
Th historically passive Bajan continues to explore non violent tactics to express disapproval to the myriad of concerns prevailing our once small proud country. With the emergence of technology and along with it the exponential growth of social media, two BU regulars have come up with the idea to create posters to graphically detail our concerns and to use social media as a vehicle to communicate those concerns.

Here are a few posters which have been created so far by Sunshine Sunny Shine and pieceuhderockyeahright and one other. BU posted a couple to Twitter under the hashtag #bajanswantchange. All creative Barbadians are encouraged to create posters and post to social media platforms using the hashtag #bajanswantchange or any other which resonates with the theme. What should be the motivation? A functional democracy calls for all citizens to participate 24/7. Once every five years is disengagement by any definition.

#bajanswantchange @budavid

1,185 responses to “Poster Offensive Launched, #bajanswantchange”

  1. Apologies my sweet one, de ole man claims that all the eggnog and merriment has me ‘punch” stupid and i ent know whether it was the Nation or Advocate or Peter Harris ting.

    All i know is that I grudgeful of you dearest SSS causing i been begging for years here on BU to get a piece down by 2 uh dem three newspapers and dem ent give me none. (I even went so low as to ask that fellow (de More he Talk de more we see his tail) if he could get me a pick down by the nation but to no avail.

    And the thing is sweet one that it was not me who exposed his “condition” heheheheheheh.

    I gone cause you are making me enjoy this a little too much….

  2. when yuh get old yuh get foolish in trute

  3. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    My Sweet Piece

    Focus on the posters.

  4. Honourable Blogmaster….stalker alert!!

  5. Anonymouse - The Gazer Avatar
    Anonymouse – The Gazer

    Happy New Year. Hope you have a great 2017.
    Good to see you up and kicking.

    Looking forward to a few days at ground zero early in 2017.

  6. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine
  7. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right - INRI Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right – INRI

    @ The Gazer

    To you as well I bid kind words for self, your family and your friends and wider circle.

  8. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right - INRI Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right – INRI

    @ Mia Mottley

    As it relates to “Ground zero in Barbados” read the General Elections, this is going to be fought, and won, using science AS WELL AS BEING VIGILANT against the tricks that the DLP is NOW putting in place to (dishonestly) retain power.

    You are going to have to have a new procedure adopted as it relates to the “accompaniment of the BALLOT BOXES” from the time they leave the polling stations until they arrive at the point of counting”


    just so that you know this…tongues does wag…and like you boy (emphasis on boy Steven) let us just say that their plan get leaked

    A WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT!! (and it is reported that you are a wise person)

  9. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right - INRI Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right – INRI

    @ Mia Mottley,

    You need to understand that, while you intent to fight aggressively, AT THE POOLS, and hope to bring out every sensible minded Bajan, to cast their vote for you, and the BLP, there is one thing that both of your parties fail miserably at


    1.You cannot win the next General Election, CONVINCINGLY if, the same pool of avowed voters that come to the polling stations to vote, are the only ones that you are relying on.

    That is simple common sense likened to inbreeding among cretins

    2.You cannot win CONVINCINGLY if you hope that Bajans, those who traditionally stay home, ALBEIT DISGRUNTLED, will come out and vote for a change.

    That is not going to happen.

    In fact , if you observe the patterns over the years, after 10 or 15 years of an incumbent government, what you confirm is that the additional votes are not that significant.


    Therefore, WHAT THAT MEANS (mottley, the Next Prime Minister of Barbados) is that “the party in the offing” your BLP, HAS TO MOBILIZE those people who traditionally stay home on election day.


    You do that by creating, AND DISSEMINATING a message, brief an to the point, constant in its broadcasting schedule to every Bajan, that (a) speaks to the issue(s) and (b) speaks to your solution.


    You should have started that long time ago, but you got some dimwitted campaign managers who feel dat de younger Bajans still living in the 1960’s with posters and bunting!!


    Do not fear that the DLP can copycapt your solution and send out a similar message


    The public sentiment is this.

    “You FUMBLES & YOU DLP HOARES had 10 years to do that shit, so how come you now talking bout the same thing the BLP proposing ?”



    I would tell you how but ….

    You is a bright woman (or so they say) if you do not know how to do this, if Lucille, and Peter, and Debra and Steven and Alex cant tell you how it is done, then we are in ducks guts.

    But since I know that they are “challenged” let me give you a hint “Beleive it or Not – Ripley”

    Steupseeee over dem head to be sure


    Should that campaign ever start, and I will bet that it wont, here is STEP I of this PRODUCT.


    One, at the national level, will enumerate the failures of the DLP and its leader Fumbles the Sleeping Giant (an easy task)

    And the second one which speaks to the individual incompetencies of the DLP MPs and their representation at the constituency level.

    Ammmmmmm, de ole man got tools dat does do that shit, ask de Blogmaster hahahahahahaha, cause he only dun see some lil parts heheheheheheheeh..

    You are of the belief that your “Covenant of Hope” is the bomb but that is futile and an exercise in erudition, for an “Intelligencia” and a more educated audience, something which Brexit & the Election of Donald Trump should confirm that the people that you are seeking to target are not eh least concerned with?

  10. @PUDRYR

    Several of the BLP candidates do not have a nationally leadership appeal is BU’s way of describing it. Mia needs to flesh out a plan to have them lift and act out a leadership profile.It is unfortunate in the prevailing climate we are not seeing a more visible Opposition presence other than Mia and a couple others. Of course occupying the leadership void must be supported with a vision enunciated by the party.

  11. Happy new year @ Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right; glad to see you are back to your old self.

  12. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    My Sweet Piece

    Nice, very nice. Mia Mottley must understand that if she is going to be fooled by that handful of supporters who flank her lefts and rights all decked in red is an indication of the type of support she will get at the polls, she really needs to pull her brain out of those arrogant sands. Up until now, Mottley does not seem to understand that enough has been said about her to not want to vote for her. She is and will get the nod only because of what the DLP has done through their, inability, to tell, the truth and their perfected way of keeping silent when they should not be silent. Mottley needs to understand that the DLP are a practice in nasty. All the stops will be pulled in the next general election even the passing of many Sir Grantleys.

  13. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right - INRI Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right – INRI

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster

    I understand the problem that Mia Mottley has.

    Between the gastronomic matter and the various perceptions about the Mugabe complex may within the party, particularly to old guard which ostensibly promotes heterosexual encounters, there will be “concern” which manifests itself in the BLP seemingly being unable to “align” themselves behind one leader.

    But let me speak to the mechanics of this situation which can be summed up as “Powerbrokering”

    Name the BLP alternatives!

    Dale Marshall? George Payne? Jerome Walcott? Kerrie Simmonds? Hinkson?

    They all lack the gravitas that will permit the BLP to coallesce behing one person in such a short time to be politically viable.

    They do not project any singular traits that attract the public and they never have.

    So, unfortunately? the party is at a place where, compliments of past leaders? there was no inheritor.

    Having said that Mottley does not need to be bound by that old guard AS LONG AS SHE HAS THE POPULACE BEHIND HER.

    THis is a powerbroker move!!

    Mottley can take it for granted that there is no alternative for the leadership and the BLP needs to realize that if there is no perception of leadership, their efforts at the polls are well going to be a problem.

    She has to win every single seat and be the powerbroker who makes that happen for the candidates.

    She has to choose winners and secure “loyalty” by facilitating such for each of them.

    The other internecine issues fade into insignificance thereafter.

    The other dynamic is pure simplicity really, walk into a rum shop or a mini bus and start a conversation about how things are in barbados and listen to the talk and you will see what the DLP popularity rating is.

    Any bus David, any place and test what I am saying and when you set that in the context of winning the next general election, it gives some serious momentum.

    However she needs to get thos people to the polls.

  14. David

    Could you put this site in a way that I dont have to start scrolling through from November to get to the latest.

  15. @PUDRYR

    The other dynamic is pure simplicity really, walk into a rum shop or a mini bus and start a conversation about how things are in barbados and listen to the talk and you will see what the DLP popularity rating is.

    Any bus David, any place and test what I am saying and when you set that in the context of winning the next general election, it gives some serious momentum.

    However she needs to get those people to the polls.

    Agree she has the dissenting vote by default but like you stated she needs to convert at the poll. Do not believe that Payne, Symmonds, Marshall et al care about the self defeating approach that they have adopted.

  16. Chuckle…..Elections in the Air for 2017 it looks like.

    Nice two prong approach

    ….twitter,whatsapp,fb,utube&the latest whatever for de yutes dem

    …….rumshop,buses,churches,village gatherings for the older set

  17. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right - INRI Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right – INRI

    @ Hants

    Thanks Hants and the very same to you with of course a few of the “chasers” that you are so famous for heheheheheheheh.

    It was “a pause that refresheth” really something to watch and learn from and to see those who really love Barbados deeply and the others that are along for the ride.

    I am still of the opinion that the majority of bajans are clueless about the real issues of good government and governance but mine is the ever paling hope that we can change this.

    I am not backing Mottley for Mottley’s sake mine is a rationale that is driven by the 8 year confirmed experience that this Democratic Labour Party, led by Fumbles Stuart, is singularly the very worst government that we have ever had in 50 years of our independence.

    We have to take that power out of their hands AS SOON AS THE BELL FOR ELECTIONS RINGS and Mottley has to up her game OR OUR BARBADOS DIES…

  18. Why you one armed poster bandits sounding so anxious,

  19. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right - INRI Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right – INRI

    @ The Honourable Blogmaster

    Donald Trump President Elect is going to be the President of the United States on Jan 20th, irrespective of the popular vote.

    Mia’s campaign must be focused on winning the popular vote and the General Election, the rest of the dissention is a waste of her time.

    One of the reasons Hilary lost is that she spent too much time fighting Bernie Sanders, and took her eyes off the prize.

    If Mia keeps focusing on Payne and the rest of them it will be harder for her.

    She took stupid advice from stupid people with the Maria Agard affair and it has depleted her in-house currency.

    Look, Mottley has alot of books in her library in the Woods at Cave Hill but she needs to internalize them more.

    These books of world leaders and other powerbrokers state clearly “when I have 26 out of 30 seats I can put you out to pasture very simply thereafter”.

    She was led by the Jeromes and the rest of the self serving dufusses and that has been her bane.

    She needs to look to the Polls, and assemble a team that can make her win, she needs her version of the Russian hackers and not clowns who does talk pretty and deliver nothing.

  20. @PUDRYR

    Her team is already assembled, it is a lock. And it is first to pass the poll even though popular vote is important.

  21. Her team includes those closes with the knife to her back. Murddah

  22. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right - INRI Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right – INRI

    @ Vincent Haynes

    Yes that is precisely part of the “gameplan” – two prongs (OR MORE LIKE FOUR) but you have defined what she is dealing with – youth, older people and the indolent and apathy stricken.

    Let me provide an example using the latest post from my dearest Suzanne at 5.59 a.m this morning.

    What do you see Vincent?

    An excellent message/limerick “Longing for a Prime Minister that we can Trust but not cuss”

    Then Mottley’s picture and then excellent subliminals as only my dear one can provide BUT…

    And now de ole man going give some insight….which i go to pains to indicate that the DLP CANNOT COUNTER.

    This flier is “planar”, single dimension, you see it and you absorb what is there, 15 seconds to impress and impact.

    Whose face is in the background?

    It looks like Leighton Trotman the Unswerving Accountant General to me but that, if this flier it to be broadcast among the 3 aforementioned groups, is lost on the average person.

    Mia will understand the Transparency and Accountability issue but, insofar as creating a flier to emote the voter audience you must understand that SSS is not targeting those people.

    This is a Mottley campaign which de ole man endorses wholeheartedly.

    Now let us speak to the BLP ads/fliers of what our perpetual stalker is calling “a one armed poster from one of the bandits three? heheheheheh

    I submit to you a juxtaposition of images in those 15 seconds that (a) thematically shows what the DLP has done to “eff” us up e.g. the QEH or Sanitation or MTW roads followed by (b) one image of scamp who is responsible for the ef ups followed by (c) the BLP solution

    Over and over again.

    It does not cost Mia anything to get the message out there and to be seen as the progenitor of all things representative of the “New Covenant” she is proposing

    Each ad is monikered with her face BECAUSE SHE CAN DO THAT AS THE LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION and as the champion of the BLP “national message”

    The other messages and campaigns can be withheld until the bell rings or otherwise but the thing is to be seen as the single force behind the BLP.

    None of the rest of them, the pretenders to the BLP throne can do that under their (unwritten?) constitution

    Until like a flood, all the rest straighten up and fly right, hehehehhheh but I is only a one armed poster bandit who, as you clearly see, just posted on comment, and like shite flies, they have come to lick up the honey (of course do expect their own interpretation of that analogy heheheheh)

  23. Has BU become the offical election campaign headquarters for the blp with PDYR as designated PR spokeperson

  24. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right - INRI Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right – INRI

    Dear AC,

    De old man beggeth thine apologies.

    Me thinks that I have offended thee in thine role of sole spokesperson for the DLP here on Barbados Underground and for that de ole man sorry.

    You would do well to ignore de ole man submissions about Mugabe Mottley since, in light of the fact that I have on numerous occasions expressed my thoughts about the alternatives that we have here in Barbados, your remarks contra the ole man WILL BE RIGHTFULLY CONSTRUED AS FEAR per the content of my submissions.

    Did you not see the single Whatsapp New Year’s Wish that came to almost every cell phone in Barbados over the weekend?

    You tink dat de ole man ent got me sources?

    Man all you gots to do is tell steven someting and, like clockwork, when dat boy get among he peeples dem, he going talk and expose heself to show whu he know.

    So we dun seeing dat dem listening to de ole man bout de strategies for the youth and de ole peeple but I ent see de Voter Apathy inroads yet.

    Has you?

    It ent like dem throwing $5M like wunna, behind a debushing campaign is it? heheheheheheh

    Looka talk to Kelly yuh cause he “pot holes keeping down road accidents ting” real ingrunt.

  25. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    This would have to be the Cunt AC and not the intelligent one. If the cunt AC understood the SSS, she would know that I despise the beast that lives in Mia Mottley. The poster obviously is one in which the cunt AC would think that the SSS is pushing a Mottley for PM campaign. I will set the record straight for the DLP lapdog. As much I cannot stomach what Mottley is, my enmity for the DLP is far greater.The DLP is the single most destructive force that has crippled Barbados and insulted the intelligence of Barbadians. There is no forgiveness for these pricks. Therefore, Mottley must be coerced and pampered towards the politics of good governance, since her skeletons are as thick as the ones the DLP have accumulated for themselves. Mottley will only win the next election because the DLP has provided everything for them to win on a platter. Does not matter what strategy the DLP comes with, bajans have felt the burn, and now they are ready to inflict their own burns on the DLP. The DLP has done there shite, time to drop them like wet potato and give the other half their bad their turn to pretend first and do shite after.

  26. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right – INRI January 1, 2017 at 6:14 PM #

    The apathetic have to be ignited just before the elections with a short and sharp thrust of a campaign dealing with a burning issue real or imagined,as their attention span is very short.

  27. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

  28. Dearest Suzanne


    I want to ask you a question.

    You realize the level of thought that went into your succinct infographic to integrate all of the nuances of institutional graft and kickback that certainly attends and has attended successive Bajan governments?

    Viewing your submissions next to mine is like reading the Wall Street journal next to the Enquirer

    Bajans do not understand the depth of your submissions here.

    It is like Obama s recall f the 10 air craft carriers where clown observing liken in to putting the vessels in port and exposure to a sneak pearl Harbour attack

    Very few understand that

    1.on Jan 20th every single branch of government is going to be at the inaugural event which is untenable should the attacks come then
    2.to outfit the vessels with their full compliment od nuclear? munitions the have to be in port
    3.the arsenal of nuclear submarines and other naval craft and aircraft are already deployed or on standby

    Fewer still understand that hacking the elections and installing a twitter in chief is the first act of undermining the military might that is the warmonger the United States of America.

    I hear the sound of distant drums…

  29. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    My Sweet Piece

    Thanks for the compliment, but I am not so concern about the praise. Mine is a cause that I will see through. We are in serious trouble as island people under two political parties intent on keeping things the way they are while pretending that they are perturbed by all that is happening. They ignore the auditor general reports and place accountability and transparency in a place where a lot of justification can be provided for it to remain a dead issue. They are both crooked and manipulative. Yet, Barbadians, ignorant docile mud moles of a people, are too afraid to stand up and ask that all government business and transactions be made transparent and accounted for public awareness. No matter how much the shites in the DLP insult them and prove to them that they are only interested in getting as much money as they can get before their asses are ousted in 2018, the idiots that are many Barbadians still see both political parties as good for fridges, stoves, school clothes and a few dollars in pocket to buy groceries for a few months.

  30. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine
  31. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ David Commissiong

    de ole man expects that, as we get closer to the General Elections, a specific trend will appear and, as is evidenced by John Boyce’s predictive comment about social media, we are seeing the way that the Democratic Labour Party proposes to fight this general election.

    By closing down the internet

    This excerpt from Freedom House best speaks to the nature of the perspective that (repressive) governments see social media commentary

    “The battle over internet freedom comes at a time when nearly one third of the world’s population has used the internet.”

    “Governments are responding to the increased influence of the new medium by seeking to control online activity, restricting the free flow of information, and otherwise infringing on the rights of users.”

    “The methods of control are becoming more sophisticated, and tactics previously evident in only the most repressive environments—such as governments instigating deliberate connection disruptions or hiring armies of paid commentators to manipulate online discussions—are appearing in a wider set of countries.”

    John Whisper Boyce goes on to say while speaking to members of his Christ Church South constituency branch at the St Lawrence Primary School recently that “officials in his ministry had been discussing, very seriously. a counter strategy that would go beyond health promotion…”

    Now wunna gots to tell de ole man, whu “counter strategy” people in the Ministry of Health, a ministry which should be concerned with finding toilet paper to wipe the botsies of patients at the QEH or finding food for the patients of the Mental Hospital in Balck Rock, instead of giving them Dog food, why “counter strategy” could they be looking at that would go beyond health promotion?

    He is speaking of the soon-to-be-legislated” suppression of the opinions of the people or more specifically the proactive negative trajectory of the DLP as it relates to their anti-social media stance and increasing “outreach” against “internet freedom”

    YOu need to note that they propose to effect this clampdown prior to the General Election.

    So David Come-Along, your services are going to be required again, soon when, instead of any Integrity Legislation or Freedom of Information which they promised in 2008, when the now dead King was alive, these, the most inept politicians that this cuntry has known, will seek to enforce martial law on the internet airwaves.

    It is a thing most interesting that they have made this mad rush to change the leading officers of the Barbados Defence Force to avowed DLPites.

    We seem to be going into a state of military law, certainly all the elements are in place, a Chief Justice who is DLP, a Chief of Police who is DLP, a Defence Force that is DLP, hmmmmmmmm….

    New Riot Gear for the Police, Military Aid frrom the Chinese to address internet subjugation

    Yet, Mia Mugabe Mottley and Dale Teets Marshall and all the rest of these so called representatives are quiet and church mice ….

  32. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    So de ole man gine contine dis thread with some “key trends” for your active consideration.

    Please note that this is plagiarized from Freedom House and have been modified in part but any similarity to local situations is purely coincidental

    “Key Trends

    New laws restrict free speech: Could a parallel be drawn with what is happening in the CGI/Naked Underground ongoing verbal battle to suggest that new laws or tacit directives are being effected to either (a) restrict online speech, (b) violate user privacy, or (c) reach across borders to punish individuals who post content deemed objectionable or undesirable.
    Bloggers and ordinary users seem of late to face arrest for political speech or speech directed against politicians on the web: can any similarities be drawn to the fact that one blogger Omar something or the other, somebody’s son, was recently arrested for content posted online against one Lashes?
    Attacks against government critics are intensifying: recently they were persecuting Roy Morris and Vivianne Gittens for lascivious postings in the newspaper/internet media, the fellow from the Union Akanni McDowall was demoted for his criticism of the DLP government albeit not primarily online, and demoted. We soon may have circumstances where bloggers are tortured, disappeared, beaten, or brutally assaulted as a result of their online posts.
    As an aside the transparency International reports about barbados would always be favourable sine the very agency that the TI people go to, is led by the very man whose existence depends on Lil Caesar so in that regard we can be assured that there will be no posting of information that exposes any type of human rights abuses.
    Paid commentators, hijacking attacks are proliferating: Well if we do not have mention here up front and centre of the Paling Yard Fowls of one AC and Alvin Cummins who represent that “the phenomenon of paid pro-government commentators” a practice that has been ongoing here on BU for 8 years.
    What is to be soon expected will be the soon to commence politically motivated cyberattacks against Barbados Underground.
    And of course the final fronteir. “Surveillance is increasing, (check wunna cell phones and how dem turning on in de night or how wunna hearing de voices of the dispatchers at District A police Station. and, given that the RBPB feature centrally in this survelllance fiasco, there continues to be “no checks on abuse.
    De old man still ent hear whu happen wid Nazzim Blackett and de Commissioner of Police Tyronne Griffith still telling de recruits tuh “uphold de law” he and de nex feller who teeling de Immigration Officers who got 5 houses and ting “not to tek bribes”
    De ole man tell wunn dat wunn can expect “a new law or directive disproportionately enhanced surveillance” More specifically wunna will note that one Carl Moore Aussie more nephew is now pursuing this campaign per the removal of ” user anonymity”.

    We can only expect that the enhanced “surveillance will target (all uh wunna) government critics, particularly since “safeguards for user rights and oversight procedures are severely lagging or administered by duffuses like de Intellectual Property woman and she cohort of technical cretins who lead governments’ outreaches and abuse its constitution and associated legal powers

    Come leh we wuk up and have a good time….

  33. Doan know how this escaped de ole man but i had dis from November fuh wunna and jes plain forget to send it tuh wunna at Christmas

    All the people dem dying is whu got de ole man head discombulate

    Doah AC would say dat de ole man brains calcifying so dis is par for de course heheheheheeh


  34. There was an interesting interview by Dr.Pearson Brome of the UWI, Cave Hill who has responsibility for e-Governance and government policy. The focus seems to be on the negative use of social media.

  35. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    Steupseee you mean dat Dr Spittle, he-whom-the-students-fear-to-sit-in-the-first-row-of-his-classes cause he going bombard dem with spit from his mouth?

    You mean the same UWI professor who, even though teaching at the university of the West Indies threatens his class and instructs them “not to copy any of my material in your notes because this is proprietary?”

    You mean the same man whom it is purported is plagiarizing material from internet sources has now grown a pair, and his clitoris has morphed into a penis, and he, having deep appointed by the DLP cadre at Cave Hill, is now is singing in the DLP choir and wants to eradicate social media?

    Say it ent so Honourable Blogmaster…

  36. @PUDRYR

    You seem to be more intimate with the guy than any member of the BU household 🙂

  37. @PUDRYR wrote, ” wants to eradicate social media?”

    How is he going to eradicate CANBBARBADOS OVERGROUND ????

    Are they planning to hack servers in Canada?

  38. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Brother Hants

    “There is no fool, like an ole fool” and as nuff uh wunna dun know, de ole man is an ole fool.

    While I do not normally use Wikipedia as a source here is a general article for your perusal

    “…the apparatus of China’s Internet control is considered more extensive and more advanced than in any other country in the world.

    “The governmental authorities not only block website content but also monitor the Internet access of individuals; such measures have attracted the derisive nickname “The Great Firewall of China. (a mechanism of Internet censorship and surveillance that affects nearly 700 million users that is 1/4 of the world’s internet population.)”


    ‘BRIDGETOWN, Barbados (BGIS) — Minister of foreign affairs and foreign trade, Senator Maxine McClean, and ambassador of China to Barbados, Wang Ke, on Monday signed a protocol between the Barbados Defence Force and the People’s Liberation Army of China.”

    The issue of positioning “the assets” with the Barbados Defense Force as opposed to the talkative police is that, in that estate known as the military i can more easily detain a dissident, a la Snowden, than I can constrain RBPF Officers *** (the one ones that nearly beat Nazzim Blacket of the Pine to death)

    How many soldiers get imprisoned at the BDF, for various acts, and you hear bout it in Canada? on CanBarbados Overground we doan even hear bout um in Barbados far less.

    So Brother Hants de ole man ent too concerned about your canadian servers if, like the Great Wall of China and that of Berlin, I can block off your access at source, all the rest of the resouces in West Germany are of no use to East German while the Wall is up.

  39. @ The Honourable Blogmaster

    Am using a new firewall and it might have been excluded from your approved IPs so my last comment to Hants is in your spam box, grateful if you could retrieve and post.

    I am practicing what I am preaching regarding evading the soon to be deployed “firewall of Barbados a la PRC” heheheheheheh

  40. De ole man ent like dat word “imtimate” heheheheheheh causing dis is Bulbados, jes say dat there seems to be a level of situational intelligence pertaining to the Serial Spitter of Social Sciences

    whuloss Honourable Blogmaster effing you was to be in front of him when he repeated that sentence with all dem “S’s” you would have get drown!!

    He cannot call my dearest girlfriend the Sultry Sexy Suzanne name to her face!! she would get he lock up for assualt!!

    He would have to say the lovely bieng with the names who letters begin with the letter immediately after “R”

    Thanks for retrieving, i got to go and give something to a buddy of mine but de ole man coming back soon

  41. Agree in 2017 we have to educate the people how to cloak themselves on the Internet.

  42. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine
  43. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    Niiiiiccccccccceee Suzanne niiceeeee

  44. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    My Sweet PIece

    Look beyond the message.

  45. Dearest Suzanne,

    I tried to “filter” the image.

    I saw one of the items but because of the **** cannot make out all of the ***

    [[That is ingenious though, you are very very intelligent.]]

    I used Square brackets because that fellow ammmm with the *** fixation still round here lololol

  46. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    My Sweety Piece

    You really think so? Either way, thanks. You not making any more posters. And what happen to Colonel Buggy.

  47. @ Dearest Suzanne

    I do.

    Which other person would have thought to ***** in clear light of day?

    Not a fellow saw that, even de ole man…..

    I shall answer your second question? first.

    Colonel Buggy is around, I have seen him on the blog.

    Perhaps like me, the Colonel grew momentarily “tired of the fray” and withdrew temporarily or permanently to rise no more, or like me “to pause to fight another day”

    I am unsure.

    What I am sure of is that you have not faltered dear Suzanne and you keep true to the course.

    Sometimes we must reassess and recalibrate our weapons so do not think I have left you here alone to place pixels in jpegs.

  48. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    My Sweet Piece

    I told you a long time ago that when I am serious about something I am serious about it. If I was photoshop savvy, I would have had a lot more posters on here. However, I am getting a lot of help now. Piece it hurts me to see what is happening to Barbados. I love Barbados. I am ashamed to see where it is and who is bringing it to this place. Imagine that a report from the Auditor General raised the red flag; three ministers were summoned by the PAC to answer what seems to be very questionable financial undertakings. What happened? The three ministers decided to throw cold water on the PAC by citing what the law says and accuse the PAC chairman as a woman operating in fault? Imagine that they turn the attention away from themselves and made the PAC look like the bad guys, just because Mia Mottley is chairman. And you know what I am going to say, the had all rights to do it, because the BLP in similar situations ignored similar enquiries when they were doing their shite. That is why you have not heard anything concerning the Auditor General’s report, the next move by the PAC, or butt-ma. bite-ma or boo from the Prime Minister. All know they have nothing to worry about because nothing will be done. Barbadians are being taken for granted. So if a scam went down in the Grotto matter, no investigation will be furthered because the PAC has done there part? How can we sit back and do nothing. The poster protest must continue because there is no real difference between DLP or BLP leadership.

  49. I hear you loud and clear dearest.

    It is clear that they are both the same and neither can pull the other back because when one accuses the other of a Cahill scam, the other one says Hardwood or GEMS or Greenland or Veco or the SSS contract on the highway or the BOLT agreement to build the prisons that Dale Miller still can’t tell a fellow what currency the contract is in.

    I believe Moore than anything that it is time for a third party and that the moment is now.

    Grenville is too “disconnected” and his waiting to spring candidates pun peeple smacks of Taliban politics

    I have been watching the Barbados Integrity Movement and am researching its FOI policies, its Integrity Legislation and its Recall policies.

    My thoughts are “I will not support either of the existing bunch cause the are too tainted so the next best choice is get rid of them both, “fresh slate”

    I have offered to give you a tool where you do not need a feller to do anything for you, it makes you totally autonomous something that you with your artistic talent could make ” talk”

    My offer still stands.

    In fact I will even …

    You have my email now and there is no need for a proxy Suzanne.

    Here is a further offer, I will “partially decloak” for you so that you can get additional “coverage” in the other things that you will continue doing in this Internet sphere

    To show you specifically how serious I am here are a few freebies (I do not fear the clovers of the Whatsapp product lololol but they do fear me as well they should)

    Install Opera Mini on your mobile devices and then install Opera VPN set it as your default browser and use that to visit these “political” sites in future.

    Create a different Facebook account and do not link it to your existing profile(s) with anything e.g. Backup phone number, email, disable all friends, timelines.

    do not add anyone to it, it will be tracked by Google and Facebook but they are not the enemy, it will be the tracking code of the Facebook sites of the BLP and DLP, (not the DLP so much cause they are Internet nitwits for the most part) but it is the Mugabe lot that is monitoring who the people visiting her site are, where you come from, where you’re going to post their site and who are your friends.

    So when yo log on there, should you ever need to, use that profile that is denuded. And remember to logout and/or have your screen lock automatically after x minutes of inactivity

    I always lock mine as a habit anyways.

    The final thing is ScriptSafe, add that extension to your browsers

    Now, as a newbie, it is going to seem very demanding on you to get the hang of what must be allowed to run on a page and what to disallow but, with time, you will get the hang of it.

    You have my email, if you write me I will give you that tool dearest Suzanne, you have my word.

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