The following note was received from the civic minded Peter Lawrence Thompson with the link to a 122 page Barbados Development Plan pitched to potential investors to transform and modernize Barbados while maintaining those things that make it special. Given the robust discussion about Hyatt Hotel, Blue Horizon and other development initiatives across, the document serves as a good resource.

Many have asked to see the official development plan that provides the context for the proposed Hyatt branded development on Bay Street. The linked document is from Barbados Tourism Investment Inc., not from the planning office, but it clearly has the PM’s endorsement so I believe we can treat it as an official plan for Bridgetown development.

Relevant Link

Barbados Development Plan

222 responses to “Open for Business – Barbados Development Plan”

  1. All Wily sees is a lot of optimistic pie in the sky pictures, not much substantive information or long term plan. Looks like SAME OLD SAME OLD, political propaganda.

  2. The article which appeared in the newspaper with photos is visually very appealing on the eye. Having said that, it appears to be business as usual. There seems to be tunnel-vision on behalf of the elite. Everything points to tourism and there seems to be no effort to diversify the economic development plan of this country. No one seems to have remember 2008 and the economic whirlwind that followed which caused melt down of economies around the world. It seems to be a case where the elite appear to be bereft of ideas, similar to Owen Arthur’s now famous saying, that the only thing for Barbados to do, was sell more land. He showed that he was bereft of ideas. This lack of ideas seem to be pervasive among the ruling classes of this country.

  3. Robert…that is all they know…being DEPENDENT on useless tourists, they have no clue how to diversify and always leave the majority population out of everything, always some scheme or scam to fill their pockets and leave the population to struggle..

    Anyway, what should have been done over 60 years ago regarding connecting to the Continent, is now a mad rush to implement….but ya still gotta watch known thieves and crooks who never have the best interest of the Black majority as numero uno…stinking Palace Negro habits are hard to die…bet you there is a whole lot more to this than meets the eye. Bajans have to be very, very vigilant..

    “The cooperation agreement is set to get into gear as soon as next month, when the Governor of the Central Bank of Kenya is to travel to Barbados, along with officials of the Securities Exchange Commission, to finalise cooperation and regulation details to allow Kenyan banks to invest in Barbados through commercial services and correspondent banking.

    The Principal of the University of the West Indies at Cave Hill, Most Honourable Eudine Barriteau and a team from the university are expected in Kenya early in the new year to complete arrangements with the University of Nairobi and Kenyatta University to allow UWI student doctors to intern there, while medical students from Kenya would complete their training at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, the UWI’s teaching hospital here.

    The universities are also to finalise arrangements in business studies, while officials are to work on plans for exchanges between primary and secondary schools.

    The leaders also promised speedy progress of creating air and sea links between East Africa and the Caribbean, mechanisms to streamline tax systems for companies doing business in the two jurisdictions, and a new draft MOU on trade and investment.”

  4. The house negros would not have been caught dead doing any of that with Africa before 2019, but now THEY HAVE NO CHOICE…the Barbados government scam is sinking too fast…gotta get this right the first time….and once it is not immersed in the usual BLP corruption of involving criminal minority thieves in everything, instead of the majority population who pay for everything……it should work out just fine..

    let me see if she got the damn nerve to involve dirty bizzy, cow, bjerkham, maloney et al …the ones they gave contract to in 2005 to build prisons for Black Bajans…let’s see if she involves those scum in any of this…the house negro intent is always to make racists and thieves feel comfortable and with access to Black people’s money

  5. Look at their nasty characters, all the politicians in Barbados have nasty characters, most of the lawyers in Barbados have nasty characters, do not allow that type of lowlife in the parliament..ever again..

  6. And if Mia thinks everyone is going to sit quetly while she sets up an African banking system in Barbados and don’t think we will WARN THE AFRICANS….that it is all the usual dirty house negro plan to install the evil likes of tiefing, racist bizzy, bjerkham et al as directors to see who got what in their bank accounts…TO TIEF IT FROM BLACK PEOPLE….because that is all they do…ROB THE BLACK POPULATION…..

    And the Africans would not know unless told that the house negros would set them up to be robbed, anything to make racists thieves has been a pattern for over 70 years, an evil pact that will not be broken overnight…BUT NEEDS TO BE DESTROYED right along with all the scum who practice these crimes against the black majority…

  7. @Dr. Lucas

    Your concern is valid, we have to diversify which is easier said than done. What can we come up with to replace tourism and give us the same numbers to move the economic indicators. That said this is a BTMI plan and not a national plan from the looks of it.

  8. The government has to be applauded for exploring non traditional pathways with Africa for development. We hope for the sake of the country we are able to do so with positive affect.

  9. The “good news” should be TEMPERED WITH THE REALITY…that many, many Bajans are SUFFERING so shitehounds can boast about a 6% credit rating rise….it is very little comfort for those WHO CANNOT EAT…

  10. “Your concern is valid, we have to diversify which is easier said than done.”

    why is it so hard for Barbados when others have diversifed for decades and WITH THEIR EYES CLOSED…why are bajan leaders so uneducated about diversifying…

  11. Caswell saying that 17mths after the tax levy was implemented
    The opposition is now seeing the bill for the first time
    A govt that has used a 30- 0 mandate to become a dictator
    Not surprsing that Mia would find it easy to lay bed with corrupt african leaders and dictators
    Instead of David patting Mia on the backside David should focusing the spotlight on these new found African leaders that Mia is welcoming with open arms
    One day coming soon these quiet and peaceful small island nations would be replicas of these quiet small african nations ruled by dictators
    The writing is on the wall for all to see
    Mia is getting schooled in Africa on how to talk the big talk and ruled with an AFrican fist
    All this talk about agreements with Africa contains mega loans which are being kept secret away from the probing eyes of the people
    Nothing would be told until the deals are done and barbadians have to foot the bills
    Caswell voice yesterday in Parliament tells the true story which speaks of a govt who would do anything necessary under the veil of smoke and mirrors to deceive the people

  12. The upgrade is a step in the right direction, FDI is a key factor in the performance of the Barbados economy. Investors will not part with funds unless credit rating agencies validate the performance of the economy.

  13. The BU header symbolizes we are a country open to possibilities and opportunities

  14. You are open to possiblities and opportunites…that BENEFIT THE MAJORITY POPULATION …who always pay for everything…..not to benefit racist thieves and criminals in the minority community…a crime against the black majority that has been HAPPENING FOR DECADES and that is why the distribution of wealth has been allocated to this toxic dangerous thieving tiny gang of racists by both wicked Palace Negros from DBLP… …and the Black population has been left with NOTHING….as usual…

    …i bet Mia neglected to mention that to both Kenya and Ghana…i bet she did not…

  15. Look at that David up.bright and early to talk about upgrade
    But what does it matter at present for the people who have no jobs and household going to bed on hungry bellies
    David u can spin this upgrade in as many turns as it pleases u and Mia
    But their is a downside to this “upgrade” a side which u would rather ignore
    A side that speaks to humanity
    A side that is rooted in pain and suffering for Barbadians
    A side that is asking “what about us”
    In all respect an upgrade to where and for what purpose
    The future is now and people can no longer hold on to a basket of empty promises
    In the meanwhile an upgrade for the debt collectors while the poor continues to suffer the raging pangs of austerity measures to suffice a few
    All which will end in more tears

  16. For those who cannot see…if Africa is not WARNED ABOUT Mia and her gang of thieves and criminals and they rob the Continent, see how well that plays out when you want to visit Africa with a Barbados passport.

    Mia cannot be allowed to get away with pushing her racist thieves to the front again to steal from Black people again ….or to STEAL FROM AFRICA..

  17. Just bear in mind…that leopards CANNOT change their spots and neither can Palace Negros.

  18. 6 notches is a big jump!

  19. That artist’s impression of a future Bridgetown with its high-rise tourism focus skyline is really a sight for sore eyes of charming small-island natives.

    The question is: Would there be people living in some of those high-rise buildings or would those penthouses be catering for a mass tourism market and upscale shopping boutiques of a retro bygone age?

    Where are the people needed to service this arcadia of a modern-day plantation of concrete going to be living if not on the lovely airbrush beaches of paradise which Mother Nature would be creating with her magic wand marked ‘Climate Change’?

    Does this majestic plan of urban transformation require the bulldozing of the growing rows of ghettoes which Hal Austin- in one of his sane and insightful contributions- has been promoting for donkey (y)ears for the policymakers to hear?

    Are you going to see visual art of a highly-paid consultant transform to physical and economic reality through the (re)gentrification of the Main to that that of Petticoat Lane leading to the Admiral Nelson Boulevard and Broad Street to Pall Mall of India and the Orleans to New Amsterdam?

    Would this mega project of urban regeneration attract FDI given the country’s phoenix-like credit rating performance or would the local class of Shylocks step up to the investment plate of patriotism and put their ‘foreign-stashed’ money where it is most needed?

  20. @Miller

    A chicken and egg question?

  21. A good link if you wanted to follow the trajectory of our ratings over time.

    A second good link. It shows this new information of our ratings was out there from Nov 19. Surprised it took a month before I saw it mentioned here. Was it mentioned earlier?

  22. It’s obvious that Barbados has worn out and/or abused thier financial support from CHINA, now have to turn to corrupt AFRICAN states for support. Country is trending down an extremely dangerous path, agrivate the USA/EU and one can expect severe retalations.

    Similar to all other politician knee jerk changes, not thought through and evaluated.

  23. We already have fleas and rats in Parliament Now barbados PM is on a hunt to catch more

    Kenya’s competitiveness is held back by high corruption levels that penetrate every sector of the economy. A weak judicial system and frequent demands for bribes by public officials lead to increased business costs for foreign investors. Widespread tax evasion hinders Kenya’s long-term economic growth, and fraud in public procurement is rampant. Corruption, active and passive bribery, abuse of office and bribing a foreign public official are criminalized under the Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Act 2003, in addition to the Bribery Act of 2016 which strengthens the fight against the supply-side of corruption. Facilitation payments are criminalized and there are rules for what types of gifts public officials are allowed to accept. Adequate enforcement of Kenya’s anti-corruption framework is an issue as a result of weak and corrupt public institutions

  24. That is the only thing that attracts Barbados’ parliament rats..those they perceive as MORE CORRUPT THAN THEMSELVES….they never hesitate to jump in when that’s the case. Easier to steal and rob…wuh if they were boldfacedly and in the glare of cameras setting up Diasporans whom they spent DECADES VICTIMIZING…wuh ya think any of these savages are squeamish about setting up Africans, wuh they never even considered themselves Black let alone Africans before and had no problem hunting down Africans who wandered into Barbados like animals..

    They had no problem robbing the very people who elected them and for decades.

    As far as i am concerned in their usual toxic style they are only looking for a nesting ground for their minority racists and thieves since they have ALL STOLEN EVERYTHING OUT OF BARBADOS …there is nothing left. It’s all sitting in their offshore accounts and they refuse to bring back a dime to help the people and island. So Africa is now the perfect target with limitless resources WATCH THOSE THIEVES.

  25. Nuff sweet talk from Mia. This is a marriage of the elites for the elites.

  26. $3.50 EACH.

    Hope the price drops before we start gatherin in St.Lucy.

  27. This is what Barbados government ministers need, they think this is some goddamn joke….they think they are untouchable them and their useless yardfowls..

  28. Should this folly of a development plan succeed. You will witness an exponential rise in the cost of living for Barbadians. The island will become too expensive to live on for the majority of her citizens.

    This master plan is purely a cosmetic plan to radically alter the demographics of the west and south coast. This government is determined to have its way.

  29. Shades of Barbados

    Civil Society
    Kenya’s Constitution guarantees freedoms of press and expression (HRR 2016). In practice, the government does not completely respect these rights; journalists are facing increasing pressure from authorities and new laws that challenge their ability to report freely (FotP 2016). Self-censorship is on the rise and journalists experience harassment from authorities that try to prevent critical work from being published (FitW 2016). However, a variety of views and critical reporting is published by the country’s private media outlets (FotP 2016). The Information and Communication Act provides for excessive government control of Kenya’s media and allows the government-controlled board to impose fines on media houses and reporters for violations of a code of conduct created by the board (FitW 2016). One blogger was arrested in Eastern Kenya under the Act for “causing public anxiety” after reporting on corruption in the region (FotP 2016). Kenya’s media environment is considered ‘partly free’ (FotP 2016).

    Freedoms of association and assembly are provided by the Constitution. Parliament generally welcomes the expertise of civil society organizations (CSOs), but decision-makers in government generally ignore civil society (BTI 2016). The influence of CSOs has gradually decreased over the past decade (BTI 2016). In the past few years, the government has attempted a (thus far largely unsuccessful) crackdown on civil society. Particularly in times of high political tension, Kenyan civil society tends to operate according to lines of ethnic interests (BTI 2016

  30. @ David December 12, 2019 8:08 AM
    “A chicken and egg question?”

    Which do you think should come first? A proper fowl of a Sewerage Plant or a foul-smelling addle egg circulating the skyscraper pens?

    The IMF will not be diverting any future taxpayers’ funds away from debt financing to any wet dreams of urban resuscitation.

    It is the new controllers of commerce (the East Indian business community) who will be remaking Bridgetown into their own image; not any BTII or Massy Holdings.

    They have taken the financial eggs laid by the ‘short-sighted’ black Bajan chickens to make massive omelettes of real estate.

    While back Bajans are ‘investing’ in mechanical donkeys East Indians are buying real property.

    Now who do you think would be the new controllers in any renewed Bridgetown and who would continue to be the hewers of ‘blackened’ wood and kaffirs of water?

  31. Pick-a-noism and egofowlism exemplified thus far in the comments. Last week there was no plan for Bridgetown, before that the debt restructure was going to end in tears. Funny how one is saying the Opposition only saw the Tourism Levy Bill for the first time this week though it was laid since 2018 and amended and passed in the lower house in July 2019. Same pick-a-noisette claims Ghanaian nurses will be hard to understand, as if some English speakers abroad don’t also find some Bajan and other West Indians difficult to understand. The official language of Ghana is English too. Another is saying the Africans need to be made aware of corrupt Bajans while another screams Mia looking to get in bed with the corrupt Africans. Land de garbage trucks now and some contributors to BU gine disappear–burial or cremation.🤣🤣🤣🤣

  32. @ Hal, this project has all the hallmarks of Canary Wharf in London. Where you ring fence an area; evict the locals; and then proceed to build a series of Towers of Babel whose main functions are to exclude the working class masses.

    Mia is telling the majority population that they no longer have a future in an up and coming Barbados.

  33. @Miller

    We have to nurture confidence to entice investors in the short and medium term, it will not happen because we say so. The Moody’s report is a good news story and should be taken as a little step in the right direction. It is certainly better than pre 2008 when all a tired public was hearing was downgrade downgrade.

  34. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    “For where a man’s treasure is,there is his heart.” So this is Economic Transformation 2019? For whose benefit?

    David how does Moody’s upgrade translate to the well- being of Barbadians? Did not the triple A upgrades of leading companies translate to triple Z during the last Economic Recession when the majority ended belly-up?

  35. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David BU

    Foreign Direct Investors do their own internal due diligence. History you said is important. What does recent history suggest to you if you were a foreign investor?

  36. @ David December 12, 2019 11:02 AM

    We agree that since the government is unable to access funds to carryout such mega projects of imaginary ROI expectations then private sector investor confidence is key to any construction of a corridor of hotels and the economic salvation of the country’s capital.

    However, it will not grow if it appears the electorate has swapped one set of yellow con men and blue-blooded scammers for another set of liars dressed in red.

    Where are those dozens of investors who were queuing outside of the office of the MoF to get a piece of the action to underwrite the myriad projects in the pipeline? Where have they disappeared to or have they simply changed colour(s)?

    Why don’t you make enquiry about the duty-free Mercedes driven by a non-existent sales director of a hotel whose design (far less construction) has not yet been finalized far less approved?

    Why must the people (and businesses) in Bridgetown have to be confronted daily with a military-type invasion of brown rats because of the lack of resources to retaliate to maintain the minimum level of public sanitation and hygiene while the Treasury is deprived of much needed revenue?

  37. @Miller

    Point to the leaders in waiting please!

    @Northern Observer

    The OCES bloc appears to have a plan. There is the consolidation of the banking sector with RBC sold to a consortium.

  38. ‘RBC sold to a consortium’….so I heard Tuesday. The precursor was them closing a bunch of branches, so the stain of that would be on their hands and not that of the new owners. BNS also sold the VI biz to Republic for a lot more money than prior deals.

  39. @Vincent

    The last comments attach to your question. The North Americans are jumping ship because the region is seen as high risk, high cost and high penetration.

    Some investors will sniff the risk and get a different smell. It is important for the indicators from the rating agencies head north.

  40. @VC
    “What does recent history suggest to you if you were a foreign investor?”
    Any one eyed man is king in a blind man land.

    PS…did you read Afra Raymond’s piece? Bim is being help up as a model of financial governance, because Needham’s has a 2015 Annual report, while the T&T public owned properties have NONE !!!!

  41. @Norrhern Observer

    Note TnT has FOIA too.

  42. Pictures look similar to the ones Arthur presented around 20 years ago when it was called I believed The Pierhead Redevelopment Project. Lol

  43. Mr. Raymond might argue the freedom isn’t so free. But like buggery here, the Act is on the books.

  44. Yes, the devil is always in the detail.

  45. @ David December 12, 2019 12:28 PM

    What does that say about the ‘reality’ of attracting FDI to build out the wishing-and-hoping hotel corridor?

    Whom are these hotels being built to attract? Chinese and Africans?

    Even the black North American infected with the travel bug is not ‘readily drawn’ to the Caribbean and is finding his ancestral roots more of a tourism magnate (cultural tourism) than the traditional Bajan fare of sea, sand, sun, rum and wuk-up fun.

    If not North American investors, who then?

    Ghanians with their recent large loss of foreign income from their underdeveloped crude oil sector?

    How about the BTMI start thinking outside its closet of intellectual confinement and start to market Barbados as a destination for LGBT ‘Q cruises’?

    You might be surprised at the turnout of who is who in North American celebrity circles.

    Who is going to fill the gender-neutral beds in the Hyatt Ziva and those of her competitors?

    Now that you have a more ‘liberally-bent’ person at the helm of the ship of state we are sure Rihanna wouldn’t mind giving you a helping hand in such a bold and imaginative concept to go where previous administrations cowardly refused to go.

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