Submitted by Mohammed Degia

On August 1, 1838, enslaved people across the British Caribbean gained their freedom. Contrary to what is often peddled about the singular role of abolitionists in ending transatlantic slavery, there were two main reasons for abolition- economic and rebellions. The British did not in some great moralistic and ethical wave bestow freedom upon the enslaved. The system was altered because slavery had become an economic liability. Furthermore, the planters lived with the constant fear of slaves rebelling and of another Haiti transpiring. In the end, it was better to agree to free the enslaved than to live with this fear or worse to experience a rebellion. I discuss all of this in more detail in a piece I wrote in 2007 which was the 200th anniversary of the abolition of the trans-Atlantic slave trade by Britain.

As we commemorate the emancipation of our Caribbean forefathers, remember that the British in abolishing slavery also provided a large compensation package for the slave owners. The sum of money amounted to £20 million (£15 billion today) or about 40% of the national budget. The formerly enslaved of course received nothing. What is even more perverse is that the loan taken out at that time by the British government to fund the compensation package was not paid off until 2015. Thus, the British taxpayer was until recently, through payments to the holders of the slavery bonds, still contributing to the beneficiaries of slavery. This is the same British government and society that dismisses the descendants of the enslaved condescendingly, lecturing to them that they should move on and stop living in the past. This is the same British government and society that refuses to consider the just demands of Caribbean people for reparations. The same British government that argues absurdly that the slave trade and slavery were not illegal at the time and so they are not obliged to provide compensation for the heinous role they played in one of the worst crimes against humanity. For these people though, it is not a historical matter to be left behind when until February 2015 they were still reaping the benefits of the slavery abolition loan. The height of dishonesty, arrogance and hypocrisy.

In addition, as we celebrate August 1, we must be mindful that 180 years after abolition and 56 years after the decolonisation period in the British Caribbean commenced with Jamaica’s independence on August 6, 1962, we have a long way to go in the quest for true freedom. The legacy of colonialism and slavery endures in our tiny island states. Most of us continue to experience significant socio-economic challenges. Race and class considerations remain central factors in how our societies function. For example, in Barbados, the justice system still operates in two forms- one for the rich and white and nowadays Indian and one for blacks particularly those that are not rich. Just under a year ago, I penned a long article about the harsh realities of race in Barbados beyond the symbolism of its Emancipation statue. Last week, two prominent white Barbadian businessmen were charged with drug offences and anyone following the saga would have seen first-hand the playing out of the politics of race and class that I wrote about.

The Caribbean has much work to do. We need to examine in earnest these mental chains that impede us. An honest, brutal conversation about our past, how it looms large over us and how we must proceed is essential. Our intellectual giants started the process. It is necessary for us to build on it and propel it to the next level. It is also imperative that we do this together as a region. We are one people with a shared history of colonialism, slavery and exploitation. People to people relationships that transcend artificial borders have always been a central feature of our Caribbean reality. In addition, in a world of large and medium powers, we have no choice as small islands but to integrate. Our politicians with their egos and selfish interests have frustrated the institutionalisation of our deep ties. We the people must take the lead.

265 responses to “180 Years of Emancipation- Some Perspective”

  1. “none of them in my mind are intellectually equipped to tackle negotiations with those who are well equipped and centuries trained to be deceitful.’

    given that most if not all of these reparations hunters knew and kept the information to themselves…that:

    the Barbados constitution is really the British created and designed constitution…no black bajan ever drafted,ratifed or proclaimed one, so none exists;

    the slave laws are still active on the island, slavery is still seen by the british as legal; that one I suspect they did not know cause they are too consumed by the fake titles and false status they are still wearing and walking around all inflated and enveloped in false pride because they think the UK made them somebody, so they would not have had the awareness to figure out what I suspected;

    there are still black people born in the Caribbean before independence who are alive today and were born as british citizens, are entitled to dual citizenship technically; that one many of them knew but kept the information to themselves like the skanks that they are, so most black people and their ancestors in Barbados and the Caribbean never knew since 1948…….so hello Windrush…and exploitation, brutality and deportations against that generation by UK..

  2. Calm down dear, no-one cares about you or your mental problems.

  3. Seeing as I don’t have to clean up any modern day slavery..I am not the one with the problems…mental or otherwise, can’t you see how this is going to end…of course you can’t…LowIQ45 and all.

  4. WW …baltimore county cork ….if you think your the only one with a past

  5. Brits used Africans to work their plantations, but also brought Indians to do the Admin, which is why there are Indians in their former Colonies such as Fiji, Kenya, Uganda, Sri Lanka and West indies etc.

  6. dub is what your saying….if you stay in school you have better chances of getting a good job

  7. We are all prostitutes pimped by capitalists and need to form a union

  8. Freedom has been trying to stay out of this conversation but can no longer do so because of people who try to Deceive Bajans ….

    The intent of this Article is to Sew discord among Barbadians using emotive words.

    Usually every Article is submitted by the name of ‘somebody’…Yet in this one the author does not mention who he is…he starts off by saying ‘I’ as if everyone is supposed to know who ‘I’ is? I was wondering if it was intentional and asked my spouse if maybe his first name was Mohammed. And so true…Mr. ‘I’ is none other than Mohammed Iqbal Degia.

    Give Freedom a little breathing room here.

    There was not one word in support of the British yet Britain had has such an influx of Mohammedans it more like an Invasion than an Immigration Haven. And the Goal of the Muslim Religion is to Rule By Sharia Law that means ENSLAVEMENT of those who are not of their Religion…That means the people who Mohammed is screaming against the English, will soon be ENSLAVED. Is that justice for you now or you still want money like them? Because most live off the Government in England.

    WWC Sharia Coming by you real soon and when you see that you are eating Halal Chicken know that you have succumbed!

    Isn’t it Ironic that with the name of Mohammed like the Author has who is espousing Emancipation and Reparations, is blaming the English on Slavery while not once acknowledging that Slavery is still practiced in Africa and the Middle East even after the forced conquest of all of the Muslim Nations by people from Saudi Arabia.

    BTW Mohammed you seem to know so much about the History of Enslavement in the Caribbean you would know “Barbados was one of England’s most popular colonies, with a rich economy based on sugar and slavery.” But you would Never Say “Yet it was also the Only Colony to support the Abolition of the slave trade.”

    Read “Slavery and Economy in Barbados By Dr Karl Watson” Last updated 2011-02-17
    (Dr.Watson is a Historian and Teaches @UWI)

    Your conversation is a similitude of Verbal Jihad. “Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global deception”… Your intent is to rile up and divide and to use Free Speech which your own religion does not allow you the Privilege of. You Radicalism have been exposed!

    Mr. Bernard Codrington has a lot of wisdom we all need to move forward, you have to learn from what went before. Good advice Sir but most seem to Cleave to Divisiveness that is Counter Intuitive to Progression, it is Regression and those that are being fooled do not realize they are being used by Proponents of Reparations.

    Barbados Improvements Part 4: Looking Forward

    If you want to look forward you first must know our past, where we are, what we are doing and the choices we are making, then we can see what the future may hold for we have seen the direction we are on. The future is easy to predict/extrapolate based on the above where it gets complicated is when people change their mind that hits the normal projections/predictions for a six. (Sometimes a good thing)

    Read more @

  9. Lawson…as you know, our African bloodlines are also infused with European bloodlines, so when ya do the ancestry genetic DNA thing…most of us will find that we have minute traces or even large traces ..of various European groups hovering around over the centuries….still does not mean that the evil white criminals who committed human genocide of black people and even the brutality against their own vulnerable groups in those days should be given a pass or made to forget, ya gotta remember it was the leaders perpetrated these crimes against black humanity. and others..ya think their descendants would not do even worse given the opportunity just to enrich themselves..

    I have given up caring about the % of european bloodlines I carry, it is really, in my mind…about right and wrong ….for those who don’t care about right or wrong and are comfortable using make up to cover up crimes, see how you feel when the next enslaved for a thousand years going forward are you and yours, bet the apologists trying to cover up black genocide will sing a far different tune.

  10. WW I dont hear you railing against the muslim slavers that were long doing their stuff before the brits came on the scene dont they owe you something , maybe that percentage of brit blood was from the sacking of cork by the barbary pirates Remember the arabs didnt mind mixing slaves to produce a superior product by letting them breed they were hoping for was a speciman with scottish or irish brains in an adonis type body but what they got was an alcoholic that looks like maxine watters.

  11. Lawson, didn’t the unfragrant Maxine Change her name from Nutters?

  12. Lawson…your stupid argument is just as worn out as you and LowIQ45..

  13. Whites will talk about muslims whenever called out for their rimes of slavery challenged to pay reparations. There are no legal claims for muslim slavery reparations just against fake British American Christian pedophiles parasite predators perverts only.

    Some orange medicine they need to clean their heart, purify their thoughts mental retards, one by one they shall surely fall, tribulation must cease cyaan work with the beast, only justice brings peace, scorching fire no stop burn, the wicked have to learn

  14. How vile some of you are and you wonder why your pleadings fall on deaf ears. You think your foul rhetoric endears you to your people on the blog that can put a solid case forward in an articulate manner …you are an embarrassment to them

  15. @Lawson…as you know, our African bloodlines are also infused with European bloodlines, so when ya do the ancestry genetic DNA thing…most of us will find that we have minute traces or even large traces ..of various European groups..

    Europeans( Caucasians) are merely the Albinos of Black people . As such, they must have the same genes as their normal group members, except for the mutations that caused their Albinism.

    Europeans are the mainly Albinos of India’s indigenous Dravidians( haplogroup R)
    who split from India and went into Central Asia many thousands of years ago. But Europeans steadfastly refuse to admit this, even though this obvious conclusion is supported by simple observation .
    European Albinos are also in substantial part, the Albinos of Africans carrying haplogroups I, E, and J, among others.
    In Herodotus’s “History of the Persian Wars” of the dozens of peoples that he describes in the book; he chooses to describe only three peoples by racial type. The Colchians above; whom he describes as “black-skinned and have woolly hair”. And the Budini of Gelonus (east-central Ukraine), whom he describes as (they have all deep blue eyes, and bright red hair)

    The Roman historian Cornelius Tacitus (56-118 A.D.) said this about them: For my own part, I agree with those who think that the tribes of Germany are free from all taint of intermarriages with foreign nations, and that they appear as a distinct, unmixed race, like none but themselves. Hence, too, the same physical peculiarities throughout so vast a population. All have fierce blue eyes, red hair, huge frames, fit only for a sudden exertion. They are less able to bear laborious work. Heat and thirst they cannot in the least endure; to cold and hunger their climate and their soil inure them.
    From those passages we know for sure what White Europeans looked like when they first invaded Europe – they were Pure Albinos. 

    “Recently a major molecular cause of this change in skin color has been discovered in Europeans. Specifically, the gene SLC24A5 turns out to be critical for the production of melanin, the predominant dark pigment of the skin and hair. … 100 percent of Europeans have a mutation in SLC24A5 that impairs the function of the protein.. [ Francis Collins, The Language of Life (NY: Harper, 2010), p 150].”

    How Europeans evolved white skin – By Ann Gibbons Apr. 2, 2015
    ” The modern humans who came out of Africa to originally settle Europe about 40,000 years are presumed to have had dark skin. which is advantageous in sunny latitudes. The new data confirm that about 8500 years ago, early hunter-gatherers in Spain, Luxembourg, and Hungary also had darker skin: They did not have mutations in two genes—SLC24A5 and SLC45A2—that lead to depigmentation and, therefore, pale skin (Albinism) in Europeans today. ”

    METAPHYSICS OF SEXUAL LOVE , by Arthur Schopenhauer.
    “ is my conviction that a white skin is not natural to man, and that by nature he has either a black or brown skin like our forefathers, the Hindoos, and that the white man was never originally created by nature; and that, therefore, there is no race of white people, much as it is talked about, but every white man is a bleached one. Driven up into the north, where he was a stranger, and where he existed only like an exotic plant, in need of a hothouse in winter, man in the course of centuries became white. The gipsies, an Indian tribe which emigrated only about four centuries ago, show the transition of the Hindoo’s com¬plexion to ours. “

  16. Lawson,

    Thank you. I have been on about this vile, obnoxious form of shouting on BU, including an unhelpful chairman, but instead of thanking me I have been vilified. Glad to see a good old Scottish-Canadian has also blown the whistle.
    But it is the new Barbadian culture, one of kadooment and fraud, of plagiarism and crude selfishness, of materialism and envy. Sadly, a more polite and courteous form of discussion would enhance the reputation of the blog, but who am I to say?.

  17. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Lawson…really, you are telling a blogger about vile comments…we need to pull up some of yours over the years and remind you what you post…lol

  18. @ akenatini
    Extremely well said.

    However in addition to the physical melanin deficit and its consequences, there is also the question of the development of what Bushie calls the ‘albino-centric disposition’ which is expressed as an unnatural love and affinity for money, power and material things….and a corresponding disinterest in community-centric philosophies.
    One has to wonder if SLC24A5 and SLC45A2 may play an even greater role in our social disposition as human beings.

  19. WW pull my comments none are pure evil like you and that dub spout, I have no hate for you as a people or person can you say the same. Ya even married one of us to torture him, how cruel is that Does he know what you think of him or his family.

  20. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Lawson…shut up, my husband is getting the better end of this arrangement, he never had it so good or he would have left decades ago…ya just jealous…lol

    Besides…projecting ya own evil unto black people dont work anymore and despite that, ya still trying, when will ya learn.

  21. Why Caucasian ( Albinos) enslaved melanges people

    First find an White man then take off his hat and shirt, leaving him wearing only a Kilt (like the ancient Egyptians). Then send him out to work the fields anywhere in the world between 40 degrees North and 40 degrees South ( the unsafe zone for White people/Albinos, it stretches from Monaco south to the South coast of Australia ).
    • Caucasian are not even safe beyond 40°latitude N/S, they still die from skin cancer in record numbers.
    The exposure of bare White Skin to the Sun in this “unsafe zone” means outright death, or skin Cancer. Now wait to see how long he survives in the Sun .

    It is the reality of this “Handicap” which is responsible for the racial hatreds we find in the World today and yesterday. No one likes to know that they can’t do what everybody else can do, especially when it comes to something so “Basic” as being able to feed yourself, as normal people do by Farming.Therefore Caucasian ( Albinos ) resorted to the enslavement of “Pigmented” people to do the Farming work for them.
    In addition, Caucasian (Albino) stole land, raped ,murdered & tortured millions to attain albino dominance . They used the enslavement of Blacks people to make vast profits for themselves.

    Whenever people experience feelings of inferiority, they automatically experience a compensatory need to strive for superiority. The term for this Psychological disorder is called “Compensation:” which refers to a type of self defense mechanism in which people overachieve in one area (in this case, the need for World dominance) in order to compensate for failures in another area (Physical inferiority).
    Psychologist Alfred Adler.

  22. Sorry, correction.
    Why Caucasian enslaved black people

  23. Well Well Wot A Igrunt Parasite I Is claims to have a husband!! LOL.

  24. Bernard Codrington Avatar
    Bernard Codrington

    @ akenatenl

    An erudite and interesting perspective.

    I would like to add that Africans and Albinos from Africa were crossing the Mediterranean for millennia. The drift southwards of Europeans to Africa also took place over the same periods. There is enough archaeological, genetic and folklore evidence to support these hypotheses.

    What is taking place now ( migration of North Africans to Europe ) may be a repetition of the demographic drift of previous eras.
    It is always educative to have another perspective. Perhaps it would hasten the end to man’s the fascination with racism.

  25. “Well Well Wot A Igrunt Parasite I Is claims to have a husband!! LOL.”

    yep..and a white one too for decades..laugh at that..

    Don’t mind Negro Lawson…it’s only now that he has reached his 3 scores and 10 years it has finally dawned on him and LowIQ45 that they are not as special as they were misled to believe, they are just as ordinary as the next black person..making it very difficult for then to get over their delusions of grandeur and superiority complex.

  26. For all those still trying to apply makeup to cover up a wickedly racist colonial past, you will not get away with it, our descendants must know and remember the destruction Europe and North America left in its wake and in the lives of the black race…

    Two countries – Haiti and the Dominican Republic – share one island, but they’re vastly different worlds, shaped by a racist colonial history.

    Follow Vox’s Johnny Harris as he explores the divide:

  27. our descendants must know and remember the destruction Europe and North America left in its wake and in the lives of the black race…SO NEITHER SIDE..of which many of us are BLOOD members..EVER REPEAT THE SAME MISTAKES IN THE FUTURE.

  28. WW wrote,—–still does not mean that the evil white criminals who committed human genocide of black people and even the brutality against their own vulnerable groups in those days should be given a pass or made to forget, ya gotta remember it was the leaders perpetrated these crimes against black humanity. and others..ya think their descendants would not do even worse given the opportunity just to enrich themselves..

    What is even worse is the EVIL Black people that sold their own racial group that were POWs etc to whiteys. Very evil is the fact that Vikings marauded their way through Scotland, Ireland and England killing nufty people. (elsewhere in Europe too, France, Germany, Russia, Ukraine). The Irish were treated very badly by white English. So what does this teach us about today—nothing really has changed in that Whites still mistreat whites and as proven in Bim, blacks still mistreat blacks EXCEPT that it is milder in terms of mass killings.

    So since I have Viking, Irish, Scottish and English blood what should I do cut off half my body??????

    The reality is that it really is not about Race it is about Good vs EVIL!!!!

  29. akenaten the blacks are not all that fond of the sun either, from my experience on the island and talking with police most seem to prefer to work at night. Now WW are you sure that guy your married to is not just a white blow up doll .Is he getting a little soft not as hard as he used to be, how about if 45 and I chip in and get you a bicycle pump will that help you get through this time of need. You might even find inflation is not as bad as you think..

  30. WW,
    There can be no doubt that White leaders were EVIL towards African Slaves—NONE! There are still supremacy problems today—so what are the solutions?????????? Whites can not change the past and anyway it was the rich and powerful leading the nastiness for economic reasons.

  31. Thank you Money Brain …Bajan’s and Caribbean people are being Beguiled by this Author Mohammed Iqbal Degia while appealing to their Sense of Victim-hood and Entitlement Mentality not realising they are being Captivated and Used for his Radical Purposes….

    Is radical Islam our generation’s most dangerous ideology? Is it comparable to what Nazism and Communism were in the 20th century? Or are Islamists no more dangerous than extremist Christians, Jews, and Buddhists? Raymond Ibrahim, author of “The Al Qaeda Reader,” explains what radical Islam is, and shows how Muslims and non-Muslims alike can help defeat it.


  32. WW feels like she is caught in a MB vise… irish scotish english

  33. Is Islam a religion of peace? Is it compatible with Western liberalism? Or does Islam need a reformation, just as Christianity had the Protestant Reformation? Somali-born author and activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali explains.

  34. Have you read the topic? Why are you attacking the ethnicity of the author? Suppose the BU family returns the favour? Treat with the message for crosshairs.

  35. I is about right and wrong and give any of these groups the opportunity again, they will do the very same thing again, that is why they must all be continually and consistently reminded about the evil their ancestors did in the name of greed and evil for self enrichment off the misery, death and destruction, centuries worth of damage of other people…no reason to forget, keep the memories alive…

  36. will be shocked what 20% of my bloodline is composed of…ah told ya, many of us are just as European as the next European with bloodlines stretching back into millennia and all traceable…and connected to our African ancestry..

    Ya just jealous of my husband, next thing ya will be saying that our children are really yours.

  37. David August 10, 2018 12:48 PM

    “Have you read the topic? Why are you attacking the ethnicity of the author? Suppose the BU family returns the favour? Treat with the message for crosshairs.”

    David Really, ARE YOU FOR REAL….

    It was the Very Topic, he is one of those in the Caribbean leading the Charge and he is Standing in a Glass House Throwing Stones.

    The Glass house being his Beliefs that Still Practices People held in Servitude while Condemning others that Gave it up since 1834.

    And the Stones that he is Throwing is Reparations. So I am on Topic? I see his DECEPTION and I have Spoken to that DECEPTION.

    It has nothing to do with his Ethnicity because Islam is Not a Race. It is a Belief Structure. Some Follow it to do good and some follow it to DECEIVE and Create CONFUSION.

    BTW David Your Silence has been your Consent many times when Freedom was under attack by BU Minions. Is this an open invitation by you for them to Continue?

    David Have You Not Seen…

  38. You may have the last word, as usual.

  39. @MB
    So since I have Viking, Irish, Scottish and English blood what should I do cut off half my body??????
    You are justifiably proud of your ancestry and so should you but I must say that the Viking part is new. Now your family has lived in Bim for centuries (according to you) and there is not one iota of African blood? Even John has admitted to having some black ancestors. Remember it only takes three generations for obvious racial differences to be concealed from the original if the right partners are engaged. Do you know how many families in the US are “white” while their black cousins (with the same surnames) live just over the county line? If this is true for the US it is doubly so for little 2×4 Barbados.

    Here is my suggestion send in your DNA to 23 and me and they will confirm the ancestry that you claim, if they do you can share it with us (or not), as for me I only have to look at my mum and I know that there is a bit of Liverpool or Bristol or London somewhere in the past.

  40. WW dont let that husband of yours get too close to your knitting needles, if you said 20% rattle snake venom that wouldn’t shock me now if you said 20% Scottish I would be more skeptical. But a lot more people are claiming Scottish and German ancestry now that trump is president..

  41. Please..those frauds claiming Scottish and German ancestry never took a genetic test in their lives and have no clue who are what they are that is why so many are shocked when they get their results cause they made up some delusional nonsense that most times fit a racist narrative and then get vex when they they get their test results and they are not only full fledged what they never dreamed about, but Africa features prominently in their bloodlines..

    Like the white supremacist who took the test and the results were read on national tv…..subsaharan African ancestry was so deep in his blood he nearly had a stroke when they read it, he still can’t recover..

    ….have you done your ancestry test yet Lawson??

  42. No need

  43. Don’t mind MoneyB…the test results says Scandanavia..many of my relatives including myself are also from that bloodline..of course the Vikings/Nordic featured prominently on that side of the world because they are Nordic wountries with western German dialects, but they all came out of the caucus mountains..although the caucus crowd also have a specific bloodline.

    and the Nordic people also traveled to the Caribbean region AND the Americas before lying christopher columbus..

    .another very old blood line running through most of my relatives is the Native American which includes Arawaks and Caribs, which means they were around throughout the Americas long before europeans..

    Through it all you find so many relatives, it is overwhelming.

  44. Nah…ya afraid ya might be related to my cousin of pure African blood in Cote D’

    Afraid of what else ya might find.

  45. Did I mention the European relatives…well really don’t choose ya family, but they are family.

  46. Islam is a religion, not an ethnic group. Get it right.

  47. The blogmaster referred to ethnicity and not religion.

  48. Is Islam a religion of peace? Is it compatible with Western liberalism? Or does Islam need a reformation, just as Christianity had the Protestant Reformation? Somali-born author and activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali explains.(Quote)

    Islam is a religion, not an ethnic group. Somali is a national group, not an ethnic group. In answer to the question: yes, Islam needs a Reformation. It is a Medieval religion.

The blogmaster invites you to join the discussion.


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