Submitted as a comment to another blog by Caleb Pilgrim – Blogmaster

@ Blogmaster:

Back to Trump, in the days preceding The South Carolina primary this coming Saturday, February 29th, and Super Tuesday, next Tuesday, March 3, 2020. …

Sometime ago, Dr. G.P in an overly zealous and passionate defense of POTUS, exclaimed “Trump! Trump! Trump! Trump!”. G.P was apparently seduced by and so enamored of the officious showman, erstwhile host of “The Apprentice” and “Celebrity Apprentice”.

We are now approaching a significant milestone in the Presidential elections. Former VP Biden (a/k/a “Sleepy Joe”); – Blogmaster described his performance thus far as being like “warmed over soup”; Trumpf’s campaign spies must also have noticed something “sleepy” about Joe – expects to win. He (Biden) describes it as “a firewall”, Super Tuesday. But, like all other candidates he is still far from the winning tape. Also, Biden lacks money, compared to Sanders, and billionaires Bloomberg and Steyer.

Moreover, as I have often noted, there are certain rumblings going on in the bowels of American body politic. The body politic is in ferment, if not disarray. Like your stomach, sometimes, after a heavy meal?

How else do we, objectively, explain the Obama two term Presidency in a still predominantly racist society? The backlash of the rather strange Trump Presidency? The phenomenon of angry white men”; (blacks apparently have nothing to be angry about)? The rise of the Me-too movement and its profound repercussions, e.g Cosby, Weinstein and many others rich and once powerful? Legalization of same sex marriages, in itself, a quiet revolution in values, and the so far relatively successful Presidential candidacy of the first openly gay, same sex married, South Bend Mayor, Pete Buttigieg? Legalization of recreational marijuana in almost a dozen states including all west coast states, Colorado, and some East coast states; legalization of medical marijuana in more than 30 states, etc, etc?

But, first, why should all this matter to the BU reader? Some nativist, insular, navel gazers dismiss such inquiries as irrelevant because they “vote in Barbados”. This is myopic, however. These navel gazers simply ignore the fact that there may well be several hundred thousand Barbadians and persons of Barbadian extraction (there are no realistic figures) presently living in North America). Are we simply to ignore the legitimate concerns and the welfare of such Bajans on the ground that “I don’t vote in America. I votes in Barbados”? “Fluck them”!

Secondly, for better or worse, in mere geopolitical terms, the American Empire still remains, for the time being at least, the world’s richest economy and the world’s most powerful military. We never live in a vacuum.

In the circumstances, it behooves us to think a little, even a little outside the box. In this vein, there has recently been talk of Former NY Governor Bloomberg offering former candidate Andrew Yang the VP slot should he become the Democratic nominee.

The gist of my argument here is that barring a successful repeat performance by the Democrats’ 2016 “superdelegates” (if Senator Bernie Sanders, does not win by a clear majority on the Convention’s first ballot), Sanders, a self-proclaimed “democratic socialist”, favoring a Scandinavian type democratic “socialism”, can not only win the Party’s Nomination this coming November. He can also win the Presidency in November.

Even if the “superdelegates”, or “supercrooks”, depending, can somehow derail and thwart Sanders, they will never be able to unify a highly fractured Democratic Party, far less form a National Unity Government. If they are seen as having robbed Sanders yet again, many of his supporters will predictably defect and may well guarantee Trump another term in office. The Democrats might even suffer a trifecta, losing the House, the Senate and the Presidency.

Despite Trump’s predictable name calling, Sanders can nevertheless defeat Trump. Trump has already called him a “Communist”. Strange that he (Sanders), a so/called “communist”, should be supported by millionaire businessmen like Tom and Jerry, Jeff Weaver, and on several issues by billionaire Tom Steyer, et al. These, after all, are hard headed businessmen, not Communists. With such support, the “Communist” smear rings hollow. It is simply reminiscent of Trump’s Attorney, Roy Cohn, Whittaker Chambers and Senator Joe McCarthy. Red baiting might appeal to some voters well over 60 years and who lived through the Cold War. However, beyond frightening the uninformed, it does not really resonate with the changing electorate. Sanders could go on to win the US Presidency.

Also, surprise, surprise, Sanders’ “democratic socialism” is no different from the democratic socialism in Norway, (don’t forget that Trump prefers new U.S immigrants “from Norway”). Call it “democratic socialism”, “Scandinavian democracy”, (Sweden, Denmark, Finland), whatever. The problem here is to educate the electorate, admittedly a sometimes formidable task.

But, should Senator Sanders choose a younger, former Georgia Gubernatorial Candidate, Stacey Abrams, a black, female, Yale trained lawyer and former Minority Leader in the Georgia Senate, with very substantial political, business, industry and community experience, a Sanders-Abrams ticket could win, absent interference by the “super-delegates”.

A Sanders-Abrams ticket wins the black vote throughout most of the United States. (As an aside, a female Black Vice Presidential candidate will also be a first. It would add more energy and excitement to Sanders’ already highly motivated supporters; it would also break the mould and position Abrams to run for the Presidency the next time around, the first black female since Shirley Chisholm of Barbadian lineage). Relatively few black voters, except perhaps for some black recidivist legatees of the Confederacy, a specie of mentally defective Clarence Thomas, “Blacks for Trump”; “Woke”; will decline to support such a ticket.

Abrams is also almost certain to demolish Pence in the Vice Presidential Debates.

As to immigration, Sanders’ promise of a moratorium on all deportations within the first 100 days of his Administration, guarantees support among the Latino and immigrant communities in the USA. Hence, his very substantial support among Latinos in the recent Nevada caucus.

Further, Sanders’ promise of a minimum wage of $15 resonates with the poor and the working class. Hence, his support among blue collar workers and trade unions.

Time and space do not allow for a detailed discussion of ever increasing and extreme inequality in the U.S; or examination of proposals such as “Medicare for all”; student loan forgiveness and free college tuition; climate change – “a Chinese hoax” per Trump; (but just ask Dr. Leonard Nurse his opinion on climate change, as a more capable expert witness); the economic and social impact of the corona pandemic on the much vaunted Trump economic “successes”. ….

Notwithstanding predictably ritual denials, we should also not underestimate the role and impact of the U.S Intelligence Community (IC) or some disaffected agents in re-paying Trump’s generosity in dissing the 17 Intelligence Agencies, throughout his Presidency. Revenge, they say, is a dish best served cold.

Also, this will be the first election in which tens of billions ($$$$$) will have been spent by the candidates. On the Democratic side, we can expect that Bloomberg himself may spend a few billions if per chance he is the nominee. Steyer himself may also contribute a few billion. Jeff Bezos of Amazon, an avid Trump fan, should also be most comfortable in putting in a few billion to anyone opposing Trump. George Soros should also be good for a few billion. How easy it is to spend Other People’s’ Money (“OPM”)?

To the Trump Choir, I therefore say – even though it is still early, “come over to Damascus”! We would never want you to be the Patron Saint of Lost Causes.

Finally, don’t forget that you first heard it (this murky analysis and prediction), here on BU. Uh gone!

335 responses to “Feel the Bern”

  1. The fix is in.

  2. Bloomberg drops out the race

  3. @ Blogmaster

    Re “brown” voters/section of the electorate, Bernie can beat Trump, given his pro immigrant stance (end deportations within the first 100 days, contra Trump’s xenophobic dis-immigration policy ; witness Nevada and California. Not sure how exactly Bernie broadens his message. May be the problem is, as always, to get out his message to ALL.

    Tactically, he (Bernie) may also erred and offended some Cuban refugees and their descendants, e.g in Florida. Moral: One does not have to have or state an opinion on every subject. Why get embroiled in a discussion on Castro’s education policy in Cuba? Better, perhaps, to have articulated a more detailed Sanders policy, e.g on support for education, entrepreneurs, increased trade and tourism, etc, among Cuban expatriates and outflank Rubio and others than rile them up unnecessarily. … Foot in mouth, not unlike Biden??

  4. @Mariposa

    I cannot comment on US politics, I do not live there.

  5. @Caleb

    Let us pray the White elders read Trump, Sanders and Biden stay healthy. The coming months will make for interesting debate for those with an interest in geopolitical affairs.

  6. is that so.
    Only a dimwit would have such a thought
    David i speaking about u

  7. Is there a possibilty that would lend itself by Joe Biden positioning Bloomberg to be his vice President
    An affect of killing two birds with one stone

  8. @Mariposa

    You are so perceptive.

  9. In my mind Bloomberg dropping out after spending millions of dollars in commercial does not make sense
    I most likely belived he was coerced by the DNC with benefits towards him as becoming VP

  10. The Democrat Party has become a party of the left.

    The difference between Sleepy Joe and Bernie is that one is a member of the establishment and will step aside and let his masters run the country but the other is not a member and will change the party to meet his image.

    Bloomberg, also a member of the establishment may well be one of Biden’s masters.

    Same with Trump in 2016.

    Trump remade the Republican Party and it is more unified than ever.

    In a sense he is the savior of that party.

    Many of the Never Trumpers are now left to endorse Democrats.

    Bernie is totally unacceptable even though like Trump, he may be the savior of the Democrat Party.

    Warren’s final departure and who she endorses will be interesting.

    What is going to be also interesting is how AOC and the squad who back Bernie accept the move by the Establishment.

    Bernie in a sense is the only honest Democrat in the race.

    Depending on how Warren moves, she may also merit the term honest Democrat.

    The party may split even though both factions believe the same thing!!

  11. Freedom Crier Avatar

    RE • cpilgrimeaqaolcom March 4, 2020 11:32 AM “Not sure how exactly Bernie broadens his message. May be the problem is, as always, to get out his message to ALL.

    Tactically, he (Bernie) may also erred and offended some Cuban refugees and their descendants, e.g in Florida. Moral: One does not have to have or state an opinion on every subject. Why get embroiled in a discussion on Castro’s education policy in Cuba? Better, perhaps, to have articulated a more detailed Sanders policy, e.g on support for education, entrepreneurs, increased trade and tourism, etc, among Cuban expatriates and outflank Rubio and others than rile them up unnecessarily. … Foot in mouth, not unlike Biden??”

    Lordie Looka Dis Doe! Celeb AKA Democrat Propagandist Goebbels, You are Inferring that Bernie should hide his True Colours Blurring them in his “Democrat Socialist Melange”…IT SHOWS WHAT SANDERS IS ALL ABOUT, AT LEAST HE DOES NOT HIDE HIS TRUE INSIGNIA MARXIST/COMMUNIST/SOCIALIST like the other Democrat Politicians and he proudly declares it in the Guise of Democratic Socialism..

    LISTEN TO THOSE WHO SUPPORT BERNIE… Including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez herself, explain what democratic socialism is.

  12. NorthernObserver Avatar

    The “OLD” order stands strong. Very few professions take kindly to newbies invading what is their territory. So we have as expected two old white men, with the resurgence of one, aided by an old black man. All, including the drop out BloomB, a full presidential term older than POTUS. In praise of older men? (that was for SS)

  13. Bloomberg will be 100 years old very soon. Typically, the VP slot is reserved for someone who can step in should something happen with the President. Thus, Bloomberg should help finance Biden’s campaign and other Democrats in Senate and House contests. The VP slot is a useless appendage (not even a stepping stone), which Bloomberg does not need.

  14. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Oh dear I wrote this about 2 hrs ago…a LIFETIMEin this political climate 😂… had to deal with another matter. The lesson: get ur message out immediately . Alas here it is dated and old as some of it is now!

    @David, there are some things in life that make absolutely no sense … it is just what is ‘ordained’ , if one can phrase it that way!

    The remark by @Austin (“How can we comment on US politics when we do not live there?”) is such…and your retort to ask the non-resident Bajan why HE comments so boldly on local politics shows it for its utter nonsensical nature…. Some things just make NO logical sense of purpose… it’s just a failed state of mind, I suppose😁!

    @Pilgrim, surely you recognize that @John writes absurdities here to garner traction. I respect everyone’s right to his/her opinion but that does not mean accepting nonsense as fact, and alas often this gent writes just utter nonsense. …Now, here I am adding further traction to one if his diatribes…sigh!…. buuuut,

    there are several millionaire and a few billionaire Democratic benefactors; and Mike Bloomberg has been spending his money on ‘generic’ charitible, quasi- liberal but definitely ‘pragmatic’ causes/issues for years now…

    …so in what sane world does the absurdity that, “Just shows the Democrat hierarchy has no control over Bloomberg […] When and if Bloomberg walks, funding for the Democrats might dry up too” make ANY sense… SMH… Why engage on folly!

    But to your substantive points… You seem to be making a case for a Bernie or Bloomberg presidential Dem nomination.

    I agree that the Biden-Burisma debacle will hobble the former VP in as far as they allow it to. It was a stupid, evidently interest-conflicted money grab by a man who can best be described euphemistically as being very self centered and impassioned… and less so…as a conniving, selfish, chemically dependent, avaricious, entitled scion of a wealthy politician who used his power and connections to weasel his way in and out of the military, his deceased brother’s wife heart and bed and big bucks in Ukraine.

    So yes, NOT a pretty picture … so the former VP will have to hammer POTUS on his OWN scheming family scandals and his attempts in WH to massage data for his benefits…. it’s a sumptuous fight to have.

    We will see if Bernie stops all that!

    Annnnd…. the Bernie as socialist tag is as difficult a political weight to lug through a campaign in this buoyant but fragile economic time…

    Bloomberg cannot buy his way in as he did in NY years ago when he campaigned and was elected on a thesis (small tho it was) of mayoral term limits and then changed tune and spent millions to get that overturned so he could be mayor for another term. … that ain’t going happen here so he’s gone within the week or two after he settles with one of the two other leading candidates what big role he can play in future!

    Are Biden’s gaffes now more about mental acuity, just lots of media BS attention click bait or just general slips we all make! Good heaveans the media has gone after the man for simply hugging in a very simple, pleasant way… or just making what I may consider ‘generational based comments’. In sum, it’s often more bark than bite!

    Anyhow, on we go.

  15. Hence, my original suggestion that Ex-Gubernatorial candidate Stacy Abrams, (an educated Black woman crusading for an expanded franchise) for VP. I expect Biden, if the nominee, will choose differently…

  16. NorthernObserver Avatar

    “Trump remade the Republican Party and it is more unified than ever.”
    what are you drinking, some Foursquare overproof?
    People like a winner. Hard core Repubs will ‘hold their nose’ and smile because anybody is better than a Democrat. Unless your name is Romney. The GOP is anything but unified.
    What they would really like….a POTUS re-election but loss of both houses, and a subsequent toss from Office. The unspoken reason they want Pence gone.

  17. @ Pedantic

    I used to give you the benefit of the doubt, but it is clear that your constant intervention in my posts are not mistakes, or misunderstandings, but deliberate misinterpretations. I have had this conversation with you before.
    My statement was irony, if you know what that means, and was in response to the chairman’s regular claim that one should not comment on Barbados unless on lives in Barbados. He then went on to comment on US politics.
    I know it is not a convention on BU, but if in doubt, ask a question, rather than try to read the person’s mind. ASK IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND.

  18. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Austin, if you are being serious to label “Is there a possibilty that would lend itself by Joe Biden positioning Bloomberg to be his vice President.An affect of killing two birds with one stone” … as being perceptive then trade in your political punditry Joker card , do!

    As @Pilgrim notes how would it make sense to have an older man in the VP office? To what avail?

    A man like Bloomberg who is essentially a more dominant alpha person than most dominant men would subject himself to be a second fiddle VP at this STAGE of his life…

    All I can say is that it’s no wonder this fella/gal was a Dem supporter/ creative thinker in that last tumultuous DLP regime…that line of limited thinking fits with some of the nonsense they did!🤣

    Mike Bloomberg would, one perceives, take on a role of Sec of State if Biden were to win from his big support . That global stage would fill his boots and fully engage his self fulfillment ambitions but beyond that it seems unlikely that much else would excite him!

  19. You are the one with tunnel understanding. When the blogmaster post comments to suggest some here living overseas should avoid commenting in absolutes based on what is carried in social and traditional media must be taken in context. In those cases there is often another side of the story boots on the ground are aware.

  20. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Ok, @Austin, that one went right over my head… so toucheé I was like Alice lost in my wonderland… your comment made no sense, so rightfully I should have picked up on the tongue in cheek!.. But then again sometimes you do say very strange things 🤣!

    So maybe your Mariposa “perceptive” was also irony!

    And please get over yourself bro! I pick up on comments by those here I consider as quite smart and sensible – and who sometimes are saying weird stuff but generally are saying stuff that catches my interest- as a way to join the chat!

    I try to pick on the remarks of those who I believe can argue without being asinely personal or petty and accept the critic or praise as an entrez to discussion … so again I say : get over yourself. You know your subject material and have a long swath of experience so just deal with the mild critiques and pull up your big boy pants…it not about YOU personally!

  21. De pedantic

    You are a brain dead idiot. Read @Mariposa’s post before the on you quoted. You stupid fellow. In future I shall not respond to anything you say. You are dumb. Follow the thread. IF IN DOUBT, CLARIFY – ASK A QUESTION.

  22. cpilgrimeaqaolcom
    March 4, 2020 1:45 PM

    Hence, my original suggestion that Ex-Gubernatorial candidate Stacy Abrams, (an educated Black woman crusading for an expanded franchise) for VP. I expect Biden, if the nominee, will choose differently…


    Biden will choose whoever he is told to choose …. but he needs to win the nomination first!!

    He still needs about 1400 delegates!!!

    A looooong way to go!!

    Should be fun to watch …. and comment on, even though I don’t live in America!!.

  23. #lord

  24. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Northern, re ‘What they would really like…. a POTUS re-election but loss of both houses, and a subsequent toss from Office. The unspoken reason they want Pence gone.” REALLY.

    Haven’t heard that one before. You can’t be serious are you!

    That would be a very dangerous role of the dice… and too duplicitous to even be considered… were do these conspiracy theories come from… or is this a new Jumange game proposal 😁!

  25. Trump has caused the Republican Party to shift from its moring. For some reason the party seems hapless to push back. A very interesting situation playing out.

  26. Rush was opining yesterday that the Democrats would rather lose with Sleepy Joe as their candidate and not Crazy Bernie.

    If Crazy Bernie were to win the nomination and lose to Trump the Democrats would then be saddled with Crazy Bernie as their titular head.

    With Sleepy Joe, it would be easy for the establishment to carry on as before with amember of the establishment as the nominal head.

  27. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    As I said @Austin, “I try to pick on the remarks of those who I believe can argue without being asinely personal or petty and accept the critic or praise as an entrez to discussion”.

    I foolishly perceived that a fella who talks so incessantly about manners and etiquette on the blog was a fella who would not resort to …You are a brain dead idiot. Read @Mariposa’s post before the on you quoted. You stupid fellow. In future I shall not respond to anything you say. You are dumb.

    😂 Alas, just goes to show hypocrisy comes in all shapes, sizes and emigrees!

    Carry on smartly bro, we can agree to stay away from each other’s scripts : you because I am dumb. Me, because you are a hypocrite!

    Oh, I believe my “QUESTION.p” was very clearly ‘asked’ in my remarks as I clearly linked your comments to the wrong quote! Ah well, that’s why there is the thing called DISCUSSION and not petulant, petty name calling.

    One of these days you must tell us why you resort to that behavior and yet sing your tune about etiquette and decorum in blogging!

    I gone.

  28. NorthernObserver Avatar

    it has been around for a while. Quite simple, they hate Trump but want power. I have stated before, POTUS governs under a GOP banner but spends like a Democrat. (a common reason for splits within the GOP) The logic is they figure being tossed would damage DJT’s ego (and is it not all about him) more than an election loss, where he will claim election tampering. They WANT power. Everything in politics begins and ends at power. IF they don’t lose both houses, that is secondary to keeping power.

  29. David
    March 4, 2020 2:24 PM

    Trump has caused the Republican Party to shift from its moring. For some reason the party seems hapless to push back. A very interesting situation playing out.


    Trump pushed the establishment out!!

    You only had to watch the performance of the Republicans during impeachment to appreciate how unified it is!!

    …. Romney excepted!!

    Bernie will do the same to the Democrats if given the chance.

  30. Freedom Crier Avatar




    Radical redistribution of wealth;
    Aggressive climate change initiatives;
    Complete takeover of health care by federal government plus inclusion of all illegal immigrants;
    Open immigration policy with full acceptance of all children and relatives; no border walls, entrance requirements, E-verify or penalties for those refusing deportation; disregarding the rule of law and full support for “sanctuary cities”; neglecting national security and allowing George Soros funded anarchy to “crash” the US immigration system;
    Government control over corporate profits;
    Progressive taxes on the upper middle class and above;
    Implementation of comprehensive LGBTQ agenda – including indoctrination of children in schools, transgender initiatives, gender reassignment surgery and removal of any “sexual discrimination” in the workplace and schools, disregarding conscience objections;
    Taxpayer-financed abortion-on-demand until birth with full-funding of Planned Parenthood;
    Major defense spending cuts with money redistributed to entitlements;
    Comprehensive gun control;
    Liberal, not originalist, judges on the Supreme Court and federal courts;
    Alignment and support for radical feminist agenda and marches;
    Increased censorship of “hateful” conservative thought on social media;
    Liberalized voting standards to include fraudulent practices and everyone the party deems as “disenfranchised”;
    Partnership with Palestinians;
    Alignment with United Nations and European Union transnationalism initiatives promoting “One World” globalism, rather than nationalism with international cooperation;
    Euthanasia/physician-assisted suicide;
    Taxpayer-funded child-care and college tuition;
    Elimination of the Electoral College; and
    Re-establishing the Iranian “nuclear deal” alongside increased protection for Islamic “rights” in America and abroad at the expense of Israel’s safety.

  31. @ DPD:

    “… creative thinking in the last regime …”.

    As PTL would ask me give me one example. When? Where? How? Even now…

  32. @ “Croakie” (a/k/a Freedom Crier).

    Re “Socialism on Steroids”

    Croakie, is there not something they can charge you with down there in Barbados? You constantly plagiarize, copy, paste, tekk up people’s stuff, rarely if ever cite your sources – none of which appear reputable – and slap it on the blog, like Trump used to slap his name on whatever property he could.

    How did they let you loose on the Bajan public and this Blog? Surely there must be something the authorities can charge you with?

    In the old days, from a comparative law standpoint, there used to be the concept of “dangerousness” in Cuban law. PARALLELS MAY ALSO EXIST IN ANGLO-AMERICAN LEGAL HISTORY.

    “Dangerousness” might even have been at the root of Barrow’s Public Order Act, which he used to wrongfully prosecute Atty Bobby Clarke back in the day, etc, etc.

    Finally, me still cahn believe dat dat is you? Somehow, I thought for an instant that you had gone the way of the original Nazi, Herr Goebbels, your mentor. I ought to have checked. (Dammit)! At one point, I even think you signed as “Invisible”. That you are still here is proof positive that God lives. Gottorun.

  33. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Pilgrim, the word “creative” properly should have been bracketed with bold type and ” marks…. It was meant entirely as a pejorative!

    I considered the shenanigans around the Cahill affair; the ‘ability’ to eff up a sewerage issue so terribly to have effluence running in the streets and the various other matters as the product of ‘creative’ minds.

    I suffered terribly economically (and was not as smart to benefit as Mr PropaPork) when the south coast sewerage project was being executed but I UNDERSTOOD the painful reasons there….

    That a similarly educated set of my fellow Bajans could then bring us to that ‘effluent’ place could only be described as ‘creative’.

    To say anything else would take me into a real angry place!

    @Northern, ok senor. That’s some quite high level reasoning. I’ll accept your reasoning… Very interesting.

    Yet, I believe that if things progress as suggested then we are in for a rocking tumult.

    1.To reelect Trump but give the Dems the Senate AND House would be the first shocker.

    2.Yes it would set up a quasi impeachment or removal really (can’t impeach twice)… So it would have to be hard evidence forcing his resignation… But you still have ur original problem because no way POTUS goes quietly regardless of evidence …even “perfect” evidence!

    3.Thus we have tumult (short for freaking civil strife)!

    4.And let’s use Sessions as a proxy for POWER … they like him want to play part-way ethical and refuse the worst demands from POTUS but yet mine his rabid supporters .. but that is a tricky game…as he saw.

    These power hungry folks may find a different set of challengers after this POTUS leaves…

    They will be shocked how matters fall out … This taste of upending the system has emboldened others … So look out !

    Remember… Devos still has a trained group of ‘SEAL’ style soldiers . He is a POTUS henchman.

    The future is truly an unknown and that Repub theorizing is freaking dangerous…best yet he loses at the ballot!

  34. @ DPD: Thanks for fleshing out. I agree.

  35. Here is the problem the Democrats face with Sleepy Joe over the next months.


    Barr and Durham are due!!

  36. … and Graham

  37. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Oh dear I said “Devos” above… I meant the brother Eric Prince who is clearly not a Devos !

    He is no longer the CEO of Blackwater or Xe or whatever it’s now called but … nuff said.

  38. If Sleepy Joe actually wins the Presidency, there is always the 25th amendment that can be invoked!!

  39. @ John:


    How do Rush Limbaugh and other Trump apologists such as yourself defend against the WP charge? 16,241 lies in 3 years.

    They are not perfect, but no 2020 Democratic candidate has ever come close!

  40. The results of his actions speak for themselves and actions speak louder than words.

    Mueller found nothing, the two houses of congress found nothing, millions of dollars spent.

    How many times has the Washington Post been wrong about Trump?

    How many times have they and the fake media told their readership Trump is a goner and been wrong?

    Here is a simple fact and obvious conclusion.

    Trump has to be the single shining example of the cleanest human being living in Washington!!

    Mueller has certified him, the congress has certified him the IRS has certified him, the FBI has certified him the DIA, CIA, MIA etc have all certified him.

    And that’s a fact jack!!

  41. @ John:

    “The two Houses of Congress found nothing”???

    (1) The House of Representatives voted to impeach him.

    (2) As to his (POTUS) being “certified”, if your argument is that he is “certifiable”, I agree based on his statements, tweets, his actions as well as the opinions of several former Cabinet members and staff.

  42. @ John:

    “If Sleepy Joe actually wins the Presidency, there is always the 25th amendment that can be invoked!!”.

    Fat chance! The politicians have so far failed or refused to invoke the 25A for Trump who appears in sore need of sustained, intense therapy. (Arguably, the so-called “Goldwater Rule” ought to have been relaxed long ago to allow expert psychiatric opinion on POTUS before Congress, given what some of his former Cabinet Ministers have reportedly said).

    Based on precedent, Biden, if elected to the Presidency, can therefore even “sleep” through 4 to 8 years. He won’t however. He is not that type of person. More importantly, entrenched institutions and political interests will not allow it. Simply, too much to do, too little time, as Kwame Nkrumah would have said.

    You keep writing at all hours of the morning. Don’t overthink the issues and go off the rails …

    An old teacher, Kingdom, once taught us about a character…“En un lugar de La Mancha, de cuyo nombre no quiero acordarme, no ha mucho tiempo que vivia un hidalgo de los de lanza…. este sobredicho hidalgo … se daba … a leer libros … perdia el pobre caballero su juicio”.

    Pray do not lose all judgment and all common sense (a rarity).

  43. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Pilgrim, in the face of ALL the facts objectively gathered… Like:

    *Several cabinet members resigned or were terminated due to strong disagreements on POTUS strained policy directives or simply refusal to follow irrational direction.

    *Two Chiefs of Staff terminated again due to grave internal difficulties

    *WH counsel resigns after strong disagreements on directives deemed inappropriate /illegal (eg order to fire Spec Counsellor)

    *Cabinet members at Pentagon and Homeland Security deliberately delaying ill conceived policy directives from POTUS

    *Political appointees throughout govt usurping and contradicting expert civil servants on matters of national interest egs the crowd size folly and then the weather forecast sharpie stupidity

    *WH advisors providing disinformation daily and pleading loyalty to the POTUS as valid reason with one establishing an incredulous mantra that they offer not lies but “alternative facts”.

    Thus facts are WHATEVER they want them to be… The grounding in reality is irrelevant.

    So with that it’s fair to segue to the absurd alternative universe of:

    “Trump has to be the single shining example of the cleanest human being living in Washington!! […] Mueller has certified him, the congress has certified him the IRS has certified him, the FBI has certified him the DIA, CIA, MIA etc have all certified him. …And that’s a fact jack!!”

    The fact is that EVERYONE of those assertions are FALSE.

    Folks in the Trump universe simply dismiss truth when it’s not to their acceptance.

  44. @ DPD. Ditto. Well said.

  45. Even Trump’s approval rating exceeds the confidence Americans have in the press and those approval numbers are improving.

    Ok, so the difference is no longer in double digits.

  46. I see the FISA courts have banned some FBI agents from EVER appearing before them again!!

    “Judge James Boasberg issued a 19-page opinion on Wednesday, ordering that “no DOJ or FBI personnel under disciplinary or criminal review relating to their work on FISA applications shall participate in drafting, verifying, reviewing, or submitting such applications to the Court.” ”

    It isn’t only the press that is suspect!!

  47. @ John:

    DPD is obviously right here. You are wrong. The alleged polls – no one has ever asked me a damn thing – are irrelevant. Citing a poll means little or nothing, really.

  48. Thought John is on record in this forum to say he does not believe in polls. John needs to come up and breathe.

  49. @ Blogmaster:

    Unequivocally “yes” re John not believing in polls. Apparently, he believes in them when it suits him. Seems a rather unprincipled approach. (Coupled that he was up writing @ 1.45 a.m … I already cautioned him lest he should lose his judgment, but alas, he might already have done so).

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