The following was received from a concerned parent- David, Blogmaster
My daughter suffers from back pains.
In January this year, my daughter was planing on inviting the Labour Department to assess work conditions. She raised this with me and I advised her to write them first which she did.
The issue was about inappropriate chairs which repeatedly broke while sitting on and ensuing back pains which are aggravated. Management discussed the issues raised and attempted to resolve same.
Subsequently when a replacement broke the Supervisor told her she’ll have to sit on the floor until they find another.
I got involved. I called and asked why they would want their Staff to be physically uncomfortable and consequently emotionally unsettled from the fear of falling and becoming injured. The Supervisor and Senior Manager assured me that they always replace the chairs and that they were ergonomically fit. My daughter is a full sized lady. They advised that they had just sourced a new chair, weight appropriate, and it would be at the incumbents desk before she reported for work the next day.  Indeed this was so but with the same kind of frail armless chair.
My daughter has been seeing a Physio Therapist for this discomfort and recently she recommended that my daughter visit an Occupational Therapist who would visit and assess the physical work area.
This was done and the Therapist called the General Manager’s Office at Crucible a number of times, weeks ago to make an appointment to visit the Plant. One week after that first call the Manager’s Assistant returned her call. The Therapist was by then preparing for overseas travel but is expected to visit Crucible on her return.
Last week the General Manager of Crucible met with my daughter and in the discussion informed her that they have sourced a new and appropriate chair and will have it in place shortly. He stated that she was a producer, a valued employee etc and that he didn’t want to loose her. He further stated that should the chair still not be adequate Crucible will give her the option to resign and the firm will pay her Severance.
The chair has not yet arrived.
My daughter reported for work today June 7, 2019 and was handed a Severance letter with two weeks notice, a cheque covering the period to June 27, 2019, two weeks vacation pay, years severance calculations and a completed Unemployment Benefits Form.
Screenshot 2019-06-07 at 02.18.47.png
My daughter was employed on a monthly basis but Crucible paid fortnightly. Therefore it should be one month’s notice.
Today being June 7th already begins the month and the Labour Law is …”one month or part thereof”. Therefore Crucible should know that she should be given one month’s notice from today and the vacation should begin after that period.
#3 She was appointed in October of 2015. Therefore Crucible should know that she should be paid for three years and nine months ( at end of June).
#4 She was denied the opportunity to try the “new fit chair”.
#5 The Therapist hasn’t yet visited to determine whether the furniture; desk and chair are appropriate or indeed other items or issues relevant to occupational health.
It would appear that Crucible ditched the cargo rather than be found wanting.
Having been injured, she has been paying for her therapy which has to be continued.This is contemptible.
My daughter has strong supportive and capable parents but what about all the other employees, especially those plus size ladies, who do not have the level of financial, emotional, legal and academic support?
These firms – Informatics and Offshore –  without Union representation have a history of exploitation, discrimination, breeches and disregard for the Law.
The Labour department should be visiting and assessing these firms regularly while having interviews with employees to know their grievances; not only talking to employers.
Further, employees when relieved of their tenure (justly of course) should not then have to be embroiled in arguments and actions to get their just dues. It should be a clean amicable divorce.
This is totally abhorrent, despicable, Illegal and unethical.

208 responses to “Crucible International – A Threat to Democracy”

  1. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    @ Concerned Parent

    Your predicament is of some magnitude and the ole man will explain.

    The issue of Labour Laws is something that Senator Caswell Franklyn will respond to and give you and daughter all the advice pertaining to this matter.

    And what is your recourse

    But the bigger issues that you have raised are

    1…how can a so called international company come into Barbados and feel dat it got the right to do this

    2…if this were America or Canada, the relevant Occupational Health and Safety agency would have closed them down, due DEM asses and lock up someone

    3…Did your daughter get a chance to take pictures of the chair?

    4…did she do any recordings of her conversations with management? I have found that having email, hard drives with files, 2 machines, one with a copy of incriminating data and scheduled email for Friday auto notifications, I have found that these electronic surveillance practices, though some say they are unethical SOMETIMES ARE THE ONLY WAY THESE ANIMALS UNDERSTAND

    Senator Franklyn is an expert on this and he will comment

    But to echo the sentiment of Mr Hal Austin, this is how foreign companies are allowed to come to Barbados and unfair black natives with impunity

    I wish you success but I know your daughter will not get back her job

    Nor should she want to.

    But that company shout be sued for wrongful dismissal and she should be paid for discrimination

  2. WYRA-War-on-U Avatar

    You have evil black leaders who have no problem prostituting black women in order to steal and funnel money to themselves or having their white perverted attackers released. So Enuff said. Your black leaders are useless and will remain useless as long as they continue to display the negro slave mentality…as it relates to their own peoole.

  3. David

    While you and your family have our enduring support in this matter

    We however fail to see these kinds of actions as any ‘threat to democracy’.

    We even fail to recognize that thing which you see as democracy

    This situation is personal for you but events like these have always been the normal way corporations behave.

    Notions about democracy, in places of employment, could only be when there is a sharing of work, universal involvement in decision making, and when workers get to keep 100% of the surplus they produce.

    None of these critical ingredients characterize CRUCIBLE or any other work place in Barbados.

    Democracy, as we define it, must be an economic system. And if that is true workers must keep all of the surplus production created, have control over the means of production, never to subjected to the unilateral and dictatorial fancies of any one employee (the so-called boss).

    We wish your daughter well, as it saddens that we have failed to create the better world that was infinitely possible.

  4. The title was posted as received Pacha.

  5. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    I am sorry to hear that the young woman has been injured. It seems to me that the company has made fairly reasonable accommodations.

    But at the bottom of it it seems to me that the problem is rooted in the daughter’s obesity. The daughter and her supportive parents and therapists need to fix this. Obesity will eventually not only cause her to lose her job, but to lose her life.

    Any human being ought to be able to sit in a standard office chair. If you cannot, consult a nutritionist, and exercise therapist, and hit the road or the gym.

    I have to go to two funerals next week. Both deaths related to obesity. One person is 21 years younger than i am.

    Obesity is causing a lot of parents to bury their children.

    Parents should not have to bury their children, especially as gross obesity is completely unavoidable.

    The daughter’s back pains are likely caused by her excess weight. No woman should be more than 120-180 pounds.

  6. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    So mum (parents) do not be tempted to hire a lawyer, or a trade unionist. There is NOT a legal solution to every problem.

    Take some of the money and hire a nutritionist, and an exercise therapist.

    Said with love.

    I am getting tired og\f going to young people’s funerals.

  7. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    I am not a lawyer or labour expert, but it seems that the company is trying to protect its @ss, trying to avoid liability if the fat lady takes another fall and become disabled for a long time or even permanently.

    I know that I will be royally cussed. But the main problem is the daughter’s obesity.

    The daughter, primarily, but also her parents/enablers MUST deal with her obesity; or it will cost her her LIFE.

    Notice that mummy provides plenty of details but omits her daughter’s height and weight.


    I going out now to do 2 or 3 hours of manual labour in the hot sun.

  8. Simple,

    You do know that there are underlying medical conditions that can make the control of weight damn nigh impossible for some people, don’t you? How do you know the cause of this woman’s obesity?

    Also, there is something called due process and fair compensation, according to rules and regulations. Do you know whether or not she has received due process and fair compensation? I don’t and so I will reserve my opinion until I am enlightened.


    Maybe the bubbling upheavals in the world and the discontent of workers worldwide will bring some realization that there must be a new way of thinking. You never know. Maybe they will eventually identify the real enemy and turn upon him.

  9. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    Dear Donna: I did not address the matter of whether the woman has been compensated or should be compensated, because as I said I am no labour or union expert nor lawyer, so like you I cannot comment on that.

    Even while there may be “underlying medical conditions” for some cases of obesity, isn’t it amazing that none of our grandparents/great grand parents had those conditions?

    As as I’ve heard a health professional say, there are no obese people in refugee camps.

    This young woman’s biggest problem is not the loss of job, Bbad as that is. It is the potential loss of her health and the premature loss of her life if she does, EAT LESS and EXERCISE MORE.

    An almost 70 year old should not be going to the funerals of two obese youngsters in one week.

    It scares me.

    it should scare you.

    It should scare all of us.

  10. Barbados 2019 Avatar

    @ Simple Simon
    But at the bottom of it it seems to me that the problem is rooted in the daughter’s obesity. The daughter and her supportive parents and therapists need to fix this. Obesity will eventually not only cause her to lose her job, but to lose her life.

    Any human being ought to be able to sit in a standard office chair. If you cannot, consult a nutritionist, and exercise therapist, and hit the road or the gym.



  11. Barbados is a great place to Invest.

  12. There are no obese people in the refugee camp because there is often no food and the fat is used for food. Those are extreme cases. STARVATION will do it fast. Do you expect the lady to starve herself? Some people may have to exercise all day and eat from a baby dish for a year to lose a single pound. Not saying they shouldn’t try but how do you know this lady isn’t trying?

    I’m just saying we should not be so smug with our advice.

    PS. Bajan 2019,

    From what I read the process was not complete. They changed course suddenly and without warning. It should have been handled better.

  13. Speak the truth Avatar
    Speak the truth

    What sort of madness is this? I am an employee at Crucible and I love working there. In fact we have staff here for over 20 plus year. No one ever told her to sit on the floor and all the other lies she has told.

    If she has a question about her calculations go to the severance department at NIS and have them assist her with working it out.

    I understand that 6 employees were made redundant as a result of the low volume being experienced due to robotic changes, in fact this is 2 days now the department that she was in had no work yet the company is still paying us for the days but had to make some adjustments.

    All of us know who this employee is because we saw when Management changed more than one chair for her, they ordered adjustable hand rest from the US and gave to her, changed her desk and also changed her foot rest. I sat there and witness this.

    This past employee is devious and very dishonest.

    Why didn’t she tell her parents about the cruise she went on last year when she had a man literally jumping on her back and riding her like a horse? Then she sent a medical indicating that she has back issues.
    The video was all over social media with people making negative comments and joking about her due to her size.

    Wouldn’t this give her back issues?

    Then she was in a pageant wearing heels that were not correct for her weight?

    Wouldn’t this impact her back issues?

    Went on sick leave this year for 2 weeks, but posted pictures on her Instagram with her doing nails and guess what the chairs she uses is not ergonomic but a wrought iron or mahogany chairs?

    Wouldn’t this impact her back issues?

    Every morning eating pastries from a van and Chefette for lunch; every day getting a taxi to and from work.
    Isn’t the responsibility of her parent to follow up with their daughter on how she is living her life?

    We can see that restructuring going on within the company as she was not the only person that received their package during this week.

    So it is clearly nothing against her. She should be happy she received her payout.

    She was the largest employee in the office and is in serious denial about her weight and this being the issue.

    By the way, the chairs she was given were large chairs but the issue was that the wheels kept breaking under her weight (over 400 +lbs), as she sits badly.

    Employees in the office are in shock at this article as they are saying that she is a liar.

    To the parents and past employee; stop spreading untruths about Crucible and its Management, we are treated fairly with clean and sanitary conditions, and if problems are reported these are rectified ASAP as far as I can see.

  14. It is unfortunate but unless there is a vibrant unionized group private companies are able to squeeze anyone out of the company. It is a sad reality.

  15. Barbados 2019 Avatar

    @ Donna

    Who is going to pay for the damage to the many chairs this woman destroyed?

    I am sure none of the other staff got similar treatment.

    This company went overboard to please and retain the employee over a three year period.

    Having employ many locals some on this Blog don’t know half MANY Employers in Barbados are subject to.

    As much as I hate most of Tron’s submissions he is right when he speaks of the attitudes of most Bajan workers.

    If this company had terminated her after the first broken chair or even the second I would agree with her.

    However, this happened over, over and over again so I cannot fault the company as they had mentioned that if a suitable chair could not be found they would terminate and pay.

    Where she may have a case is whether all payments due and paid are correct.

  16. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David BU at 1:11 PM

    This is the New Reality . No Utopia here either.

  17. Barbados 2019 Avatar

    I posted my above Submission before seeing and reading the post by @ Speak the Truth

    As an Employer in Barbados, I have seen MUCH DISHONESTY FROM EMPLOYEES who twist stories to suit their own agendas.

    This Crucible International seems to be an extremely good company and in the end, truth always wins out.

  18. @ David the Blogmaster and Vincent Codrington,

    In my last job in Toronto one of my responsibilities was to specify furniture for about employees.

    I could not risk anyone breaking a chair nor could I tell any employee to lose weight.

    However I understand that Barbados is not Canada.

  19. about 120 front office employees

  20. @Hants

    From the above it seems a chair without wheels was the better solution.

  21. Speak the truth Avatar
    Speak the truth

    But hold on, from my short time working here, all staff is paid bi-weekly/fortnightly. The Labour office and the Minister recently visited and they walked right through the office and talk to staff. And let me add that no one is exempted from joining the union, they are free to do so if they can get better treatment. They are many private sectors and government entities that are unionized but people are still being made redundant (big or small).

  22. The issue here is whether the employee was discriminated against because of her heft.

    This employee should know that she will be exposed because of the unique circumstance. Let us hear the other side. Let defend it if this is how she wants to proceed.

  23. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie






  24. Barbados 2019 Avatar

    I understand that 6 employees were made redundant as a result of the low volume being experienced due to robotic changes, in fact this is 2 days now the department that she was in had no work yet the company is still paying us for the days but had to make some adjustments.

    Five other employees along with this young lady were dismissed because of LACK OF WORK AT THE SAME TIME in her Department.

    Were the other five employees terminated at the same time discriminated also?


    Seems the employee is trying to gain sympathy whilst tarnishing the reputation of the company Crucible international ON Social Media.

    If there is an issue in FINAL pay the Labour Department or NIS office can assist with correct calculations.

  25. All you know is what you have read.

  26. “All you know is what you have read.”

    Yes, David BU…….

    But there are two conflicting stories as it relates to the issue.

  27. @Artax

    Making the point that we can read the different views but it is a stretch to draw conclusions, we can only opine.

  28. Barbados 2019 Avatar

    @ David BU

    All you know is what you have read.

    Since it is your Blog should you not contact the company to see whether 6 people simultaneously have been made redundant?

    This lady submitted her story with an obvious agenda whether positive or negative.

    I am not involved with Crucible International or its Principals however if it is indeed the case 6 former staff were made redundant because of NEW ROBOTICS at the same time she has no case except for receipt of correct payment regardless to all other accusations and suggestions.

  29. Looking for employment Avatar
    Looking for employment

    Wow for all the talk that the offshore companies is paying people starvation wages to front line staff based on her payout she was actually overpaid in her severance and she was working for over $17 dollars an hour if this is based on 40 hour work week, no wonder she could catch taxis everyday—-hire me, hire me…

  30. We now have two sides to the story. Let the lady defend her position if she so desires. But she would have to be a real real idiot to have video evidence against herself all over social media and then fabricate such stories. Hard to believe her parents have no idea.

    We’ll see how this unfolds.

    PS I wonder if the Barbados scholar has noted that I am not one of the “morons” and “illiterates” who think all obesity is due to overeating and lack of exercise.

    So sorry.


  31. @Donna, don’t worry. I have hypothyroidism and it is a struggle to keep the weight down. i have to exercise everyday which is difficult with osteoarthritis. Thank the stars that I am not obese. overweight by about 20 pounds but the gardening season started this week so all will come off in the summer……. It it ever comes this way. Woke up this morning to 10C. Inside the thermostat was 65F.

  32. Dame Bajans,

    Keep up the good fight!

  33. It is what it is Avatar
    It is what it is

    I’m going to be very honest but this lady is wrong for posting the companies information like this, from the link someone posted, I saw that this is an offshore company. She shared a member of staff’s name but not hers because she is a coward. Hiding behind her problems rather than taking responsibility to change for the better.

    She did not think about the repercussions of this post and if these large companies take their business away from Barbados, think about all the employees that will lose their job. Or how this would affect how outside businesses views this country as a whole.

    She should have made this post anonymous to highlight these issues but also take her concerns to the labour office or someone who can assess her case fairly.

    I understand why she would feel targeted however, let’s be real here, I know this girl and she has a very large in body frame with very small legs and I know that when she uses the bathroom it leaves an awful smell from the medication she takes for her other conditions, if her mother or father really cared, they would have never let her health deteriorate like it is now.

    This is upsetting to me because she went home with severance, vacation and her weeks pay some person was asked to leave a company with nothing or still awaiting money from NIS.

    Some people are walking around with their eyes open but are still sleeping.

    May God help this girl to get the help that she clearly needs and a better family support.

  34. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie


  35. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie

    RE I know that when she uses the bathroom it leaves an awful smell from the medication she takes for her other conditions,

    HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT THE “awful smell ” IS DUE TO” the medication she takes for her other conditions”


  36. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    There may be some Bajan women over 6 feet tall, but I have yet to see any.

    If this woman is indeed over 400 pounds, I will let my morning and evening words agree.

    Her biggest problem is not loss of job, bad though that is. Her biggest problem is her obesity and she needs to deal with that; and her loving parents should be her biggest support system.

    If the company owes her or any former employee then the company should pay up.

    And I would remind all that under Barbados law nobody is protected from dismissal because of body size.

    I had a colleague once who believed that the company could not dismiss her while she was pregnant…the company did not dismiss her because she was pregnant, but they did dismiss her for poor performance. She was pregnant at the time.

  37. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    Profit making companies are NOT like the Barbados government which will keep employees on full pay leave for years and years at a time…sucking up the tax payers money.

    Companies gotta think profit, profit. profit.

  38. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie

    Over the past decades, much research has focused on the causes of obesity which include
    • Genetics. … Obesity has a strong genetic component. …
    • Overeating. …
    • A diet high in simple carbohydrates. …
    • Frequency of eating. …Food Addiction. .
    • Physical inactivity. … ..
    • Certain Medications. …
    • Engineered Junk Foods. …
    • Psychological factors. …
    • Diseases such as hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, polycystic ovary syndrome, and Cushing’s syndrome are also contributors to obesity.
    • Leptin Resistance.

    Can we have the BU experts in NUTRITION BIOCHEMISTRY PHARMACOLOGY etc opine and enlighten us on these matters?

  39. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    I hd another colleague who would start drinking 2 liter sweet drinks as soon as he got to his desk. and would continue all day. To tell the truth I was amazed. Of course he was grossly obese. He mussee de’d by now.

    But I suppose it wasn’t the sweet drinks. It must have been some complex medical problem beyond the understanding of simple lay people.


  40. ” Flash Furniture HERCULES Series 24/7 Intensive Use Big & Tall 500 lb. Rated Black Leather Executive Swivel Chair with Loop Arms
    by Flash Furniture

    Price: $249.07 US
    Color: Black Leather

    Black Fabric
    used from

    Black Leather
    Contemporary 24/7 Multi-Shift Use Office Chair. The maximum arm height from floor is 31.5 inches and the fixed arm height from seat is 7 inches

    500 lb. Weight Capacity

    Black LeatherSoft Upholstery
    High Back Design with Headrest
    Built-In Lumbar Support

  41. It is what it is Avatar
    It is what it is

    Georgie Porgie, you sound arrogant and uneducated. When you take some medications it passes through your system and it’s smell it’s noticeable in your urine. Things you consume will eventually leave the body through sweat and waste matter.

    You don’t wish knowledgeable incite, you want slander and the real definition of malicious in this blog site.

    I wish you all the best with your health issues and I’ll pray for you.

  42. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    I had another colleague who would start drinking 2 liter sweet drinks as soon as he got to his desk. and would continue all day. To tell the truth I was amazed. Of course he was grossly obese. He mussee de’d by now.

    But I suppose it wasn’t the sweet drinks. It must have been some complex medical problem beyond the understanding of simple lay people.


  43. @speakthetruth

    You are what i call an asshole cause not all the employees that were sent home were from her department most were people that had been on sick leave and just returned what about the girl that returned from sick leave and was sent home the same day she returned and if it is so clean of an environment what about the rat that was running around just about 2 months ago in the same office even on the staff and staff were ignored for a long time before issued was addressed have they caught the rodent as yet #notsurfratthough .. some of us know of one manager who treats most staff unfair but wont say who she is

  44. ” She was appointed in October of 2015. Therefore Crucible should know that she should be paid for three years and nine months.”

    At what time during the over 3 years of her employment did the company decide her obesity was a cause for dismissal ?

  45. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie

    RE It is what it is June 7, 2019 10:04 PM

    Georgie Porgie, you sound arrogant and uneducated. When you take some medications it passes through your system and it’s smell it’s noticeable in your urine. Things you consume will eventually leave the body through sweat and waste matter.

    A diet high in simple carbohydrates. …INCLUDE SWEET DRINKS? LOL MURDAH WUHLOSS


    @sparkles…you are a sparkling cunt and you just like the ‘full weight” ass that we glad gone. if this Manager is so unfair, RESIGN…..and a lot of wunna employees that know this don’t even speak up, no manager at work is unfair. talk for your damn self and when you get in tell Management how you have been unfaired. wunna want to come in and do what the ass you feel like and when manangement has to talk to you about it, oh somebody unfair. do you job, be at work and no one has to tell you nothing FYI, there is a difference between rats and mice. A mouse was in the office and that was captured everysince (if not it would still be running around), Call the ministry of health to deal with the rodent problem outside of the office.

    talk about wunna nasty employees that leaving used pads on the toilet, or leaving shit and piss all over the toilet seat for the maid to clean. or the nasty people who leave the lunchroom tables dirty and food in the sink. you cant mean that girl that was on sick leave that only came there the other day? a lot of you want to always go with the bad story because it is more fun. LOOK ON INSTAGRAM FOR MISSPLUSSIZEDIVABARBADOS (this was last year) just scroll down. wunna can guess who she is..

  47. Barbados 2019 Avatar

    Having employed and fired a number of local employees what is coming out is not a surprise.

    Anyone running a company with more than 20 plus and black should be applauded.

    What is coming out is the tip of the iceberg ISLANDWIDE..


    This employee and her mother she put the company’s logo and managers information out there on this platform. I hope they understand the seriousness of this. Also, how will this impact her future search form for employment (because I was given her name already and I don’t work there). People need to stop posting things on social media about their employers and deal with things correctly because it ends up doing more harm to themselves.

    If the company had an issue with her weight, they would not have employed her from the beginning. So clearly they do not discriminate. They worked with her for three years.

    I understand it was the mother that posted this, so in one breath they are saying the company did provide her with chairs etc..(and as an employee stated wrist rest, footrest etc), but yet, the employer has now turned around and dismissed her wrongfully? Not seeing discrimination here. The company did all they can but it appears more that the restructuring just happened to fall in line when all of this was occurring.

    How is it unfair dismissal when she was not terminated but severed and given her severance. A person cannot resign and still be paid severance (no employer would give that as an option). There seems to be some fabrication in this post and a lot of the information is not adding up.

    If it was only her that was severed, yes we can scream and shout discrimination.

    Severance is calculated based on years not months. As she has not reached October 2019, she will only be paid for three years. As she was with the company less than five years, she is only eligible for two weeks in lieu as the Act indicates. Be careful what information you reveal as if her hire date is 2016, she actually has been overpaid as this will only take her to two years and her payout will be less and she will actually owe the company money. For further information, seek assistance from NIS or the Labour Department to ensure that the income for the last 104 weeks are correct,

    As part of my job is to calculate severance including other employee issues, there is really no case here for unfair dismissal but more a disgruntle employee and a supportive parent who is doing more harm than good. If she was terminated without the employer following the correct process then she would have a case but herself and other employees were unfortunately sent home for the same reason, there really is nothing here but to ensure the calculations are correct.

    I will say again that a lot of information in the post is questionable and people need to stop and think logically about the situation and understand the Labour Laws.

    To everyone, stop taking your anger to social media and deal with things the correct way, if your employer is wrong then there is a process that can assist you with ensuring you get what is due to you.

    To the other employees all over Barbados, think how all of you can be out of a job if we no longer have Customers in this sector. The past employees are no longer employees and this act is selfish as they clearly do not care how it impacts the many other currently employed Barbadians who need, care and love their jobs.

    Thanks for taking the time to read. Stay positive…

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