The matter of a recent judgement – Tales from the Courts–Justice Jacqueline Cornelius Makes Speaker of the House Michael Carrington PAY XXIV  directed at the Speaker of Parliament Michael Carrington was raised by member of parliament Santia Bradshaw. In a private member’s motion it was asked that Carrington be asked to explain himself to the House of Assembly known as the highest court of the land or to recuse himself until final ruling is ordered by the High Court. Deputy Speaker ruled that the matter be referred to the Committee of Privileges. BU believes until such time the Committee of Privileges hears the matter Deputy Speaker Mara Thompson will preside over the august body.

149 responses to “Speaker of the House Michael Carrington Matter Referred to the Committee of Privileges”

  1. Breaking news.
    Carrington got real problems no doubt about it but they are personal not connected to the DLP. Mia on the other hand received another hard cuff from Owen today followed by an uppercut from Kerrie the newly wed. With each statement from Owen and action by Mottley the likelihood of the BLP winning an election anytime soon recedes. Any comments from the yardfowls? Arttexes, miller, prodigal what say you all.
    You all correctly hammered Carrington now your BLP house is ablaze again.

  2. Last time a matter was sent to the Committee of Privileges it died a natural and predictable death when the House call of general elections. The Estwick Gun matter.No doubt all contrived.

  3. @ Togetherness

    I don’t know the foolishness you are coming with.

    I am neither a B or D supporter or a voter.

    However the current party D is incompetent, wading in mud and the majority of public have no confidence.

    Owen has had his time and if he was to pass the country would still go on.

    Kerrie for personal reasons right or wrong fell out with Mia because as a personal friend he felt he was betrayed by his party colleague and friend in his former marriage fallout.

    I know of this as I have observed Mia spending a lot of time ALMOST DAILY at Ralph Thorne and Kerry Simmons’ Law office on Roebuck Street several years ago.

  4. If one were to hold one’s breath and wait to hear excoriation coming from either side of the chamber in relation to the actions of Speaker Michael Carrington, such would constitute suicide. Death by asphyxia. Did not my Prime Minister extol the virtues of the political class. Like the Brotherhood and the Mafia they stick together.

  5. @David wrote “If he withheld paying the wheelchair bound Griffiths his money”

    Even if Mr. Griffiths was fit as Usain Bolt it would not matter.

    If a client’s money is withheld without just legal cause it is wrong.

  6. Familiarize yourself about the role of the Committee of Privileges UK style..

  7. @ Togetherness January 13, 2015 at 10:33 AM #

    “Any comments from the yardfowls? Arttexes, miller, prodigal what say you all. You correctly hammered Carrington now your BLP house is ablaze again.

    As I have stated in many of my previous contributions, I AM NOT A MEMBER OF THE BARBADOS LABOUR PARTY.

    What you DLP sympathizers need to realize is that the Democratic Labour Party holds the reins of government at this time, and as a citizen, tax payer and voter of Barbados, I have the right to either praise or criticize the government, just as you reserve the right to criticize the opposition.

    However, I won’t be as stupid to make comments similar to yours, which implied Barbadians are dumping indiscriminately to embarrass the government.

    Wuh shiite, man, “the likelihood of the BLP or DLP winning an election anytime soon recedes”, if a credible third party establishes itself in Barbados.

  8. @Hant

    Correct, reference to the wheel chair bound Griffiths paints the act for what it is, heinous.

  9. Is it true that Bradshaw has replaced Symmonds as leader of business on the Opposition side?

  10. Island Girl you are not correct in stating that no other MP has bought Parliament into such disrepute – this occurred by former Speaker of the House Neville Maxwell was declared bankrupt when he could not pay Bree St. John & Henry Forde for libel.

  11. @ David

    Yes, Santia Bradshaw has replaced Kerrie Symmonds as leader of business of the opposition.

  12. Well as I said in a previous post Mia had to do something (and she did) mabout the post Kherrie Symmonds held as it would make the BLP look like hypocrites in attacking Carrington.

  13. Carrington should be ashamed of himself, putting his country and reputation in such a dishonourable way. Politicians have to understand they lead by example, and if they can’t get out. Look at the foolishness Kellman is saying about Sagicor, this is a business, making money for it’s shareholders, and the Government get a lot of their money from various taxes, he should not put his foot in his mouth, it is stupid. The DLP is the Government, please Govern, what the opposition do right now is irrelevant, they are not governing anything, they are apposing, (opposition). In any other jurisdiction The Honourable Member of Parliament would resign, especially being The Attorney General. No wonder people are putting us down now as a Banana Republic.

  14. Mia’s reshuffle:

    Mottley – Finance and Economic Affairs, Public Service and Office of the PM
    Payne – Public Works and Infrastructure
    Clarke – Agriculture and Rural Development
    Toppin – Tourism and International Transport
    Marshall – Attorney General and Home Affairs
    Bradshaw – Leader of the Opposition in the House, Small Business, Innovation, Youth Culture and Sports
    Hinkson – Education and Human Resource Development
    Prescod – Transport, Public Utilities and Water Resources
    Agard – Health
    Symmonds – Industry, Commerce, and International Business
    Forde – Social Care, Family and Community Development
    Sutherland – Labour & Social Security
    Bostic – Housing, Lands and Urban Development
    Walcott – Leader of Opposition Business in the Senate and Foreign Affairs and Trade
    Abrahams – Energy and the Environment

  15. I didn’t expect an all out attack from the other attorneys in the House for reasons apparent to a person familiar with glass houses and stones. I wait with baited breath to see if this will be dismissed when everyone thinks it’s gone cold and ADHD Barbadians move on to the next hot topic. I pray that Barbados is not shown to be a place where this kind of boldfaced disrespect can happen. If it proves to be so I shall not dignify the next election with my vote. I shall also have a hard time singing our national anthem.

  16. Donna January 13, 2015 at 12:48 PM #

    I shall also have a hard time singing our national anthem.
    Let face it,Donna, the Barbados National Anthem, except for the opening verse , has now become meaningless. The Chorus is nothing but a joke.
    And as for the Coat of Arms, we now have two extinct items on it. The Pelican bird, and the Sugar cane. This government is paving the way to replace the two pieces of sugar cane with two bananas.

    In plenty and in time of need
    When this fair land was young,
    Our brave forefathers sowed the seed
    From which our pride was sprung
    A pride that makes no wanton boast
    Of what it has withstood
    That binds our hearts from coast to coast
    The pride of nationhood

  17. The Coalition of Unified Parties (CUP) has taken to the Internet.


    Coalition of Unified Parties Hon: Alex-Mitchell:El, President

    Sponsored ·

    THERE IS A MASSIVE LAND FRAUD AND COVER UP HAPPENING RIGHT UNDER YOUR NOSES. IT IS BELIEVED THAT RICHARD L. CHELTENHAM of Whitepark Road, went into business with C.O. WILLIAMS to steal land, and that the political parties (DLP & BLP) are acutely aware of this FRAUD.

    The list detailed below is self-explanatory:


    Continue Reading

    THERE IS A MASSIVE LAND FRAUD AND COVER UP HAPPENING RIGHT UNDER YOUR NOSES.   IT IS BELIEVED THAT RICHARD L. CHELTENHAM of Whitepark Road, went into business with C.O. WILLIAMS to steal land, and that the political parties (DLP & BLP) are acutely aware of this FRAUD.

The list detailed below is self-explanatory:


Said LANDS are all occupied by the following government entities:

1. Central Bank of Barbados, Tom Adams Financial Center
2. Kensington Oval, Kensington Plantation
3. Supreme Court Complex, Whitepark Road
4. CBC, Pine Hill, St. Michael
5. Prime Minister’s Office, Bay Street
6. Barbados Port, Inc., Harbour Road
7. Old NIS Building, Fairchild Street
8. Old Barbados Tourism Authority, Cheapside Bay
9. Archives Department, Black Rock
10. Barbados National Oil, Woodbourne,  St. Philip
11. Attorney General’s Office, Weymouth, Roebuck St.
12. Treasury Building, Fairchild Street, Bridgetown
13. Barbados Agriculture Development Marketing Corp.
14. Barbados Investment Dev. Corp.
15. Grantley Adams International Airport
16. Printing Department, Bay Street
17. GEMS of Barbados, Rockley
18. Warrens Office Complex
19. Transport Board, Weymouth, Roebuck Street
20. Savannah Hotel, Hastings
21. Barbados Water Authority, Pine Hill East Boulevard
22. Ministry of Transport and Works, Pine
23. Licensing Authority, Pine
24. National Housing Corp., Country Road
25. Town and Country Planning Dept., Block C, Garrison
26. University of the West Indies, Cave Hill
27. Ministry of Agriculture, Graeme Hall, Christ Church
28. Urban Development Commission
29. Ministry of Housing and Land, Country Road
30. Barbados Prison Service (Dodds), St. Philip
31. Land & Survey Dept., Montgomery Ct., Wildey Bus. Ctr.
32. Registration Dept., Coleridge Street
33. National Stadium, Waterford
34. Attorney General’s Office, Cedar Court, Wildey Bus. Park
35.           Bay Mansion, St. Michael
36.           Plantation House, 18 Sturges, St. Thomas
37.           Bagshot Hotel, Worthing
38.           Marathona, Christ Church

These entities are not paying rent to the Trustee and Executor of said Estate.

MOREOVER, THE ARCHIVES AND LAND REGISTRY RECORDS are CORRUPT and the employees COMPLICIT in massive land fraud.   The Barbados Police Fraud Squad headed by Station Sgt. Mark White for four (4) years found that records are being blocked by Owen Arthur and now by this crooked Prime Minister and his party.  Sir Henry of the National Trust for years has been re-writing the history to hide a certain Barbadian woman’s Estate, to wit:  Beatrice Henry to Violet Beckles.  After probate in 1986, the plantation deeds and other documents were given to Sir Richard L. Cheltenham in his capacity as attorney.  Several lawyers in Barbados are involved in this fraud with Land Tax and Inland Revenue.   The CLICO massive fraud is also part of this.  Now the crooked Prime Minister of Barbados also wants to save CLICO for his good friend Leroy Parris.  To keep this massive fraud hidden, the PM must look to hide the assets of CLICO that is part of the Estate.   Barbados is not for sale.   It belongs to Bajans and not the government.  There is no Crown land and these AGs (David Simmons, et al.) took land for self gain over the last twenty-nine (29) years ongoing.   There is no clear title to land in Barbados.

  18. Houise Speaker recuses himself. Well, well “wonders will never cease”.

  19. Typo-House not Houise…………..

  20. I hear you, Colonel! Being brought up on fairy tales, however,I always believed that the vast majority of people though not perfect, were alright. So “hope always sprang (nearly) eternal” and I tended to believe the best of people would eventually show up. Or at the very least I thought common sense would show up. Silly me, huh!

  21. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    The Opposition response to this crisis in governance is only a delaying tactic. Instead of referring the matter to a moribund committee of privilege, they should have introduced a motion calling for his removal a Speaker. By the time the committee meets to deal with the matter, they would have qualified for their pensions

  22. @ Togetherness aka waiting

    I usually stay away from responding to you DLP yard fowls. However since you call my name I can say that :

    At least MAM had the guts to reshuffle her shadow cabinet. Your Fumble man told his cabinet at the last meeting before Christmas that he would reshuffle the chairs on the burning titanic deck early in the new year. The 15th is nearly here and he cannot do so. Do you know why?

    You can try to switch the talk to the BLP all you want, it is the DLP and its Speaker who have the problems……………. you are supposed to be the government. You have convinced us all that you do not know how to govern.

    MAM is free to position people as she wishes, she is a leader I agree with her……..though I do not know why she ever created that position in the first place. You see, Kerry will always be a Dem……..his behaviour is consistent with the way dems operate. Now will be a good time for him to go back to the dems.

  23. Caswell,

    Did Carrington show up in the House today?

  24. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn


    My information is that he turned up but did not take the Chair.

    Sent from my iPad


  25. Doan tell muh so, Mr. Franklyn! Yuh mean dem trick me again?!!!

  26. He took the Chair, Bradshaw raised a private member question at that point Carrington recused/excused himself from the Chair.

  27. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn


    The political class sticks together. What happened in the House is just a sideshow for the gullible.

    Sent from my iPad


  28. Lawd have mercy, Mr. Franklyn! Yuh call me gullible fuh true?

  29. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    Thanks David. You must admit that he either has “nuff” balls or no shame.

    Sent from my iPad


  30. So who represented Mr. Griffiths in the matter?

  31. @enuff

    George Payne

  32. John Hanson 1781-1782- I SERVE 1788- 1792 BARBADOES. Avatar
    John Hanson 1781-1782- I SERVE 1788- 1792 BARBADOES.

    One Rat down , 29 more to go , get the RATS OUT THE PEOPLES HOUSE, CAN SOME ONE CALL “RENT TO KILL”?

    MIA need to be charge with fraud and murder , Brittons Hill cave in 5 dead. This is not a rabbit hole , its a RAT hole

  33. Caswell,

    I am surprised that Carrington had the gall to actually take the chair today. Has he no shame?

    Goodness me! When Kerry had his issues with his wife, at that time, he was in the senate and these dems screamed and hollered…………”he should resign, he is bringing the senate into shame”.

    But dems feel they can do as they like………..Barbados belongs to them………they are for the poor man.

  34. But Hanson someone also labelled you a rat. #justsaying lol

  35. @David

    Very interesting reassignments by MAM. Toppin back to Tourism, Bostic to Urban Development and Housing, George to Public Works andSutherland to restart the battle against Suckoo.

  36. @enuff

    Trust you to pick up on the strategy behind the moves. Note Payne and Marshall have been placed in less prominent roles.

  37. But seriously though, Mr. Franklyn, I am cautiously optimistic but not gullible. “Without hope the people perish”. Something has got to give at some point even with Barbadians being as passive as they are. I know that most Barbadians are fed up of politicians and ‘politicking’ and that is why they seem apathetic. They say it’s ‘six of one and half dozen of the other’. They say ‘one can’t tell the other come back’. Maybe when we stop waiting for the Lord to intervene and save us we will realize that there are more of us than there are of them and when united in purpose the people do have power. To the politicians and lawyers I say, “there is a straw that sometimes breaks the camels back….”

  38. @ Colonel Buggy,

    As always your vision and clarity soars like a bird of prey. How many of us mere mortals would have observed that the pelican bird has become extinct and that “King” sugar would be heading down the same route? Perhaps it is time for us to redraw our Coat of Arms.

    I never got the chance to complete the final chapter of Animal Farm by George Orwell. However I have noticed that the similarities between this book and the story of Barbados since post-independence appear to be linked.

    Our remarkable politician class appear to be playing the role of the pigs; whilst the proletariat (the working class) appear to be doing a good job mimicking the donkeys.

    I seem to remember that the pig caste assumed the role of leadership; and through stealth, altered the social, economic and political system to suit themselves at the expense of all the other animals on the farm. Overnight, they (the pigs) would scheme and alter policies which after a period went unnoticed. Demoralised and mentally exhausted the animals on the farm accepted their lot.

    The pigs would divide the pie amongst themselves in the same fashion as our politicians, landowners, professional classes and aristocrats.

    Perhaps there was a sting in the tale in the final chapter?

  39. @David

    Marshall has kept his AG post and Payne will deal with the road issues in St.AndrewSt.Joseph in the process battling with Irene. 🙂

  40. Dodridge Miller has promised to send a letter to the ‘Boss” about some of the statements being made by Moon Tongue Kellman . Mr Miller’s letter will join those of the Leader of the Opposition, when she marched to Bay Street to hand it in, and that of David Eswick, who claimed that he had tendered his resignation from some parliamentary committee .

  41. Enuff January 13, 2015 at 3:54 PM #


    Marshall has kept his AG post and Payne will deal with the road issues in St.Andrew St.Joseph in the process battling with Irene
    The best way that Payne can deal with the roads in St Joseph and St Andrew is to lay down in one of the pot holes in Dark Hole and let a Transport Board bus barber-green him into the rut.

  42. Lol @ Colonel Buggy.

  43. Buggy
    You can wish all you want,Payne is sufficiently resourceful to A). Keep winning the seat for the BLP …B)Is a force to reckon with in the BLP.
    Btw,Santia start off on the wrong foot today in the house making reference to the Honourable Barbados Labour Party. Lol
    I heard on the weekend Mara had to have a crash course in Speakership,just in case the Bees came out stinging.If only Tom was there to take the lead,every Bajan would stop working like if it was a test match and Shell Harris was commenting that Sobers seeing the ball like a breadfruit.

  44. To Caswell’s point many of us wait to see how members of the political class manage this matter that Carrington lands on his feet and all are happy.

  45. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn


    The political class in this country treat the people as though we are idiots. Unfortunately, we allow them to do it to us and we appear to enjoy it. It appears as though we like it so and the politicians will continue to treat us with utmost disrespect unless the people rise up and say enough is enough.

    Roslyn Smith made an attempt to show the politicians that at least the NUPW, among the bigger unions, is willing to stand up. Now I am hearing that the DLP has mandated its minions to ensure that she is not appointed permanently to the post of General Secretary. And even though she appears to be the popular choice, even her supporters are scared to openly support her because they fear being victimised by these clowns that precariously sit on the seat of government.


  46. Caswell,

    I would suggest that the NUPW is in the coward position it is in today because the so called leaders have allowed their narrow partisan biases to triumph over what is right and good.

    My neighbour in his wisdom always told me……”the only way the BLP will win is when it is able to break the bond of union and DLP”. He was right………..the BLP broke that bond when they got the DLP unionists to vote against the DLP and helped bring down Sandi.

    Alas, to the detriment of the working class that bond has been cemented again with the likes of Walter Maloney, Dennis Clarke, Joe what’s his name of UN fame and Dereck Alleyne.

    The workers be damned. So exactly when did Walter Maloney notice that the NCC workers were suffering?




    Byer’s ass aint look bad at all !

  49. Dr H,

    That’s rude!

  50. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    Dr. The Honourable

    Please don’t be that unkind to Gollop.

    Sent from my iPad


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