Submitted by Heather Cole
Submitted by Heather Cole
Submitted by Heather Cole

Dear Mr. Comissiong,

My mother had a saying, that “time mek a change.” I do not recall how old I was when I asked her what she meant by this. Her explanation was that something profound occurred from which there was no going back. It is that something that is always responsible for change. While I have been looking and waiting for a sign that change is about to come, I realized that one can be in the midst of change and never realize it until that something tilts the balance.

At every occurrence that has affected Barbados nationally, I wondered if it was the catalyst for which I was awaiting. In my watch, I believe that I may have almost missed that sign that was right beneath my nose until something that I read only yesterday resonated with me and caused me to stop and to think.

Yesterday I read an article about the Black Lives Matter Movement. My take away from that was that a movement, no matter how great it is will lose focus or disintegrate or become detached from the next generation unless there is political mobilization to activate change. Two cases that were mentioned were the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960’s and Occupy Wall Street. They had both reaped some measure of successes but then never went on to the next stage which is to become cemented into a body or institution. We refer to the civil rights movements as a historical occurrence while the occupation of Wall Street seems to have become almost forgotten.

While some persons speak out about corruption, Barbados does not have a protest movement. No group of people has publicly stood up against corruption. The closest thing that we have had in terms of a movement since the 1930’s was the activity that occurred on that Facebook page “Bajans against $700M Waste to Energy Plant.” I do believe that the group reaped some measure of success in preventing the plant from being built in Barbados. Sadly the group’s management never aligned with my point of view that the next step was to form a political party. The once vibrant and active page has become a group without a focus. The fight against the Cahill plant should have been the preparation for a full onslaught against corrupt practices in Barbados.

Number one on my watch list was for a leader to emerge. A leader in every sense of the word; confident, fearless who is more than willing to stand up for what they believe in, someone who is not easily swayed and someone who holds his ground and is not afraid to stand up to the government.

As we stood by and watched, you took the government to Court regarding the unconstitutionality of being finger-printed multiple times as a security measure. When you won we all cheered from the sidelines. Then last Friday, you wrote an article in the midst of Kadooment. It was an article that reminded me of a soldier’s valiant efforts to hold the old fort down against opposing forces. The only thing that was not written in that article was a call to mobilize. Yet the people heard the unwritten call and responded with a testament of over 1000 shares on Facebook from Barbados Underground blog.

I have dared to think that you may be the leader of a new movement for change in Barbados and that with a re-branded People’s Empowerment Party can become a viable third party option in Barbados. Are your actions and the response of the public my sign that “time mek a change?”

122 responses to “Dear David Comissiong, time mek a change”

  1. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Heather…the 2 party ststem is so embedded and entrenched, it’s not unlike trying to free the mind from slavery, you only have to read what political pimps and yardfowls post to see the conundrum.

    50 years of DBLP parties and the electorate have been subjected to an equally viral mindwash….by politicians with substandard intellects….only intent on looking out for their own personal financial gain.

  2. Today’s Nation Editorial. If BU has to guess probably written by the new Publisher and former banker.

    EDITORIAL: Comissiong off target on Hyatt


    Added 03 August 2016


    SOME THINGS SHOULD best be left alone, but there are others that must never be overlooked.

    This is particularly truewhen contemptuous comments are made in public that may stir emotions among people who follow opinion leaders without thinking.

    Such is the case with the remarks delivered by political activist and pan-Africanist David Comissiong, who spoke on Monday during Emancipation Day activities.

    His opposition to the multimillion-dollar Hyatt Hotel investment is such that he plans to lead protest action against the project. We wonder if it was the occasion which may have contributed to him airing such views. Mr Comissiong is a well-known activist who fights many worthwhile causes.

    On this occasion he seems to have picked one for which we dare say, even before he starts, that he is unlikely to get much support. We hold no brief for those behind Vision Development Inc., the developers of the resort, but to denounce it as being bad for the country makes absolutely no sense.

    – See more at:

  3. Violet C Beckles Avatar
    Violet C Beckles

    Heather, David Come-sing- a song tried to be a leader and no one will trust him or work for him , He is nothing more than a Back up for MIa, He also have a lot to answer for as much to do with most of the other lawyers on this blog, No Lawyer need to lead Barbados for they behave just like the BAR , Lawyer to Lawyer is so unjust , You dont know who to Trust,

  4. @BU David.
    I dare to disagree with you on this issue since this Hyatt is not about Bajans or even about giving thought to us. This project is about the bottom line of a few politicians and the ‘others’.

    Think about it. A 15 story Hyatt in Bridgetown (a World Heritage site) and being an all-inclusive Hotel. The money does not stop here, It remains in the US other than what some other tourists might have and be forced under certain circumstance to spend.

    Remember the days when the immediate area that is now pristine white sand was all rocks and in the sea we had any amount of Cobblers? The build up of the Hilton Hotel point and the groins is probably what caused those beaches to form all the way to the Careenage, and that is the only last stretch of beach along Browns Beach we do have to call our very own until God take that away from us again.

    The beach is now even trying to take over the Careenage and has to be dredged to avoid crafts getting damaged while maneuvering the narrow passage.

    How can we possibly allow Hyatt to take Browns Beach away from us?

    Turn your attention to the proposed Solar panel farm that the Canadians want to build in Waterford.

    Firstly the Government acquired the property and so far has not paid for it (just like Bushy Park) but is proposing to lease that same property to the Canadians Del Mastro (who we saw recently was in shackles for fraud) for two Million dollars rent per year.

    Secondly we do have the technology here to develop those same Solar farms and can not get the permission to do such projects on an even smaller scale. The BL&P is also complaining against this Del Mastro enterprise.

    How may we ask did DelMastro a fraudster get the permission as announced at the recent Town Hall meeting and from whom did they get that permission.

    So much is happening in Barbados these days that needs to be nipped in the bud. The Politicians are not only sticking their hands in the pies, and allegedly filling their off-shore and Swiss banks accounts with laundered moneys from these projects. Just think back to the Cahill debacle.

    Mr Comissiong is seeing what a very many of us are refusing to see and/or admit and has the guts to speak out on these issues and he should be lauded for these efforts and he do deserve some help with those issues.

  5. The editorial is spot on target identifying all the wrong actions that Comissiong belives to be the right path upon which barbados must managed its economy and be governed .Upon these type of issues lies social and economic actions separating good goverance from activitation which relies soley on public emotionalism

  6. @abajanhowe

    What is it that BU stated you do not agree?

  7. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    ACs….so maybe ya can explain why the majority black population still feel like they are second class citizens in their own country in 2016 which neither of the 2 political parties consisting of all black ministers and politicians. ….have done nothing for the last 50 years and still does nothing to prevent….ya pimps.

  8. It is wrong to look to what you call ‘leadership. The era where leadership is to be invested in any one person has long past.

    The era of political parties is coming to its nadir.

    These are truisms whether we consider the political culture in Barbados, as it is, or that of the USA.

    It is clear to us that in the USA, where almost ‘all’ things Barbadian derive, the Republican Party post-Trump will be fatally fractured.

    Also that the Democratic Party post-Obama will not be able to keep the left-wing at bay for much longer.

    In Barbados, people are coming to know that there have been no measurable differences between B and D from the beginning.

    In both countries and everywhere else we’ve had leading parties die over previous decades. See see some of those same social forces at work today.

    In both countries people’s minds have been so infected by duopoly politics that third parties cannot easily present, exist.

    This is just the political. But when we consider matters of economy, and other environments, this ‘third party’ idea is unlikely to be well founded.

    We fear it would take some global, seismic, catastrophe before alternatives are made to emerge.

    If and when that happens it cannot be focused around one man or woman – we must all lead.

    We suggest an improved credit union type model as our organizing principle.

  9. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    The editor of the nation article missed the point…..still steeped in getting a little change in foreign exchange, despite bajans being subjected to menial jobs, despite the practice of racism, despite the upper management jobs being given to foreign nationals who use any opportunity to practice racism against black workers, despite more fireign leaving the island and staying off island than what stays on the island.

    They will accept anything and hold the leaders accountable for nothing.

    When you accept anything for a few jobs, ya cannot complain when they spit on you.

  10. @Pacha

    How the systen of government evolves leadership will be the common factor.


  11. @ David

    We have never been persuaded that ‘leadership’, on balance, has benefited humanity.

    The same forces that are to make some so-called leaders emerge lie within the people

    We say let the people be their own ‘leaders’. And make a system where power lies in our hands on a minute to minute basis.

    It is backward to seek out another Barrow or Adams.

  12. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Should read….

    Despite more foreign exchange leaving the island than what stays on island.

    The editor shows a lack of knowledge as it pertains to safe guarding the country snd people and is only capable if selling off the island and people for a few jobs and a few dollars in foreign exchange….sold out again, by those who have no useful intellect….for a mess if pottage.

    What pisses me off is that none of them can see that dont care how many hotels are built and the phantom foreign exchange they believe is earned…..that the island is and will always remain in debt and financial trouble…..they still dont get it and never will…….doomed to fail.

  13. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Donville is a disgrace…allowing a convicted felon Del Mastros free rein on the island.

    A couple years ago a person who resides in both Barbados and Canada called Donville about business on the island….he never returned the call…..the person was not fraud enough, not crooked enough, not criminal enough, so Donville was not interested in what a bajan citizen had to say.

    Del Mastros fit right in with what Donville wants….and that is the main reason he should not be reelected.

  14. @Heather Cole, as I said a Non Aligned Movement which is mass based and becomes a force to challenge GOB is my option. Perhaps it would morph into a political party.

    How many Bajans will join you in a protest action under a political party unless it’s either BLP or DLP? Few. Many are too afraid to speak out because they say they have a mortgage or just too busy to care while others have leased their decency.

    Heather Cole, as I said street protest against Cahill would have given GOB and PoPo reason to crack heads and would not have achieved anymore than walk up BayStreet. It would only have just taken one political clown among marchers to attract rubber bullets from trigger happy cops. My aim with your help was to alert international community which meant all investment/finaciers would be aware of the questionable concerns during due diligence. Thanks to your letter writing the major world finance institutions and intenational media houses were informed. Thank you!

    Finally, all the persons I have seen interested in forming alternative political parties seem to be seeking to become Prime Minister as their ultimate aim without a modicum of how to heal country. We need hard mouth no nonsense individuals who are willing to put country first irrespective of their political survival. Denis Lowe had great potential just his arrogance got the best of him and will go down as the most unpopular politician Barbados has ever known. How do we guard against such in the future?

  15. @ Patriotic civil servants who maybe reading this blog.

    We the people are starved for information about what is going on in our country.
    If you don’t feel comfortable uploading documents you can mail them to Caswell. I am sure that he will pass them on.

  16. @ Kammie Holder

    You guard against it by never investing power in any of the elites.

  17. Heather Cole why won’t you lead? Do you not possess your above-mentioned qualities of leadership …”Confidence, fearlessness- willing to stand up for what you believe in, not easily swayed, able to stand your ground and not afraid to stand up to the government?”

  18. “While some persons speak out about corruption, Barbados does not have a protest movement. No group of people has publicly stood up against corruption. The closest thing that we have had in terms of a movement since the 1930’s was the activity that occurred on that Facebook page “Bajans against $700M Waste to Energy Plant.”
    With all due respect to Ms. Cole, her statement that there was no real progressive force in Barbados since the 1930’s is inaccurate. The Peoples Progressive Movement was a major political force and it addressed many, if not all the problems , we are facing today. Indeed young progressives such as Trevor Prescod MP and this writer would have been influenced by the PPM. If I may fast forward, the progressive movement was effectively destroyed in 1974 by the nefarious Public Order Act, brought by Errol Barrow, that was designed primarily to halt the agenda of the progressive thinkers. Errol Barrow is perhaps the only National Hero who silenced his own people from speaking out against corruption and racism in his country. Throughout the period after Independence there have been attempts to bring some element of progressive /nationalist presence. We had the Workers Party of Barbados headed by Dr. George Belle; there was the Manjax group led by historian Trevor Marshall and now we have the Peoples Empowerment Party. These movements , organisations and parties, have all gained some measure of success but the powerful and entrenched collective force of the Barbados Labour Party and the Democratic Labour Party has made significant political success almost impossible. Ms Cole will note that on call in programs and even in BU, all topics are eventually reduced to BLP/DLP positions. This has always been the case. That is why the country is stagnant and can’t move forward. After a while we all get sucked into the mainstream. This writer included. Sadly, there is no one leader active at this moment who can honestly state that he or she is functioning as a total outsider of the entrenched system.

  19. Violet C Beckles Avatar
    Violet C Beckles

    No corresponding Bank for money movement in Barbados , Have you all not see the NEWs or My warnings, Bank of American bank that own other banks under the all seeing eye? Barbados was warned of their Banking Frauds By PM Browne meeting with the CC nations where was the Chairman . Hyatt or any other buildings or building will have to paid for out side of Barbados all We have now for Banking out side of Bim is WESTERN UNION. As you PM said 100 Million comes in from the states and to keep it coming. So you know the People are in Pain and more PAIN to come,

  20. William Skinner is quite right on these points.

    It is always dangerous to distilled events in simplistic ways

    He failed to mention the Association of Concerned Policyholders. And there could be many more. Maybe he does not consider that as ‘progressive’.

    People are always seeking to make their lives better.

  21. @Kammie

    Because the area was not a window to the sea what are you saying? We can’t take advantage of the opportunity to create one?

    What about the lack of transparency and governance associated with the project? Have you studied the EIA report?

  22. @David.
    Check my last paragraph.

    We all know that just like Veronica, Heather will be arrested or worse if they set foot on Barbados soil because they are allowing the people to air their differences while the traditional news media are too scared of even their collective shadows.

  23. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Ms Cole, your introspection is very interesting. Two brief remarks from two comments in your piece.—-

    “Her explanation was that something profound occurred from which there was no going back. It is that something that is always responsible for change. … I realized that one can be in the midst of change and never realize it until that something tilts the balance.”

    Change is YOU or me or any other person. There is no repose of awaiting a star in the east; we have to build the ship that takes us to the moon-star. So absolutely as your mum suggested, we REFLECT the change after the fact even as we are daily in the midst of change.

    Are we not in the midst of major change with the extensive work on alternative energy for cars and other key aspects of daily life! Several years on this could be seen as the ‘time’ that COMPLETELY reshaped the world.

    I know you speak of politics and that is as far away as possible but the point is that change is all around us and it’s the individuals who push the boundaries who are the change agents that bring about your mum’s “time mek a change.”

    So to that political point of change. David Commissiong is a good man from all accounts and a man who loves his country deeply. But again why this palaver of whether he is riding a star coming from the east or west!

    He either acts the part of a leader and coalesce a mass of people to forge a spear of political purposeful thrust or not.

    Winning challenges in the courts is leadership. Facebook shares whether 1000s or tens of 1,000s are like Eric ‘Fly’ Sealy’s street corner mass meetings…a lot of personal gratification; significant yes, but meaning little where it really matters.

    No need to dare to think…it’s about daring action on his or your part (and yes all of us).

    “Time mek a change” happens when boundaries are broken by brave men and women who can be peer leaders in the streets and in court.

    In politics “time mek a change” happens at the ballot and of course that only happens when your votes – NOT shares – are more than the others.

    Stating the obvious of course but all elicited by your piece.


    NOW SHE IS ADVOCATING “I have dared to think that you (COMMISSONG) may be the leader of a new movement for change in Barbados.



    We should become informed about Communism, about Socialism, and about Freedom. We should also know why the Communist leaders consider Socialism the Highroad to Communism.

    “The Goal Of Socialism Is Communism”. Vladimir Lenin.


  25. @ Un-freedom Crier

    How many times must we say?

    Do you really think anybody in the world cares about communism or socialism or capitalism anymore?

    All your discourses are located in a bygone era. But you persist.

    If you were writing in the 50’s and 60’s we could understand, but today.

    These are ALL failed systems.

    The sentient people of the world are searching for something new not a repeat of failed systems.

    But then again, you may well be suffering from Alzheimer where a previous era is all you can recall.

  26. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @William Skinner August 3, 2016 at 9:05 AM #…well stated remarks. Very well stated.

    As I said above Ms Cole’s introspection is interesting. Quite so. I am amazed at her historical remarks very often.

    The benefit of her dearth of proper historical perspective is that she has a fresh enthusiasm not daunted by the defeats of past efforts. Her horizon is boundless.

    The disadvantage is her being prone to repeating similar mistakes


    “The Foundation For ALL Tyrannies Is The Removal Of Free Agency”, which seeks to enslave us all.

    The Adversary does not rest; his aim was and always is, to take away the Agency of man. ALL tyrannies whether under the banner of Communism, Nazism, Fascism, Marxism Leftism, Crony Capitalism, Socialism Progressive-ism, Radical Islamism et al, are only different varieties of the same thing.

    It is the Adversary’s Ideology, which has been around for generations, its all part of the same Tree and root system even a Godless Conspiracy. It has the same outcome, IE, creating Elitist where certain people are favored and benefited. Communist Socialism et al = Stateism. Names only change the ideology morphs itself to suit the times. These entire Isms’ are under the influence of the Adversary, who was a Liar from the beginning of time…

  28. This Nation editorial got me confused. For one, the writer’s knowledge of development economics and urban regeneration is near zero because the reasons for approving such a project cannot be based solely on private sector investment i.e. dollars, and structural and “environmental” (whatever this means) concerns. Secondly, the editorial speaks as if all the regulatory permissions have been granted. Is this true? What about FDI? From what I have read, the developers are local and the architectural and interior design teams foreign. Hyatt is managing the hotel and will be paid in Forex for doing so and for the use of their name. No?

  29. how does Flow get away ,blocking your wireless from working, I have Roku and pay for some shows,this is 1 month that that they have done so. is there any recourse to get it back,any replies,,thank you

  30. Leadership does not simply evolve. While there might be some truth to the “true leaders are born” belief, we should be aware that not all so-called”born leaders” are useful to changing their societies. The problem we have is that we need to first establish what kind of society we want and then use the education system to develop leadership and leaders throughout the society. Right now our education system is like a farm; where our most precious resource is corralled like common cattle. Without critical thinking and a true understanding of our history, we cannot really produce great leaders. Had Barrow been more receptive to progressive thinkers of the 60s and early 70’s , we would have evolved into a more progressive society with greater emphasis on national development, creativity and innovation and the relevant and needed leaders would have emerged.Expecting any great leaders to spring from the bowels of the DLP/BLP is hopeless. On our current path there will be more foreign owned hotels; one or two whites owning our arable land; and the continued emergence of a black upper/elite political managerial class that will guarantee that the entrenched system remains intact. Occasional sparring over garbage contracts and waste energy plants cannot seriously change the underlying problems in the society.
    What we are experiencing now is the end result of Grantley Adams/Errol Barrow design of our island state. There is a reason why after 50 years of independence , we cannot effectively manage: one hospital; a relatively small net work of roads; people still earning less than $300 per week; breakdown in services for the poor while 30 jokers meet every Tuesday to eat food at the expense of the taxpayers.

  31. In the Nation Newspaper editorial there is an assumption that the Hyatt project underwent the required due diligence and passed with flying colours. Really?



    Tell Me Barbados… Who Are We Going to Vote For B or D ……/tell-me-barbados-who-are-we-going-t…
    2 days ago – Who Are We Going to Vote For B or D? … In Barbados 2/3 of the money collected by Government is paid towards debt and 1/3 is paid to the …







  33. Barbados had a fifty year window of opportunity to manage and alligned barbados prospects .Failure to do so not only applies to goverance but to a mental state of selfishness by its society. Barbados undertakings is a great reminder of the story of the ten virgins five wise and five foolish the later five exemplifies barbadians foolishness

  34. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    ACs….that’s why we are exposing each and everyone of the foolish leaders….lol

  35. Why would anyone request of David Comissiong to be a leader in a democracy.He has never hidden the fact that his political preferences are those in allignment to Fidel Castro and the late Chavez. I really have to question the likes of Heather whose nest is been featherd in a free and democratic country called the USA but finds no offence in wanting to positioning and offering Commissong as a viable leader to the barbadian people.

  36. The difference between intelligence and ignorance is that one has a limit.

    On Wednesday, 3 August 2016, Barbados Underground wrote:


  37. See National Post (Toronto) article

    Former MP Dean Del Mastro’s $26M solar venture in Barbados stuck in the dark

    “In the fall of 2014, Del Mastro was found guilty of violating the Canada Elections Act during his 2008 re-election campaign for the Peterborough riding. Offences included overspending, failing to report a personal contribution of $21,000 and filing a false report.

    Last summer, he was sentenced to one month in jail, plus four months of house arrest — but he spent only one night behind bars before filing an appeal.

    This April, Del Mastro lost that appeal and spent just under a week in jail before being granted leave to have his appeal heard one more time.

    While waiting to reappear in the Ontario Court of Appeal, Del Mastro has been active on Facebook, debating American politics with miscellaneous commenters on his public page.

    On Wednesday, in reply to a vitriolic comment about his conviction, Del Mastro wrote: “I have done nothing wrong and I won’t apologize to anyone.””

    Wonder if Del Mastro is allowed to leave Canada for Barbados while he is waiting to have his appeal to be heard one more time.

  38. abajanhowe August 3, 2016 at 7:48 AM #

    “Turn your attention to the proposed Solar panel farm that the Canadians want to build in Waterford.

    Firstly the Government acquired the property and so far has not paid for it (just like Bushy Park) but is proposing to lease that same property to the Canadians Del Mastro (who we saw recently was in shackles for fraud) for two Million dollars rent per year.

    Secondly we do have the technology here to develop those same Solar farms and can not get the permission to do such projects on an even smaller scale. The BL&P is also complaining against this Del Mastro enterprise.

    How may we ask did DelMastro a fraudster get the permission as announced at the recent Town Hall meeting and from whom did they get that permission.

    So much is happening in Barbados these days that needs to be nipped in the bud. The Politicians are not only sticking their hands in the pies, and allegedly filling their off-shore and Swiss banks accounts with laundered moneys from these projects. Just think back to the Cahill debacle.”

    And where is Del Mastro/Deltro getting the two Million dollars rent per year, and the money to send to the off-shore bank accounts?

  39. Further to 2:01 post.

    Check out the comments Canadian made to the article including:

    M Hard Consent
    When people like Del Mastro who admit no guilt, show no remorse then frustrate the sentencing portion of their criminal trials by availing themselves of groundless and delaying tactic appeals – once the process is exhausted and the conviction is upheld, should be responsible for the costs and then such costs should also relate to additional incarceration periods for the action of thumbing their nose at the principles and proper administration of justice. In my opinion the original sentence is far too light, and the concept of house arrest should not be used. Real time is the only means to the ends here and to show that criminal acts that interfere with elections being properly held will result in real jail time. Lock him back up

    Bruce Starkes
    Wonder ‘where’ they keep ‘their’ money…..for tax…

    Great inter national exposure for Barbados

  40. Another ego-driven epistle from the great scribe. Imagine Commissiong as a political leader who might even become prime minister: He would be the Caribbean equivalent of Robert Mugabe and Barbados would be his Zimbabwe.

  41. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    “Woody Bezan Selkirk, Manitoba
    DDM and cousin look like they’d steal your eyeballs and comeback for the eyelashes. Zero sympathy for anyone who’d do business with these grifters.”

    This commenter said it best about Del Mastros, they fit right in with the crooks for government ministers and politicians in Barbados. ..only other crooks would want to do business with them…for sure.

    No one will have sympathy for the people on the island when this is all over…no one.

  42. WW&C

    Birds of a feather f… the taxpayers together.

  43. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Lol…Due, this will be interesting to watch.

  44. David Comissiong has no problem telling the world that venezula impoverished state is not really as bad as the media say while in the other breathe stating that barbados a country with limited resources and not having any by product as reliable as the oil fields of venezuela that barbados people have been living in the lowest form of poverty in the past eight
    here is a man whose genealogies are so steeped and drenched in socialism that even when Venezuela is sinking to the lowest depth of social and economic decay his best defense is to attack the western media

    here is an excerpt of what Comissiong says is lies after he visited venezuela

    And– contrary to the idiotic idea that is currently being peddled by the international news media– at no time during my visit was I ever left with the impression that life was so hard and hopeless in Venezuela that our Caribbean islands were in imminent danger of having thousands of desperate Venezuelan migrants turn up on our shores in ramshackle boats!

    after his visit he should have gone to trinidad and ask them about those Venezuelans who have turned up on their shores looking for refuge in the form of shelter and food supplies . not any natives flee their homeland in thousands unless their is a crisis at hand that would impact their lives socially politically or economically as have happened with castro cuba and some middle east countries where citizens flee out of fear and tyranny and now venezuela being added to the list

  45. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    My grandmother. may she rest in peace, also had a saying, “when tilet block [toilet] call de plumber nah de reverend”

    And I don’t have to give a convoluted explanation of that ole people saying either.

    Mr. Kammie Holder, a man whom I have grown to respect here as an environmental “Advocat Extraordinaire”, has make this singular, simple point about 5 times here in separate blogs.

    He has stated repeatedly, and should correct me if I am wrong, that the Environment Initiatives that he was party to, were Environmental Initiatives AND, while he gave and continues to give these varied initiatives his untiring support, HE DOES NOT FEEL THAT “THE REVEREND SHOULD BE FIXING TOILET!!!”.

    It is like having “Jones” the young man who used to carry luggage for tourists at the airport, elevated to the position of pilot of Air Canada BECAUSE HE IS ALWAYS AT THE AIROT WHEN AIR CANADA ARRIVES ON A SUNDAY!!

    With respect to the political aspirations of David Comissiong.

    A search of the CIA World Fact Book & the Caribbean Elections Website (the latter whose owners/principals are not known? lololol) reveals that David C “is the Leader of the PEP and has been its leader since its creation in 2006”.

    The seat that David is “canvassing for” is St Michael Central with its incumbent Steve Blackett to be whitewashed, and BLP representative Rudy Grant.

    There is a time to run “different horses for different courses” and that moment for Comissiong may be now.

    A strategy for PEP AT THIS TIME, might be one which comprises

    1.The cases that David takes have to “shift down on the scale”. More grassroots work and representation for the people in his constituency. It would be good to have a few wins and have them “alternatively publicized”. quasi Pro Bono

    2.DO NOT CANVAS A FULL PARTY. You do not have the resources to sustain that and it is a waste of time


    4.Five or Six carefully researched seats secured during this General Election CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

    5.Five to six candidates carefully chosen. True, you can run a dead dog against the DLP but the incoming Troika member will present a challenge since Bajans normally will not vote for a 3rd party and you MUST NOT BE CAUGHT in the “backdraft”

    6.Given the MUGABE ELEMENT and existing internecine issues euphemism for concerns over BLP leadership, there is some “room for maneuvering”, enough to just barely move. As usual one can be assured that the General elections will take the PEP by surprise, one will hope otherwise but this is Barbados.

    Your message should be based on showing that Change is Possible and that you and your other 5 are “the chink in the wall”

    And David, you need men with currency, not has beens nor sly foxes none of that goobledegook.

    Even if 1 PEP member gets in, the message will be clear to these 2 “the same parties with a different name” the BDLP, which is that Bajans will not sit down and let them ef up our lives any more.

  46. correction genealogies should be ideologies

  47. Barbados We Too Are On A Steep Slope To Venezuela With Every New Tax, With Every New Regulation With Every New Obstacle For Entrepreneurs, With Every New Bureaucrat Who Has Say Over Others, With Every New Law,… And On And ON And ON…

    BuzzFeed News added a new video: What Is Going On In Venezuela?
    Yesterday at 7:56pm ·

  48. Pdyr With respect to the political aspirations of David Comissiong.

    what political aspirations and what has taken him so long to fulfilled his dreams

    answer,,bajans knows if it walks like a duck and quack like a duck it must be a duck , of recent Comissiong has began to fly above the radar supplanting himself on those issues that would endear him to greater popularity while pulling very closely to the coattails of Mia but for those who have seen him in action and knows his intents would not be fooled by his political grandstanding of bait and switch

  49. @Pacha leadership is essential to any movement. One can argue that MLK took the Civil Rights Movement with him to the grave. Occupy Wall Street did not have a single leader. Perhaps it had too many. The same thing for Black Lives Matter. There is probably a branch in each city. Who does the press or anyone contact if they wish to find out anything. Each of the branches may have different goals which leads to not only confusing themselves but the public at large.

  50. @William Skinner thanks for the enlightenment about the PPM. Can you share why EWB had the lack of foresight to silence the movement. That puts him in a less than stellar light. What did he fear?

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