Westminster system
Westminster system

In a popular democracy, citizens, collectively, are the ultimate principal; elected representatives are their agents. These agents are also principals who, through the legislature, delegate authority to a host of departments and agencies that make up the sprawling executive branch of government – Fraser Institute

It has become obvious to many several built in checks and balances of the Westminster system of government Barbados has adopted from its colonial past are failing.  It is a system of governance which requires exhaustive participation by citizens to work effectively. Nearly 40% of eligible voters  did not vote in the last general election, an obvious symptom of a democracy in decay if we sample just one indicator.

Auditor General reports (2004 to 2013) of successive governments record a consistent performance of fiscal indiscipline. A flouting of the financial rules. An easy translation of the Auditor General’s comments can be described as  a system of graft and corruption. A scary observation is that the private sector is the entity which sells goods and services to government therefore citizens who should be holding ‘government’ accountable are complicit. In the case of Barbados we may not compare with Nigeria and other more openly corrupt countries but there is a view the covert nature of how we do business places us in the ballpark.

What the Fraser Institute publication concedes is that the “Westminster model is not designed to provide for the accountability of individual elected representatives to individual voters”. To expand: in order to adequately evaluate the performance of government – comprised of several organs – is too complex and costly. The publication makes the obvious point a democracy must delegate authority to function, it logically follows that a robust system of accountability must be adhered to mindful of the maxim “absolute power tends to corrupt absolutely.”  If Barbadians continue to allow themselves to become polarized by partisan political positions the obvious will eventually occur; a compromising of our democracy.

A recent example of how our so called Westminster style of government has failed is the public condemnation of the Cabinet of Barbados by a senior minister that has gone unpunished (to date) by the Prime Minister.  Ministers are expected to honour the convention of collective responsibility because  all ministers are collectively responsible for government operations.

What is interesting about the Westminster system according to Fraser is the culture of secrecy which it encourages – the shielding of information from citizens. It seems an oxymoron to discuss Westminster style democracy and the secrecy it promotes.

One approach to wrestle back control from the establishment is to impose term limits on those who serve. The problem is that the the incumbents see no motivation to change the status quo. Only in Opposition when spouting propaganda (lies) are the views of politicians aligned with concerned citizens. Mia Mottley tried to change the constitution of the Barbados Labour Party when she was on the outside; a periphery point to establish sincerity. Since assuming the leadership of the party has she restarted the conversation with the party? Why should we allow a cadre of politician to view being member of parliament as a job rather than performing a stint of public service?

The time has come for a national discussion about the need to hold our government accountable. The Auditor General, The Public Accounts Committee …

117 responses to “Rise of the Professional Politician”

  1. baffy
    man you like you cant tek a proppa history man
    de docta act pun what he see, not pun what he cudda or wudda see man


  3. dompey | April 16, 2014 at 6:11 PM |
    Well Well

    “A gift from nature”

    I am just curious, but can you define Nature for me in clear and concise terms?

    Dompey…there is a reason why google was invented, and I do believe they will give you a really good definition of Nature, what do you think I am your teacher?

    Besides, if you were not stuck on trying to figure out what nature is, you would understand what i said was meant to educate people to the fact that if they are Melanin poor, they will have to use man-made crap in the form of SUNTAN LOTION and will STILL GET SKIN CANCER, that is why you should never leave home without your MELANIN…..a gift from nature.

    Dompey, just do not ask me to define SUNTAN LOTION, that would be taking it too far.

  4. Ross….thanks for the explanation, I see where the magistrate could have remanded those two, there is absolutely no reason to believe they have not set fires before and will not do so again.

  5. are-we-there-yet Avatar

    They are a few posters on BU whose every post I make certain to read as they inform, are often witty, write well and can be guaranteed to be educational and not overly biased. You are in that select group. So is Hal Austin.

    Whuh yuh have against Hal Austin doh?

  6. @ HANTS

    I get ban from Barbados Today too … They don’ sen’ me email namore …

    @ are-we-there-yet

    Alright then .. You have good reason to by pass my posts … Dah is always the better option … But if by chance you readin’ this, I have to agree … Ross swiping below the belt now. I wonder if this is just another ol’ age condition …?!

  7. Dompey


    One is in to come out. The other is out to go in (or not).

  8. BAF

    How? I’m a strict Marquess of Queensberry sort of person. But I regard the Fat Man in the same way I do Queensberry’s son.

  9. Oh sorry BAF and Are-We – read the posts, consider Notting Hill (and what week we’re in), and one other matter I’ll come to when I get the right prompt. BAF-kin – it is NOT an age thing; everything working well.

  10. @ Ross
    As man skippa….you own an apology to The BU family for the uncharacteristic manner in which you have abused Hal….
    If after all these years of trying, …Bushie has been unable to get you to lose your cool, pray tell how you could allow HAL, the mildest of bloggers – to piss you off so….? For that alone you should apologize…

    Mind you….Bushie is not saying that Hal don’t deserve a good cussing….he is a bit too “goody goody” with his adopted, stiff, English upper-lip…..and could well do with a good old Bajan “wash-off”…
    ….but shiite man…leave that to Baffy or Bushie or Pacha 🙂 – who know how to cuss proppa…

  11. Are you there yet

    A true characterization of Ross… he is a gentleman and a scholar. Hal and Ross are two intelligent men and I have great respect for both of them. But let me say this much on the issue of race: it’s only when you’re living in this part of the world, that you get to appreciate where Hal Austin is coming from. I know this country has screwed my f..king head up on this issue of race.

  12. Former Prosecutor. Avatar
    Former Prosecutor.

    @ Hal Austin
    I dont understand what you mean by the offensive term line manager. I am sure that in every country including those you mentioned to suggest Barbados is an inferior place , there is some person higher in rank who directs how policy should be followed and as Ross points out the grant of bail is based on policy. You should leave this topic alone and move on and stop trying to paint a picture of Barbados as some backward place with no direction in anything .

  13. BAF, Are-We and now Bush Tea

    Well now the internet is back and I will answer you…..step by step….so you must follow closely.

    First: I will not speak in detail of my plus or minus reactions to the Fat Man. I regard him as someone who is desperate to be liked, who is quite capable of being unprincipled, who is muddled about colour and origin, who is free with the race card, who is quite prepared to allow himself to be misrepresented to his advantage and who, when push comes to shove, wouldn’t lift a finger for anyone or any cause which in theory is fundamental to this place. I think his writing is derivative – but I don’t really hold that against him for who ever has an original thought? But he does (mostly) talk crap as if fact on legal matters and brings to all his misrepresentations the auctoritas which he has carefully cultivated and been allowed to cultivate. I suppose it’s a case of a little knowledge….I certainly would not try it on in his area of expertise.

    I note that you’ve criticized me for being unkind to him. But then, do you actually read what the fella has to say of me? Moreover, when he is shown to be wrong he is incapable of saying ‘yes I’m wrong’ but rather prefers to stand in the corner, stamping his feet like an eight year old trying to justify himself and continuing with his idiocy.

    Nor do I have regard for him merely because he is a ‘big boy’ like you Bush Tea or as you BAF have become on BU. I remember attacking you once, BT, and being asked how I dare to say that to YOU as if being YOU is a guarantee of the divine. So screw that.

    But to the point. I imagine you object to the expression the “fat man” – a phrase I’ve used for the first time consistently on this post. Follow closely.

    First: note that the Fat Man is a self-confessed Fat Man. So his fatness is a fact. Moreover, his fatness has been acquired and so to an extent is remediable. But, yes, though a fact clearly the expression has a pejorative element.

    Second: note that when the Fat Man refers to the DPP he persists in saying he is the “Guyana born” DPP. He does it on this post and that in fact, was what started me in this little exercise. Now the Fat Man has been pulled up about this on previous posts both by me and another – was it Dompey? I cant remember. Our argument was that it was shitty to refer to the DPP by reference to his country of birth since it clearly had a pejorative racial element being a non-necessary description in respect of something, an accident, the accident of birth, which he could nothing about. – unlike, of course, the fatness of the Fat Man.

    The Fat Man’s response to this criticism? – “Oh but his country of origin is a fact” – you see the eight year old again? – just as the description ‘Fat Man’ is a fact and when both expressions are pejorative. Get it now? Of course, he has persisted with his nonsense as this post demonstrates.

    Now understand that I have no time for the DPP and that feeling, I do assure you, is mutual. BUT to refer to his country of origin as if THAT defines him is indeed BAF below the belt. So I determined to give the Fat Man his own medicine and see where it would lead.

    LOL. Well it led to the cavalry unfurling the colours in defence of the Fat Man – despite never having uttered a word about the incorrigible delinquency of this Fat Man who, apart from the racist rubbish, thinks he’s Lord Halsbury even when touting himself from the wrong orifice. In other words, gentlemen, your criticism of me is as much as anything a statement about yourselves, not least your myopia. Remember, I did ask you to read the exchanges and, of course, I do realize that since this is BU you are probably more inclined than me to sit light to racial remarks. I hope that this clarifies things and that you will now caution the Fat Man, as you have me, in respect of his unnecessary jibes so that we can all be notionally slim people again..

    BT – apologize? Not bloody likely.


  14. @former prosecutor
    All line manager means is the person you report to at work, the foreman, office manager, captain, etc/.
    There is nothing offensive about it. It is normal management speak.

  15. Former Prosecutor. Avatar
    Former Prosecutor.

    @ Hal Austin
    I will use the word so frequently used by Ross above ; when you refer to the courts in Baebados as you have, the term line manager is PEJORATIVE . Why cant you see that ?

  16. We obviously, have to attribute blame to the blog administrators because their have allowed those persons who are exterme in their racist, xenophobic and political views, to acted without impunity for far too long. While on the other hand, their are quick to censor those persons who do not agree with their conservative worldview. Let it be known however, that I am not here to pontificate on the mechanics of the directionality of the blog.

  17. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    Man David [BU] you only gots to get sick and whuplax a whole lotta cussing going on pun de blog en ting….

    Whu even Alternating Current my Nemesis getting call a female rabbit as if it is a knighthood or de female equivalent.

    Whu happening man?

    Effing i did not know better i wud say dat it is a conspiracy by Fumble and Stinkliar to let the normal language of the erudite commentators reach a low, equivalent to the level of deception and lies that them politicians does practice every day in the HoA, let the cussing swell to such proportions and den whaplax……. wordpress gine pull de plug pun BU for obscene language en ting

    Man during all dese weeks dat pass i ent even get a chance to pontificate and rise in defense uh dem bajan white boys, de arsonists who de 95% uh de Bajans is trying to get incarcerate at dat place in St Philup

    There is a song a-brewing, a new interpretation to the old calypso song ‘you nevah had a white meat yet” sung by the Prison Gang Bang Crew.

    I feel that that fellow “we Jonesing” dat is at the heart of all de cussing, dat going on heah pun de site David [BU], insurrectionist that he is.

    I browse thru de site pun udder blogs and see talk bout de hoes at de Garrison and how many uh dem is Guyanese (like the Director of Public Prosecutions Leacock mekking subtle links between de night hoares and de ones pun Coleridge Street)

    I feel dat we Jonesing “BEHIND” it all, and let me tell you why.

    All dis talk bout illegal guyanese hoares is really a plot to oust de female ladies of de night at Bush Hill and replace dem all wid his “peeples” from Prescod Bottom, or any udder (man) bottom, so dat bush hill get rename Bull Hill.

    Now dere is a ting dat gine really get a “rise uh de Professional politician” if you get my drift….

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