
Th historically passive Bajan continues to explore non violent tactics to express disapproval to the myriad of concerns prevailing our once small proud country. With the emergence of technology and along with it the exponential growth of social media, two BU regulars have come up with the idea to create posters to graphically detail our concerns and to use social media as a vehicle to communicate those concerns.

Here are a few posters which have been created so far by Sunshine Sunny Shine and pieceuhderockyeahright and one other. BU posted a couple to Twitter under the hashtag #bajanswantchange. All creative Barbadians are encouraged to create posters and post to social media platforms using the hashtag #bajanswantchange or any other which resonates with the theme. What should be the motivation? A functional democracy calls for all citizens to participate 24/7. Once every five years is disengagement by any definition.

#bajanswantchange @budavid

1,185 responses to “Poster Offensive Launched, #bajanswantchange”

  1. @ my Dearest Suzanne, fellow guerilla Colonel Buggy, The Blogmaster of course and other Poster warriors

    “Recursive References”

    Every Poster that is posted on Imgur or FB or YouTube is seen by 20 people on average.

    To maximize the impact of that post you should employ “recursive references” which works as follows.

    When you post on Imgur you have the ability to use the “Description” and not only include a little write-up about your article for all of your target audience BUT what my grandson suggests that you do is, simultaneous to your uploading of the picture, you copy the link from the BU article where you intend to post the poster AND PASTE THAT INTO THE DESCRIPTION

    That way what happens is that with every one reader who has clicked on your poster/image you have potentially aired the article with one additional party.

    De grandson has told me that I now have 50,000 viewers since the campaign began 3 months ago, actually I had really started in earnest, almost 6 weeks ago after my good buddy AC called the items “stupid cartoons”

    Social Media Campaigns and Social Media WILL OUTSTRIP & ultimately replace the newspaper, and bunting, and pasted posters on people’s walls.

    This is why places like the Nation and the Advocate newspapers are dying because they are led by managers and CEOs who CAN’T conceive how to mount a sales campaign for the 21st century using the digital pathways and Social Media.

    Always remember the joke about directions that Gearbox gave on day.

    A man used to keep sheep on the pasture up by the NCC years ago just behind the lumber company where the small cricket field is today.

    The nigh watchman was accustomed telling his new lady friends how to find him by saying “and when you get off in front of Adams House in Spooners Hill, walk cross the road and wall down till you see the sheep pun de pasture and den turn in dey pun de left”

    Well one night when the current paramour was scheduled to come to him, de ole man who owned the sheep had died and nobody had let out the sheep well wunna dun know that the woman end up past Cawmere up in that place where de dog people does meet pun a Sunday….

    My pint being that without their reference points of bygone centuries some of us centenarians are LOST but unfortunately we tend to be the bossman and ting..

  2. Podcasts that have the actual voice records of Fumbles “moments” are available on the CD which is available for purchase

  3. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

  4. I need a flyer on Dr Denis Lowe incompetence as MOE who is now deputy chair of UNEA

  5. @ Kammie

    Give a 2 liner brief re context of the poster and I’ll try to be your Huckleberry”

    Context gives way to what the poster says for example

    WeJonesing when recently asked about incidences at the Ministry of Education where a teacher and a Principal were beaten? said that he was in the dark.

    Imagine that the Minister of Education being in “the dark” for such a serious matter where, if he were truly the Minister and doing his job he would be au fait with everything that is going on there

    Ergo the item below


  6. @ Hammie Holder

    I have now researched the incredulous news per the dufus’ appointment at the UN Environment Agency.


    As I read through the comments of Achim Steiner, Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) on post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the inaugural UN Environment Assembly (UNEA) meeting in Nairobi, Kenya from 23-27 June, there is something that you must keep in mind.

    There is something that i want you to understand about the UN and their appointments even if at the national level I was destroying the Environment in my cuntry unless and until a petition is commenced agains me personally, The UNEA, and many of the UN agencies, cannot deny a member representation on its constituent UN agencies/sub committees.

    You should reach out to people like leading environment journalist Sonja van Renssen Sonja van Renssen, Brussels Correspondent, sonja.van.renssen@energypost.eu and level your comments about this inept minister and his Gassification attempts to kill 250,000 bajans and 50 thousand illegal Guyanese.

    Kammie, I am afraid that you gents do not understand how to fight these despots, you do not go to the fox that is cunting sorry that should be counting the chickens, for an inventory of your stock.

    Find the constantly vigilant journalists who hunger for scandals and whose investigative skills get them to zoom in on these glaring incompetencies

    having said that here is your poster


    You may want to distribute this by email to all of your email recipients

    I will do a bigger one presently when I get a moment

  7. Morning David,

    The item for Kammie didnt post it has two links, I think.

    Please do your thing on it


  8. @PUDRYR

    Will look for it.

  9. @ the Honourable Blogmaster

    Thanks, it posted. The 2nd one is perfect so the 1st one which is an older version can be deleted

    @ Kammie Holder

    Here is the bigger one


  10. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    My Sweet Piece

    I like it.

  11. Dearest Suzanne,

    I think that you should know that there is a “faction” that loves our work dearly.

    The “Troika in Waiting” whom, even as the 6 “posters of posters” work to rid the country of the current set of badwords, are enjoying the materials we supply, free of charge.

    I am sure that Mia has her team Lucille and Ricky, with the acute vision, adjusting the colours for the 14 by 7 banners for the Billboards that are being printed, even now.

    THe unfortunate thing is that this lot MUST BE ROUTED, COMPLETELY

    But one fears that one replaces one visionless lot, for the other one which, being equally visionless, devoid of integrity(not a man jack has declared his assets at 2016) and commitment to nation, now comes in a package which has a Prime Minister who will not relinquish that seat.


  12. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie

    these are not cartoons at all THIS IS VERY SERIOUS BUSYNESS


  13. @ Georgie Porgie.

    I am a serious man.

    I am always at war, not the war that people may think, courts and posters or these other things temporal, but I war internally with my sins dem, and they are many.

    A bumble bee should not fly and the Amethyst Humming bird beats it winds and 90 beats per second,

    For me GOD, takes on a particular “challenge” for my logical mind because I “reason” “a” but GOD is NOT “a” nor is HE any letter, on any finite scale of measurement,


    Let me explain my mindspace. You should know this parable well

    “For it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted to them his property. 15 To one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability. Then he went away. 16 He who had received the five talents went at once and traded with them, and he made five talents more. 17 So also he who had the two talents made two talents more. 18 But he who had received the one talent went and dug in the ground and hid his master’s money.”

    I seek to serve Him who entrusted me with the talent(s) and I CANNOT join the Fumbles, Donvilles and Mias of this world who not only actively seek to bury mine but it is easy to see that they would encourage many to bury theirs.

    As the parable reveals that act of burial, irrespective of who you think you are, is a sin against GOD.

    As is that of Senator Durant and Reverend Atherley, for the talents entrusted to them is not that given of Mammon, it is that Gifter by the True and Living God.

    I see my country DYING under a yoke of brethren and Sisteren? who are lost but enjoy wandering in the desert and actively enviegle Bajans to join them daily, as they enjoy that 5 year term.

    So I have taken my stance here. Mine is the certain knowledge that my well being does not lie in the largese of men like Fumbles, not Adriel Brathwaite, nor Mia Mottley.

    I am of the group that will say that they and the filth that they promote MUST STOP.

    These are dishonourable men who have no effing love of country.

    They were poor men when they entered the halls of parliament and are still poor men, despicable men, whores, prostitutes, harlots whose syphilitic spirits walk around seeking whom to infect across our island and make terminally ill.

    How many of them are they? 10,000? 20,000? Led by 30 varmints surrounded by a few thousand?

    I have asked My Lord to help me use this talent that I have, one which they, both of them, have sought variously to steal. I have asked HIM for the Wisdom to Destroy Them Georgie Porgie.

    And, as long as (a) WordPress and (b) Barbados Underground, as long as both entities “do not require users to register with their full name, do not validate the email address of users and do record the IP address of each review posted”, even if the third is true, if the submissions are all VPN encrypted, and ***(detail not shared) this will continue until they have no seats

  14. beats its wings at …

  15. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    Not sure if this is already here so if it is not let me put it here for easy access. iF it is then David you can remove it. Stay tune more posters to come


  16. This “Stupid Cartoon” Poster Campaign seeks to bring to the attention of citizens and visitors (and concerned denizens of the world) the various issues of government and corporate malfeasance that are rampant across the small island of Barbados.

    We wish to expose the issues and detail those which place our citizenry at risk due to their adverse social, economic or political fallout.


  17. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    My Sweet Piece

    The posters are to expose the corruption of both parties and bring awareness where awareness is needed. I am not doing this for money. I am doing this because I want the thievery to stop, the giveaways of tax payers money to come under serious checks and balances, the nonsense that these elected shites do to come to an abrupt end, and to see Barbados operating in a manner that would make us all proud. Though I tend to focus a lot on the DLP, I am equally mindful of that ignorant, arrogant lot in waiting. I will focus on them as well but for the time being, this dangerous bunch got to be exposed. They are too darn blatant and bold with their corruption. The Prime Minister is utterly detestable and an embarrassment to the leadership, notwithstanding that he is disrespectful too.

  18. Dear Suzanne

    I am like you, one step at a time.

    While praying that some good men and women will stand up to serve


  19. Georgie Porgie Avatar

    While praying that some good men and women will stand up to serve YOU SHOULD PREPARE FOR THE RAPTURE

  20. http://imgur.com/1oM9FsK

    The picture says it all.

    Credit for the Bestselling Book (cover) goes to Ms. Heather

    For the full article see https://barbadosunderground.wordpress.com/2016/06/20/the-missing-mark-maloney-quotes/comment-page-1/#comment-688529

  21. This is a New Edition of “Stupid Cartoon” Posters which I will call “Inspired By”

    The fact is that not everyone can do a graphic like me grandson or My GirlFriend Suzanne (SSS) or Colonel Buggy.

    But not a few of you come up with memorable statements which are pure genius

    So since de ole man is only be mekking these “Stoopid Cartoon Posters” AC call dem so , so it must be so, de grandson gine try to tek dem and make them into statement that are short but sweet. (the first part of which we had hoped the DLP tenure would have been SHORT!!!)

    Might I suggest that since they are said to be stupid you take them and put them in your respective email and blind copy them to your friends and ask them to bcc them to their friends

    When the powers that be start seeing how many of the “Stoopid Cartoon Posters” are on people’s FB pages AND phones AND Whatsapp applications then they will see how “stoopid” they are

    I give you my first Stoopid Cartoon inspired by Frustrated Business Man


  22. @PUDRYR

    A BU member holds the strong view this should be the image to portray the “fatted calf”.


  23. @ Honourable Blogmaster

    You may give them this


  24. Credit to Due Diligence



  25. Now available at Itunes the new #1 tune in the Caribbean Top 40

    The CD song is by Piece O. D. Rock and backed up by the well known Band “Bajans Want Change”

    It is rumoured that Piece may team up with Rihanna to do a soft croon or with the performer Fleur (One Hants is looking into that second performer matter)

    When interviewed by Barbados Underground, Piece, a 5ft 2ins man, with high aspirations, said that “he was really seeking to sing the song with his heroine ***”

    He did not say what the three letters were but said that “they were all the same and down low in the alphabet.”

    He also went to pains to add that he said down low and not Lowe Down or “lowdown”


  26. The DLP administration can pay $750,000 for an opinion on a Caves of barbados to one of their own, one Byer, but when it comes to assisting an ailing citizen they offer a paltry $133K chicken feed

    Nurse Carol Wilkinson is going to be the one person that wunna going regret seeing.



  27. The Anunnaki is acknowledged for his Inspirational Quotes and scathing indictment concerning how Ex Nurse Wilkinson has been treated for 34 years


  28. @ I Brathwaite

    You wisely cautioned not to launch the app.

    The grandson however wondered if the Book Cover would be ok

    You dun know that AC gine be blue vex


  29. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    Hahahah my sweet piece you grandson is a real publisher. I really hope that these posters help this lady. Imagine 3PM resort to his characteristic style of finding fault and laying blame. So he is blaming the lady’s lawyer for playing with her case when all he has to do as Prime Minister is to give instruction to have her case dealt with without delay. Talk about conceited, condescending, and insensitive.

  30. Due Diligence Avatar


    This observer from the Great White North is totally lacking in creative and Imgur skills.

    So I am reaching out to you to lead a Poster Offensive to promote Pieceuhderockyeahright for Knighthood.

    Surely at 5ft 2ins de ole man must be equal in stature to that other little son of the 166 square miles Rock who rides fast horses and was rumoured to have been on the list..

  31. Dearest Suzanne.

    THat is all it took.

    A little compassion for an elderly lady, the milk of human compassion.

    But that does not run through his veins a fact that Antoinette’s children the Doctor and the Architect will easily attest.

    Dem wud love to destroy Remembrance but unless dem get Pornville to poison we off with the condemned Chicken Legs, the griots will all remember.

    It is my hope that Ms. Coral Wilkinson will benefit from the campaign

    Unfortunately? de poster will benefit another lady? who, if she goes north we will prosper, but whom I fear will go south, that is just my feeling, we shall see.

    @ Due Diligence

    Which list?

    The lists for knights or the hit list heheheheheheh


  32. @PUDRYR
    The posters (‘stupid cartoons’) rock. Went through all I could see here.
    All excellent.

  33. PUDRYR

    Was suggesting the list for Knighthood.

    De ole man already at de top uh de hit list.

  34. I want some Flip Flop Cou Cou and Flying fish.

    Whu bout wunna?


  35. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    This poster/initiative is being submitted in the context of a Bajan Population which thugh 95% black seems dispossessed and economically dependent on a 5% component of the population across many spheres of social and economic activity.

    The author respectfully suggests a “counter social experience” to offset the phenomena of mannerly niggers that our education system trained us to become.

    This Counter Social Experiment is called “BAJANS BUY BLACK”


    It seeks to search out and position black goods and services providers like Bertram Hall at Popular Supermarkets and Andrew Boyce and Neville Rowe and others and promote the active support of Black Businesses which through their pricing and tangible commitments support the economic realities of Black Bajans.

    Its main thrust is to begin with empowering ourselves by spending our $$ through ourselves.

    By the time “they” understand that the 2016 version of the 1937 riots are upon them, by the time they understand that Bussa is at their doors, the Revolution would have ended

    Then the “imbalance” that currently besieges us will be at their doors for them either to negotiate the terms of their surrender or to be slaughtered by our absolute terminate with extreme prejudice orders WHICH THIER BALONEYS AND COWS AND WANABE PETER HARRISES NOW INSTITUTE ON OUR BLACK ASSES


    In their pockets, all of this lotta long shyte talk ent nuffin, IN THEIR EFFING POCKETS

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