
Th historically passive Bajan continues to explore non violent tactics to express disapproval to the myriad of concerns prevailing our once small proud country. With the emergence of technology and along with it the exponential growth of social media, two BU regulars have come up with the idea to create posters to graphically detail our concerns and to use social media as a vehicle to communicate those concerns.

Here are a few posters which have been created so far by Sunshine Sunny Shine and pieceuhderockyeahright and one other. BU posted a couple to Twitter under the hashtag #bajanswantchange. All creative Barbadians are encouraged to create posters and post to social media platforms using the hashtag #bajanswantchange or any other which resonates with the theme. What should be the motivation? A functional democracy calls for all citizens to participate 24/7. Once every five years is disengagement by any definition.

#bajanswantchange @budavid

1,185 responses to “Poster Offensive Launched, #bajanswantchange”

  1. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    My Piece

    I do not go on Facebook. I do not even have an account. Was never interested in it so I won’t open one. I am not afraid of any of the Barbadian politicians and their lackeys. They should be afraid of me, especially the BLP posers and pretenders. I know a lot about that party intimately. That is why I am so venomous towards them. The DLP, well they were the party I supported, and the truth be told I never expected them to do so much shite. I never was comfortable with David Thompson. I always knew there was more to him than just seeing him. I thought, at that time, that Freundel Stuart had what it takes to be a very good leader. The way he use to take it to Mottley convinced me that in him the DLP was sure footed. I never thought in my wildest dreams that this man could turn out to be the piss poorest leader Barbados ever saw. Then to have practically all of them behaving like shites, only add to the jobby that Freundel Stuart was displaying. They are all shites, and because of that, Barbados is in Shite Street.

  2. @ Dearest Suzanne,

    I wasn’t clear enough earlier, I have a gmail account and I sought to protect your email by saying to you “if (1) you want to produce fliers and not depend on anyone I can give you “Flier maker for Dummies” but as I said I also was saying (2) if you want to protect your real identity from me, use a mek up email”

    Since I see that you have no fear send the email straight from your email to mine and I will send you the item

  3. @ Dearest Suzanne

    Before any Election rolls around people have already made up their mind who they will vote for.


    Mugabe is not seen as a real alternative because (1) she says little in opposition to the acts of the DLP and (2) her silence makes her complicit in their mismanagement of the economy which would suggest that (3) in addition to the purported clitorial gastronomic predispositions, the DLP has “the dirt” on her other escapades.

    This is why a third party, if it assembles the right people, and promotes the right message, WILL WIN.

    Fumbles is definitely out, but bajans while we are a hypocritical bunch fear the wrath of GOD if we should appoint a biter of po*ies to rule the cvntry no pun intended

    Such offends the sensibilities of the elderly voting public and gives rise to the impetus for a third party at 2017 and the likelihood of it winning.

    A catchy limerick like

    “No to the D’s, and
    “No biters of pok*es…
    Vote B.I.M and get rid us this disease…”

    Yes please…”

    Grenville too disconnected and no drunken alcoholic from Tweedside Road can get me to vote fuh dem after Mugabe kick he out

  4. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    Sweet Piece

    Send what you have to my ebony email. I believe David had sent it to you before, but I never received any emails you sent so try again.

    As to having fear. If any of the posters I provided are wrong about any of the parties, I would expect that their operatives or even themselves would be on BU threatening me with defamation lawsuits or whatever else they can find to silence me. If any of them can dispute the posters as providing false information, information intended to discredit or insult, then I am assuming that they would be seeking actions to have them remove or piling on the pressure on David to have his blog discredited and eventually cast into oblivion. I have heard from my peeps, that the protest posters have indeed upset both parties and that both sides were up in arms over the content. I can only assume that they are upset over the fact that certain things are connecting behaviours that should be thoroughly investigated by Financial Forensic experts. Both parties know that they have a lot of dirty linen. They also know that they are responsible for Barbados current problems. But in spite of all of this, both parties want to continue doing what has profited them tremendously. It is the same reason, my Piece, why the judiciary remains the pleasant obstacle, they like, are accustom to, and have no intention of changing or fixing.

  5. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    I long for a third party as well but right now, BIM, SB, and PEP, and the other BU Two are not ready, will never be ready and will not be too convincing on their current trajectory.

  6. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    I just got kicked off for some weird reason, a pretend glitch in the system.

    I have sent you email 8 times to the supplied address yet you have not received any thing from me which, given that I copied and pasted exactly what was given to me suggests one of 3 things (1) the address supplied was not the right address – which would ascribe some complicity to the Honourable Blogmaster and he does not play that one (2) that either your email or mine is compromised or (3) the Royal Barbados Police Force more specifically the Ministry for Home Security has been able to convince the Google authorities that we are both subversive elements and get access to one or both our accounts to effect isolation

    The first and third are fantabulous concoctions? worthy of green gates Occupancy and while two is possible it would only mean that we are more feared than we think heheheheh also a green gates/Bellevue construct

    I will attempt this one more time now to see if we are still blocked.

    I also suggested and still suggest the following Suzanne to ensure a sterile environment for the communication.

    (1) let me hypothetically suggest that the same care and attention that you are utilizing with your communication I also am applying to mine. I want to be sure that the email is coming to you and not the Dropbox of a pretender.

    My rationale is very simple Dearest Suzanne

    What you post here is mentally challenging, ethically emotive content which while disruptive to both parties, is permissible in the grand scheme of things.

    Wha I post goes far beyond the emotive, mine is conceived to be disdainful, insulting, eroding the sacrosanct public image these people have of themselves.

    Some would even say libelous heheheheh.

    De le man hath prosecuted several issues pun BU dat got several people and factions disturbed so while you are emoting reasoned logic with your visuals for men and women who can reason, de ole man is not thusly disposed.

    Dere ent no huge community of logical thinkers in Barbados at the level of the electorate, successive DLP and BLP governments have seen to that.

    No sireeee dis is why my posts are not liked and this is why I guard my identity against discovery so avidly now that the painkillers have diminished

    I do not post on Facebook because their rules to comply with legal rulings and disclosures are different to WordPress particularly those of Barbados Underground moreso since BU does not double authenticate one’s login email address.

    Here is the thing though.

    Say I write to your address and provide that non validated address with specific information as outlined above, if that address is not yours, but that of an intermediary pretender I would have given a clear set of information to the Royal Barbados Police Force and they can say that the information was obtained by chance, and originated from “source ”

    So my dual authentication process not only required you to make the first outreach but post that step then to give me a second layer of information which you alone will know.

    Yes it is the spy who came in from the cold only saying to you Dearest Suzanne “take control of your artistic contribution with this tool” but let us leave this as is since I understand your trepidation given the warnings you would have gotten from dads et al.

    De ole man is not good news and, unlessing you want to be tarred with the brush that Pieces’ does mete out, it would be best to follow the BLP instruction from Mugabe and her Council “DO NOT GO ON BARBADOS UNDERGROUND TO ENGAGE WITH THAT LOT”

    You have noticed that He whose Wife was She for Whom his Heart Beat For no longer comes here??

    All have been “warned away in a dream” the dream called Mugabe Mottley

  7. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    My Sweet Piece

    I happen to know that they are members of the RBPF who are supportive of the poster protest and have acknowledged that the current level of governance in Barbados is questionable and suspicious. Then they are the loyal rats of each party in the force who would bite the pooches of these wicked people just to get their pieces of silver and other shiny things too expensive to buy on a police salary. I believe that my emails to you and yours to me are being blocked.

  8. @Piece,
    Talk to David. He may suggest an avenue. I had a friend who used a different route to post to BU.

  9. @ bajans

    I am not exactly trying to post to BU, I already do that as may be evidenced here heheheheheheh

    The issue is that I cant seem to communicate with my “cyberspace girlfriend” and colleague in the spirit.

    Nothing i send to her email gets through and i have tried 9 times, one more time than King Bruce of Scotland…..

    Ergo our chat(s)

  10. @ Dearest Suzanne

    By the way, is the format .@. ? or *******@.?

    Are there two periods or just one?

    That may be where the problem is… please let me know

  11. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    eboneyfitzgerald3 my sweet piece

  12. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    oops remove the second e..it should be ebony

  13. Dearest Suzanne

    I was speaking to some so-called “advertising gurus” a la Barbadian cadre, about effective advertising and the difference between a “sleaze” campaign and a “please” campaign.

    You, my dear, are in the field of advertising so you would be able to appreciate this better than most.

    When Mario Cuomo was running years ago, his opponents ran a borderline “slease” campaign that went “Vote for Cuomo, not the homo!” and Cuomo lost.

    They could not understand the strategy behing that campaign and de ole man said that he would try to show them what is “please” by juxtaposing your posting of January 24th at 2.54 and that of the ole man below which is sleaze heheheheheh.


    It would be of some use if one could examine the elements of said flier and what the objective(s) of the two fliers are.

    1.Your ad carries an evident and interesting mosaic that is structured around the face of the subject and a face that is slightly, yet purposely altered.
    2.The one ad above does not show the face of the party who, in addition to wearing a corset, is wearing a wig to hide her features (yes, whether you are prepared to believe it, or not, that is a woman)
    3.There is something eerie about the background in your image, it was not just applied by chance
    4.While not in the same league, there is something eerie about the colour of the skin of the female model in the ad above and the skin of her body.
    5.Subliminals abound in yours e.g. the files/names of the files being carried and the purposely barely legible greyish black “Make $en$e”.
    This is why de ole man ent in your league cause you have inserted that “make sense” statement, a thing which the subject cannot do even if paid twice his salary.
    6.Then there is the “masking of the faces” which, were the ole man younger, he might be able to see the physi-hogs of the guilty parties thusly “masked”
    7.If one were to get a magnifying glass and examine the curtains and the straps of the negligee, one might see some “subliminals” too (NOT)

    You can be assured that this image is going to be in New York by 11 pm tonight.

    Did you know that J Hoover the US president that is purported to have been ammmmmmm let me be politically correct “differently gendered”, during his campaign successfully besmeared the character of his opponent? And having said that de ole man gots to admit dat I is a lesbian read “i likes woman, bad bad bad”

    You dun know that Aussie Moore (or Less an Idjit) going come here shaking his appendage of righteous indignation at the Honourable Blogmaster for dis anonymice posting you dun know…

  14. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    My Sweet Piece

    Marketing is a subtle business. The less you have in your advertising display the more effective is the message. And likewise, the more you have in your advertisement the less effective it tends to be (sometimes- this base on who you are and if your company has a reputable name). You are right about what my poster is conveying. The background is not distinguishable, so the viewer is wondering what was the background or what is the background all about. Well its simple, if you cannot understand the background it is because it is not transparent. Is the graphic artist at fault? Is this a mistake`? Should he be held accountable?The only way to find out is if you ask the graphic artist why he did the background like that. It is only then that you can hold him accountable and ascertain his motive for doing what he did. However, the figure in front of the background is transparent, though not accountable for what is happening in the background because he is not facing it.
    The wire mesh that is covering the entire image is obvious. I do not think I have to explain that. Since the figure in the front is stoic about certain positions and feel that he can avoid certain things for certain reasons, he has clearly provided fodder for assuming all sorts of things. However, he is not as meticulous as he feels he is because his files are telling a tale of two that is serving the interest of one. In other words – MAKE SENSE. His potholes are well covered and they are keeping him and his life comfortably intact. So you have to apply the same analysis to the dark background and what looks like gold coins at the bottom of the image. In other words, and like the old people say, you can hide and buy land but ya cah hide and wukking. The money has a trail…FOLLOW IT

  15. Dearest Suzanne,

    I am very much of the opinion that those fellers does come here pun a day and does fret real bad and ting when dem see you posters

    I think that, and the Honourable Blogmaster will confirm this, there are the fellers who come and “linger” and download the images from the BU site.

    Of course de fellers at the CID department does come and do dem ting but then there are the local fellers who like the images and the ones who come and teif dem for their own purposes.

    It is really a very sad thing though when you can open any newspaper and flip through their pages and come up with material to feed this “Bajans Must Change” campaign

    Hal Austin one of the commenters here had made mention of the very embarrassing fact that our Minister of Finance does not know decimals.

    You would know haw that must look in the eyes of the internation community.

    But, as Bush Tea and others have pointed out, he is part of a team who talk about physical defecit as opposed to fiscal defecit.

    THat is one Jester Ince, yes my dear that is his name (heheheheheheheheh. He is a short man like me who wears his pants up under his armpits)

    De ole man spoke to the granson and he provided this “stoopid cartoon” below to immortalize that sad situation where the Minister of Finance can’t assign a decimal

    “His Name is Bond – Chris “Decimals” Bond – from the effed up Secret Service of Fumbles”


  16. Di Grandson call de ole man and tell me dat Chris”Decimal” Bond nearly got a thousand votes in one day!!!


    Now de ole man do some reading and come across this

    “Election Day in Barbados – Election Results 2013 – Caribbean Elections

    Feb 21, 2013 – St. Michael North West, Gregory P.B. NICHOLLS – 1,681, Christopher P. SINCKLER* – 2,443 .. St. Michael West…”

    In other words, Sinckler cuntstituency of St. Michael North West Gregory P.B. NICHOLLS secured 1,681 while Christopher P. SINCKLER* obtained 2,443

    De ole man den followed up dat research with some maths and arrive at dis

    Supposing dat Gregory P.B. Nicholls sorry he is a Mugabe man.

    Suppose dat de other parties was to have come to BU and download dat picture of “De Finance Minister who doan know where to put a decimal Point” and distribute it via Whatsapp to their constituents, it would mean that 4,124 people would now be in possession of a picture that shows the real capacity of the Minister of Finance.

    In as much time as you could say “Jack Sprat cud eat no fat…”

    Dat would mean that a “stoopid poster” (AC words) by a “Piece uh Badword” (Walter PPK words) would now be circulating in St Michael North West while dem home watching TV.

    Now effing dat image get to 1,000 people in one day and dem was voters, den with sufficiently crafty “stoopid posters” voters from SMNW, and all over de island, would get a real dose of how ingrunt de DLP is and ADDITIONALLY how unwise it is to vote for Mugabe peoples

    No wonder dem doing all sorts uh tings to access people passwords pun dem cuntputer.

    It is time to mek a change doah

  17. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    My PIece

    That is what you call classical class. Very hilarious. LOL

  18. Thank you my dearest.

    I wrote.

    Now you only have to respond and tell me that specific and I will know that it is you and not an internet troll heheheheheheheh (like Mugabe or the RBPF who you dun know ent bear de ole man no love for me comments bout Nazzim Blackett)

    By the way you realize that up to now that Investigation in the 8 officers that beat him has not been closed???

  19. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    My sweet Piece….you will now it is me. Will check and see if I receive anything,

  20. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    My Sweet Piece

    It is me. You do not have to worry. If the private thing you are referring too is what I said of my father, or the facebook thingie, or the lesbian thingie, the truth be told I really do not remember. SO STOP FLIPPING TESTING ME. It is darn well me.

  21. dearest Suzanne

    I was not looking here. lolol, I was on AB’s post

    Go back to *** and you will see ***.

  22. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    My Sweet Piece

    I already saw what you wrote. You will not like my reply to you very much. Stop testing and believe. I am not none of the a-holes. If you want a picture of my …. just say so LOL

  23. nooooooooooooo, not necessary noooooooooo check the stuff

  24. Dearest Suzanne


    Do not share with anyone ok? lolololol

    It would not have been to good if you had had to put a cussing pun me earlier but you should understand the stakes here…

    Additionally do the other thing as well since that absolutely guarantees Me 2 U transmits and no one else sees ….. lololol

    De grandson is calling….lolol

  25. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    You should know by now how I write. Its me…will check later today what you sent.

  26. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine
  27. Anonymouse - TheGazer Avatar
    Anonymouse – TheGazer

    Some great posters.

    In looking at the communication between PUDRYR and SSS, it appears that PUDRYR believes enclosing comments in square brackets works…..

  28. Anonymouse - TheGazer Avatar
    Anonymouse – TheGazer

    no longer works

  29. ha,ha, ha. aha, ha, ha. Gazer, that is Piece taking the mickey out of us! He is intelligent, wise, well read and quite a joker at times. That is why he is so loved by the BU family and hated by the politicos.

  30. [[Dearest Suzanne, apologies …. I was in a hurry and i forgot to use these, it wont happen again cause, as you see, dem watching us closely…at least the gun fellow from germany is leaving you out of his commentaries though he still waiting pun de ole man to slip up.

    May the Good Lord Help us if either of these parties get back in..]]

  31. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    PIece…if any of the posters I created is telling lies about these politicians then the only way to prove me wrong is if any of them will be willing to take a like detector test. Imagine piece the following scenario

    Dennis Kellman – have you received any drawbacks from the controversy surrounding the Grotto High Rise Scam?
    Dennis Low Lowe – it is alleged that you have amassed several millions in an account under your mother name. Is this true or false.
    Mia Mottley, George Payne, Glyne Murray, Jerome Walcott, and Owen Arthur et al – if I ask how many millions you have accumulated during the BLPs fourteen year old reign, would I be wrong to ask that question.
    Michael Lashley – Besides the fact that you have taken gifts from mechanical contractors and do not have a problem driving around in it, is there any other gifts, like money, that you have received in exchange for awarding contracts.
    Honourable Prime Minister Stuart – we are highly suspicious that in the instance of you maintaining that Leroy Parris is your friend, is it possible that you could have been recipient of the Parris millions?
    Mr Minister of Finance, Chris Sinckler – Have you ever tell any lies since becoming Minister of Finance. Is it true that you too have quite a stash all nicely tucked away in various disguises waiting to support you for the rest of your life after you are kicked out next year?
    Darcy Boyce – They say were ever money is the Darcy follows. Have you ever had any cane field meetings to collect your rewards.
    To all old time politicians, current politicians, politicians and wannabe politicians, are any of you in receipt of free money?

    Now my sweet piece, if they want to lock me, they can go right ahead, but I am going to say to the judge that if I have defame any of them please let them take the lie detector test and prove me wrong. I bet you that I would get off scotch free. Well perhaps not in a bajan law court.

  32. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    And who is the gun fellow from Germany? I ignorant to these things.

  33. The Walther PPK heheheheheheheheh made by ‎Carl Walther GmbH Sportwaffen

  34. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    Where Walther is concern I have no more comments to make.

  35. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    Piece what happen to our conversations. They have dissappeared.

  36. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    Which one dearest?

    Let me check (you making me get up lolol)

  37. Dearest,

    You are correct.

    hmmmmm, that is very strange, not one is there.

    And i cant find you in the *** either

    Okayyy plan (c) go to your email and effect that item soonest

  38. http://imgur.com/a/FSM1D

    Mr. Blackman,

    All you need to do with this is to send it to the “various outlets”

    Remember that the sensational outlets like Naked Departure have readership far and wide.

    Which for your purposes is useful.

    No ex -pat should be able to come to your country Barbados and run you.

    A lot of people here on BU love to talk big bout Donald Trunk and his Make America Great Again and the Build a Wall xenophobia that he is pursuing.

    But talk whu dem like, this is precisely what is happening her in Barbados and you and other Bajans like me are unable to see it happening RIGHT BEFORE OUR EYES.

    This is precisely why NEITHER THE BLP NOR THE DLP should be allowed in the House of Assembly in 2018 (r whenever elections are called) because BOTH OF THEM have contributed to this state of affairs where Bajans are now second rate citizens in Barbados.

    And MR. Blackman, IF YOU and the people in Clarks Land take your vote and vote for Mugabe Mottley wunna will be wasting that vote.


    Give Oblong Head Kerrie Symmonds and all the rest of the BLP crew a message that “WE HAVE HAD EFFING ENOUGH”, WE NO LONGER WANT THE DLP & WE NO LONGER WANT THE BLP.


  39. while on the surface this “stoopid Cartoon” might not seem to be in the Vein of bajans want change de ole man put it up here because it tangentially speaks to the issue at heart.

    We have a problem in Barbados that is tied to the “sameness of our options”

    On the left hand side there is the Democratic Labour Party with its failed “homegrown policies” and on the right hand we have “mugabe Mottley” vulture in waiting.

    It is evident what the DLP can do and cannot do.

    Our current position shows us that they are not capable of driving this country to prosperity but, in our absolute need to get rid of the DLP we have to be careful that our choices do not give ascendency to the same thing, in the guise of the DESPOT MIA AMOR MOTTLEY.

    Let us be clear about this.

    Her 14 year legacy in the BLP corridors and her years within the BLP government should speak to the competencies of the woman if for, for a few moments w will ignore the issues of her character and purported gastronomic predispositions

    What needs to drive us is what the eff these recycled politicians have done

    David Gill, Lynette Eastmond, Dale marshall, Mugabe, this is what we have to evaluate SERIOUSLY cause we cant mek no effing mistake this time or we going fall into the anarchy that is now facing the United States of America.

    If wunna doubt me let the Honourable Blogmaster speak to the legal challenges that he had to maintain this blog when Mia and Owen were in power.

    If de ole man is wrong say so Blogmaster but Mottley does not broach dissent nicely.

    Ask Maria Agard!! and she was one of Mugabe’s fold, wunna tink she going give one ef bout we?

  40. @ The Honourable Blogmaster

    You have asked me the question as to how rational is the suggestion “not to vote for the DLP OR THE BLP”

    I will put this to you as my answer.

    “…ground ze·ro noun 1. the point on the earth’s surface directly above or below an exploding nuclear bomb. and 2. a starting point or base for some activity…”

    David, we have to begin to deconstruct this perpetual see-saw.

    Every 5 years we do a report card and put them in for 5 more

    And they ef up at 10 CERTAINLY BY 15 they have become tired and need to be purged.

    Our term should be 4 years AND WE THE PEOPLE NEED THE POWER OF RECALL.

    You tell me my man.

    What happened with Mia Mottley that you can say is indicative of her ability to lead?

    What has she done while she was in power, what has she done during these last 8 years of purgatory?

    And since the answer to that question is nothing on both counts tell me why you are tacitly intimating that Mia is a better choice than Grenville or Lynette or Neil?

    Mia never ever encouraged FOI or ITAL the very things that you have been championing here for years!!

    She has never presented us with a “ground zero” where she lived by a “new beginnings” credo and this has been 14 + 9 years 23 years of her same ole same ole.

    All of them are at the starting gates, BUT I ENT WANT NONE WITH 23 years of BAGGAGE, DO YOU?

    And if you do tell me why?

  41. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    I responded to you questions. Go and check what I wrote. As to that other place, I think it is best we no longer go there. I also love the teddy you sent me. Thanks a lot. Two should be good enough to keep me covered right`?

  42. @ Dearest Suzanne


    Two is more than enough my dear. Look at the other thing too]]

  43. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    I saw the other thing. Not ready to do that yet for reasons that you will understand.

  44. @ Pieceuhderock who wrote ” Mia never ever encouraged FOI or ITAL ”

    Didn’t Mia and Owen declare their assets?

  45. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Hants

    As I recall they provided non verified pieces of paper which meant and still mean nothing.

    Neither of them for the length of their tenure as LOO have ever insisted that the rest of the musical chairs players declare theirs

    Lynette Eastmond never declared hers but she now pretending that she washed in the Blood

  46. Piece

    Chuckle……….I thought you wanted a strong Leader……..so far MAM has triumphed over all opposition……so what or who is it that you really want?

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