My perspective of the Integrity in Public Life bill is informed from my unique experiences since entering this political trench three years ago. My situation is different from other politicians because I am outside of the BLP/DLP protective umbrella, and the tip of the spear protecting all Solutions Barbados candidates from harm to their reputations. From this perspective, the weaknesses of this Bill are glaring.

In my opinion, the Integrity in Public Life bill appears to facilitate Barbados being turned into an unaccountable police state. I know that this seems ludicrous. However, it seems to be the most likely explanation for the inclusion of loopholes for the guilty and the removal of established protections for the innocent. I will list a few of them below.

Section 4.1 a) & b): This section identifies the functions of the Commission. One of the stated functions is to record and examine gifts forwarded or given by persons in public life. There appears to be no mention of gifts received by such persons in this section. For the avoidance of doubt, it should be included.

Section 6.2: The Commission shall be treated as a law enforcement agency. However, it appears to have more power than the police and judiciary, which is concerning if it is used in a politically partisan manner. Whoever controls the Commission can clear their guilty friends and punish their innocent perceived enemies with impunity.

Section 9.1: The Commission employs an Investigative Office, who must not be a member of the Police force. According to section 15.1, he can arrest persons, deliver them to the custody of the Police, and seize and retain any documents or materials that he thinks is relevant.

A person can make a complaint about the Investigative Officer’s behaviour, and the complaint is directed to a 3-member panel appointed by the Governor General (section 20). Two members of the panel are persons who were previously politically appointed to their positions.

The panel can dismiss the complaint, regardless of the evidence, if they think that it was made in bad faith (section 21 a). They can also dismiss it if they think that an investigation or further investigation is not necessary or reasonably practicable (section 21 b). These can easily be used as loopholes to facilitate the politically partisan behaviour of a rogue Investigative Officer.

Section 10.1: The Commission has the powers of a judge of the Supreme Court to summon and examine witnesses and demand documents. In section 10.3, the Commission is not restrained by the rules of the Evidence Act which were designed to protect all of us. The Commission can take into account opinion evidence, which the Evidence Act restricts.

While it is reasonable that opinion evidence may be relied upon during the investigation phase of the process, the Bill should clearly state that the Commission must not rely on any “opinion evidence” to determine someone’s guilt.

Section 11.1 b): This section appears to entitle a summoned person to be compensated for expenses as if he had been summoned to attend the Supreme Court on a criminal trial. However, the person can only be paid whenever and however the Minister of Finance decides. The Commission can also decide to simply not allow the summoned person to claim any expenses.

The common trend when persecuting political competitors is to attempt to bankrupt them, which can automatically disqualify them from being candidates. To have a person continually attend hearings for weeks can accomplish this aim, which is why the Evidence Act entitles innocent summoned persons to be reimbursed for both their time and expenses. This is natural justice since a person cannot refuse to appear when summoned without consequences.

The Evidence Act appears to be carefully designed to protect innocent persons from political abuse. Why is the Commission being directed to deviate from this established practise of natural justice?

Section 11.4 d): If a person insults a member of the Commission, then he is liable to be fined $10,000 and imprisoned for 6 months. A person who is subjected to obvious unfair treatment for as long as a politically compromised Commission decides, knowing that he will not be reimbursed for his time, is vulnerable to objecting improperly.

Section 11.5 a): A person shall not be compelled to incriminate himself. However, according to section 11.4, he is liable to be fined $10,000 and imprisoned for 6 months, if he does not turn over documents. It should be clarified whether he can be compelled to turn over documents that can incriminate others, who in-turn will likely incriminate him.

Section 14 d): The Commissioner of Police must provide constables to do whatever the Commission directs. This can provide a politically compromised Commission and Inspector with an appearance of legitimacy.

Section 32.5: Once a person has retired from public life for 2 years, then he cannot be investigated. If it is a member of the Commission, then he cannot be investigated once he has retired for 5 years. These are glaring loopholes for persons who have already retired. Also, persons can easily walk over this low hurdle by directing that bribes be paid to them 2 years after their retirement.

Section 33.1: If a member of the Commission is to be investigated, then the Governor General, after consulting with the Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition, shall appoint a single person tribunal to investigate. If the person is declared to be innocent, then their expenses must be paid from the consolidated fund within 3 months (33.5 b). Why must the tribunal only comprise one politically appointed person, and why the double standard regarding compensation?

Section 40.2: Where a Member of Parliament of the Senate has acquired a prohibited interest, which would be a violation of the Act, then the Commission shall not issue a determination if the Politician or Senator confesses, and the Commission believes that if they kept the prohibited interest will not affect the person meeting his obligations. This is another glaring loophole for a politically controlled Commission.

Section 45.7 a) ii: If a person receives a substantial (over $1,000) gift, then they can keep it if the Commission decides that the gift was not intended to provide favourable treatment. What likely reason would someone give a substantial gift if not for in exchange for favourable treatment?

Section 48: No prosecutions of persons in relation to restricted gifts shall be pursued after 5 years of a person’s retirement from public life. This allows the guilty to go free with no consequences whatsoever, they simply need to be patient.

Section 56 a): A person charged with corruption can be found innocent if he can claim that he had no knowledge of the circumstances giving rise to the act of corruption. This is a weak but allowable defence in this bill.

The section for whistle-blowers is extremely weak to the point of being almost ineffective. There is no confidential reporting and no financial incentive for whistle-blowers – the proven main ingredients of an effective whistle blower program. In the US, their highly successful Securities Exchange Commission’s program allows whistle-blowers to report anonymously, and rewards them with up to 30% of the amounts recovered. Why are we designing an almost ineffective system when there are highly effective systems available?

First Schedule

The Commission shall comprise 4 political appointees, plus one lawyer and one clergyman. This has the appearance of a political commission. The main reasons for political commissions is to protect the politically favoured from scrutiny and persecute those not politically favoured.

A less partisan Commission and disciplinary panel should have a majority of persons who were never politically appointed, and who treasure their professional reputations too much to be corruptible or intimidated. Fellows of Chartered professional institutions would have spent an adequate amount of time complying with their institution’s code of ethics, so they should be less likely to be corruptible.

The Bill is written in a manner that it can easily be misused. That is not how our laws should be written. There are no meaningful protections for the innocent to avoid political persecution, and glaring loopholes to protect those with provable evidence of corruption and bribery.

Grenville Phillips II is a Chartered Structural Engineer and the founder of Solutions Barbados. He can be reached at

165 responses to “A Grenville Phillips Column – Loopholes for the Guilty”

  1. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    These criticisms are significant and coherent… I assume you will be presenting them to the joint select committee Grenville.

  2. Extremely useful and comprehensive contribution Grenville.

    Looking at what you have presented sends shivers up my spine especially if you have a barbadian Mugabe at the helm.

  3. “Section 4.1 a) & b): This section identifies the functions of the Commission. One of the stated functions is to record and examine gifts forwarded or given by persons in public life. There appears to be no mention of gifts received by such persons in this section. For the avoidance of doubt, it should be included.”

    Paras. 45 and 46 deal with Gifts specifically and in more detail. The Governor General is responsible for gifts received by staff of the Integrity Commission. I am not toughing the others because I am not helping Solutions do robust research and positions. lmao

  4. Excellent post.
    I am somewhat concerned by your comments on Section 32,5(a) t
    (a) the use of the word retired.
    If a politician serves 10 years and reach or passes the age of 50 and announces they will no longer be seeking public office can this be considered as “retired”? Note that they are eligible for a portion of a public pension. if the satisfy the two conditions stated
    (b) he 2-year time limits and
    Does this means a ”retired (a)” corrupt politician walk away scot-free if no charges are brought against him during the first two years of losing office?

    What happens if he/she “un-retire” and run again later?

    if your intention was to be thought provoking and to raise questions, you have certainly done so,

    Smoke and mirrors legislation.

  5. But TInniss shivering. #cantekunnaseriously#fraudsofthehighestorder

  6. I promised myself that I would behave; no more name calling or use of offensive words.
    I will keep that pledge ar respect the blog master.
    However the song and dance routine by Little Tom Tucker is irritating…
    Dude if you did not get your supper yet, none is for you.. or is putting on a lounge act your new gig???

  7. TheoGazerts

    Have you not read my contribution about my name callers such as yourself? Let me repeat, your ilk does not bother me. What you should do is point out where my contribution is flawed. Does the draft Act at paras. 45 and 46 address GIFTS to officers, including those of the Commission or not?

    “Also, persons can easily walk over this low hurdle by directing that bribes be paid to them 2 years after their retirement.”

    Removing any amnesty would tighten the Act. But that above quote epitomises GP’s secondary school level reasoning skills. Who gine wait between 2 and possibly 27 years for a bribe? Maybe I am naive too or just a betzpaenic yardfowl/PR singing for my supper…anyhow I dun. GP go present your findings/concerns to the Select Committee.

  8. Is the bill creating a police state or kind to MPs and other persons in public life falling under the legislation? I don’t think it can be both. But waaaait aren’t members of Solutions required to pay $500,000 to GP’s college if they desert the party or its promises? Under what legal basis? murderrrrr. #policepoliticalparty🤣🤣🤣

  9. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Enuff, why does this bill proffer seemingly diffent statues of limitations re the bribery act with the two and five year periods?

    One can appreciate that there is a desire to remove a sword of bribery from above your head after retirement but on what basis is the two years formed vrs five years or longer?

    If there is a limitation to bring court proceedings should it not be also be linked to when the criminal act was discovered…so if you retired and 2.5 years afterwards evidence was uncovered why should that be voidable to initiate a court proceeding?

    Or what if five years after retirement the bribee and briber remain in conspiratorial contact on related matters and evidence is discovered at that juncture which exposes the big initiating bribe of yesteryear why can’t the bribee be nailed then based on the fact of continued criminal act?

    Mr. Phillips offered very valid, well reasoned comments above and to simply attack him on his past missteps re penalties to his Solutions members does nothing to negate his points.

    Oh BTW 24 months is really short if you are already relatively well set in retirement and are assured your btibery crimes be prosecuted if you wait….it is interesting that you would scoff at such a delayed payment arrangement when secret accounts and well disguised payment plans are exactly the operational models used!

  10. @DpD
    Great response.

    If there is honor among thieves and you can keep payment out of your account for 2+years, then you have a get out of jail free card,

  11. Enuff has a point who is going to wait around for two years or more for their piece of filthy lucre? There is no honour among those willing to cut any illegal deals. Just imagine a retired pol without any leverage going to some businessman and asking him/her to pay up what was promised. I expect the person who was supposed to provide the bribe would have a hearty laugh before he kicked him out of the room. If people are willing to accept bribes they will tell the “briber” to “show me the money”.

  12. Piece Uh De ROck Yeah Right unofficial Leader of the Opposition cause Enuff tell me so Avatar
    Piece Uh De ROck Yeah Right unofficial Leader of the Opposition cause Enuff tell me so

    @ Grenville Phillips II

    So you have returned to the subject matter

    There was no need to make any comment about the party Mr. Phillips, you have so much to learn, THE MATTER IS DONE AND YOU MOVE ON.

    You have to build your parties image and become more flexible in your actions and pronouncements

    So here we have the 1933 Enabling Act Revisited by yourself no matter how pretty you are couching it.

    You need to comprehend that if you come over to people as a wuss you will never garner the support that will make SB a viable option in 2023

    I will let the grandson take a look at this document and fashion it appropriately.

    Did you get time to read the conquerable Jamaican Document OR ANY OTHER?

    Have you been seeing what Jamaica has been doing after engaging the Jimmy Carter Foundation?

    And while one does not really like the foreigner supported solutions de ole man thinks that given the subject matter we have to seek external non-biased support for something like this.

    What do you think?

  13. @PUDRYR

    You followed what the gentleman from Estonia shared with the gathering last week regarding harnessing and leveraging local expertise to drive local development model? Albeit in the context of egovetnment/business?

  14. @ The Honourable Blogmaster

    I started but i did not finish the entire article.

    I propose to do it tomorrow during some down time.

    I started it though as you might have seen from my initial comment about any pronouncement on the efficacy of ICT having to come from over and away for my people to accept the wisdom of such a strategy.

    I could actually send you a full blown document or a series of documents that number about 200 or more models that would be of use to this government but i ent from E-Stonia and I ent white.

    I actually read Ecclesiastes Chapter 2, today as I was enjoined by the Sage Anunnaki and well, after it, I just paused for a while and tears came to de ole man’s eyes. The words were to me and for me in almost every verse.

    So as you could see all my BU activity stopped and I went for a walk about 10 blocks. (I only told Enuff I was going to the sea to trick him, but i ent going near there causing he might waylay me and try to drown de ole man)

    Anyways, many a flower is born to bloom and waste its scent upon the desert air.

    As cliche as it is ‘we are all born to die…” but i will continue shouting in this wilderness praying that someone will harken to the cry…

  15. @PUDRYR who wrote ” I went for a walk about 10 blocks.”

    You mussee in de USA.

  16. I just posted in the Diaspora Corner. 8 people shot in Toronto. Gunman is dead.

  17. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Look at who advised and drafted the document, now why would anyone expect anything different, all of them may be in their graves before the commision or any part of the Act is enforced.

    …..these are not the kind of people to really want to enforce anthing to stop corruption, particularly among themselves, they do not have the moral core or ethical walk any of this through to completion. .they.never did… all of this is mere window dressing…or the draft legislation would be a lot tighter and would never have been drafted by those who themselves lack integrity, ethics and morals..and who have practiced corruption successfully for years.

    I just can’t bring myself to take any of them seriously knowing what I know, the document is voided even before it can be legislated just because of the ongoing actions of the drafters.

  18. @Sargeant
    You only have to park the funds somewhere for 2-years… a relative…
    I am sure they can be creative
    After two years, it is clean money…

  19. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    That 2 year and 5 year scheme of the drafters letting thieves, bribers and frauds …the criminals who steal public funds off easily should be upgraded to 10 and 15 years instead.

    I am waiting to hear Mia appoints one of the drafters of this joke integrity legislation and her lawyer Leslie Haynes to the supreme court bench despite knowing that:

    He was a director at Clico, part of the gang who caused the wholesale theft of policyholders money, the same people she claims she will pursue;
    He and his law firm are the lawyers for ALL of CGI Insurance personal injury cases that he maliciously left languishing and lingering in the Supreme Court without closure for over 15 years, the same cases which will no doubt go before him if he is appointed as a Judge, he already ignores conflicts of interest and does whatever he likes without consequences, no matter the destruction to injured, old, sick or dying people…he has no ethics, morals or integrity.

    I am waiting for that exposure worthy moment.

  20. @TheOGazerts

    A statute of limitations of two years for this type of crime is too short, hopefully someone will point that out and it will be changed.

  21. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Certain crimes…like stealing public funds should be treated like murder, no statute of limitations, but to have a 2 or 5 year statute of limitations for bribery, fraud and stealing from the treasury and pension is AN INSULT and very disrespectful to the population, to say the least… a 10 or 15 year statute of limitations mord than fair for thieves.

    He was not only a director at Clico, part of the gang who caused the wholesale theft of policyholders money and because of which there is a 128 million dollar lawsuit pending in the Supreme Court…with Haynes as a defendant, the same people Mia claims she will pursue;

    Why is he drafting legislation when he is known to be questionable.

  22. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    I have maintained that any Integrity Bill that cannot be enforced retroactively ,or to put it bluntly: If it cannot investigate acts of corruption going back at least twenty five years is a waste of time. There should be no statute of limitations regarding corruption.

    Who will guard the guardians ?

  23. @Sargeant

    It is worth reminding the blog that the government has established a joint committee of parliament to consult with the public. This is the process that will allow concerns about the bill to be considered and possibly incorporated. We need to provide the feedback by utilizing the avenue provided.

  24. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    No one should have to tell any of the drafters, they are all lawyers, that a statute of limitations for bribery, corruption, theft and fraud of taxpayer’s funds is worthy of 20 to 25 years statute of limitations..and anything less than 10 or 15 years is an insult to the people who elected the government. Most people would not know what a statue if limitations is and these drafters are counting on that lack of knowledge…to proclaim their fraud.

    But I say again, look at who comprised the drafters of the Act…neither Simmons nor Haynes should have been there period because they appear to be useless and have no intentions of protecting the population but only driven to continue their decades of victimizing the average bajans…it’s bad enough that sitting ministers allowed this to happen and colluded to present this as a good draft.

  25. Theo
    What is the average term life of MPs and governments in Barbados? What is the frequency of losing MPs seeking re-election even after defeat? Park the money like the lowedown one did? Nobody putting their ass at risk of a criminal offence via a process with no certainty of payment. Laws are to deter not stop.

    I didn’t draft the bill, therefore I haven’t a clue. It is good to see a participatory approach to legislation being employed.

  26. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    “What is the average term life of MPs and governments in Barbados?”

    And that is the very reason why a 10-25 year statute of limitations can be seen as being fair to the public who will be the victims as usual….when ministers/lawyers/bribers/thieves retire and are about to enjoy their illgotten gains for the remainder 20 years of their lives.

    Even you have to admit that 6 or 7 lawyers with at least 150 years legal experience between them have no excuse for trying to slip this travesty past the public…they are well aware that certain aspects of the law goes right over the heads of the average person unless they are legally trained or have a working knowledge of the law..
    hence the reason that they all have gotten away for decades with victimizing, oppressing and exploiting the majority population for financial gain….because most people do not understand the law…and despite the taxpayers funding their education, they all exploited the known lack of legal knowledge of the population….for decades and apparently have no plans to stop given this shady draft document they are trying to foist on an unaware electorate.

    ..this is not one they can blame the drafting clerk of parliament for.., this was a deliberate act to deceive the people….since one would think after the cock up of the 500,000 fine being reduced to nothing and EXPOSED…they would have all perused the draft for more of their idiocy, so it is clear they thought no one would notice this and it is even more obvious that an eagle eyed attorney Grenville asked to review the document found the intent.

  27. Enuff

    Should the integrity legislation bill not address situations whereby politicians renewing appointment contracts for their friends and political colleagues, before the expiration of the original contracts……especially on the eve of a general election……

    ……as revealed in yesterday’s Sunday Sun?

    Surely such occurrences have a direct effect on integrity.

    Additionally, I understand that Derek Alleyne’s contract as Director of UDC, which was to end in 2019, was renewed until 2029……a period of TEN YEARS.

  28. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Something else to add to their integrity legislation,…ya would think that since that is all the newly elected ministers and Mia been talking about since being elected ……the fraudulent renewal of contracts by the defunct DLP……it would have been included in the draft legislation, am still to hear that it is part of the draft.

    It appears that these drafters are so CONSUMED with protecting corruption, fraud, thievery and bribery against the people….protecting their criminal friends and business partners ….INSTEAD of the people…that they are unable to think straight.

  29. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Enuff, not a drafter but u certainly have very lucid opinions on what the drafters intended so surely u can do much better than ’no clue’.

    I remain very perplexed of your strong position re the 2 year termination of prosecution after retirement.

    Your contention that “nobody putting their ass at risk of a criminal offence via a process with no certainty of payment” is completely counterintuitive …

    If I am assured of being free and clear from ANY prosecution in 24 months what then is my real risk other than getting the payment.

    If I am smart enough to finangle the system to facilitate making sizeable bribes do u really want to convince de blog that I can’t hold my bribers cajones to the fire to ENSURE my funds and/or park them secretly for 2 years.

    The legislation appears to suggest as u are (Mr Nondrafter) that a corrupt delinquent will be young and not wealthy enuff in his/her crookedness to retire….thus there will be time to catch the culprit!

    What of those who do score big and retire anyhow?

    This two year period is quite an interesting anomoly.

  30. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service July 23, 2018 10:26 AM
    “It appears that these drafters are so CONSUMED with protecting corruption, fraud, thievery and bribery against the people….protecting their criminal friends and business partners ….INSTEAD of the people…that they are unable to think straight.”

    Corruption in the public sector (or the sophisticated way of misappropriating taxpayers’ money) can only occur through collusion of a number of people.

    Large-scale corruption involving contracts for millions of dollars cannot just involve members from the political class; including those appointed to the various Boards of those State-owned and managed agencies.

    Such large-scale pilfering can only be perpetrated with the deliberate or cowardly connivance of the very senior members of the bureaucratic and managerial class either at the Central government level or involving the CEO and CFO of those SOEs and policy-executing agencies

    Even the lowly Customs officers cannot execute large-scale kickbacks on a continual basis without their supervisors turning a blind eye to these ‘arranged’ transactions.

  31. Yes Miller…corruption is systemic..but it becomes even more ugly when lawyers drafting the integrity legislation to CURB corruption are themselves colluding to ease up those who are systematically corrupt from paying for their actions or serving time in prison for their crimes..

    .. corruption in government cannot be successful without the input of top managers, ministers and the corrupt business sector…so we already know who the corrupters and corruptees are…it has never been a secret, the problem is getting the drafters of the integrity legislation to show some integrity and ethics themselves and stop trying to hoodwink the people to protect corruption.

  32. Members of the public are encouraged to follow the discussions, which will be livestreamed from 2 p.m. on the Government Information Service’s Facebook page.

  33. Here is another explanation about why blacks in leadership roles do the wicked things they do.., apart from greed..

    “All hate is born from self hate – Dr. Amos Wilson …
    “It is very easy to get a man who hates himself to kill his brother, to inform on his people to his or her White masters.
    Black people have been Trained,Brutalized,Manipulated to see it as negative to act, think, or even speak in support of Black people interest.

    Teaching a man to hate himself is much more criminal than teaching a man to hate others.”..Malcolm X

    You can’t win physically if you’re losing mentally. The biggest battle we have to face is the battle going on in our mind

    If I have lied to you for hundreds of years when do you start to believe that I am telling you the truth.”

  34. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Well, Well July 23, 2018 11:19 AM
    “.. corruption in government cannot be successful without the input of top managers, ministers and the corrupt business sector…so we already know who the corrupters and corruptees are…it has never been a secret, the problem is getting the drafters of the integrity legislation to show some integrity and ethics themselves and stop trying to hoodwink the people to protect corruption.”

    And who would enforce these anti-corruption ‘mercurial laws against “these top mangers, ministers and the corrupt business sector”?

    As it stands, there are appropriate laws against these kinds of blatant financial malfeasance in the public sector. Just look at the various Auditor General’s reports and see the extent of financial wrongdoing over the years.

    Do you know of any cases where these crooks were brought to book other than the odd small fish way down the food chain of corruption and without high-brow social connections?

    Same thing applies to those behind the illegal drugs and guns smuggling trade.
    Isn’t the leper Greenverbs an extremely rich and free man today despite being the pal of a former political kingpin?

    The well known phrase, “who will guard the guards” is more than a passing point of discussion among the Bajan chatterati.

  35. “As it stands, there are appropriate laws against these kinds of blatant financial malfeasance in the public sector.”

    That is why it is so insulting to the public when lawyers and drafters of new legislation engage in this conspiracy to make sure the legislation for integrity in office that they are drafting REMAINS defective and ineffective…while the existing laws to punish corruption were never enforced from inception, they have been sitting idle for years while this gang of clowns legislate new laws to join the unused uselessness.

    ..that in and of itself is a crime against the people who elected the government to legislate AND ENFORCE strong laws to punish corrupt ministers, civil servants and business people who steal public funds..

    But again, take a look at the drafters of the legislation and ask yourself if you would trust any of them to draft any laws that would not exploit, oppress, marginalize and steal from the people…they have track records themselves..

  36. Grenville

    Didn’t your candidates think that your $1million dollar fine was draconian and outrageous?

  37. @ Artax July 23, 2018 10:16 AM

    Additionally, I understand that Derek Alleyne’s contract as Director of UDC, which was to end in 2019, was renewed until 2029……a period of TEN YEARS…..


    Say it aint so, Artax……..

    Every day we are given more news on how reckless and SICK those DLP morons were.

    But dont worry…….he will be gone soon and not a cent should be paid other than a month’s salary in lieu of notice. Derek Alleyne is one of the bad dudes of the DLP.

    Another one who was given a long contract even though he is long past retirement age is Cranston Browne…….he will be gone after Crop Over for sure…….useless moron.

    By the way, Artax, it was also revealed that the Maureen Holder was being paid $10,000 per month to talk shiiite on CBC and lambaste Mia Mottley……….she is so ashamed that she has not been seen in public since May 24th…….she cannot even show her face at Foundation School Old Scholars as when she was large and in charge….she was very disrespectful to the principal and was ban from the premises.

    Look how these dems raped the taxpayers for ten years…….and CBC is $100 million in debt!!!!

  38. @Prodigal Son

    Is it not true to say that the same occurred under the Bees? There are still cases tied up in our failing court system to support.

  39. This is the same thing we hear over and over….. but BLP did the same thing too….problem with that is since the defunct DLP was in a competition with BLP to see how destructive they could be with the people’s money, and they succeeded in destroying the court system AND the economy……we are left to wonder if despite all the talk and saying the right things, if BLP is not now in competition to see how much destruction they too can wrought in taxpayer’s and pensioners lives….

    The electorate was left with no choice but to destroy DLP before they finished off the people.

    …this is a merry go round by both political parties with them and their bribers as the only ones benefiting, maybe it is time the electorate renders BLP defunct as well, so there is no repeat…better be safe than sorry…..right Enuff.

  40. “Is it not true to say that the same occurred under the Bees?”

    David BU

    And if we’re honest, it has reoccurred under this present BLP administration…… especially as it relates to consultants.

    However, since there hasn’t been any replacements named to manage the Transport Board and CBC, I’ll have to reserve my comments until such appointments are made.

    And in keeping with integrity, transparency, accountability and the interest of taxpayers…..

    …….the names of individuals selected to manage SOE’s, their work experience, requisite qualifications, salary and terms and conditions of employment…..should be revealed for public knowledge and scrutiny.

  41. Prodigal

    The DLP operatives, including those who hypocritically attempt to fool us they apolitical……that frequent this forum, will defend those wicked decisions to renew employment contracts when there was a dissolution of parliament and a few days before the May 24th general elections…….

    ……rather than being honest and fair to condemn such actions.

    And of course, they’ll refer to the 1994 to 2008 period, while admonishing those who refer to the recent period 2008 to 2018.

  42. “@Prodigal Son Is it not true to say that the same occurred under the Bees? There are still cases tied up in our failing court system to support.”

    This is not true. There were no extension of contracts, far less extension of contracts that were 2 years away from expiration.

  43. Enuff

    My comments were written within the context of appointments of consultants.

    However, to be fair, I’mm forced to agree with your response to Prodigal.

    I recall a few weeks after the DEMS won the 2008 elections, during a press conference, David Thompson made reference to the number of consultants recruited by the Arthur (although the BLP consultants were replaced with their DLP counterparts)…..

    …….but he never mentioned any situation where contracts for heads of SOE’s were renewed 1 or 2 years prior to the expiration of the original contracts

  44. Thanks Enuff……..I was just going to say the same thing.

    The BLP never did these kinda thing………renew contracts that were due to expire years after a new government was elected??? …….in some instances……..for ten years!!!!

    ………..Renew contracts for catering tying the hands of the incoming government after they showed the previous caterer no respect and unceremoniously dismissed them weeks after being elected.

    ……….Renew a contract for twelve years with no break clause…..not one of them would do a contract without a break clause for any of the properties they acquired during the last ten years.

    …..No it is not Chris Sinckler, Richard Sealy, David Estwick, Denis Kellman or Denis Lowe who are going to be footing this unnecessary expenditure…….it is we the small taxpayers.

  45. No respect for taxpayers money, one was trying to outdo the other party in how much money they can waste….no wonder DLP exploded, blew themselves right up, stupid clowns.

  46. Can’t those outrageous renewals be challenged under the contra bonos mores principle?

  47. Trust me Enuff…….they are being dealt with……….

    Look at the Transport Board…….the woman was so mad that it is alleged that she leaked her own details…………I feel no pain for her…..remember what they did to a worker called Lisa somebody……leaked her personal file for the likes of ac to ridicule the lady.

    These dems have no conscience…….how in God’s great name could they….everyone of them…………Cranston Browne, Sandra Forde, the Nepolean lady, Blakey’s owner Mr Gittens, Dexter James, the fellow who ran in the City………Henderson somebody, Doug Hoyte…… could they accept these contracts when they knew that the dlp would lose the government.

    They did not care about us the taxpayers only their own selfish selves…….now we have to pay them out……if I had my way…….one to three months salary…….not a cent more……sue me!!!!

    The dems did not realise that their day would come!

  48. @Prodigal Son

    We wait to see if Prime Minister Mottley will exact vengeance.

  49. Well Well

    What has become of the money jumbie, Darcy Boyce?….one of your “favourites……. He was the mover shaker in that cabinet and never offered himself to the people of Barbados…….just feasted off of the spoils.

    He is one that should be investigated bigly…… Cahill, the Pierhead project and the Andrews factory project .

  50. David

    She seems very outraged especially since she has had to impose further taxes on the people………..all of which she feels could have been avoided……..all of the mismanagement is what has us here.


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