
Th historically passive Bajan continues to explore non violent tactics to express disapproval to the myriad of concerns prevailing our once small proud country. With the emergence of technology and along with it the exponential growth of social media, two BU regulars have come up with the idea to create posters to graphically detail our concerns and to use social media as a vehicle to communicate those concerns.

Here are a few posters which have been created so far by Sunshine Sunny Shine and pieceuhderockyeahright and one other. BU posted a couple to Twitter under the hashtag #bajanswantchange. All creative Barbadians are encouraged to create posters and post to social media platforms using the hashtag #bajanswantchange or any other which resonates with the theme. What should be the motivation? A functional democracy calls for all citizens to participate 24/7. Once every five years is disengagement by any definition.

#bajanswantchange @budavid

1,185 responses to “Poster Offensive Launched, #bajanswantchange”

  1. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

  2. Excellent work, Piece!

  3. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    My Sweet Piece

    You is shotta. I like em like em bad. This is yours or the grandsons? Proper.

  4. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Prodigal Son

    My thanks

    Dearest Susanne

    It is de grandson, I doan have that sorta talent lololol


  5. Due Diligence Avatar

    Dat grandson is real piece off de ole rock

  6. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar
  7. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ TheGazer

    The inspiration for this Gem of A “Sociological Experiment called My Man Whu sort uh Fecundity You is?” goes to you

  8. @PUDRYR
    Now you have me believing it is a cuss word 🙂

    Keep on making those ‘stupid cartoons”. They are great,,,,,,

  9. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar
  10. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ colonel Buggy

    Dat one bad no ness!

    You does drive alllll over Barbados in truth.

    You have pictures of all of the place

    But you know where the true skill lies? to see a story or compose a thread, WHERE THERE IS NONE


  11. @PUDRYR
    I like the ‘stupid cartoon’ with the book page turning. That’s great. Seems as if there has been an increase in ‘cartooning’ expertise.

    Looks as if the Colonel plans to give you some stiff competition.

  12. @ TheGazer

    Yes there are some new thing that the grandson is doing at the Bajans Want Change studios

    “Rip Offs the Movie” Starring the Demonic Lying Party Part I I due to be released in time for return to school.

    It will be in a Theatre Near You so keep your ears to the ground lol

  13. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar


    Was busy so the edition was late, going have to triple up

  14. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar
  15. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    We who remain faithful to our country on this 4th Day of Independence of another country that you left give you this Independence Day Poster.

    The Best for the Best Son gone awry


  16. Wow.
    That last one is very powerful…
    That puts you in a much higher league…
    These ‘stupid cartoons’ are serious….

  17. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    Thanks TheGazer.

    De grandson tries hard to please


  18. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar
  19. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar




  20. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar
  21. Sunny Sunshine Shine Avatar
    Sunny Sunshine Shine

    My Sweet Piece

    You punching hard. But, do not forget Mia Mottley. She will form the next government. We must pressure her to come clean, come ready to change and shut all illecal routes money flows; come prepared to enact FOI and transparency legislation, come willing to investigate and give the auditor general the power to interrogate and press for a charge. Makes no sense posterizing the current bad and leaving out its equally horrible second half. We must let Mia Mottley know we do not give a shit about articzlation and rhetoric; we want honesty, transparency, and all thievery subjected to proper due process.

    My colleague is on assignment so I am on pause. Hopefully, poster action recommences soon.

  22. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    My dearest Suzanne

    Do not for one moment think that I have forgotten the proposer of the “Covenant of Hope” dog shy*e.

    Do not like them be fooled that I am not cognisant like Russia, after sharing out the spoils of war how the Western Allies sought to destroy Russia


    Naked I have come into this world and naked go i out.

    “I have not yet begun to fight”


  23. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar


    Testing a small format for the Whatsapp Server to be used during the coming General Elections 2017

  24. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar
  25. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    Dearest Suzanne

    I am going to try sending you a code to help you get “control” of those artistic creative juices that your posters show you have.

    I have been promising to give you the pathway to distress of the DLP and the BLP but like one of those superpowers in the DC Comics, you must make me a promise.

    For you to get access to this power you have to repeat after me.

    I pinky promise Piece of de Rock Yeah Right that I will use this power given to me to defend the honour of my country Barbados.

    I will not tell anyone of what PUDRYR tells me and if i do i shall suffer another dumb bell incident or something that will remind me that i broke my promise.

    I can see your beautiful smile and those perfectly chiselled teeth.

    But I am serious about the promise and if you Pinky swear send a falsified gmail address to the Honourable Blogmaster and he will on send it to me and I will send it to you.

    Now here is the thing though.

    I do expect that they will try to use this opportunity to falsify the falsification of the reality, if that makes sense but I am going to give you a code that only you will know that will permit you to decrypt the encrypted information dat de ole man gine send.

    If you are the real Suzanne you going know, but if you are not, well it is just going to be a game with the scamps dem.

    Of course you could wait until your graphics guy comes back but you shouldnt…

  26. Walter Blackman Avatar
    Walter Blackman

    pieceuhderockyeahright July 7, 2016 at 10:40 AM #
    “Dearest Suzanne

    For you to get access to this power you have to repeat after me.

    I pinky promise Piece of de Rock Yeah Right that I ……

    I ………

    I can see your beautiful smile and those perfectly chiselled teeth.”

    A touching glimpse of General Schwarzkopf at play. LOL

  27. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    M;y Sweet Piece

    If I had to the time to learn some of the online tutorials, I believe I would be producing my own material. These days work is a load. I am going on assignment for a week starting Monday. So I will not be here too often. Stay tune baby, hmmmmmm smack.

  28. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    Dearest Suzanne,

    Enjoy your assignment.

    As you can see we are being stalked by well well…no not Well Well and Consequences ammmm… a concealed weapon of the Walther PPK type lololol.

    The National Enquirer agent provocateur has caught me out for re-declaring my besotted-ness for you the 29th time here on BU.

    I am so sorry to have exposed my pretensions here in this private parlour but i was of the opinion that only you, and I, and the Blogmaster and Colonel Buggy are permitted entry here.

    Will you forgive me? Me and my storming Norman tactics?

    It would appear that I will have to protect your borders from the scud attacks that will come to your shores, would that i had horse or steed or Aircraft Carriere or the Forces of the United States to protect you from these encroachments.

    Fear not my Dearest I shall think up aome poster that will make him “tremble” and twerk in his boots, I shall send them to the constituency branch of the St. Michael East constituency branch of the DLP for hand delivery to him.

    Look at what our, rather my one sided Romeo-star-crossed-lover-delusions has brought the house of Capulet Oh woe is me.

    Indeed I know not whence this self appointed Caius Martius comes Dearest Suzanne but it would seem that I am doomed to be his Tullus Aufidius of the Voiscians.

    Is he a stalker, rather sleuth, of dubious stealth skills and slinkiness?

    That is 5 S’es so I think that he has exceeded your three but, being that I have seen your pictures, and being that he and I are male? (heheheheheh, careful insinuations which with another i would play to the hilt but, for Walther, I will leave alone) he should know that he cannot replace you, cause “homey dont play dat”.

    Speaking of pictures, dearest one please say that you have yours hidden, as you hid your face here and that, if you have any with you well, well, well “trembling” anteriorly, ( i would have said posteriorly but that would have incited an “a-haaa moment like those I have been recently accused of) I do hope that they are hidden well, as well. (not to be confused Well Well)

    Be safe on your assignment

  29. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    De ole man is not too bright

    In fact AC considers me to be downright ingrunt and ting a fact that Pigrim and Fumbles are sure to endorse

    But would someone tell me if dat video with de feller selling de rocks sorry “impressions of coraline craft”. is a skit/joke or if it is for real?

    De reason I asking is dat I, Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right, is due royalties pun “all Rocks sold in Barbados and de Caribbean, I is due to be paid a fee from COSCAP.”

    Additionally, One De Word, aka De Ingrunt Word and De Pedantic Dribbler or Dribbler also owe me royalties for using “effing” as an adjective in a post yesterday and “piece uh something when he was denouncing a feller in an article later the same day.

    I really need de money cause I got to pay one TheGazer up in eider America, or Canada, for using his word “Fecundity”

    and I also owe that feller Frustrated Business man for using his “There will be NO ECONOMIC RECOVERY under Fumbles Fools” T Shirt below


    While a few of you will laugh at de ole man ramblings wunna kin bet wunna last dollar that this General Election coming is going see “less bunting” and more uh de ole man T-Shirt facsimiles

    Note carefully that the way the message is worded the T Shirt can Even be worn on Election Day

  30. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Hants

    Your order for the 70,000 shirts was received with thanks


    Given your earlier remarks about “people not recognising who Fumbles and Froon and the Domonic Lied Party were”, a new order was integrated with your batch which the Canadian ex-patriot community can wear with (gay) “pride and industry”

    It is important to be politically correct

    We had a problem shipping the items out of the island today because the Minister of Small Industry Pornville did not allow his ministry to issue Export Licenses.

    He claimed that “since we were exporting “swine and sheep” national ass -e(t)s of Barbados” the permit was denied.

    Something about all of the Ministers being swollen up like pigs and swine and Kellman and Short me crutch Stephen Lasles being as dumb as an alpine sheep.

    We made an outreach to Bhanananananana and after, pronouncing his name correctly, and after promising “the importer of the condemned chicken wings” that we would not put out more than 1 “Stoopid Carton” per week about him and the chicken wings, he called his buddy and the license was issued.

    Please forgive “the smells of swine” on the shirts because Minister Pornville was reported to have been rutting about in the containers looking for X rated CDs and a woman who used to work at his company who quit.

    You know one of those big bubbied women who he had reading the news naked. Apparently he mised her and a spiteful person told him that she was in the containers

    We are still trying to decipher a new request for 50,000 Yuh Muddah Scvunt skirts that we received but we do not know who the source is.

    Do you?

  31. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    Until the philosophy that hold one nation superior and another inferior…..

    We acknowledge another fallen nigger because we are niggers (though not sand niggers)

    That is their struggle and they MAY OR MAY NOT DEAL WITH IT cause that is Murica and them loves that.

    I still going get up tomorrow with my Abijah Holder dead at coverley roundabout and not a man charged with the crime.

    Let me issue a challenge to all the BU legal luminaries right now.


    I will be wunna Huckleberry and pledge to get de grandson develop the first teir of the Justice for All Virtual Participatory Democracy platform if wunna legal beagles work pun incorporating it and getting the entity Non Governmental Organization status.

    Stop all de pretty talking and let we do sumting nuh instead uh getting heah and doing all these pretty Stoopid Posters and wunna postulating and liking and getting like

    Is any uh wunna serious??

    Send wunn false address to de blogmaster and leh he send um tuh me and I will share some ideas wid wunna pun a Virtual Platform, I ent tekking no files from nun uh wunna snozzet.

    Do a facebook private group and only gine de serious fuh dis ting…

    But den again I is a serious man so now we gine see which uh wunna menses dat is lawyers and got udder skills want to up de game fuh de less fortunate or jes heah blowing air up a man pooch

  32. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    How we need to fight the Corruption in Barbados

    Expose them like Caswell Franklyn does


  33. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

  34. Simply brilliant.

  35. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    My Sweet Piece

    I hope that you have all the mechanisms in place not to be trace because if you do not know, let me tell you now. My peeps have reliably inform me that much unrest is currently affecting both political parties due to the poster protest. They have been attempts to contact Imgur to have them remove (not so sure if that is true). There are also private discussions on what steps can be taken against those who currently are producing these posters (that one is true). The talk is that permission was not granted to use Politico pictures (violation 1), the content of the posters are libellous and defamatory ( violation 2), and they represent a call to stir up social unrest leading to violence as they are subject to wrong interpretations (violation 3). What is frightening these terrible, selfish, wicked, greedy people, is the fact that the posters are being downloaded and viewed all over the world, where bajans migrate. So my sweet piece the posters are effective. I think there might be a warrant out for our arrest. I surely will take the necessary steps needed when I am coming home shortly for wuk up time. After all, they know what my eyes look like. I am scared, not one bit. I will continue to advocate for right governance as long as bajans are taken for granted and these political monsters and their bribe masters continue to take full advantage of Barbados in the pocketing of easy money.

  36. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Dearest Suzanne

    You dun know that PPK looking over our shoulder at what we are doing on every post, dont you? lololol

    Violation 1 – Permission to Use Politico Pictures

    “Copyright DOES NOT APPLY to works in the public domain; words, names, slogans or short phrases (those may have protection in trademark law); blank forms; works that are not original; and government works.

    This is important to know because if the work is not protected by copyright, then there is no concern whether the Fair Use Doctrine will apply to allow you to use the work.”

    Any politician by virtue of their function and their service to the public, going to be in the public domain AND, unless the inept idiots are going to (i) try to rewrite the law as it relates to “copyright/public domain” or, (ii) during the next photo session, say to all photographers “as from today, you shall only be granted permission to take my picture for x purpose, sign here” then, and Jeff can confirm this, that copyright angle is (a badword)

    Then, after getting that signature from everyone in the room, including the photographers,will they will call Roy Morris and say “as of today Roy, you are advised that your newspaper is to state that this is the minister’s image and we expressly deny the copying of this image, by anyone without seeking our permission?”

    Will Roy and Bryan and Kayman then, with immediate effect, recall, and retag all pictures on the www that have their facsimile on it?

    Dem according to Walther PPK “got to be out them mind!!”

    The Content of the Posters – Which posters ? posted by whom? The posters that are seen on BU? A WordPress site, which does not validate email addresses and does not keep IP addresses since such is not the nature of the Blog as a social media site?

    Have they read the WordPress Defamation Policy? Do they see the content that is posted by known AND ANONYMOUS WordPress posters?

    Do they understand that BU, like WordPress, cannot “electronically hypothecate the data under its purview” AND CONSEQUENTLY can not accept any “liability” for any links that displayed on its site?

    Dearest Suzanne, Are you posting from Europe with your anonymous name? From which Internet cafe? behind which 2 VPNs, on which IP?

    There is one simple litmus test that will blow that first and second Violation out of the Water

    “Water”, not Walther, though the Walter who was graduated to a Walther, would seem to have been recently “blown out of the water” and is now unfortunately a Stalker, jes rhyming)

    Sweet one, whuloss, it is the third one that brek me up the most.

    “…they represent a call to stir up social unrest leading to violence as they are subject to wrong interpretations…”

    Let us say that when you come to Barbados and we go out for the Mahi Mahi during the course of the evening i say to you something which I wish to have happen.

    For the sake of conformity my meme says “NOT ONE EFFING SEAT” so i will use 4 words so that the simple of mind who are reading, from the Office of the various ministries, and Water?Walther/Walter can understand “I WILL ____ YOU”

    Now for the benefit of the PPK whose mind is in the gutter, the missing word is HUG.

    Consistent with that desire to hug you, i put up pictures that subliminally repeat my Lotharian desires.

    Now let me see where this is going.

    Walter, WeJonesing, Fumbles, Stinkliar who are observing my overtures to you arrive at the conclusion and here i shall use their words for clarity

    My 4 words, which i constantly repeat in all my actions thereafter, “represent a call to stir up passions in you, leading to unbridled expressions of a most physical nature, since…”, and here is the clincher, “…my 4 words and subsequent repetitions of those words, in various formats, are subject to the “wrong interpretations”


    Is this the best that they can do? In the absence of a definitive identification of the source of the ***, this now becomes “the fear” that they seek to instill in de po’ ole man donkey?

    I effectively have three fears.

    That they have compromised the Honourable Blogmaster which while not impossible is improbable, that they have **** and I am no longer “prodigal son”

    The posters are at 100,000 views now!!

    Suzanne and the thing is, that it has not even begun as yet!!

    You dun know that when the Whatsapp Server come pun stream and the telephone DBF that my man Ali** and he get from LIME, bless dem souls, you dun know that when one of those “I WILL SQUEEZE YOU” facsimiles hit the group of Bajan subscribers, you dun know that it ovah!!

    2 posters a day at 365 x 1.5 (less now cause Fumbles doing a January ting) plussing de 5 sec animations, de cartoons (see attached) de *** and de *** and de ***

    Whuloss, whu if i had was did had some uh de budget that Peter, Debbie and Lucille had whuloss dat wud have do DEM some serious “violence”

    Your Daddy loves you very much so I can understand the intent and his objective.

    I’ve been doing this too long for these wild boys to run me and the “brother in the spirit” well he tried but his consternation betrayed him.

    I guess that it would have been better to have paid de ole man what is his…..whu you tink PPK?

    For your viewing pleasure


  37. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar
  38. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    Dearest Suzanne

    Maybe you should put this out among the people that you know on FB and twitter and whatsapp

    De Ole man already put it out on the Whatsapp Server


  39. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    Another Poster on this Corruption business and steps that the average citizen can take.


    Readers are to note well that any party who can seek to bribe you is also a party who when the corrupt practice is aired make take more drastic steps to protect themselves and their ill gotten gains


  40. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster

    Mine is a strategy that is based on one simple thing “no quarter asked none given”

    We the citizens cannot seem to reason with them and they toy with us for 10 to 15 year bouts.

    Irrespective of their manifestos

    So here is a practical construct for consideration

    This “gi’ dem a second term tuh do someting” is not working!!

    THe world does not go on pause while they “learn how to run government”

    Five years!!

    Hit the ground running that was what you should have been doing while you were in the opposition, LEARNING TO DRIVE.

    You and me does get in a public bus with a learnee bus driver “to go up Horse Hill???”

    So until we can see change, we going change them.

    You do not get 10 years continuous service for any pension.

    THis way we all in potta.

    Mr. Brathwaite for your viewing pleasure


  41. @pudryr jULY 11, 6:37
    The “stupid cartoon” or ‘stupid movie” is brilliant.
    7/12/2016 3:07 – Brilliant
    and the 3:54 blog following it — just brilliant.

    Looks like you got your hands on some brilliantine…

  42. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar
  43. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar
  44. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar
  45. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ TheGazer

    [[THe reason that i am writing you in these square brackets is to ask you a favour.

    A fellow here, one Frustrated Business Man came up with a very good idea for a poster against the Demonic Lying Part the DLP titled “There can be no Economic Recovery Under Fumbles Fools”

    Now there was another fellow here (but he gone and ent come back) called Walther something PPK or sumting.

    He give the old man an idea about generating money in Canada and America albeit with Frustrated Business man title but I got a felling dat since he is a business man, Frustrated may want de Lion share uh de profits.

    Whu after all Gazer it is me and SSS and Colonel Buggy dat dem amending the Data Protection Act 2005 for and it is only fair that more uh de profits goes to de body dat risking getting lock up for “stirring up social unrest leading to violence as they are subject to wrong interpretations …”

    It only fair dat I should use the Bajan Standard of Ratios of 95% is mine and you only is to get 5% whu dat is how de resources heah divide 95% of the people own 5% of the land.

    Now here is my plan The Gazer.

    But first you got to tell me sumting, you got any account heah in Barbados at the Ban in you mudda name? cause I going have to put you share in you mudda account. It at DownLowe Bank or if you like i cud get you an account at the Central Bank of Barbados.

    Okay now that that out of the way here is the thing I selling. Get back to me with your thoughts


  46. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    And when you actually thought that “summer was safe” up popped the DLP – the Succubus of the Bajan People

    Maybe this is what the country really needs Bush Baths and GhostBusters


  47. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Piece…your posters are very powerful…they are being shared everywhere.

The blogmaster invites you to join the discussion.


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