The matter of a recent judgement – Tales from the Courts–Justice Jacqueline Cornelius Makes Speaker of the House Michael Carrington PAY XXIV  directed at the Speaker of Parliament Michael Carrington was raised by member of parliament Santia Bradshaw. In a private member’s motion it was asked that Carrington be asked to explain himself to the House of Assembly known as the highest court of the land or to recuse himself until final ruling is ordered by the High Court. Deputy Speaker ruled that the matter be referred to the Committee of Privileges. BU believes until such time the Committee of Privileges hears the matter Deputy Speaker Mara Thompson will preside over the august body.

149 responses to “Speaker of the House Michael Carrington Matter Referred to the Committee of Privileges”

  1. im scared and very sad, poor poor barbados. i like mia mottley but she finds herself between a rock and a hard place. in my opinion she took a step in the right direction by reshuffling the cabinet. it is difficult to keep the old boys like payne and toppin in order whilst trying to push her image as the alternative leader, the captain in command. what barbados needs is a new, young, fresh, innovative political party with bright, sustainable ideas. the closest mia can get to ahieve such is by keeping young politicians with appeal to the public. so she is starting out with santia, call it what you want, santia is a rookie but we all have to start somewhere. when mia was young in politics, she assumed the ministry of education, though she did not delivar a stellar performance, it is still on her resume, she has touched almost all of teh ministries in cabinet. my point is, we have to start somehwere, can someone tell me the average age of our members of parliament? i bet it is not under 45 years. we need more transparency andaccountabiltiy. all around the world people take to the streets to protest policies they dont agree with, people sign petitions, people use social media. we need to mobilise our population. this is not necessarily in an attempt to bring down the government. if th eblp was in power doin shite then i would advocate for the same measures to be implemented. then again, we have mps saying htey might have to crack heads and shoot people. where do we go from here??

  2. I quite agree with you, sadbajan.

    I think Mia had no choice, although I do not know why she ever created that position in the first place. I understood her strategy but with OSA constantly on her back, I believe she wanted to distance Kerry from OSA.

    If Kerry was stabbing the leader in her back, I agree with her to move him. I thought that with OSA gone, Kerry would have stopped whatever he was doing and try to keep the unity in the party but he like he is truly a dem. The dems are accustomed to confusion in George Street.

    I will have to ask David and Miller if there is any truth to the rumour that OSA wants to start a new party and he was allegedly encouraging Kerry to poach BLP MP’s. The Dems are not budging as they want their pension.

    People like Kerry need to realise that not every politician is cut out to be a leader. Some people just need to be good number two or three!

  3. If Mascoll was willing to be #2 he may have been PM today. Agree with the earlier comment that removing Kerri nullifies the government opportunity to attack her on the flack given his tyre slashing episodes. Arthur has gone pass his shelf life.

  4. Somebody should tell them that if we would back each other up with more than just our mouths the effects of victimization could be nullified. If say a brother lost his job then we could all take care of him until he finds another or until he is reinstated. That wouldn’t be too much of a sacrifice in the short term (if our numbers are great) and would pay dividends in the long term. Am I being naïve again, Mr. Franklyn? You may say I’m a dreamer but am I the only one?

  5. a day in politics can be an eternity! i think freundi still hasnt realised he is the pm and that explains his silence. heprobably thought he had no chances. meanwwhile the member for st lucy is the minister of everything under the sun. i jus dont know how this gvt is holding together. i honestly can not say one member of cabinet is doing a good job. seriously, like fa trute true. dem is a messssss

  6. sadbajan January 13, 2015 at 9:16 PM #

    a day in politics can be an eternity! i think freundi still hasnt realised he is the pm and that explains his silence. heprobably thought he had no chances. meanwwhile the member for st lucy is the minister of everything under the sun. i jus dont know how this gvt is holding together. i honestly can not say one member of cabinet is doing a good job. seriously, like fa trute true. dem is a messssss..
    Except for the Prime Minister and the Member for St Andrew, they are doing exactly what was our main reason for electing them into office in the first place , The knack to sweetly talk the arses off of us. Nothing less Nothing More. How many of them has ever run or managed a business successfully? Probably only Moon Tongue,and this says a lot.

  7. what will it take for us to hold our mps accountable? i guess our dollar would have to devalue for us to wake up and smell the coffee. anybody realise the whole bs speech about the gvt havin to deal wid the worst recession ever has suddenly come to a halt? u eitherachieve results or step off! it doesnt have to be algebra, bee dee cee or gee, perform or back off. there is no way a company would have a senior executive involved in a scandal in the law courts for malpractice and still allow the exec to be on the team. only in bim

  8. Caswell Franklyn Avatar


    I am sad to say that these f…..ers will not back off, no matter how difficult life become for this country, until they qualify for their pensions. That is their version of retirement planning.

    They broke every law to get elected and none of the officials responsible for enforcing the electoral laws did anything. This country is corrupt to the core and we tolerated it because we were prospering. Now that we have an incompetent government destroying the place, we start crying out. Maybe, we should have nipped this corruption in the but before it became all encompassing.

    The majority of the people of Barbados has the government that they deserve. Unfortunately, all of us have to endure these vagabonds.


  9. i am anxious to see what the dems defence will be whenever freundie call elections. EWB must be rolling in he grave. how can you destroy everything you touch without giving a feasible explanation?

  10. Hi David,
    Did Michael Carrington make to Parliament today? If tso, he will make it again next week.

    Did David Estwick speak in the House today – defending gov’t policy? If so, I am not surprised. David Estwick CANNOT leave the Dems.

    Did the news media on 13 Jan 2015 report any story

  11. John Hanson 1781-1782- I SERVE 1788- 1792 BARBADOES. Avatar
    John Hanson 1781-1782- I SERVE 1788- 1792 BARBADOES.

    DR. THE HONOURABLE January 13, 2015 at 7:05 PM # RicharByer is a nasty nasty fffffing man , dirty, low down ,he is so nasty his title need to be King of nasty, No shame, the Bitch in his office skuntberry , When a prick dress up in a suit , they feel like royal ,they walk with such pride as the walk in the UDC looking for money they not to get, To use and fool people of Barbados like they are GODS of shit, many other lawyers do the same crap and they will call them out on face book, and any place we can type , A list of scum will be place there for all to see, Welcome to NAKED DEPARTURE , on facebook, Gollop and the like , oh ,Barbados needs help and we are here to Make sure we expose them all,list them on facebook ,,,,,

  12. @ Caswell Franklyn January 13, 2015 at 10:20 PM #

    Yesterday you opined the NUPW was given erroneous instructions on the route it was not allowed to march. You quoted the relevant section of the public order act in support of your contention.
    Did the RBPF issue the instructions out of ignorance of the law, were the laws amended and you are not aware or is the RBPF making its own laws?

  13. bajan in NY ‘-Are you still a police ? how do you feel seeing your fellow officers killing blacks ?

  14. @ erice January 14, 2015 at 4:18 AM #

    I’m not and I was never a policeman in Barbados nor New York! What about my question gave you the idea I was?

  15. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    Bajan in NY

    The Public Order Act was last amended in 1999. The particular section that I quoted were never amended.

    I participated in a march around Parliament, in support of the Nurses Division, around 1982. It would appear that the Police knew the law then but somehow they seem to have forgotten. This type of behaviour comes when officers need the consent of politicians to be promoted, and also when public officers identity themselves as either Dem or Bee.


  16. Back in the 80 ‘s when Tom was PM,an attorney was accused of thieving monies from the NHC.He was taken to court and the process ended with a judge issuing a bench warrant for his arrest and immediate inprisonment.He had a relative in the same house and every time he got up to speak,Tom would cut him down in pieces with the most venomous remarks,such that the relative feared rising to speak and would only do so in Tom’s absence on overseas trips.Up to this day that money was not repaid and the bench warrant is still alive and waiting to be executed.But guess what,the offender has been back in Bim regularly and no action has been taken……until a leak was made to the press querying the failure of the police to act which was tantamount to contempt of court.The quarry jump off Barbados island in no time and remains a fugitive from justice.
    The point being made is that nothing will come of this issue with the speaker in the house if history is a guide.

  17. @ Caswell
    Look Boss!
    When will you agree with Bushie that this union thing is bare shiite??

    Imagine a union vex with government bout an issue and asking “please sir, can I march? …can i PLEASE pass up Bay Street? …can I have more than 10 people? Can i begin early before the sun get too hot???”

    LOTTA SHIITE…. you want to be involved in such nonsense?

    The whole image and history of unions have been compromised and YOU will never change that….

    START THE DAMN PARTY before some recycled idiot get the jump on you and compromise THAT idea too.

    If Bushie was running a union um would be cat piss and pepper bout here cause Bushie would be marching THROUGH Government Headquarters, INSIDE Parliament AND AROUND the damn government house….

    If you are standing up for RIGHT and JUSTICE then you CANNOT be constrained by SHIITE laws that were passed by the same donkeyholes that you are demonstrating AGAINST…


  18. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn


    The laws don’t restrict trade unions. Deliberate misinterpretation of the laws and partisan union leaders are responsible for the restrictions.

    Sent from my iPad


  19. @ Gabriel
    The point being made is that nothing will come of this issue with the speaker in the house if history is a guide.
    Which is why our collective asses are in the grass….and things will only get worse.

    Imaging the same DLP continues to harbor close relatives of that attorney and put them on all kinds of Boards and other positions to provide support and cover to this same fugitive scamp….

    The names of ALL such scamps should be on a national register AND their relatives should be BANNED from holding certain positions of trust where opportunities exists for malfeasance…..

    This damn place is a den of iniquity and dishonesty, and the SYSTEMS are designed and maintained to facilitate this….

    Political class Bushie’s ass….

  20. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Bush Tea January 14, 2015 at 8:40 AM
    “If you are standing up for RIGHT and JUSTICE then you CANNOT be constrained by SHIITE laws that were passed by the same donkeyholes that you are demonstrating AGAINST..”

    Bushie, you are a born rebel! I like that side of you.
    Seems you are taking a leaf from the fable book of that legendary character called Jesus today.
    He could have saved his ‘olive’ skin if he had played the legal game of throwing himself at the feet of Pilate and at the mercy of the Roman Court . In other words sucking up to authority.
    But then again the play would have been a massive flop and no one today would know about your friend Jesus. Ask Pacha if you doubt that.

  21. Are we discussing Simmons?

  22. You starting the Register….?

  23. Day duz run till night ketch…

  24. Bushie

  25. Nipping things in the bud (budding flower) is a foreign concept to most Barbadians. Most Barbadians do not stop and smell the decaying roses until all of them are dead. Those of us with good noses who try to address the odour are ridiculed. Most Bajans are like ostriches sticking their heads in the stand with their big lazy butts exposed to danger. When their butts are nipped there is much feather flapping, and pooching back to mind numbing stress releasing noise, sorry, music and then they bury their heads again and wait for the kick in the ass. That’s my mixed metaphoric take on the issue, Mr. Franklyn sir.

  26. How will the Opposition respond IF the Speaker decides to return to the Chair before the Committee of Privileges meet?

  27. The next best thing for him to do is resign

  28. Yikes, can we correct the tiny, tiny misspelling of the word ‘privileges’ in the headline please? I know it’s a simple oversight and there are more important issues at hand, and REALLY I shouldn’t let it get under my skin, and I don’t know why I do, but looking at that word is making me feel bad.


  29. Thanks Nia, spelling errors occur from time to time.

  30. David be a good boy and check your spelling. lol lol

  31. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn


    You asked: “How will the Opposition respond IF the Speaker decides to return to the Chair before the Committee of Privileges meet?”

    Most likely nothing. This is just theatre. If the Opposition were serious, they should have a motion calling for the Speaker’s removal from office. It is not a matter of whether or not he has done something wrong. He should not have allowed himself to become embroiled in this type of situation. Having done so, the Speaker should move with deliberate speed to protect that high office from scandal and ridicule. Failing that the other members of the House should immediately seek to restore the dignity of the office of Speaker.

    I suspect the real problem (and I could be wrong) is that it is hard to walk away from: Salary $ 116,124.08 per annum; Entertainment Allowance $ 18,337.44 per annum; and Duty Allowance $ 20,493.00 per annum.

    Besides, you can still pick up an additional quarter million dollars.


  32. @Caswell

    He had/has the option to sell the merk.

  33. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    Creating an E-Register for Lawyers which will, among other functions

    (a) list the names of all bonafide legal entities and lawyers/solicitors/barristers
    (b) carry a list of parties in good standing and those whom are under some litigation (c) are rated by the community at large as good legal counsel and, more pertinently, parties who are good stewards (no relation to Fumble Stuart) of client funds

    This should not be a hard thing to do since it is operating like a credit bureau service for the subset of advocates/lawyers/criminals?? who have passed the Bar

    One only has to think of a “Better Business Bureau for the legal fraternity” which rewards efficiency and honesty with sterling recommendations and ongoing referrals for its members and, once the lawyer/firm becomes involved in a matter which (a) goes before the courts (ii) public records substantiate this fact and (iii) a judgement is awarded against the party then any private citizen can, for a fee, access this information.

    Lawyers are not allowed to advertise so they derive their clientele by referrals.

    If their dealings with the public are dishonest or evidence of such is available then the E-Register will keep fellows like Michael Carrington honest don’t you think?

  34. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn


    Sell the Merc! And go back driving a Toyota or a Suzuki?


  35. It is an indisputable fact that Carrington was taken before the court for a transgression and has been ORDERED (not requested) by the Judge to satisfy her instructions within a certain time frame.
    Btw what is a writ of privilege.Has one ever been issued before in Barbados?

  36. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Caswell Franklyn

    Suppose we were, as if in a “fairy tale week of Sundays”, propose, and accept, that the Leader of the Opposition, Mia Mottley pursued that “motion calling for the removal of the Speaker”

    And let us concurrently, incredulously believe that, like in a week of Mondays, the motion passed you do know what that would mean do you Mr. Franklyn?

    The BLP would have, as in Haman, Mordecai and Ester, built the same gallows that every one of them (who is a lawyer), possibly including the leader of the Opposition, (if one is to believe the submissions and constant reminders of Plantation Deeds re Violet Beckles), a gallows they would be hanged on in 2018 when they enter Parliament.

    That is of course unless you recant and take up the gauntlet Brother Bush Tea has thrown down

  37. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn


    I am not looking so far down the road. I expect them to do the right thing now.


  38. Let BU start a simple listing of lawyers ‘known’ to the court and we will place on BU’s menu at top of page. Email the names of lawyers you know to meet this simple criteria.

  39. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ David [BU]

    Were it not for the ingrained homophobia that the old man suffers with I would say that i love you. (But that would be par for the course here in Bulbados wouldn’t it?)

    This is the type of social rebellion that we need to do, led by BU (barring the AK47 or cutlasses that Gabriel spoke of regarding the Deputy Speaker of the House and the James Street marathon,) this is how we mek dem honest.

    By the way, how does one deal with the borderline fellows that you catch trying a ting e.g. colluding with another lawyer, pretending that “the paperwork ent get send back yet” or a lawyer who did not do a proper claim sheet or complete defence?

    Suppose I started a claim at the Bar Association regarding the incompetence of a lawyer and that august organisation, after meeting with me, managed to loose my request or failed to follow-up with me for 5 years. DOES THAT ALSO COUNT??

    Well I guess it is a good beginning just to write down the fellows that are “known to the court”

    Will persons levelling their accusation be required to submit scanned documentation of their matters so that it can be independently confirmed?

  40. @PUDRYR

    We keep it simple to begin with: send via our confidential link above the name of the lawyer and the details/date of indiscretion/transgression.

  41. I does have to laugh when I see some of the comments made but some people. We have the PM, MoF and GoCB fucking up this country day in and day out but yet we could read this comment:

    “Arthur has gone pass his shelf life.”

    so my question is, was he that bad when compared to what we have now?

  42. @David (not BU)

    Are you smoking something?

    Arthur has publicly stated he is finished with that and intends to serve out his term in parliament.

    BU’s response was to a commenter associating him with starting a new political party.

    Arthur can hardly walk.

  43. wuh affta can mek up in walk he mek up in talk,, look how he whipped lashed mia yesterday, this ole man still a force to be reckoned wid.

  44. That’s a good idea that list. Almost everybody who has hired an attorney in Barbados has a bad attorney story. It’s like everybody having a Lime story. We have got to do something! Then next we should start on the doctors who are in league with insurance companies and are writing wishy washy medical reports for their injured patients (if they write them at all) so that the patients get very meagre settlements not at all commensurate with their pain and suffering. It’s a nightmare in Barbados when you’re injured. You have to fight the doctor for a decent and timely report, then you have to fight the insurance company for a fair settlement and then most people have to fight their attorneys for their money.

  45. @ Pat, Oh, I had a multi-thousand claim and the doctor provided the evidence, but still to get money from the stinking insurance company.

    Problem is, they know that people cannot fork out a load on legal bills, so bluff.

    The time will come….

  46. David January 14, 2015 at 6:25 PM #

    @David (not BU)

    Arthur can hardly walk
    That’s not much as an impediment. Our glorious leader can hardly talk. Most definitely a case of political Foot and Mouth.

  47. @ David
    We keep it simple to begin with: send via our confidential link above the name of the lawyer and the details/date of indiscretion/transgression.
    Is it not even simpler to establish a simple rating system as with Amazon where each lawyer gets 1 to 5 stars and a brief comment from the person rating?

    If persons try to abuse the system you can move to requiring contact email addresses for internal BU references only, but overall, such rating systems have become the norm in international transactions and while some bias is there, generally they work.

    Surely wordpress has the option to do something like this…

    Name…………..: Sir Alan A. Amused
    Company……..: Amused, Ross and Company Ltd.

    ****. 2109 reviews; 25 questions answered

    Name …………: Robert (Robbie) Ross
    Company……..: Amused, Ross and Company Ltd.

    **… 5032 reviews; 65 questions answered 12 questions unanswered 🙂

    Viewers can then click on the reviews/questions to list the comments which can be sorted in various orders…

    The only real challenge would be keeping Plantation Deeds and his variants off the site…. LOL ha ha ha

    Same shiite can go for for politicians, priests, teachers, doctors, dentists, engineers, ZR drivers…..and BLOGGERS….

    shiite man David, BU can be another Amazon yuh…..
    can you imagine the advertising value……?

    You can always give the proceeds to Baffy …..perhaps that would stop him from calling Corey Lane and talking shiite bout poor people who don’t have anything in their fridges “because the government laid them off….”
    ….like if they can’t help their poor lazy selves for a change….

    Years now Bushie looking for some help with the whacker and can’t find a fella cause they all want government work… driving an MP car….

    @ BAFFY.
    BE A MAN AND CALL ELLIS …and leave out the cake moderators do…

  48. Barbadostoday. page 2.

    A clear picture is developing in this saga.

  49. He has stopped short of saying the Speaker of the House should resign. But the man at the centre of the civil dispute with Michael Carrington says he will go as far as seeking an order to seize his assets to get money due to him.

    In an exclusive interview with Barbados TODAY at his Waterhall Terrace, St James home this evening, John Griffiths said he had waited too long on the attorney-at-law to hand over an additional $210,000 remaining from the sale of his late aunt’s property at Dayrells Road, Christ Church.

    Carrington vacated his chair when Parliament resumed sittings yesterday, after Leader of the Opposition Business in the House Santia Bradshaw questioned whether he should oversee proceedings in light of news that he had failed to hand over funds to Griffiths.

    Asked this evening whether he wanted Carrington to step down, 78-year-old Griffiths would only say: “I had lived in England for quite some time and if a [matter] like that had happened in England . . . either the prime minister would sack him the next day, or he would resign himself.”

    What he was sure about was that he would head back to the High Court to ask the judge to enforce an earlier order that Carrington, who was handling the matter for almost 14 years, hands over all documents related to the case as well as monies due.

    John Griffiths says he has been waiting too long for what is rightfully his.
    John Griffiths says he has been waiting too long for what is rightfully his.

    “I am not quite sure about the procedure. We would have to ask for an order to seize his assets and get our money . . . I want a settlement and I want my funds. That is the most thing that I want. I want that funds in my account so I can pay out the other beneficiaries,” insisted Griffiths, who has been acting as representative for the estate of his late aunt Muriel Worrell.

    He said he had only received about $44,950 from Carrington, but approximately $210,000 was still outstanding in relation to the sale of one of the two properties left in the will of his aunt Muriel Worrell.

    “[Carrington] was supposed to probate the will and what happened is he got all the assets from my aunt. My aunt had two properties and one was sold. I thought he was going to turn it over to me, but he never did. So at the moment, he has all the assets of my aunt’s properties,” he said.

    Griffiths went to the High Court asking for the funds to be handed over. On December 9, 2014, Madame Justice Jacqueline Cornelius ruled in his favour, ordering Carrington to render an account of all sums belonging to the Worrell estate which he had received on Griffiths’ behalf, within 28 days, and pay all monies shown by the same account to be due, along with interest retroactive to May 13, 2014 until payment was made.

    Griffiths said he planned to meet next week with his new lawyer, Khamaal A. Collymore, to see if Carrington had honoured the order.

    “Up to this day we haven’t had a reply from Mr Carrington,” he said.

    “I phone him, I write him, I emailed him many times without any reply. Within the 14 years I used to see him quite regularly but within the past seven years, I would see him about four, five, six times.”

    Griffiths said initially it was the probate and not the money from the sale that was the focus of his discussions with Carrington.

    However, he said, two other beneficiaries had been breathing down his neck to get the matter concluded and he began to put pressure on his attorney.

    “I was going to him and saying, ‘when is it going to come to an end?’ We were just being pushed back, pushed back all the time. The court ordered him to hand over all the documents he had, which we had agreed to two years ago. I decided, ‘well, this is it. You not doing anything, so we taking the business out of your hands and contacting someone else to carry on with the probate to get to the end of the matter’.”

    The claimant recalled that back then, Carrington promised to hand over the documents within two weeks.

    “That was over two years ago and we have not received any documents and we repeatedly phoned, emailed, went to his officer without any reply,” he charged.

    Carrington has declined to comment, yesterday telling Barbados TODAY that he did not discuss his clients’ cases.

  50. Mr Carrington should hang his head in SHAME if he has any at all! So there is another property that he holds the papers for. This makes Plantation Deeds story sound true. WHAT IS WRONG WITH LAWYERS IN BARBADOS? They go on to become politicians to have more power and believe that they are ABOVE the law. Barbados’ integrity comes into question BIG TIME!

    All clients experiencing the same should come forward and file a suit against the Bar Association for lack of propriety and protecting dishonest lawyers. COME FORWARD PEOPLE THESE DISHONEST PERSONS MUST BE EXPOSED! Stop hiding and playing a victim! THEY MUST BE EXPOSED!

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