Submitted as a comment to another blog by Caleb Pilgrim – Blogmaster

@ Blogmaster:

Back to Trump, in the days preceding The South Carolina primary this coming Saturday, February 29th, and Super Tuesday, next Tuesday, March 3, 2020. …

Sometime ago, Dr. G.P in an overly zealous and passionate defense of POTUS, exclaimed “Trump! Trump! Trump! Trump!”. G.P was apparently seduced by and so enamored of the officious showman, erstwhile host of “The Apprentice” and “Celebrity Apprentice”.

We are now approaching a significant milestone in the Presidential elections. Former VP Biden (a/k/a “Sleepy Joe”); – Blogmaster described his performance thus far as being like “warmed over soup”; Trumpf’s campaign spies must also have noticed something “sleepy” about Joe – expects to win. He (Biden) describes it as “a firewall”, Super Tuesday. But, like all other candidates he is still far from the winning tape. Also, Biden lacks money, compared to Sanders, and billionaires Bloomberg and Steyer.

Moreover, as I have often noted, there are certain rumblings going on in the bowels of American body politic. The body politic is in ferment, if not disarray. Like your stomach, sometimes, after a heavy meal?

How else do we, objectively, explain the Obama two term Presidency in a still predominantly racist society? The backlash of the rather strange Trump Presidency? The phenomenon of angry white men”; (blacks apparently have nothing to be angry about)? The rise of the Me-too movement and its profound repercussions, e.g Cosby, Weinstein and many others rich and once powerful? Legalization of same sex marriages, in itself, a quiet revolution in values, and the so far relatively successful Presidential candidacy of the first openly gay, same sex married, South Bend Mayor, Pete Buttigieg? Legalization of recreational marijuana in almost a dozen states including all west coast states, Colorado, and some East coast states; legalization of medical marijuana in more than 30 states, etc, etc?

But, first, why should all this matter to the BU reader? Some nativist, insular, navel gazers dismiss such inquiries as irrelevant because they “vote in Barbados”. This is myopic, however. These navel gazers simply ignore the fact that there may well be several hundred thousand Barbadians and persons of Barbadian extraction (there are no realistic figures) presently living in North America). Are we simply to ignore the legitimate concerns and the welfare of such Bajans on the ground that “I don’t vote in America. I votes in Barbados”? “Fluck them”!

Secondly, for better or worse, in mere geopolitical terms, the American Empire still remains, for the time being at least, the world’s richest economy and the world’s most powerful military. We never live in a vacuum.

In the circumstances, it behooves us to think a little, even a little outside the box. In this vein, there has recently been talk of Former NY Governor Bloomberg offering former candidate Andrew Yang the VP slot should he become the Democratic nominee.

The gist of my argument here is that barring a successful repeat performance by the Democrats’ 2016 “superdelegates” (if Senator Bernie Sanders, does not win by a clear majority on the Convention’s first ballot), Sanders, a self-proclaimed “democratic socialist”, favoring a Scandinavian type democratic “socialism”, can not only win the Party’s Nomination this coming November. He can also win the Presidency in November.

Even if the “superdelegates”, or “supercrooks”, depending, can somehow derail and thwart Sanders, they will never be able to unify a highly fractured Democratic Party, far less form a National Unity Government. If they are seen as having robbed Sanders yet again, many of his supporters will predictably defect and may well guarantee Trump another term in office. The Democrats might even suffer a trifecta, losing the House, the Senate and the Presidency.

Despite Trump’s predictable name calling, Sanders can nevertheless defeat Trump. Trump has already called him a “Communist”. Strange that he (Sanders), a so/called “communist”, should be supported by millionaire businessmen like Tom and Jerry, Jeff Weaver, and on several issues by billionaire Tom Steyer, et al. These, after all, are hard headed businessmen, not Communists. With such support, the “Communist” smear rings hollow. It is simply reminiscent of Trump’s Attorney, Roy Cohn, Whittaker Chambers and Senator Joe McCarthy. Red baiting might appeal to some voters well over 60 years and who lived through the Cold War. However, beyond frightening the uninformed, it does not really resonate with the changing electorate. Sanders could go on to win the US Presidency.

Also, surprise, surprise, Sanders’ “democratic socialism” is no different from the democratic socialism in Norway, (don’t forget that Trump prefers new U.S immigrants “from Norway”). Call it “democratic socialism”, “Scandinavian democracy”, (Sweden, Denmark, Finland), whatever. The problem here is to educate the electorate, admittedly a sometimes formidable task.

But, should Senator Sanders choose a younger, former Georgia Gubernatorial Candidate, Stacey Abrams, a black, female, Yale trained lawyer and former Minority Leader in the Georgia Senate, with very substantial political, business, industry and community experience, a Sanders-Abrams ticket could win, absent interference by the “super-delegates”.

A Sanders-Abrams ticket wins the black vote throughout most of the United States. (As an aside, a female Black Vice Presidential candidate will also be a first. It would add more energy and excitement to Sanders’ already highly motivated supporters; it would also break the mould and position Abrams to run for the Presidency the next time around, the first black female since Shirley Chisholm of Barbadian lineage). Relatively few black voters, except perhaps for some black recidivist legatees of the Confederacy, a specie of mentally defective Clarence Thomas, “Blacks for Trump”; “Woke”; will decline to support such a ticket.

Abrams is also almost certain to demolish Pence in the Vice Presidential Debates.

As to immigration, Sanders’ promise of a moratorium on all deportations within the first 100 days of his Administration, guarantees support among the Latino and immigrant communities in the USA. Hence, his very substantial support among Latinos in the recent Nevada caucus.

Further, Sanders’ promise of a minimum wage of $15 resonates with the poor and the working class. Hence, his support among blue collar workers and trade unions.

Time and space do not allow for a detailed discussion of ever increasing and extreme inequality in the U.S; or examination of proposals such as “Medicare for all”; student loan forgiveness and free college tuition; climate change – “a Chinese hoax” per Trump; (but just ask Dr. Leonard Nurse his opinion on climate change, as a more capable expert witness); the economic and social impact of the corona pandemic on the much vaunted Trump economic “successes”. ….

Notwithstanding predictably ritual denials, we should also not underestimate the role and impact of the U.S Intelligence Community (IC) or some disaffected agents in re-paying Trump’s generosity in dissing the 17 Intelligence Agencies, throughout his Presidency. Revenge, they say, is a dish best served cold.

Also, this will be the first election in which tens of billions ($$$$$) will have been spent by the candidates. On the Democratic side, we can expect that Bloomberg himself may spend a few billions if per chance he is the nominee. Steyer himself may also contribute a few billion. Jeff Bezos of Amazon, an avid Trump fan, should also be most comfortable in putting in a few billion to anyone opposing Trump. George Soros should also be good for a few billion. How easy it is to spend Other People’s’ Money (“OPM”)?

To the Trump Choir, I therefore say – even though it is still early, “come over to Damascus”! We would never want you to be the Patron Saint of Lost Causes.

Finally, don’t forget that you first heard it (this murky analysis and prediction), here on BU. Uh gone!

335 responses to “Feel the Bern”

  1. Trump’s purchase of 2 golf courses in Scotland and Ireland after going to Russia is suspect and consistent with money laundering authorities have stated.

    At least Bernie cannot be accused of anti-semitism by rightwing racists.

    Love is my Religion

  2. THE REAL MANUFACTURED FALLACY’S /IDEOLOGY BY MEN IS MARXISM/COMMUNISM/SOCIALISM/ENVIRONMENTALISM AND DICTATORSHIP. Free Market Enterprise is as Natural as breathing air. But because of the Desires of Evil men who seek control we have all the above ISIMS…Those ISIMS, Steal Rob and KILL for Gain!!

    Hitler killed between 10-12 Million, Stalin Killed close to 40 Million, Mao Killed over 70 Million. South East Asia, in Cambodia Killed One Third of their population, North Korea also Kills its Citizens. In Modern Day China people Disappear, Religion is at the point of Extinction and Re-education camps are making a Big Comeback!

    What the Above have in Common is that they were all run by Dictators, and they all had the same Ideology and this is what “Celeb AKA Goebbels” is trying to Prop Up. SHAME SHAME!!

    COMMUNISM IN FACT IS THE VILEST LYING SYSTEM EVER DEVISED, WITH MILLIONS OF DEAD TO ITS NAME. Babalu Blog’s distinguished Yale professor contributor, Carlos Eire, has a superb list of just why Sanders might really be calling it appealing and none of his reasons are attractive reasons. Not one good thing can be given to it.

    With all power in the hands of the state, citizens lose their power to make any choices in their lives. At the same time, central planning will ensure that only a nomenklatura party elite will ever be serviced by the all-powerful state, the locals will be left with no food, no health care, no libraries, and no right to complain about it, either, because the freedom’s gone. At that point, they know the only thing they will ever be reliably fed by communists are lies.

    Only someone who has lived through that can see through the false promises that Bernie’s making. These voters have heard those phony promises before and the consequences for them were dire.

    Democrats have every reason to be panicking, because this could not just put the state in Trump’s column, it could make it red for years to come, taking down all the down-ballot political slots, too. That would explain why Shalala is panicking. Bernie’s given them reason to be running scared.



    Communists have been re-branding themselves as “Socialists” for years now. But their beliefs and actions show that it’s the same old Marxist philosophy that’s been discredited throughout the world.

  3. @ John:

    “ So logic dictates that he (Trump) is the cleanest individual who has become President!!!”

    Perhaps “ill-logic”, definitely more apropos. No supporting evidence. Check the number of convictions among his cronies. Watch also how he exercises the Presidential Pardon Power after November, 2020.

  4. @John

    the issue is companies borrowing printed money from the FED at interest rates near zero and using the money to buyback their stocks. Apple uses its own money to buyback its stock, no problem there, no debt added on their books.
    I mention iphone and you think I was critiquing Apple.
    The issue is the FED, QE4 and the trend of central banks printing money not for innovation and development projects but to sure up markets.

  5. cpilgrimeaqaolcom
    February 29, 2020 9:22 AM

    @ John:
    “ So logic dictates that he (Trump) is the cleanest individual who has become President!!!”
    Perhaps “ill-logic”, definitely more apropos. No supporting evidence. Check the number of convictions among his cronies. Watch also how he exercises the Presidential Pardon Power after November, 2020.


    No supporting evidence of anything he has done wrong after 3 – 4 years of investigation!!!

    The FBI, CIA, DIA, MIA whatever have investigated or spied on him.


    Even all the IRS investigations over the years before have turned up nothing, nada.

    He has to be the cleanest individual in Washington!!

  6. Redguard
    February 29, 2020 11:10 AM

    I mention iphone and you think I was critiquing Apple.


    Not at all.

    Just looked at one of the major contributors to the market surge in 2019.

    Also Rush addressed it a couple of days ago!!

  7. Redguard
    February 29, 2020 11:10 AM

    the issue is companies borrowing printed money from the FED at interest rates near zero and using the money to buyback their stocks.


    Examples please?

  8. @ John re DJT’s “Position on anti-semitism.

    Cf: his discriminatory treatment of black (unknowing) would be tenants seeking to rent his apartment(s) & relevant Consent Decree.

  9. @ cpilgrimeaqaolcom
    Nobel Prizes for Economics mean absolutely nothing the recipients are theorticians who are usually very wrong in practice. I listen to the Bond market, commodities markets etc practical trends. When I was a student in London my Econ Prof and textbook would strongly suggest that we could not have high inflation and high unemployment together but the next morning the FT would have the headline” Unemployment and Inflation Record High”. Most Economists are close to useless. Robert Reich is a Dem hack and only relates what supports his case but never reminds of the evidence against him. Clinton fart catcher. Being President has nothing to do with being intellectual it is all about taking ACTION that benefits the people, the vote is not for the cleverest person. Trump was elected as an outsider who was placed to Disrupt the Intellectuals BS show that was not benefitting the USA.


    History has always had a way of repeating itself, partly due to ignorance but also attributable to human nature. When German philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels published “The Communist Manifesto” in 1848 it appealed to idealists, painting a utopian vision of a more just world where poverty was nonexistent and everyone worked together in peace and harmony.


    But if we should have learned anything since Communism went from a theory to the foundation of a Tyrannical Government following the Russian Revolution in 1917, it is that Communism and its Cousin Socialism did DID NOT CREATE UTOPIAS. INSTEAD, THEY BROUGHT NIGHTMARES TO LIFE.


  11. @ Moneybrain

    Many Nobel Laureates are not even economists. All that behavioural nonsense. Th inflation/employment trade off is called the Phillips curve.
    By the way, college text books are usually behind the curb.

  12. cpilgrimeaqaolcom
    February 29, 2020 11:55 AM

  13. By the way, college text books are usually behind the curb.


    Which places them exactly where on the curve?

  14. Redguard
    February 29, 2020 12:13 PM



    Debt being repaid out of profits I presume.

    If so what’s the problem?

    Company directors satisfied with the performance of the company to mortgage assets against the loans.

    Assets were at one time cash.

    Cash converted to assets which are then used to back the loan.

    If default occurs, assets gone.

  15. … and if expected profits occur, loan paid off.

    Business gamble!!

  16. Confidence exists to make the gamble, coronavirus or no coronavirus.

    Even the Democrats think the economy is good!!

  17. Hal, yes the Phillips Curve has been nonsense for a very long time that the Fed still looks at—jokers!

  18. John you love to chase squirrels
    Let me repeat
    The issue is the FED, QE4 and the trend of central banks printing money not for innovation and development projects but to sure up markets.With no Fed interference there would be no cheap loans. How much of the market is held up by the billions they are pumping in
    You present as a libertarian type person on economics. Explain how a central bank gassing up markets is a good thing. Does this not go against the free market principle.

  19. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Northern, you are good with your ‘word’ rapier … or should that be a very sharp cutlass 😂!

    @ Austin, yours is a very AMAZING remark coming from a expat fully entrenched in the politics of his adopted nation!

    When you say : “What is interesting about Florida is how New Americans (they have been there in large numbers since 1959), can blackmail a great nation’s foreign policy and even the language of politicians. They should be ignored and told if they pose a threat to US security will be deported back to Cuba.”


    Is that dynamic not relived in your UK with immigrant groups of all shades and in Europe and elsewhere in US!

    That’s the precise nature of clustered immigration: establish a formidable presence and let ur voice be meaningful as u coalesce into a strong political force.

    Your remark is absolutely and incredibly …. Well just counterintuitively unclear ( to be kind)!


  20. With no Fed interference there would be no cheap loans.


    Cheap or not a loan usually comes with security.

    Otherwise it is called a grant.

    To advance security the person receiving the loan is usually confident the loan can be repaid.

    The person giving the loan is also confident the loan will be repaid.

    Any company buying back its shares whether through a loan or with cash has one attribute.

    Confidence in the market!!

  21. @Dee Word

    Bajans are known to assimilate in the culture of others if compared to Jamaicans, Trinidadians and others.

  22. There is no such a person as a New American.

    An American is an American regardless.

    That is a big difference people miss.

  23. Joe Biden wins South Carolina.

  24. Big too!!

    Does he know?

  25. You being naughty John!

  26. Sanders was a weak second. It raises concerns about his ability to command Black/coloured support.

    100% reporting
    54 delegates available
    Candidate Delegates Share Count
    Joe Biden
    33 48.4% 255,660
    Bernie Sanders
    11 19.9% 105,068
    Tom Steyer
    0 11.3% 59,817
    Pete Buttigieg
    0 8.2% 43,483
    Elizabeth Warren
    0 7.1% 37,285
    Amy Klobuchar
    0 3.1% 16,610
    Tulsi Gabbard
    0 1.3% 6,749
    Andrew Yang
    0 0.2% 1,044
    Michael Bennet
    0 0.1% 748
    Cory Booker
    0 0.1% 643
    John Delaney
    0 0.1% 345
    Deval Patrick
    0 0.1% 273

  27. David
    March 1, 2020 5:37 AM

    Sanders was a weak second. It raises concerns about his ability to command Black/coloured support.


    Put another way, the black/coloured voters will probably support Trump in the election.

    I would guess Hilary did better in 2016 with blacks in SC than did Biden this time.

    Bernie and Biden are two old white men.

    Trump however is orange.

  28. Freedom Crier Avatar



    Yup, she beat Biden worse in 2016 among blacks in SC than did Biden in 2020.

    She even did better than Obama!!!

    Biden underperformed.

    Democrats better take her off the shelf and dust her off.

  30. Blogmaster:

    Re Racial Discrimination; Did you notice how Trump’s apologists, like “John”, and others, in their wooly and confused thinking, selectively focused on the “insignificance” of the Nobel Prize in Economics, (in argument we call this “appeal to authority”); RATHER THAN FOCUS ON TRUMP’S INTOLERABLE, IRREDEEMABLY RACIST PERFIDY AS EVIDENCED IN THE 31 PAGE COURT CONSENT DECREE I POSTED.

    “John”, as usual, presented a straw defense of Trump refuting some fictitious charge about anti-semitism on Trump’s part.

    I then posted the Court’s Consent Degree Trump and his agents signed admitting that there was substantial evidence that he discriminated against prospective black tenants in the N.Y area. (Such black tenants include at least one Barbadian family).

    Not a peep! May be such admissions of racial discrimination do not fit the narrative. I guess rabid and unbridled racial discrimination against blacks does not count.

  31. cpilgrimeaqaolcom
    March 1, 2020 6:18 AM


    1975 ….. C’mon man!!

  32. Freedom Crier Avatar


    Obama could have chosen any running mate for his Vice President. He chose Biden because he wasn’t very smart and wouldn’t get in his way while he trashed America. He needed a pandering yes man.
    Obama cannot share the spotlight with anyone.
    Biden was a Joke and Vice President by title only.

  33. @ Blogmaster:

    I was saying, before I lost via WordPress, that Biden’s S.Carolina victory is impressive. However, it is still a very, very long way to go.

    Biden will probably win in N.Carolina and other states with substantial black populations. Bernie, on the other hand, will most probably win in California, Texas, Massachusetts (Sen. Warren’s home state), states with a substantial delegate count. Which candidate will Warren’s supporters back once she exits the race? Ditto, Steyer’s supporters? Most likely, Bernie.

    The Republican campaign strategists – as evidenced from the Senate Impeachment Trial – have also been sharpening their knives to attack Joe and Hunter Biden re that US $50K+ per month Hunter was paid by BURISMA, arguing corruption, nepotism and pay to play, while Biden was in charge of US Ukraine policy. Biden is yet to answer these allegations in any coherent and substantive way, beyond saying there was no evidence of wrongdoing.

    Finally, while we must not forget his coming engagements with the SDNY, if Giuliani has additional relevant ammunition arising out of his recent Ukraine junket(s), the Republican campaign strategists will use this to damage Biden.

    The fat lady has not yet sung. It’s not over until it is over.

  34. @Caleb

    You should shift your gaze from Trump the man and instead assess the sentiment in the population that supportst such a system. The USA is a racist and bigoted establishment.

  35. @ John;

    “1975. Come on, man”.

    Pattern and practice. His 2018 and 2019 comments, e.g about Elijah Cummings’ Baltimore “rat and rodent infested” communities; “shithole” black countries”; statements to the black Congresswomen (“the Squad”), “Go back to your country”! Etc, etc.

    Have you, John, ever seen a leopard (even “the orange/marmalade monster”, paraphrasing Ed Schultz), change its spots? That would be another first, like his (mis)representation of the proletariat. I willingly concede that some of his supporters are quite lumpen and that is why he says he loves the “poorly educated”, many of whom mirror him.

  36. Have you, John, ever seen a leopard (even “the orange/marmalade monster”, paraphrasing Ed Schultz), change its spots?


    Didn’t Obama support same sex marriage having opposed it early on in his term?

  37. … and it is CNN !!

  38. Guess that is why Hilary did better than he did in 2016 among black/coloured voters than did Obama.

    Biden is underperforming … or … black/coloured voters are becoming Republican … or both.

  39. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    One swallow does not a spring make.

    Biden will carry on or two places but Bernie will win.

    Biden will have another incident on stage that will expose his early stage “regression”

    Bernie will stay the course

  40. Piece the Legend
    March 1, 2020 8:19 AM

    One swallow does not a spring make.
    Biden will carry on or two places but Bernie will win.
    Biden will have another incident on stage that will expose his early stage “regression”
    Bernie will stay the course


    The reason Biden MAY win the nomination is because he is an outsider … like Trump … and voters fed up with the party.

    I say MAY because the insiders will be looking to toss him!!

    Biden’s attractiveness to voters rests in his similarities to Trump!!!

  41. You have it wrong, Bernie is considered the outsider.

  42. Like

    March 1, 2020 9:40 AM

    You have it wrong, Bernie is considered the outsider.



    Two old white men … confusing the two!!

  43. Just as there are “NEVER TRUMPERS” in the Republican Party, there are also “NEVER SANDERERS” in the Democratic Party.

  44. Just when everyone had written off Joe he reminds everyone it isn’t over ‘till the black people vote. Whatever happens it will eventually lead to a brokered Convention and Biden will be the nominee as the Special delegates don’t want Bernie. At which time Bernie will leave in a snit and his supporters will sit on their hands and refuse to vote for Biden and Trump will triumph.

    History has a way of repeating itself and Bernie only reluctantly supported Hillary last time but he won’t even support Biden if he wins the nomination.

    All that analysis aside Bloomberg’s money could make the difference for Biden in a general election but I don’t see him pumping any money into Sanders.

  45. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Pilgrim, in the absence of more drip, drip incriminating leaks do u really believe that there is anything of substance that this Guiliani expedition can expose!

    As u highlighted with the litany of damaging details he has achieved the goal superbly already and one perceives he now has just more disinformation to further muddy the waters .

    @David, we can’t separate Trump from the issues no more than one can realistically separate Grantley from the major issues of his ascendency or more bluntly folks like Le Pen in France and others across Europe.

    When you say “… shift your gaze from Trump the man and instead assess the sentiment in the population that supportst such a system. The USA is a racist and bigoted establishment” I’m not sure how one does that politically.

    The man simply is the most dominant figurehead of that racial bigotry and current rabid xenophobic…. He is it… It is he!

    Let’s not get lost by titles or names… As you suggest NOR properly understand the dynamic at play.

    It’s the “SAME” dynamic basically that elected

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