Yugge Farrell

There is the interesting case of a Vincentian woman by the name of Yugge Farrell who was sent to the psychiatric hospitable on 5 January 2018 to undergo two weeks evaluation because she reportedly ‘cuss’ Karen Duncan-Gonsalves, the wife of Minister of Finance Camillo Gonsalves.

The backlink to the story- Yugge reportedly had a fling with Camillo Gonsalves, the son of the Prime Minister and the tentacles of political power appears to have exerted some influence on how Yugge Farrell’s matter is being treated by the St. Vincent court. Not only was she ferreted to the mental institution with haste, it is reported that a cocktail of drugs were administered to her without any logical basis for doing so.

The case has galvanized the support of women across the Caribbean to what they see as an injustice against a young woman whose only ‘crime’ is that she ‘cuss’ a prominent politician’s wife after giving her husband ‘piece’. Social media is plastered with several ‘muscular’ stories about the tryst gone south. The bottomline is that it appears Ralphie and the Gonsales family have seen the weight of their dynasty- whether by accident or design-  influencing how Yugge has been treated to date.

People everywhere are pleased to learn that Yugge was granted bail today and her case scheduled for 17 December 2018.

The BU household adds our ‘voice of concern’ to what seems on the surface to be a prominent family in St Vincent making life hell for the former Caribbean Top Model. We have no doubt that Ralphie and family in the wake of the wide support Yugge has been receiving will step back from this matter and hope that it fades. We hope not!

The other angle to the story which concerns BU has to do with the haste regular citizens are often carted off to mental institutions under instructions from our courts. Courts are responsible for dispensing JUSTICE. As if the stigma of being forced to enter a psychiatric institution is not enough, there are the drugs which are administered that always seem to forever alter the behaviour of the ‘victim’. It appears anyone that is charged with an anti social behaviour have to appear in our courts, our magistrates see as the only recourse available as subjecting them to a psychiatric evaluation. While on the service this is not the worse thing that can occur, why the Rh they have to administer drugs? Some one needs to investigate!

We hope that in the din being raised by the feminists groups and those with the women’s agenda, the other side of this story is not smothered read the RH abuse of the ASYLUM!

Google ‘yugge farrell’

319 responses to “The Yugge Farrell Story – Rh Abuse of Political POWER and the ASYLUM!”

  1. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar
    Dr. Simple Simon

    @Theophilius Gazerts 261 (not related to Theo 260) February 3, 2018 at 11:21 AM #
    I can imagine a Bajan yardfowl on a Vincetian blog lambasting their political leadership, but wanting to treat Mia and Freundel as sacred cows…

    I wouldn’t call Mia or Freundel cows, but I know for sure that they are not sacred.

  2. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Dr. Simple Simon February 3, 2018 at 1:49 PM

    So whose udders did Fumble refer to when he said the teats of the ‘milch’ cow were sore from too much sucking by the Bajan riffraff aka hoi polloi?

    Not his deceitful lying prolifically administration? Well, that makes him a cow even if a bull(y)ing one as two Bajan ‘bull-cows’ cannot produce a taxpaying heifer.

    For MAM, well, well, the opposite of a ‘sacred bull-cow’ got to be a succulent pussy cat to be ‘eaten’ in true Chinese ‘tomboy’ style.

  3. Theophilius Gazerts 261 Avatar
    Theophilius Gazerts 261

    I googled the young lady’s name, the last story was two days ago.
    Yesterday’s news.

  4. Was the story ever about Yugge Farrell or about how an ensconced political elite abuses the system for personal gain.

  5. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    To get worldwide exposure and for people to sit up and pay attention, a catalyst is always needed, Yugge was that catalyst, one of many Yugge’s abused by the government, but they managed to use lies, their status and subterfuge to cover their years of abuse of power…

    ……..they could not cover up and lie about that one even though they already lined up many more Yugges in the wings for sexual use and abuse.

    They are repulsive and hopefullyblly in 2 years Vincentians will come to the realization that they can remove themselves from being the victims of Gonzales and his gang, by removing Gonzales and his gang…

    There is a reason why he wilfully keeps the population poorly educated and only conscious enough to keep returning him to power….

    …. he should really be in prison…in a perfect world he would be imprisoned for another 50 years to live out his evil life in a dark dungeon…far away from Vincentians. .

  6. Theophilius Gazerts 261 Avatar
    Theophilius Gazerts 261

    To me it was About Yugge Farrell. Let’s not pretend that we are now learning how things are in the Caribbean. It’s the Yugge Farrells of the world who acts like the canaries in the mines….
    (Wow.. miller is rubbing off on me)..

  7. This incident about Yugge Farrell is just another symptom which exposes the warts of our small insular incestuous governance setups and how they are manipulated by the elite. Dont get tie up.

  8. @David

    The sunlight shone on this case should be the best disinfectant but this is the Caribbean and St.Vincent in particular so the many damsels who were ushered into the Executive Office under the guise of interviewing for a “position” should remember that “missionary” is a position too.

  9. That is low Sargeant!

  10. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    This is playing out in a behemoth…people are organizing, they asked for help and I gave them a mouthful…..to work with.

    YOU have to organize to fight these demons in YOUR parliaments, senates and congress

    YOU cannot let them win..

    YOU pay their salaries..

    With powers given to them by the people, the leaders ALL carry the potential to be monsters, demons and sexual sadists who have no compunction about brutalizing the people for sexual gratification and self enrichment. ..they been doing it for decades, everywhere.

    “Well, that’s a good start, but there’s a VERY LONG way to go to rid ourselves of the virulent cancer that is now, and has been, prevalent in our political system.

    However, the REAL problem is: In addition to just complaining, what do we actively and constructively DO about all this political corruption in our country?

    Obviously, we MUST GET OUT THE VOTE, BIG TIME, against them

    But, we need to get a concerted, viable plan to accomplish this. I think we need to start at the local levels in each of our respective cities, towns, suburban areas, etc.

    Many of us already possess valuable educational background and/or experience in organization, motivation and operation of people and causes.

    As we all acknowledge, the present corrupt government in our country has enormous financial and political power.

    However, we have enormous numbers of people to rally to our cause, which can certainly be a tremendous force to be reckoned with.

    We must take a lesson from France of the 1700’s and use our numbers and skills to overcome our own corrupt government.

    Now, let’s be perfectly clear. I’m absolutely NOT suggesting any type of violent overthrow of our government like that in the French Revolution.

    I merely use this to illustrate how people in a country having a corrupt government can ORGANIZE to overcome such corruption.

    Many political groups already exist here with their own goals to attempt much of what we need to accomplish. So, let’s put our heads together now and organize.

    Please give me any suggestions you may have.”

  11. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar

    millertheanunnaki February 3, 2018 at 2:34 PM “So whose udders did Fumble refer to when he said the teats of the ‘milch’ cow were sore from too much sucking by the Bajan riffraff aka hoi polloi?”

    Freundel seems to have forgotten that he and the rest of the political class are the principal suckers on the breasts of the over burdened taxpayers of Barbados.


  12. The Yugge matter has taken wings within the Region.Federalism is a sine qua non to introduce measures to ensure good governance


  13. Theophilius Gazerts 263 Avatar
    Theophilius Gazerts 263

    I will not forget you Yugge.
    I will remain tied up..

  14. Theophilius Gazerts 263 Avatar
    Theophilius Gazerts 263

    I detect a slight bias towards the Gonsalves..

  15. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    The purported abuse by the Gonzales Empire of the Caribbean Sun is disturbing for all of the aforestated reasons foremost of which being the alleged administration of medication to the incarcerated Ms Farrell.

    De ole man using purported and alleged causing I dun know dat DEM now got De cunstitutional power to search siege enter and arrest anybody whom dem suspect of sedition

    I remember when dat Depizza gal talk bout sedition and rant bout how people need hanging fuh exposing letter contents or something like that a few people here commented on her ravings.

    But if we examine the emerging patterns across the Caribbean Fugge’s matter mirrors the rampant abuse of powers across the judicial, legislative and administrative sectors.

    If what it purported to have happened in St Vincent is true then one can see how this parallels the attempted murder of the Blackett fellow from the pine and the other young man who impossibly hung himself with his pants from a hook 10 feet up a wall while under police custody and the commensurate cover up.

    Interestingly Andrew Pilgrim was also Nazzim Blackett’s lawyer during the attempted murder of the latter while in police custody. I wonder what happened in that young man’s case?

    What is so sad about these proliferating matters of flagrant abuse of constitutional rights etc is the noted absence of any serious Human Rights entities, organizations that are resident in our region after all these years of glaring infractions and blatant infelicities

    We have the numerous circumstances of purported rape by the minister, both clergy and parliamentarian, human rights violations of the poor man, abuse of dominant position, and all the other international qualifying indicators yet we as a people seem to lack the collective gravitas to command similar institutional mechanisms as a means of redress.

    Don’t these exist in first world countries. Why is that we have none?

    Can it be that Only Andrew Pilgrim or David Commisiong or Afra Raymond got balls?

    Let the records show that the ole man did not say that the ombudsman and his predecessors both local and regional, seem not to have these testicular organs but appeared to suc* the bal”s of the incumbent administrations in their respective jurisdictions

  16. Theophilius Gazerts 256 Avatar
    Theophilius Gazerts 256
  17. Theophilius Gazerts 256 Avatar
    Theophilius Gazerts 256

    Do you all truly grasp how powerful those in authority are? From the time they put their hands on you, ‘your ass is grass’ (stole that).

    One minute you are a side chick or de horner opening your big ‘mout’; the next minute you are in an institution getting psychiatric medications…

    If you getting a little piece on the side tek it and keep your frigging mout shut….

  18. Thanks for this link, although Kenton has to cloak his language it confirms what those of us on the ground are fully aware.

  19. Do not underestimate the influence of the political class in these small islands.

    Camillo’s wife was begged to fill FSA top post – PM

    by Admin

    Karen Duncan-Gonsalves, wife of Finance Minister Camillo Gonsalves was asked to fill the temporary void when the top job at the Financial Service Authority became vacant on Jan. 31, Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves says. There have been questions raised about Duncan-Gonsalves filling the post of executive director of a regulatory agency over which her husband […]

    Read more of this post

  20. It’s abouse of power and freedom it has been part of human history even here in American the patriot act was abouse of power against Muslim minorities.

  21. Theophilius Gazerts 256 Avatar
    Theophilius Gazerts 256

    Conspiracy Theory
    What if Yugge is just the canary in the welll. A trial run by despots to see how far they can push the limit. IF what I read on Facebook is true, it seems as if the next person to be arrested and medicated will be a Bajan….

  22. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar

    The old people did not go too far in school, but they were wise enough to teach us that “what in the old goat got to be in the kiddie”

  23. Dr. Simple Simon Avatar

    Or in English:

    “The fruit does not fall too far from the tree”

  24. Theophilius Gazerts 270 Avatar
    Theophilius Gazerts 270

    Unable to fin an article about “Yugge” during the month of March

  25. Yugge, they are turning you invisible.
    Not a peep
    Not a squeak,
    Your fifteen minutes of shame is over…

  26. Yugge,
    I have not forgotten thee
    I hope you get your day in a good court

  27. Theophilius Gazerts 443 Avatar
    Theophilius Gazerts 443

    Oh Yugge, why Gonsalves and not me
    You are etched in my memory..

    Keep Yugge alive.

  28. a theory which seems to be conspiracy
    What if Yugge is just the canary in the welll.

  29. Yugge
    What became of thee
    One moment on the front page
    Next moment, obscurity
    Not even a memory
    Now I have just one conclusion
    Twas a figment of my imagination
    As if you never was

  30. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    This is truly sad.

    From a number of perspectives.

    That a female citizen could incur the wrath of a political elite that would

    1.subvert a court system

    2.reach out and incarcerate a citizen

    3.craft that said citizen is put in a mental institution

    4.craft that said party be again committed to longer care at said institution

    5.extend said probation by way of the reach of the court to a year and another court date

    Yet, scum like David Come Sing a Song wants Grensda to leave the Privy Council and subject itself to this sort of filth?

  31. Court Drops Charge Against Former Model Accused of Insulting Vincentian Finance Minister’s Wife
    Caribbean360December 18, 2018

    Yugge Farrell left court without the burden of the almost one-year-old charge. (Photo credit: iWitness News)

    KINGSTOWN, St Vincent, Tuesday December 18, 2018 – A former model who had been accused of using insulting language to the wife of Finance Minister Camillo Gonsalves, walked out of court yesterday without that charge hanging over her head.

    Senior Magistrate Rickie Burnett dismissed the case against 23-year-old Yugge Farrell for want of prosecution.

    Farrell was charged in January this year with committing the offence against Karen Duncan-Gonsalves, calling her “a dirty b****”. She was initially remanded to the Mental Health Centre for observation for one month, before being released on bail until yesterday.

    When she appeared in the Kingstown Magistrate’s Court, dressed in all black, the court was told that the prosecution was withdrawing the charge against her. But her lawyer, Grant Connell noted that there had been no disclosure in the matter and expressed concern that the prosecution was leaving the door open to prosecuting his client again.

    Farrell had claimed to have had an affair with Gonsalves, Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves’ son, for about a year. But the Finance Minister has not spoken publicly on the alleged extramarital affair.


  32. Well they incarcerated her and had her under psychiatric observation for an extended period of time.

    They have damaged and labeled her.

    Disgusting but not as brutal / horrific as the Khasoggi affair. The parallels are there.

  33. Thanks for the update

  34. Wondering if she got or will get her life back…

    Laid down with a dog and caught a lot more than fleas.

  35. Have you absolved her (and family) from blame in the matter?

  36. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster

    You asked about Yugge’s absolution from blame.

    Indeed de ole man understands your “strategy” with this question which is to emote a response.

    Ralph Gonzalez ‘ family has, for a short while, become the untouchables

    Ralph is the Despot that Mugabe seeks to become with her prolific HR placements of her pooch lickers across the island landscape.

    Yugge took some forbidden doggie from a married man and then did the double unspeakable

    She advertised her sampling publicly BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, RATHER SERIOUSLY, she called the legal taker of that doggie, THE WIFE, a female dog.

    What was her crime? and why was she locked up for?

    Taking the appendage of the husband, GONZALES, NOTHING ELSE!!!

    Adultery, in the West Indies, is a badge of honour, for men, it means we got young, pretty outside women.

    For the women it is a slap in their social currency and for a few of the old guard, a ripping of their heart, and for that Yugge was made to pay.

    All that colourful mess aside what it means for the Vincentisn legal mechanism IS THE PERVERSION OF THEIR JUDICIAL SYSTEM AND THEIR ELECTORAL SYSTEM.

    To lock up a citizen for giving way she pus*y to another citizen who is married to the son of the prime minister and whose punishment is committal to the mental hospital is a serious issue.

    What recourse does such a person have? Where does she seek recourse?

    It is not any different here in Barbados is it? The law of the land is subverted daily for these demigods

    You see why CARICOM IS A WASTE FOOP?

    But doan worry this Venezuela issue going sort out this shy$e in the oddest of ways.

  37. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster your assistance please with an item here for this Yugge matter

  38. Nidika Offer Call Girls in Bangalore

    Nice to see this article looking forward to seeing more thanks.

  39. Would be good if we could get Tthe Bjan lawyer to gives us a blurb on “political power and the law”.
    For the old geezers like myself…
    Added this link here for when I saw the picture, to see the ‘beauty’ was like a punch in the guts.

    Yugge, we remember thee.

  40. @ Commander Theophillus Gazerts

    I am not sure when last you came here to see what has happened with Yugge

    I came this morning to update myself

    I notice a “pingback link” and slicked it

    It read

    “…Decide Sexy Bangalore Escort women for enjoyable and recreation

    I am Nidika Kaur independent escort in Bangalore, the girl who wants to be your midnight glory, morning amusement and evening excitement.

    The city of Bangalore is a complete fun city and welcomes its visitors from other states and cross-border with a wide-spread arm….”

    What is going on here on BU?

    Is the site promoting Sex Tourism for Bangalore?

    Certainly puts a twist on “the cause that needs assistance…” doesn’t it?

  41. I had almost forgotten Yugge.
    Any case with her will likely take ages to be resolved.
    We will find Barbados i no exception to delayed justice

  42. Sir Benwood Dick Avatar
    Sir Benwood Dick

    Piece the Legend
    September 23, 2019 4:44 AM

    Are you saying Sir, that your cause needs assistance? If so, maybe Dr.GP may assist, the blue pill maybe?

  43. A repeat of an earlier post\

    What became of thee
    One moment on the front page
    Next moment, obscurity
    Not even a memory
    Now I have just one conclusion
    Twas a figment of my imagination
    Not Forgotten

  44. Wondering how this became a recent top post….
    Wait, don’t tell me. ..

  45. It is being circulated on WhatsApp in St. Vincent. Continue to be puerile, it suits some of you.

  46. Let me state, just once as It may not be immediately obvious,
    I am highly appreciative of your effort and what you do here at BU.
    Keep up the good work,

  47. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    That is one stoopid answer that would satisfy ingrunt bajans

    But we are not Stoopid!!!

    You said and I quote

    “…It is being circulated on WhatsApp in St. Vincent. Continue to be puerile, it suits some of you….”

    In a recent Statement of Accustomed Disinformation as Minister you said that the most commented articles were …..and you have their names.

    Suddenly you have a category of “most circulated” which, IN CONVENIENT MOVING OF THE GOALPOST STYLING, becomes your “top posts” BECAUSE IT SUITS YOUR DISINFORMATION NARRATIVE

    Just like you “Top Clicks” have been manually overwritten to reflect the Coolaid Flavour of the day that you want Barbados Underground readers to visit TO COLLECT PEOPLES IP ADDRESSES VIA THE CHARLES ME LOVE YOU JONG TIME AVENUE!

    You really feel bajans stoopid


  48. WordPress is responsible for the algorithm that determines the most commented blogs based on last 1000 comments.

    The popularity of a blog is based on hits/views to the topic from any origination.

    All posted can be verified by anybody registering a WordPress blog.

    You may have the last word.


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