For the cause that lacks assistance, the wrong that needs resistance, for the future in the distance, and the good that [BU] can doGeorge Linnaeus Banks

One of the challenges the BU household has had to manage from inception is the ‘right’ of the BU community to express opinions and share information protected under the cloak of freedom of expression. The BU household has zealously guarded  this ‘right’ because the traditional media players in Barbados- with a few exceptions  -have relinquished the role it is expected to play in a breathing democracy.

With a few exceptions BU has managed the majority of our battles with lawyers and WordPress away from the public – the main reason, to not betray the code of confidentiality members of the BU household has sworn to honour at any cost.

A recent notification from a local lawyer is interesting because as we always do in an effort to be fair to the aggrieved party is to request copies of the offending BU links for our review. If after a process of review that may or may not include legal support, we will amend, remove or leave the links being questioned. Through the process BU ALWAYS share the reasons for the final decision taken. On a few occasions we have apologised to the parties. In this case, after several weeks have passed, the local lawyer has refused to share the links of concern to his client and instead transmit a veil threat of a legal action to come.

The second event of this week we want to share is the attempt to muzzle BU for sharing comments on Facebook (FB). Obviously the BU household has no control over the comments policy of FB, it is the main reason we have operated from the more protected platform of WordPress. The opportunity to practice freedom of expression on Facebook can be hijacked with ease by those who have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo. It is interesting to note the most significant interactions David of BU engages on BU is with Minister Denis Kelllman. We plead guilty to ‘ragging’ him on the issue of the GROTTO because we hold strongly to the view that it is the public’s right to know if it pertains to how taxpayer money is spent.

Let the message go about that Barbados Underground will continue to defend the right of the BU community to freely express itself AND at the same time fairly respond to objections raised by parties who feel defamed in the process. All aggrieved parties are asked to do is click on the Send Confidential Message at the top of this page to share a brief note detailing the concern and links to blogs and comments being questioned.

The silly season is approaching.

167 responses to “Trying to Muzzle Barbados Underground”

  1. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Simple Simon April 15, 2017 at 5:04 PM

    “”But ain’t the Muslim boy a black Bajan too””

    Then you don’t really Muslims. Black Muslims are what we Bajans called “mean office workers”. They are at the bottom of the Muslim Totten pole.

    They are what Christianity refers to as “hewers of wood and drawers of water”.

  2. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    This one is for PRODIGAL

    Payne: ‘I would sue them’

    Added by Neville Clarke on November 25, 2015.

    Outspoken St Andrew MP George Payne says if he were in Dr Maria Agard’s position, he would take the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) to court.

    The embattled Christ Church West MP was Sunday expelled from the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) by the Mia Mottley-led National Council.

    Asked by reporters assembled in Parliament yard this morning if he agreed with former Prime Minister Owen Arthur who had earlier described Dr Agard’s expulsion as a tragedy, Payne not only concurred with what Arthur said, but went on to suggest that Dr Agard should sue the main Opposition party, “especially taking the circumstances into consideration, I would do something – take the matter to the law courts.

    “I have no doubt that the court would agree that what transpired was not fair to [Dr] Agard,” said Payne, adding that “the members of the National Council are human beings like you and I. They have children, they have girl children and they have wives and they have women.”
    Payne also dismissed claims that the first- time MP’s stewardship left much to be desired.
    “She has been a very good representative. It is fairly obvious that there are certain things that she cannot do that previous representatives have done in that constituency.


    This speaks for itself!!!!!

  3. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    bajans April 15, 2017 at 4:56 PM

    Don’t get so hot and so sweaty. These are true stories as told to a real Journalist by BLACK AFRICANS.

    Did you not follow the link?

    In the near future watch and see what the Muslims will do In Barbados to BLACK people.

  4. BU did great work on the Cahill scam. Only a few Barbadians can imagine what would have happened with this doomsday machine. Environment gone. Health gone. Sandy Lane gone. Tourism gone. Island gone. And certain ministers gone to Canada with full pockets …

  5. If the DLP executive had any balls , it would drop the following from contesting the next General Election.
    Stuart. F
    Sinkler C
    Estwick D
    Lowe, D
    Etc. Etc

  6. You are so right, Colonel…….after treating Barbadians with scant respect for so long, they should be ashamed to face the people to ask for a vote.

  7. A fellow on Bank Hall, was heard to say, God help those people in Windsor Road Bank Hall who lost their homes to fire, recently, cause if they did not support Blackett in the last election, his Constituency Chief Canvasser (CCC) is going to make sure that they do not get even card a board box from any of the government agencies.

  8. Dennis Lowe denied that he hired workers yet a van load of them descended on my neighbourhood where a senior minister lives……….they looked like people that were just picked up from off the block, pants under their behinds. Next day one of them broke into a house…………was caught red handed on the CCTV.

  9. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    The threat to the blogs and call in programs have always come from your dear beloved Barbados Labour Party. DAVID knows that, he is just pretending, bare poppycock.

    “She(MIA AMOR MOTTLEY) spoke too, of “blogs” – online postings of individuals’ views and comments to which surfers of the Internet can respond – which, because of the technology, could not be regulated.
    “[Blogs] will marginalise our existence as parliaments and will cause disrespect, not just for the rule of law, but for the institutions that are required to keep our societies safe,” she said.
    The minister later told reporters her position was that radio stations and other entities should regulate themselves first, “and it is only in the absence of self-regulation that the state should play a role, because the culture of our people is one where because of our history we don’t like censorship”.
    “But you cannot continue unless you have basic standards of accountability,” she noted, “and so far, that has been driven only by the avoidance of libel and defamatory action as opposed to the requirement for informed criticism, and in the same way that parliaments need researchers, call-in programmes should have assistants who can do the research so that there can be informed debate.”
    Mottley submitted that in this system of democracy which often has to respond to the existing culture, people would not respond well to denial of access or censorship.

  10. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    DAVID you need “”researchers”” don’t come here and talk foolishness all the time.

  11. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan


    Have you read what Payne said in 2015?

    Are you embarrassed to answer?

  12. Why don’t you post your name like the man you are not?

  13. ありがとう

  14. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    All that crap Mia vomited thinking she was top dog protecting the status quo of criminality, disresoect, disenfranchishment and victimization practiced against majority bajans for decades by her minority masters and both governments, has also blown up in her face as it has in the current government’s.

    After joining with Cow, Bizzy, Peter Harris, DPP Leacock, Owen Arthur and others with wicked secrets to hide, their attempts to have the blogs shut dpwn because of the parasite Cow’s demand that he wanted the internet removed from Barbados due to all their criminal activities that can have them arrested in other jurisdictions and banned from traveling…where has it gotten Mia and any of the other culprits….they have all been exposed for the world to see, their names all over cyberspace for international agencies to access, that cannot be removed….one wonders why any of them would still think they are safe or untouchable or can retaliate…they are all being delusional……things will go downhill real fast if they try….as they have been trying for years, the more information is put in cyberspace across the region and around the world on blogs they do not even know exist and even if they knew, should be very afraid, these are not blogs one can threaten..

    That is the bed both greedy governments and arrpgant, parasitic minority business people spent decades making for themselves and now they all have to sleep in it, so there is no one to blame but themselves. They never thought times would change, greedy people never do.

    The threat to the blogs is only in your mind Carson. Yall can only continue to fool and deceive the most simpleminded of yardfowls in these times…everyone else is on to the wickedness and lies emanating from the evil depths of the missing souls of politicians/ministers and lawyers who facilitate bribery, corruption and victimization of their own people for financial gain..

  15. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    What happen allyuh can’t sleep, working the thumbs down overtime…lol

    Wakeup call for you demons.

  16. Vincent Haynes Avatar

    The more the operatives appear on these posts decrying all oppositions and pointing to the mismanagement under the Bees,the more they expose how nervous they are facing the electorate in the coming elections…….it need not not have been thus……hard ears wont hear hard ears will feel.

    Tannis was not the only one telling them to turn back from the edge of the cliff of dissaster.

  17. @ David,

    Given the topic you may find this short ten minute clip of interest.

  18. Expose Barbados Criminal Police Avatar
    Expose Barbados Criminal Police

    Would like to know which of the dirty Barbados Police who murdered this young man last week in Police Custody and are saying he hanged himself by his jeans.

    A very fanciful concocted hanging story from a group who beat others every day, use Baygon insect spray in bags holding peoples head in the bag to suffocate among other tactics and write false confessions forcing people to sign.

  19. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan


    We are once again able to celebrate another peaceful Easter Sunday.

    As I drive around I see the churches filled with Bajan Christians and their friends and families paying homage in this Christian Nation of ours.

    That is another reason I find puzzling WHY THE BARBADOS LABOUR PARTY IS PARTNERING with the Muslims of Barbados.

    Barbados is a Christian Nation. Not a MUSLIM nation. Muslims don’t like Christians, IN A COUNTRY WHICH 98% blacks, MUSLIM DONT LIKE black people. They are selling Black people for US $200.00 a piece in Libya and no doubt other places. They don’t believe in JESUS.

    Visit any Church to day and you would not see a SINGLE MULIM in attendance. Only Christians and Christian minded people.

    Yet the wicked Barbados Labour Party wants to give them prominence.

    My question is why? What has the corrupt Barbados Labour Party promised them?

  20. @Exclaimer

    Thanks for the link.

    Derakhshan’s view affirms with BU regarding how the Barbados social media space is forming. Facebook, IG and Twitter are supplanting the text-based approach WordPress-like platforms afford.

  21. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Expose Barbados Criminal Police April 16, 2017 at 11:22 AM

    Stop wasting peoples time posting a lot of RUBBISH.

  22. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan


    wants to shut down the blogs!!!!

    People like , Expose Barbados Criminal Police April 16, 2017 at 11:22 AM

    Hiding behind names like EXPOSE, WELL WELL, ENUFF, DAVID,

    writing all types of rubbish because they vainly feel that no one can identify them. Trying their utmost best to damage the good names of outstanding citizens.

  23. Expose Barbados Criminal Police Avatar
    Expose Barbados Criminal Police

    @Carson Cadogan aka Michael Lashley

    The first story about the hanging appeared in today’s Nation Newspaper.

    My second post is what was on Naked Departure written by someone who knows the crooked local police well.

    However from my own personal experiences with interactions with Barbados police they are corrupt, bribe taking with lots of them working in collusion with businessmen, strip club owners and drug dealers to look the other way for a fee.

    Just like the corrupt politicians and Lawyers in Barbados.

  24. The copy and paste post from naked departure by “Expose Barbados Criminal Police” is the sort of post/comment that will be the downfall of BU.

    There is a difference in asking BU to remove a link that has obviously defamatory comments and muzzling BU.

    I’ll wait and see if the above comments are removed. The legal and moral compass sometimes intersect 100%.

    Clean up your act.

  25. Do you understand why the greater public loath to deal with lawyers?

    There is a quality some us live by called integrity. Here is a part of your message sent to BU on the 8 March 2017, one month ago.

    I will present the issues to you on Saturday… We can take it from there.

    Guess what, BU is still waiting on you to deliver on your promise. Instead you visit BU pointing to other comments not relevant to the matter you have indicated an interest. Here is the final comment to you -put up or shut up.

  26. Expose Barbados Criminal Police Avatar
    Expose Barbados Criminal Police

    @ Rose Trimmer

    Why don’t you lockup the criminal police, lawyers and politicians?

    Glad someone took the time to expose all their nasty dealings.

    That is what the local newspapers should be doing instead of selling out the people who foolishly buy their bullshit.

    Who in the Barbados Police stole the missing $millions in drug takings as outlined in Barbados Today recently?

    The Barbados Police is a criminal gang from top to bottom.

  27. @ Carson C. Cadogan

    All of the persons, who you consider to be outstanding, needed no help, the damaged is self-inflicted. I witness the action of corrupted aided and abetted by former DLP Minister George Hutson, that seems to involved MTW Officials, PS Alleyne, CTO Thornhill , in which a Foreign white Woman was allowed to build a private road in and across a watercourse to caused flooding to Black residents of Clarkes Road St. James . The postings on BU , Nation , better yet, ask George Pilgrim, Minister Kellman ,

  28. Scrutinizing a blog from 2007 to present takes time.
    Why not have Piece/Rose declare his hand?

    As I said …no one is anonymous… Looking at the several transgressions…

    You wish to attack the integrity of lawyers? Of a particular lawyer? Go ahead…

    Get Piece/Rose to do it for you. Your misplaced arrogance will be your undoing!

    You’ve taken down a post on a certain lawyer at the request of a non practising lawyer. Here I am, giving David(not real name..and living in Florida) and David(real name…and living in BIM) some hints and a chance to come clean.

    After all …he he he he I’m anonymous…. The RoseTrimmer

    You have three(3) days. Watch me put up!

  29. If the links would have taken time to produce why did you promise on the 8 April 2017 to do so by the Saturday you jackass?

    Go to hell Trotman.

  30. Blogmaster, the folly statement “DAVID you need “”researchers”” don’t come here and talk foolishness all the time” was inadvertently ‘liked’ as I scrolled through…(happens too often…stueeepse)

    So as I am here responding to his post to cleanse my good name (LOLL) I may as well inquire of @Carson: what research is needed beyond the bloggers seen here. And how do you accuse someone of writing foolishness based on your continuous posts aligned slavishly to the blatant folly of the ruling party!!!

  31. @Dee Word

    Why do you perpetuate the foolishness by engaging a troll?

  32. As I said senor, as I scrolled I inadvertently I ‘liked’ his post and too one by Gabriel.

    But I was aggrieved that my ‘acceptance’ would be associated with the folly written by the @Carson blogger…Thus, alas my inopportune engagement post above!

    The other like was at least plausible with which to be associated.

    BTW, you normally keep the blog above the slimy fray.

    That ‘Naked’ paste is a bit tart….yes life is tart, I know and much of what was said could all be true but it could also be partially false.

    Innuendo and unproven personal salacious remarks of alleged sexual affairs and illegal activity of public figures should really not be acceptable comment!

    I am sure you will capably handle any legal tangles but the post itself is way below your normal high standards. It is just a blurb of soft porn B-movie text based on real life. with real Bajan names…so I am surprised that it got past the BU trash editing compactor! LOL.

    Free speech, what a wonderful concept!

  33. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Carson…why are you and the idiot ACs continually involving me in things I know nothing about, just like most people I only just saw the ND posts…ya know what I been doing for most of the day, posting all yall…lawyers, insurance company crooks posing as executives, criminals colluding with equally criminal ministers, politicians and DPP, attorneys general, former and current….all yall wicked actions for the last 50 years against vulnerable bajans, all yall thiefing from ya own people to enrich Maloney, Cow, Bjerkham, Bizzy, foreign crooks as long as they look white, indian, syrian, local crooksoif the same hue….yall are a disgrace and stains on the earth, so I posted all the information to foreign blogs…with all yall names…so what ya gonna do.

    Sue the foreign blogs…try it, you as*holes.

  34. @Dee Word

    Thanks for your concern. Sometimes we allow these post to show the extent some will pull BU down in the mud. If you knew half the story.

  35. I’ve noticed you have deleted a previous comment made by you!
    By the way… Who is Trotman?

  36. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    Oh dear oh dear oh dear…..

    On this day of Resurrection where I was gleefully celebrating the Rising and Quickening from the Dead of My Lord and Saviour, it would appear that the blog is being assaulted by one of “Barbados’ Finest”

    let me see if de ole man has this correct.

    One lawyer who previously blogged here on BU as a feller with nuff numbers in his name seems to have been assigned to bring down the BU Blog because it speaks of infelicities by peeple in the Tower of Babel.

    For ease of assimilation let us call them the “Vaginoplasty and Labinoplasty Crew” for short.

    This lawyer who has the “hots for Jeff Cumberbatch” and is always up in Jeff’s business has been given the task of destroying Barbados Underground, ts principles, its legal counsel and a fellow called Piece Uh De Rock Year Right.

    But the main objective is to find out who exposed all the filth that went on at the Tower of Babel with its shenanigans.

    Lashley, stan out of this one, cause you ent got the brain matter to contend with these matters.

    In fact you would be well advised to keep away from anything Electronic for a while cause it will come back to bite you in your ass sorry donkey.

    Ok, so let us continue.

    So here we are with 3 tiers of VPNs and a very serious and competent Blogmaster (whose only sin is that he is clapping for Mugabe this time around, but that can change AND WILL CHANGE WHEN Mugabe sWitch pun him) and some fellers who playing games and ting.

    But let me see whu happen.

    Dem pay de lawyer let us call him Douglas for want of a better name, Douglas the Rose Trimmer to bring down Barbados Underground.

    And to aid them them bring is Stephen and a feller from *** who really directing tings. heheheheheheheheh. cause Stephen as he fadder say ent really too bright, (doan get vex Stephen dem is you fadder words not mine)

    So Douglas get this job to ammmmm tek out BU cause he is a slick talking feller (doan he was not good enough to talk when it was his role as *** doan mind he would like peeple to believe that he is some sort of luminary)

    Anyways Dougie de Trotting Hound, or leh we call he Dougie Howser rather Dougie Howler get this assignment and dis is to be his task.

    So Dougie who cannot get a court date for ***, nor a meeting with ***, nor compile one effing note for Madame ***, now feeling he balls and tekking dis as a personal ting and ting and he going start a suit against parties Barbados Underground and its principals whom he has affadavits swearing out that they are *** and against their legal counsel (whom Dougie ent like cause dat man is a real lawyer) and one Piece uh De Rock whom Dougie say is 1/4 of a month heheheheheheeheh.

    I got dat right?

    And wunna going get a court order to do what? heheheheheheeh

  37. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    All DAVID has to do is to remove the offending posts and related comments.

    But he feels that he is large and in charge. He is being egged on by a lot of foolish people.


    Pride comes before a fall.

  38. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Piece……is that not the same Dougie the lawyer who got in the supreme Court and said he has this case file, showig the file in question… do I know, unfortunately for him..I was there last year……..this file from 1987 and every lawyer who has had this file, which none of them seem to want to bring to closer, have all moved up in the legal world, whatever that means in little Barbados….and now he has this file…..

    …..Justice Pamela Beckles might want to check Trotties cases…this poor client must be well into their 80s.

    And dont he have more pressing matters closer to home to deal with….where most people were wishing him all the best…still are…,

    ..,…..bloggers can be pretty brutal and heartless when mediocre lawyers think they can take down people…he should know first hand…Trotties’ master Harris got cut off at the knees and offloaded CGI Towers and is hardly seen these days anywhere and certainly not by employees in CGIs new lowly offices…….Trottie obviously learned nothing…lol

  39. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Carson…we see the proud, useless government now taking a fall….right, all that false pride, frauds.

  40. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    Well Oh Honorable Blogmaster I could as well be one of them who going help you feed this “Big Foot Horse”

    In fact Carson leh me tell you dis.

    See how wunna come heah pun BU and read how de ole man tell wunna to use Whatsapp for wunna E-Fvckts Campaign?

    There is an item that is going to be circulated by that same E-Fvuckts Campaign to all the numbers of wunna same groups that going be calamitous to wunna.

    Noooo not de Vaginascopy or the Labiascopy tings but it going be of such damage to wunna dat wunna going rue de day dat wunna start dem E-Fvuckts Campaign.

    Yesss sireee dat going be a big horse dat wunna going have difficulty stopping it from eating up wunna infelicities

  41. And just to mek a point to Dougie Howler check out the name.

    How can you mek a claim that this post is not you posting as me, or vice versa?

    Steupseeeeee you real slow hopefully not to be read as ingrunt

    A fellow says that you are a scientist though, whu discipline?

  42. The REAL joke is that it is when pen names become meaningless that we will REALLY see Bajans rise up and devour the objects of their oppression.

    It is SUCH an error to think that ‘shutting down’ BU or Naked Departure or Facebook or instagram …. or exposing pseudonyms …. will take us back to the dark days of ‘hear no evil’, ‘see no evil’, ‘say no evil’…..

    The genie is out of the bottle….and BU has burnt the cork…..

  43. Who Barbados Police stole the missing $million drug money seized in their custody?

    Who Barbados Police killed the young man in their custody last week trying to cover-up as a ‘hanging’?

    Stop trying to fool the public a nasty nasty corrupt island.

  44. Banana Republic Avatar

    Who Barbados Police stole the missing $million drug money seized in their custody?

    Who Barbados Police killed the young man in their custody last week trying to cover-up as a ‘hanging’?

    Stop trying to fool the public a nasty nasty corrupt island.

  45. Please tell me why would anyone waste their time reading the likes of AC or Carson C. Cadogan AKA Michael Lashley?

  46. @Carson C. Cadogan April 15, 2017 at 12:59 PM “This is a good article from a few years ago, it fits the Barbados Labour Party members and supporters to a Tee”

    It fits the DLP to a T also.

    They Tweedledum &Tweedledee.

  47. @Carson C. Cadogan April 15, 2017 at 9:56 PM “Muslim Totten pole.”

    Totem NOT Tottem.

  48. @Carson C. Cadogan

    Since you believe that the young black Bajam Muslim boy is at the bottom of the Muslim Tottem [sic] pole

    Why then are you so afraid of having him speak on BLP platforms?

    Surely if he is at the bottom of the totem pole in Muslim community, then those others who are at the top and middle of the totem pole will pay no attention to him, therefore according to your reasoning he will have no influence in the Muslim community.

    If I don’t understand your argument I’d be pleased if you would correct me.

  49. @Carson C. Cadogan April 16, 2017 at 10:41 AM “UNDER THE DEOMCRATIC LABOUR PARTY We are once again able to celebrate another peaceful Easter Sunday. As I drive around I see the churches filled with Bajan Christians and their friends and families paying homage in this Christian Nation of ours. That is another reason I find puzzling WHY THE BARBADOS LABOUR PARTY IS PARTNERING with the Muslims of Barbados. Barbados is a Christian Nation.”

    Dear Carson C. Cadogan: You devil you. Instead of driving around Barbados you should have taken yourself through the open door of some Christian Church, because you really want praying for. You know very well that the fact that hundreds of millions of Christians went to church today has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE DLP. Why you doan stop trying to deceive people?

    You know very well that Barbados is not a Christian nation. You know very well that Barbados is a secular nation, neither Christian, Rastafarian, Muslim, Jewish. You also know very well that even though Barbados is not a Christian nation that Christians are free to worship, Rastafarians are free to worship, Muslims are free to worship, Jews are free to worship, and that non-believers are free not to worship, and that all forms of worship and all forms of non-worship are equally protected by the Constitution.

    The Barbados Labour Party is partnering with the Muslims of Barbados because they are Bajans, just as the DLP has always partnered with the Muslims of Barbados because they are Bajans.

    Again I repeat Barbados is not a Christian nation,

    Barbados is a secular nation.

    You devil. Trying to mislead people.

  50. Dead David the blogmaster: I know that I a’int suppose to cuss the other bloggers and call then devils, but what am I to do when said bloger is in fact a Devil, with a capital D.

    However David I do most sincerely apologise to you.

The blogmaster invites you to join the discussion.


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