Submitted by Sunshine Sunny Shine (SSS)
mia mottley
Posted to Imgur

When the Mottley led BLP were in opposition, startling revelations by them suggested that the then DLP Stuart led government was corrupt, dishonest, and happily kept silent on important matters that should have engaged the public’s interest.

Mottley, agitated by the sequence of disturbing events unfolding under Stuart and his team, fought to have a moral basis established in Barbados politics. She pursued this basis by first tabling a move to have the then speaker of the house, Michael Carrington resign on grounds that his action in a money matter involving an elderly gentleman was unethical and immoral. So incensed was she, that several walking out of parliament became the protest action norm against this obvious condoning of inappropriate conduct.

She furthered her quest for moral politics by bringing the integrity of Freundel Stuart into the spot light. Stuart who wanted persons to believe that he was honest and upright, lied to the Barbadian people when he said he was unaware of the doings in the Cahill deal, when he had signed of on it many months before.

Fast forwarding to the Mia Amor Mottley who is now Prime Minister of Barbados, we are left to wonder what happened to that ethical and moral compass she brought to bear against Stuart and his DLP colleagues. A compass that many felt would be the change that Barbadians long for. Unfortunately, it was short lived.

For starters, there are serious accusations against two of Mottley ministers in the form of Payne and Marshall that have not once been addressed by her. If Carrington’s action was unethical, then any claims concerning inappropriateness by two ministers should have brought her moral compass to bear down on them.

Then there is the matter of her bloated cabinet versus those struggling civil servants sent home as the sacrificial few to keep the whole intact. Why only the bottom and not the top. Certainly this is ground to bring your ethical compass to forefront of things and show Barbadians that you everyone must make sacrifices including the top.

Then there is the tweaking of the constitution to accommodate two friends, but no investigations launch into the financial issues surrounding those of the Democratic Labour Party accused of corruption. Or. no quick move to have legislation put in place to deal with minister corruption, collusion, and wheel and deal.

The SSS has frequently stated that Mottley is a rogue and if she is to believed, otherwise, it certainly cannot be proven when she wants to bestow upon her father a knighthood that is not deserving at this time.

462 responses to “The Mottley Saga – A Promise of Change but More of the Same”

  1. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ Donna

    Donna you flushing very often. Do you want to breakdown the newly repaired South Coast Sewerage system or what ? Do not let these bad words use your WC.

  2. Hal

    I felt that if the other political parties had presented themselves better – then we would have had the best from the UPP – perhaps a 3 or 4 elected members,the best from solution,perhaps a young neil harper,then a few from the DLP and a few from the BLP.

    In other words a bowl of soup and not a plate of stew -that is -,a Coalition type government.

    Government by consensus – but then again that might be wishful thinking because Mia might be able to get Sir Chefette to buy out 2 from Solutions, and Cow might be able to help out 2 from UPP and we are back to square one.

    The Dems don’t ever have any influence with the business sector except when they form the government – so forget them and getting money to pay anybody.

    What we in this country have to do is to stop ridiculing persons who offer up themselves on 3rd party tickets – because that seems to be the only viable option for change right now.

    I have a lot more respect for the Lynette Eastmonds , Grenville Phillips or even the Caswells of this world – who are willing to swim against the tide – and If they are sincere in their intentions – then I want to see people like that rewarded with their seats or in positions of influence as far as the development of the country is concerned.

  3. were i to rate the performance of the BLP thus far i would give it 5 out of 10.

    let me begin by saying that the DLP had to go- it was piss poor in its messaging and the results or lack thereof that followed.

    i will rate the BLP by its electioneering promises against what it has achieved.

    first off, there was absolutely no need to make all those pie in the sky promises to win this particular election. no matter what, the DLP was going to lose- the DLP knew it, bajans knew it and even the Guyanese knew. so all the BLP had to do was to promise fiscal responsibility, rule of law and infrastructure rehabilitation. 2 out of 10

    the economy – MAM campaigned that the economy was worse than the DLP was saying. yet when she became PM feigned surprise that the economy was worse than it seemed and promptly reneged on a debt repayment- 0 out of 10

    implementation of the sewage/water tax, fuel tax and abolition of the NSRL and Road Tax- from a pure revenue generating standpoint those those taxes are brilliant and i would congratulate those who thought of them. imagine not hooked up to a sewage system but you must pay taxes toward it, same as those who are hooked up and benefit from its usage? imagine those cutting grass and boat owners having to paying taxes on fuel to replace a road tax but they dont used the road like a vehicle does with boat owners still having to pay whatever licence goes along with the ownership of a boat? imagine getting rid of the NSRL with the loud hue and cry that prices will come down ….and they didnt? brilliant piece of jip and jive that was. 12 out of 10 there. pure brilliance that was.

    restructuring of our debt- 10 out of 10. like we had a choice after reneging on debt repayment

    of cabinet posts and czars and gurus, Jong and changing the constitution to appoint certain senators- 0 out of 10. if that needs explaining then like Hal Austin says- Bim is a failed state.

    public service retrenchment- the BLP in its first step into parliament could have changed legislation to be able to cut civil service salary, then temporarily cut salaries 2 to 10 percent from the bottom to the top or something similar and offer early retirement packages. from there they could have still looked to retrench some positions and so could have embarked on a full review of every position for usefulness with the unions and let natural attrition do the rest. LIFO is BS. imagine firing cashiers and now revenues cant be collected or has slowed dramatically. i understand this may have been a demand of the IMF and govt had no time to plan but still MAM knew she was going to the IMF so she should have had this planned out- 2 out of 10

    there was a lot of talk about trash collection, bus service, pot holes and South Coast sewage- MAM made it sound as though the BLP knew exactly how it would fix each of these issues. yet we now know that they are no easy fixes and the problems are still there notwithstanding long talk from various ministers looking for camera time. for sheer ventilation of the issues- 6 out of 10

    govt corruption – a lot was made of the corruption in government. if we listened carefully we would have believed that such acts only started from 2008 and stopped in 2018 with the election of the BLP. if you believed that i have a working sewage plant in St Philip to sell. i call BS on this. the BLP between 1994 and 2008 was the most corrupted govt in the history of Bim. The DLP between 2010 and 2018 tried its best to out do them but the Bs had 4 year more in its favour. nevertheless to much fanfare a lot was made of Inniss’s arrest in the US and the proposed integrity legislation of the BLP. 5 out of 10.

    of tax forgiveness- MAM forgave taxes owed to government between 1968 and 2000 or thereabouts. understand this- forgave not restructured at 10 cents on each dollar of taxes owed. it means that those who owed back taxes to the Govt for this period dont have to pay. most of those who owed are businesses in existence, whose leading man marched with MAM and the unions. this tax forgiveness seems to be a nod to private business for their support. pure bollocks that. they will do it again and again. if they can get away now they will try again- 0 out of 10.

    knighthoods- in this day and age is crap. Bim national awards fine, mother country titles nah especially when you conferred one on your father six months after he cried out of one eye on national TV that you did not forgive the interests on his debts owed to govt. i wonder whether his name was not on the list of those whose full debts were forgiven? 0 out of 10.

    gun violence- there has been no address on this issue by MAM, Hinkson or Marshall yet almost everyday someone gets killed by gunfire. i suggest MAM meet with the drug dealers she invited to the opening of parliament and work out a truce. 1 out of 10

    overall confidence- 7 out of 10. Bim is relieved to see the back of that last iteration of the DLP but the BLP seems to be misreading the tea leaves and think that election of the BLP was a full confidence vote in the over promises of the BLP and endorsement of MAM as a leader.

    overall performance grade 5 out of 10 with lots of room for improvement . i wish them as the best for Bim’s sake

  4. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Mr Blogmaster, u noted that is was “A reasonable concern.” And went in to add that [t]he political class operates based on promising the electorate (sheeple) pie in the sky stuff… The people who finance the political parties are the ones who commander the loyalty.”

    A truism for 2019 and beyond and all the years since 1966… Yet we have these folks who are deeply devoted to their political alingment who can speak well of their operatives and malign the others…it’s utter nonsense.

    @Vincent, Skinner et al have parsed it clearly and bluntly: sans the middle bar B is D and B is D.

    And indeed we elect those who look and behave like us every five years “What a pickle!”… Another truism!

    I get all the endless debate but unless we come to grips with OUR behaviour how can we expect some grand change of actions/persona from the elected officials!

    That makes absolutely no sense.

    The author bluntly highlighted that “…we are left to wonder what happened to that ethical and moral compass she brought to bear against Stuart and his DLP colleagues. A compass that many felt would be the change that Barbadians long for. Unfortunately, it was short lived.”

    I have said this before and feel compelled to repeat it: who honestly perceived that MAM was actually going to set a high moral code of conduct…other than those at the old named Jinkins/Green Gates, lackeys or fools!

    The author, @Pieces and the entire crew of rationale folks here and beyond certainly did not based on their commentaries…we just wanted the change from one set of incompetents and were basically unimpressed with other candidate leaders!

    My point is simple: we must indeed prosecute (ideally in the courts) these various conflicts of interests and alleged malfesance that we read in the Auditor General report or here/social media
    but let’s also move beyond what is basically a lot of same old same old infelicities with petty chatter and as noted look at the functional matters towards the economy and society…the objective issues heralded above. ( As you also do here on BU).

    Moreso, there is an AUTOMATIC term limits system in place … so are Bajans going to use that effectively to remove this “rogue” govt?

    Likely NOT… So just lots of chatter on personalities and still we reelect them.

    Yes, what a cucumber…pickled B or D.

  5. sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore) Avatar
    sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore)

    Vincent Codrington January 5, 2019 10:38 AM

    @ Donna

    Donna you flushing very often. Do you want to breakdown the newly repaired South Coast Sewerage system or what ? Do not let these bad words use your WC.

    @ Vincent @ Donna, Donna really needs to be careful what she flushes. There is a PSA from BWA about flushing the wrong things into the sewer lines. Donna you may need to deposit it at the landfill now that the tipping fees have been removed. lol

  6. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David Bu

    I was hoping you were going to shift your approach to getting a serious analysis of the performance of the Mottley lead BLP to date. But your caption to this submission guarantees you the same comments you have been getting over the past three days. Is this a diversionary ploy? What more disruptive news are you planning to deliver boazee?

    I believe by now the PM is chastened and will be more wary of missteps going forward.

  7. @Vincent

    The caption belongs to SSS.

    It is too early to analysis the impact of the measures so far in the opinion of the blogmaster. You are free to share your view.


    The failure to maintain and repair the buses could only have been because of no money to import the parts required.

    Even if the ” no money ” was the result of tiefing “, now that MIA and the BLP GOT THIS, we should expect that the parts to repair the buses will be imported and the buses repaired.


  9. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    IN the name of Common Sense

    Sticks and stones. You obviously do not know the SSS. If you start with insults, you piece of hard yesteryear shit, I will come at you with a different insult every day. You have not yet been in the reigns of power for a good year yet and already feeling nice and good to Knight your own father! Barbados is still in the tentative-sensitive stage. How the heck you think bajans, outside of shites like you and other lapdogs, feel about this move. It sends the wrong frigging signals.

    Why the heck she does not give the press the freedom to investigate without consequence? Why she does not give the Auditor General some powers to clean up the thieving going on government? Why she do not enact the much-needed Integrity and Whistleblower legislation like how she change the constitution to accommodate in a flash? Look, I was in silent for a while and loving it. If you want a war with SSS, bring em on. I like war

  10. In the Name of Common Sense Avatar
    In the Name of Common Sense

    @ Donna

    If you check my first comment yesterday, you will see a comment filled with nothing but dignity and respect. Since then based on the amount of nonsense that you and others have posted have found it necessary to speak in language which I think you can understand, i.e. that of arrogance, condescension and vulgarity. At times I was little heavy handed and for that I apologise to the decent members of this chatroom. For the decent among us, of which few comment, you must understand that if you travel to Italy you must speak Italian to be able to communicate with the locals. When I come to BU, it is necessary to speak in the language of the intellectually primitive.

    P.S. David, a great deal of your submissions lack any linear development of thought, and therefore it has become your wont to reach illogical conclusions, such as the last few articles. The hullabaloo over this honour is completely unnecessary. You asked for objective analysis of the performance of the Government. I provided one side of the coin, and there has been little engagement, apart from one or two people. Let’s get back to the issues.

  11. Where is your objective analysis? Repost it, it was missed. Hopefully not because it was not objective lol.

  12. In the Name of Common Sense Avatar
    In the Name of Common Sense


    Only those without experience of war, thirst for it. Unlike you, I have a pulse of the ordinary folk who quite frankly don’t care about this honour. Many of you folks want everything to be done right away, without understanding that it will take time. Give them a chance. But oppositionists like you just want to oppose. Hence why you are a scumbag miscreant who deliberately stirs up trouble. There is a special place in Hell for folks like you.

  13. @Vincent,

    We should give the government a year for the Ministers to complete their”on the job training”. lol

    I read the Nation and BarbadosToday every day. Some of the Ministers need help.

    ” “I will bring back in the architects and have a conversation with them and, if at all possible, the engineers. I must first understand what they were hoping to achieve and when I can do that maybe we can then work on developing it,” he said.”

  14. How many times have local investors been giving the “run around ” on receiving timely payments
    This govt manifesto is loaded wirh words like Hope and putting the interest of people first like putting money in their pockets
    Seven months later and the only thing the people have received is wagon loaded with govt debt and ongoing empty promises
    Two garbage trucks for the poor to keep them quiet
    While the rich is being handed financial and special rewards

  15. In the Name of Common Sense Avatar
    In the Name of Common Sense

    @ David

    Real mature comment. I can now safely relegate you to the ranks of the contemptible SSS, WARU and Hal Austin. You have not yet reached the level of Donna, who is in a demonic league of her own. But you can get there if you try real hard now. Although you’re in real competition with SSS whose ploughing ahead nicely to take Donna’s position.

  16. The blogmaster also has a pulse on ordinary opinion, both Caswell and this blog have gon viral on FB and Whapsapp. You want to hazard a guess why?

  17. You may have the last word.

  18. I don’t know why Mia and her 1950’s mentality ilk feel they can continue to INSULT and DISRESPECT the intelligence of the new age Bajan…just that mistake alone tells us that she …JUST LIKE THE DLP CLOWNS…is not IN TUNE …with the NEEDS and WANTS of the people …WHO ELECTED HER..

    She will thereforR make mistake after mistake….,,as she started to do MONTHS AGO… because she sees those who elected her as ..BENEATH HER…just like Fruendolittlel and his Gang of jackasses did…until it turns into a major cockup…just as it did for Fruendolitte and his fellow lowlifes…

    but don’t mind me…no one can lock me up and put any ankle monitor on me for tiefing from the people, hiding all the money and properties in offshore accounts, bribery, corruption, money laundering or anything else…

    so I can afford to EXPOUND…

  19. Thanks for the advice Vincent and Sir Fuzzy. I always take good advice.


    Murdah! I go dead!


    I hand the “waste of a foop, sorry COPULATION ” over to the queen – SSS! She will dispose of it appropriately.

  20. In the Name of Common Sense Avatar
    In the Name of Common Sense

    @ David

    Please don’t discuss Caswell. That man is not suitable for civil discussion.

    On your other point, BU is not popular among the Barbadian populace. Its just a few miscreants that mislead you into believing that you have the support of Bajans. Well sorry to burst your bubble, you don’t.

    I’ve heard that a principal of a school in Barbados once told his children in Assembly that people who read BU should drop dead as they wallow in gossip and lies. That doesn’t sound like a blog with popular support.

    PS “blogmaster” my ass

  21. This dummy…comes on BU..only because they were SENT…TO CHANGE THE NARRATIVE….

    ..oh really?

    better than you came before…ask DLP….now in EXILE.

  22. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ Hants at 11 :28 AM

    A year ? Did you say? After your subsequent quotation,do you think that is time enough? You are very generous.

    Time for Santa Claus to return to the North Pole. Do make sure you use the correct moral compass.

  23. How in the Name of good commonsense can any one ask for govt to be given a chance when govt policies so far has dug every bajan household into further debt.

  24. When we really get going …ya will know…yall are CRYING TOO EARLY, still 4 years 5 months to go…

    if ya running scared now and CANNOT take the heat, what do you think will happen in another 3 years….

    tick, tock…

  25. You are so simple minded that it eludes you blogs posted on BU propagate on WhatsApp , Facebook, LinkedIn and other platforms. Oftentimes snippets are circulated. Why don’t you ask Jong for a 101 crash course in the influence of social media?

  26. In the Name of Common Sense Avatar
    In the Name of Common Sense

    @ WARU

    I don’t know that the Dems are in exile. All that has happened is that you all have re0laced them as trouble makers in chief whose sole mission is to disrupt Barbados. If we were in the States I would say you all are employed by the Russians such is the level of treachery to Barbados. Anyway I’m told that at this time folks like you and Donna have to go and perform some ritual to the God of Vulgarity, Deception, and Slander. Don’t let me keep you from prayers. Hal seems like he wants to join you and Donna so take him with you please.

  27. Looks like the BLP has an upgraded version of ac.

  28. what does “re0laced” means…it is not any english, french or spanish word that I know…..

    ya need to crawl back in ya hole, ya will not like the outcome of ya stupidity, that’s for sure….yardfowls never fare well on BU..

  29. In the Name of Common Sense Avatar
    In the Name of Common Sense

    @ Mariposa

    How do you propose Barbados be rescued without some level of dislocation. If you have cancer, you have to go through the discomfort of an op to remove the tumour and the you can live cancer free. But you can’t go from having a cancerous tumour in your body to being cancer free without the essential step of removing it. That takes time. Hence give them a chance to settle in. Even before they were settled they’ve done done some great things which I listed much earlier.

  30. David

    People like he or she is the least of our problems.

    They have to earn their scratch grain.

    And they are sent out to distract with their 5 talking points.

  31. In the Name of Common Sense Avatar
    In the Name of Common Sense

    @ T. Inniss

    Who sent me?
    I have asked for civilised debate on two occasions this morning. No one is taking me on. Would you like to buck the trend or follow the trend and participate in the wild disinformation campaign undertaken by BU and many of those who comment here?

  32. In the Name of Common Sense Avatar
    In the Name of Common Sense

    Anyway, unlike a great deal of you all I have a rather busy schedule and cannot spend all of my tine trying ti correct your lies. So I’m gone for now. I’ll be back soon, so don’t miss me too much WARU and Donna and SSS. You have free rein to spread all the lies and propaganda and disinformation you want for a little bit until later. I know youll make the most of it.

    Common Sense Always and Forever

  33. In the name of Common sense i would agree on point that this govt was not handing the shot load os debt to the poor and gullible
    For what it is worth this govt unilateral decisions has not hurt the rich in the same manner that it has hurt the more
    Imagine giving Corporate Barbados huge tax breaks at a time when the economy is in a state if hemorrhage lacking productivity and revenue
    Govt proceeds to present a policy which has been proven to be formulated on vodoo economics where it foremost. favours the rich and hoping the crumbs to fall on the bottom for the poor to fight over
    It is hard not to see who and where govt policies will go and those who will benefit

  34. Is that what you intended to be objective analysis? This listing? See quick comments.

    Objective Analysis of MAM’s First Six Months in Office –

    Bus fleet brought from 63 to over 100 – not according to Chairman Gregory Nicholls, refer to his statement of yesterday
    More buses on the way (energy efficient ones too) – there is a RFP, not aware that the procurement order has gone out. Also there needs to be transparency with the TB- is there a plan to privatize?
    Foreign reserves up – agree, but up from borrowing, selected default NOT earning
    Investor confidence restored – granted there is a little improvement, however, we will have to wait to see the new projects as a result.
    Sewage off the streets – there was a diversion of sewage to the swamp. However there has been a real attempt to fix the problem which is temporary in nature. The real work still has to be done i.e implement a holistic waste management system
    Pensioners get increase in pensions – pensioners at the bottom of the rung received a small increase to offset sewage levy added to the water bill. hush
    Civil servants get increase in wages and salaries – see #6 and add how change in bands impacted some
    Sewage off the streets. see #5
    Barbados now complaints with OECD regulations on corporate taxation – agreed
    Garbage trucks on the way – two on island others promised end of month. Will we be able to maintained them? Time will tell. Garbage still on the streets, let us see improvement first! Also see #5
    In the mean time, scheduling at SSA has been improved such that everyone in Barbados should have their garbage collected weekly or at least fortnightly (I can personally attest to this as I am back to twice a week)- really?

    NSRL gone – Yes and replaced with what?
    Road patching has begin to eliminate the vexing issue of potholes – Agree there is improvement in the road fixing program. It is a drop in the bucket as to what is required to rehabilitate the road network. Report back in 6 months.
    Anti corruption legislation passed by House in its second reading. At committee stage currently. On track to given royal assent at sometime this year. – report back when it is operationalized
    Hard decisions had to be made unfortunately. Consequently:
    A. Some civil servants sent home – from the bottom
    B. Debt exchange undertaken – Agreed, barbadians who were encouraged to save no have to accept a haircut, no choice
    C. Additional taxes imposed but they share the burden- PR fluff

  35. More chaos with these Gov’t lay offs.

    This time it has to do with the 45 persons sent home from Portvale Factory – and now there was no one to prepare for the Sugar harvest starting soon.

    Is this the brilliant leader that we are supposed to have /

    Is this the sort of advice we are paying such high fees for from people like kevin greenidge,avinash persaud,Mascoll etc

    Mia was waiting in the wings to take the last govt down and then emerge prime minister from since 2008 – so much so that she could not even wait for Thompson to die before she was chanting – Freundel call the elections -call the elections.

    You mean to tell me she could not spend some of that time in waiting – putting together a proper economic plan as an alternative?

    None of this should be taking her by surprise – but I guess what it really is – that Mia likes the trappings of office (like Trump) – and not the hard slugging that goes with the office.

    So Straughn who it is said is not a qualified economist ( not that economists have too much credibility since the financial meltdown) – is left to carry the bulk of the work formulating economic policy, going to the press explaining them etc – while Mia waits for the right photo op – to lyingly boast -‘promise made promise kept’.

  36. Back to this comment, do you know what is interesting? Senator Irene Sandiford-Garner at the time posted a similar comment a few years ago to the blog in response to real feedback from the BU family. You be the judge.

  37. Pompass,

    I understand Shakespeare. You are no problem. No need to “debase” your superior self on my behalf. Now let’s see how you do.

    Question –

    When you stoop to my level does that make you a lowlife demon too??????


    Any hooo,

    Back to the topic at hand. We understand that it will take some time for even the basic needs of the masses to be met. Forgive us for thinking that the Mottley family would stand with the masses in at least one little thing. They have everything they need.

    Must they also have EVERYTHING THEY WANT????????????

    What happened to a likkle bit of solidarity?

    Ya mean you who think your brain is soooo big cannot understand a likkle concept like SOLIDARITY????????

    Ya degenerate!

    When fools are talking they think that are fools listening. There! I have diagnosed your problem.

  38. Electric bus project in the works

    Katrina King
    Published on
    January 4, 2019

    Williams Industries will be embarking on a pilot project with the Barbados Transport Board to transform some of its redundant buses to electric.

    Chairman of Williams Industries, Ralph Bizzy Williams, informed Barbados TODAY that they would be taking the diesel buses with engine and transmission issues and converting them.

    “It is going to start with one or two and if it works we will take as many as the transport board is willing to let us have to replace the diesel engines with electric,” Williams said.

    Applauding the move by the Transport Board to roll out 120 to 180 electric buses within 12 to 18 months, Williams said it was “ a very wise move” by authorities.

    He stressed that the move to alternative energy sources would cut costs and maintenance issues for the Board which has been riddled with a declining fleet with less than 100 of 295 buses operating.

    “The cost of electricity to run an electric car is less than half the cost of gasoline to run a similar sized car even if you buy it directly from the [Barbados] Light and Power. So even if the electricity rates are increased slightly it will still be much cheaper to run electric cars and buses than diesel cars and buses. The maintenance is much less because there are far fewer moving parts in an electric vehicle than in a diesel powered vehicle,” Williams explained.

    However, he warned that as authorities rolled out the new fleet of electric vehicles bus drivers and technicians must be properly trained.

    “My word of caution would be that proper technicians
    need to be trained that know how to maintain the electric buses and the cars. There are lots of young, very bright people in Barbados who I am confident can be trained,” Williams

    Chairman of the Transport board, Gregory Nicholls, told Barbados TODAY the objective of the pilot project was “to see whether the bus can work” after it had been converted. He outlined that with the establishment of an electric fleet, the board was moving towards an eco-friendly economy.

    “The fuel costs would be significantly lower and we can put in photovoltaic and also sell back energy that would make our purchase of electricity almost down to zero. There is a lot of opportunities in moving cleaner and moving green,” Nicholls said.

  39. “Even before they were settled they’ve done done some great things which I listed much earlier.”

    ya obviously DONT KNOW what GREAT THINGS LOOK LIKE…mediocrity is NOT GREATNESS..

    Mia had MORE HAN ENOUGH TIME…to implement most of her false promises, but did she…no..

    ……she thinks she can string out the populi for 4 years 5 months while navigating the landmines that DLP will BLOW HER UP WITH…if she tries to lock up any of them for theft , bribery and corruption…or try to REPATRIATE THE MONEY THEY ALL STOLE…..from the people …..even if they can’t touch the money..cause FBI eyes PEELED…lol

  40. “Senator Irene Sandiford-Garner at the time posted a similar comment a few years ago to the blog in response to real feedback from the BU family. ”

    and all that RETARD managed to do back then was piss me off…some people never learn cause they all carry the same limited intellect….DLP …EXILED.

  41. This Common Shitehound does not understand that his intervention is adding fuel to the fire and making the discussion more fun and interesting to the average reader. A little sewer fight goes a looooong way!

    Or is he a smart DLP operative?


    He is just a man who thinks he is smarter than he is and that we are less smart than we are.



    Come back soon, Pompass!

    Oops! Did I let the cat out of the bag?

    Silly me!

  42. Man I want to get on the COW or Maloney gravy train. No matter how the coin flips, these are still the go-to guys.
    But you have to hope that they succeed in getting more buses on the road.
    Poor peaceful and polite was all about proper English when he/she first arrived. The later posts seem to have a number of mistakes. One can only conclude that (1) They are in a hurry top respond or (2) several people are using the same id. T

  43. In the name of Common sense i would agree on point that this govt was not handing the shit load of debt to the poor and gullible
    For what it is worth this govt unilateral decisions has not hurt the rich in the same manner that it has hurt the poor
    Imagine giving Corporate Barbados huge tax breaks at a time when the economy is in a state of hemorrhage lacking productivity and revenue
    Govt proceeds to present a policy which has been proven to be formulated on vodoo economics where it foremost. favours the rich and hoping the crumbs to fall on the bottom for the poor to fight over
    It is hard not to see who and where govt policies will go and those who will benefit

  44. What eludes the youngster is that it takes only a spark to fire a blaze.

  45. WARU,

    The principal of A SCHOOL told his students not to read BU. That is sure to have the opposite effect. LOL.

    This common shite fellow extrapolates that BU does not have the support of the populace because “a principal” told his students not to visit.

    When fools are talking they think that fools are listening.


    What do political meetings attract so many Bajans?


    So they can hear “highlife” politicians do the same thing we do here on BU! In the worse way. As a matter of fact that is where we get some of our material.


  46. It is possible that the BLP were just not ready. Perhaps they prepared for being a larger opposition but never being the actual winner. Winners, unlucky and unprepared.

    To the winners goes the job of managing the country but they hit on the bright idea of doing what the DLP did. The smallest criticism is now met with an apologist providing an example showing the DLP did the same thing or something similar.

    What we thought would be a new start has become the third term of a BDLP administration.

  47. “The principal of A SCHOOL told his students not to read BU. That is sure to have the opposite effect. LOL.”

    all parents know that DON’T …and NOT TO …means DO…

    but let’s say no more, it is what it is and just as it should be..

  48. This govt biggest problem is by giving people high expectations
    Expectations which have (turned out) to built on self-serving lies and deceit
    Now being prpogated by media practitioners through fake news and blp cackling geese the likes of David BU and Prodigal and enuff
    Now all and sundry must forget that this govt had a laundry list full of goodies on how to fix the countries problems

  49. Correction- Why do political parties attract so many Bajans?

  50. You are such an ignaramus. To think the blog you have posted your comment is critical of Mia Mottley and the government. In other words, hosted by BU.

The blogmaster invites you to join the discussion.


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