Submitted by Alden Blackman

Sir, this is the second time in the past 15 years the BLP is the Government of Barbados and you as a Minister and MP for St. James Central. Yet with the knowledge of and repeated promises, you have failed to obtain a correction to the dangerous situation of an “illegal encroachment” by an Ex-pat White land owner who commissioned the building up/out a garden-cum-an illegal private botched road in a watercourse between Chapel Gap and Clarke’s Road in St.James.  Said road “encroachment” as you have seen and know, obstructs and redirect flood flow from the original course to the Black low working class residential area of Clarke’s Road.

Sir, although the officials of MTW/Drainage Unit, led then, by CTO Frank Thornhill, DCTO Philip Tudor, and other government officials know the encroachment is illegal, and posed a risk, yet, they showed indifference to this dangerous situation by not having it corrected.

Again highlighting what seems to be a lack of representation and or possibly indifference.

126 responses to “Open Letter to Mr. Kerrie Symmonds – The Lack of Representation by MP for St.James Central”

  1. Barbados needs to have some form of local government.These parochial needs will not readily attract the attention of ministers,although in our system of governance it should.

  2. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    Barbados also needs a full week of a national clean-up campaign just like the 3 days of national prayer to some deaf white-man god.

    The white visitors are clearly not impressed with the current state of environmental terrorism perpetrated against a country which was once seen as a rival to Bermuda when it comes to public cleanliness being next to godliness.

    Where is that national clean-up proposed by the previous DLP (deceitful laying party) administration and promised also by the current BLP ( blasted lying party) administration; both of which agreed to put to productive use the NSRL and SSA Contribution to make the now dull Barbados sparkle again as the Caribbean jewel in the Atlantic Ocean?

  3. Mr Blackman, take note.

    Your former wing-man is now making excuses for his group of politicians. He did not think it was a parochial matter prior to May 24.

  4. PoorPeacefulandPolite Avatar

    So true Gabriel. After their election and elevation to Honourable status they become invisible. It’s uncanny !! Their constituency office is unresponsive for appointments.

  5. same old crap different party of crooks

  6. Same soup warmed over…….,.,,when will we learn….

  7. PPP
    I suspect that Gabriel was making excuses for the new bosses (same as the old bosses)

    @Mr Blackman
    . I have followed your entreaties to both parties and. I see now that your wing-man is contented to let you wait for the next five or ten years (until the DLP comes to power again) before he renew his agitation for you.

    Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Expecting Different Results…

  8. Barbados needs to have some form of local government.These parochial needs will not readily attract the attention of ministers,although in our system of governance it should
    Just what we need more local Gov’t mouths sucking on the dry nipples, yuh gotta feel somewhat sorry for Mr. Blackman after all the time he spent ridiculing the former representative (Hutson) and the last Gov’t about his situation, now he finds himself in the same position….. here come meet the new boss, same as de old boss—something happening…..

    Never fear, many hands make light work and we have been reliably informed that the Gov’t has 4 years and 3 months left so someone is bound to come to your aid sooner or later……

    BTW the MP is busy establishing the ferry operation along the West Coast so hold some strain and be patient.

  9. This dangerous situation needed MP representation from Day one, and Mr. symmonds failed. explanation coming

  10. @Sargeant

    While people may say they are sorry for Mr. Blackman, maybe one day Mr. Blackman will say, I told them so

  11. Miller

    I know you do not mean the White tourists from the States … because that would be like the pot calling kettle black?

  12. The same CTO Frank Thornhill and DCTO Philip Tudor, who told Mr. Blackman the encroachment is illegal, and promised to have it corrected since 2004, were the same officials in 2012, when the MTW workmen paved the private road under the supervision of MP. George Hutson. what kind of representation did MP. Kerrie Symmonds made from 2004-2008 to same officials of MTW, on behalf of the Black low working class residents of Clarke’s Rd

  13. How many houses are being affected? How many people have made their complaint known?

  14. @Gabriel
    “Barbados needs to have some form of local government.These parochial needs will not readily attract the attention of ministers,although in our system of governance it should.”

    Thou partisan fool! A lil 2×3 rock and you bleating on about parochial.In practice everything in parochial. Local.

  15. The pertinent question is why would successive MPs be willing to take a black eye on a simple issue to resolve in the age of social media and the persistence of Blackman to continually highlight the matter in the public. Seems like a lose lose situation.

  16. Its all about the money…

  17. Should It matter how many houses are affected for representation to be given ? ” 0ne Ex-pat white” did an illegal act that is know to, and did caused risk .

  18. A happy good morning to all of Barbados.

    Apologies. Somehow in y mind I confuse you with Gabriel.
    It is good to see that you are still standing strong and supporting Mr, Blackman.
    Perhaps the answer that you seek cannot be obtained by your current methods, but I wish both of you well.

    You too have my apologies.
    I mistook you for a Bajan who would support his fellow Barbadian.
    You acted in character and I was disappointed.
    I see now that you acted as your species (garden variety limited range chicken-erectus) has always done …..

    A good morning to my fellow Bajans. HAGD

  19. Talking Loud Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    Here is the legal definition of tort by Farlex:

    “A wrong that is committed by someone who is legally obligated to provide a certain amount of carefulness in behaviour to another and that causes injury to that person, who may seek compensation in a civil suit for damages.”

    We are fools if we expect our politicians (such as the honourable MR. KERRIE SYMMONDS ) to show empathy towards common working class blacks; and to uphold the law of tort when the harmed party is poor and black-skinned.

    Ultimately we can not rely on our politicians to do the right thing. Too many of them have been compromised over the years to make rational decisions that will benefit the country in a positive way.

    The black population must be cognisant that they are the majority. They alone should start to exercise their power en-mass by questioning and dismantling all such structures which are having a detrimental harmful effect on them and within their community. They must realise that action is the only voice that counts and that talking about the problem will not aid them.

  20. Let’s watch those ferrie very closely, got in real money from seeing very interesting information circulating in gov oil co office

  21. For over 2 years, Mr. Blackman begged MTW/Drainage Unit CTO Frank Thornhill, “who had the authority to correct”, and DCTO Philip Tudor, to rectify the encroachment that was causing damage, both Officials promised, then did nothing.

  22. The representation from Mr. Symmonds to this situation are, 2004-2008 one visit with promises, and an arraigned meeting at the watercourse site, “without his present”, with Drainage Unit and BWA that came to nothing.From 2008-2013 not seem. The years between 2013-2018, one visit after a big flooding on 29 November 2016, made promises that were repeated in 2018

  23. This above letter was hand delivered to Mr. Blackman with a note stating that MP for St. James Central,MP Kerrie Symmonds never made any representation on behalf of the residents in Clarke’s Road to the Ministry of Environment and Drainage.

  24. The BLP was the Government in 2004, Mr. Symmonds as the MP for St. James Central had the opportunity to seek a correction in the early stage of the illegal encroachment. What happened? he offered comfort promises to hide or delay attention regarding his indifference to the correction of a dangerous situation, in Clarke’s Road

  25. Ten years without a solution and now Minister KS must have it resolved in one hundred and twenty days. Go DLP, go.

  26. What method was used by former MP George Hutson in 2008-2013 to obtained the paving of the illegal private road.

  27. FearPlay

    Mr. Symmonds had from 2004 – 2008 when the BLP was the Government, as a Minister and MP for St. James Central.

  28. Watchman, 2019 – 2008 = >10 years. My point exactly. I am not opposed to rattling his cage so that he does not become complacent (too soon) but it would appear to me that there are higher priorities on which we as a nation should be concentrating at this time. Agree?

  29. Fear Play

    This encroachment happened in late 2002, was reported to Drainage Unit the official promised to have it rectify, but, did nothing. Mr. Blackman then complaint to MTW, DCTO Philip Tudor, and CTO Frank Thornhill, ” who had the authority in the prevention of flood Act Cap 235 to carry out any remedial work”, and they told Mr. Blackman the encroachment is illegal and promised every time, he made contact over the year, to have it corrected, but did nothing. Mr. Blackman was advised to ask MP kerrie Symmonds for representation and Mr. Sysmmonds failed to obtained a correction to the dangerous situation from 2004 to this day from MTW/Drainage Unit . WHY?

  30. Watchman, are you trying to weight the scales in your direction by implying that “…… and Mr. Symmonds failed to obtained a correction to the dangerous situation FROM 2004 TO THIS DAY from MTW/Drainage Unit?”

    I wish that I had the time and desire to debate this matter with you and your Seal Team One, but I would suggest to you that this is not a hill worth dying on. No doubt the BLP and it’s ministers, if they remain true to form, will eventually display normal political and human traits and will make numerous mistakes, fail to listen, become pompous and all the other shortcoming that made them lose the confidence of the people and the government in the past.

    At that time I will join with you and all other Barbadian patriots in soundly condemning them until and unless there is a change in direction. But until such time, the trivial and sometimes insignificant kites that Seal Team One tries to launch compares to the vitriol of a spurned lover. Get over it!

    Just give Mottley and her government time to clean up the sordid mess left behind by the most incompetent gaggle of political bunglers ever to be vested upon this nation and then your trough feeding cohorts will be given the opportunity by the people to LEAD US BACK TO FINANCIAL RUIN as the parasites gorge themselves again on the fatted calf provided by the BLP.

    It is not my intention to belittle the plight of Mr Blackman but somehow I do not get the feeling that this kite is being flown in the sincere interest of the gentleman.

  31. It is not my intention to belittle the plight of Mr Blackman but somehow I do not get the feeling that this kite is being flown in the sincere interest of the gentleman.

    Right, right..and you know this how? Because you “got a good feeling”, right?

  32. Dullard, is that all you’ve got?

  33. Dullard, is that all you’ve got?
    Not at all. But why present post graduate stuff to pre-schoolers?

  34. @Fearplay
    “It is not my intention to belittle the plight of Mr Blackman but somehow I do not get the feeling that this kite is being flown in the sincere interest of the gentleman.:

    “Barbados needs to have some form of local government.These parochial needs will not readily attract the attention of ministers,although in our system of governance it should.”

    It is clear that neither of the parties care for Mr Blackman.
    It seems as if the thieves all honor deals made by the previous set of thieves
    Perhaps, he failed to wear the required color which would mark him as a member of the two groups?
    Perhaps, money passed and MrBlackman does not have the mean to ‘back raise’ the Englishman?

    However, where the DLP ignored Mr Blackman and now we have the BLP yard-foowls heaping scorn upon him.

    One foowl (that should be a word) telling him that his matter is so insignificant that it would not attract the attention of the minister. I am looking for one of the foowls to start talking about state and Federal matters.

    And now a next Foowl stating that the possibility of a man and his house being swept away is an insignificant matter,’

    Mr. Blackman, your entreaties will not solve or advance this matter.

  35. Do you know how many times i have resisted giving you advice.

  36. Trinidadians say “I ent fraid to mek a jail”
    I dun.

  37. The reason why I asked how many houses are being affected is because I wonder why nobody else seems to be raising the issue. There is more power in numbers.

  38. Barbadians tend not to organize around causes especially from the lower socio-economic segment.

  39. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    “It is clear that neither of the parties care for Mr Blackman.
    It seems as if the thieves all honor deals made by the previous set of thieves
    Perhaps, he failed to wear the required color which would mark him as a member of the two groups?
    Perhaps, money passed and MrBlackman does not have the mean to ‘back raise’ the Englishman?

    However, where the DLP ignored Mr Blackman and now we have the BLP yard-foowls heaping scorn upon him”

    Meet the new thieves with their new yardfowls..,same as the old thieves with thier old yardfowls..

    Philip Nicholls new book TO Death Us Do Part…is worth a read, enjoying it immensely.


  40. David,

    Well then, I guess they will continue to be in the flood zone.

  41. @ David BU

    Your guess is right it will be a flood zone , after 15 plus years Mr.Blackman was told today his style of agitating is unduly confrontational, and for that he has to endured the risk of getting wash out to sea sometime

  42. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Watchman

    The thing about being a Force of One Watchman lies in your stamina.

    Barack was an individual who found himself under the microscope of government with his own matter and what he did was stay in the faces of the administration and give no quarter

    Until he was successful

    Granted that you and others in your floodlands might not have the political colleagues and clout that he had BUT you cannot give up.

    The sad thing is that you are part of the “lower socioeconomic segment “ to use the words of the Honourable Blogmaster

    Euphemism for the undesirables and the dredgesof Barbadian society UNTIL ELECTION DAY

    People like you have been and will continue to be shat on until you understand your power and recognize that Mugabe and Fumbles are your servants

    You AND YOUR NEIGHBORS stopped posting to your blog here

    You AND YOUR NEIGHBORS stopped complaining

    You AND YOUR NEIGHBOURS stopped taking videos of your plight

    You never ever took the posters to the BLP or DLP headquarters

    You never marched ONCE and called the Nation to record your public dissent

    You did not circulate your pictures via WhatsApp or Facebook nor podcast nor and other in their face strategy

    In short they recognize that you are NOT A DISTANCE RUNNER.

    People tell you what works and what you have to do AND YOU DO NOT DO these simple things so you have to start all over again

    And what happens is that the very helpers who have been part of your team get tired of helping, because you got tired, so your team disbands, and the politicians sit back WATCH YOU IMPLODE and easily win

  43. The lack of the village waking and speaking out has also been raised by another. Are they all sleeping and hoping that the battle be fought and won by a single man? It is not working.

    Does the village believe that keeping it heads below the parapet and its voice low is a winning strategy? That has now worked. It is not working.

    It cannot be a case of a village of yardfowls, for neither party is feeding them?

    Is it fear? How can you be frightened for almost 15 years? How can you live in fear when your safety and that of your your spouse and children is continually threatened. At some stage, somebody has to take a stand. Somebody need to grow a pair.

    I doubt that all of the inhabitant of the village are strong swimmers. They need to throw some weight behind Mr Blackman and speak up.

  44. *”That has not worked”

  45. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Theophillus Gazerts

    How do you “dummify” a people?

    We have over the years come to accept the behaviours of these politicians as the norm.

    It is as if as part of our evolution that, much like sports or technology brings out something more noticeable than its former achievements, politics, worldwide, brings with it a devolution embodied in the more corrupt and despotic.

    It is like if politics is the Olympics of the Corrupt and each iteration brings with it Olympians of turpitude much like cricket brings the Laras and football brings the Peles, so too will politics bring the Hitlers and Mottleys.

    And all audiences sit back in awe and admire the turpitude nationally

    So, whereas in Clarke’s Tenantry, we can see the flood waters all these 15 years, AND REMAIN QUIET, cause speaking out about thus injustice is “unduly confrontational”, there are other “flood waters” which equally discommode entire swathes of our population.

    Take for example, the Wiretapping Laws being enacted by Mugabe.

    Almost every bajan, barring Andrew Pilgrim, now is part of a docile audience AND ENT SAYING ONE SHY$E

    Or with the changes to the constitution, every single bajan, other than Caswell Franklyn, is equally dummified by this Constitutional tragedy


  46. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @@ the Honourable Blogmaster your assistance please with an item here thank you

  47. How come Barbados Underground and its myriad of maguffee bloggers cannot influence government to help Mr. Blackman.

    What is the opinion of the Engineer who has Solutions for Barbados and appears to be a wannabe Prime Minister ?

    Any of you have any clout with PM MIA or are you all just free range chickens ?

  48. Q. How come Barbados Underground and its myriad of maguffee bloggers cannot influence government to help Mr. Blackman.

    Q. What is the opinion of the Engineer who has Solutions for Barbados and appears to be a wannabe Prime Minister ?

  49. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Brother Hants

    Scant Disrespect

    Let me explain these two words.

    Mr Alden Blackman is perceived by consecutive governments as an insignificant person who, while justifiably aggrieved IS AN UNIMPORTANT VOTER.

    His value is assessed in the leverage he has in his community and that value of his expatriate white neighbour.

    To rectify the problem has a cost.

    Either it will affect the white woman’s clientele and touriseses (if they ask her to take dowN the wall, or they dig down the blocks, AND HER RETAINER WALL FALLS)


    Affect the voters in Clarke’s Tenantry (which seems inconsequential to the voting box count for these past 15+ years)


    Continue to flood out Alden at no cost to them other than BU blog articles (or effect a whole rectification of the land in question)

    This is no different to Abijah Holder.

    The law has been broken but, BECAUSE OF THE PEOPLE INVOLVED, the poor bajans going get bul* WITHOUT WD40 or whatever dem does use, axe WeJonesing heheheheh

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster your assistance please with an item here thank you

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