Submitted by Heather Cole

The dictionary defines a squatter as an unlawful occupant of land or a building. Just this week in the Press there was a video of Mark Maloney refuting a suggestion that was made by Trevor Prescod that the persons who are squatting on Crown lands at the Belle should be allowed to occupy houses at the Villages of Coverley that are unoccupied. He made it clear that no squatter will be allowed at the Villages of Coverley. One can only assume that Mr. Prescod meant that since the houses are completed and listed as rent to own, that the government should purchase the houses for the people from the Belle.

One will recall that the DLP Government entered into a leasing agreement with Housing Concepts SRL – also owned and/or managed by the said Mark Maloney and Bjorn Bjerkham to build houses for Barbadians at the Coverley Development site. The terms of the lease agreement is $100.00 for 99 years. It was so low that it was labelled as pepper corn by another contributor to the Barbados Underground. In Thursday’s edition of Barbados Today, Mr. Maloney stated that prices of these houses range from $280,000.00 to $340,000.00.

Everyone is aware that it is unlawful to occupy land in the Belle since it is has implications for contaminating the water supply. Any agreement undertaken between the Government of Barbados and any entity is a legally binding document and therefore lawful. The agreement between the National Housing Corporation and Housing Concepts SRL was specifically for residential housing development. The Town and Country Planning department did not give permission for the construction of a gas station or the obstruction of the road reserve.

We are all aware of the fact that on two occasions Mr. Maloney has broken the agreement while occupying the land at the Villages of Coverley. In the first instance, it was the building of the Rubis gas station and the second was the obstruction of road reserve which resulted in the death of a young Barbadian student. The two infractions of the agreement are still in effect as government has been negligent in enforcing their removal. Since Mr. Maloney has broken the leasing agreement and to date no Auditor General’s Report has contained information about funds from Coverley, one cannot ensure that Mr. Maloney is making the payments per the lease agreement, we can all but wonder if he is lawfully occupying the 41 hectares of land while making super profits.

The property at Coverley does not belong to Mr. Maloney. It belongs to the Government and people of Barbados. No action has been taken against Mr. Maloney for building the Rubis gas station on public property. Cannot the same reasoning be applied that low income persons can occupy the houses which are on public property without action been taken against them? Can the people from the Belle occupy the houses and if the police are called to eject them, would a Minister call and prevent that action?

How wrong could Mr. Prescod have been to ask that the unoccupied houses be turned over to the squatters in the Belle? How right could Mr. Maloney have been to state that no squatters would be allowed at the Villages of Coverley? It make one wonder if there are inferior citizens in Barbados and that they can be prohibited from living in certain areas. Mr. Maloney seems to have forgotten that he signed a legally binding contract that allows government to purchase any houses that he is unable to sell. It makes one wonder why he even bothered to sign the contract when he had no intention of keeping it since he already broke it twice.

The bottom line is that Government must not enter into these adulterated sweetheart deals that are driven by corruption. It must also ensure that Barbadians are not disadvantaged and that they have access to housing in all developments. That is, that all developments must have a percentage of their housing stock set aside for low income earners even if at a price differential which is subsidized by government. We must discard the term low income housing as it perpetrates the stigma of classism and elitism in society. Mr. Maloney’s statements about not allowing persons from Belle to be relocated to the Villages of Coverley perpetrates the argument for two Barbados’ even though the people are brainwashed at election time into thinking that there is only one.

354 responses to “Who Maloney Think He Is?”

  1. Violet C Beckles Avatar

    Once again the land at the Belle do not belong to Mr Maloney , nor HNC, nor anyone but Beatrice Henry and Violet Beckles, , I see BU love to play their game with Land,and Land fraud with white people and crook Ministers, Ask any of them for a Clear Title , Barbados government owns no land we can find , This is a nasty lie and game that Barbados and Bajans are paying for by way of TAXES AND MORE VAT ON every thing you touch see and hear, Stop the fraud and tell the people the truth ,

    Dennis Kellman also talking as David BU says out his ass,

    We have the Clear Title Deeds for all Plantations in Questions, Black Rock FOUR SEASON, KENSINGTON OVAL , HIGH COURT, CLICO , BAXTERS ROAD, BROAD STREET NAME IT , SIXMENS , BUTTLES ,RISK,


  2. Well said Heather. I don’t know what Deeds is mumbling about; his reply to every topic is “clear title” even when it is pellucidly incongruous with the subject. What does removing squatters from the Belle have to do with title to the land? If anything, Deeds should be happy you’re supporting their removal from “his” land. #sameshytedifferenttopic

  3. It baffles me in this day and age of technology why two of the simplest solutions have not been implemented for areas that could harm the water supply i.e. put in fibre glass underground storage tanks for the waste and/or put in pipes to pump it to the sewerage plant/trucks to pump it out.

  4. @Deeds how can you have clear title when all was in the name of someone else? Has all this been willed to you?

    According to you, your efforts have been represented by various lawyers including the current PM. Yet none of them seeing this massive fraud and thus massive opportunity for a pay-day on resolution has had the fortitude to fight your battle to the end.

    Yours seems a plea long on bravado, short on merit and full of bluster.

    Why would a lady who is so savvy to ‘own’ – with valid title – so many acres of Bajan land, be so silly to allow others to ‘take possession’ by simple right of use. Why ?

    Frankly, you make a solid case to be sent directly to Jenkins…if your claims are valid or invalid…because surely those in possessions of these infamous ‘Deeds’ would have to be damn crazy in either instance to allow this kerfuffle!

  5. Caswell Franklyn Avatar


    The Villages at Coverley is what happens when a government is for sale.

  6. Government suddenly quarreling about squatter on the Belle. After about 25 years?

    Bigger question, what is up… someone after the Belle land?

    Yuh got tuh think beyond the obvious.

  7. Those individuals who have bought houses at Coverly for $340,000 may be concerned about their investment.

    Moving squatters into this development will make it very expensive public housing.

  8. Vincent Haynes February 27, 2016 at 8:17 PM #
    The common achilles heel in both of your solutions is TRUCK. Trucks are required to transport and pump. We struggle to truck people. We struggle to truck garbage. We struggle to truck the sick and injured to hospital. This Government can’t truck s***

  9. Mr Maloney is on very good ground to make the utterances that he has. Do you for one moment think that if some small black contractor had built that Rubis service station it would still be standing today? We have a political class that is beholden to the white shadows of Barbados. Not a single white person in parliament but every law passed, and those broken as well tend to break in theirfavour. TThat’s why Bizzy who seemingly gets easily offended at trivial banter about black as opposed to white is not bothered by such. A bunch of well paid house niggers make up the political class.

  10. Colonel Buggy February 27, 2016 at 9:13 PM #

    Note the and/or….we could connect the tanks/households to the sewerage plant,like the south coast and the long awaited west coast…..just pipe required.

  11. ………..But what about all that free water that Housing Concepts SRL getting from the BWA every single month?
    Not a cent Maloney does pay for water at Coverley, ah lie?

  12. Hamilton Hill February 27, 2016 at 9:14 PM #

    …………………. that if some small black contractor….
    We have lost the PawPaw trees to some pest,
    We almost lost our coconut trees to another pest.
    The Golden Apple tree is now threatened by yet another pest.
    We have lost the Small black contractor,long ago, to the BMW (BjerkmanMaloneyWilliams) pest,thanks to Bizzy’s P.I.Gs

  13. Enuff February 27, 2016 at 7:52 PM #

    Well said Heather. I don’t know what Deeds is mumbling about; his reply to every topic is “clear title” even when it is pellucidly incongruous with the subject. What does removing squatters from the Belle have to do with title to the land? If anything, Deeds should be happy you’re supporting their removal from “his” land. #sameshytedifferenttopic @@@

    Enuff, Is blogger would think and just talk and study you might learn some thing,

    All land have an owner and the DBLP government took and never paid, Fool the public to think its belong to them to do as they please , Why you think if you would think , We all would Push and ask the government for answers ..

    Yes we have the title deeds for Plantations , try the mess they do here in any other country , The courts are being cleaned even if slow.

    You have yet to understand and study where you live but want to live around the world,
    Enuff you head will hurt when you see clear,

    Ask a real Banker what can happen or not happen when using fraud papers to get loans, build houses, Supported by white people with drug money in a Nation,

    We will keep saying it till you get it , ONE DAY you may get it and go back and read you old Post , As long as David BU dont removed them to see how you use to think and now you know better,

  14. de Ingrunt Word February 27, 2016 at 8:41 PM #

    @Deeds how can you have clear title when all was in the name of someone else? Has all this been willed to you?@@@@

    de Ingrunt Word @ If the Queen of England dies in the morning ,tell me which lawyer or Minister from Barbados will go to England and look to remove history recorded , with their names or new names and say all belong to the PM or NHC or UDC ,and sell of her things to the next rich Black man that come along , Never happen , We are under the same Laws,

    Yet Barbados MIA and Owen speed up this and DLP , along also
    Yes there is a Will, Yes a group of Family members , Yes the Will is in Probate in a dirty court house of Judges who were lawyers at the time when they are all part of the fraud ,

    Yes the Banks are in this First Caribbean, Yes EX CJ Simmons , Yes Ex COP Dotting Sir Cow and Sir Richard,even Sir Henry Forde . All AGs and DPPs, How you think lawyers get so rich in BIM and just look at the speaker of the out House,

    Yes all the land in Question of squatters, and water Problem We have Plantation Deeds , running land , not lot , not spots, 100 acres to 1700 acres, Why you think they made up ways to launder the land,
    We can say what we like the police , PM AG all them have the info even the water company have copies and so does UDC , they told us they paid once and dont pay twice,90 % of the lawyers in this ,,,
    Clear Title Deeds , look it up Google , expand your head, before you all speak

    this is why We running and no one dears to say my name or CUP in any Polls.

    We can get out of this, by putting the records right,All the minister and lawyers and now Kellman looking to get in to this like P Todd,

    So all can blog and be smart with words we did our homework ,

  15. You all seen to go to a Doctor for because your toes hurt ,and he cut off your heads, And your families goes long with it , until its your turn ,

  16. It dont seem like none of you own land , bought a house, must be life time renters, squatters, un dam real , If you dont know ask some one that does know , then take a good look at Barbados, seem like people are condition for lies,
    this must be why things dont get done, No loan for houses , The Banks now get it,
    You all dont even understand why CLICO got caught, Why they can sell , why there is no money , Bloggers with their heads Blocked with pine and greenheart wood,
    You let the lawyer on this blog seem they are paid to feed into the stupid parts of your brains, Unreal ,Wake up, Jesus is not white, the Black Panthers did not kill white police
    The Earth is not flat, Columbus was lost, the Bible have no dates, Olmec are not white , Caribs still live in Barbados. A 4 year Education will take some of you 11 years, Or 12 years a slave,

  17. Crusoe February 27, 2016 at 9:02 PM #

    Government suddenly quarreling about squatter on the Belle. After about 25 years?

    Bigger question, what is up… someone after the Belle land?

    Yuh got tuh think beyond the obvious.@@

    I am telling you whats up with the Bell land , We have the deeds for that also, same owners as the DBLP now want to sell land for 5 bds Sqft , they are not the owners,

    under UDC its sells for $2.50 sqft and the rest of the money comes from VAT. the same VAT people have been paying that have been launder over at the UDC , 15% that is now 17.5 % that they want to charge people twice as much for the land with no VAT help. Now you will have a deed and added to the tax roll that is the plan,No crown land , crown crooks, and the AG act as that crooks to sign over land over at land tax , then over to NHC then over to the White builders, All land have an owner we have proof from 1756 till now, More than 70 years which is CLEAR TITLE ,
    NHC 500,000,000 in the red , years of crooks and lawyer pocket the VAT money.


  18. @de Ingrunt Word February 27, 2016 at 8:41 PM #”Deeds frankly, you make a solid case to be sent directly to Jenkins.”

    Deeds has clear title to the land at Jenkins also. So when he goes there he would be going home, home, sweet home.

  19. @Violet C Beckles February 27, 2016 at 10:43 PM “It dont seem like none of you own land , bought a house, must be life time renters,

    How can we own land when you own all the land in Barbados. We know that we are renting [from you.]

  20. @Heather Cole “The bottom line is that Government must not enter into these adulterated sweetheart deals…It must also ensure that Barbadians are not disadvantaged and that they have access to housing in all developments. That is, that all developments must have a percentage of their housing stock set aside for low income earners even if at a price differential which is subsidized by government.”


    Especially so when the developer has gained access to land at the rate of $100.00 (one hundred dollars) for 99 years, for land which was bought over and over and over again with the blood, the sweat, and the tears of enslaved Barbadians.

  21. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Crusoe February 27, 2016 at 9:02 PM #
    “Government suddenly quarreling about squatter on the Belle. After about 25 years?”

    Now who encouraged and continue to encourage that water-contaminated crap?

    Why blame the squatters who like the boll weevil were just looking for a home on their piece of the rock as is their entitlement under the Don Blackman doctrine of 4,000 sq ft and two black belly sheep with a few chickens to boot.

    Who gave the approval to first install the infrastructure and to connect to the electricity grid, the BWA mains and the telephone system?

    Why not focus on those actors and areas of bribe taking, institutionalized corruption and profit maximization at all cost instead of taking pot shots at easy targets called squatters who happened to be voters.

  22. Jamaica just had an administration change that once again is promising Accountability … while the Party still remains an unregistered ghost entity. The business model of the Parties will not change, and many people will continue to believe in the promises that they make. The Owen Arthur and Thompson/Stuart Administrations have laid bare what that business model is and It will only get worse.

    Only when a Registered Not For Profit Organisation with publicly audited financials presents a candidate in my area will I ever vote again.

  23. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    Heather Cole

    The SSS likes your writing. However, I am sure you know that Mark Maloney made the payments now he is in charged of picking all the tunes. It’s the same with Bizzy’s SBRC and Low-LowesCowanCahill; just as it is the same with 3-PM (Piss Poor Prime Minister) who had no choice but to allow his friend Leroy Parris to place his millions in the Central Bank of Barbados without explanation because Leroy paid the Piper so he got to pick the tunes.

  24. Violet C Beckles Avatar

    Simple Simon February 27, 2016 at 11:19 PM #

    @Violet C Beckles February 27, 2016 at 10:43 PM “It dont seem like none of you own land , bought a house, must be life time renters,

    How can we own land when you own all the land in Barbados. We know that we are renting [from you @@

    You all are buying from the wrong people, they have no proof of ownership.They are charging you all more than the owners price, You all are being raped,

    SS,@@@ everyone seem like its okay if COW owns the land , Whites were set up as the slave masters that took what they wanted and then put paper to pen and made legal ,,,then put gun to head to enforce this whiteman made up laws against Nature,

    Moors some times called blacks learn the laws they were force to accepts and gain and pool money as family learn how the system work after 1836 ,

    Every part of Barbados was a business / company in farming on this land,
    People then had ownership by way of laws of the day that goes all over the English speaking world.
    Beatrice Henry and her family bought what ever was for sale when WW1 and WW2 sugar prices fell and the white ran off the island and the poor whites and poor blacks where left behind,

    The lands were sold by auction and the courts and the sellers owners
    from 1926 the records shows
    1892 Beatrice Henry was born and continue the only way they knew to gain wealth was to buy land,All of the land was recorded and after she died in Dec 1985 age 93 Her Will Probated in 1986 Went to her Violet Beckles of King Street in the City,

    Sir Richard work was to assent these PLANTATION DEEDS, , All went to Violet Beckles at the time age 65,

    Sir Richard told the old lady he cant find the papers and drag her in the mud as him and Sir Cow move the land to please,
    While the AG at that time David Simmons got in to the greed of the wealth and help himself ,
    As Mia and Owen and even Sir Henry Ford got into the Act,Using the term CROWN LAND,

    Massive Land Fraud is the term , All sit back and enjoy the term and saying i heard in Barbados ,” COW own all the land bout here” Never Questioning how he hell ? or prove it, A poor PISSY dirty looking man ,

    Black Women are not so lucky as people pick and have fun supporting white lies backed up by crooked lawyers and Ministers, now looking to make money from white people, hotel , projects , COW did the roads TAX and VAT wars, All end up in his pockets,

    Violet died at 92 + fighting for her Estate as the records were removed from the Archives then the books at the land registry was re- written to reflect the fraud,

    I seek and found , reported with proof to the police ,

    This is way they calling people squatters , They paid rents, NHC and UDC were put in place to launder this estate and having the people think that is CROWN LAND, is a term and not a fact, Bajans BOW DOWN to those words like Slaves,

    So many lawyers can not even find or know how to look for what was removed , Even the history Books written by the National Trust is fraud we can prove that,
    even the web sites they put up for the Archives now pulled were fraud,
    even the high court clerks and Marva Clarke were crooks and fraud,
    Barbados Library also was reduced of information and part of this fraud,

    The land were for the people to be bought and sold at bajan rate not white North American rates , and at 5 bds and hour slave wages who can buy land today?

    Dennis Kellman now want to feel his turn in this fraud, And We will expose them all the way to elections,

    If more people own land and home they can get Visas to the states for it will show they not going up there to beg for nothing , or to live of the government of the USofA

    This is why I / We can speak all of this for only the owners know more about the land than the government looking to hide,

    Lawyers on your this blog are part of the problem , they just here to see how they can keep fooling the people , for this is how they make their money, by having you to trust them as they rob you,

    In all of the Americas the same law and rules apply , As why their are no TITLE companies in Barbados? or what even is a title company, or what it does ,

    Barbados ,Bajans Just dont know how they are being fooled , If Sir Cow own so much land where are his title deeds? Where are they recorded? Who did he buy the land from? Where did he get the Money? Seem you all bought in to Columbus bull she-it again,

    Sir Richard and Sir Cow are the Madoff and Standford of Barbados , Why you think CLICO went down , 30 years is how long it takes for a PONZI to fall all apart when everyone making money and the law turns its head of the rules and safe guards,

    Now the Banks run out of the Caribbean TAXES and More VAT is needed to pay the feed this monster,
    Oil drop and your paying more than ever before for oil,, Think before you blog against the truth and help to fix this, These people must be voted out, All of them are crooks liars and scumbags,
    I mean every word i say for we have the proof with the names,

    Blocking me from all on line News, CBC, papers, radio,in Barbados means nothing , Cutting of the flow of money to feed this fraud is making them eat each other,

    People and governments out side of Barbados knows what i am saying , I just trying to get the people in the POT to listen ,

  25. Violet C Beckles Avatar

    Sunshine Sunny Shine February 28, 2016 at 5:20 AM #The SSS likes your writing. However, I am sure you know that Mark Maloney made the payments now he is in charged of picking all the tunes. It’s the same with Bizzy’s SBRC and Low-LowesCowanCahill; just as it is the same with 3-PM (Piss Poor Prime Minister) who had no choice but to allow his friend Leroy Parris to place his millions in the Central Bank of Barbados without explanation because Leroy paid the Piper so he got to pick the tunes.@@

    All of this is the same Nasty dealing they were doing all along, Its just that the internet is by passing the news papers and information moving faster than the lies they are saying ,
    This is how crooks do their Business and they get caught every time, More crime to be exposed,
    Now put these same people with free land they took , buy changing papers, Acting like they use tax payers money to buy from the owners, They took the tax and vat money for self and never paid the owners,and call it CROWN LAND,

  26. millertheanunnaki February 27, 2016 at 11:47 PM #

    Exactly. Likely what is REALLY going on, is that someone has spotted that Belle land and is interested in developing. Warrans almost full, the Belle land would make for close to Warrens additional business land. (We will suddenly hear all of the tank initiatives that developers will input to ‘protect’ the water table).


  27. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    As Caswell Franklin nicely stated (gosh I got it bad this man), you will get all of what is happening in Barbados when a government is up for sale. The BLP did it for 14 pieces of silver and now it’s the DLP’s turn as they fearlessly proclaimed. That is why this party in power is not so discreet in their practice of deceit. They think their silence on major issues means that they cannot be blamed if they do not say anything. But, I am sure that the educated nitwits know that silence is also an affirmative indicative of some wrong doing. And one certainly have enough evidence from them to believe that they are engaged heavily in wrong doing.

  28. We blame the Maloney’s and Bjerkhams, Maloney was complemented by the Governor for coming up with initiatives to move Barbados forward, Top Gear and of late the cement project to mention two. Bjerkham is currently perched on the board of the central bank. What is BU missing here.

  29. @ Violet C Beckles,

    News from Kenya:

    In a stunning revelation, Mr Swazuri said: “Leaders serving in the county had taken the lead in orchestrating land grabbing schemes.”

    “I have never seen raw and daring greed anywhere as here. I had underestimated the problem of land here but now I know,” said Mr Swazuri.

    “These people are well known but there is fear among those in authority to confront these grabbers and repossess the land. We are not going to rest until all these plots have been reclaimed,’ said Mr Swazuri.

    He also warned officers in the lands ministry who could be colluding in schemes meant to steal public land.

  30. Looks like our Brother in Kenya is telling us that we have a lot in common.

    Uhuru Kenyatta: Kenyans are ‘experienced thieves’

  31. Why should we condone squatting, especially when it is known fact that many of the squatters in Barbados are non-nationals? Are you suggesting that Guyanese should come to Barbados, squat on other people’s property and the government should relocate them to various locations FREE OF COST, while poor Barbadians have to save their “hard earned” cash to purchase house and land?

    BOTH BLP and DLP administrations allowed squatting to “get out of hand” because of votes. Trevor Prescod suggesting government should relocate squatters from the Belle to Coverley is an example of how politicians talk shiite, all in the cause of trying to solicit votes. Essentially, Prescod is saying that ordinary Barbadians should borrow money from the credit unions, banks or mortgage companies to purchase a home, while squatters have a RIGHT to free housing.

    If you were to read items 6.32 to 6.33 on pages 148 and 149 of the 2013 Auditor General’s Report:

    “In 2007 approval was given to the Ministry of Housing and Lands to identify the major areas of squatting in Barbados and give priority to those which required immediate Government action. The areas identified were Belleview, Waterford, St. Michael and Rock Hall, St. Phillip (private properties), and the Belle, St. Michael.”

    “It was decided that those squatters with an income of less than $15,000.00 per annum were to be relocated to lands provided by the National Housing Corporation. Persons with incomes of over $15,000.00 were to be referred to the private sector for solutions. The Corporation identified four sites where eighty units would be provided for squatter resettlement. However there is no evidence that action has been taken as requested to relocate the squatting community.”

    Dennis Kellman is only warming cold soup, trying to give us the impression he has taken a proactive decision in dealing with the squatting issue. However, based on the Auditor General’s report, Kellman in being reactive as usual.

  32. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine


    It still does not take away from the fact that they have paid their way into the positions that appear to be helping Barbados development. How much getting Top Gear to host a show in Barbados did for Barbados? Maloney might have appeared to be doing good by his introduction of his cement initiative it but still does not take away from the fact that he paid to pick his particular tunes and the pipers are simply playing according to what he wants. I know we need development to help our high unemployment and wobbly economic situation, but do you not think it is time we start looking beyond pat me back politics and start diverting some of our tax dollars into the developing meaningfully sound industrial development? I mean right now we can go into recycling big time with a number of factories to recycle paper, plastic, glass and other wastes instead jumping into one ignorant colossal project to just get a few kilowatts of energy. All the blasted time you here about some multimillion dollar building project that does not bring back one shite in returns for the island. We spend more than we are getting and pompersetting about our development base on the number of buildings we construct.

  33. @SSS

    Who are able to challenge your last comment?

    The not too subtle point is that we have a governance problem.

    BU and others finger the actors on the animal farm who continue to benefit whether B or D. We can see our little country racing in the wake of Jamaica, T&T and others. To change, we have to modify the setup, the structure.

    To minimize.

  34. Only in barbados would some unnerving fool agree that the ” peoples property” which should be safeguarded by the govt should be giving away willy nilly to the hands of free loaders. In any other country squatters would have been uprooted and deemed illegally occupying property without having permission or right therof
    Such a bold faced procalmation of expectations by a foolburt Trevor Prescod in harsh economic times smacks of yardfowlism and an equivalence to vote buying


  35. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    The villages at coverley is what happens when corrupt relationships between government and business people like Bjerkham and Mark Maloney is allowed to thrive for decades.

    If there were any honest politicians in parliament that contract would have been voided when the gas station wss built and particularly when the child died from Maloney’s illegal action and negligence, clearly neither the town and planning crooks or the crooks in parliament, cared about the child’s death, each looking to see what bribe they can earn instead.

  36. Again we come back to the use of language and comprehension. It seems obvious to BU that Prescod has tossed the ‘Coverley Housing project’ into the conversation to trigger the kind of debate we are having today.

  37. The bigger issue we have to discuss as a country is how do we effectively deal with the growing problem of squatting.In Barbados property is expensive and so is rising rents. In such an environment the age old problem of squatting will be with us.

  38. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    AC…in any other country, good solutions would be found and not only talked about to get a photo op leading up to elections but implemented, let’s see if you are one turning up in the Belle to beg for votes in 2018, the residents throw piss on you…lol

    Not everyone can qualify for housing in the new church village project…then what, they live on the streets creating more social problems, you dimwit…lol

  39. @David is there an audio of Mr. Prescod’s presentation?

  40. Listen fool there is Free housing in develop countries under social programs with aid of govt funding called homeless shelters .Trevor Precod could have exercised such liberties extending his niceties towards funding for the homeless programs which would aid in the help of accomadating the homeless at a lesser cost to govt.
    Now after govt execute such an illegality of give aways to squatters then who would be responsible for the upkeep and the paying of taxes and other applicable financial affixed cost to the houses occupied by the impoverished squatters

  41. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Prescod cannot exercise anything…your DBLP are the ones in position to implement such before 2018…..your suggestions of “towards funding for the homeless programs which would aid in the help of accomadating the homeless at a lesser cost to govt.” …….should be told by you to your government, they are the ones in position to do so, then pimp for votes….personally, I would throw piss on ya’ll ya come around me before fixing the squatter problem.

  42. Hi Heather

    Didn’t Prescod make the provocative statement in parliament? Unless CBC posted the clip, or the parliament website we will have to hope, for political gain, the video is ‘leaked’.

  43. David February 28, 2016 at 9:19 AM #

    You have hit the nail on the head…..our issues are high building&land prices that we have no control over,loss of land use due to the potential effect on the aquafer and squatters.

    My suggestions to the above is to

    Have building materials made available without the various tax impositions and allow individuals to do their own building,

    Lease only land/property to non nationals max 99 years,hence dampening the resale outside of the island,

    Put down tank or pipe for waste disposal and restrict the use of fertiliser/weedicide&pesticide in Zone 1 areas,thus provideing additional land for use in a land bank.

    Establish a land bank for squatters to draw from and let them build there own dwellings,which will give them self worth and productivity.

    This could include also include the indigent and landless amongst us.

  44. Well in that vein of context Trevord Prescod should have said nothing if what you say (WW&C) Trevor Prescod has no influence for change. Then it leaves me to conclude by your analysis that TV is another yardfowl politician looking for scratch grain
    The fact being that the dynamics of these social disparities cannot be solely attached to govt finding all the answers and with keen jerk reactions but comprise and composed of govtand civil society tapping into their intelligence searching for ideas which offer the basis for long term solutions to these nagging problems and not just simply shouts of entitlements

  45. @Heather
    Congratulations. You are certainly earning your fee. Another carefully crafted, manipulative piece designed to whip up frenzy against this corrupt administration and the white shadows behind it. You and I both know your are getting help with these posts; the topics are chosen and developed for you. Prescod’s suggestion is preposterous bull-shit. He knew this before he made it and so did his boss. It was designed to make the BLP look like the party who cares about the poor and disenfranchised, and to make this government (and its white shadows) appear cruel and insensitive. Why didn’t Prescod choose one of the other housing developments that now dot our landscape,like Lancaster or Constant? Why Coverley? Simple answer: to turn attention on the Maloney/Bjerkham connection and discredit the government. Which, of course, is why you used Maloney as the lead in to your post. Is this one going to the Nation and BarbadosToday too?

  46. Maloney is :

    1 Min of Housing?

    2 Min of Development?

    3 PM?

    4 All de above?

  47. Answer: All the above and Below can be PARTNERED wid????????? NO!

    Maloney is the Min of Pols Finance?

  48. @Money brain

    Maloney is a member of the money class who have historically bankrolled the political class. This is not unique to Barbados. Who can forget 1991 when Sandiford had to beg the money class to stem the outflow of capital.

  49. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    AC…it’s a political game both DBLP have been playing with the squatters in the Belle and the electorate for the past 4 or 5 elections, 8 years ago your DBLP said the same thing, 14 years before that Prescod’s DBLP said the same thing, the squatters issue is a political football used to pimp for votes….the electorate need to open their eyes to this scam used by both political parties prior to elections, but once elected……neither does anything about the squatter problem, too busy with their corrupt relationships with the local business people…and pimping for new scams with foreign business people.

    That’s what all ya’ll are…yardfowls and poxes on the backsides of the electorate and taxpaying public…..leeches.

    It’s very dishonest of Mia not to deal with the real issues, but she is too bizzy, trying to pimp campaign money from Harris, Parris, Bjerkham, Bizzy…….the same players over and over, the same corrupt lot your government is also trying to pimp some campaign financing from while making up their short falls with taxpayers money…..none are dealing with the very serious issues than can now be seen and no longer covered up. Tell them that AC.

  50. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Maloney is just a front for the other players, he has been working for Cow, Bizzy and Bjerkham for years, what he is doing and saying is sanctioned by the politicians, they can shut him up and sanction him at anytime, if only they had the integrity, if only they did not take bribes…..if only everything did not look like an extortion opportunity to them………if only…..

    Bajans cannot be in denial any longer, their leaders are weak and compromised, they lack backbone to stand up for the rights of whom they are given a mandate to represent.

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