Mia Mottley, Leader of the Opposition to file motion of no confidence against Minister of Finance Chris Sinckler - CLICK on image to listen to press conference
Mia Mottley, Leader of the Opposition to file motion of No Confidence against Minister of Finance Chris Sinckler – CLICK on image to listen to press conference

218 responses to “Barbados Labour Party to File Motion of No Confidence in Minister of Finance Chris Sinckler”

  1. @Carl,

    Excellent analysis, except ”In other words, the PM kept him there to fix the mess he created”.

    No, Stuart needed a fall guy, he ent tekking blame (especially as if he does nothing, he remains distant from any result).

    Except, a leader should lead from in front, not snooze at the back.

  2. No one is mentioning the Almond Bailout, millions being given to Almond owners, but nada, zilch for the Clico poliyholders.

    WHY would anyone bailout a private entity.


  3. Stick a blinking elephant in front of people and they cant see it, very clever, hide it in plain sight.

  4. NationBLPnewspaper Avatar

    The BLP mouthpiece “The Nationnewspaper” and the BLP public relations consultant Sanka Price are at it again.

    Has there ever in the history of Barbados a more obvious example of a newspaper being in bed with an opposition party?

  5. Crusoe,
    Who would have ever thought that after criticising the BLP over the Gems project for ever that a DLP government would get similarly involved in the hotel industry? Buying Almond at a cost over the real value and soon the Silver Sands Hotel.

    This government is strapped for foreign exchange. Mr Doyle from Crane wanted this property badly as well as the Jada Group. What does this inept incompetent government do to block Mr Doyle who would have had to be bringing foreign exchange to buy Almond? They buy Almond!

    Why no one can understand how a cash strapped government who cannot pay its bills can find money to buy Almond.The NIS will soon run into trouble! Mark my words, this is a front for Jada as they did not want Mr Doyle to get it. You watch and see that it will be Jada who will be the contractors. And this PM says he is not in anyone’s pocket? Yeh, right!!

  6. A Promise & A Rose Avatar
    A Promise & A Rose


    Yeah…………I stupid. Not too stupid to know that Donville is only the most recent politician to hire Peter Wickham to improve his image, promote him as an alternative Prime Minister and fork out nuff money, week after week to make sure he does be in the headlines every day.

    Donville can be/is a PM, a Porn Magnet…………….but NOT a Prime Minister.

  7. @A Promise & A Rose

    If true is it reasonable to conclude this is a conflict of interest?

  8. A Promise & A Rose Avatar
    A Promise & A Rose


    I don’t really care because after to Bridgetown Embassy cables were leaked by Wikileaks I knew what Peter Wickham was capable of. Based on those cables a mere conflict of interest as you suggest is just a joke to him.

  9. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Mottley said at her press pow wow that some Bajans are eating Ramin everyday.

    I am wondering if she is aware of the fact that in Jamaica some people are eating mongoose.

  10. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    A Promise & A Rose | October 18, 2013 at 9:43 AM

    Do you recall Owen saying that the people of Barbados will never accept Mia as a Prime Minister?

  11. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Taken from Facebook:

    “I wonder why the females of the Barbados Labour Party did not demand an apology from Owen Arthur for calling Mia a thief and a person of no character. George Payne repeated the accusation of Mia’s dishonesty and not a word from the same group that posing in Today’s Nation Newspaper . Chris you spoke from your heart just like Owen. Not a word of apology. The recent affidavit in the case Hinkson vs Payne speaks volumes of the woman’s character. You said nothing out of place. Refresh your memory.”

  12. CCC
    mia has made the classic political mistake, for the second time. she has assumed that her enemy is finished and the hatchet is buried.

    before this non-fidence motion is played out owen arthur and his worker bees are going find a way to make the people of Barbados want him, not mia.

  13. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    crystal ball


  14. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Taken from Facebook:

    “Mia sight is only set on becoming Prime Minister of this country . I am sure she does not have a clue or plan how to get this Country out the current crisis . She does not put the interest of the people first . Calling out people to Queens Park to sign a petition is the best she can do . First she call out the public to Independence Square after the Budget ,that was a failed plot ,now here comes another one of her Mission Impossible failures again . I wonder how many of her Colleagues are backing her on this Shameful Act . Does she plan before she runs to the public threatening the Government .She needs to wake up and realize her hopes of becoming PM of this country are sickening Barbadians with her moves . The same no confidence motions she wants to bring just for her own beneficial gains we can look forward very soon for her Colleagues on her side to bring one against her .Pulling down the country is not the answer Ms Mottley .”

  15. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    “A sub-machine gun was among three firearms and a quantity of ammunition recovered by police during an operation in Sarrot, Bexon early this morning.

    About 12 persons have been taken into custody.

    Reports are that the operation was carried out at a bar in the area some time between 2:00 am and 3:00 am.”

    St. Lucianewsonline

    I am wondering if this is the same type found on Guyanese recently.

  16. There are a multiplicity of serious and fundamental social material and financial issues and problems facing hordes of people on a daily basis in Barbados and the most that can be seen being served up on this blog site, the Daily Nation editions, Brass tacks, etc is emotional hype of a political sort – the latest of which surrounds a proposed no-confidence motion in a clearly long failed Minister of Finance.

    Well, all Ministers of Finance – even the late great Errol W Barrow – have been failures; in the sense that they have been continuing to pursue and implement inappropriate, decrepit policies and measures that have been based on an essentially patently long failed westernist oligarchic exploitative dependency model of development.

    For, it is this same model of development that these wicked corrupt intellectually politically bankrupt DLP and BLP have been unflinchingly idealizing and practicing for an inordinately long period of time, and that will use to help make sure that Barbados becomes a second rate Third World developing country in 9 to 14 years, if these pathological sicknesses called the DLP and the BLP are not PERMANENTLY removed from the Parliament of this country by the broad masses and middle classes of people within just less than 5 years.

    Hence, from Barrow down to Sinckler there has been NOTHING produced by them (or among themselves) to suggest replacing, furthermore, to actively help upend this present essentially destructive model of development, with a view of the installment of a proper indigenized, egalitarianist participatory people-centered model of development.

    So, yet another political buffoon and political lightweight of this newer generation in Barbados – in Mottley this time – will come and ride on waves of useless emotionalism whipped up by especially some retarded portions of the traditional modern media from across the small sea of denizens within this country, and there will be produced yet AGAIN NOTHING by her to help remove or counter this dastard model of development and the very adverse effects of such upon the people of this country, just as she did NOTHING to help do so whilst serving in the Cabinets of Mr Owen Arthur.

    What ignorant rubbish!!


  17. @CCC
    Speaking to the BLP old guard , they are not in agreement with MIA tactics , her naked greed for power but there are no alternatives.
    @Crystal Ball
    MIA is doing her moon walk before the BLP conference next weekend
    You are reading it right about Jada and the DLP, next it will be SOL and BNOCL

  18. AS usual but not surprisingb the BLP yardfowls would jump at another straw trying to find any issue.Really Sinckler comment about MIA is so overblown everybodyknows MIA is a publicity hog so much that minutes before midday she makes sure that whatever propaganda she has makes it to the airwaves by 12.00 PM. NO confidence MIA!

  19. @Carson
    You think that the 3 sub machine guns might be related to the two that they found in a TV here last week, or that the importers are related to the guys they arrested 2 weeks ago here with 18 guns?

  20. Peltdown………..what about all that cocaine and marijuana found on a boat in Barbados’ port a 2 days ago, is it all related, those crew members on the boat had to have known someone in Barbados…..some border security.

  21. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLN-yWHev8k&w=420&h=315]

    Poor woman, Mottley, her minds confused, been misused so so long – those in her own party: Owen Arthur, George Payne and Dale Marshall. She has to win something, something. . . . LOL

  22. Code Name Octopussy Avatar
    Code Name Octopussy

    You all take yourselves too serious
    Nobody is paying any of you any attention. You come here everyday as though you have nothing better to do. The blog master is making money off of you all and he is not even sharing 5 cents with you
    Your rantings and raving mean nothing to the politicians. You all need to find something better to do with your time. There was an election in February 2013.

  23. @ Code Name Octopussy

    How is the blogmaster making money?

    What about those calling the talk show?

    Why target BU only?

    Are you aware that 7 thousand votes and two seats separated the parties?

    Go an manage the country and take you licks like men and women.

  24. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Code Name Octopussy

    How is the blog master making money off this blog ?

    I am curious.

  25. @ Code Name Octopussy

    In fact let us make this plain for you.

    You are a LIAR.

  26. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Peltdownman | October 18, 2013 at 1:06 PM

    There are always links and they need to be explored.

    There was a Bajan connection to the Murderous Roger Khan in Guyana.

  27. NationBLPnewspaper Avatar

    What purpose does Pat Hoyos have in Barbados other than to curse Chris Sinckler every Sunday ?
    He is paid by the Nation newspaper – What does that say about the Nation? Connect the dots Barbados.

    Why is Clyde Mascoll who was a spokesman for the BLP and now an advisor being paid by the Nation newspaper every week when his agenda is obvious ?
    Connect the dots Barbados.

    The Nation is behaving as the BLP’s cheerleader.

  28. NationBLPnewspaper Avatar

    Look for Saturday Sun editor Sanka Price to show his BLP covers in his coverage on Saturday.
    He is behaving like Mia Mottley’s public relations adviser.

  29. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    I see what this is all about. The BLP conference is next weekend.

    It all makes sense now.

  30. NationBLPnewspaper, Pat Hoyos is only but one of the thousands of Bajans who cursing Chris and with good reason.


  31. so chris says mottley the publicity hound would just about do everything to be in the spotlight …. like running butt naked in bridgetow,,,,,,,,,,which broght out the BLP yardfowl bridgade and the politically intellectuallyt inccorrect to wage a war on Cris,,………..
    Now lets s access the damage vi via OSA ….who says that MIA mismanaged the funds of the BLP which began with half a million dollars and having and ending balance of about one hundred thousand in less than a year. then he goes on .to questions her honesty and goes as far indrectly accusing her of theft, as if that is not enough he further implies that her lifestyle (whatever that supposes to mean)is :Unacceptable,,, ,,
    The BLP yardfowls have never once find those comments to be offensive about their leader coming from the mouth of OSA but welcomed such crap with jubilance and almost in agreement with his every word, however in the instant where truth be known . Mia never one to shy away from media spotlight or run away from free publicity.The very suggestion or an off the cuff remark that MIA would bring attraction to self through nudity has created a manufactured :firestorm”” How is it that MIA being call a thief and a person who demonstrates unacceptable behavior by the RGTH hon was acceptable by the BLP yarfowls you guys think people foolish not to be able to detect honesty from a bunch of lowlife hypocrtical misfitsWHO just enjoyed every moment when OSA used his razor sharp tongue to deride MIA at every chance he got .What Chris said was childsplay in comparision to the disgusting and offensive public remark poking fun at MIA in the most replusive and insensitive manner.by the RGT HON that woman had to be miserable when all this smut was being said about her by the now defunct leader the Rgt Hon. How about the Rgth HON apologising to MIA Wunna ought to be ashamed of WUNNA SELVES,,Think people fughet,,,

  32. Code Name Octopussy Avatar
    Code Name Octopussy

    Give it to them ac
    you are a real foot soldier

  33. Back in Time Jack I am guessing that tune will get some play at the Sunday rally,


  34. I was under the impression that Chris & Mia were “big” friends as we would say in Barbados. Or is this move just a smoke screen to distract us from what is really happening, you know we Bajans love a good story.
    Maybe this article needs to be revisited to understand what is really going on here. http://bajan.wordpress.com/2010/10/08/barbados-mia-mottley/

  35. whether the two are friends are not, the truth is that MIA is under pressure to say or do something that would define and demonstrate good and strong . . leadership for the BLP. So then! wherelse could she go but like a raving wolf attack the nestling of the DLP. THe BLP had six years to formulate and present hardened proof by way of presenting to the country alternatives to the proposals of the DLP so far the BLP has been unable to complete this monumental task, Now they are pretending to present Sinckler as the bogeyman who must be sacrificed at the hands of BLP political opportunism for them Sinckler is the Cause and the reason for all that is wrong with the economy using him as a catalyst to unweave and disconnect a unified party(,something which the BLP cannot achieve for themselves)from within, this is quiet noticeable fom their daily mouthings and rants and tireless efforts to sway public opinion . . the only problem with such a tactic is that it shortlived the public steupse goes on with their business and the BLP is handed an empty bag with nothing to offer, this circle of deceit would continue and as always with the BLP it would be back to the same ole same ole of percetion, Propaganda and illusion, SOLUTIONS NO! too hard for them figure out,

  36. ac, i was just about to call you stupid when i realize from your comments you don’t have a clue what is going on in the DLP. For the record. what you need to do is find out who Chris is speaking to in the cabinet and who he is not speaking with my friend.

    and ac, stop running off your trap like a duck backside when you don’t know what is going on.

  37. and ac, stop running off your trap like a duck backside when you don’t know what is going on.
    Cud dear Doc,
    Ya wanna kill she…?
    THAT is what ac is all about.

  38. SAy what uu like DOC the political medical report states that the BLP is a fractured party in need of crtical health care, Using CHRIS is another quick fix to helping them bring the PARTY together in agreement on one issues, BTW this is my mout ac does not rent or lease it from You. it is privately owned do not owe YOU or anybody for use of it, Mind YOH BUSINESS YARDFOWL> ,

  39. this is Mia talking about a disjointed and disconnected fractured BLP party four years ago. same rings true today ………….. WATCH

  40. As President Obama said to the Republicans the other night after they caved in and approved the budget, ” If you guys want change policy….go out there and canvass and win an election ”

    The same holds true for the BLP !

    The only problem for the BEEs is that they missed the boat on 21 Feb, 2013 !

    Too bad….the next cruise is anytime in 2018.

    So the BEEs have a long time lingering on the harbour….enjoying a view of Mia half naked on a jet ski till then.

  41. enjoy you all self DLP supporters. enjoy.


    Carson C. Cadogan | October 17, 2013 at 2:42 PM |@
    “…….llike a true black woman of African ancestry Caroline Herbert held her age well, she was closer to 80 i believe.”@

    She was a dam crook, and if they dont go to jail for how they lived , then let them rot in HELL. Caroline Hurbert gave Violet Beckles hell, is she was 80 then she knew the truth , We are happy to see stress put off the people of Barbados is was a liar, crook and scumbag,
    More of her kind is still there that need to walk away or remove by God,

    Lets see what probate she will have in court with no deeds.Another on bites and eat the dust ,
    Keep feeding the MoF , he will eat himself to the grave for P.I.GS dont know when to stop eating..

    You all need to do your home work before you get on the net and feel bag for crooks going to hell…


    Bajanfuhlife | October 17, 2013 at 3:30 PM | @ by the way you write i can tell you dont know nothing about MIA or MAM, she is a crooks and if they run to the POLLS get ready to hear the news on them all first hand,
    We will let you know all they are hiding , when you see our heading its real and not a joke ,
    Affidavits were written and signed, None cant fix what wrong with Barbados until , unless some one tell you all the truth , We know lies and jokes feel better until they hit you in your pockets,
    time for both parties with all the lawyers in each just sucking the people like pimps and whores,
    IMF and WB are masters of sucking pimp BLP and DLP scumbags up and down the net , All in the NEWS now know who there are in Barbados and run to print junk
    A news paper now is looking into the crooks of barbados and we will see if they are like CARIBNEWS in NEW YORK and BRASStacts radio pimps
    CBC is another Bitch same she-it, Soon they will make the papers from out side ,, vote truth not party,,,if you done know ask ,,

  44. The hypocrisy being displayed by the BLP women folk is quite astounding.

    Where were their protsestations and call for apologies when William Duguid let go his ‘scud ‘ missile on all women in the House Assembly last November ?

    Where was Cynthia Forde’ howls of protest when OSA referred to her as CHATTEL ?

    Where was the Barbados Labour Party Women League howls of protests when OSA undressed Mia Mottley in his now famous UWI public lecture ?

    The BLP rejects really believe reasonable thinking Barbadians do not take note of such hypocrisy ??

    Well it will be Deja Vu 2018 again….as it was in Feb 2013 .

    Jokers !

  45. V I agree with ay

  46. NationBLPnewspaper Avatar

    Has anyone in Barbados besides me noticed that the latest addition to the Starcom / Nation “moderator” NEXUS is a lady called NEFETARI.

    David Ellis says that moderators are expected to have opinions. That is fine but should all the moderators have the same opinions ?
    It seems that once you lambaste the DLP you will get the inside track on a job as a moderator on VOB or writer in the Nation.
    I have listened to the lady Nefetari especially on political matters and she is right in sync with Peter Wickham.
    This lady is now the darling of the most partisan BLP callers on Brass Tacks like Tall Boy and Senator Linton.

    I however am not surprised. The quickest way to get a column in the Nation newspaper or a job as a moderator on VOB in recent years is to develop a reputation as a strong DLP critic.
    Example : Peter Wickham, Pat Hoyos. Caswell Franklyn .The trend continues!
    Which newspaper owns Starcom again? Oh yes, the Nation BLP newspaper..

  47. “Do you recall Owen saying that the people of Barbados will never accept Mia as a Prime Minister?”

    Do you recall Mr Stuart saying that Mr Thompson was not fit to lead The DLP?

  48. Balance be reminded that your G S Dennis Clarke has been begging this government for Medical assistance for one of his family members
    and that your NUPW and CTUSAB has pass resolution begging government for money to run CTUSAB –the same organisation that has been using the subvention to pay wages ,allowances to executive members ,rental at Jemmotts Lane and others and most of all no financial statement was presented last month at its general meeting

  49. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYdoSUCVDyU&w=420&h=315]

    The Republicans will continually menace the Obama Administration just because they can likewise Mottley and the BLP will continuously menace the DLP just because they can.

    The BLP embarrasses Barbados. Proof of this is Kerrie Symmonds, George Payne v Hendrickson and Rommel Marshall resigns hours before his expulsion. All should be persecuted and convicted: Owen Arthur, Mia Mottley, Dale Marshall, George Payne, and Gline Clark – all those crooks.

    Should find themselves a rabbit hole and stay in it – all BLP members.

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