Submitted by Ironside

After a long break, I was hoping to postpone my return to this blog and come back with a less political issue than the recent legislation passed in parliament. No such luck! So let me get right to it.

If we had any doubt that this BLP administration is NOT FOR POOR PEOPLE, that doubt was pharted out load and clear with the passage of the Planning and Development (Amendment) Bill 2020.

Can you imagine somebody borrowing three to five thousand dollars from a credit union to repair a house or even add a “water-toilet” to a house and having to move somewhere else while the construction is in progress? Move where? Into their representatives’ luxury dog houses? Up their backsides? THAT would be very uncomfortable, Ms. Caddle!

Right now, we are just very pissed!

Did we actually vote for you to oppress us? To play God? What kind of anti-democracy is this? The time is coming; is now upon us, when we are going to have to ask and answer this question with passion: How can we achieve remission of these serial sins perpetrated on the people of Barbados by this government?

Now as far as I can see, the fronting Ms. Caddle is a black woman; same Harris colour range I see in the HOA. So is this racism? No! it is surrogate racism! This is a case where one race perpetrates discrimination on its own race on behalf of another race because they belong to the same class as the oppressing race or is beholden to that class. It’s complicated, I know. But it does sound familiar, no?

Only conscience-dead, soul-neutralized , control conniving, power-hungry, party-before-people representatives would even think of some of the provisions of this law, far less dare to pass it in the lower house where they sit as paunch-bellied, fatted calves put there unwittingly by a desperate but unthinking electorate. We already know that many of them ain’t going to get back their seats. But they don’t know that. Yet!

Some of these de-souled representatives should spend some time on a psychiatrist’s couch trying to understand why they are such control freaks! Hard job because I suspect it is more African nature than Caribbean nurture. But if you have lost your soul, there ain’t much left to psycho-analyze, is there?

But we get it! Hotels are in the dump, so we “have” to give them business! Architects can’t get million dollar work so cut out the small draftsman who charges on average $800 – $1,100 (as against about $6000 on average by architects) to help you meet TCP regulations.

I have a few questions for these architects; why wunnh doan get up off wunnah lazy arses and market wunnah services across the region? (a few do by the way). You really think you can become millionaires in Barbados by exploiting membership in or connections to a party? You think we foolish? You really want to charge a man or woman with some tenantry land $6000 to design a simple, no frills bungalow? Is he or she supposed to borrow that too? Dear God!

And just when you think some kind of investment commonsense would prevail in Barbados, we have Hyatt. Only idiots would think that Barbados needs more hotel rooms. A load of speculative crap! That is what I love about covid-19! Showed up all the shitty thinking about more hotel rooms, brands etc!

Hyatt is not about hotel rooms. It is about property transfer to the already propertied and the creation of an opportunity to rub backs, massage palms and God knows what else! And well correlated with this Planning and Development (Amendment) Bill 2020. But, no real change in the structure of the economy!

The economy was in a tail spin even before covid-19 so the government has got to divert attention from the fact that it has no real programme for creating long-term jobs, despite all the high-level consultative meetings and covid-19 rhetoric inspired by a WHO-Chinese Communist Party conspiracy.

All of this comes after sending home several thousand civil servants as part of an IMF agreement which the electorate agreed to with both eyes open! And who were the first casualties? Women: the same “mesmiated” women who more than likely will be the ones repairing or improving their homes. What a fiasco!

Excellent attempt at bull shitting, all around, though!

But we are thankful for the brave battle fought by Caswell Franklin, the PDP and independent senators. Guys you did the best you could. Now that the government knows that we didn’t grow up stupid under the trident, here is what it needs to do:

Please show us that democracy in this country is not dead! If you “care” about democracy, that is!

But here is what the people themselves must do for themselves going forward: keep tabs on the voting patterns of its representatives. This pharticidal, farcical excreta about “party first” must stop. Since we can’t recall OUR representatives we need to pressure their tails. Poor people should know whether representatives like Cynthia Forde voted for this bill. Having positioned herself as a champion of poor / elderly people, voting for this bill wouldn’t make sense. Our representatives need to vote with their consciences; if they have any left!

The media – including this blog – must now do its share and post the names of those who vote for and against a bill. As well as those who were conveniently absent themselves for the vote. This is not privileged information. It is the people’s information. It is a logical right of citizens in a democracy. This government pays EACH minister $17,000 plus perks per month from the tax payer’s purse. Thousands have lost their jobs! What poetic injustice! Time to yank the ropes on the fatted calves.


318 responses to “Phartford Files: Surrogate Racism, Conscience and Voting in Parliament”

  1. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    Expressing my view has already made a difference. Let us see others.

  2. $6,000 for an architect? Is this a kennel? An architect in Barbados costs between 50,000 and 250,000 dollars including construction supervision, depending on whether it is to be a small house or a castle.

  3. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Does Barbados have a “Building Code”? I ‘liked’ the term competent used throughout. Are we to assume they are “incompetent” registered professionals? Plenty new fees and various jobs along the way.

  4. The PM said she wouldn’t move Nelson without “consulting” the people, perhaps there should have been some consultation before the law was drafted and passed. Anyway, the Government whisperer was on another blog explaining to us simple minded retirees the intent and import of the Bill. This is a Gov’t in a hurry, it probably explains why he is so busy trying to explain Gov’t’s legislations/actions.

    Many hands make light work

  5. Piece the Prophet Avatar
    Piece the Prophet

    @ Ironside

    Well written!

    “You said and de ole man quotes

    “…Can you imagine somebody borrowing three to five thousand dollars from a credit union to repair a house or even add a “water-toilet” to a house and having to move somewhere else while the construction is in progress?

    Move where?

    Into their representatives’ luxury dog houses? Up their backsides? THAT would be very uncomfortable, Ms. Caddle!”

    Not all of dem would mind if you moved up dem backsides?

    De Doctor Fellow?

    But you are right!

    Dem ent got one RH idea to help dem in dese times, NOT ONE RH IDEA and dian talk bout Cynthia Forde

    All she good for is getting she hair do every day to dress up, poor people shy$e!

    But Ironside is you not noticing a pattern wid dese people in de Mugabe regime?

    Dem mekking unlawful laws AND ONLY WHEN CASWELL FRANKLYN TALKING BOUT DEM, den repealing dem!

    Every 2 days dem mekking laws Ironside and den got to repeal dem!

    You see why me grandson does do these Stoopid Cartoons?

    Even 2 years after the Regime has been implemented every 2 days Mugabe Mottley mekking illegal and unconscionable laws

  6. Piece the Prophet Avatar
    Piece the Prophet

    @ Senator Caswell Franklyn

    Seats that you can focus on

    Edmund Hinkson (Mugabe Mottley fired him – so she has condemned him as spoilt goods)

    Dwight Sutherland – the anti black small car sales parliamentarian

    John King the Auntie man sorry anti remove Nelson man

    Trevor Prescod – Mr Maggoo heself – who cant see shy$e to improve de constituency

    Indar Weir who dont know shite bout agriculture and is responsible for the high prices of food for poor black people!

    Cynthia Forde- Minister of Hairstyles who dont do nuffin for old people but talk pretty and instead of helping elderly constituents SPENDING $200 Every day pun she hair.

    Dat is six seats so far de ole man listed for you.

    I gine give you de other 12 soon

    Oh I nearly forget

    De Covid man Jeffrey Bostic otherwise called de Funeral Home man with he unfriendly style!

    You running in Atherley constituency so dat is 8 seats already.

    I gine give you de other ten soon!

  7. Felicia Doughtz Avatar
    Felicia Doughtz

    “Surrogate Racism” lol, how else do you expect non-africans in the caribbean to maintain their power post independence? How do you think indians do it in Trinidad & Guyana? The arabs, indians, whites, mulattos, run the drug trade in trinidad, guyana, suriname and Barbados et al….they corrupt and hire africans to do the the enforcement! How many clubs have you seen, with anti-black african rules, carried out exhuberantly by africans? It’s SICK! Most africans are psychologically beholden to non-africans… they feel a boost in self-worth through association! They’re proud to be hench men & women for any other race against other africans.

  8. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Keep your eyes on the sellouts and the toxic minorities…….at all times.

    The African descended across the earth including Africa has a right, under international law, to a clean environment, no toxic poisions should be introduced in any form to that environment and can only happen, if your uncaring leaders allow it.

    ▼Article XIX. Right to protection of a healthy environment 1. Indigenous peoples have the right to live in harmony with nature and to a healthy, safe, and sustainable environment, essential conditions for the full enjoyment of the rights to life and to their spirituality, cosmovision, and collective well-being.

    Indigenous peoples have the right to conserve, restore, and protect the environment and to manage their lands, territories and resources in a sustainable way. 3. 4. Indigenous peoples have the right to be protected against the introduction, abandonment, dispersion, transit, indiscriminate use, or deposit of any harmful substance that could adversely affect indigenous communities, lands, territories and resources. Indigenous peoples have the right to the conservation and protection of the environment and the productive capacity of their lands or territories and resources. States shall establish and implement assistance programs for indigenous peoples for such conservation and protection, without discrimination.

  9. Nation EDITORIAL

    A lapse in judgement

    THE CORONAVIRUS pandemic has been having a telling impact on this country and may be blamed for some of the crazy and damning things that have been happening. Such has been the case over the past week given the many errors of judgment in the public domain.

    Minister of Small Business, Entrepreneurship and Commerce, Dwight Sutherland made a careless blunder when he promised new car dealers to “level the playing field” given their complaints about being undercut by used car importers.

    The public’s response was swift and condemnatory.

    If he has his ears to the ground he would know the public feels, whether rightly or wrongly, the Government is siding with big business, maintaining and protecting the status quo while small businesses struggle. Mr Sutherland should have been conscious of how the public would react and interpret his comments.

    Given his portfolio Mr Sutherland must understand the plight of struggling entrepreneurs who make significant contributions to employment, taxation and meeting consumers’ needs.

    He must also be aware of the public’s desire to get the best prices to stretch their dollar in an environment with an unprecedented number of people unemployed and struggling while trying to cope with an ever-rising cost of living.

    Mr Sutherland needs to

    explain to the country exactly what he means.

    His parliamentary colleague Mr Neil Rowe finds himself embroiled in a public controversy with a former landlord over the payment of rent for a property he used until recently as his St Michael North West constituency office at Deacons. It is now Mr Rowe’s word against that of the disgruntled landlord who has gone public with his take on the matter.

    This is embarrassing since the payment of the rent for an MP’s constituency office should never be enmeshed in any dispute based on how the long-established and organised system for parliamentarians is supposed to work.

    This is not a nine-day wonder and Mr Rowe should not expect the issue to blow away. He has a duty to the constituents of St Michael North West and by extension the Barbadian public, to outline the facts by providing the evidence to show that he has been doing right at all times.

    The biggest bungle, however, was by the Government with its Planning and Development (Amendment) Bill 2020which threatens entrenched cultural traditions. The requirement for a homeowner to obtain an occupancy certificate from the Planning Department before occupying their home after renovation work has been completed undermines the entrenched Barbadian way of phased construction.

    There is absolutely no surprise that the public’s reaction was overwhelmingly


    This terrible oversight about the way home improvement has been successfully done in Barbados to enhance people’s livelihood will be seen as an effort to hinder the poor and marginalised from improving their standard of living. The Government needs to explain and if necessary, apologise.

    These gaffes are hiding in plain sight. COVID-19 should not cause us to make such terrible misjudgements.

    Source: Nation Newspaper

  10. @Northern Observer

    Is it true to say that if we implement a building codes accepting a minimum standard have to be part of it? How does our design compare with elsewhere?

  11. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    And here we go again. I warned John A and @ Hal that all the talk about a new direction post COVID will not emerge if we continue to think that tourism will be our savior. We note out of 122 entrants there is 1 positive case after no cases for several weeks. Simple common sense will inform what will happen if 122, 000 come in.
    Check the social scene in yesterday’s papers ; everybody up in St Lawrence gap drinking Mark Maloney, the real Czar of Barbados , free booze.
    A picture always tells a thousand words. In this case it was $ 200 000 that he invested in his latest plaything. That’s where you will find them with no mask hanging out with the real Czar of Barbados.
    Maloney – from corporate public enemy number one up to elections in 2018 is now our beloved Czar.
    And we here complaining about having to give up we house if we put on a lil water toilet. I don’t care what nobody say I putting on a new toilet and I going and get a proper architect to draw the plan. In the meantime you will find me living in one of the empty hotels. Wunnuh just like to complain.
    Over to you John A and @ Hal.

  12. @ William

    Did you notice the president officiating at the opening of |Maloney’s cafe? The man has a direct line to the top of government. So, if you get in the way of Hyatt you are doomed. The message this send to Town and Country planning and to the high court is beware. She also made a public fool of herself with the Irish-Canadian who vandalises the Crane beaches. As our two-year old grand daughter says: ‘disappointed.’
    The president is an autocrat, no-one can oppose her. It will end in tears.

  13. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Everything the idiots in the parliament have ever done since 1966 is always GEARED TOWARD making life harder and harder for the black majority for every generation, they do it by default, very conscious of what they are doing because it appeals to their wicked inner colonial mentality..

    still maintaining slave laws on their statute books from the 1600s in a 90% plus African descended country should tell you everthing you need to know, how many years have we been asking to remove the colonial laws geared toward keeping the majority black population in perpetual slavery under the still UK condoned and Portugues/Spanish created and designed evil papal bull(shit) …then the black face clowns in the parliament keep pretending they can’t remove nonprogressive archaic statutes, but they can change the Constitution to suit their corrupt purposes every other minute..

  14. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ Hal
    Now you know where to go and get a free gin and tonic. Nothing beats hanging with the Czar.

  15. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Both governments have unfaired, oppressed and deeply offended and VOLUNTARILY kept the people of St. John in generational poverty for 60 years… and they have a right to take no more….at least they now know given last elections when they stood up to be counted that they can also unseat this uncaring government…who are just like the last uncaring government…they know they have the POWER IN THEIR HANDS and they now know how to use it…and if they are not sure how to proceed, i will damn well show them…

    Government officials found themselves in hot water on July 5 as scores of St John residents lambasted the state about their dry taps. From Colleton, Welch, Glebe, Coach and Bath Land, the complaints were the same and there was no doubt that many of the residents are ready to picket at the doors of the BWA for what they are calling an injustice.

  16. Now I am being labelled the government whisperer because I refuse to peddle disinformation.🤣🤣🤣

    According to the Act 44(7), draughtsmen can draw plans for all the following:

    a dwelling house or duplex dwelling of not more than two storeys, the gross floor area of which does not exceed 232.5 square metres;
    a building of not more than two storeys in height containing more than two dwelling units, the gross floor area of which does not exceed 465 square metres; and,
    a commercial building of not more than two storeys in height, the gross floor area of which does not exceed 465 square

    How many poor people build houses taller than two storeys and bigger than 232.5 sq.m? Just to oppose for opposing sake a proud graduate of HC surmised that “a smart clerk/staff could easily find a way to void what was stated for simple buildings.” 🤣🤣

  17. @William

    How is investing $200,000 to be trivialized? The restaurant was closed and he and a partner invested and reopen. It will employee people and enhance the dining experience in Barbados, a good thing? The blogmaster is not a fan of Maloney and how he does business but…

    We have to be able to separate the issues.

  18. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ David
    I long past that. You keep interpreting what I write incorrectly because you are trying your utmost to trap me into political crap. All I said is that the optics are intriguing . The Mercedes he got from the DLP clowns probably cost more than the $1000 000 USD investment in the restaurant. I am not praising or trivializing anything. I am just saying he gone from villain to Czar in two short years. I done wid dat!

  19. @ William

    Say it, say it. You know you are thinking it. You only say something else to confuse people. Say what I know you are thinking. Go on. You think you are clever, but you are not. I can read your mind. I know people like you.

  20. “Did you notice the president officiating at the opening of |Maloney’s cafe? The man has a direct line to the top of government. So, if you get in the way of Hyatt you are doomed. The message this send to Town and Country planning and to the high court is beware.”

    You mean like in the UK Always grasping and sidestepping.

  21. @William

    The man invested in a restaurant that was closed and reopened hiring some of the same poor people you always moaning about. It does not mean he should be given a pass on the other issues. The DLP gave him the duty free exemption on the car and now that the Hyatt seems to be taking shape what would you have this government do? You have to separate the issues. Whilst you posting your usual the man out there hiring people.

  22. Barbados over the last 68 years.
    Black government
    Black workers
    White business owners.

  23. @Iroside, here here.


    “How does our design compare with elsewhere?”

    That’s irrelevant, it’s making A BUILDING CODE, LAW and ENFORCING the law. Fancy structures built for off shore entities, homes, hotels,factories are built and supervised by architects to international standards with appropriate quality controls. The developers of these structures know that Barbados codes/standards are willfully lacking and they are about protecting their investments. The government developed ” dog houses” are the ones that suffer.

  24. @Wily

    You have failed to show how building codes elsewhere are irrelevant to Barbados. Please respond by assuming the blogmaster is a dummy.

  25. I gine just sit and watch the contortions. #opposingjust4opposing

  26. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ David
    You said:
    “Whilst you posting your usual the man out there hiring people.”
    That’s exactly what I said when everybody was cussing Sandals (Butch Stewart).
    I was waiting in slips fuh yuh; umpire finger up….yuh gone. I done !

  27. Steuspe

  28. Unlike most of you ( apparently ) I lived in a chattel house that had an out house in the yard

    and when I was about 14 or 15 years old a 16 ft x 8 ft front house-living room was added.

    It is possible that none of the current decision makers were born in circumstances similar to mine.

    It is possible that none have ever helped friends relatives or others extend or add on to a house.

    I will watch the debate with – nostalgia-

  29. @Hants

    Enuff addressed this concern.

  30. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Codes themselves tend to be more descriptive, than prescriptive. Any ‘standard’ is usually referenced, from a recognized authority.(ASTM-CSA-UL etc etc) Generally ‘building codes’ seek to address Safety-Fire/Structural/Usage, Health-Indoor conditions/Sanitation/Noise/Hazardous materials.
    I “think” the interpretation of occupancy during renovation is being mis-interpreted. The reason to ‘block off’ areas under construction is usually safety. And occupancy would only relate to those areas. Installation of a plumbing fixture is not a reason to prohibit occupancy. Nor would reshingling, window replacement (unless the opening was being left unblocked for a period) etc etc.
    The end story is always the same….everybody is always trying to ‘get around them’, usually for cost. Like customs duties.

  31. NorthernObserver Avatar

    I also note, because I am critical of the lack of reporting, that dozens of back logged annual reports from schools, and The Caves, and BWA have been laid before the house. And some from groups who have been more up-to-date on their reporting like Invest barbados, GAIA, BIDC etc
    I haven’t had time to study them

  32. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Learn how to follow the positives, you are a Black majority country…..don’t let the frauds in Barbados tell you any different.

    “Blackout Day 2020 promotes economic boycotting, support of Black-owned businesses
    BlackoutDay2020 promotes a day of economic boycotting and limiting spending to Black-owned businesses on Tuesday.”

  33. ” proud graduate of HC surmised that “a smart clerk/staff could easily find a way to void what was stated for simple buildings.” 🤣🤣

    The smart HC guy stated that he is not a lawyer. He read the whole section, just not one of the bullets and gathered the impression that a smart clerk who wanted to show power could used a technicality to frustrate a citizen’s desire for a simple building.
    Don’t pretend the legislation is perfect, they will debate and discuss it more.

  34. “Self-mutilation, also called self-harm, self-injury or cutting, is the intentional destruction of tissue or alteration of the body done without the conscious wish to commit suicide , usually in an attempt to relieve tension.”

    If one were to read the list of self inflicted injuries identified above, one can only conclude that the administration is on a course of self destruction. I am of the sincere belief that the administration understood the effectiveness of using the new media in campaigning and the lessons ended there.

    They are trying to run the same “big-foot moves that would have worked years ago and failed to realize that the new media is both a speaker and a microphone and can be used in real-time. Once they would have written their legislation and by the time the man in the street became became aware it would have been a done deed. before the sound of their voices dies or before the ink dries, they hear the voices of the people.


  35. @David

    “Show how building codes elsewhere are irrelevant to Barbados. ”

    Wily does not believe Building codes elsewhere are NOT RELEVANT, he does believe Building codes are an essential under the LAW and must be enforced rigorously. Not having a building code proclaimed as a law and enforced results in corruption and under the table graft to politicians, civil servants, developers to name a few. Take the recent Brittons Hill apartment collapse into a know sink hole, who financially benefited, present prime minister for one.

    Does Wily have to explain more clearly or are the red underwater blinkers showing.

    If Barbados adopted any one of numerous first world jurisdictions building codes and proclaimed them into LAW and enforced same then it would be a starting point. Wily has numerous Contractor friends in Barbados that maintain working to a set building code is not practical, well Wily fully knows that a lot if these same contractors would suffer financially under a enforced building code, they’d no longer be able to bribe their way to increased profit levels.

  36. Thanks Wily, the underwear is yellow today.

  37. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Is this as*hole for real…there are people all in St. George and so many other areas of the island..who has not had water for months, the same useless ass BWA workers inspected the meter etc and told them there was no leak…but here are the thieves from BWA extorting money from the people and giving them no water, but sellling water to corrupt minorities, eg Ram and her illegal water connections and pocketing the money for themselves…

    Speaking about racism…a nice little bit of poetic justice for a dangerous racist…after losing her hoi poloi power job.

    Lots more of that needs to happen, lose their livelihood and inconvenienced with a desk appearance ticket….hopefully it’s dated the same day as an important job interview….she’s so famous she might have to leave the state….that is what happens when ya looking for attention and lied to get it..

    “A white financier who called the police on a black man in Central Park and accused him of threatening her has been charged with filing a false police report.

    ‘Today our office initiated a prosecution of Amy Cooper for falsely reporting an incident in the third degree,’ said Cyrus Vance, the Manhattan district attorney.

    ‘We are strongly committed to holding perpetrators of this conduct accountable.”

  38. Thank you David BU the more Skinner post the more he expose himself as a Dem apologist.All he does is talk about poor people .Skinner have you ever invested any money into any business in Barbados or e.ployed any bajan? Both Hal Austin and you are sickening always negative.Mr Maloney though no favourite of mine is investing in projects in Barbados to employ bajans and you cannot give the man credit?What kind of bajan are you? Clearly you two hope for the worst for Barbados.By the way you find the answers to the questions i posed about Mr Thompson, role in the downfall of Clico yet?

  39. @ Lorenzo July 6, 2020 5:14 PM

    I’m glad you’re back. I thought I’d be here alone after KK switched sides and tried to assassinate our foreign policy. Our leader must urgently summon the Shadow Council to bring KK into line.

  40. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    You don’t give criminals thieves and racists aka maloney any credit, what kind of an idiot slave are you…and if the corrupt governments would stop helping the same criminals SABOTAGE black businesses when they try to grow and expand…a slave like you would not have to ask that dimwitted question.

  41. Waru the only racist i see here is you.Regardless of the topic you find some way of bringing race into it. The same stale warm over soup everyday all dsy hogging the blog.Why you don, t create your own blogand take along Piece, funy man Gazzerts, Austin and Skinner plus the other naysayers with you.I would say good riddance to bad rubbish .Tell us have you ever invested any money in Barbados or employed any bajan? If not stfu jackass.

  42. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Some halfassed minority on FB name peter webster decides that it’s his life’s work to live and feed off the majority population generationally like the parasite that he is, well PLT put him in his place….then the racist actually highlighted what a sell out of his own people Barrow was, no different to these modern day sell outs in the parliament today….and the similiterate joker forgot to mention that him and his ilk are the racists but he is tagging “the black PUBLIC SECTOR as racist saying they should be held accountable”….

    …but am glad he did that, they are the same nuisance negros who kowtow to these minorities and give them information and service that they do not give their own people…am surprised he did not call for them to be lynched cause it seems that is where is tone is going….told yall to shut down all minority businesses on the island…you have the money, keep it away from them…open black businesses and let them grow to benefit your black communities, grow your wealth, let me see if Mia thinks she can stop you….you owe Barbados’ slimy racists nothing, let them starve…

    “Peter Lawrence Thompson
    29 mins ·
    The level of White supremacist venom and stupidity among some Bajans is astounding. Imagine creating a catalog of “every major action involving ‘race’ in Barbados” but somehow conveniently forgetting to mention the enslavement of people.”

  43. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Tell Wood that, you bottomfeeding corrupt dirty fowl..

  44. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Six airlines are vying to replace Liat, it can’t hurt to find out who owns them, who sits on their boards as directors and who are their partners…silent or otherwise.

  45. Waru what Mr Wood is to do with this ? You are a real jackass in truth. I repeat YOU ARE THE ONLY ANNOYING RACIST ON SEE ON THIS BLOG EVERYDAY ALL DAY.Time to form your own blog and give most of us a rest .You are an annoying pezt..I ask again have you ever invested in any bajan business or employed any bajan?

  46. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Don’t worry…i will be reposting that Committee Report on removing nelson that Comissiong and Mia with their deceitful selves. lied to the people about………… repeatedly……. and every Article of international human rights that yall hid from the people in the last 2 years because ya sell out selves never want ya own people to know that their human rights existed.. all will be posted right up until election 2023…ah got a ton of platforms to launch it all from…ya think the people of St. John told off lying Abrams…just wait until i am done… ya think ya annoyed now…

    ya will soon be the ex-fowl….and ya done know how that goes for fowls…

  47. @Lorenzo,
    I have money invested in Barbdaos.
    I see that you are the “second” guy who refer to me a Gazzerts.
    It’s the small things that uncloak identities

  48. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Miller, Piece…i knew from the time the Clarke dude jumped out talking shit, i knew the plot was to pin the racist practices on the civil servants who kiss ass and suck up to the same minority parasites, those crooks would have been happy to jump on a panel to say that openly, but too many people know what they have done and continue to do, so, they will stay in the background, manipulate the situation and pin the racism that they practice on those closest to them, pin the blame on the black face donkeys in the parliament, in the civil service, in the judiciary and everywhere they can find their house negros….so who said there was no KARMA….and since the bizzy rat is part owner of barbadostoday, watch the play..

    if you see the clown on FB…people started attacking the one peter webster……not even i realized this day would arrive so soon, so we can witness them maul each other…lol..the fowls are so insignificant they can’t even pin the racism on them…

  49. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Compliments of peter webster….

    ah would love for him to get a good old whip and beat the slave asses like the sheman Lorenza and the other nuisance fowl slaves, only problem, they may like it…

    “That “cost”, likely in the region of $5 billion resulted from the failure of our political leaders to hold our black, racist public sector accountable for productivity and expenditure.
    Then there was the deliberate destruction of the hated white plantocracy – another racist action regardless of how it may be rationalized.”

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