[We’re] not having a Budget or anything soon because it is just too fluid [blogmaster’s emphasis] . . . The budget was not intended to have any new taxes and therefore there is no reason for an immediate budget and we therefore will wait and see,” Mottley told media managers during a meeting yesterday at Government Headquarters.

Source: Mottley: No budget, we’ll wait and see

Prime Minister Mia Mottley announced this week the cancellation of the Financial Statement and Budgetary Proposals  (budget). Some will agree with Mottley that government’s economic policy is heavily influenced by BERT and relieving the country from the annual talk shop starring MPs and Senators is welcomed.

The use of the word ‘fluid’ by the prime minister is interesting against the background of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many are fixated on the public health requirement. Policymakers must also think about positioning the country to recover quickly from the crisis.

The blogmaster hopes the reason offered by the prime minster for cancelling the ‘budget’ is the usual political flummery. Barbados finds itself in a tenuous position after many years of economic decline. Two years into BERT the COVID-19 pandemic could not have reared its head at a worse time. It exposes what we have always known – Barbados like other countries in the region are most vulnerable to shocks (exogenous). It defines an open economy.

It is the observation of this blogmaster that commenters in this forum and elsewhere experience difficulty walking and chewing gum when discussing the issues.  Of course public health safety is the priority but it cannot be the only priority.

Discuss for 25 marks how we must use another global crisis to reorder the way Barbadians do business at the household and national level.

What we have to worry about is that the virus DOES NOT force us to reorder how we manage our affairs at a national and household level. If we reorder how we manage our affairs then we would have nothing to worry about. If we continue to be lacking in vision, planning, willpower, effective leadership, active citizenship and energy we will soon regret it.

There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat. And we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures – William Shakespeare

This is an OPPORTUNE time to pause and reflect. This pain need not be in vain!

Donna – BU Commenter





532 responses to “Barbados Post COVID -19”

  1. @ Hal March 20, 2020 2:10 PM

    On the Daily mail, UK FB I said that there is a lack of leadership on Boris’ part. He should have closed all the bars long ago. He is supposed to do so tonight. With Italy, Salvini would have had things under control. Imagine he is being charged with kidnapping illegal migrants, because he stopped them from entering Italy.. Italy is going to leave the EU after this episode.

  2. @ Hal March 20, 2020 2:14 PM

    Most likely it has mutated in Italy. All microbes that multiply rapidly also exhibit high rates of mutation. This is especially so if humans are encountering the pathogenic organism for the first. The pathogen is free to run amok, If it has mutated, the protocols for treatment have to be modified. It has been reported that mortality rates are higher for males. Of those who have died in Italy, more than two-thirds are males. Same happened in China. Can’t be definite for now, more data have to be collected from else where. it is surmised that because males’ immune systems are less hardy than female, that that maybe the reason. The problem with democracies, is that it takes a high of a long time to get the citizenry to obey directives. Boris will have to order a state of emergency and put the twenty-thousand troops on the street to enforce very strict fines and jail terms. Trump has apparently now enforced the war’s power act. In countries like Russia young people have to conform or the penalties are very severe.

  3. Thanks Hants. One redeeming characteristic of the Mottley government is that she has been visible with all public speeches accessible online.

  4. @ Robert

    It looks as if Boris is playing the usual Brit game of softly, softly. By this time next week people will be ordered off the streets, institutions closed and people will need special permission to be outside.
    This looks like a battle for human survival.

  5. Everything just got VERY real.

  6. It was inevitable

    The coronavirus threat has hit home hard for a family who discovered they have been exposed to one of the five people who tested positive here.

    Starcom Network News spoke to a lady whose husband attended a party with a man who had returned from a trip to the USA and subsequently tested positive but only knew about his status after he had been in close contact with a number of people at a social gathering. Starcom Network is withholding her name and disguising her voice at her request.

  7. RE Everything just got VERY real.





  8. The Caribbean is in real trouble. We are currently witnessing in Europe a virus that appears to be testing the integrity of its incomparable health system. A system that is the envy of the world and a system that is heavily subsidised by the tax payer.

    And yet! The news from Europe is grim and foreboding. When this virus takes a grip in Barbados and the rest of the Caribbean we could witness an unleashing of a holocaust. Who will come to the region’s assistance? We in Europe can barely cope.

    The Caribbean will be left to its own devices to survive. And I fear the worse.


  9. My message to Mia is clear and simple. With Covid-19 on the scene you have a golden opportunity to ditch those numerous non-Africans who have been influencing you since you gained power. The arrival of Covid-19 sets a new paradigm for governments the world over. Even the UK Conservative government has been forced to adopt socialist policies to address the new realities.

    When certain non-African voices instruct you to keep our borders open to tourism tell them to go to hell. Use this period to remove the mal influence that this minority has on the direction of our country. Profit from this period and purge them all..

  10. Sage advice to Mia, she is being given an opportunity to release herself from the grip of parasites so the whole island can ultimately benefit, but will she heed advice or eventually crash and burn.

  11. @ Hal March 20, 2020 4:49 PM

    He was depending on the herd factor. Seems like most of Europe was doing so. He must be decisive. If needed a few broken bones will get the message across to all those who refuse to adhere to the law.

  12. It is being said Barbados has 2 new cases,,

    When the army has been called out in US to take over the streets…it is going down


  13. The president is speaking, but so far it is all about how wonderful the government is. Nothing about the economic crisis. She is also dismissive of a runny nose.

  14. The reality has not even began to get real yet
    For those who supported Mia nonsensical policies to keep borders open for such a length of time
    Would in time see the astronomical cost of the virus resulting from Mia stubbornness and arrogance trying to appease the tourist sector
    I would dare say that in the coming months especially around flu season barbados would experience a season they never dreamed of
    Recklessness and greed would be the underscoring point to be made against this govt

  15. The reality has not even began to get real yet
    For those who supported Mia nonsensical policies to keep borders open for such a length of time
    Would in time see the astronomical cost of the virus resulting from Mia stubbornness and arrogance trying to appease the tourist sector
    I would dare say that in the coming months especially around flu season barbados would experience a season they never dreamed of
    Recklessness and greed would be the underscoring point to be made against this govt

  16. @Hal

    The Prime Minister is addressing the nation on the economic consequences of the viral outbreak. I have the radio tuned out. I do not need her to tell me that things are going to be very bad. I will share this story with you as related to me by my brother. He said that he was in a conversation with a worker of the Sanitation Service Authority, who confessed that the real reason behind the walk out by workers last week was prompted by the fact that the workers wanted more money to drive the newly acquired trucks. All I could say when I heard that story was that robotics could t come fast enough. This sense of entitlement pervades all sectors of this country. This virus should be a reality check for all and sundry.

  17. Who is funding the sick people on the cruise liners. 4 tested positive, they will need care if they become too ill and have to be hospitalized, will the island be reimbursed.

  18. @ Robert

    I do not think she realises the seriousness of the situation; she is talking waffle. As to Bajan greed, it is part of the Bajan Condition. We are all in it together. I have said before do not just blame the lawyers, the entire nation is predatory.
    The Estimates should have been redrafted.

  19. Well, the airlines are being pulled so the ports will only be open to food and medicine in Barbados and the Caribbean going forward….the airports are obviously one of the breeding grounds.

    This virus cares about no one. it as said over ten priests and possibly 18 in Italy died form the virus.

    “U.S. Embassy Bridgetown
    2 hrs ·
    #Barbados: American Airlines will cease flights to and from Barbados effective March 23. and JetBlue will cease flights effective March 22.”

    “A third Transportation Security Administration officer conducting screenings at JFK Airport has been diagnosed with the coronavirus as federal officials prepare to close down and consolidate security checkpoints at area airports, authorities said Friday.

    A Federal Aviation Administration technician also tested positive for the coronavirus, causing a thorough cleaning of tower facilities, officials said Friday.”

    U.S. citizens considering returning to the US are urged to work with their airlines while flights are still available”

  20. Robotics couldn’t come fast enough
    Lucas are u for real
    As a man knowledgeable in the science of microbiology one would think u would understand the economics driven by health cause for sanitation workers to receive a decent wage above and beyond and inspite of what request they made for increase in salary which in reality money could not compensate for the level and type of work they do daily which is unhealthy
    Furthermore when other sectors in corporate long out hand govt does not think too long and hard to deliver
    E.g the cruise ships docked have asked govt for some breaks on fees govt quickly obliged
    Also the test along with decreasing docking fees for the cruise liner govt obliged without in as much as taking a vote in parliament
    Mind u all at taxpayers cost
    Therefore why is it that when the meek and lowly govt worker already receiving the shitty end of the stick ask for a few pennies increase their is always a long hue and cry and longing out of mouth with grabbled responses as to asking”who do these govt workers think they are”

  21. It is clear the president does not understand the crisis. She is now talking about using the so-called fiscal space to spend on polyclinics and the QEH. Does she understand what is going on?
    If we are now buying beds for the pandemic, it means we do not have them now. So we are unprepared? A Bds$20m household survival programme; I hope the 1500 most vulnerable families does not include squatters. They get $600 a month each.


    by Shamkoe Pilé | Mar 20, 2020


    Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley has given strict instructions that no shore leave will be granted to persons on board cruise ships that are homeporting in Barbados.

    She made this disclosure during a press briefing held at Ilaro Court today, when she revealed an additional three persons had tested positive for COVID-19, including a crew member in his 30s. This brings the total cases on the island to five.

    Prime Minister Mottley explained that the individual had never been to Barbados and noted his vessel had requested the test.

    The crew member is now in isolation on the ship. She added that Barbados had denied another ship’s request to test approximately six cases last week.

    “We refused them because we did not believe that we had the capacity because we had not yet stood up our Defence Force Field Hospital. We only had the limited beds at Enmore at the time, and we believe that it was too many for us to take at once,’ she said.

    Ms. Mottley stressed that the island must continue to meet its obligations as a homeporting destination, pointing out that numerous crew members on ships docked in the Bridgetown Port were due to disembark and return home via air.

    She explained: “We will continue to facilitate the persons who are disembarking the ships to go to the Grantley Adams International Airport only, in order to be able to take their flights. I’ve been advised by the port that the last flight for those persons will leave on Sunday (March 22), and with respect to the rest who remain as crew, there will be no shore leave. We have an obligation to these ships. These ships call Barbados home; there is a legal, contractual, moral, ethical and humanitarian obligation that we have.”

    In addition to facilitating crew members returning to their homelands, she outlined that many of the ships were also in Barbados for provisioning and fuel.

    “They have to be able to feed their crew; they have to be able to provide fuel, and they have to be able to provide water …. I know that this is difficult for some people to hear, but you can’t have the benefits and not also the responsibility. And the reality is that we have had the benefits of homeporting now for in excess of 15 years; and regrettably, this is now the obligation that we have to carry out, with respect to the provisioning. None of us would feel good if the ship runs out of fuel or water mid-ocean in circumstances where we had an obligation to them because of being a homeport,” Ms. Mottley underscored.

    The Prime Minister also stated that from Sunday, March 22, persons arriving from the United States of America, the United Kingdom and Europe would be quarantined for 14 days.

    This is in addition to travellers who would have been to Iran, China, South Korea and Italy, which were already on the quarantine list.

    Barbadian residents will be placed in self-quarantine if they are deemed by health authorities to be at low-risk for COVID-19, while all others will be quarantined at a facility.


  23. The president has just made a brilliant announcement. She has instructed the oil company to hedge oil prices for the next two years. We should have been using the derivatives markets years ago.
    She should not extend that to other importations, including food and other commodities. Welcome to the real world. That alone will reduce our import bill.

  24. @WURA-War-on-U March 20, 2020 3:11 AM “…always in ya garden from sun up to sundown.”


    Planted some okra today. There was a little rain already tonight. The first fruits should be ready by May 1.

    If Donna hasn’t started yet she should do so soon.

  25. Barbados has six coronavirus cases.

  26. Many people are talking about vitamin C, but I do the outdoor work for the vitamin D as well since it seems to be an immune system boost. The good thing about it is that it is free

    “It is now clear that vitamin D has important roles in addition to its classic effects on calcium and bone homeostasis. As the vitamin D receptor is expressed on immune cells (B cells, T cells and antigen presenting cells) and these immunologic cells are all are capable of synthesizing the active vitamin D metabolite, vitamin D has the capability of acting in an autocrine manner in a local immunologic milieu. Vitamin D can modulate the innate and adaptive immune responses. Deficiency in vitamin D is associated with increased autoimmunity as well as an increased susceptibility to infection.”

  27. 4 on cruise ship docked in Barbados text positive for the virus. That should not be the island’s responibility, those numbers will keep rising and they are not prepared nor have adequate resources to deal with a sudden large outbreak, not even locally.

  28. WURA-War-on-U
    March 20, 2020 7:31 PM

    Who is funding the sick people on the cruise liners. 4 tested positive, they will need care if they become too ill and have to be hospitalized, will the island be reimbursed.


    Remember Dr. Sparman and the British tourist who had to seek medical treatment locally.

    The patient paid probably through insurance.

    Cruise Ships with cases on board get quarantined.

  29. Hal Austin
    March 20, 2020 7:08 PM

    The president is speaking, but so far it is all about how wonderful the government is. Nothing about the economic crisis. She is also dismissive of a runny nose.


    She should not fool around with her health.

    She is over 50 and a smoker.


  30. John…frightening scenario…those cruise ships taking on provisions and other supplies should have left days ago. why are they still hanging around. The airlines are shutting down and many of the crew will be stuck if they can’t get out.

    She was warned about allowing thousands of cruise passengers to wander around the town and refused to listen, no one knows when an outbreak will start because of that recklessness.

  31. Barbados is home port for many cruise ships and has a legal responsibility to deliver medical care to crew et al.


    When corporate CLICO and SANDALS ask DEM for an ease, they give way everything that was asked of them
    Yet when the men that holding the shitty end of the stick plus the BWA ones that had to be constantly mopping up the shit from the streets on the south coast asked for a raise how many pennies did the DLP government give to them?
    or how much toffees?

    not even a toffee paper to lick duh get.

    so hush you donkey.

  33. ur not u

  34. fortyacresandamule Avatar

    @Hal. I agree. That oil hedging for two years is a good move. By the way, how many barrels are we contracting for? I hope it’s for the full 100%. Barbados consumed around ~ max 15000 barrels per day.

  35. @ Mariposa March 20, 2020 8:03 PM

    Be realistic. There are shortages of the testing kits. Why should they get more for driving the new trucks? if you had read correctly my post, you would have seen that, the individual in no way alluded to any concerns about the virus. You would also have noticed the following also: ” This sense of entitlement pervades all sectors of this country.” I do not know what you understood the latter statement to mean.

  36. fortyacresandamule Avatar

    @john. The denominator in italy is shorely known. And going by that ratio, their death rate is hovering around 9%. Unless italy is an outlier, this mortality rate ain’t no joke.

  37. Barbados is home port for many cruise ships and has a legal responsibility to deliver medical care to crew et al.(Quote)

    Wrong. Home port is a commercial relations more for the convenience of the ship and the money-making for the port than any legal obligation. The legal obligation is on the home jurisdiction of the ship ie the flag it is flying. If it is flying a Barbadian trident, then yes, if not no. Ships do not fly flags just for fun.

  38. Go and tell the Prime Minister she is wrong, Barbados has obligations to the crew of ships calling the Barbados Port home. This is what she said yesterday. She is a lawyer and should . As usual you know evuhting.

  39. The Best-dos Santos Public Health Laboratory in Barbados became one of the first in the Caribbean to acquire test kits and reagents for COVID – 19 detection in the Caribbean …

  40. The flag of a ship has, from earliest days, provided an indication of that vessel’s nationality – the country under which it derived its legal status and whose laws applied to its operations. It was, in practical terms, necessary to fly a flag which was a visible indication of the state under whose protection that ship operated, backed up with the papers which would be carried by the Master. And as international trade developed in the Middle Ages, protection was important as warring nations and city states built naval forces to establish their writ at sea and control seas they claimed as their own….

    Flag states are provided with extensive powers of oversight and control of the safety of ships flying their flags, with specific obligations for the inspection of their ships, jurisdiction and administration of the owning entities, the Master and officers and crew of the ship. They are required to provide “their” ships with appropriate certificates that demonstrate that the ship has been inspected and complied with international rules and standards. The SOLAS and MARPOL Conventions are highly detailed documents which do not permit flag states much “wriggle room” for interpretation.
    The flag state is also firmly in control of criminal and disciplinary powers with the duty to enforce penal jurisdiction where there have been breaches of regulations that have led to incidents such as collision, stranding or pollution. In such cases, it is required to respond to reports of violations involving ships flying its flags, institute proceedings and to inform the informing state of its action. Similarly, the Law of the Sea Convention, IMO conventions and ILO instruments all make the flag state responsible for inquiries into the circumstances surrounding casualties, which importantly are obligations and not “options”, that may or may not, be exercised……(Quote)

  41. A reminder of your comment about BERT, It is a matter of record:

    @ John A

    It took a pandemic and a three-hour speech to dump BERT. We have been saying BERT could not work for nearly two years.

  42. Cut and paste nonsense from Google. It is known maritime law governing the seas is old and complicated and consequently has been exploited by ship owners. According to you, the several cruise ships berthed at the Barbados port (home port) should fly suspected crew members to Liberia or some other country where it is flying a flag of convenience.


  43. A reminder of your comment about BERT, It is a matter of record:

    @ John A

    It took a pandemic and a three-hour speech to dump BERT. We have been saying BERT could not work for nearly two years…(Quote)


  44. You may have the last word.

    Four* crew members test positive
    One crew member aboard a vessel off Barbados’ coast, who tested positive for COVID-19 on Wednesday (March 18) is now one of four infected crew members.

    It has not been specified if the four confirmed cases sit all on one cruise ship.

    Barbados is the testing site for cruise ships that are homeporting in the Bridgetown Port.

    Under the International Health Regulations (IHR) 2007, Barbados is obligated to render medical care to anyone who becomes ill on board a cruise ship which homeports here.


  45. Barbados has a moral right to treat any sick passengers on ANY ships in its waters/ports.

  46. Under the International Health Regulations (IHR) 2007, Barbados is obligated to render medical care to anyone who becomes ill on board a cruise ship which homeports here. {Quote}

    @ David

    What you are saying was mentioned many times in the press and by Ms Mottley. She even quoted the law to show how Barbados is obligated to provide some sort of medical treatment. The home port is the port where cruise ship passengers board to start their cruise and disembark the cruise ship at the end of their cruise. A cruise ship could be registered in Spain and flies the Spanish flag, but it’s home port could be Barbados.

    You got to remember the silly man is ALWAYS RIGHT and all us of here are beneath him and ALWAYS WRONG. He went and do what he always criticizing people for doing. He GOOGLED and COPY and PASTE something about where a ship is registered and that is totally different from what you said.

    But you know what I does always tell wunnuh? Google only becomes a good source of information when HE use it. When others use it, he says they are Googling and copy and pasting nonsense.

    It looking like he learn by rote, too.

  47. The maritime claim for Barbados is a territorial sea of 12 nmi (22.2 km; 13.8 mi),

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