mariaThe government and DLP supporters are pleased for the distraction the Maria Agard disagreement with her political party offers. […]While there is possibly a majority view by Barbadians everywhere that the mauling of the affairs of the country is the worse we have experienced in the post Independence history by a government,

a politically fatigued citizenry appears eager to be distracted by the political class yet again. Political conflict is nothing new in our system of government and in the same way the DLP, on the surface it seems, appears to have recovered from the Thompson vs Mascoll episode so too will the Barbados Labour Party (BLP).

Of greater concern to the citizenry should be a governance system that is failing. The current state sees an inability of the citizenry to hold elected politicians accountable, demand transparency read Cahill deal, facilitate policy direction to stoke innovation and creativity,  increase national productivity, insightful use of physical resources, align the private and public sectors to breed global competitiveness…  Law and order  have been enduring characteristics of our small island and have defined our way of life as Bajans – now gone like the wind.

Mia Mottley should recall the period when the gang of 5 deselected her as Opposition leader. She struck a tone that endeared her to Barbadians everywhere. She was particularly strong on the need for governance strengthening.  We should be concerned that Maria Agard is being railroaded out of her safe seat because she dares to veer from the party line. It is not the first time members of a political party have expressed differences with the party line. In the USA the party Whips have their hands full to build consensus on many issues to support party positions. The fact that we have political parties demanding sheepish adherence to party positions and allow for zero space to entertain different positions  – shaped by conscience for example  – is where national debate should be the focus. If change is required to how political organizations are structured and ‘new blood’ is encourage to infuse the political parties with ideas why should the establishment not disengage from predictable behaviour and resist gang banging members who hold different positions.

The BU household has observed the interventions from the traditional players concerning Agard and her altercation with the BLP. Whether it is Wickham, George Bell, traditional media it all appears to be so orchestrated and disingenuous to those who are close to the issues. Take David Ellis and his position on air yesterday. How does one place so much faith in the workings of the executive of a constituency in Barbados? If Agard is prepared to challenge the influence less than a 1000 partisans bring to the table in order to defend principle issues why should the political party – represented by Mottley who was a proponent for change of the BLP constitution not so long ago – not discomfort itself to accommodate those who canvass for said change?

It is obvious to ALL there is conflict between Agard and Mottley. Those who follow local politics are aware of the dissent which has been fermenting from the time Agard by dint of hard work won the nomination from Bishop. Herbie and his establishment gang have never forgotten Agard the upstart. Didn’t the great Arthur have to ask Herbie to backoff in 2011 when she kicked Bishop’s ass? It appears Mia does not have the same long coat tail of Arthur to command order in that constituency and his heavily dependant on Jerome Walcott.  It is payback time. It is clear Agard is seen as a trouble tree whose political head should be lopped of. And the BLP machinery is well on course to achieving that objective. It is the nature of politics, Machiavellian politics. Barbadians should not be so blind to not probe more deeply what is at play here. What has Agard done to deserve political assassination you ask? From where BU sits we see a young, bright female who is prepared to defend her positions even if it means butting heads with colleagues and or sacrificing her political career. How many sitting MPs are prepared to do the same? Mia Mottley as leader should be able to meet with Agard and negotiate a compromise position with the disaffected parties. The idea of killing an ant with a hammer, encouraging the infighting by siding with factions within the party is immature and gives insight to Mottely’s unwillingness to depart from the old way of practicing party politics in Barbados. Imagine Agard sitting in a Cabinet and or Parliamentary Group meeting giving her willingness to veer from the party line. How refreshing that would be to force decisions closer to the interest of the people!

BU will deal with Peter Wickham on another occasion. He has used his several platforms to spew perspectives on the Agard issue which are nothing more than he being disingenuous.

It is time Barbadians, educated Bajans, speak out about the injustice being meted out to the few who dare to challenge the establishment. To those who are lobbying for Agard cross the floor, where is the precedent that it will act as a catalyst for change? Have we seen it with Symmonds, Mascoll, Lashley, Prescod et al? Those who are members of the BLP need to step up and support the good lady. Even if she suffered a few indiscretions – as accused by the party  – the point is she appears to be a committed a BLP supporter.

A good place to begin for Mottley is to recollect her position of a few years ago when she called for a overhaul of the BLP Constitution and was ignored. Agard and Mottley are probably not that far apart on the issues IF Mottley was genuine in her earlier positions.

496 responses to “The BLP Purge: Maria Agard Appears to be Undaunted”

  1. It frightens me that there are still so many of the ilk of Like it is in this island.

  2. And I AM happy that the expenditure will not have been ALL wasted. At least there is a clinic.

  3. When the BLP win the next election they can make the Clinic function at its best.

  4. What about sunrise
    What about rain
    What about all the things
    That you said we were to gain…
    What about killing fields
    Is there a time
    What about all the things
    That you said was yours and mine…
    Did you ever stop to notice
    All the blood we’ve shed before
    Did you ever stop to notice
    The crying Earth the weeping shores?

    Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh
    Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh

    What have we done to the world
    Look what we’ve done
    What about all the peace
    That you pledge your only son…
    What about flowering fields
    Is there a time
    What about all the dreams
    That you said was yours and mine…
    Did you ever stop to notice
    All the children dead from war
    Did you ever stop to notice
    The crying Earth the weeping shores

    Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh
    Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh

    I used to dream
    I used to glance beyond the stars
    Now I don’t know where we are
    Although I know we’ve drifted far

    Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh
    Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh
    Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh
    Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh

    Hey, what about yesterday
    (What about us)
    What about the seas
    (What about us)
    The heavens are falling down
    (What about us)
    I can’t even breathe
    (What about us)
    What about apathy
    (What about us)
    I need you
    (What about us)
    What about nature’s worth
    (Ooo, ooo)
    It’s our planet’s womb
    (What about us)
    What about animals
    (What about it)
    We’ve turned kingdoms to dust
    (What about us)
    What about elephants
    (What about us)
    Have we lost their trust
    (What about us)
    What about crying whales
    (What about us)
    We’re ravaging the seas
    (What about us)
    What about forest trails
    (Ooo, ooo)
    Burnt despite our pleas
    (What about us)
    What about the holy land
    (What about it)
    Torn apart by creed
    (What about us)
    What about the common man
    (What about us)
    Can’t we set him free
    (What about us)
    What about children dying
    (What about us)
    Can’t you hear them cry
    (What about us)
    Where did we go wrong
    (Ooo, ooo)
    Someone tell me why
    (What about us)
    What about babies
    (What about it)
    What about the days
    (What about us)
    What about all their joy
    (What about us)
    What about the man
    (What about us)
    What about the crying man
    (What about us)
    What about Abraham
    (What about us)
    What about death again
    (Ooo, ooo)
    Do we give a damn

    Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh
    Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh

    Michael Jackson
    Earth Song Lyrics

  5. Some demon doesn’t like that song.

  6. @ Donna
    No point in arguing with a brass bowl.
    It is best to just remind them of how pissy they smell from time to time – and to stand back when more piss comes at them…
    It matters not that we end up paying many times the ACTUAL value of an asset – once it is done, a brass bowl will be happy…
    …so we end up with a billion dollar Prison, and a Clinic costing 5 times its value.

    It does not matter that a minister lies TIME AND AGAIN PUBLICLY, a BB will be happy to go with his promises

    Even when it is CLEAR that CAHILL is nothing but a scam to enable a few scamps to bleed our treasury, a BB will continue to ‘hope for the best’…

    If he ‘like it as it is’ … let him be…
    You CANNOT help a brass bowl.
    Jesus tried …and they crucified his donkey…
    ..yuh going let dem crucify you too…? 🙂

  7. Today a 52 membership committee meets to greet Agard with nine charges of misconduct against her party (blp) the out come as some predicts would contain the softening of hearts But Yet revealing a weakness of the the BLP leader
    MIa Mottley has plenty of work to do in repairing the damage, today’s meeting can be a start for healing except that the main issue of doubt and restlessness regarding Agard ability to be triumphant in the next election would remain unresolved and would remain a hinge upon which division would continue,

  8. Update #1

    It is 2:30 pm on November 22 , 2015 in the yard of BLP headquarters in Roebuck Street. A small crowd has gathered and those who have commented have expressed their support for Dr. Agard.

    Speculation is rife that Dr. Agard has a trump card up her sleeve.

    Only time will tell.

    Further updates will be given as 5 pm draws nigh.

  9. Update # 2
    With less than an hour to go before the start of this long awaited historic meeting, the air is pregnant with tension.
    A few National Council members have entered the main building with stoned – faced expressions.

    The crowd has built up appreciably. The Dr. Agard supporters are quite vocal and visible.

    Speculation still mounts…..will she or won’t she?

    Only time will tell…..
    More information will be provided as it comes to hand.

  10. Update # 3
    Well the Lady in White sent out a directive…..those who have no business with the meeting must leave the premises.

    Well there you have it folks…..we have been asked to leave.

  11. BREAKING NEWS…… love the picture of MIA surrounded by supportive females.

  12. Ok people don’t fret. Just trying to lighten up tings. lol

  13. What a farce ! when yuh think it could not get any worse

  14. Another proof of division swelling beyond Mia Control , another sign of Mia political power crumbling to the ground .

  15. are-we-there-yet Avatar

    An hour and 45 minutes into the meeting, they staged a walk out of the talks.

    I wonder why they took so long to walk out when they would have realised what was the composition of the panel right at the start?

    Theatrics on both sides?

  16. Unfair and downright lawlessness!

    That’s how attorney-at-law Hal Gollop, QC, tonight described efforts by the Barbados Labour Party’s National Council to discipline his client Dr Maria Agard.

    Dr Agard, the embattled MP for Christ Church West, went into the 5 p.m. meeting with her legal team, which also included attorney Lynette Eastmond.

    An hour and 45 minutes into the meeting, they staged a walk out of the talks.

    Calling the tribunal “unfair”, Gollop contended that the same people who brought the charges against Dr Agard were also sitting on the disciplinary panel.

    Opposition Leader Mia Mottley and other members of the National Council, including General Secretary Dr Jerome Walcott, are yet to emerge from party headquarters.

  17. the talking heads of Hoyos and Wickham must be running around like chickens with the heads cut off, trying to drench up answers for the collapse and implosion of a hour and forty five minutes meeting
    The outcome of this meeting has now dealt a devastating blow to the duo and to Wickham especially who stated that he expected the situation would end soon, but that Dr Agard was unlikely to emerge the winner.

  18. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    Why doesn’t Ms. Agard do like OSA and resign from the BLP? If, like OSA, she feels the BLP has lost its soul under the current leadership why doesn’t she do the honourable thing and slay the vampire instead of being used and screwed by both the anti-Mia OSA faction and the DLP with Hal Ga(u)lling Gollop in tow.

    Why would Maria prostitute herself to the extent of engaging the services of a man who has no compunction in representing Leroy Parris despite his claim that Morality is the highest law of the land.
    As it stands Maria is about to commit political hara-kiri.
    If she is of the firm conviction the constituents of Ch Ch West have her back why not sit as an Independent or cross the floor to join the more electorally attractive party?

  19. Elections are more than 2 years away. That gives the BLP time to restructure and prepare

    a strong team.

  20. I just heard that the DLP has “expelled” Dr. Maria Agard.

  21. Maria Agard is hanging her hat and her fate on natural justice? It very simple, if Agard want to descent into the legal arena for a protracted and dirty public fight, then the executive council of the BLP and the Ch Ch West branch needs to head to a nomination in that constituency, if she is solid Dr. Agard should have little problem in securing the nomination of the party for the next election.

  22. Sorry, the BLP

  23. But wasn’t the same Hal Gollop appointed chairman of the Employment Rights Tribunal by the government yet chairs the hearing involving the NCC workers dismissed by government?

  24. Will she join the DLP?

  25. Hal Gollop’s role is to make mischief, stir the pot and keep Dr. Agard in the belief that she needs to keep fighting, legally and publicly. Hal Gollop is taking his instructions from elsewhere and in the end Dr. Agard will be the only casualty left on the political battlefield when its all done and dusted. She might think that the DLP wants her for Ch Ch West but would be wise to see that what the DLP really want is CONFUSION in the BLP.

  26. Did Dr. Agard expect anything different? Mia will not accept indiscipline in the BLP, how can she if she is hoping to show that the BLP is different than the DLP?
    Hal Gollop will need to get up early tomorrow morning and get ready for a trip to White Park road where he can lodge a legal action against the BLP executive council.

    It has been a long time in Barbados since I have seen such an immature politician as Dr. Agard.

  27. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Artaxerxes November 22, 2015 at 8:58 PM #
    “Will she join the DLP?”

    And run where as a candidate in the next elections?
    Ch, Ch West? What would Verla think about that? For sure, Tan Abed will ‘bad talk’ and undermine her electoral chances of success.

    The politically naïve turn-coat woman has just committed political suicide just like Clyde Mascoll did.
    In politics you fight your battles, not run away to hide behind a drape of sympathy or a seclude yourself behind a bunker of the law with charlatans to represent your interest.

  28. THE BARBADOS LABOUR PARTY has just expelled Christ Church West MP Dr Maria Agard.

  29. @ Miller
    So what exactly makes you think that Maria even WANTS the shiite job …of pandering to the greed of lazy brass bowl constituents looking for free food, free services and easy life? …and playing ‘YES-WOMAN to a known biter?
    Perhaps she actually thought that being an MP was about CONTRIBUTING to the upliftment of the country…..
    Perhaps now that she knows better she will just relax and make her fortune polishing brass bowls’ teeth….

    ….unlike the other useless jokers in your (and the other) shiite party, who would have the difficult choice of either swallowing the party shiite …. or starving…. she is an ACTUAL professional, ..with ACTUAL skills that are needed by sane productive citizens.

    The only difference between Bushie and Maria is that Bushie would have told you and Mia what to kiss long ago….

  30. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Bush Tea November 22, 2015 at 9:30 PM

    Put it this way, Bushie.
    Since you see her as sharing your views and a piece off the old B T / BBE block of commitment to an ideal Barbados why not invite her to join your BUP or PUP or whatever party you propose for the betterment of Bim?

    Now what would you say about the teeth polisher / extractor if she were to join the DLP with Froon’s well wishes?

  31. her expulsion is lacked of transparency and the question stuck tighter than a shoe in the mud remains why was she expelled? it can not possibly( be) that objection to the protocol of having a kangroo court system of justice by the party was sufficient for her expulsion
    AS a lawyer Mia must be familiar with the quote by the Lord Chief Justice of England the “Not only must Justice be done; it must also be seen to be done.”.

  32. Big mistake by Mia.Big mistake woman.Clearly The BLP is led by sickos….

  33. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ ac November 22, 2015 at 9:49 PM

    You should be rejoicing at her expulsion.
    One less vote to get in your way of transforming Barbados from junk bond status into a real third world republic.

    Why not welcome her into open arms with the kiss of Judas as a seal of loyalty to the dangerous lying party.
    But hurry up. Bushie is headhunting for a chief to replace the wounded Caswell or the expatriate Walter.

  34. “As it stands Maria is about to commit political hara-kiri” – Miller.

    You do mean kamikaze right? commit political kamikaze? Dr. Agard knew the out come of this day before she walked into that room. The big loser her is Mia Mottley. It was like a red flag in front the bull. She could not help herself.

    Now the war starts. Sure, it may cost the BLP the next election but they will not have to contend with the likes of the dirt that is Mia Mottley because she just created the way to kick a sitting MP out of the party. A way, mind you, which was not there the last time they kick her ass to the curb. That time is was the breaking of the trust fund to pay of for her demons.

    This time it will be because her lil b$tCh Peter Wickham plant in her head that she can do whatever she feels like because she is the most popular “leader” in the country.

    Well, WAR is on.

  35. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Xbox November 22, 2015 at 10:09 PM

    It’s the economy , stupid! You think that tens of thousands of unemployed Bajans and future unemployed in the form of school leavers give a shit about Maria Agard and her political temper tantrums?
    Did the DLP lose the war when they kicked Mascoll to the kerb?

  36. Keeping them Honest Avatar
    Keeping them Honest

    Hal Gollop like dog shoite wherever you step its there. Having said that the Mia v Maria showdown puzzles. Two stubborn women in a no holds barred confrontation is a bad omen for the BLP to put it mildly. This is a battle the BLP never should have fought. All the combatants are internal. Its a civil war. The DLP looks a unified, organized, disciplined, well oiled unit as opposed to the BLP’s meltdown. The voters are paying attention.

    Some posit that Poonka Gollop is headed for the CJ’s door. Will Maria link with OSA or DLP? Where’s Payne and Toppin they held her hands a week ago. The blood letting has gone on longer than anyone expected. Is there more drama. The only certainty is the BLP’s corner is dark . Quo vadis MAM. Froon is quietly taking names and notes.

  37. Press statement on Dr Maria Agard Expulsion




    Opposition Leader and Barbados Labour Party (BLP) chairman Mia Mottley flashes a thumbs up as she arrives for a meeting at Party headquarters. (Picture by Lennox Devonish)

    OPPOSITION LEADER and Barbados Labour Party (BLP) chairman Mia Mottley issued a statement to the media tonight after the National Council voted to expel Christ Church West MP Dr Maria Agard.

    Related articles

    Dr Agard had been summoned to a meeting to answer nine charges, but walked out of the meeting two hours after it started.

    The full statement follows:

    The National Council of the BLP, after hearing the charges presented and the statements from Dr Maria Agard and her Attorney at Law have determined that she should be expelled from the Party as provided for by the Constitution.

    These charges, contrary to those who would seek to trivialise them, are fundamental.

    At the very heart of it, they go to the respect for the authority of organs of the Party, that are critical to its functioning as a mass-based political organisation – in other words, the failure of Dr Agard to recognise the legitimacy of a democratically elected branch of this Party – her own branch.

    They speak to the failure of Dr Agard to be guided by the Party’s Council – not to further speak to the media on this matter, so as to allow for reconciliation between herself and her branch.

    They also speak to her inappropriate conduct, whether in misconstruing the facts in the media or offensive profanities posted on social media.

    And finally, they speak to the failure of Dr Agard to be a team player – and to play her part by attendance at the Annual Conference and a series of nominations in the very parish where she is the only sitting Member of Parliament for the Party.

    This has not been an issue of freedom of speech or the ability to manage diverse opinions.

    This is fundamentally an issue of discipline and respect for authority and willingness to work together in an organization with other people.

    This has not been an easy decision, nor has it been an easy route. And it is not one in which we delight.

    The public has been treated to much commentary on this issue over the last few months.

    At the Party’s Annual Conference last month, I yet again called for genuine healing between Dr Agard and her Christ Church West Executive Branch after 4 years of strained relations. I indicated then that if genuine healing was not possible, that this Party has a Constitution and conventions to deal with such behaviour. I am not aware of a single attempt of Dr Agard to reach out to her Executive and core members to stem the deterioration of her relationship with these key constituents.

    It is clear, and it is the view of our National Council, that our duty as a Party must always be for the greater good – the greater good of the country and the greater good of the Party.

    Barbados is in the grips of a worrisome social and economic crisis for the last 7 years. There is a view among many that indiscipline is pervading our society at all levels. It cannot continue.

    Barbadians need to have confidence in a disciplined and united organisation as an alternative to the current existing Government that continues to fail the people and country in every sphere.

    If we as a Party do not measure up to the legitimate expectations of ordinary Barbadians in giving them hope, we will have failed them. My interest is in leading a Party that can meet these basic expectations as a platform to bringing real change to Barbadians.

    No institution can survive if people are not willing to work together and to respect authority – and to be guided by the Constitution that governs them. It is no different from a country – or indeed a social club or a sporting organisation. Barbadians understand this intrinsically.

    I have treated to this matter with a view to reconciliation, first and foremost. For once one is dealing with a breakdown of human relationships, this must always be the first option, however difficult.

    If, as happens in families, the church and the workplace, reconciliation and discipline become impossible, then we must act decisively for the greater good, especially where time becomes a critical factor. Barbadians understand this.

    Therefore, what some have viewed as indecisiveness has really been compassion and empathy. Decisiveness is required to quell a prison revolt. Decisiveness is required to avert an economic or public health crisis. Decisiveness is required to save people from dying or to forestall insolvency or bankruptcy of businesses. Compassion and understanding is needed to heal broken relationships. (BN)

    I would like to thank Dr Agard on behalf of the Party for her service over the years and in spite of our clear differences, to wish her well as she moves on.

    I want to apologise to Barbadians, and particularly the residents of Christ Church West, on behalf of this Party, its Councils and its Members for this unfortunate public display over the last few months that has done nothing to ease the anxieties of an already stressed people.

    I would like also to thank many people, especially the elders of the Party for their wise counsel in this matter.

    I am confident that we will go forward with greater focus, strength and discipline.

    I cannot tell you in any mass based organisation that there will never be mis-steps or breaches but I can and do assure you that when they occur, I will deal with them appropriate to the circumstances.  You may be confident in this assurance from the Barbados Labour Party and myself – both in Opposition and whenever given the chance by the people of this country, in Government.

    To the people of Christ Church West, we assure you that there will be extensive consultation before the choice of a new candidate to run for our Party in your constituency to ensure that you will benefit from the best possible representation to which you have traditionally been accustomed from those carrying the flag for the BLP since 1971 when the constituency was formed.

    I look forward to meeting many of you over the next few months as we prepare ourselves for this next step.

    I give Barbadians the assurance that we shall move forward my friends trusting first and foremost in the Lord and thereafter in our people as we have done for the past 77 years.

    The hopes and aspirations of tens of thousands of Barbadians depend on it.


    – See more at:

  38. Wickham’s take on Agard expulsion



    POLITICAL SCIENTIST Peter Wickham issued the following statement after the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) National Council voted earlier tonight to expel Dr Maria Agard.

    Agard, the MP for Christ Church West, had been summoned to answer nine conduct charges, but walked out of the meeting two hours after it began at the party’s Roebuck Street, St Michael headquarters.

    The full statement follows:

    The moment that Dr Agard walked into the meeting flanked by these two attorneys, both of whom are well-known to the BLP, it was clear that she was expressing a disinterest in having any further association with the BLP and it is now clear that the BLP also supports her position.

    One has to give her credit for attending since others in that position often didn’t but it is clear that her intention was to antagonise and not pacify and the outcome is therefore unsurprising.

    Mr Gollop’s assertion about “lawlessness” is a most unfortunate and inappropriate label coming from an Attorney of considerable standing and moreover one who is intimately familiar with the BLP’s constitution.

    READ: BLP chairman Mia Mottley issues statement on Agard expulsion.

    READ: Statement by attorney Hal Gollop after walking out of the BLP meeting.

    READ: Atmosphere leading up to the meeting.

    He knows fully well how the disciplinary procedure work and who the members of that committee are, indeed he was to the best of my knowledge affiliated with the BLP when the same machinery was used to charge Rommel Marshall.  Why then would he expect it to have changed in this instance?

    Would his notion of justice have been satisfied if the BLP impanelled persons who were not members of the National Executive to adjudicate the Agard matter in contravention of their own constitution?

    I am curious to know what further advice Gollop will now give Agard regarding her political future. (BN)

    – See more at:

  39. What will George Payne do now?

  40. “The moment that Dr Agard walked into the meeting flanked by these two attorneys, both of whom are well-known to the BLP, it was clear that she was expressing a disinterest in having any further association with the BLP”

    The letter Re: Disciplinary Charges said “You are entitled to be represented by an attorney-at-law or representative of your own choice.”

    So Peter Wickham was Dr. Agard set-up? or is this just another part of you and Mia’s stupid game show?

    And that folks is the nastiness of Mottley and Wickham game show.

  41. The first order of business is for Dr Agard’s attorneys to file a writ declaring the decision to expel the sitting parliamentary representative from the BLP to be unlawful and of nil effect.The next remedy would be to have the court declare the composition of the committee to sit in judgement on the future of Dr Agard’s membership of the BLP.
    Next,the parliamentary group of the BLP known to oppose the leadership style of the incumbent should move to remedy the matter by putting their combined votes to back an alternate,assuming there is one.
    Lastly,dismiss the claptrap of one Peter Wickham.Exactly what is his standing in this matter anyway.

  42. We have a David and Goliath story about to play.

  43. I asked earlier why didn’t Maria Agard and her lawyers walk out much earlier or refuse to attend the meeting at all.

    The answer is now clear. They thought that MAM and the council would have buckled under the pressure and given her just a slap on the wrist. This would have allowed the ac’s and xboxes etc. to claim victory over an indecisive MAM.

    But It didn’t happen. They now have to spin that Maria Agard and her lawyers have won a great battle.

    They didn’t. If they do as expected and take the matter to the courts it will die a long and painful death.

    First round to Mia, who If she had done otherwise, would have virtually admitted to the whole country that she was not deserving of the post of Opposition Leader.

    She still has a long way to go in this fight but she has started on the right foot.


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