As a teenager visiting the Plaza cinema to watch Kung Fu movies, there was always at least one unruly person who put his feet on the chair in front of him and behaved badly. During those times, I would wonder where the adults were.

I remember promising myself that when I reached 30 years of age, I would be the adult whom I expected to intervene. Since reaching that milestone, I have tried to keep that promise in defense of others. It is one of the reasons why I entered politics, and is the main reason why I write these weekly articles.

During my career, I have witnessed much wickedness in high places. The level of corruption is so shocking that anyone reading about it could not be faulted for concluding that it was fiction.

In 1995, Transparency International (TI) published their first Corruption Perceptions Index report, which exposed the extent of corruption globally. They published their second report in 1996. The Caribbean was not included in these early reports, but it was only a matter of time before TI would focus on the Caribbean.

In an act of pure coincidence, in 1997 our parliamentarians effectively discouraged any public discussion of corruption by passing the Defamation Act. Under this act, anyone who revealed genuine cases of corruption, with incontrovertible evidence, could be found guilty of defamation and punished accordingly. However, the Act protects politicians if they talked about it in parliament.

Not long ago, I attended a committee meeting of a statutory corporation, where some members were formally discussing giving a no-bid contract to a contractor. I stated that what they were proposing was corruption. There was a very heated exchange – the fellow actually rose to his feet to fight me. They seemed completely unaware of what corruption actually was, but were highly offended at being associated with it.
The corrupt operate in the secret political economy, which is normally exclusively reserved for political supporters in exchange for bribes. The way of corruption is for Ministers to instruct that no-bid contracts should be awarded to specific companies.
Inexperienced Ministers tend to deceive themselves by their good intentions. They tend to stumble onto the path of corruption by trying to justify allowing no-bid contracts. The current BLP administration has many inexperienced Ministers just waiting to stumble, and I am trying my best to prevent them from falling.
A root cause of our economic problems is the corrupting practise of Ministers directing no-bid contracts. The DLP made themselves highly offensive with that deplorable practise over the past decade. Shockingly, the BLP appear to be carrying on where the DLP left off, but in an even more brazen manner, as if that were even possible.
Last week, many BLP parliamentarians delighted their supporters by accusing the last DLP administration of gross corruption. Ironically, during the same week, the BLP appeared to play the hypocrite by announcing several major no-bid contracts, and they had the gall to boast about it. No! No! No! No! No! and ten thousand times No! We simply cannot go down that road again. All of this austerity cannot be in vain.
Has the BLP learnt nothing from the DLP’s unconscionable behaviour? Why is the government persisting, even more brazenly, with this corrupting political economy? Why is the government intentionally disqualifying competent companies from tendering for tax-payer funded projects? Why is the government shielding politically favoured companies from competing? Are the Ministers aware that when they give no-bid contracts, the public tends to pay many times over for the resulting bad work and bad advice?
Let me write directly to the BLP’s inexperienced parliamentarians. We have been here many times before. We are sick of the ‘good intentions’ excuses that have been used to justify keeping a political economy for the exclusive use of the Party’s politically protected companies. The end never justifies the corrupting means – ever.
I implore you to reject the political economy and the way of the corrupting no-bid contracts. Those who go down that road rarely find their way back, since they sell their souls to the master corrupter who will not easily let them go. Expect some political supporters to demand their pre-paid share of the political economy from you.
They will pressure you to award them no-bid contracts with the typical excuse of urgency. Once you have been tricked into starting down that dark road, the nation will suffer. Companies who bully their way to the trough of the political economy, knowingly disqualify the most competent companies from tendering on government contracts. They should be utterly ashamed of themselves.
You will also be pressured into believing that it is specialist work that only they can do. Unless they own the patent, or have an exclusive-use contract for the technology, then that is a well-worn lie from the very pit of hell. Why not challenge their ridiculous assertion by allowing a competitive tender? What is the possible benefit to yourselves or the country of disqualifying the country’s most competent companies from tendering? I expect an answer to this question from each of you.
There is no right way to do wrong things, and giving no-bid major contracts is definitely wrong. Further, giving no-bid contracts in a depressed economy is so far beyond wrong as to qualify as satanic.

I implore you, repent of this evil and do right things. In your manifesto, every one of you promised, on your sacred honour, that you would provide a Contractor General to review government contracts and those of State Owned Enterprises. You have had enough time to establish this critical post, yet you have failed to do so. What happened? Was this another initiative that must be a sacrificed casualty of the unnecessary BERT austerity plan? Have you even read that secret plan?

Your options are simple. Either repent and terminate those corrupting no-bid contracts and allow a fair tender process, or be deceived with your ‘good intentions’ and continue down the road to hell.


Grenville Phillips II is a Chartered Structural Engineer and President of Solutions Barbados. He can be reached at

276 responses to “The Grenville Phillips Column – The Road to Hell”

  1. Wuhloss…Prestige Printing and Trading…the entertainment is priceless.

  2. Hey David enough of your distractions.
    This govt has questions to answer about the Innotech issue but hear you go running off to hid this story
    As for corruption this govt is laying in bed with ministers who are accused of illegalities and does or say nothing
    This govt knows it has no moral authority to prosecute people on corruption
    Hence they leave yardfowls to sit on the fence and crow all day about corruption
    If this govt was /or serious a about prosecuting people about corruption they would start amongst themselves

  3. WARU

    I exposed your ignorance and you asking me about BLP ministers. Wuh I musse a minister or connected to any of them. . Look get thee behind me Abigail the Salemite.

  4. must be miserable being you, ya can’t catch a break…it is scandal after scandal, we can’t keep up..

  5. Talking Loud Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    The road to hell.

  6. NorthernObserver Avatar

    “The fact being that Innotech has no obligation to govt”…….but it has an obligation to the BWA.

  7. No company does not have an obligation to any individual or entity or govt that does not pay its debt.

  8. What a bunch of crap.

    @ Enuff
    Your juvenile tactic of finding a small technicality (IDB loan??) to detract from the substantive point is strangely reminiscent of your alto ego personality. Give it a rest do.

    @ Artax
    Don’t allow your disdain for WARU over wunna different styles to lead to ridiculous arguments. It is a damn SCAM. Who gives a shit where the funds came from?

    @ Jeff
    Grenville is talking about the REALITY on the ground – not what is written in the shiite laws.
    Ask the prison officer Browne about that reality when you get the chance…

    INNOTECH clearly teamed up with scamps at BWA and in the DLP government to rob Bajans blind.
    We ALL should have knew this from the VERY beginning.
    Only a jackass would think that a utility that suffered near to 50% water leakages; owned shabby pumping stations; and that had experienced MAJOR water outages in country areas recently…. should have INVESTED in a damn PALACE of an office – while these systemic weaknesses continued and were joined with sewerage flowing on the streets?


    Now the BLP has taken control, …and they have taken a SHIITE approach to the situation
    – by trying to negotiate with these damn criminals.
    What they SHOULD have done is to have PROSECUTED the scamps – and have them scrambling to offer to reverse the criminality in exchange for leniency….like the Americans did with ICB.

    As usual the Idiot in England is missing the point.
    There is EVERY reason to renegotiate a CRIMINAL agreement in the interest of the country…
    The BLP should just be negotiating with persons who are at Dodds, or at least on bail ….instead of being at their mercy.

    Bunch of retarded brass bowls…. all o’ wunna.
    Can’t even tell anymore when vaseline is NOT being used on wunna donkeys….

  9. Apologies for straying from the substantive issue, but BushT the spat between Artax and WARU is not so trivial and is indicative of a larger issue played out constantly on this forum

    Artax argues using evidence, WARU argues with a preconceived agenda and will twist facts or create them if needed. WARU is cut from the same cloth as the lawyers and politicians she rails against. WARU introduced the source off funds to the argument in a poor attempt to suggest a larger conspiracy involving the IDB.

    This muddies the waters and takes us away from the main issue and is the reason you had to intervene.

    If politicians and public figures are to be held accountable then their actions and decisions must be judged on the merits and not on some personal vendetta or crusade.

  10. Hi Bush:

    I am talking about theory and reality. The law is the law, and its commonsense interpretation seems clear. Jeff has not challenged my interpretation of the law or provided a differing opinion.

  11. Mariposa

    Now let us hear you throw some licks in the previous government.
    As it turns out, the previous government was not paying its debt to Innotech.

  12. Over half the debt was owed by the previous government

    What say yea now MARIPOSA?

  13. If he BWA is under financial stress it has a responsibility to call creditors to the table. What makes this interesting is, why did a cash starved entity see the need to build the edifice on the Hill with generous conditions attached.

  14. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Possibly one question is given the financial state of affairs, why isn’t this the new home for Ross U?

  15. If the BWA has been experiencing financial difficulties and is unable to meet its debt obligations to Innotect, why can’t management, according to David BU, call Innotect to the table for discussions?

    Some silly person used the scenario “You cannot go to Cave Shepherd and take out things on HP then go back and say the repayment is too high, can we plse renegotiate?”, which is nonsense.

    Stores such as Standards, Massy and Courts have been encouraging customers who are experiencing difficulties with their hire purchase payments to come in and discuss. They would usually reduce the payments and increase the payment period. Even financial institutions such as Consolidated Finance, during their advertising segment on VOB 92.9, mentioned people who are experiencing problems with car payments should come in and discuss with them.

    What about Credit Unions?

    Or are we are saying these options are not opened to government?

  16. So it’s been confirmed..,the loan was from IDB and it was for 50 million dollars to BWA, my hearing is not leaving me yet…

    … am now confirming how much of a loan Innotech got and from whom for their SCAM against the taxpayers.

  17. “WARU is cut from the same cloth as the lawyers and politicians she rails against. WARU introduced the source off funds to the argument in a poor attempt to suggest a larger conspiracy involving the IDB.”

    Now this is called IGNORANCE..ya should be damn glad ya have someone on BU who can think just like ya scum lawyers and ministers….there is a STARK difference between myself and whom you mentioned….I DO NOT ROB BAJANS, I don’t rob the elderly either…but they all do…so watch when ya are comparing..

    IDB is a BANK…giving loans to GOVERNMENTS…as NEEDED….they only issue LOANS that are REQUESTED and they fully expect the money to be USED as APPLIED FOR…so where is the “larger conspiracy involving IDB” in that…it is all in ya HEAD….

    Whether the loan is from IDB, ABC or GGG….both DLP government and Innotech NEEDED LOANS to get that project off the ground, they could not begin to start the project WITHOUT LOANS, no matter their corrupt intent…

    ..ah hope the grown idiots on BU understand that now…

  18. “If politicians and public figures are to be held accountable then their actions and decisions must be judged on the merits and not on some personal vendetta or crusade.”

    And just where were you all the years that the MORE SERIOUS AMONG US have been tirekessly exposing these many wrong doings by both governments, the scum lawyers and the corrupt business people.., we have been consistently saying the same things, no deviation…while being attacked by jackasses like yaself,.

    so who are you to decide who has personal vendetta and who is on a crusade, without incontrovertible EVIDENCE…. …deal with the issues AT HAND….not focus on the messengers…. like those who are NOT SERIOUS on BU.

    ….we know who they are, they live to pick at petty shit and tell themselves they are doing something of vast importance when all they succeed in doing is making themselves look mentally ill…you fit in well.

  19. “@ Artax
    Don’t allow your disdain for WARU over wunna different styles to lead to ridiculous arguments. It is a damn SCAM. Who gives a shit where the funds came from?”

    I don’t under the logic in any of that…it does not matter the loan was from IDB…it was a damn LOAN…that has to ne the same FOOLS…who think WHERE the loan came from really matters.

    Ah cant believe grown ass people can be that petty.

  20. “Now the BLP has taken control, …and they have taken a SHIITE approach to the situation
    – by trying to negotiate with these damn criminals.
    What they SHOULD have done is to have PROSECUTED the scamps – and have them scrambling to offer to reverse the criminality in exchange for leniency….like the Americans did with ICB.”

    That is incontrovertible EVIDENCE that the BLP government is WEAK…they only have killer instinct for the vulnerable population who elected them.

    …..from the time Marshall and Mia came online gushing about that same contract…they should have had the Innotech CROOKS hauled before the courts with that corrupt scam contract and not given another dime of taxpayer’s money.

    But they are just as weak as their yardfowls…no depth, no substance.

  21. This govt is notorious for not paying it local obligations
    Now to here people proposing or indicating that the debt owed is because of past govt is ludicrous
    Govt is a continuum and when a new govt takes office good and bad goes along
    Hence was the case with the Al Barrack issue and the new govt of the day had to make good on the court order to pay Barrack which had balloned into the millions because of interest

  22. BTW..Enuff in Wonderland, Prescott is a MINISTER and not a candidate, ah had to find that out for meself, yardfowl ya ain’t no help at all..always ready to jump at Roleric

    So why is Prescott, minister of government, director of Prestige Printing & Trading getting the contract for doing the job of the Government Printery.., who hired employees for years….

    .,,..will those employees find jobs at the minister’s new business??…

    ….why is that business being diverted to a sitting minister’s pockets..ya see the scam here, the conflict of interest..??.

    The optics here is…public funds being FUNNELED to a minister……

    How many other such scams will be developed for sitting ministers going forward, DIVERTING PUBLIC FUNDS to ministers??

    That is what should occupy ya waking moments…not if a, b or c was the lender.

  23. This govt is playing fast and loose with the health of it’s citizens
    By law a person or group has a right to retrieve its property because of nonpayment
    This issue can cause a stalemate between govt and Innotech having the people caught in the middle
    Yesterday Abrhams retort was one to villify Innotech unfairly
    This govt did not stand up to the international financial institutions out of fear of not being able to get a loan and took what ever measures necessary for repayment even to the detriment of causing pain and suffering on the people along with passing law which compound increasing pressure on retirees acess to their investment savings
    Yesterday outlandish outburst of drivel coming out of the mouth of Abraham brings home the insensitive nature of this govt and a dont carish attitude in the way they plan on resolving outstanding debt to local investors

  24. @Robert Goren,

    You can re-negotiate debt, that happens every day, but you cannot order a creditor to a meeting to discuss a reduction in repayment. If this were the case, then why do we have so many mortgage repossessions when all the borrower has to do is plead poverty? A good debt adviser will write to the creditor explaining the situation the client is in and ask to renegotiate. This is allowed under consumer protection legislation, not contract law.
    There is a difference between pleading with a creditor and ordering a creditor to a meeting to discuss a reduction. after taking an arbitrary decision to default on payments.. You cannot be wrong and strong. But this is Barbados.

  25. More info on the IDB loan…the loan was given to fix the BWA infrastructue and the loan LIFE was from 2009. to 2013….

    Innotech apparently got a loan from an offshore company, UCC Incorporated in 2010 A Turks & Caicos company. ..

    Innotech is a shell company…99% St. Lucian owned. 1% owned by the DaSilvas in Barbados….this is a scam company

    December 3, 2009
    Barbados to improve water resources management, agricultural health and food safety standards with new IDB loans for US$70 million
    The Inter-American Development Bank approved two loans for a total of US$70 million for Barbados. The first loan seeks to improve the management and sustainability of its water resources, and the second loan aims to strengthen its agricultural health and food safety standards.

    Both operations are expected to benefit the local population and the island’s crucial tourism industry.

    The IDB recently confirmed its strong support to the Government of Barbados with the announcement of a new Country Strategy for 2009-2013”

  26. Then there is the other news source…

    “At the beginning of January, our own CBC was saying that the BWA had previously announced it was hoping to source funds from financial institutions, and possibly from the Caribbean Development Bank to build a new 40 million dollar headquarters for the Barbados Water Authority.

    My information is that the source of that financing is NONE OF THE ABOVE.

    My DLP friend says that Despite the high level of liquidity in the Barbados banking system the project is a PFI – Private Financing Initiative. Innotech Services Limited is financing the project with offshore money by the Unitrident Capital Corporation. (UCC)”

  27. I even got confused with that scam….Innotech is LEASING the BWA building to BWA fo 13 YEARS.

    “The BWA signed an agreement in March 2013 for the design, finance and construction of the complex. It also included the lease of the premises to the BWA for 13 years.”

  28. How the hell Michael Lashley et al…allowed Innotech to MAKE THEM TENANTS…while taxpayer’s dollars is in the build….

    …where is the logic?

    how does crap like that happen, maybe yardfowls can explain, am sure it make sense to them.

  29. Guess what folks..yall asses are definitely going to lose that will end up being sold to Canada o someone else…just like SOL….but this time, the water is yours, but ya will miss it when it’s gone.

    …..if ya think ya THIRSTY NOW…JUST WAIT…

    tick tock…

    yall are squatters..

  30. wuhloss…cat piss and far as I am concerned Innotech should not get another dime.

  31. Jeff,

    “Under this act, anyone who revealed genuine cases of corruption, with incontrovertible evidence, could be found guilty of defamation and punished accordingly. However, the Act protects politicians if they talked about it in parliament* (Grenville Phillips Column)

    “I will say it again, Grenville needs a legal advisor, and not only to serve as AG in any unlikely Cabinet of his. If there is incontrovertible evidence of the imputation made, the defense of justification will absolve any defendant in a defamation action ,And there are defenses even to criminal libel-” (Your response)

    The defence of comment and the defence of privilege (whether absolute or qualified) shall extend to a prosecution for criminal libel as they respectively extend to an action for defamation. (Defamation Act I presume)

    Look Jeff, if he cannot afford a legal advisor he could hire me real cheap, because even I could have told him that his comments were ludicrous. The only place that conclusion could have made sense is in Wonderland with Alice, the Mad Hatter and the March Hare at the tea table.


  32. Everyone makes little mistakes. It is always better to admit them. Wuh if Grenville can prove my last post wrong I will admit it. But if the Defamation Act is written in such a way as to disadvantage somebody who has INCONTROVERTIBLE evidence then Barbados is not just a failed state. It is Wonderland.

    But Bushie has valid points. Waru’s final assessment was correct. The BWU fiasco was a scam from the beginning. No matter what the means, the ends were the same.

    Also he is right about the reality on the ground being different from the laws written because they are probably not being correctly applied. That however does not mean that the law allows it but that the persons responsible for administering the law allow it.

    And finally, I was about to post that if criminal acts were committed in the pursuance of the BWA deal then a renegotiation would be a luxury for the perpetrators. Bribery of government officials is criminal, is it not? But Bushie beat me to it.

    That was a good whacking!

  33. @ Redguard
    …the spat between Artax and WARU is not so trivial and is indicative of a larger issue played out constantly on this forum
    Artax argues using evidence, WARU argues with a preconceived agenda and will twist facts or create them if needed. WARU is cut from the same cloth as the lawyers and politicians she rails against.
    Good point.
    However it takes all kinds to make an effective movement.
    Artax is unbelievable with facts and details, but when it comes to EMOTIONALLY leading change, it is mostly persons of the ilk of WARU (with all her hyperbole) that gets the brass bowl masses moving.
    These two actually COMPLIMENT each other.
    So the bickering (while fun at most times) is not mostly helpful.
    The IDEAL response from Artax would be to nicely point out the FACTS ….and WARU should appreciate the support – and move on… instead of spending so much time trying to justify THEIR own particular slant.

    @ David
    you agree the government has grounds to call Innotech to the table?
    Bushie agrees that the Government has grounds to prosecute MANY persons – at innotech, in the BWA – and in the Public service
    Who HAD to break our LAWS in order to allow this scam.
    That is…
    But we all know that they DON’T, and CAN’T …. because THEY have too many skeletons in their OWN closets.

    This explains our dilemma….

  34. LONG ago Bushie pointed out that the COMMON DENOMINATOR in all this BDLP corruption HAS to be in the Public Service.
    Who do you think advises the ministers about what is the ‘best path to take”?
    These are the SAME people who advised the last lot.
    …and this lot before them…

    What advice do you think would be given by someone who has FULL knowledge of what transpired with Dodds and the Barrack scams, etc to someone who has to make decisions about prosecuting the BWA scam?
    …and what advice do you think they gave to the DLP idiots in terms of the ‘arrangement’ with innotech?

    “Man this is what *** did and this is how it was done…. so you can do it too.”
    So who will they prosecute now?

    When the beans start to spill …we would have an empty house…. no public service… no lawyers…
    and Dodds would house our whole list of ‘who is who’.

  35. Hi Donna:

    Why not give your opinion on the evidence rather than pre-judging this matter? See the next thread where the evidence has been presented.

  36. Bushie understands group dynamics. As I said before WARU can only play her part. All parts are necessary.. I have never met Artax but I feel like he is my brother. I have never met WARU but I feel like she is my sister. As for Bushie, I don’t know what to call him….LOL

    P.S. Grenville, I will do as you say. You will find me always to be reasonable. There is no point in being anything else.

  37. Grenville,

    I have read the convoluted language and the ‘loophole” you highlighted. I think that they are referring to proving only part of the allegations rather than the whole. I will read it again, as I often have to with legal language, when I am more in the mood. And I will check in for Jeff’s opinion. Give him time.

  38. “More info on the IDB loan…the loan was given to fix the BWA infrastructue and the loan LIFE was from 2009. to 2013….”

    OLD NEWS!!!! I POSTED that information YESTERDAY.

    I believe one should present factual information to this forum so as not to deliberately or intentionally mislead readers.

    If people believe challenging untruths and information that cannot be substantiated or verified….. is petty….. then…..
    so be it.

  39. @ Artax
    It is about what works to achieve positive change.
    If you want to get technical we can debate what are ‘facts’.

    Do you think that something is a ‘fact’ because it is published on IADB’s website?
    …or because it is a quote from a minister?

    Bushie would be surprised if you did… cause you are a man that understands REALITY.
    These people ALL spin the ‘facts’ to suit their various agendas.

    Government ROUTINELY borrowed money for X (where easy loans are available) , put it in the consolidated fund… and then spend it for Y (where Y suited their political purposes).

    EVERYBODY (including the lending agencies) knew this.

    So whether a ‘loan was given to BWA to fix infrastructure’ or if the funds used were actually proceeds from the ill-fated shiite tax is neither here nor there…

    What then are the FACTS?
    …what the Central Banks said…?
    …what the IADB said…?
    … what the PS KNOWS to be the reality…?
    …or WARU’s hypobole?

    As far as Bushie is concerned, shiite is shiite is brass bowlery…. and your details DO complement WARU’s alarmist preaching – whether you admit it or not boss…
    Wunna on the same team…


  40. And the beat goes on, the outcome will be interesting, the extortion levels should be pretty high…

  41. NorthernObserver Avatar

    We seem to be ignoring one option is for the BWA is to pay the Innotech consortium a lump sum, and acquire (title).

    @WW&C ….in boLT, bLot, Ldo etc etc, the “L” stands for LEASE. It is fairly standard. You don’t hand over Title to others UNTIL you have been paid.

  42. NO..ah got all that, the vey first time, how well is it working out though…

    The agreement needs looking at before all that,…

  43. The point being, it is HIGH TIME government stop using these broke ass companies whose only claim to fame is they got a direct line to some corrupt government ministers and that contract allowed them to access a bank loan…those in the minority community play tag and line up for this scam with government ministers every election cycle…

  44. BushTea
    So let me get this straight, I am juvenile for expecting serial posters (who are always posting emotive garbage and untruths) to get their information right especially when that info is central to their argument? I guess calling me a yardfowl and juvenile rather than addressing my posts is adult behaviour. Y’all ain’t ready for me. #iamnoac

  45. Ya are worse than ac, ya got here pretending to be so intelligent and the first batch of koolaid got passed around, ya got poisoned…don’t know who ya trying to fool, Bushman or yaself…

  46. But I leave you to Piece.


  47. Where will the BWA get the cash to payout Innotech?

  48. NorthernObserver Avatar

    The BWA can only convert the sums already paid to equity if the OWN. In other words, the BWA have an existing down payment in any deal. Where? You find it.

  49. This deal was hush, hush..hence it is now a pile of shit, these governments got into serious trouble before with these types of contracts, but did they learn anything, nah, they are not capable.

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