Several countries including the USA and and Canada have recently supported the claim of Juan Guaido as the president of Venezuela. We already know who Russia backs, do we have another Syria in the making only this time within the Caribbean region?

Who Is Juan Guaidó? Venezuela’s Young Opposition Leader

Juan Guaidó speaking at a gathering this month in Caracas.CreditCreditCarlos Garcia Rawlins/Reuters

By Ana Vanessa Herrero and Nicholas Casey


CARACAS, Venezuela — A group of soldiers turned against the government and declared allegiance to the opposition. Foreign officials say the government could soon run out of money to meet bare-bones needs. And countries across the region have called the president an illegitimate dictator.

Conditions in Venezuela have deteriorated to a point where the opposition — gutted by the jailing and exiling of many of its leaders and discredited after several failed efforts to oust President Nicolás Maduro — is seeing an opportunity. Leading them is a virtually unheard-of 35-year-old, Juan Guaidó.

His debut as opposition leader and head of the National Assembly this month has captured the attention of those within the country and outside of it — mainly for his striking claim that Mr. Maduro is not a legitimate ruler and his willingness to take charge of a transitional government.

“The relationship between Venezuela and its state today is one of terror,” Mr. Guaidó said in an interview. “When this happens, the voices and hopes of the world, their messages, are the encouragement for the daily struggle to resist — to dream of democracy, and for a better country.”


295 responses to “Juan Guaidó, Venezuela AND Caricom”

  1. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    You can’t be consistent though…why would Comissiong even be talking about fighting US… is Venezuela any different trying to encroach on Guyana territory which is not even theirs…

    …..the goal is to get the parasitic Maduro and his leaches for cronies out of the lives of the weary Venezuela people…just as Bajans had to get rid of DLP…because they were weary just as they will also have to remove BLP…

    Madura just gave a whole state oil company to the military to buy their loyalty…these games are for keeps and never end well..

  2. But why wunna sticking wunna nose in venezuela problems when barbados streets are washed away in blood daily
    Dot u guys have enough problems here

  3. Why is it that black people with little or no influence in world affairs always think it is their job to meddle in other countries problem
    How many of those countries really give a rats about what blacks think

  4. Ahem,


    Shall we take a vote on who on this blog has earned the title of “snivelling racist”? I now see why you love Trump. Both of you have a habit of accusing people of EVERYTHING of which you are guilty. You post daily about Nigerians, Pakistanis, Saudis. DAILY! On every thread. Without fail. I respond by posting facts to dispel your racist rants. My facts support my position that HUMANS are the problem. You single out races and religions and EVERYBODY WHO DOES NOT LOOK LIKE YOU OR BELIEVE WHAT YOU BELIEVE OR AGREE WITH YOUR POSITION IS AN IDIOT.

    Now, if Kyffin Simpson was an ETHICAL businessman HE would have cared about my motor woes since I BOUGHT THE MOTOR FROM HIM. The agreement is that there should be parts available within a reasonable time frame. That is the service I paid for. I did NOT get it.

    And that nobody cared IS PRECISELY MY POINT. THEY SHOULD HAVE.

    Now my sister-in -law also purchased a motor car from Simpsons. Within a few months it was clear that it was defective. Several times it broke down and several times they fixed in within the warranty period. She asked for a new car and was refused.

    Kyffin Simpson shite!

  5. Oh hell! I just went back and read 45’s posts here. Calling me racist in the middle of his racist rants??????

    Were Trump and his twin separated at birth ????? Surreal!!!!!

    45govt January 24, 2019 3:26 PM

    WARU have you not seen the growing number of bin bags at GAIA and defiling our beaches. Pakis, Saudis, Banglas- all the same, all trouble.

  6. Donna

    Don’t insult 45gov intelligence because his ignorance has obviously betrayed him … he some how believes that his islamophobic epithets aren’t racist … he must be a Trump supporter?

  7. The only latin american Carribbean country that ran to the aide of a black people was Castro in his fuggt against apartheid in SA
    However most realise what eas his motive
    Maduro selling oil to small island natiins is no big deal since the politics of interference is his motivation to win friends

  8. Mariposa

    Cuban troops also fought in Angola … and here is a fact that most people aren’t aware … Castro also provided a safe haven for members of the Black Liberation Organization … some would probably remember black American Angela Davis who sought refuge in Cuba in the 1970s…

  9. Mariposa, it would be of interest to me to ascertain what kind of a relationship Barrow and Castro had had …because there isn’t much written about these two in terms of close relations?

  10. Nsrrow made it clear he would be friends of all and satellites of none

  11. Barrrow made it clear he would be friends of all and satellites of none
    Barrow drew a line in the sand with that statement

  12. Let me give a lesson in basic English to the moron who is linguistically challenged.
    A phobia is an IRRATIONAL fear. The fear of the Stone Age cult of islam is well founded on its proselytising and violent disregard for the human rights of anyone who doesn’t subscribe to the mad ravings of their paedophile ‘prophet’, ordure be upon him.
    How much proof do you clowns need? Saudi and Qatar like Iran are well known to be the exporters of terror while Western leaders facilitate the barbarians.
    What WOULD be a phobia would be the fear of Jews, Buddhists, Hare Krishnas, or Shinto. Geddit?

  13. Stepse!

    Perhaps you missed the link to the latest Florida mass shooting? How about those Charlottesville fine young men? They sure looked like fine people with their torches and all. White terrorism is on the rise in America. Should we ban all young white American men?


    AMERICA HAD THE OPPORTUNITY WHEN THE WENT INTO KUWAIT TO DRIVE OUT SADDAM IN 91 THEY COULD HAVE STAYED IN THE COUNTRY AND THEY DID NOT…When they went into Iraq in 2002 they did NOT take over the oil fields. Your Hypothesis of America going after the Oil and Gold in Venezuela is incorrect.

    It is a much better Theory to say that when a country is rich in Natural Resources that many bad actors with evil designs go after it.

    Do you Remember the Muslima when they went after Parliament with Robinson? And the next Upcoming Hot Spot is Nigeria because of their oil.

    Venezuela Threatened Guyana & Guyana’s Sovereignty because of oil. Chavez became a Politician because of Venezuela’s wealth so he could RULE it. Like all left Wing Ideologues he brought the Country to Ruin. But they did not believe that he did it and when Maduro took over he Continued the Decline by Controlling every aspect of the economy from the great oil fields to the farm lands and to the gold mines until they were out of money and in the meantime he has impoverished and made Destitute the country.

    Socialist has certain things in common…Because of their love of Control of people’s lives they have a few Favourite Tactics…
    1 They Create Division, they find an Enemy.
    2 they always try to appear Sanctimonious or Virtuous
    3 They like to Blame Jews for Everything
    4 They like to Blame America
    5 They like to use the Environmentalism to get more Taxes and Create More Control.
    6 Because of their Socialist Mind set they are UNABLE to Create Wealth they only know about Dividing the Wealth of a Country and Squandering it until its gone

    Have you not Read or Understood what the Chinese are doing to those Countries in Africa with Natural resources?

    America does not take over Countries or their Resources. They never seized the Panama Canal; they gave it up after they put up the resources to build it. (Many Bajan’s worked on that Canal). They did not take over Grenada. They did not take over Japan….The Dots you are connecting is MARXIST PROPAGANDA DOTS…No matter how bad it gets the MARXIST ALWAYS SUPPORT THEIR OWN, WITHER IT BE CASTRO, and ORTEGA, OR MADURO.

    The Bad Actors ALWAYS SUPPORT the Bad Actors NO MATTER THE SUFFERING OF THE PEOPLE and they love to JINN up Emotion to CREATE DIVISION but people with Starvation so widespread as in Venezuela people are forced to take the streets and those who have not taken to the streets have fled the country. My cousin in Trinidad has told me of the great quantity of Professionals, Lawyers and Doctors etc. who have walked away from all their possessions and what they have accumulated in Venezuela and you want to Blame America?


  15. What is the proportion of young black American men in the ‘system’?
    Should they be banned? Jeez, you are stupid.



  17. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    “Now my sister-in -law also purchased a motor car from Simpsons. Within a few months it was clear that it was defective. Several times it broke down and several times they fixed in within the warranty period. She asked for a new car and was refused.”

    Honestly, I would not by a Simpson Motor’s vehicle, they are 3rd rate vehicles at best, even the dummies, Freundel et al in parliament keeps wasting taxpayers money buying Simpson’s trashy Mercedes, info has been around for years about him selling reject vehicles and when taximan bought them and complained that they do not work…Simpson would call up the hotels where these men work and have these men blacklisted from making a dollar at the hotels.

    ……Simpson can be just as scummy as the Cow, Bizzy, and Bjerkham of Cahill/Clare the Crook scam.. …

  18. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    “But why wunna sticking wunna nose in venezuela problems when barbados streets are washed away in blood daily”

    If exiled DLP ministers did not COLLUDE TO PUT GUNS AND DRUGS ON THE STREETS…yall would have little to no murders… whose fault is that…

    We gotta stick we nose in America’s business come June too…Donville…lol

  19. Very well said Freedom Crier, wonder what the commie parasite living it large on the Bajan taxpayer, the traitorous POS Comissiong would say!?

  20. My comment is awaiting moderation! Wuhloss.

  21. 45gov

    So you’re saying that Islam and the Roman Catholic Church in America and else where in the world are one of the same …? because the both of them have a long history of pedophilia …

  22. 45gov

    Let me give a basic lesson to the nincompoop who is etymological challenged … the force of a word depends on its common usages rather than on its original meaning … because the meaning of a word changes over time …

  23. Another lesson for the mentally challenged. Because the vile RC gang share paedophilia with the islamic barbarians does not mean they are as bad because to my knowledge bombings and beheadings are absent from their everyday repertoire b

  24. 45gov

    Checkout the history of New York and you will see that the Dutch who colonized that state… slow roasted African slaves who run away …. to send a message to the slave population … talking about barbaric … I know my history and a lot of it Sir …

  25. You know nothing, or less. You are sadly stuck in ancient history. Goodbye, you are too boring to engage further. Bother someone at your own level. Donna perhaps.

  26. 45gov

    And this was before the Fugitive Slave Act was passed by Congress in 1850 …now go and read … because you are showing signs cognitive insufficiency which is a good indicator of dementia…

  27. Even more reason govt should be looking for the criminals that running barbados into fear

  28. 45gov

    Sir, you aren’t as smart as you think, but continue to stew in your own juices …because you are Cognito ergo sum …

  29. Mariposa

    What happened to the Lion Man, Fancy Basket, Rat Brown, Invader, Pilot, Arthur, Gittens and Merrick of this generation? Men that kept Barbados safe by any means necessary …I met several of Police here from the Jamaica Eradication Squad in the 80s …in fact one of those guys lived next to me … do we have to go this route in Barbados to restore the civility?

  30. Mariposa

    Several years ago a former Jamaican Commissioner of Police told his men that since there is no more death penalty in Jamaica …. don’t bring any of the bad boys in …

  31. @Lexicon,

    Name names.

  32. Hal

    I don’t quite follow you Hal …names of whom?

  33. While some of you become with nonsense exchanges the US is putting the hammer on T&T’s Rowley’s position?

  34. @ Lexicon,

    The Jamaican police commissioner.

  35. Kamla is going with Juan Guaidó. Oh what a tangle web we weave only…

  36. Yeap.Now Comissiong can add Kamla to his list of most Hated small island PM.
    PM Stuart and OSA were in the top two

  37. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David BU at 6:24 PM

    There are some complex issues involved here. One should not rush to judgement. This is certainly an EWB moment.

  38. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    Kamla was accused of fostering strife in Guyana…so no wonder she is a fan of Maduro..,they are all worth watching long term..

  39. Barbados Underground Whistleblower Avatar
    Barbados Underground Whistleblower

    Kamla was accused of fostering strife in Guyana…so no wonder she is a fan of Maduro


  40. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    May I remind yall…what politicians SAY and what THEY MEAN…are two completely different things…as I said…Kamla was caused of joining Jagdeo to cause strife in Guyana…the same Jagdeo who is being accused of being hot to trot to help Maduro…

  41. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    Mia is babbling so much in this video, ya have to piece together the intent….lol

  42. Well, you know we black people are not able to converse at white man level. We are all stupid unless we agree with the white man.

    You just can’t help yourself. You can’t post for one day without calling us stupid.

    Meanwhile, though I think you are very stupid, I have waited until this very moment to tell you that.

    Insults are all you have to offer. We CAN read you know. Stereotypical insults. Lazy brain. Lazy thinking. Not one original thought. Stuck in 1959. Sad.

  43. WARU,

    I thought I was the only one who noticed the babbling. Quite uncharacteristic but common lately. Talking loud and saying nothing.

    And talking Trump, ” We will not reveal our plans because then they will know what we’re planning.”

    Lord knows I was hoping that she would shut the misogynists mouths. Fixing the mess the men have made would be so sweet for us women. We wouldn’t have to argue again about our abilities. We could just say “MIa” and the argument would be over.

  44. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    Donna…I actually had high hopes for Mia despite my cantankerous postings sometimes…but she is too involved and has found herself stuck, literally….too much corruption and criminality oozing out of EVERY ORIFICE of those with whom she surrounds herself…oozing right onto her..because she stands and sit right next to them and obviously cannot make not one move without any of them……… is all returning to bite….big time…

  45. IMF estimates Venezuelans inflation at 10m per cent.

  46. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog
  47. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

  48. Pelousy is the very epitome of a corrupt politician. It is a compliment to Mia, or anyone to be described as no Pelousy.


    3:27 PM 01/21/2019 | POLITICS
    Evie Fordham | Politics and Health Care Reporter

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s congressional delegation (CODEL) to Belgium, Egypt and Afghanistan garnered extra attention after President Donald Trump banned her from using military aircraft, but the trip would not have been the first time she used Air Force money to travel the world.

    Pelosi’s trip to Italy and Ukraine from July 30 to Aug. 6, 2015, cost the Air Force $184,587.81, according to documents released Saturday under a 2015 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit by Judicial Watch. Her delegation was made up of other Democratic members of Congress, including California Rep. Anna Eshoo, after “token” Republican Wisconsin Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner pulled out last minute, reported The Washington Post in 2015.

    Four family members, including Pelosi’s husband Paul Pelosi, were slated to go on the trip. The delegation was scheduled to dine at restaurants including James Beard American Restaurant in Milan, where a five-course meal cost up to $190, according to Fine Dining Lovers. The lawmakers also toured the Vatican and met up with Italian dignitaries, including President Sergio Mattarella and then-Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, according to their itinerary.

    Pelosi’s team apparently had some pretty specific requests for the Air Force officials working with them to coordinate the trip. (RELATED: Trump Brings Pelosi’s Multimillion Dollar Vineyard Into Shutdown Fight)

    “You’re going lo love this …. CODEL Pelosi is requesting the crew they had on this earlier attached trip. Apparently they were very pleased with their service. I already told the escort chances were slim,” an unidentified Air Force official wrote in an email July 9, 2015.

    Overall, Pelosi’s European excursion cost the Air Force about the same amount of money it would take to send a student to Harvard University for four years. Judicial Watch compared the trip to Republican Colorado Sen. Cory Gardner’s CODEL trip with multiple stops in east Asia in August 2015. The trip led by Gardner, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, cost at least $26,009.03 for commercial flights and per diems, according to records cited by Judicial Watch.

    U.S. Speaker of the House Rep. Nancy Pelosi speaks during a weekly news conference January 17, 2019 on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)
    U.S. Speaker of the House Rep. Nancy Pelosi speaks during a weekly news conference January 17, 2019 on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

    Judicial Watch has called out Pelosi for “abuse” of travel perks since 2009. The conservative watchdog group wrote in a statement Jan. 14, 2016:

    Beginning in 2009, after the media failed to follow up on concerns raised about Nancy Pelosi’s use of luxury Air Force jets to travel between her congressional district and DC, Judicial Watch’s Freedom of Information act requests exposed her abuse of this travel perk. Judicial Watch uncovered that Pelosi’s military travel cost the United States Air Force $2,100,744.59 over one two-year period — $101,429.14 of which was for in-flight expenses, including food and alcohol.

    Pelosi blamed Trump after she canceled her congressional delegation (CODEL) to Afghanistan, reasoning that Trump’s public suggestion that she fly commercial had made the trip too high-profile and dangerous.

    The speaker was planning to embark on a trip to Belgium, Egypt and Afghanistan Thursday when Trump essentially canceled it last-minute via letter.

    “Due to the shutdown, I am sorry to inform you that your trip to Brussels, Egypt, and Afghanistan has been postponed. We will reschedule this seven-day excursion when the shutdown is over,” Trump wrote. “In light of the 800,000 great American workers not receiving pay, I am sure you would agree that postponing this public relations event is totally appropriate.”

    Trump’s letter came a day after Pelosi sent him a letter Wednesday seeking to delay his State of the Union address until after the shutdown ends. Trump’s address is scheduled for Jan. 29.

    Many congressional Republicans have floated plans to allow Trump to bypass Pelosi’s invitation to deliver the address. Republican Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul suggested Trump bypass the House of Representatives entirely and deliver the speech from the Senate floor Thursday.

    The Daily Caller News Foundation requested comment from Pelosi’s office but did not receive a response at the time of publication.


  50. Europeans are calling for fresh presidential elections in Venezuela. Where does CARICOM stand?

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