The following note was received from the civic minded Peter Lawrence Thompson with the link to a 122 page Barbados Development Plan pitched to potential investors to transform and modernize Barbados while maintaining those things that make it special. Given the robust discussion about Hyatt Hotel, Blue Horizon and other development initiatives across, the document serves as a good resource.

Many have asked to see the official development plan that provides the context for the proposed Hyatt branded development on Bay Street. The linked document is from Barbados Tourism Investment Inc., not from the planning office, but it clearly has the PM’s endorsement so I believe we can treat it as an official plan for Bridgetown development.

Relevant Link

Barbados Development Plan

222 responses to “Open for Business – Barbados Development Plan”

  1. Any so-called friend I had who voted for Boris, plse erase my telephone number from your book. I do not want to speak to you any more.

  2. Anything and everything that has suck are the lies Mia told the people for ten years
    Lie1 putting money in peoples pocket
    Lie 2 removing the levy tax well we see how that has worked in favour of a few
    Lie3 A covenant of hope we all see how that has ended in a covenant of hopelessness and forgotten
    Lie4Alleviating water woes well that had bajans heading back to the good ole days of stan pipes
    Lie5 stamping out corruption well that too has become as stagnated as a dirty pond
    Lie 6 reduce the foreclosures another grand illusion
    Lie 7 bring the level of crime and violence down well one doesnt have to look to far to know that was figment of Mia imagination
    Lie8 put the youth back to work OH.i will give her a pass on this she didnt say when. Lol
    Lie 9 Stop placing unbearable taxes on the citizens Well that never even got off the ground.
    Lie 10.will put people back to work but the opposite happened
    So Lorenzo Bro i went fishing and reeled in some fish for you to chomp on
    Bon appetite

  3. @ Hal

    Don’t take it heart he is Trump brother by a different mother. Lol

    Guess Brexit back on the front burner now.

  4. Dear BU Readers
    Stop letting Hal Austin mislead you. He does not know what he is talking about. How could the development of commercial property make Warrens redundant? What conflict between City of London and Canary Wharf does he speak of? In fact, do the City of London, parts of Westminster etc not form part of London’s Central Activities Zone in concert with Canary Wharf offices, entertainment, hotel and retail uses prioritised? Y’all need to read!🤣🤣🤣

  5. Piece the Legend Avatar

    @ all uh wunna here.

    i tried posting this yesterday but…

    I wonder ef wunna does look at dese fly by night ideas of Mugabe Mottley and she Regeneration Fallacies

    So leh de ole man explain dis to wunna simply HOW AN INVESTOR SEES BARBADOS

    1.Barbados is a cuntry that has had half as many downgrades AS IT HAS HAD MURDERS.

    2.IT HAS DEFAULTED ON external debt to the tune of millions of dollars easily 1/2 billion has scalped its local population of 20% of their bond holdings

    4.It therefore shows THAT IT WILL NOT HONOUR ITS DEBT COMMITMENTS is in the arms of the IMF a state which few recover from is a corrupt government and it’s current leader has been in government for 20 years. During which time things that she touched Failed e.g EDUTECH

    7.She changes the laws and the Constitution on the drop of a hat.

    8.She forgives her family, father $1 million in taxes

    9.she in 18 months into a recovery plan which is not working

    10.and MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL, BARBADOS IS A ONE HORSE ECONOMY where Tourism is responsible for 40 % of GDP

    in a country of 166 square miles and 53 murders, shy$e problems, corruption, constitutional changes, and a one pony economy WOULD I BE RH RIGHT IN MY MIND to come and sink billions of dollars into this shy$e??

    What is my RH ROI? when am I going get back my money?

    Do I like Mugabe pooch so RH bad?


  6. @ John A

    That Boris victory makes me feel sick in the stomach. But it is not surprising. All those working class northerners, including ex miners, are so driven by the idea of foreigners telling them what they do they prefer to elect a charlatan, a snake oil charmer, as prime minister.
    Boris has been so successful he has wiped out the Brexit party and put paid to Farage. Tells you something.

  7. We have a UK election blog. No need to prolong the discussion here.

  8. The cheek of Mia to believe she will get away with any of this, an article by Tennyson Joseph…highlights the total shite against the Black population that she actually believes she will get away with in these times..

    And they believe all of that is ok, they believe people will just sit back and rock back like their useless yardfowls and allow this to take place without exposing it….i would not go anywhere near Africa with that gang of crooks because the intent is very clear, would not want my name called in any association with any of them for WHEN it all goes COCKUP…

    …..i can find Africa on my own thanks very much…hope they all get fed to crocodiles…although crocodiles might just refuse that eat toxic bunch…

    “Just like “cannabis legalisation”, the aim is to take the grass roots soul out of Pan-Africanism, while maintaining official links that can advance the economic interests of the old business elites, who today seem to be the beneficiaries of the longstanding political projects of the black poor.

    This summarises the state-of-play of the black struggle today, and also simultaneously, signals its next steps.”

  9. @ Pieces.

    Don’t let this bother you too much. As I said Owen Arthur made a similar presentation 20 years ago with pretty pictures and thing. It was then called The Pierhead Development Project. I also think about 10 years before Owen’s another project was shown similar for all to see as well. Who knows maybe 20 years from now someone else may present us with more glossy pictures and pipe dreams.

    If we spent 10 percent of what we spend on Tourism dreams on our agricultural sector instead, maybe that would be a better move. Stop and ask yourself how many additional tourist would have to come to Barbados to equal the amount saved by cutting our food import bill in half?

    Then again I guess pictures of vegetable fields and green houses would not be as attractive as shiny buildings and pipe dreams.

  10. They all think no one can see what they are REALLY DOING……the cheek on them

    may we keep reminding them that they are not enuff racists and thieves in the minority business community to REELECT ANY OF THEM to the parliament..

  11. @John A

    We keep knocking tourism. Let us make the next step in the debate. What are the alternatives? Almost all the small islands in the Caribbean go to the tourism well for obvious reasons. Since the demise of sugar cane, cotton and tobacco and the movement from agrarian to services we have not identified alternatives to generate the economic growth activity needed to sustain an expected standard of living.

  12. “Almost all the small islands in the Caribbean go to the tourism well for obvious reasons.”

    the only reason we can see is that they are all so INTELLECTUALLY BANKRUPT…

    …so consumed by their shite titles

    so lacking in creativity and genius abilities…that it is the best they can do…depend, depend, depend…

    …all of them display the same attributes….always needing someone who is not Black to tell them what to do…in palace negro style..

    tourism should be a side hustle only…but ya breed the same lack lustre and intelligence lacking politician over and over with no end in sight.

    Where is Pacha to really tell them about themselves..

  13. @David

    I will give you two other viable options. Agriculture and solar energy.

    Cut our food and oil import bill in half and see what our FX saving would be yearly. Then calculate based on the average spend how many additionAl tourist we would have to attract to equate the same value in FX.

    I am not against having tourism too but every dam investment does not have to be in it. Now that Boris is in Brexit will be on the front burner now too? So there is no better time to diversify.

  14. @John A

    Explain how we can add to GDP by mobilizing agriculture in a Barbados scenario given our transition to services- our infrastructure and people is not fit for purpose. It would call for seismic re-engineering if physical and HR. It is easy to drop cliches. Which small island state can we use as a best practice.

    The solar has been started and the opportune there to be more aggressive with implementation.

  15. @ David,
    Barbados had a very successful slave economy. You argue that tourism is the only game in town. How about combining tourism and slavery together?

  16. Where has the blogmaster posted what you have suggested?

  17. @David

    The problem we as a people have is that we don’t understand that a USD saved on import has the same value reserve wise as a USD earned In tourism.

    First thing that must be done is we need to do a study on the value spent in FX on food that can be grown locally. Once that is done we then work towards trying to reduce that value yearly over say a 5 year period. Government needs to come in then and ease the duties on other inputs on the sector based on their goal.

    Look around at the agricultural base in other islands close to us and see of what I speak. If you are ever in St Lucia on a Saturday go to the Castries market and see how tourism and agriculture meet. On a Saturday morning in the tourist season you would swear you at. Market in the UK.

  18. David
    December 13, 2019 9:58 AM

    @John A
    Explain how we can add to GDP by mobilizing agriculture in a Barbados scenario given our transition to services- our infrastructure and people is not fit for purpose. It would call for seismic re-engineering if physical and HR. It is easy to drop cliches. Which small island state can we use as a best practice.


    Drive around and look at the bush.

    It breeds rats!!

    Tie agriculture, history and tourism together.

    It is not hard.

    Besides, it might improve not only our physical health but also our mental health.

  19. Come. Lets hear about Kenya and these backyard deals Mia is signing
    Where is the transparency
    What is the purpose of having Parliament when all it takes is for Mia to hide behind closed doors and sign papers of agreement
    This all gonna end in tears
    Barrow words still signs true Barbadians what mirror image do u want of yourself

  20. @ John A,

    Agriculture and Solar. Lots of opportunity.

    Chicken pens and greenhouses Aquaculture and fish farming. Use solar powered electricity for lighting, pumps etc.

  21. Thanks Hants, this is a good conversation. How does the government get the private sector to run with it, to invest in it.

  22. Activist deactivated ?

    ” he is satisfied that the correct procedure is now being followed.”

  23. He is on government payroll Hants.

  24. @ David,

    I expect the private sector will create modern Agri-businesses in the near future.

    With the new 15 to 25 storey hotels coming on stream expect to see more farms spring up.

    Was surprised to read that a former Minister owns a farm in St.Lucy.

  25. @Hants

    The Sandals coming promised integration agritourism. Are we there yet?.

  26. @ the Honourable Blogmaster

    I really dont understand you!

    You said and I quote

    “… David December 13, 2019 9:28 AM

    @John A

    We keep knocking tourism. Let us make the next step in the debate. What are the alternatives?…”

    John A spoke about import substitution or imports that are fit for purpose e.g. RE vehicles to replace fuel I

    But de ole man has been promoting niche IT WHICH, WHILE NEEDED, has never come to fruition CAUSE SUCCESSIVE POWERS DAT BE, ent know one RH about

    How can a nation be led out of a 53 year journey BY VISIONLESS LEADERS?

    Were you going to let your 2 year old child drive your SUV Land Rover?

  27. “How does the government get the private sector to run with it, to invest in it.”

    The private sector (and government) is run by accountants, all they understand is numbers and to them retail and distribution, construction/property management and tourism are sure bets.

    Accountants do not invest in startups, but families do. If government wants to see investment and innovation in new areas, encourage more families to come together pool resources and invest.

    The minorities in Barbados understand this, the majority on the other hand want office jobs and NIS pensions because since independence they have been fed that as the key to a secure life.

  28. Unknown to many of us , our country is currently embroiled in a quiet but intense struggle with itself. What we do know is that we will either survive the next decade or so and move to a more enlightened leadership that clearly defines national goals or end up as Hal says in tears with a failed state.
    That is our stark reality. A half century of a promised date with our fate and destiny is almost upon us.
    Will we be a concrete jungle dependent on iron birds or can we truly craft our destiny and become firm craftsmen of our fate ?
    The struggle within.

  29. @Hants

    My point exactly, we see FX as being only achieved if we earn it in tourism, we never see it as a USD saved is a USD earned. Even those we elect have blinkers on when it comes to this issue.

    Let’s say our food import bill was $500 million and our fuel imports another $500 million so for discussion thAt’s a billion. If we could save $500 million of this between the 2 of them, how many tourist with an average spend of $120 a night is this worth?

    It just amazing why we can’t spend a small amount on other FX savers as we do on Tourism.

  30. “How can a nation be led out of a 53 year journey BY VISIONLESS LEADERS?”

    that’s it right there…

    leaders with no vision..never had…or Barrow/Adames/whomever et al would have seen this coming WITHIN THE LAST 50 YEARS…

    low intelligence…they believe that being intelligent is having a law degree…deluded

    if they had intelligence they would never need million dollar consultants on top of their salaries to get any and everything done…they have no clue what the word intelligence means…

    and because we have reached the age of enlightenment and information…it has NEVER BEEN MORE GLARING what a useless bunch of misfits and not fit for purpose who are mere VOTE BEGGERS..looking for titles and to get into the parliament to pretend to be what they cannot ever achieve.

  31. Mascoll say that growth is on the horizon next year
    My question to him is time and date
    The folly of all this congratulations is the silent movement of musical chairs along with smoke and mirrors engagement to fool the people

  32. Mariposa, sweet-heart….. don’t mind Piece the Legend……… you dun know you is my friend…….

    ……. but, come on, yuh khan blame these guys fuh “jumping up and hollering fuh murder” after another credit rating UPGRADE.

    Wuh after all……. I’m sure you remember there was a time not too long ago when, after 23 consecutive credit rating DOWNGRADES, Sinckler, Froon and you were singing the song “There’s light at the end of the tunnel,”……. while reminding Barbadians for nine years “that growth (was) on the horizon next year.”

    And our “question to wunnuh (was also) time and date.”

    Hahahahahaha…………..It’s amazing how the roles played by the political yard-fowls change with a change in the political administration.

    Back then, the BEES were criticizing those credit rating DOWNGRADES……. and now you’re criticizing the UPGRADES.

  33. “Unknown to many of us , our country is currently embroiled in a quiet but intense struggle with itself.”

    A bit puzzled – what do you mean?

  34. @ Mariposa

    The world is on the verge of a recession. Is Barbados going to buck the trend, punch above its weight, or is it more hocus pocus?

  35. @ Charles Skeete

    We don’t seem to know where want to go from here. A disconnect is broadening between the governed and those who govern.
    I mean those who are in authority. The decision makers. So please see government as a collective and not a straight party interpretation.

  36. @ William

    Our political leaders have lost their way. They came in expecting business as usual, but the world has changed. Has the DLP got a view on anything?

  37. They are more than likely trying to COVER THEIR ASSES…and SHIFT all those OFFSHORE BANK ACCOUNTS they have that can be still so easily traced..don’t think they are concerned about the welfare of the Bajan people more than they are concerned WITH KEEPING THIER CORRUPT ASSES OUT OF PRISON.

    anything else will distract them from covering up crimes.

  38. @ Hal
    Twins have the same DNA.

  39. ” Abrahams said ‘concentrated efforts’, involving a lot of meetings, negotiations and behind the scenes work by staff within the Ministry and the board of the BWA, as well as the external debt negotiators for the Government of Barbados, White Oaks, went in to finalising the deal.”

  40. De PM soun sweet doh !

  41. Piece the Legend Avatar

    @ Mr William Skinner

    You is a boss!!!

    “…@ Hal

    Twins have the same DNA…”

    Single liner!

    Unfortunately de ole man ent went school like wunna fellers so I does try to impress wid my copy and paste from de internet

  42. Hal
    Mascoll said that barbados would be punching above its weight next year


    well they did say Barbados is open for business…as long as the Kenyans know about the minority thieves who sit on every board to rob Bajans blind…it’s all good….just remember those minority thieves and they are extremely RACIST…government encouraged racism…

    ….because it is mindboggling that she would invite African businesses to Barbados and still has not DISMANTLED THE RACISM AND APARTHEID…against the Black population……so when her vile little masters practice their racism against these Africans what will she do, ah hope she knows that these will not be docile bajans to take shite from those stink little lice infested thieves.

    “PM Mottley, who invited the Kenyan delegation, said having Kenyan financial firms operating in Barbados will act as an anchor for Kenyan businesses that can then use the country as a hub to trade in the wider Caribbean Community (CARICOM) region.

    “When Kenyan banks and financial institutions get a foothold in Barbados and the Caribbean, Kenyan businesses will have familiar faces to deal with,” said PM Mottley.”

  44. Things that Black people should know BUT DON’T…MELANIN…what makes your skin have it’s everlasting tone, your Black skin…has been in demand FOR YEARS…and being sold up and down the earth….why do you think so many Black people are missing outside of human trafficking…IT’S BIG, BIG BUSINESS, so if yall want to remain UNAWARE …that’s on you…it is only the slave minded do not know what their own blackness is worth and will get ROBBED AS USUAL..

  45. President Uhuru Kenyatta has promised to tackle corruption, acknowledging that it is a widespread problem in Kenya. The country is ranked 144th out of 180 nations by Transparency International in its annual corruption index.

    Many Kenyans are skeptical of the pledges by the president, who in 2015 declared corruption a national security threat and promised to investigate all customs and revenue officers. That vetting has not yet taken place. Very few prominent people charged with corruption have been convicted.

    In March 2015 Kenyatta fired five ministers over graft allegations, but only one is facing charges in court. One became Kenyatta’s agent in the 2017 election, another is a governor and Kenyatta appointed another to head a government department, and the last one was Kenyatta’s nomimee to the Judicial Service Commission

  46. Don’t tell me yall never heard of this because i have known about it for years…ya let ya useless, sleazy leaders miseducate you to think that all ya were good for is voting and being robbed by minority basura along with ya tiefing leaders/lawyers etc….well don’t wait until these filth as you know them start SELLING YOUR MELANIN to understand what is really going on in the real world…keep minding Mia and all those other sell out negros and see what will happen next..

    the only people who do not know how special their BLACK SKIN IS …IS BLACK PEOPLE.

  47. Interesting sounds like birds of feathers

    Land Administration
    There is a very high risk of corruption in Kenya’s land administration. Kenyans report a high likelihood of bribery demands in meetings with land service officials, and corrupt practices reportedly occur in almost 20% of all interactions (TI Kenya, 2014). Companies should be aware that possession of a land title does not guarantee property ownership, making land-grabbing and seizures by powerful elite common as a result of pervasive corruption and impunity (BTI 2016). Fake land title deeds are frequently used and disappearances of title deeds from the Registrar’s office are common; houses built on illegaly acquired property are often demolished without prior notice (BTI 2016).

    In addition, property rights protections are inadequately enforced (GCR 2016-2017). Registering property in Kenya takes around the same time as the regional average, but it requires 9 steps compared to an average of 6 steps elsewhere in the region (DB 2017).

  48. De ole man got to finally admit what I did hoping was not true.


    Look why de ole man saying so

    “…“When Kenyan banks and financial institutions get a foothold in Barbados and the Caribbean, Kenyan businesses will have familiar faces to deal with,” said PM Mottley….”

    What de FVUCK!


    “…Trump Will Deny Immigrant Visas to Those Who Can’t Pay for Health Care … burdens of allowing immigrants into the United States. … have to meet certain financial requirements. …”

    So what is de ole man saying?

    De people have a general idea where I going but de RH Sheeple lost like chvunt!!!

    So I gine BREK it down fuh wunna.

    De RH government BREK as chvunt so, if dem bring 50,000 voters heah, who de RH gine support dem if dem get sick…not de BREK ass QEH!

    Now me second point fuh de peeple and the sheeple.

    For wunna people who ent RH know bout de Immigration Practices for Residency wunna ass got to go through medicals BEFORE YOU GET RESIDENCY IN AMERICA.

    “…If you complete your medical examination after your visa interview, processing of your immigrant visa case will be delayed until the U.S. Embassy or Consulate has received your medical examination results. Therefore, applicants are strongly encouraged to complete their medical exams prior to their visa interviews…”

    So why de ole man mentioning dis while talking bout Mugabe same faces RH?

    Well maybe wunna chvunt will understand what Mia chvunt exposing we Rasshole to with this poorly thought out plan

    “…Kenya has the joint third-largest HIV epidemic in the world (alongside Tanzania) with 1.6 million people living with HIV in 2018. In the same year, 25,000 people died from AIDS-related illnesses…”

    I expect that many will come to attack de ole man BUT I GINE AXE WUNNA DIS.

    Is it my black 5ft 2 inch ass dat mekking dese wholesale relocation offers to Kenya and Ghana?

    Ahhhh wunna stop drinking de RH coolaid and start thinking right?

    Suddenly wunna start recognizing that this carte blanche refugee rather 700,000 immigrants issue Carrie’s with it some major immigration issues right!

    Now wunna understand what these open shores policies entail IF A SMART ASS KENYAN OR GHANAIAN PRESIDENT SAYS “why export our country’s brightest WHEN WE CAN SEND THEM OUR DREDGES!”

    So now this puts in context WHY THE PdP has no RH choice than to DEMAND THAT MUGABE make this a national debate where every RH bout her CBI program is transparent.

    “What sweeten goalie mout mout does burn he in he bam bam”

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