For the cause that lacks assistance, the wrong that needs resistance, for the future in the distance, and the good that [BU] can doGeorge Linnaeus Banks

One of the challenges the BU household has had to manage from inception is the ‘right’ of the BU community to express opinions and share information protected under the cloak of freedom of expression. The BU household has zealously guarded  this ‘right’ because the traditional media players in Barbados- with a few exceptions  -have relinquished the role it is expected to play in a breathing democracy.

With a few exceptions BU has managed the majority of our battles with lawyers and WordPress away from the public – the main reason, to not betray the code of confidentiality members of the BU household has sworn to honour at any cost.

A recent notification from a local lawyer is interesting because as we always do in an effort to be fair to the aggrieved party is to request copies of the offending BU links for our review. If after a process of review that may or may not include legal support, we will amend, remove or leave the links being questioned. Through the process BU ALWAYS share the reasons for the final decision taken. On a few occasions we have apologised to the parties. In this case, after several weeks have passed, the local lawyer has refused to share the links of concern to his client and instead transmit a veil threat of a legal action to come.

The second event of this week we want to share is the attempt to muzzle BU for sharing comments on Facebook (FB). Obviously the BU household has no control over the comments policy of FB, it is the main reason we have operated from the more protected platform of WordPress. The opportunity to practice freedom of expression on Facebook can be hijacked with ease by those who have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo. It is interesting to note the most significant interactions David of BU engages on BU is with Minister Denis Kelllman. We plead guilty to ‘ragging’ him on the issue of the GROTTO because we hold strongly to the view that it is the public’s right to know if it pertains to how taxpayer money is spent.

Let the message go about that Barbados Underground will continue to defend the right of the BU community to freely express itself AND at the same time fairly respond to objections raised by parties who feel defamed in the process. All aggrieved parties are asked to do is click on the Send Confidential Message at the top of this page to share a brief note detailing the concern and links to blogs and comments being questioned.

The silly season is approaching.

167 responses to “Trying to Muzzle Barbados Underground”

  1. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Why would anyone want to shut down BU?

    We all know that it is a BLP inspired blog. It is really one of the few harmless instruments of the Barbados Labour Party.

  2. They are trying to muzzle the truth! To my horror I saw the Advocate headlines a few days ago saying more houses to be built. It went on to say that roads will be repaired and houses will be built up until the eve of the election as their duty is to look after the interests of Barbadians. The Grotto, pollards, Lancaster, Coverly and more…. empty and soon to be rotting… foreign exchange that they may as well have had fireworks and we could see the money being burnt. Barbados, once the jewel of the Caribbean, now a fallen star floating towards South America……and?

  3. They will eat dem words for supper. Not to worry too much. However on the other hand, give a little something to hang on to that suits, and the sheeples fall for it every time. Muzzling BU helps nothing. Foolishness. Stand tall BU. Just stand tall. The truth always hurts bad, bad, bad.

  4. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    This is a good article from a few years ago, it fits the Barbados Labour Party members and supporters to a Tee:

    “”Commentary: Our Caribbean: The political party and the elected government
    Published on May 7, 2014

    By Oliver Mills

    Gordon Lewis, in his book “Main currents in Caribbean thought”, states that different European colonising groups put their distinctive mark upon different Caribbean colonies, and this is shown by the fact that, in the British islands, abolition by parliamentary edict made possible the future development of a constitutionalist politics, in a context where the colonies were governed by a metropolitan system in which a liberal bourgeoisie was in effective control of the state.

    Oliver Mills is a former lecturer in education at the University of the West Indies Mona Campus. He holds an M.Ed degree. from Dalhousie University in Canada, an MA from the University of London and a post-graduate diploma in HRM and Training, University of Leicester. He is a past Permanent Secretary in Education with the government of the Turks and Caicos Islands
    He adds that in colonial systems therefore, the character of the overseas dependency is shaped, for good or ill, by the character of the ruling class of the mother country.

    A metropolitan system therefore shaped and determined the development of constitutionalist politics in the English-speaking Caribbean, based on ideas of liberal democracy, reflected in party politics. This further manifested itself through the formation of constitutionally elected governments. We in the Caribbean have therefore experienced the imposition of a political system of party and parliamentary politics, and the accompanying merits, or demerits resulting from it.

    Some allege that this system brought stable governments, the rule of law, and the sovereignty of parliament, along with periodic changes in government through the ballot box. Others argue it has resulted in social divisions, mistrust, unstable and uneven economic growth, and a bureaucratic process.

    But this idea of the political party and the elected government has led to confusion as to their meaning and function even in independent Caribbean countries. The political party represents sectional interests, and special interest groups. It formulates policies which reflect the will of its constituents, and its elected officials must operationalize these concerns. The political party itself does not make policies, but when in power, after winning a majority of seats, puts its philosophy into practice.

    Parties work to participate in, and influence the government by having its members elected. The leader of the party in power with the most elected members becomes the prime minister or premiere, and forms the government. The prime minister or premier is the head of government, the first among equals, and appoints ministers who head individual government departments. This official has extraordinary powers, which the opposition party leader does not have.

    But although the political party with the most seats forms the government, the party itself is a political machine and not the government in the strict sense. The government consists of those elected members given ministerial responsibilities by the former party leader, now the prime minister. When people say their party is in power it means it has won the election. When they say their party is now the government, what is meant is that the party has formed the government. This means that the newly formed government comes from the party, but is not the same as the party. It has to operate in the interests of all citizens, not just those that have elected the party to form the government.

    A political party is divisive and ideological, and concerns a sector of the electorate that supports it. A government should have no preferences. It treats its supporters and those who voted against it with the same level of fairness and respect. A government does not victimise, or deprive those who voted against it but should create an atmosphere where everyone gets equal opportunities.

    There are cases in Caribbean politics where members of the electorate who support the opposition party recoil from supporting the programmes of the government, even though they benefit from them. They see nothing that the government does as positive, and some even withdraw from society, until the next election when they hope their party wins. They see any support of the government as helping it, and betraying their own party.

    And we have some governments that undo the projects of the previous government even though they serve a social good. Sometimes they change the names of programmes to put their own stamp on them, but keep others because they are popular. In other instances, when a new government comes to power, many persons it suspects did not support it are made redundant, and its supporters assume their posts.

    This should not be the case, since any government formed by any party should be politically correct, and ethically responsible towards its citizens. Government should seek to unify, bring about solidarity, and not create dissention among its own people.

    When a government causes divisiveness through its policies, or the opposition seeks to belittle and devalue the policies of the government to score political points, this is not civilised political behaviour on the part of either party. And when people say my party is in power now, it suggests they should be giver greater preference over opposition supporters. This is unwholesome.

    In one Caribbean country, it is said that the civil service supports a particular party whether it is in power or not. Here, party and government are equated with each other, when they should be technically distinct. When they are equated, it results in tensions, mistrust, anxiety, and insecurity, since some supporters with a militant attitude could cause issues, by calling for some opposition supporters to be dealt with. This is not democracy, and reflects an unenlightened view of the political process.

    Recently, the leader of the opposition in a Caribbean territory complained about the irregular operations of the House of Assembly as it is managed by the current government. The opposition leader stated that, instead of conducting regular parliamentary sessions, the current government has avoided holding them, despite pressing issues facing the territory. The opposition official noted further that House sessions, which must be held every six weeks, have been infrequent, and when held, have been cut short numerous times, and written questions have gone unanswered. Further, when parliament is convened, the government has failed to give adequate notice to the opposition.

    These charges reflect the helplessness of the opposition as a political party. It possesses fewer elected members than the government, and does not control policy, but can influence it. The government, however, does not have to heed to its requests. It is the government that makes and executes policy.

    If the opposition party feels as it does about how parliamentary business is conducted, it should address these issues with the political directorate, to smooth out differences. If it sits on the periphery and trades punches, it could exhaust itself, while the government uses its political capital to make things happen, and because it is the government it is perceived as having the capacity to deliver.

    But the opposition party in such cases appears unable, and incapable of meeting even the minimal needs of the populace, since it lacks the resources, while the government possesses the resources of the state, and the private interests that support it. This is another instance where the government dominates, and the political party with little influence barks, but lacks bite.

    Parliamentary politics in this instance, and others, seems not to be living up to what it promised, and constitutional politics appears to be a myth, since both can be manipulated and interpreted to mean different things at different times.

    So could it be that we have all been deceived into accepting without critique, the merits of parliamentary democracy, and are now experiencing the consequences? Further, is this what is meant by stating that in colonial systems, the character of the overseas dependency is shaped for good or ill by the mother country, and that different colonizing groups put their distinctive mark upon different Caribbean colonies?



    There are cases in Caribbean politics where members of the electorate who support the opposition party recoil from supporting the programmes of the government, even though they benefit from them. They see nothing that the government does as positive, and some even withdraw from society, until the next election when they hope their party wins. They see any support of the government as helping it, and betraying their own party.

  5. Andrew Simpson Avatar

    BU provides a healthy media for citizens with opinions and ideas, to share views and receive feedback. We must all make a special effort to think carefully about what we say or write.
    Thanks David for the sterling job you do in managing the platform. I wish I could do more to support the cause.

  6. Vincent Haynes Avatar

    Interesting……the stable doors are wide open and the horse has long since bolted to pastures unknown…..or…..the genie is out of the box .

    Its a pity that more Bimmers are not availing themselves of the opportunity this medium offers them,especially in the light that the the local media is compromised and refuses to investigate many matters highlighted here.

    We must recall that Jeff Cumberbatch in one of his sunday posts has indicated that no legal inhibitions exists different to the rest of the western world as far as defamation or libel is concerned,once the facts exist.

    Bimmers are afraid of their own shadow with victimisation being on their lips at all times.

    ….when will they realise that the time has come to shrug off the mental shackles of fear and stand together boldly against all comers.

    ….what will it profit them to keep quite and allow this country of ours to end up on the dust heap of time as another failed experiment of the progeny of slaves and indentureship.

  7. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    They all want BU to be like barbadostoday..highlight and make a big deal of some black person charged for stealing a screw whether true or not, a can of corned beef or a bag of weed, while the real crooks on parliament, in the insurance companies and the various drug dealing, gun running businesses are overlooked and their crimes against bajans are all covered up….nuisances and parasites…maggots in the earth.

    Has anyone of them seen lately the approach Facebook is taking re exposure of wrong doing, no one can hide behind libel laws, if the accusations are true, or defamation and slander if it can be proven, everyone is now targeted, what they been doing to trump, am surprised he has not run from the white house for good, he still might…I am also guilty of blasting away at him using my real name with my usual charm and finesse.

    The british blogs are among the most brutal I have encountered so far, no one can hide their crimes anymore and feel they will not be exposed by a blogger.., the criminals of parliament and the bar association should get used to the new world order, even George Bush is accepting…

    …..these mediocre, petty thieves of their client’s money, the taxpayer’s money and pensioner’s money in Barbados somehow think they are special and should not be exposed. …maybe it’s time they see their names popping up on US and British blogs instead..,then they will know what for.

  8. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    For those who dont know, it’s yuuge and bigly business selling information online and if the thieves and crooks in parliament, the lawyers and small time minorities dont keep quiet and accept the beds they made themselves, as the people of Barbados have had to accept the crimes committed against them by these same criminals…then they will know.

  9. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Ah just heard all the tenants of Limegrove including Louis Vitton will be moving out….ah wonder if new tenants will be fool enough to move into that overpriced laundromat or if there are other plans in store.

  10. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    I would like all the BLACK BAJANS who went to the BLP’s sponsored walk in the city, and who cheered when the 13 year old MUSLIM boy was on the platform begging for votes for Barbados Labour Party, to read this:

    ”Libya After Dictator Gaddafi: Muslims Sell Blacks For $200 At Open Slave Markets”

    This unholy alliance between the MUSLIMS and the Barbados Labour Party is really troubling for BLACK people in Barbados.

    Will they sell us BLACK Bajans too, sometime in the future?

  11. We should all try to protect BU and its owners who have given us a forum to express our opinions.

    Even if you only went to 4th standard in primary school you can still be circumspect in writing your opinions.

    Just so you know.

    In my opinion,

    Lawyers in Barbados are honest hard working professionals.

    All politicians in Barbados are honest and they are all heterosexual.

    On a serious note. @David, tomorrow’s F! race should be awesome.

    Before I forget, I does tell lies sometimes.

  12. Carson

    Fear will NOT work this time around.

  13. @ David

    “BU provides a healthy media for citizens with opinions and ideas, to share views and receive feedback. We must all make a special effort to think carefully about what we say or write.
    Thanks David for the sterling job you do in managing the platform. I wish I could do more to support the cause”.

    I share the same sentiments expressed above by Andrew Simpson.

    Hang tough………..let us know on BU if we need to set up a “Go Fund Me” account for you!

  14. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Carson…may I remind you that Barbadios is a BLACK MAJORITY COUNTRY populated by more than 90% BLACKS…if the 3000 or less muslims in Barbados start selling and enslaving black people, it’s because of your wicked black government ministers allowing them to do it, just as they allowed the less than 8,000 miniritues inclusive of the 3,000 muslims to own all the business and large contracts dipping their hands in NIS fund, treasury money and selling permits and even allowing them to partake in criminal activities including the cocaine, marijuana and gunrunning business without consequences. …now tell me I am lying.

    And to make matters worse, was it not a government minister pothound Estwick who is still hot to borrow 4 billion dollars from UAE Arab muslims who are well known and established slave traders and have been for thousands of years…it’s the black government ministers bajans have to be fearful of, particularly Dumbville Inniss’ relationships with the same muslims…and other indian dudes.

  15. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Carson…I go on some blogs where the bloggers are so dangerous, that should yall names end up there, ya will never be allowed to travel again…lol

  16. CUP Violet Beckles Plantation Deeds from 1926-2017 land tax bills and no Deeds,BLPand DLP Massive land Fruad and PONZ Avatar
    CUP Violet Beckles Plantation Deeds from 1926-2017 land tax bills and no Deeds,BLPand DLP Massive land Fruad and PONZ

    Its Election time and all of the Crooks,Liars and Scumbags do not want their dirt out there right before election for people to remember their nasty ways and history.
    Has BU gone to Far? Was a Post for ND not to long a go on BU.
    Barbados Free Press was sad to go, The white side of the news on blogging,
    All froms of news need to be out there, Soft BU do not push the truth as needs and pick sides, BU battered a site that was looking to help expose Barbados crooks and nasty persons, If ND was up as before in raw form it would be a buffer for BU to move on to harder grounds, Now it maybe BU turn, Just think if BU not turn or try to Judge ND? ND may have rip into them all Minister lawyers talking me,
    BU still part of the cover up in Barbados and look to pick and chuse what needs to be reported and not, BU wants to be the leading information on line aobut events in Barbados,
    Election time is a sore spot for crooks running at this time,
    The title of our post cares not who like or who dont like the truth,

    For the CUP, Violet Beckles , Plantation Deeds or Alex Mitchell ,Truth never to be Validated by Ignorance.

  17. @Own Area

    This character CCC likes to be all up in the BLP business. I hope he read what Patrick Tannis said in yesterday’s paper. Can you imagine the raucus he would have created had the BLP done this to one of its former candidates?

    Tannis said that he only knew that he had been dumped by the dems when he heard it in the news. He points to one name that seems to be a recurring decimal. He told the party that the country was heading for big trouble.

    Hear Tannis:

    “I shared with then how we can get out of it but they did not listen. As a banker, I repeatedly and consistently gave them advice. In the general council meetings I stood up several times and I shared with them the way forward and the way out of this. Everything I told them that would happen has happened.”

    “I didn’t give them bad advice, they were sound measures that could’ve been adopted but rather than lisen, you decided to make sure that I was extricated from your presence”.

    “It speaks to what kind of party the DLP has found itself to be”.

    Bingo………..have we not been saying that these morons do not listen to anyone including their own? Yet they want people to tell them what to cut and what to do?

    Why in God’s name did OSA think that they would have listen to him is beyond me.

  18. David, the Opp leader trying to muzzle you? I remember your post on her talking about ‘blogs’, couple years ago. If not her, who else?

  19. @ProdicalSon, It remains to be seen if Tannis, Todd, or Best tries to undermine the DLP just like how Agard, Arthur, Eastmond & Gill are currently doing to the BLP. You must look inward first before you look out.

  20. Thank you for the support to those who have extended it.

  21. All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure – Mark Twain

  22. I shudder at the thought of Carson Cadogan being a “paid” blogger for the DLP. Isn’t Abdul Pandor, former DLP candidate and now Chairman of Barbados Transport Authority (BTA), a Muslim? This foolishness written by Carson is the real destructive and dangerous mouthings on BU that should be censured. Plain race baiting!!

  23. @ Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger April 15, 2017 at 2:10 PM #

    “Ah just heard all the tenants of Limegrove including Louis Vitton will be moving out”

    Wily’s been hearing similar rumors, any other bloggers have any additional info?

  24. @Hants April 15, 2017 at 2:27 PM “All politicians in Barbados are honest and they are all heterosexual.”

    No they are not.

    One of them (male) lived with my mother’s brother for about 40 years.

    While respectable wifey kept the ring and lived in the family house for more than 50 years.

    Wunna men are so privileged. Wunna get to keep a wife AND an outside man, and for a lifetime too.

    Barbados will be truly free when women can do the same.


  25. @CCC, most of those Africans allegedly sold in Libya are also Muslims. Do you think there are only muslims in the Middle East? Libya is in Africa, in case you did not know. The Libyans are also Africans.

  26. Vincent Haynes Avatar

    It was on the news yesterday that Vuiton and some other tennants will be moving out of Limegrove at month end.

    Altman says its not about the rent,despite someone connected saying so, and that he is in negotiation with other high visibility individuals.

    When we see west coast businesses closing down one wonders if the inability to receive fx from the CB has anything to do with it……some will say these are foreign owned entities that can afford to send goods down and head office will pay…..not so each is a stand alone entity that has to pay its way.

    As we travel around south and west coast its interesting to see the number of for rent signs for businesses being displayed……on another point we note the property auctions are increasing.

  27. @Wily Coyote April 15, 2017 at 4:46 PM “Ah just heard all the tenants…will be moving out.”

    We don’t want to buy “lifestyle”

    We just want good quality goods at fair prices.

    Why do some of the merchants find that so hard to understand.


  28. @Carson C. Cadogan April 15, 2017 at 2:20 PM “I would like all the BLACK BAJANS who went to the BLP’s sponsored walk in the city, and who cheered when the 13 year old MUSLIM boy was on the platform begging for votes for Barbados Labour Party, to read this”

    To tell the truth I didn’t go to the BLP walk. Truly I don’t do walks unless it is for exercise for my health.

    But ain’t the Muslim boy a black Bajan too?

    You being disingenuous Carson C. Cadogan?

    Or just making mischief?

    Or just being a DLP yardie as usual?


  29. David on April 15, 2017 at 4:26 PM
    All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure – Mark Twain

    Does that explain why this government has been so unsuccessful – they lack confidence?

  30. Vincent Haynes Avatar


    All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure – Mark Twain

    Is that why Trump is so successfull?

  31. When the Attorney General told the Canadian High Commissioner that we Bajans don’t discriminate against LGBT people he was correct, that we have always lived and let live he was right.

  32. The DLP has always been kind to people who live alternate lifestyles.

  33. Vincent Haynes Avatar

    Simple Simon April 15, 2017 at 5:14 PM #

    The DLP has always been kind to people who live alternate lifestyles.

    Is that why Todd was dispatched as his question in the house was not kind?

  34. By alternative lifestyles do you mean BLP

  35. @lawson April 15, 2017 at 5:25 PM “By alternative lifestyles do you mean BLP?”


    I mean LGBTQ.

    You din get it the first time?

  36. A Rose By Any Other Name heheheheheh Avatar
    A Rose By Any Other Name heheheheheh

    @ The Honourable Blogmaster.

    Should or should not de ole man speak on this matter?

    Ironically de ole man felt that an article about “Whistle-blowers and the Art of Whistle-blowing” should have been written last week.

    That was around the time when of Caswell’s article on Darnley Dottin’s dismissal.

    One paused in that (self appointed) task due to the many problems with posting articles on the BU Blog.

    That article would have remarked on “blogging practices” as it relates on whistle blowing and explained that when one is blogging one must hold three things in focus

    a.Your anonymity – so that you are safeguarded when you blog and that your materials are afforded confidentiality
    b.The Truth of the Matter you seek to comment on and
    c.Your Resolve to Do the Right Thing

    The first can be assured by the practices of the BU Blogmaser, enhanced by using certain PAID VPNs and enhanced by Darknet Browsers and other $49 devices that Stephen and he fellas cant get through (unless you slip up).

    But even then, NO BAJAN COURT CAN CONVICT A MAN OR WOMAN on circumstantial evidence, or writing style, when the Blogmaster in question or the generic ISP

    (a).does not validate email addresses (like Naked Departure)
    (b).does not keep peoples IPs like the other Blog that closed down BFP and
    (c).is not working in collusion with “the powers that be” TO DESTROY FREE COMMENTARY &/OR CONTRARY THOUGHT (notwithstanding the obvious support that the BU Household has for Mugabe)

    I personally do not blog about anything unless I know the thing to be true.

    So I can say that Edutech was a scam because the spreadsheet confirms ***

    In fact I would speak of many things because the evidence exists.

    One can speak to matters like the situation with the *** and the other *** because there are files that exist.

    Finally resolve.

    Let us take as a passing example the Caribbean Export matter. One has only chosen that because of the fact that it was a 3 or 4 part exposee which built on each of its previous submissions

    That article was copiously prosecuted by a few heheheheheh.

    But one can only hazard that significant effort was assigned to it because, like the coffers of the Barbados Treasury, the people involved in the exposure might have rightfully felt that the funds at CE are the monies of citizens of the region.

    What if hypothetically said Whistleblowing Campaign was orchestrated by Person X who felt aggrieved by the sexual advances of a certain management staff?

    Should she now be afraid because, and this is purely hypothetical, CE Management want to find out who gave all the confidential materials to BU?

    Alternatively, what if such exposee were initiated by one who, having the actual evidence of infelecities e.g. stubs to the tickets for tickets paid for by CE funds and for which travellers’ miles were then appended to the personal mileage ? Suppose that party were to have caught win of their termination of services and felt that, having served their King and Queen so faithfully, that such was a heartless act and reward?

    Suppose it was an astute IT staffer who being aware of his imminent departure kept all this information in reserve?

    Suppose it was a consortium of all these parties who compiled the dossier?

    But here is the real issue though, is it true?

    Were parties of the purported said nefarious mechanisms as purported by the documentation defamed by the materials supplied by their conscientious colleagues?

    Was it their entitlement as Dame and vassal at this castle, to be immune from prosecution? and are they now to have their sins washed away by these zealous parties who have their “eye teeth” crossed to “bring down BU?”

    The next thing we might hear is that they are represented by some legal counsel, some man or woman who might sink as low to have been counsel for that man who was purported to have been having sex with the corpse in the QEH morgue.

    Fie upon it!! A pox be unto him! (that is the man who slept with the corpse NOT THE LAWYER who defended him) Would that one could have had such aggression for other matters heheheheheheh.

    Say it is not so! Honourable Blogmaster and that what you have blogged about is indeed an alternative fact that is some 14 days past April Fool’s Day

  37. So Carson Cadogan has resurfaced.Maybe Angela Skeete has gone into hibernation

  38. A Rose By Any Other Name heheheheheh Avatar
    A Rose By Any Other Name heheheheheh

    De ole man’s blogs are going to the bin all the time because of the darknet element.

    Grateful if you could retrieve Oh Honourable Blogmaster

  39. @David

    Barbados can never repay you for your stewardship here.

    You’ve done what many politicians, unions, NGOs and the media cannot or will not do.

    The mother of all battles will soon be upon us and all manner of strategy and strategists will be unleashed to gain control of the rock. Fear not.

    Walk with faith and confidence. We still wait patiently for that tipping point.

    Still Observing

  40. @Vincent and Kevin

    The writing by Mark Twain is soaked in irony. If you are ignorant you can easily fool yourself that you are successful. The comment was directed at the yardfowls.

  41. The question BU has for Tannis is why did he not jump ship if his words- according to him -were being wasted in an intellectual desert to borrow Carl Moore’s words. Why wait to be pushed or is this sour grapes.

  42. David

    Chuckle…we are aware.

  43. Perhaps Tannis was suffering from Eagerelevenitis. Afraid to jump ship, because of Captain Blythe’s vindictiveness.

  44. What you all wanted Tannis to do? Come on Brasstacks and cry like Sandra Husbands?

  45. That is how the dems eat their own………and we have a yardfowl asking whether they would attack the dlp like Lynette Eastmond, David Gill and Maria Agard.

    I want the yardfowl to know that they are history. David Gill is a failure as well as Lynette at the ballot box and poor Maria has to focus on taking care of herself not attack the BLP.

    The dems do not have a transparent selection process……….the system is corrupt like the way they are governing this country. The branches have no say it would seem in whom the party foists on them.

    What hypocrites!

  46. @ David

    After reading your article, I came to the realization that your job monitoring BU is difficult and perhaps we should endeavour to exercise a bit more caution with the content of our contributions.

    However, though you and I may disagree on issues from time to time, I must thank you for facilitating this medium for us to express our views.

  47. @ Kevin

    No, Tannis should have gone to Barbados Today instead “and cry like” Taan Abed.

  48. @David April 15, 2017 at 6:57 PM “The question BU has for Tannis is why did he not jump ship…”

    I think that it is better to jump rather than wait to be pushed…but sometimes as in abusive domestic relationships, the abused spouse takes the lashes while hoping (vainly) that the abuser would change.

    If your party or spouse has lost all respect for you, don’t wait for the final blow.


  49. If BU and its family are truthful then they have nothing to fear!
    No one wants to muzzle BU.
    Defamation has consequences. BU must acknowledge this.

    No one is anonymous…. Happy Easter! God Is …great! The Weekes ahead will be most interesting.

    It’s amazing what a good Friday visit can do! It’s not too late…David!

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