Submitted by Ras Jahaziel

“The events that transpired five thousand years ago, five years ago, or five minutes ago, have determined what will happen five minutes from now, five years from now, or five thousand years from now. All history is a current event.”

-Dr. John Henrik Clarke -–

That global experience that is commonly referred to as “history” effectively divided the world into two distinct regions that can accurately be called White Heaven and Black Hell.

Throughout that history “political correctness” had not yet been invented, so White Satan went to and fro in the broad daylight without a mask, invading, raping, robbing, enslaving, and committing genocide on all continents. And so the present White World Order came into existence.

Read full article on Ras Jahaziel’s website

107 responses to “African Liberation Education (2)”

  1. Who is this rabble rousing RH?


  3. Throughout that history “political correctness” had not yet been invented, so White Satan went to and fro in the broad daylight without a mask, invading, raping, robbing, enslaving, and committing genocide on all continents. And so the present White World Order came into existence.


    Didn’t “political correctness” rise to prominence unde Obama?

  4. I had a perfunctorily glance at the link associated with the above caption. I found it to be a rambling tirade of the adverse effects of the white man on blacks. What I am going to say now, may offend some, be that as it may. When ever a people with superior technology interface with one of inferior technology, there is only going to be one outcome. The superior advanced group invariably exerts influence on the group whose level of technological mastery is inferior. This has been the case through out history. I think that the black race (the writer of the article as well) should take a note of what the Chinese are doing. The Chinese had to modified their ways and adapt western mode of technology. If they had not done so, China would where the Islamic countries are today. It alright for the writer of the article to have his views; but one must ask of him the following question: Why has the preservation of the black way not solved the following ( river blindness, sleeping sickness, nodding disease(Sudan), Ebola and West Nile fever to name few diseases. After all, these diseases(except Ebola) were there before the advent of the white man. By extension, it also follows why use the internet, fly by air, drive a car etc.
    Until the black man attains technological prowess,he will always be at the bottom of the totem pole.
    Robert D. Lucas, PH.D

  5. Note: Where it reads ” China would where’ should be: ” China would be where…..”

  6. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ robert lucas January 26, 2019 6:26 PM
    “Until the black man attains technological prowess, he will always be at the bottom of the totem pole.”

    The “black man” will never attain “technological prowess” as long as he refuses to embrace Science as passionately as he does with the religions of other races.

    Black people need to liberate themselves from mental slavery brought about by being more ardently devoted to other people’s gods and religious mumbo-jumbo than they are to pursuing knowledge to acquire greater understanding of the world (planet) and their own anthropological origins.

    How can the so-called educated black Bajan so naively childlike believe in Adam & Eve fable or the plagiarized Sumerian tale about Noah and the flood while-in the face of strong scientific evidence- black nugget nutters like Dr. GP continue to argue blindly that the planet Earth is less than 12,000 solar years ‘old’?

    Even the Aborigines whose presence in Australia can stretch back 60,000 years know that to be just a lot of bull preached by murdering British invaders with a book of lies in one hand a gun in the other and with both eyes on the vast rich land.

    Even the Dogon people of Mother Africa have long been in possession of ‘scientific’ astronomical knowledge to put their black brothers and sisters (still believing in a white god called Jesus) in the Western Diaspora to shame.

  7. Dr. Lucas,

    Quite true. Technology rules! The technology that allowed the white man to conquer the world was the GUN though he borrowed the GUNPOWDER idea from the Chinese. Gun triumphed over spear and bow and arrow. The white man was then able to seize the land, dispossess its owners plunder the wealth of the world and use slave labour to build an economic system that has kept him dominant. This wealth funded his research and allowed him to advance technologically. And so on it goes.

    But you speak of Ebola and the like. The diseases of the white man were just as deadly. It is only recently that most of these have been conquered, since the white man raided the world thereby financing scientific research leaving Africa without the means to finance its own. Africa and Africans existed for the purpose of developing Europe.


    Please read Walter Rodney – How Europe Underdeveloped Africa and Inseparable Humanity – An Anthology of Reflections of Shridath Ramphal, Introduced and Edited by Ron Sanders to understand the history and the economic reality of today.

    Not racist. Just factual.

  8. Long live solidarity between Africa, the Caribbean and Latin America

  9. Evolution is not equal. IQ levels are thus unequal. To deny simple facts is counterproductive. Before anyone starts shouting racist, simply google IQ levels by country.

  10. 45gov

    Since you are on the topic of IQ … Why don’t you tell the BU readership the truth about the Ghanian 17 high school kid in America the stunned the world.. here is the article go and read it:

    @Ghanian Kwasi Enin Stuns the world gets accepted to 8 Ivy League School:

    David, this 17 year old Ghanian kid in America here beat all the white and Asian American kids …he had a perfect score on his SATs and distroyed the lies about the Black IQ .. he was accepted by 8 Ivy League School here

  11. Miller

    You need to remember the name Dr. Phillip Emegwali…

    He is a Nigerian American Computer Scientist who developed the application which caused the computer to run faster …he won the Gordon Bell Prize …

  12. Miller

    Garrell Augustus Morgan, invented the first traffic lights in 1877 …he was as an African American inventer and businessman ….

  13. Miller

    Dr. Shirley Jackson physicist of MIT experiments paved the way for the Touch Tone Telephone, Portable Fax, Caller ID, Call Waiting, and Fiber Optic Cable …

  14. lexicon why post such rubbish, its garrett by the way and he wasn’t even born till 1877, I am sure you think somehow your race has driven the industrial revolution, the race to the moon, instead of the 24 hour rum shop.. Sure there has been some rare occurrences when people other than Scotsmen have invented something of importance but few and far between.

  15. @ lawson, Leximoron is a cretin with chips all over him, doubtless living on handouts in the US like Obummer’s aunt Zetuni Onyango (good American name there), an illegal immigrant on welfare – a bit like her disastrous nephew.

  16. didnt he have to move his wife;s mother into the whitehouse because her rent was too high

  17. Lawson

    Why did point to a honest mistake …but can you dispute anything else I have posted?

    Was the Ghanian kid that distroyed the misconception about the Black IQ nonsense to?

  18. Lawson/ 45gov

    Ghanian Kwasi Enin Stuns the world …gets accepted by 8 Ivy League schools …he destroyed the white lie about the Black IQ …

  19. Lawson/45gov

    Garrett Augustus Morgan inventer of the first traffic light was born in Paris Kentucky March 4, 1877 and died July 27, 1963:… Honest mistake that you run with to discredit what I said about the of brilliance of the Black I..

  20. Lexicon I only pointed out the mistake because facts matter. That brainless mouth piece ocasio -cortez spouts out crap that has no basis in truth and criticizes those that point it out . Look at that ghanian boy you are praising he was 11th in his school but ten others beat him now multiply that by the number of schools this is not to diminish his accomplishment but to point out that in the big picture hundreds of girls probably did better he just couldn’t make up his mind where he wanted to go that had the best deal. So harvard takes in 2000 applicants a year, so if the top 2000 kids in us applied to every school would it be fair to say there is a lot of kids sitting at home not knowing if they will be accepted anywhere till the top people chose where they are going.

  21. You are boring.

  22. Leximoron that is.

  23. A white man’s testing system administered in a white man’s world.

    “Scores from intelligence tests are estimates of intelligence. Unlike, for example, distance and mass, a concrete measure of intelligence cannot be achieved given the abstract nature of the concept of “intelligence”.”

    So….. your default mode IS to label us stupid. That IS what you think.

  24. However, there are many “hidden figures” suppressed by whites so as to keep that myth going.

  25. A good morning to all of BU
    Excellent contributions by Donna

  26. And here I shall exit the conversation because these racists are making my stomach sick. Lexicon, I suggest you do the same. They are just going to enjoy themselves too much. It’s what they live for.

  27. Not so …from adversity comes greatness…Marvin lincoln washington for example….inventor of a modern day guillotine snap mousetrap in 1850 …after years of trial, error and self sacrifice became the head moyle at one of new yorks synagogues ….

  28. Donna

    I am not worrying the two Ecky Becky Lawson and 45gov …

  29. Lawson/ 45gov

    You know that White race stole from every culture in the world and made it theirs …

  30. Tell us about your benefits that you are stealing back!!!

  31. Are these exchanges productive except to expose our intolerance and ignorance?

  32. But WHOSE intolerance and WHOSE ignorance? That is the question, David!

  33. It flows from both sides Donna. For Blacks it will always appear to be more strident coming from the other side because of the history of slavery and the wealth which has led to “competitive advantage’ accrued over hundreds of years.

  34. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ Lawson

    @ 45 govt

    Are you really proud of your submissions to this moot? I am rather disappointed to read what came from your keyboards today. They are not up to your usual level of contributions. May I suggest some time out ?

  35. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    Our white boys are EXCITED…again, I warn you as a sister, it might not go how you think…it is indeed a completely different era..

  36. Don’t play that both sides nonsense, David! You have just made it a dud by speaking of “the history of slavery and the wealth which has led to “competitive advantage accrued over hundreds of years”.

    This is precisely the point!

    We speak the facts and that offends some. They then try to argue against these facts by gratuitous, stereotypical insults thereby laying bare their virulent racism. Nobody here holds these individuals personally responsible for events that occurred long before they were born. But we hold them responsible for trying to minimise them and their residual effects and for not allowing us to express our pain, educate ourselves and free our minds from mental slavery without a barrage of personal insults designed to put us in “our place”.

    I KNOW what’s in my heart, David. And there is no hatred there. Just a longing for a world where ALL people can be free. And that cannot happen without an honest discussion of where we were, where we are and where we would like to be.

    And it would be nice to be able to discuss without two white men, one of whom cannot even write a proper sentence (which the other one pretends not to notice) continually interjecting with stereotypical racial barbs that only serve to prove my point.

    THEY THINK THAT WHITE SUPREMACY IS THE NATURAL ORDER OF THINGS. What they have posted today seems to have startled even Vincent Codrington. But it should also prove to him that I saw long ago what he refused to see.

    This is not an aberration. This is true to form. It is what they think. It is who they are. Maybe they will now look into the mirror and see the racist within.

    I don’t play footsie with those who think I am inferior. You and others really need to undo that conditioning that causes you to accommodate them. It is part of our problem.

    We should not only “Call a spade a spade”. Pun intended.

    We should also call a racist a racist.


    Of course that does not mean we cannot engage them in discussion when they are being reasonable.

  37. @ Vincent, I no longer address Leximoron as he is an idiot. He cannot help himself from addressing me! I reserve the right of reply, though it would be far better if he just kept quiet.

  38. The younger generation is more receptive to integrating and moving on; allowing a bygone era fade and be forgotten for what it is, a wart on histry’s page. This is the point. Debating with men and women born and raised of that era is an exercise in futility. They know what they know.

  39. If I am overly sensitive, David, how come I find this series hilarious?

  40. “Sneaky ass racism.”

  41. Boring Donna. Get over yourself.

  42. I promise to get over myself when you get over yourself. That is precisely the point.

    Is that all the defence you have? More insults?????



  43. No, David,

    They THINK they know what they know. The target audience of the writer was, I’m sure, black people. There are still many of us who feel inferior and the postings of these racists will re-enforce those feelings. I answer not to convince these old ass toxic white men who seem to be beyond redemption but to disarm their harmful barbs for the feeble-minded black reader.

    I look to the future. These men are the dying soldiers of the past fighting with their dying breaths and we should bury them with African funeral rites.

  44. We can agree to disagree.

  45. On what do we disagree?

  46. 45gov

    I you say you know who I am …then you must not be who you think you are …

    You need to keep quiet when it comes to issues of Black and White because the White race has blood on its hand …

  47. look you cunt I am tired of you calling me a racist, I am tired every time something goes wrong in your life its the white mans fault because your great great great great grand pappy had it bad like millions of people black white red and yellow had for generations Your a big mouthed nasty woman that has one possible redeeming quality if I was married to you I would not be afraid of death I would welcome it.

  48. The point has been made, Lexicon. It’s alright to dis-engage.

  49. See, Lexicon. They expose themselves. Lacking in comprehension. Who is blaming them for ANYTHING but their constant stereotypical barbs. I specifically stated that. All we ask is that they let us have conversations with each other as black people without jumping in to insult us.

    Every time.

    They cannot help it.

    Even David sees it.

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