[We’re] not having a Budget or anything soon because it is just too fluid [blogmaster’s emphasis] . . . The budget was not intended to have any new taxes and therefore there is no reason for an immediate budget and we therefore will wait and see,” Mottley told media managers during a meeting yesterday at Government Headquarters.

Source: Mottley: No budget, we’ll wait and see

Prime Minister Mia Mottley announced this week the cancellation of the Financial Statement and Budgetary Proposals  (budget). Some will agree with Mottley that government’s economic policy is heavily influenced by BERT and relieving the country from the annual talk shop starring MPs and Senators is welcomed.

The use of the word ‘fluid’ by the prime minister is interesting against the background of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many are fixated on the public health requirement. Policymakers must also think about positioning the country to recover quickly from the crisis.

The blogmaster hopes the reason offered by the prime minster for cancelling the ‘budget’ is the usual political flummery. Barbados finds itself in a tenuous position after many years of economic decline. Two years into BERT the COVID-19 pandemic could not have reared its head at a worse time. It exposes what we have always known – Barbados like other countries in the region are most vulnerable to shocks (exogenous). It defines an open economy.

It is the observation of this blogmaster that commenters in this forum and elsewhere experience difficulty walking and chewing gum when discussing the issues.  Of course public health safety is the priority but it cannot be the only priority.

Discuss for 25 marks how we must use another global crisis to reorder the way Barbadians do business at the household and national level.

What we have to worry about is that the virus DOES NOT force us to reorder how we manage our affairs at a national and household level. If we reorder how we manage our affairs then we would have nothing to worry about. If we continue to be lacking in vision, planning, willpower, effective leadership, active citizenship and energy we will soon regret it.

There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat. And we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures – William Shakespeare

This is an OPPORTUNE time to pause and reflect. This pain need not be in vain!

Donna – BU Commenter





532 responses to “Barbados Post COVID -19”

  1. I am not interested in getting 25 marks for saying how Barbados should re-order its way of doing business. Many observers more erudite in the area of economics and financial management ,have for years postulated on what needs to be done to no avail. It will be business as usual after the shock-waves of this virus have died down.

  2. @Dr. Lucas

    Unfortunately you have to be graded accordingly.

  3. What Barbados needs is a POLITICAL VIRUS that is at least 70% deadly to narsistic corrupt politicians and government hanger-ones. Dig a MASS GRAVE and bury the lot.

    Now that the vermin are disposed of the country MAYBE able to turn the ECONOMIC CORNER to recovery.

    Worth at less some credit POINTS.

  4. Minister Marsha Caddle announced yesterday the 80 million loan from the IADB could not have come at a better time. Forex reserves now at 1.5 billion. What we need is the new economic strategy.

  5. Cackle cackle
    1.5 billions in loans and fees and taxes some off the backs of poor barbadians
    So far three garbage trucks and demolished buildings to show
    Oh a park coming soon
    Jesus take the wheel

  6. @David March 17, 2020 6:14 AM

    SAME OLD SAME OLD, borrow MORE MONEY, they never learn.

  7. @ David March 17, 2020 6:14 AM

    What we ought to be hearing from the Queen Bee PM and the many MoFs in waiting is what is going to happen to the plan to kick-start the economy by bringing on stream the many major projects promised over the last 2 years.

    What is going to happen to the likes of the Hyatt Lighthouse which the same PM promised to have off the ground in May 2020 while the park for meditation and relaxation is under construction.

    Will the economic growth forecast issued by the Guv of the CBB be amended to reflect the realities on the ground in our major source markets for tourism?

    Should that figure now be amended to show a negative sign placed before it?

    Would the current bevy of consultants and advisors be laid off or put on ‘short time’ like the many who would be losing their picks in the industry which provides the fuel to the one-cylinder-engine economy?

    Tron, why are you hiding from Covid?

    Is it because it is going to cause more pulmonary stress to the Bajan economy than the former deceitful lying party did to it during the ‘lost decade of darkness and decay’?

  8. @David,

    time we hear from you David.

    how would you re organise the Bim society, if there is a need to that is?

  9. @Miller and John A

    Did you hear Minister Straughn in the House yesterday talking about kickstarting the agriculture and manufacturing sectors? Then there was the predictable response by James Paul. The sector needs time to secure inputs if this is the plan. The more things change the more things remain the same.

    We will watch to see how the government and private sector work together to ensure this national objective is achieved given the urgency of now. Maybe, just maybe it will change the way we do business.

  10. @Greene

    Many blogs have been posted over the years about things we can do. This blogmaster has always been of re view of t will require a cataclysmic event to force out of the box thinking to fuel innovation, productivity and all those desirable positions we need to take. It is time a lazy people – a burgeoning middle class – is jolted from their reverie.

  11. To be clear the middle class is fingered because of the beneficiary of so-called free education. We know what we have to do but we have become lazy.

  12. ok but you need to be more specific than that.

    in bullet points tell us what you would recommend

  13. In the coming weeks at your suggestion will share rehash some thoughts posted over the years.

  14. We know what we have to do but we have become lazy

    Imagine a bunch of lazy fat buggers called Ministers and consultants eating out of the taxpayer trough and dont have an idea for creating a growth path

  15. @ David March 17, 2020 8:02 AM

    Covid is a clear warning to the middle class that it is time its members up their game and justify their existence or be damned and confined to their ‘ghettoes’ in the heights and terraces.

    Is the myopic government going to remove the blinkers and put on its Covid mask by putting an embargo on vehicles exceeding 1300 cc’s for domestic use imported into a country which like to boast of having more luxury vehicles per head of population and per square kilometre of land space than any other country under an IMF austerity programme?

    The current Covid crisis offers the country its last golden opportunity to significantly reduce conspicuous consumption and learn to live within its means just like their ancestors were forced to do in times of crisis.

  16. Understand what Singapore and Hong Kong are doing, take the best ideas and implement them.

    They seem to test not for the sake of testing but to aggressively seek out those who have the virus and track their contacts.

    They locked down early.

    There is cooperation between the people and Government because no one wants a repeat of SARS and each has confidence in the other’s ability to deliver.

    America is behind because the Obama administration did not learn from the swine flu experience in 2009.

    We are behind because of the same reason and because we just have square pegs in round holes, probably also a failing of the Obama administration in America.

    Italy and other badly affected countries are also in the same boat.

    Whatever the outcome this time around we must be prepared for the next one.

    Get rid of the square pegs!!

  17. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    David, I would caution that your ‘rehash’ be a ‘rewash’.

    Whatever was put forward as options before needs to be carefully reassessed in light of this ‘orange swan’ event and be fit for the new life ahead.

    In sum, yes we need to move from our principal service based tourism economy, embrace more food crops and more tech based industries and development as a base level.

    Conversely, we need to tamp down our overproduction of legal eagles and find a way to guide more folks into technology, logistical planning/production and technical pursuits.

    But step back for a moment and recognize that it’s not only Bim that will indeed be ‘forced’ to reorder because of COVID19 and world changes generally.

    *The UK will be changing obviously
    *The US has
    *Europe must and after what Italy experienced they will surely drive some of that change.

    Individually we all want ‘normalcy’, whatever that may be for us, but consider that right now across Europe there is absolutely no soccer… Bah humbug u say… But bro that’s several thousand people out of work at stadia, vendors, tour operators , TV camera men/women etc… Forget the big money stars.

    Same in US with NBA and Ice Hockey.

    Will the Olympics be cancelled or postponed… Another jolt to normalcy and economic sustenance.

    The piece is about how Bim reorders and that’s a perfectly legitimate debate but we are but one spoke in a big wheel and so goes the wheel then so goes it’s spokes.

    This is a life changing moment for EVERYONE and we all have to reorder …

    And @Donna it is basically by force… as most of us never ever move ourselves out of our comfort zone unless for a significant reason!

  18. All of you should do what is best for you and your family.

    I staying home and will only venture out to buy food and for exercise.

    Happy to hear that Barbados has no known cases of Covid 19 even though I find it difficult to believe.

  19. @Dee Word

    Your caution is noted but the rehash from the blogmaster will be about triggering a relevant mindset. A winning attitude that sort of thing. If we calibrate iur thought processes as a people- note as a people- good things should flow. This incessant blame on 30 people in parliament will get us no where. The change (spring) must come from tr people.

  20. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @John, I promised myself not to respond much to the ‘fire’ shouts from you and your colleagues and too this is about looking forward so suffice to say to your “America is behind because the Obama administration did not learn from the swine flu experience in 2009”… :

    Senor, that bro left the WH THREE years ago… so when you shout fire in a room void of any smoke and nary a burning straw even, you are soon found out as a alarmist or the arsonist!

    Go douse yourself in cold water and put out your raging folly for all things POTUS, do!

  21. @Hants

    The operative word is reported case. Note people may have the virus in a mild form and do not know.

    This blood we are hopeful can move the discussion to preparing for post covid-19.

  22. @Dee Word

    Please see comment above. As intelligent people we have to learn to contain ourselves. Our indiscipline in thought is reflective of the social and economic decay we are currently experiencing.

  23. WURA-War-on-U. Avatar

    “The current Covid crisis offers the country its last golden opportunity to significantly reduce conspicuous consumption and learn to live within its means just like their ancestors were forced to do in times of crisis.”

    If they COCK THIS UP…to promote a circus of racists , thieves and hangerson, so that they can all line their own pockets….while blaming UK, US, CANADA and everyone else for THEIR CRIMES….against THEIR OWN PEOPLE….i will be sure to remind them..

    these larger countries must change how they operate going FORWARD….so let’s see if the IGNORANT leaders in the Caribbean want to continue to TRAP their people to being HELPLESS, DEPENDANT and POWELESS in their backwardness…

    …what they should consider is that they are on their now, the most they will get are LOANS TO BE REPAID…so let them continue with their deceit and corruption…and dont make the appropriate changes.

    Education AND HEALTHCARE are more important than tourism….the latter CANNOT sustain the former or the island would never be that DEGRADED, unsightly in infrastructure nor opportunities POOR for the last 3 generations of the majority…despite it being an industry on the island from the 1700s.

  24. These small devices are a damn pain to type.

    these larger countries must NOW change how they operate going FORWARD….so let’s see if the IGNORANT leaders in the Caribbean want to continue to TRAP their people into being HELPLESS, DEPENDANT and POWERLESS in their backwardness…..while saying it’s the BIGGER COUNTRIES MAKING THEM DO IT…and not the filthy little corrupt minorities whom WE ALL KNOW own these house negros.

    …what they should consider is that they are on their OWN NOW, the most they will get are LOANS TO BE REPAID…so let them continue with their deceit and corruption…and dont make the appropriate changes.

  25. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    The Failed State, from the available evidence, is continuing to punch above its weight in this crisis. If Mia has one strength it is crisis management.Where are the kudos?

    @ David Bu

    You have been asked for your solutions and you are going to give a rehash? Wheel and come again,brother.

    Wunnuh can cuss me now. I am not responding to invectives.

  26. de pedantic Dribbler
    March 17, 2020 9:01 AM

    @John, I promised myself not to respond much to the ‘fire’ shouts from you and your colleagues and too this is about looking forward so suffice to say to your “America is behind because the Obama administration did not learn from the swine flu experience in 2009”… :
    Senor, that bro left the WH THREE years ago… so when you shout fire in a room void of any smoke and nary a burning straw even, you are soon found out as a alarmist or the arsonist!
    Go douse yourself in cold water and put out your raging folly for all things POTUS, do!


    If Singapore and Hong Kong are ahead because of their experience with SARS in 2002/4, America should also be ahead because of its experience with Swine Flu 2009.

    You know of course 2009 was during the Obama administration!!

  27. “They locked down early.”

    Those are the OPERATIVE words…dont wait until u have hundreds of cases and one death, then to lock down, too late, the virus is TOO CONTAGIOUS.

    They better not be lying about not having Carona cases on the island, the last one who tried that it BLEW UP BACK ON THEM…literally.

  28. Singapore and Hong Kong had another advantage, they are small islands!!

    That’s why we should be learning every one of their strategies and using the ones that will work here.

  29. Am sharing this because it came from a credible source.

    “First two cases of COVID-19 confirmed here in BDS this morning.”

  30. Hong Kong, Singapore and Barbados have one thing in common.


    Two of them learned, Britain forgot and one of them went foolish.

  31. @David who wrote ” preparing for post covid-19.”.

    Agriculture. Food security. Solar generated electricity, Sanitation. ( keep de wh place clean )

  32. I must tell u, still waiting for the authorities to say it officially. But we already know what must be done. Without panic. We are prepared.

  33. Checked the Subject Index of the Journal of the Barbados Museum and Historical Society and no mention of Spanish Flu!!

    No one seems to have published anything on it.

    That suggests we got off lightly.

    Next source to check is the Newspapers of the day 1918/19 and see what they say.

    There would have been censorship during the war so may not find anything because of that.

    Would like to (expect to) find details of how the authorities of the day kept it out of Barbados.

    We might learn a thing or three from our erstwhile masters which we can use today!!

  34. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ Hants at 9 :28 AM

    Diversification of the economy has been discussed ad nauseam on this blog and scant attention has been paid to it. No, we cannot exist in this world in a vacuum. We must interact with other countries if we are to survive and flourish. Self-sufficiency in all areas is a non- starter. It will never be the dominant narrative.

  35. Covid19 Is a clearing warning shot that govt needs to stop polluting the environment
    Stop dumping effluent into the waterways and belching pollutants from land fills

  36. Effect of pandemics on Singapore


  37. @Vincent

    The rehash Word was explained to Dee Word.

  38. The news is out. Both confirmed cases with travel history.

  39. @ WURA-War-on-U March 17, 2020 9:35 AM
    “I must tell u, still waiting for the authorities to say it officially. But we already know what must be done. Without panic. We are prepared.”

    You are speaking the Truth.

    Don’t have to afraid of Enuff calling you ‘Siren’ the “SALEMITE”!

    Time to try out the Mary Jane concoction.

    An ‘ounce’ of preventative herb is now worth more than a million dollars in your bank account.

    Stay safe, my friend!

  40. “They will remain in isolation until they recover. Bostic said there was no need to panic”.

  41. @ David

    It has just been announced that there are two cases in Barbados.

  42. NorthernObserver Avatar

    “America is behind because the Obama administration did not learn from the swine flu experience in 2009.”
    Now you are pulling an ac, and blaming the past when its way beyond its due date.

  43. “If Singapore and Hong Kong are ahead because of their experience with SARS in 2002/4, America should also be ahead because of its experience with Swine Flu 2009.

    You know of course 2009 was during the Obama administration!!”

    After the swine flu of 2009, Obama set up an office of Pandemic health and response which was the co-ordinating body for the other agencies. The stable genius disbanded it and said he should not be paying people to fight foreign viruses.

    Don’t blame Obama, blame the orange orangutan who has been repealing and disbanding everything set up by Obama’s administration. Pure jealousy, plain and simple.

  44. Miller you stay safe too.

    “Don’t have to afraid of Enuff calling you ‘Siren’ the “SALEMITE”!”


    “Time to try out the Mary Jane concoction.”

    ah even heard it helps pneumonia victims in recovery.

  45. @ David.

    There is no need for a budget right now, what there is a need for is a financial statement showing how Mia plans to cut government expenditure over the next 3 quarters by say $200M.

    As for projects starting all them on hold too. No bank will entertain tourism based lending now, nor will any investor be so foolish to enter into tourism based liability now either.

    What we need to do is cut spending and conserve cash flow in the short to medium term until we know what tourism will do. BA is already talking about cutting back on flights globally and that’s just the start. The only thing that is for sure is that our revenue will suffer, hence a proactive government must cut expenses as of now. We also need to put in place an agricultural project aimed at short term crops for local consumption.

  46. “The stable genius disbanded it and said he should not be paying people to fight foreign viruses.”

    That would be Prince Donald thank you very much….lol

  47. @John as

    Besides reducing expenditure what else in a post covid 19 world?

  48. @ David.

    Food production would be a must especially for short term crops like 12 weeks. Also egg and chicken production can be increased. We have to try to do more to feed ourselves now as well. Government can assist in this by issuing certificates of use to interested parties for the abundance of arable land laying idle. They can also help by ploughing and preparing these lands initially.

    What I am seeing is a wait and see policy as opposed to proactive selfhelp policies being adopted.

  49. So what you are saying is that There was nothing to show after 7 years of the Office of Pandemic Research, Health, Response and other Important Issues …. all during the Obama Administration and Trump sorted out the waste,

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