Several countries including the USA and and Canada have recently supported the claim of Juan Guaido as the president of Venezuela. We already know who Russia backs, do we have another Syria in the making only this time within the Caribbean region?

Who Is Juan Guaidó? Venezuela’s Young Opposition Leader

Juan Guaidó speaking at a gathering this month in Caracas.CreditCreditCarlos Garcia Rawlins/Reuters

By Ana Vanessa Herrero and Nicholas Casey


CARACAS, Venezuela — A group of soldiers turned against the government and declared allegiance to the opposition. Foreign officials say the government could soon run out of money to meet bare-bones needs. And countries across the region have called the president an illegitimate dictator.

Conditions in Venezuela have deteriorated to a point where the opposition — gutted by the jailing and exiling of many of its leaders and discredited after several failed efforts to oust President Nicolás Maduro — is seeing an opportunity. Leading them is a virtually unheard-of 35-year-old, Juan Guaidó.

His debut as opposition leader and head of the National Assembly this month has captured the attention of those within the country and outside of it — mainly for his striking claim that Mr. Maduro is not a legitimate ruler and his willingness to take charge of a transitional government.

“The relationship between Venezuela and its state today is one of terror,” Mr. Guaidó said in an interview. “When this happens, the voices and hopes of the world, their messages, are the encouragement for the daily struggle to resist — to dream of democracy, and for a better country.”


295 responses to “Juan Guaidó, Venezuela AND Caricom”

  1. This is a slow-walking coup staged by the forces of US imperialism as seen by the erection of fascist and other right-wing governments in Central and South America.

    We wonder what those who ignorantly insist on some ‘one Caribbean nation’ would have to contribute once militarism enters the equation. Nobody in the Caribbean has demonstrated an understanding as to an equation which involves militarism, the inputs of intelligence agencies and what any construction would be like, with big-power rivalry at our doorstep.

    We have warned this blog that the preparations for a wider conflict in the Caribbean are being made. That Guyana is likely to be involved. And we know that the Americans have their satrapies of Colombia, Argentina, Brazil and others ”marching as if to war”

    Today’s determination to end diplomatic relations with the USA locates open hostilities in America’s backyard. This action by Caracas is a response of the recognition of American’s man in Venezuela as president.

    We expect Russia to send a message within 24 hours.

  2. Look at the State of Venezuela that this Unscrupulous Dictator has brought on the Nation…They are so many that do not understand about the ills of ‘Socialism’… Venezuela is Erupting!

    Maduro breaks relations with U.S., expels American diplomats

    The Washington Times – Wednesday, January 23, 2019

    Hours after the Trump administration called for him to step down, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said Wednesday he’s breaking all ties with the U.S. and is giving American diplomats 72 hours to leave the country.

    His comments come amid a series of stunning developments in the US. approach to the embattled country. Mr. Trump earlier Wednesday said his administration no longer considers Mr. Maduro the rightful leader of Venezuela and instead recognizes Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido as the legitimate president.

    President Trump later said that all options are on the table with respect to Mr. Maduro, and White House officials would not rule out military force, along with lesser measures such as economic sanctions or an oil embargo.

    Speaking to supporters at his presidential palace, Mr. Maduro reacted angrily.

    “Before the people and nations of the world and as constitutional president … I’ve decided to break diplomatic and political relations with the imperialist U.S. government,” he said.

  3. Barbados is in crisis people living in fear. Soon the streets of Barbados would be filled with protest like Venezuela as people ask for leadership to combat the growing daily epedemic of Crime
    Just minutes ago another person was gunned down on the streets of Barbados
    Jesus take the wheel

  4. Again, Dictators will have no place in this new timeline.

  5. @Pacha

    The label that the Caribbean is a zone of peace is no more.

    The greatest fear is that our leaders – the description ascribed generously – are clueless as to how to negotiate this challenge that confronts us. They believe their political hopscotch will do the trick as it has in the past. All around us, in the US, UK there is the precursor to chaos.

  6. While this foreign affairs challenge is going down in our backyard the US leadership -supposedly the greatest country on earth – are unable to open the government.

    Who wants to navel gaze while these elephants prefer to rumble let them.

  7. have a heart Maduro supporters how can any one support a govt that has an ego the size of mt Rushmore and who refuses to see the pain and suffering of its people all in the name of Power

  8. @ Pachamama January 23, 2019 7:42 PM

    You Speak as if the Leaders in South America were not elected and you extol Socialist Revolution as Beneficial, but when the Real Revolution comes as it is coming in Venezuela by all the people that are left in Venezuela who are tired to De Bone of no water, no cooking fuel, no Medicine , no Food, no Laws, nothing works and a man feels lucky if he has had one meal a day.

    You who preach that you want to help the people rings HOLLOW when you can support Madouro…You are an Ideologue, you care nothing for Truth, you care nothing for people you care nothing for the Nation of Venezuela.

    You have looked at the Nation with the Largest oil reserves that was at the pinnacle of its success before Chavez. and now you have a nation that is Destitute who is importing Gasoline, a Nation that has one of the largest oil Reserves in the world.

    Pachamama you and Commie Sing want to take Barbados down the road of Venezuela but we not following your Communist Pied Piper Dream. We Bajans have more sense than that. We have witnessed even big nations like Venezuela get Destroyed by Socialist/Communist Ideologues and although we live in a Socialist country we have not yet crossed the line, we are close.

    Thank God we still have Sensible Bajans who do not follow the Marxist line of Envy as in the Tenth Commandment!

    Venezuela does not surrender until the tyrant falls. Today #23 and the epic of venezuelans for freedom has no precedent in the history of the Americas.

  9. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Pachamama January 23, 2019 7:42 PM
    “We expect Russia to send a message within 24 hours.”

    Pacha, you would make an excellent grandmaster in the ultimate chess game of one-upmanship.

    You have shed light on the portend of another war of brinkmanship between the big boys, Putin and the Trumpeter.

    Can we expect very soon a flotilla of aircraft carriers in the Caribbean sea as a show of Putin’s dick is bigger than Trump’s fingers?

    Whose side would China be on this time around? Maduro’s?

    There are ‘lots’ of oil in those darn Venezuelan swamps worth fighting over.

    Will the Caribbean sea become another theatre of wars of words among the big boys reminiscent of the days of privateering and piracy?

    Will poor Guyana get squeeze in this row between the big boys?

  10. David

    The histories clearly show that the Caribbean was never a ‘zone of peace’.

    The only ‘zone of peace’ in the Caribbean was the fiction held by many, in their minds – as misguided as they were/are.

    How could there be any ‘zone of peace’ when nuclear-powered war ships with all kinds of weapons were eternally traversing this region, making call at ports, projections of hard power.

    How could that be when Guyana has fecklessly chosen to be on the side of the enemies of Caracas. By inviting Halliburton and Exxon to heighten resource-based, simmering conflicts, over lands still claimed by Venezuela.

  11. It always settle on ideology, the left versus the right. If the zone of peace in this region is disrupted because these jackasses prefer to engage in a pissin contest, we can call it quits.

  12. @Pacha

    Zone of peace is contextual. It is an area the players have been reluctant to engage in confrontation.

  13. @ David …what you are witnessing is the Push back and the blow back by ordinary people who have had it with Leftist Ideology being rammed down their throats for decades and being told what to do with every single aspect of their life…You are getting the push back in France, Italy, Germany, Sweden & England with its Brexit and in America with the election of Trump, in Brazil with their new leader and some other South American Countries.

    The Subjugation by the Elites are finally getting pushed back, the Desire for real Freedom yearns in a mans heart and it is being manifested in the countries called.

    We are still in the Birth Stages and the Globalist do not like it and they are fighting hard to Control the world.

  14. DAVID you are so silly where is the comparison by trying to point at USA politics via govt shutdown and what is happening in Venezuela

  15. To negotiate any challenge confronting the Caribbean region is to up the collective defences of nation states by not allowing intrusion of their collective air space and the restriction of maritime war appliances in our collective waters. Any asylum seekers or casualties from any fallout be allowed and humanitarian services offered/granted.
    Any intervention has to go the route of the UN Security Council where Caricom can make their stance known.


    Todays’ sophistication of weaponry has long range capabilities and precision striking and will have no impact on the region.

    The Caribbean is still a peaceful zone and will remain so. Those regional and societal areas of concern has already started to be seriously addressed. Closet doors are wide open.

    A lesson to learn here of Venezuela. Dictatorship and pressure on its population will eventually explode at the seams.

  16. Venezuela has always been a divided country whether under Perez or the others to follow. Between the wealth driven by large oil deposits and leaders like Chevez who tried to divert wealth to the poor given the gulf between rich and poor. The same happened to Gadahfi.

  17. Is there a need for a wall between Mexico and the US?

    What is your point?

  18. Miller

    Maduro just came back from Russia where record levels of deals were made. Including war materiel. Venezuela already has strong military relationships with Russia. The Russian S300, supplied to Venezuela, and S400 and others will present a military challenge to American airmen.

    The aircraft carriers are in and out of the Caribbean all the time.

    China is still playing the long game. They want the Americans to fall down from imperial exhaustion. Do not expect any assertive actions from them, at any time, except them to fund the Russians to protect themselves from the targeting with war from America.

    In any event the more recently developed weapons by the Russians, to some extent, eliminate the importance of the carrier.

    It’s always about oil. Venezuela has the largest reserves in the world. Control of that is critical for both Trump and Putin, for geo-political reasons.

    Only Caribbean people still have such nostalgia. But superpowers care not where the wars are fought, once they are not on their territory.

  19. Miller

    But maybe, Maduro could be run out of Venezuela.

    Maybe the pretender to the presidency will be arrested

    Maybe, the Americans will refuse to invest in such a reckless action, maybe!

  20. @ Pachamama January 23, 2019 8:36 PM

    America is sufficient in oil so your implying that America has its sights set on Venezuela for that reason is Bogus. Under your favorite President Obama America was a Big Importer of Oil. Under Trump, America is now an Exporter of oil…Trumps main purpose is the Crippling of Full Blown Socialism/Communism in the Region.

    But have you noticed that you continue to use the old tired Marxist Propaganda about American Imperialism…Name one Country that America invaded/liberated that they are ruling or have control of.

    Pachamama get a New Propaganda Set the old one Died with the Soviet Union where you learnt it from.

  21. Pacaman still fighting World War two that is why he remain stuck in ole political communist idealogies
    Venezuelans are clinging to Hope a Hope that would give them the basic Human Rights to live normal lives in a pursuit of dignity
    Maduro is a self contained bastard clinging to power while the people suffer

  22. Pacha,
    Putin sent a message to Maduro, “U are on your own, but Bus vvv 762 is available”.

    Send all the Leftist Democratic Socialists down from the USA for 5 yrs in Venezuela and if they can fix it the rest of us may listen.

  23. PoorPeacefulandPolite Avatar

    Pity this young inexperienced boy. He’ll be a puppet for the United States which will lead eventually to his brutal assassination. (i) The current administration in Caracas is composed of people who fear for their own lives if they are overthrown; and, (ii) the more the untrustworthy US butts in, the stronger will be Maduro’s populist support.

    Maduro and his henchmen will soon fall out of graces with his own supporters and he will be obliged to relinquish power and fly into exile. We are did the right thing to abstain from the OAS vote against Maduro’s presidency – and we should let matters take their unfortunate course so long as he doesn’t directly invade any CARICOM state.

    Venezuela’s experience should remind societies not to go electing bus-drivers for leaders !

  24. Who are Maduros’ backers? Running to Putin for any contingency plan will backfire in his face. The race is about totally ridding the planet from the clutches of planetary rule for eons. Trump and Putin are allies in this movement as was evidenced in Syria. Last ditch efforts by this Cabal are being thwarted at every turn. Planetary Liberation is being achieved in France, Italy, Germany, Sweden & England with its Brexit and in America with the election of Trump, in Brazil with their new leader and some other South American Countries including Africa.

    Freedom Crier, you are on top of the game.

  25. Who are Maduros’ backers? Running to Putin for any contingency plan will backfire in his face. The race is about totally ridding the planet from the clutches of planetary rule for eons. Trump and Putin are allies in this movement as was evidenced in Syria. Last ditch efforts by this Cabal are being thwarted at every turn. Planetary Liberation is being achieved in France, Italy, Germany, Sweden & England with its Brexit and in America with the election of Trump, in Brazil with their new leader and some other South American Countries including Africa.

    Freedom Crier, you are on top of the game.

  26. Censorship?

  27. Who are Maduros’ backers?

    Running to Putin for any contingency plan will backfire in his face.

    The race is about totally ridding the planet from the clutches of planetary rule for eons. Trump and Putin are allies in this movement as was evidenced in Syria. Last ditch efforts by this group are being thwarted at every turn.
    Planetary Liberation is being achieved in France, Italy, Germany, Sweden & England with its Brexit and in America with the election of Trump, in Brazil with their new leader and some other South American Countries
    Africa is in its initial stages..

    Freedom Crier, you are on top of the game.

  28. Over to you Mr. Caricom Ambassador

  29. Another take on the Venezuela situation from Youtuber Florida Maquis. He claims to be a former US serviceman who served out his deployment on US bases in Latin America. He does not believe we are getting accurate information on the Venezuela situation from US media and politicians.

    Re. the possible role of Venezuela’s oil reserves in our ever benevolent Uncle Sam’s desire to see “democracy” restored to the Venezuelan masses.

    1) A superpower has to be just as concerned to keep oil/energy resources out of the hands of (or control) by competitors and perceived enemies as ensuring it also has a large and well defended supply of its own.

    2) The big boost in US oil production figures over the last few years has been thanks to the fracking of shale oil. Shale oil is unrecoverable using traditional drilling techniques. However, the economics of shale oil production do not appear to be promising for sustained production in the long term.

    THE SHALE OIL PONZI SCHEME EXPLAINED: How Lousy Shale Economics Will Pull Down The U.S. Economy

    Few Americans realize that the U.S. economy is being propped up by the Shale Oil Industry. However, the shale oil industry is nothing more than a Ponzi Scheme, so when it collapses, it will take down the U.S. economy with it. Unfortunately, the reason few Americans understand how lousy the economics are in producing shale oil and gas is due to the misinformation and propaganda being put out by the industry and energy analysts.

    I am quite surprised how bank analysts and brokerage firms can continue to fund the shale oil and gas or advise clients to purchase stock when the industry is behaving just like the Bernie Madoff Ponzi Scheme. The only big difference is that the U.S. Shale Industry is a Ponzi at least four times greater than Madoff’s $65 billion fiasco.

    I decided to discuss in detail why the U.S. Shale Oil Industry was a Ponzi Scheme in my newest video. I provide some interesting charts that explain how the huge decline rates and massive debt are going to bring down the industry, much quicker than the market realizes.

    More at:
    srsroccoreport (DOT) com/the-shale-oil-ponzi-scheme-explained-how-lousy-shale-economics-will-pull-down-the-u-s-economy/

  30. Freedom Crier
    You lie.The US became oil independent under President Barack Obama and one of the world’s largest suppliers and exporters of natural gas.
    As David of BU informs Chavez and Gaddafi were socialists who set out to spread their oil wealth by uplifting the living standards of their masses.Davos is about 26 billionaires holding the money wealth of 3 billion human beings.How can that be right.

  31. Where’s commisong what are his thoughts or not picking the winner till he knows who it is

  32. Good question Lawson, where indeed is the commie lickspittle Commissiong?
    Perhaps consulting with Pachamama in their mutual Trump/US Derangement Syndrome.
    Good posts from Freedom Crier, as usual.

  33. No one speaks on behalf of black Venezuelans and black Cubans? Black people are the wretched of the earth.

  34. Hal Austin
    January 24, 2019 4:04 AM

    No one speaks on behalf of black Venezuelans and black Cubans? Black people are the wretched of the earth.


    The impression I get of Cuba has always been that Cubans are Cubans, regardless of colour.

    As I understood what I saw and read of Cuba, the blood that was shed fighting the Spanish was red!!!

    It is only in countries in the Caribbean where independence was a gift and no blood was shed that the black white division was pushed by politicians!!

    I think that is one of the biggest differences between a country like Barbados and Cuba.

    I have not researched Venezuela as much but since independence from Spain was also won by bloodshed, I suspect the same situation prevails.

    In Venezuela, blood is also red!!


    No one speaks on behalf of Black Cubans or Black Venezuelans because there are none!!

  35. There are lessons we can learn from Venezuela and Cuba which are worthwhile!!

  36. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    Comissiong needs to stop that shite…it means he will also spreand propaganda if his cousin Mia starts to do stupid shit to the people in Barbados, but he better be warned…none of us is having it..he knows well enough that Maduro is a useless nuisance and parasite in the lives of vulnerable and helpless Venezuelans …condoning that level of human rights abuses says a lot about him…as usual cherrypicking which wrongdoing to defend..

    “A group of Venezuelans living in Barbados is accusing local dignitaries of deliberately spreading propaganda on behalf of the Venezuelan government by returning with fake news reports on the country’s situation after government-sponsored trips to the country.

    Upset Venezuelans told Barbados TODAY that the “propaganda” was intended to give the impression that “everything is fine and dandy” in the country, which is widely reported as being in the midst of a humanitarian crisis, fuelled by a dictator.”

  37. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    “Black people are the wretched of the earth.”

    It’s the RACIST WRETCHED OF THE EARTH..who put down black people, because they know why, even though most blacks don’t and don’t want to know, they do so with the help of the dumbest blacks….particularly with the help of black leaders, the scum that floats to the top…..put it in it’s proper context..

  38. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    “No one speaks on behalf of Black Cubans or Black Venezuelans because there are none!!”

    you are lying John.

    When all the money and land they stole from the majority population, helped by politicians to do so, is taken away from the minorities in Barbados, what will you say then….what will be you next lying excuse..

    the racism against black people in Cuba and Venezuela is indeed ugly, it is an extension of what takes place around the world and is even worse in Brazil….and Spain.

  39. John

    That fact of the matter is you really do not know what you are talking about as far as Black Cubans are concerned …because I can’t tell you that I have watched a documentary on Cubans Blacks several years ago … And many them spoke of how they were being marginalized in the Cuban society … I know you are going to try to convince me that it is American propaganda at play here…

  40. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    When Rwanda was undergoing its genocide, several months elapsed before a very knowledgeable United States, AND FOR THAT MATTER, INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY developed the balls to formulate a position AND THEREAFTER SPEAK OUT ABOUT THE SCOURGE OF GENOCIDE

    De ole man has learnt that character and morality DOES NOT EVER NEED TO “GROW A PAIR ”


    Men like David Come Sing a Song ffind themselves in a major conundrum BECAUSE THEJR STATE OF BALLSLESS TURPITUDE leave them paralysed and incapable of making and choice or saying and doing anything

    David, LIKE HIS MASTER MUGABE, hope and pray that is matter of Venezuela disappears so that he, as CARICOM Ambassador, AND SHE, AS MUGABE RISING, DONT VET CAUGHT DECRYING THE VERY ACTS THEY WILL EFFECT IN A FEW MONTHS


    Behold the hell hole of killings that attend the druglands that Barbados has become

    Yet, as incredulous as this has become, not a fellow, barring Barbados Underground Whistleblower, has the balls to speak out about these killers and murderers

    Whether it is drug related OR domestic violence, the church, the school, the business community, the keyboard warriors of whom. I number, the Police, the Attorney General, the he CARICOM Ambassador NOR THE PRIME MINISTER have the gumption to speak out BECAUSE WE ALL FEAR BEING GUNNED DOWN BY LORD EVIL AND KTHERS OF THIS TYPE.

    Let us all be honest with ourselves.

    We have lost the battle against social harmony BECAUSE OF THIS RUBBING OF SHOULDERS WITH THE DRUGDEALERS.



    So de ole man will tell all of you what to do.

    I will write it as a blog submission for you readers and you the incompetent politicians who WE THE PEOPLE HAVE GIVEN, ONE TERM!!!

  41. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster

    Your assistance please with an item of drivel here thank you

    @ John the Quaker

    Surely you hest about the Cuban and Venezuelan injustice against blacks?

    The thing about people like you AND THAT IDIOT LEXICUNT is that neither of you has ever been to, nor corresponded with, poor black people, IN EITHER CLIME and, even in the absence of such, wunna still talking CAUSE WUNNA GOT A MOUF!!!

  42. I have family in Cucuta so if commisong or anybody tells you things are not so bad in Venezuela they are speaking with a forked tongue. Thousands come over the simon bolivar bridge with nothing and are being helped by locals with meager resources.

  43. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    Next John will be telling us we can learn something from racist, murderous Argentina who killed all their African descendants, stole the Tango dance and are now slithering around in black majority Barbados, pretending to teach African descendants their own dance…

    …..ah still want to know what nasty strife and criminal activities…they are up to at the behest of tiefing Cow and the other criminal minorities now residents of Argentina….against the majority population on the island….

    …don’t expect Mia or Comissiong to tell us what demonic forces they brought with them..

  44. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    Lawson…Comissiong is making himself more and more untrustworthy spewing shit he knows is not true..

    …..just like with the Ralph Gonsalves matter where he was ready to take the side of his vile comrade instead of protecting a young, black vulnerable victim.

    he has to be called out for cherry picking what human rights violations that suits him when it involves the criminals he loves and he turns a blind eye..he still does not realize that is his weakness..

    That shit gotta be nipped in the bud now..

  45. What will Russia now do with the two supersonic nuclear bombers that are currently in Venezuela?

  46. “Comissiong is making himself more and more untrustworthy spewing shit he knows is not true….”

    Are you referring to this article…….and was it written by Commisiong?

  47. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    No Artax…I happen to know Commission personally and know when to take him on, he is very skilled at filing pertinent legal documents when he does cherrypick the causes he wants to promote…it was very instructive that it was Pilgrim who had to defend and help the young lady Yuuge in St. Vincent against the abuses she suffered ……while Comissiong hid…. and…he has been promoting false information about the plight of the beleaguered Venezuelan people for quite some time…..let’s just leave it at that for now..

    Ah think I am literate enough to know when Comissiong has written an article…I happen to know his writing style..

  48. Any individual or group who can straddle both sides of political idealogies with ease giving no fore thought as to how they would bebperceived in the eyes of the people got to be Untrustworthy
    I have never and will never endorse anything Commisiong utters right or wrong on the political landscape .
    If there was ever a wolf in sheeps clothing he is one

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