog and come back with a less political issue than the recent legislation passed in parliament. No such luck! So let me get right to it.

If we had any doubt that this BLP administration is NOT FOR POOR PEOPLE, that doubt was pharted out load and clear with the passage of the Planning and Development (Amendment) Bill 2020.

Can you imagine somebody borrowing three to five thousand dollars from a credit union to repair a house or even add a “water-toilet” to a house and having to move somewhere else while the construction is in progress? Move where? Into their representatives’ luxury dog houses? Up their backsides? THAT would be very uncomfortable, Ms. Caddle!

Right now, we are just very pissed!

Did we actually vote for you to oppress us? To play God? What kind of anti-democracy is this? The time is coming; is now upon us, when we are going to have to ask and answer this question with passion: How can we achieve remission of these serial sins perpetrated on the people of Barbados by this government?

Now as far as I can see, the fronting Ms. Caddle is a black woman; same Harris colour range I see in the HOA. So is this racism? No! it is surrogate racism! This is a case where one race perpetrates discrimination on its own race on behalf of another race because they belong to the same class as the oppressing race or is beholden to that class. It’s complicated, I know. But it does sound familiar, no?

Only conscience-dead, soul-neutralized , control conniving, power-hungry, party-before-people representatives would even think of some of the provisions of this law, far less dare to pass it in the lower house where they sit as paunch-bellied, fatted calves put there unwittingly by a desperate but unthinking electorate. We already know that many of them ain’t going to get back their seats. But they don’t know that. Yet!

Some of these de-souled representatives should spend some time on a psychiatrist’s couch trying to understand why they are such control freaks! Hard job because I suspect it is more African nature than Caribbean nurture. But if you have lost your soul, there ain’t much left to psycho-analyze, is there?

But we get it! Hotels are in the dump, so we “have” to give them business! Architects can’t get million dollar work so cut out the small draftsman who charges on average $800 – $1,100 (as against about $6000 on average by architects) to help you meet TCP regulations.

I have a few questions for these architects; why wunnh doan get up off wunnah lazy arses and market wunnah services across the region? (a few do by the way). You really think you can become millionaires in Barbados by exploiting membership in or connections to a party? You think we foolish? You really want to charge a man or woman with some tenantry land $6000 to design a simple, no frills bungalow? Is he or she supposed to borrow that too? Dear God!

And just when you think some kind of investment commonsense would prevail in Barbados, we have Hyatt. Only idiots would think that Barbados needs more hotel rooms. A load of speculative crap! That is what I love about covid-19! Showed up all the shitty thinking about more hotel rooms, brands etc!

Hyatt is not about hotel rooms. It is about property transfer to the already propertied and the creation of an opportunity to rub backs, massage palms and God knows what else! And well correlated with this Planning and Development (Amendment) Bill 2020. But, no real change in the structure of the economy!

The economy was in a tail spin even before covid-19 so the government has got to divert attention from the fact that it has no real programme for creating long-term jobs, despite all the high-level consultative meetings and covid-19 rhetoric inspired by a WHO-Chinese Communist Party conspiracy.

All of this comes after sending home several thousand civil servants as part of an IMF agreement which the electorate agreed to with both eyes open! And who were the first casualties? Women: the same “mesmiated” women who more than likely will be the ones repairing or improving their homes. What a fiasco!

Excellent attempt at bull shitting, all around, though!

But we are thankful for the brave battle fought by Caswell Franklin, the PDP and independent senators. Guys you did the best you could. Now that the government knows that we didn’t grow up stupid under the trident, here is what it needs to do:

Please show us that democracy in this country is not dead! If you “care” about democracy, that is!

But here is what the people themselves must do for themselves going forward: keep tabs on the voting patterns of its representatives. This pharticidal, farcical excreta about “party first” must stop. Since we can’t recall OUR representatives we need to pressure their tails. Poor people should know whether representatives like Cynthia Forde voted for this bill. Having positioned herself as a champion of poor / elderly people, voting for this bill wouldn’t make sense. Our representatives need to vote with their consciences; if they have any left!

The media – including this blog – must now do its share and post the names of those who vote for and against a bill. As well as those who were conveniently absent themselves for the vote. This is not privileged information. It is the people’s information. It is a logical right of citizens in a democracy. This government pays EACH minister $17,000 plus perks per month from the tax payer’s purse. Thousands have lost their jobs! What poetic injustice! Time to yank the ropes on the fatted calves.


318 responses to “Phartford Files: Surrogate Racism, Conscience and Voting in Parliament”

  1. Well you just made the government look good because it seems they are doing exactly what they said. But as usual you tried. 🤐

  2. Just like they promised electric buses.

  3. I don’t keep fowls at me so I don’t cook fowl food.

    You implied that questioners are backward. You refused to acknowledge the legitimate circumstances that led to the questions.

    That is a reflection of unreasonable bias.

    Surely you can do better than that?????!!!!!

  4. Donna it is a pity every time someone redponds to your known Dem bias they are fowlcocks what does that make you pea brain ?Stick to your racist rsnts with your sister Waru as both of you are just bandwagon hoppers.What legitimate quedtions what ! You fell asleep for 10 years now woken up asking questions damn hyprocrite.You are ome of the biggest dem yardfowls o here always bitching and nitpicking.It will not help you in 2023 jackass.

  5. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    All treaties, charters and agreements made on behalf of the indigenous African in the Caribbean and Americas should be observed, ratified, enforced and implemented as a matter of logical consequence. These charters and agreements that Barbados ignore repeatedly whether they are adopted by choice due to nonbinding status which they absolutely refuse to ratify or if already RATIFIED specifically to PROTECT women, children, the elderly or the oppressed and exploited, Barbados’ corrupt governments NEVER let the people who elected them know these protections for themselves exist, refuse to acknowledge or observe them, they re-enforce that their people are always to be oppressed and exploited in the racist, apartheid slave society that both wicked governments maintain with the money of the same unprotected population whom they collude with minority criminals to exploit, rob, oppress and treat like slaves. How many years was the anti-corruption and anti-money laundering treaties sitting their while they pretended they did not exist until they were FORCED to ratify those treaties or face permanent blacklisting, so any charters and treaties relating to human rights on behalf of the majority black populaton does not stand a chance with corrupt governments, they do not want to see the Black population with any human rights.How many human rights treaties, charters and agreements are still sitting on some shelf or dest gathering dust..

    ▼Article XXIV. Treaties, agreements, and other constructive arrangements

    Indigenous peoples have the right to the recognition, observance, and enforcement of treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements concluded with States or their successors, in accordance with their true spirit and intent in good faith and to have States honor and respect same. States shall give due consideration to the understanding of the indigenous peoples as regards to treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements. When disputes in relation to such treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements cannot be resolved between the parties, they shall be submitted to competent bodies, including regional and international bodies, by the states or indigenous peoples concerned. Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as diminishing or eliminating the rights of indigenous peoples contained in treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements.

  6. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Read again:

    When disputes in relation to such treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements cannot be resolved between the parties, they shall be submitted to competent bodies, including regional and international bodies, by the states or indigenous peoples concerned. Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as diminishing or eliminating the rights of indigenous peoples contained in treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements.

  7. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “Just like they promised electric buses.”

    Those electrical buses should have been purchased over 15 years ago….instead of the practice of corruption from even back then that destroyed the transport board…..the buses were purchased with THE BLACK POPULATION’S MONEY…it’s the job of who was elected AS THE PEOPLE’S SERVANTS to do that in the last 15 years… sit ya dumb fowl slave ass down…

  8. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Well this should make the criminal class involved in this massive decades old estate theft perk right up and maybe send another letter.

  9. As you very well know, since you were there, I was very much awake and BU active prior to May 24, 2018. A quick search would find me
    right alongside Ms. Mottley, “bitching” about the DLP.


    I have so far given my “bitching” partner one free pass on her inexplicable about turn re former public enemy #1 MM 2 and his anticipated evil erection (At least that is what she told me about it.)
    I think, since I have been so obedient about giving her the vote and watching her, that she owes my taxpaying self some advance warning and open discussion before she attempts to embark on any large WTE plant.

    If you consider that to be DLP bias then it shows just how far you will take your pooch picking.

    By the way, what will help me both now AND in 2023 is if Ms. Mottley demonstrates that she is a true servant of the people caring and competent, humble and honest, transparent and true…..and respectful of a citizen’s right to question.

    But that is beyond the limited understanding of your kind.

  10. Dear Ms. Mottley ,

    I have continued to be very obedient. You said to give you the vote and watch you. Well I gave you the vote and now I am watching you – with both eyes.

    You did not tell me what to do with my nose or mouth but I am using my discretion. I am using my nose to sniff out fishiness and my mouth to speak about it. My ears remain open to hear your explanations. My feet stand ready to march in protest and my hands….

    PS. Please recall your piss poor rooster. He does you more harm than good.


    A free and taxpaying citizen of Barbados

  11. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    It’s important for us to understand what is happening in the Supreme Court right now, am not too familiar with judicial procedures as it relates to the justices of appeal and whether they can, AFTER REFUSING TO DO THEIR JOBS IN EXPEDITING DECISIONS that were dragging on for years and years while they were sitting justices…….and ARE OUTSTANDING DECISIONS……

    …AFTER being reassigned to the positions of GG and as a CCJ Judge…no longer justices of the supreme court….then hand down and SIGN OFF on the BELOW outlined decion when they are no longer appeal judges in the supreme court, this decision was handed down on June 26, 2020……by Mason, Burgess…no longer judges….. and Justice Gibson..

    maybe BU’s lawyers can clarify…

    maybe as we have not heard any official world yet from the government to the people who FUND THE SUPREME COURT AND PAY ALL THE EMPLOYEES….and whose salaries the population pays…if it’s true that Justice Marston Gibson resigned…at this point there is no confirmation..

  12. “Those electrical buses should have been purchased over 15 years ago…”

    You were making them then?🤣🤣🤣

  13. This is a new day and we the people stand ready to participate in our democracy. We will use all methods of peaceful protest when we are left out of the process.

    Like it or lump it, we demand full citizenship!

    The winds of change are blowing!

    Resistance is futile.

  14. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    You will note that the CCJ had to embarrass Barbados by exposing the length of time it takes to get decisions from sittting judges on the island….who don’t give a damn about the public who pay their salaries, you will note that these 3, one now the GG and one sitting on the bench of the CCJ had to be made embarrassed and EXPOSED for the Caribbean and the WHOLE WORLD TO SEE before they would even consider handing a years or even DECADES OVERDUE decision in people’s cases…

    if CCJ had not exposed this, they would all wait for everyone involved, including themselves to die off….no justice served and these frauds believe that’s why they exist, they believe that is what the majority population is paying them for….that is their toxic versions of dispensing justice..

  15. Cahill by a different name and with white shadow investors is still Cahill. the more things change the more they remain as Busy as a Bee

  16. Donna
    I am no part of the government, so I am free to say wdf I like and yes sometimes I have to question our reasoning. A WTE plant does not drop out the sky. I can understand if the man said government approved or is about to approve a WTE. We ought to read more before we jump to conclusions. The fowl calling is tiring.

  17. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “You were making them then?”

    nah…ah wasn’t TIEFING the TAXPAYER’S MONEY…the people’s money by the billions of dollars like DBLP were, so they could not be made or bought…

  18. @Greene

    We need more information before labeling it CAHILL 2.

    Will it be using gasification technology?

    What is the ownership structure?

    Has an EIA been completed?

    What agreements have been sign?

    Etc etc

  19. This was not mature technology 15 years ago. If we want to intelligently prosecute matters of public interest it should be done in a coherent manner.


  20. @David,

    yes we do. and we also need a vaccine for Covid-19.

    i would posit this is another Hyatt Hotel scenario

  21. @Greene

    Let us hope not.

    Mottley is aware that the Cahill affair provoked docile Barbadians to protest.

    Let us continue to demonstrate a healthy curiosity about matters which affect us.

  22. “This was not mature technology 15 years ago.”

    it goes without saying that if there was no electrical technology 15 years ago…THAT BUSES STILL HAD TO BE BOUGHT electrical OR NOT…only a fowl slave will wait until electrical technology for buses was created and use that as an excuse for ….WHY NO BUSES WERE BOUGHT…electrical or otherwise..ISN’T that the reason that an AUDIT is now required for transport board…streching back more than 15 YEARS…on why tens of millions of dollars are missing but no buses bought

    fowl slaves do not analyze anything, slaves tend to react without thinking….don’t follow idiot slaves..

  23. .WHY NO BUSES WERE BOUGHT……and not only that, but why no buses were bought in the 10 years of DLP and why ONLY INFERIOR QUALITY buses out of either Brazil or Mexico …were bought against repeated advice NOT TO CONTINUE…and parked up at Simpson Motors…under BLP…

  24. @David

    Alsatian / German Shepherd- all the same dog

  25. @ Greene

    Your patience. Do you see whey all these crooks can come to Barbados and stake a claim to property? They think we are an easy touch. The late Michael Winner used to talk about his connections in Barbados.

  26. @Greene

    What do we know about the new proposal to be able to do a straight line comparison with Cahill? BU was intimately involved in the Cahill leaks. We do not know enough about the new deal to make the leap as you have. We need more information.

  27. “it goes without saying that if there was no electrical technology 15 years ago…THAT BUSES STILL HAD TO BE BOUGHT electrical OR NOT…only a fowl slave will wait until electrical technology for buses was created and use that as an excuse for ….WHY NO BUSES WERE BOUGHT…electrical or otherwise..ISN’T that the reason that an AUDIT is now required for transport board…streching back more than 15 YEARS…on why tens of millions of dollars are missing but no buses bought”


  28. For ten years the previous government did not buy a new bus. The transport board was in a shambles, at times equipped to have a rolling fleet of less than 50 buses. The new administration has purchased 30 new buses as part of a refleeting exercise. Also took the opportunity to buy electric buses to align with an alternate energy strategy.

    Sometime we should avoid criticizing for the sake of it. It proves nothing.

  29. @David,

    we said the same about Hyatt. nevertheless from the little i read in the print media and what i have learn i have come to a certain position. no doubt the spin doctors will try to say that a wrist spinner and leg break bowler are not the same

  30. @Greene

    We still do not know enough about the Hyatt deal.

  31. David
    Did I not say that Vaucluse has emerged as a location for the clustering of waste management and this type of industrial activity? I notice that Persaud has expanded on Sutherland’s announcement and indicated that solar will also be in the mix as a Green Energy Park is the objective. It is also supposed to be open to local share ownership. I guess it is like Hyatt fuh trute in that sense. Strategic, strategic, strategic–waste infrastructure, renewable energy infrastructure, jobs and investment opportunities for all Bajans aka economic enfranchisement. Public policy at its finest. We now need to capture some frontloaded public benefits via planning gains as part of planning permission. I would love to see a R&D lab included in the mix.

  32. @enuff

    It is unfortunate Minister Sutherland did not use the opportunity to issue a comprehensive statement from the floor of parliament to conclusively address concerns by Barbadians. Surely the government should have anticipated WTE plant would have been a hot button issue?

  33. WURA
    Once again proven to be talking shyte!! Now trying to save face. I repeat, you did mekkin electric buses 15 years ago to sell the TB?🤣🤣🤣🤣

  34. @Hal,

    what else can i say? you can bring a cow to water but it is almost impossible to make it drink if it doesnt want to.

  35. Is Persaud a Gov’t spokesman? Who elected him? Is he more conversant with the plans than Sutherland? Should we be going to his FB page to obtain more information about the Gov’t’s intentions?

  36. David
    I listened to Sutherland and he did make clear that what he was talking about was not the same as Cahill with unproven plasma gasification and the high heat temperatures.

  37. TheoGaz
    What is so brilliant about the Salemite’s comment? Abigail says the electric buses should have been bought 15 years ago, when pointed out that there were no electric buses to buy then she says buses should have been bought period. But buses were bought in 2006! So I ask again where is the brilliance? I keep saying wunna too dishonest. 🤣🤣🤣

  38. @enuff

    He has created some consternation about importing 80% biomass to feed the monster?

  39. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “But buses were bought in 2006!”

    WHY NO BUSES WERE BOUGHT……and not only that, but why no buses were bought in the 10 years of DLP and why ONLY INFERIOR QUALITY buses out of either Brazil or Mexico …were bought against repeated advice NOT TO CONTINUE…and parked up at Simpson Motors…under BLP…

    Theo…ya gotta forgive the Fowl Slaves…we done know they aint too bright, same fowl slaves don’t know that the Caribbean is located in the Americas…..and they were born there….lol

    is it not wonderful that Kerry the Parliament Fraud is acting like that publicly with his client after fooling the people that he only cares about filling bellies…like he is talking about Black slaves, he must mean his fowl slaves….even better….not a fella is going to return him to that parliament if that is how he treats his clients….the world is watching his deceitful fraud and lies….and so is the electorate….

  40. @ Hogging the Blog

    You can’t stop telling lies even if yuh pay you not to. Yuh too blasted dishonest.

    Nobody never said that the Caribbean is considered to be part of the Americas. That is one uh de first things yuh does learn in geography.

  41. Enuff you got to forgive Gazzerts his idea of brilliance is jumping on certain people bandwagons.never an original thought of his own.Once it is anti this government from one of his clique it is gospel no evidence asked for to back up the statement a real real jackass. and simpleton.

  42. 🙂 Thanks for the laugh my friend 🙂
    I see now you have a three pronged strategy
    !) An enemies list
    2) Calling who you disagree with a D, and
    3) referring to me as a jackass
    Is this a downgrade from being a follower of piece, or a bandwagon hopper?

    You were real pleased when this simpleton/jackass hopped on the government’s COVID-19 bandwagon/response.
    I will support the next B screw-up and watch you say “Theo, brilliant, possibly genius”

  43. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Theo…the big confusion is how the….. live in Barbados for a year and remotely work on the island….apparently it is being taken out of context…i don’t know who the idiot PR person is, but if they are anything like the fake professor….it will end in a cockup…

    someone already said people are asking if living and working remotely in Barbados will be rent free…lol…..someone else contacted someone in Barbados and invited themselves to come and live at them, the response they got was….. don’t even think ya coming anywhere near where i live…cause i got a gun and will use it….go stay at Mia, the amount of properties she owns on the island and big seaside apartments on the coast road she can afford to put up all the tourists for a whole goddamn year RENT FREE…and with all those offshore accounts….could feed them too…

    ah starting to believe they tief somebody idea…nothing new…ran with it, now it’s turning into one big cockup…

  44. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    The poor ignorant fowl slave…we have been talking about the degraded state of the transport board buses for years…and years….right here on BU, ya can PULL EVERY COMMENT FROM THE ARCHIVES that i made on that topic cause i remember them vividly…yall sold out the TB to crooks then the fowls had a field day tiefing what is not theirs….so of course no buses could be bought, do you remember Rommel Marshall, do you remember the due now CEO or some such at Port Inc…..

    ………..the electrical buses is a recent prop to promote a government that has bought inferior quality buses for years and years despite being ADVISED repeatedly to stop …then the level of corruption that BLP created and the toxic atmosphere resulted in the entity now being INSOLVENT…but yall had help because DLP came in and continued the same yardfowl brigade of corrupt management…

    ….wuh happen…Brazil is not making anymore inferior quality buses that yall can use to rip off the treasury or what….i believe that’s it right there….

    now yall drowning ya clutching at straws…and everyone keeps filling the water tank because yall are to be BURIED…even if ya still alive…yall are toxic and do not mean the people who elected you any good…..

  45. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    .so of course no buses could be bought, do you remember Rommel Marshall, do you remember the DUDE…. now CEO or some such at Port Inc…..

  46. Gazzerts i have no enemies that is no 1.I call you Dem hyprocrites out all the time,especially the likes of Sarge,Skinner ,donna and you who like to claim you all are neutral and as one stated do not suddenly know where the Dems headquarters are etc.However in reading your contributions it is crystal clear which side of the fence you are on.I declare i support this government why can,t you all do the same,why be dishonest?As for your support i speaking for myself do not need it.In my book you will always be a bandwagon hopper and a jackass nothing will change.

  47. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    .so of course no buses could be bought electrical or otherwise…, do you remember Rommel Marshall, do you remember the DUDE…. now CEO or some such at Port Inc…..yeah Jean-Marie that’s his name..

    …do yall want me to remind ya about all that corruption back then at the TRANSPORT BOARD, the wholesale thefts, the giving away of contracts to minority crooks to line ya own pockets……all BEFORE 2008….that is why the taxpayer funded entity could NEVER catch itself…because of yall THIEVES….ah could remember and tell ya everything ya know…am in relax mode now so all kinda things will start popping into my memory…

  48. Posted by Avinash Persaud to Facebook There are so many inaccuracies in the report on the “Government intends to build a Waste to energy plant” that I do not know where to start. The Government is not spending $320m on a Waste-to-energy plant and the project will not import 80% of biomass.

    The Government is in the process of giving regulatory approval to a privately financed, locally owned, Green Energy Park will generate up to 30 MW of electricity from three renewable sources: waste-to-energy, biomass and solar. This will be the largest renewable energy plant in the island and will have the capability of producing over three times the amount of renewable energy presently received into the grid. The waste-to-energy portion of the project will use combustible waste produced on the island that cannot be recycled, removing the need to build a new $40m landfill. The SSA will save over $10m a year from no longer having to pay for this waste to be processed and the Government will also save $10m a year in foreign exchange from no longer importing fossil fuels for energy. The Government is not putting up any money. The plant will eradicate the noxious odours and fires from the land fill which negatively impact the communities around Vaucluse. The intention is for the biomass plant to use as much locally sourced biomass as possible. This will include King grass and other sources of woody waste and will give a huge filip to local farmers. Because this will require the replanting of up to 10,000 acres of land, which will take time, this will be phased in over the next 5 to 7 years. The Green Energy Park will also install solar panels on old closed landfills bringing that land back into economic use. What has just happened is that we have agreed that the effective feed-in tariffs for these different energy sources, where the highest rate will be capped at 49.25 cents per kWh, considerably cheaper than what I believe was the 66 cents that the expensive and still experimental-at-commercial-level technologies of the Cahill project proposed. Moreover, there will be a new innovative pricing framework that requires a lower price to be paid to the Green Energy Park if it does not hit its renewable energy targets. The GEP will have over 50% local ownership from a consortium of local savings institutions and proven renewable energy companies and will be required to ensure the local shareholding is as broadly held as possible so expect to see some offers to the public and credit unions to buy shares in small denominations. This is the first phase of a big project, the solar phase of the project can start within the year with the waste-to- energy and biomass plants within two years.

  49. so this is how the public is being informed of Govt policy now? no through official Govt communiques but on the facebook page of an adviser? what happen to the relevant minister and or the PS?

    and from where did all the miscommunication and misconceptions emanate? the DLP? man piss in muh pocket and tell me it is rain, please

  50. @Greene

    The blogmaster made the very point earlier? Better communication required. However if we accept the statement from Persaud you have to agree it is not a Cahill #2.

The blogmaster invites you to join the discussion.


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