Submitted by Pachamama

As Donald Trump enters the lion’s den this night all bets are off that he could escape with no further damage to his already tenuous hold on power. Indeed, if there was ever a textbook case as to how not to run a country Trump has thusly so provided.

In these short notes we will show that on all sides Donald Trump is a cornered beast. We will demonstrate this on the political, the economic, the social, the technological, the physical environment, the legal, the military, trade, intelligence and the diplomatic. We will argue that anybody able to avoid this, a certain fate waiting, would be rightfully deemed the political Houdini of all times.

The speech itself, and this was news to Trump, could have only have been scheduled, in the first place, with the acquiescence of the Speaker. This ‘detail’ needed to make Trump’s acquaintance. Recall though, that Trump’s political problems extend well beyond mere scheduling difficulties.

Even while he held control of all the levers of government he was unable to secure funding for his signature promise – the wall. In addition, his approval ratings have been stagnant at best and he has not been able to hire or retain the critical number of competent senior level aides to bring the required competence to his administration.

In economy, it was also news to Trump that he was not in dominant control of the Federal Reserve. As a result of this duality we had the Fed implementing a policy which his administration suggested was inappropriate. More worrying for Trump is that leading economic figures are now joining the bandwagon of those who have suggested a recession this year. This has implications for his political fortunes in 2020, should he run.

Trump is also encumbered by the social environment. His intelligence briefings would no doubt include the dislocations occurring in France – the Yellow Vest demonstrations and the disquiet in the UK which may lead to riots depending on the outcome of the Brexit imbroglio. These may be coming to a city near him sooner than later as the economic situation within the USA is far worse than the erroneous government statistics are leading on. Expect contagion! Riots in the land, you say!

On the technological front, Trump has created problems or found difficulties with which he has not been able to show any measurable progress in last two (2) years. These relate to the rights of subscribers. Whether companies like Facebook, Google and others should be public utilities.

Of course, on the legal side, we already know the world of hurt he has been in. We also presume that Mueller is likely to bring down some more indictments in the coming months – landing not too far from his cold heart. These to add to a growing number of Trump acolytes already ensnared in a dragnet intended to only allow the small fry and the cooperators to escape.

Maybe Trump entered the White House with the expectation that on the military front he could deploy America’s might to frighten the nation’s foes into easy concessions. Thus far, there have been no thunderous breakthroughs with the DPRK, Syria, Iran, Russian or anybody else. In all circumstances, conditions are far worse than when Trump entered 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. The master negotiator he has not been!

As one of the first orders of business was the exit from the Climate Accords. Since then there has been no American sponsored successor agreement. This action still seems like an anti-Obama reaction with no intension whatsoever to offer another plan.

To say diplomacy is not Trump’s or his senior official’s forte would be an understatement. But when you add Bolton, Abrams, Pompeo and Kushner to the jambalaya you have a recipe for a Venezuela, another Vietnam, a murder in the Saudi Embassy in Turkey. The UN sponsored JCPOA with Iran was also unceremoniously dispensed with. All of America’s ‘former’ allies under Trumpism have been strained. Trump and statements relating to America’s exceptionalism have been laughed at by hundreds of world countries at the UN.

Even on another thorny issue – trade. Trump has not made any breakthroughs with China or Europe or anybody else. All he’s done this far is to make minor changes to the agreement with Canada and Mexico. And Mexico is not paying for his wall as promised, by him.

Again, nobody was looking for too much ‘intelligence’ from Trump. But a war with the Deep State apparatus can never be won. Kennedy knew that. Even if you could win, you still come out the loser. In this environment Trump is in multiple wars with the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and all the other 17 alphabet-soup of spy agencies.

Of course, Donald Trump has never been known to pay much attention to all of these concentric circles of analysis. Therefore, is most likely to wing-it in the vain hope that somehow he, the master-salesman, could deliver this horrible situation to his wider audience with a PR victory. However, we are getting the feeling that a critical mass has now seen the ‘con which has always been Don’ and that additional damage, to his position, will be inflicted this night.

There may well be several books in this presidency that could withstand the vagaries of time and political science. However, if there were to be a single case study in how not to run an administration that may be the monograph which could be the one to be well-compared with that classical work by Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527), this would be it.


  1. Perfect!

    But I always remember that we had a dog called Timmy who used to escape from any chain with which he was tied. My mother bought a harness and informed him that if he could get out of that she would call him Houdini. Before she had closed the door behind her my father called out, ‘Well, you could call him Houdini because he is out!!”

    I am keeping my fingers crossed but still betting on Mueller.

  2. Unable to contribute.

  3. if you trust the World NEWS at you trust Barbados news then you will go the wrong path! As with We, Me, US, there is no NEWS like Fake NEWS from the DEEP STATE media! Much more is going on not reported and something must be done by someone who is not part of the crimes against People World Wide and the swamp in Barbados must also be cleaned out! I would take Trump anytime over the Crime Minister Mia and all he family corruption efforts that put Barbados in this mess Dems in America or Barbados will see their ends unless people are fooled by fake limited News, Use Barbados as a guide to see better on a larger scale, 126 year of Barbados History that have us trapped in downgrade dead banking ,

  4. Talking Loud Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    Another sterling article from Pachamama. I guess Trump’s attack dog will soon be on his trail. Where are you Freedom Crier?

  5. Donna, uncross your fingers and save your money betting on the MuleR. The MuleR has nothing, why do U think the Southern District of NY became involved? Why has he charged people with crimes that have absolutely nothing to do with Trump???????? hahaha

  6. Watch and Pray Continually people for this man…Donald J Trump


    We stand in agreement for Divine wisdom and protection over The President, his family and all American patriots, no matter race or color. We call forth millions of blind eyes to be opened to the real Truth and the real war that wages for control of this country. We call forth legions of heavenly angels to touch the hearts of all Americans and destroy the deceptive and divisive veil caused by the lying media and their puppeteer globalist elites(NWO).

    LORD, Give our President the ability to articulate and communicate exactly what You would have him speak. Open hearts, minds and eyes to what You are doing through Trump and this administration.

    EXPOSE the globalist traitors at every turn. May their plans and schemes completely backfire and fall apart. May America, the land of the free, rise from the ashes of those who seek to sabotage and sell her out. May America become free of all traitors. We stand in agreement and look to you God in repentance and ask for a clear revelation to all of your glory and saving grace found in Christ Jesus. We ask for Your blessing to Make America Great Again, according to your perfect will, in Jesus Mighty Name we pray…


  7. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    I thought you understood why Mueller is involving State courts as well as Federal courts… POTUS can pardon only Federal crimes, not State level charges 😬

  8. After two years of digging, it appears as though they can’t uncover any dirt on Trump.

    The only medium so far that has thoroughly exposed him so far is “fact check.”

    Maybe it’s about time Trump put an end to this investigation.

  9. Fret not,this time next year that Orangeman will be in prison.When the SDNY and the Democratic led House finish their digging of the Orange dynasty its Dodds time.

  10. You guys in Barbados really haven’t got a clue. You live in a bubble, hoping one day all will be well – a bust economy, with archaic processes – the wider world has overtaken you!

  11. The Face of Socialism!!!

    She hated the response when Trump said the U.S. was Never going to be a Socialist Nation. Anyone see The Bern’s face?

  12. Bernie Burning… His face was as Red as the Commie flag he flies! His dream is Crushed

  13. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Dead Man Walking…and I thought you were referring to Maduro?

  14. Standing ovation at state of the union!!!

    He even had the Democrat ladies in white clapping him!!

    …. even Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, the lady from Yemen and Rashida Tlaib …. the one who called him a mother ….!!

    Admittedly he set them up!!

    Trump seems cool and moving America forward!!

  15. As Donald Trump enters the lion’s den this night all bets are off that he could escape with no further damage to his already tenuous hold on power. Indeed, if there was ever a textbook case as to how not to run a country Trump has thusly so provided.


    Had you waited to see what would happen you would have realized you wasted your time writing this!!

  16. John

    Ask the poor working people in America who filed their taxes this year how great Trump is? For the man has gone and taken money out of the pocket of the poor man and put it into the pocket of the rich man…

    Trump, is not only the enemy of the Black and Hispanic man, but he is also the enemy of the poor man, and this is going to sealed his fate once and for all because he has hit the poor man where it hurts most …

    And what is so sad about this character is the fact that the same loopholes he has used for years to avoided paying federal taxes…he closed them off not for the rich man, but for the poor man who already is being taxed to death by the Federal Government.

  17. @ Anon,

    You guys in Barbados really haven’t got a clue. You live in a bubble, hoping one day all will be well – a bust economy, with archaic processes – the wider world has overtaken you!(Quote)

    Well observed.

  18. John

    Trump, has done little if not anything to uplift the conditions of the working class man and woman in America … how do you expect a single mother who makes one dollar above the state income requirement for healthcare coverage … to paid for a hospital visit valued at $5, 000 … when she makes a little above the minimum wage? … well this is what Trump has done when he repealed Obama Care …

  19. The BU has sadly become a cesspool of Trump Derangement Syndrome, as its blogmaster has completely lost the plot, giving more and more airtime to Commie Sing Song and the anal orifice Pachamama. I wonder what the relationship is. No sentient being can really be that dumb, and put on display for the world to see….can they?

    Let me remind you what socialist corruption you are supporting, while your miserable little hearts are being eaten out at the reality of the US electorate giving your Democrap heroes a good kicking…


  20. “Subject: 319 Square Miles”

    In their infinite wisdom, the United States’ Founders created the Electoral College to ensure the STATES were fairly represented. Why should one or two densely populated areas speak for the whole of the nation?

    The following list of statistics has been making the rounds on the Internet. It should finally put an end to the argument as to why the Electoral College makes sense.

    There are 3,141 counties in the United States.
    Trump won 3,084 of them.
    Clinton won 57.

    There are 62 counties in New York State.
    Trump won 46 of them.
    Clinton won 16.

    Clinton won the popular vote by approx. 1.5 million votes.

    In the 5 counties that encompass NYC, (Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Richmond & Queens) Clinton received well over 2 million more votes than Trump. (Clinton only won 4 of these counties; Trump won Richmond)
    Therefore these 5 counties alone, more than accounted for Clinton winning the popular vote of the entire country.

    These 5 counties comprise 319 square miles.

    The United States is comprised of 3,797,000 square miles.

    When you have a country that encompasses almost 4 million square miles of territory, it would be ludicrous to even suggest that the vote of those who inhabit a mere 319 square miles should dictate the outcome of a national election.

    Large, densely populated Democrat cities (NYC, Chicago, LA, etc.) DO NOT and SHOULD NOT speak for the rest of our country!

    And…it’s been verified and documented that those aforementioned 319 square miles are where the majority of our nation’s problems foment.

    Stand by for Trump’s reelection you saddos, and WEEP.

  21. @45Govt,

    What is the Barbados/CARICOM position on the legitimacy of the Maduro presidency? Is our prime minister getting ready to go to Uruguay to sort out this little regional problem, punching above her weight, having already faced down the secretary general of the UN?

  22. I love your sense of humour Hal. Perhaps David can ask his chum Commie Sing Song?

  23. Poor soul Pachaman .He tries ever so hard to condemn Trump but sees nothing wrong with Maduro strangling the poor people of Venezuela to death
    Panchaman you are one bold faced hypocrite

  24. @ M\ariposa – you are far too kind to David’s bosom buddy. He is a would-be terrorist at heart.

  25. @45Govt,

    I much appreciate Mr Commissiong’s sense of public advocacy, even f his Hyatt position has been compromised on the dubious ground of an environmental assessment.
    However, his politics are up the creek. He likes Cuba and is on the BU record as saying that we should give Cuba more time to sort out its race relations problems. He also believed that Barbados should give asylum to a convicted Cuban drug dealer; he is also a supporter of the bright idea of visa-free travel to Haitians to Barbados.
    Now on Venezuela, three million people have left the country, by the end of the year the economy would be in hyperinflation (to give you an idea, only fifty occasions throughout the whole of human history have we had hyperinflation). People are starving, in the country with the world’s biggest oil reserves, yet Mr Commissiong is prepared to give Maduro another chance.
    My concern is about the prospects of black Venezuelans , ie those of African descent. I would appreciate the day Mr Commissiong talks about treating black people fairly in Latin America, rathe than the rhetoric of waffle of Barbados/CARICOM ‘impartiality’, a good word for indecision.
    The quality of our state is determined by the quality of our ruling elite.. Barbados is a failed state. It will all end in tears.

  26. Last night Trump speech received 74% approval rating
    Now compare anything that Maduro has said in the past week or years he has been ruining Venezula and hear what the Venezuelean people have to say
    Maduro is a tyrant and should be removed by any means necessary

  27. Panchaman you ought to be condemn to a world of hypocricy and life by which the Venezuelan people are now living
    American people even under the rule of Trump has balances of power to keep Trump in check
    Csn u say the same for the Venezuelan people who have been forced to flee the hell and damnation of Maduro iron fist
    Pacahaman you ought to be ashamed of yourself to even write articles about Trump knowning that right in the Cartibbean basin a man by the name of Maduro holds on to power while his people suffer

  28. @ Hal – “I would appreciate the day Mr Commissiong talks about treating black people fairly in Latin America, rather than the rhetoric of waffle of Barbados/CARICOM ‘impartiality’, a good word for indecision.”

    Do not hold your breath – the hard Left will ALWAYS sacrifice the sheeple who believe in them on the altar of their murderous ideology – history is stuffed with the monsters, against a dearth of anyone who has prospered under socialism…other than their taskmasters.
    Commie Sing Song and Pachamama are just wannabe monsters.

  29. Mariposa

    As a woman and I am assuming that you are … why would you defend man who has publicly denigrated, objectified, and openly shamed women?

    What has this man don’t to advanced the conditions of women in America or in the world for that matter?

    Women in America for example, are still being paid way below men for doing the same job, but this man is more concerned about building a Wall before he focuses more on leveling the wage disparity between men and women in America. Where does this man’s priorities lies …?

  30. “He even had the Democrat ladies in white clapping him!! …. even Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, the lady from Yemen and Rashida Tlaib …. the one who called him a mother ….!!”

    If you’re suggesting “the Democratic ladies in white were clapping him” because of his speech……. media reports suggest otherwise. Apparently, they applauded him on ONE point he made during the speech.

    “The diverse Democratic caucus, which includes a bevy of women, sat silently for much of Trump’s speech. But they leapt to their feet when he noted there are “more women in the workforce than ever before.”

  31. Lexicon has made a believer out of me ….I now believe in full term abortions lol. The president was great last night,he played the dems like a fiddle ,even had the straight jacket women standing . Pelosi playing with her cards and throwing them on the ground WHY you ask …she was reading them and saying to herself where was that in the speech. They gave a fake speech to one of the leakers who dutifully gave it to the dems. Their all in shock even the putz who attack him in the rebuttle thinking he was going to be on the attack in his speech but hit a conciliatory note..

  32. @Lexicon

    You could have asked ac to explain the hypocrisy of railing against Maduro and Venezuela while at the same time patting himself in the back about averting an imaginary war with North Korea.

  33. David….. imaginary….if such is the case why have all post ww 2 presidents kept a major presence there ….you know something they didnt?

  34. September 3 …term 2

  35. There are more women in the workforce than ever before … but they are be underpaid for performing the same duties as their male counterparts …

    Men in America both white and Black are bent on keeping women chained to the kitchen sink and the stove or at least this is their mentality … and the reason I say this is based on the fact that the White man saw it fit to give the Black man the vote …before the White woman … It is a male thing … I suppose …?

    Obama spoke eloquently about the disparity between men and women and did little about it …

  36. Obama spoke eloquently about the disparity between men and women and did little about it …


    Thought you might love this one on the Al Sharpton/Obama rift in march 2007!!

    Obama was just an actor … and a bad one too!!

  37. Lexicon. Where am i defending Tump
    More than (that )as you state. my defending Trump i am pointing out Panchama Hypocrisy in his defense of an immoral and aloof character named Maduro
    I also stated that america system of govt has checks and balances to protect its people from characters who would persist and insist on holding on to power while it’s people suffer in same manner and fashion as Venezuela

  38. The DMZ equates to war? What it says is that it has served a purpose. It is useful having this exchange based on hypotheticals.

  39. AC -DC

    The blog will be well-served if you tried to understand the A,B,C of a subject before you make these interminable and fateful emotional leaps into ignorance.

  40. Lexicon
    While u ponder tell me where in Venezuela system of goverence there are checks and balances that holds people in govt accountable
    Enough reason to see why Venezuela has gone to hell in a hand basket even being one of the wealthiest oil rich countries in the Carribbean
    Speaking of oil if America invades and oil becomes the power play it would be all because of Maduro bombastic attempt to hold on to power
    Without Maduro iron fist on the people of Venezuela there would have been no need for america intrusion

  41. David, you are starting to make me laugh at your misguided support for revolutionary communism.

  42. Pachaman i do not need you to tell me how i should or placed my opinion
    It is obvious from your response i mashed your corns
    While u at (it) tell me in what way has Maduro served the best interest of the Venezuelan people .interjecting your bias view about oil does not cut (it) while the Venezuelan people suffer

  43. Remember This?

    Pachamama “This is a merely game for this overgrown child (Trump). A game, he will most certainly lose, if he has the guts to try, ‘for Pachamama has ordained it!”

    @ Pachamama… coming your way SOONER THAN YOU THINK…

    Please Note….Ecclesiastics 10: 8 He that diggeth a pit shall fall into it; and whoso breaketh an hedge, a serpent shall bite him.

  44. @ Mariposa, you will never get straight answer from a terror supporter.

  45. Is it not odd that we are told that youth unemployment in Barbados is 70 per cent and we are here talking about Trump. Would it not be better to talk about youth unemployment and rising crime? Is BU failing in its mission?

  46. Mariposa

    If capitalism/ democracy was a equitable system of governance … we would not have been debating the irregularities and improprieties of both the DLP and the BLP right?

    So with that being said, no system of human government can be viewed as fair and impartial … when man’s faults, failings, desires and passions are in the mix

  47. @ Hal – Trump Derangement Syndrome has addled what passes for brains.

  48. POLL STUNNERS: Both CBS and CNN Polls: 76 Percent of Viewers Approve President Trump’s State of the Union Speech; CBS: 72 Percent Approve His Immigration Ideas

    CBS News and CNN released instant polls taken immediately after President Trump’s State of the Union address with both polls finding 76…

  49. The KKK Ladies’ Auxiliary? At least we Know their Roots!!

    ‘I am, as a woman, ashamed of what some women have come to represent. Women are called to lead alongside of the men, but to have the capacity to bring to the table the mother’s heart. These appear to have lost it. Perhaps instead of pushing abortions, they should themselves have, and advise others like them, to have hysterectomies. This would reduce the abortion rate, and avoid reproducing themselves. Yes that is a hard statement, and not my first wish. That first wish would be to see a change of heart, repentance and return to the God of their fathers, BUT promoting murder needs to stop.’

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