Mia Mottley, Leader of the Opposition to file motion of no confidence against Minister of Finance Chris Sinckler - CLICK on image to listen to press conference
Mia Mottley, Leader of the Opposition to file motion of No Confidence against Minister of Finance Chris Sinckler – CLICK on image to listen to press conference

218 responses to “Barbados Labour Party to File Motion of No Confidence in Minister of Finance Chris Sinckler”

  1. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    I keep saying that the BLP is still in election mode and they have done nothing to change my perspective.

    During the elections they put on a music show up by Standards and there was this big Rent-a-crowd and now for their Sunday Sign-in I suspect that their operatives are already going around trying to get another Rent-a-crowd. I wonder how they are paying this time around?

  2. And onthe point of errors in the budget .it does not justify the hysteria and manufactured response by MIA. what purposed did it serve other than to complicate and confuse a public and send out more signals to the international market. Mia would do her self as well as country a service if she would indeed formulated a path which shows her as aformidable leader and one who can tackle the hard issues of governance

  3. Carson. I saw many prominent members of the DLP at the music -show who probably were part of the rent-a-crowd. Do tell us Carson if you are happy with the alleged rent-a-vote by some of your colleagues. Waiting in vain for your reply.

  4. ac you said….
    “if she cannot take full control of the smaller issues and attain success ,how then as PM would she be able to obtain any success on the larger and more complex and complicated issues that beset a nation and its people”
    Tell me ac you ain’t mek dat statement regarding leadership. I have been around politics and I am telling you without mumbling that Mia is a better leader dealing with fiscal, governance issue than the present PM. Check with leaders of the world including Obama, and past leaders of Barbados. Do these leaders ever give you history lessons that have no justification of today’s problems? No, these past and present leaders give you pro-active logic pertaining to the present and future. You now understand why the present PM afraid of Press Conferences… he is simply out of depths with instant effective responses. He should be a history teacher, as usual, he would beat books in order to be fluent.

  5. ac | October 17, 2013 at 10:09 AM |
    And on the point of errors in the budget .it does not justify the hysteria and manufactured response by MIA. what purposed did it serve other than to complicate and confuse a public and send out more signals to the international market.
    Good point ac. She should have ignore the mistakes, give a big “pass mark” and award him for his failure. You are really a sick loyal patriot. Just sweep it under the carpet as usual.

  6. Are we heading for a change in leadership of the DLP government?

    Two horses rushing up on the rails, Estwick and Inniss.

  7. Both are capable of launching an attack on Stuart, these two are not timid. If he does work with one they are likely to join forces.

  8. The deterioration has started…….no more excuses and no one else left to blame.


  9. @tell me why your answer speaks volumes as to why any talk of unity or coming together for sake of country would never happen .BREW HA and confrontation only serves to divide and separate. More often than not that is how MIA responses come across leaving no room for compromise and having both sides drawn inio a nonsencial political debate while the business of the country stagnates. Her form of leadership is destructive

  10. When former prime minister of Barbados, Mr Owen Arthur, introduced the VAT in 1997, the now Political Leader of the People’s Democratic Congress was able to say then that the VAT was going to have disastrous consequences for especially the productive and business sectors of this country.

    Indeed, such consequences would have been such that the visionless myopic Arthur would have at the time – perhaps – been unable to see come about, or reckless as to the fact of such consequences coming about.

    Now, sixteen years after, and with this jack o lantern DLP government maintaining it – and increasing it too in many cases from 15 per cent to 17 per cent in 2010 – so many persons in Barbados are being made to witness the dreadful impact of this evil wicked VAT (and all other TAXES) on the use of money by its users in this country via the coming about of this TAX itself.

    So, what crass ineptitude on the part of Arthur, Mottley – who at the time was a member of Arthur’s Cabinet – the late David Thompson, and now Stuart, in allowing such a destructive mechanism to remain in place over the years to the utter dedevelopment stagnation of the entire material financial affairs of this country.


  11. If MIA as you pointed out is so good at goverance… then tell me Why is it so hard for her to get her party members united. You speak of leadership as it is she cannot command the support and respect of all her members how then would she be able to garner full support when and if she is PM. She must demonstrate the ability of leadership from within a task which she has failed at which in turn proves that her leadership skills are muted

  12. The problem with the economy is the same as all countries. GNP and GDP. The equation is that the development of a country is based on the collective activity of all its citizens. If 23% of those who are able to generate income are not able to, or do not have the opportunity then the country is running at a loss because the citizens are running at a loss. St.Lucia moved from an agriculturally based economy to a service economy at ( in economic terms) at the drop of a hat. This means that almost 75 % of the work force was rendered unusable. This means that for almost 50 years St.Lucia invested in its HUMAN RESOURCE to specialize in a profession and then after spending MILLIONS of dollars to Train,through FAO,CARDI etc. The discarded that. This means that if the collective value of investment in agriculture per capital in 30 years was 200 Million US. Then with a population of 168000 the economy lost value of 1190US per capita. This cannot be recouped without again retraining and retooling which means more expenditure. Thus the current debt would have only beein 1700US instead of the 2800US which is is currently, per capita. The issue then is how to return st.lucians to a collective profession which will allow them to access the global economy in the shortest possible time as well as ensuring little cost to the economy. Successive governments have encouraged government financed programmes rather than entrepreneurial programs. This help GNP a bit but add little to the productive capacity of the country. The country must EARN and it can only do so by its citizens profitably harnessing its resources. The ONLY independent resources which these islands have are PEOPLE, LAND , SUN and TIME> ………………….The equation is clear….. ALL other economic activity depends on another persons resources. TOURISM…on AIRCRAFT which we do not own, on ECONOMIES which are them selves in shambles and with systems which need other advertising resources owned by other countries to drive clients. This is without taking into consideration the competition. So ANY country or Government which is advancing otherwise is DOOMED and the situation is clear within Caricom.


  13. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Tell me why

    The rent-a-vote also was from the BLP side. The BLP gave away so much money to buy votes that I can understand how despondent they felt when they were not returned to office.

  14. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Tell me why

    The Bajan voters eat them out, drunk them out, and vote them out.

  15. Carson. At least you admit that buying of votes were from both sides.

  16. ac. How can you have a frank discussion when gutter talk was espouse of being naked in Broad Street. When the Hon Erskine Sandiford had a no confidence motion against him, he remained a statesman and never used any insulting remarks to his attackers. ac ease off the loyalty issue.

  17. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    To engage you in a dialogue in reading and understanding statistical data is an exercise in futility. Anyhow let me see if I can make sense of your most recent rant.

    From 2007 all cruise lines which visit Barbados have included St. Lucia in their itinerary. Prior to 2007 there was a 200,000-visitor differential as was the case in 2006 when Barbados attracted 539,092 and st Lucia 359,593 visitors. Should the Barbados Board of Tourism tell the cruise lines not to include St. Lucia in their itinerary?

    Barbados is part of what is called the ‘’Caribbean South’’ cruise packages . On the other hand St. Lucia because of its geographical location , enjoys visits from ships doing the ‘Caribbean East and Caribbean South’’ packages. Take Holland America as an example.
    Caribbean East :- Starting in Tampa with stops in Key West, San Juan, St. Thomas, St. Johns, Castries, Soufriere, Willemstad, Oranjestad, Georgetown.
    Caribbean South :-Starting in Fort Lauderdale with stops in Half Moon Cay, St. John, St. Johns, Terre-de-Haut, Castries, Soufriere, Bridgetown, Port Elizabeth, Samana, Grand Turks

    What should the Barbados Board of Tourism do? Should they change the geographic coordinates of Barbados ? You were a director of the Board of Tourism in 2008 when Barbados attracted 595,523 cruise visitors and St. Lucia 611,680. It was the first year that St. Lucia overtook Barbados in cruise tourism. What did you do about it then? What is breaking news about St. Lucia numbers being greater than Barbados’ for the first six months of this year?. It has been like this ever since 2008 when you were appointed as a tourism guru to the Board of Tourism. No wonder you were kicked off the Board of Tourism. You just didn’t have a clue. You couldn’t answer questions at Board meetings.

    This is the third time I am asking you to attend evening classes in statistics at the Springer Memorial or St. Leonard’s School . If the problems is memory loss, I can’t make a recommendation. That is something personal.”

    Antoinette Sealy

  18. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Tell me why

    Don’t misunderstand me, when I said that the “rent-a-vote was also from the BLP side” I meant in addition to the rent-a-crowds that they had.

    Our side don’t engage in foolishness at election time.

  19. I read your submission loud and clear and will never disagree when facts are in black and white. Re: your post on the below date.
    Carson C. Cadogan | October 17, 2013 at 12:56 PM |

  20. I know this is off the topic of a very serious discussion; but thought I would lighten things up for just a moment.

    There were two articles in the October 14 edition of Barbados Today, which appear to be at odds.

    In the first, “More BK Outlets Coming” we see a picture of Bizzy and Shelly, and the Minister of Industry cutting the ribbon for the opening of the second (with many more to come) Burger King fast food outlet.

    In the second “Promoting Healthy Living” we see picture of Half Moon Fort students in activities to promote healthy eating as well as locally grown fruits and vegetables.

    Also, in an interview in the Nation on December 5, 2010, Shelly Williams is quoted as saying:

    “I started working out and eating properly. I started with the gym and that didn’t work for me. I bought three Jillian Michaels DVDs and I started working out with her and watching everything that I ate. It was in my living room everyday for the first two to three months, twice a day. Now I only do it every evening for about 45 minutes . . . . Going dining with me now is no fun . . . only water, and I don’t use sugar or eat any processed meats.”

    I guess that means Shelly will not be having Whoppers and Shakes at Bizzy’s BK.

  21. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbXV_204RrQ&w=560&h=315]

    The hypocrite & crook, Mottley has done nothing that will hurt him, Sinckler. The DLP knows this. Senator Irene, otherwise would not have appeared on this site with boast and arrogance.

  22. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Well Well

    “…….llike a true black woman of African ancestry Caroline Herbert held her age well, she was closer to 80 i believe.”

    If that is true In the photo in the Sunday Nation she didn’t look a day over fifty. Is her husband still Chairman of the CBC board?

  23. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Why cant photos be uploaded to Bajanflick?

  24. It was hilarious when Peter Wickham told David Ellis today that Chris Sinckler would not make a pretty site himself walking naked down Broad Street! Those in glass houses should not throw stones!

  25. Tell me why! speaking of “guttertalk” did not the RGT HON accused YOUR LEADER of THEFT.now what can be more deamening and disgusting and literally straight from the gutter to accused openly YOUR leadership of such illegalities.YET none of U yardfowls in as much as peek teet . However Sincklair remarks are now food for fodder how hypocrtical can u yardfowls be.

  26. Barbados is miles ahead of Haiti, St. Lucia and many others in the IMF “forecast”. When last I checked a forecast is a what I think will happen. They key for Barbados is to get some of the projects which are ready to be rolled out facilitated and implemented.
    We can and will overcome any challenges but simply cursing the finance minister or encouraging Mottley in stirring up unrest will not help anyone, It is Barbados first and not Mottley’s arrogant grab for attention and power.

  27. I have a St. Lucian friend and she is amazed to hear some saying how good St. Lucia is supposed to be doing compared to Barbados. What nonsense. Ask the people at Fortress Property Fund about how poor the real estate market is in St. Lucia. Her sister in St. Lucia is looking to get out of there as the crime situation is worse than Barbados.
    The BLP seems to want all Bajans to feel that the rest of the Caribbean is booming but that is another Mottley lie.The reality on the ground in amny of these Caribbean islands is a lot harder than Barbados.Keep the proper perspective.

  28. If only you knew
    the DLP has lots to do.
    Barbados problems are monsterous and not few,
    all left behind from the BLP crew.

    Bajans should be sad
    and mad.
    BIM is just that bad,
    but Arthur running the country was no lad.

    Don’t forget, just don’t forget, Bajans let the BLP go
    Letting too many things grow,
    Twice has said no, HELL NO
    can’t tolerate them no more.

  29. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan


    I hope you have better luck telling the BLP including ADRIAN LOVERIDGE about the real situation in St. Lucia.

    I have many friends in St. Lucia who tell me different to what these jokers keep saying.

    Don’t talk about the crime situation. You can follow it daily


    and on Facebook


    Everyday the Police are having to shoot people in St. Lucia in an effort to maintain Law and Order.

    About three people shot over the last 24 hours.
    but these jokers trying to make everyone in Barbados believe that they are living in Hell while St. Lucians are living in Heaven.

  30. @ Carson and BajanFuhLife

    Why wunna din say so when David Thomspon was busy comparing Bdos to St. Lucia:

  31. Could this be the beginning of our own “Arab Spring” here in Barbados? Any successful change must come from the people.

    The no-confidence motion will force every MP in the House to declare their support or disapproval of the job that the Minister of Finance, Chris Sinckler, is doing, and vote their conscience on the resolution.

    Whether or not the motion is successful, it will be especially damaging to Sinckler’s political aspirations. Hence those MPs on the government side with ambitions of becoming finance minister, and who have been publicly and privately critical of his many blunders, have the opportunity to speak (and vote) now or forever hold thy peace.

    After all the public rumblings on call-in programs, blogs and social media over the DLP’s poor performance, it will be interesting to see if the public will support the Opposition by overwhelmingly signing the petition calling for the removal of the finance minister.

    It is now becoming increasingly clear that for Sinckler’s role in the Eager 11, the no-confidence motion could be the “consequences” to which PM Stuart was referring. This makes one wonder if Sinckler was retained as MOF by the PM after the elections to self-destruct, especially since the failure of the Medium-Term Fiscal Strategy. In other words, the PM kept him there to fix the mess he created.

    The PM also went against Sinckler on several occasions, in a “good cop, bad cop” tactic, potraying the finance minister as an evil police officer, and bluntly refusing to layoff public workers to achieve the deficit-reduction targets. Stuart exposed Sincker for not first conducting an analysis of how the budget cuts would have impacted employment.

    Sinckler does not have his finger on the financial and economic pulse of the nation and was more interested in politicking, even when times called for being forthcoming with the Barbadian people.

    Sinckler’s greatest misstep was his announcement of a $600 million stimulus package right after the elections which was quickly abandoned in favor of a $400 million deficit-reduction program. In more recent times we have seen blunders in the implementation of the Consolidation Tax, Solid Waste Tax, and new VAT rate on tourism services. Then last week his failure to raise US$250 million on the international money market which he blamed on the US government shutdown was the last straw.

    It may be possible that the Minister of Finance could muster courage and dignity and resign quietly, saving his colleagues the embarrassment of having to defend his record of incompetence and failures.

  32. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan


    Mia is now the people?

  33. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan


    This is all theatrics on Mia’s part.

  34. @ Carl
    The fiscal consolidation and economic growth together are objectives of govt

  35. @Carl

    Sinckler became damage post-E11. The DLP was able to retain power (just barely) because of an unappealing Opposition.

  36. LIKE IT OR LUMP IT Avatar

    Prefer to see Mia running naked than Chris “Big Belly, Big Face” Stinkliar any day or any night

  37. David

    Everyone wins here. Mia looks good challenging her good friend Chris. Chris gets out of the MOF portfolio, some thing he wants terribly. Fruendel does not have to fire his MOF and risk him running into the arms of the BLP and bringing down Stuart as a consequence.

    I smell a Grand Bargain.

  38. @C4

    And if you were to judge by Peter Wickham’s contribution today he seems to be ‘jettisoning’ Sinckler as well, his buddy.


    Vote for what , Just kick him crook self out one time ,,We have more proof than we needed , just look at the price of sweet bread and milk,

    Out with his well fed self, MoF more like P.I.G

  40. I have been as critical (if not more so)as anyone on BU in relation to the Nation Publishing Co.However in response to the post at 4:45am submitted by Nation blp newspapers,it is difficult to fault the Nation in this instance.The talking points are the same simply because they are based on the most obvious of blunders made by the circus of a cabinet that seems bent on bringing Barbados to it’s knees.How does one of sound mind,with a clear conscience continue to support this road show?

  41. Carson C. Cadogan | October 17, 2013 at 2:42 PM |

    Well Well

    “…….llike a true black woman of African ancestry Caroline Herbert held her age well, she was closer to 80 i believe.is ”

    If that is true In the photo in the Sunday Nation she didn’t look a day over fifty. Is her husband still Chairman of the CBC board?

    Carson…….trust me, that was a really old photo of Caroline Herbert in her obits……….with regard to if her husband is still GM at CBC, you may want to ask your government that, last i heard it was Leroy Parris, that is presuming they have not since changed the GM>

  42. Carson…..sorry, i meant to type chairman of CBC…….

  43. Appears no one on BU has seen the photo of a naked Chris Sinckler running past the Parliament Building on Broad Street, it’s been all over the internet from morning…..lol

  44. whenever i hear peter wickham make a political comment i steupse…he is the only pollster known to create a twoheaded poll……now to think that nine months later he has once again been anointed and appointed a political guru,,, ,,,,annuda thing his influence or lack thereof cause the blp to lose the election… yet wunna continue to rub sholders wid he.

  45. Peter Wickham is a peddler and broker of political influence so his recent stance on his good ‘friend’ Sinckler is not surprising.

    Busy now trying to make Donville into an alternative to Stuart. Stupse, anybody does still pay attention to Wickham tho?

  46. more like a meddler… his claim to fame would be ” ,,, his mischievious and meddlesome poll…which was to sway public.opinion in favour of the BLP, hi peter still eating pmpkin. i wondr if he could pull that tric off in 2018… nuh, too dumb ….

  47. Bushie at work

  48. Well Well. | October 17, 2013 at 8:16 PM |
    Appears no one on BU has seen the photo of a naked Chris Sinckler running past the Parliament Building on Broad Street, it’s been all over the internet from morning…..lol”
    You gotta be kidding. Do we really want to see that? Not!

    Maybe he can do it by proxy…pay a young nubile lass to do it… at least that would give some relief , as we aint getting none on the tax side.

  49. @ C4”Busy now trying to make Donville into an alternative to Stuart. ”
    Have you paid attenshun? De buoy at de back, listen tuh me, yuh pay attenshun?

    You ent see dat Donville been in de news every two weeks, buh, Stuart ent say nutting ceptin when he appear afore de elexshun (like new de bye-elexshun due)?

    You is shuppid or what boay?

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