Submitted by Pachamama

Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive(Sir) Walter Scott

President Barack Obama seeking the approval of Congress to strike Syria.
President Barack Obama seeks approval of Congress to strike Syria

Even in the face of clear evidence that the Syrian government had nothing to do with the alleged use of chemical weapons (CW) in Ghouta around the 21th August 2013, the war party advances. Indeed, the evidence now points clearly at the Western backed, Takfiri, Al-Qaeda, heart eating, hand chopping, head severing terrorists supported by America and her allies that include Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Israel, UAE, France, UK and Qatar. Terrorists, who used CW in Syria 14 separate times, some of whom were caught with CW in Turkey, were responsible for the CW attack in Aleppo where 28 died and who have projected themselves on an endless number of YouTube videos testing chemical weapons. The feign moral pretense by John Kerry, Barrack Obama and their acolytes must be accompanied by a massive propaganda war to hide the lack of morality or truth in their pack of lies. The United States and its allies are indeed the ones who most often used CW or supplied them to belligerents in times of war and peace. Indeed, the USA has vast stockpiles of all kinds of chemical, biological, conventional and nuclear weapons waiting to be used on humanity. Not even Gorbachev could persuade the American to destroy its nuclear weapons.  And whereas, there were many times in the recent past where chemical and other banned weapons were use by America, Israel and other belligerents supported by the West. And whereas, the United States of America has, from its establishment, used false flag operations or ‘national security events’ as reasons for engagement in foreign wars in order to achieve political objectives or even change political calculations at home. And whereas, the determination by Obama and the military-industrial-security apparatus is just another bald-faced lie by this administration, to pimp Obama out as a war criminal to achieve corporate objectives, we must conclude that this here war is premeditated.

During the early 1930’s Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich rose to power in Germany. The forces at work in this circumstance were not dissimilar to the powers that are driving this irrational thrust into World War 3. We have previously, like Naomi Wolf and others, compared the USA post 9/11 to the rise of Hitler’s Germany. Though no two historical moments are ever precisely the same, the naysayers bring up all kinds of tangential points as to deflect from our central determination. They say that Hitler killed 6 million Jewish people while totally relegating the up to 70 million that died in WW11. Of these nearly 30 million were from the USSR. Well, today the United States of America through its proxies in eastern Congo, alone, has supplied weapons that have killed between 4.5 and 6 million people since 1995. But of course, these are Black people, so nobody is expected to make the critical connection even on numerical significance. The naysayers have an entrenched belief that somehow we are in some enlightened or modern era and that human depravity, as expressed by the wickedly great Adolf Hitler, could not be applied to the humans of 2013. But these very expressions are being exhibited by the ‘modern’ western ‘civilization, in some ways we are worse, much worse.

Although IBM, Ford and others supplied the Nazis with war materiel, intelligence and technological knowhow, Hitler lacked a generalized global information supremacy which Barack Obama now has. It was his information Czar, Goebbels, who said, similarly to the ‘banksters’ of an earlier period, ‘I care not about the politics, give me control of the media and I will determine what the people think’. Obama knows this well. At the beginning of the push to war escalation less than 10 percent of Americans were in favour. Less than 10 percent of Europeans were in favour. In the last 4 or 5 days we have seen the work of Goebbels in 2013 America. A work that undergirds the ‘modern’ public relations/advertizing industry and originally theorized by Edward Bernays, the cousin of the Sigmund Freud, and latter Walter Lippmann, changed the perceptions of the American people to an acceptance of the involvement in far off  wars, especially World War 1, women smoking, ‘women liberation’ etc.  The number of Americans who now perceive a war with Syria as a good thing has increased dramatically to nearly 30 percent in just 4 or 5 days. Not even Goebbels was so proficient. Of course the Nazis did not have satellites, they did not have a rampant NSA, they did not have a globalized eavesdropping network that dominates all communications and they certainly did not have more than 10,000 thermal nuclear weapons able to destroy all life on earth many times over. Obama and the West are many time more dangerous than Adolf Hitler ever could have been. But this will not persuade their followers from supporting their acts of war, including illegal threats to sovereign states.

The blatant invasions of world countries by Hitler are only surpassed by the continuous assaults by the American Empire on what was once seen as the sanctity of national sovereignty. There are some who, in defending Adolf Hitler, have argued that Germany was ‘unfaired’ after World War 1 by an ‘international community’ that took its colonies in Africa and other demands for war reparations etc. Today, it is Obama and Bush who have extended Empire to Africa with Africom – the African military command. They contend that certain Jewish figures in the global banking establishment conspired against Germany. Today, these very interests have declared war on the world and are seeking to consolidate all resources into fewer and fewer hands.  Before World War 2 Germany invaded Slovakia (1939), Lithuania (1939), Czechoslovakia (1939), Sudetenland (1938) and Austria (1938). During the World War Two, Hitler invaded Poland, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, France, The Channel Islands, Greece, Yugoslavia, the USSR and Egypt. In the last hundred years the American Empire has invaded countries in the Western Hemisphere more than 100 times, all told. But this is to them ‘old fashion wars’, for the global war as declared by Empire is constantly at work against all countries. Whether it be eavesdropping, trade wars, space wars, secret wars or the old fashion hot wars of conquest, Obama is worse than Hitler as the instrument for colonial domination of the world. Certainly, his irrational determination that the hot war in Syria is to be escalated is reminiscent of the acts by Hitler himself.

There are those of us who are quick to ignore the technological narrowing of the gap between actors as it relates to the ability to conduct hot warfare, or any kind of war, for that matter. There are some who would want to hold firm to a simplistic notion of a war theater while ignoring the ever changing tactical situation, they hold fast to a singularity of strategic vision. There are some whose judgments are colored by an emotionalism that just serves as cannon fodder for the propagandists. Less still have ever seen a war or even a shot fired in anger, but feel competent to make judgments as informed by mainstream media. Most have never seen the places where these wars of conquest are fought, they do not know the peoples, the wider culture and are guided by an inbreed thinking that regardless of the righteousness of the ‘other’, the English peoples of the world have some ‘God’ given right to the eternal domination, exploitation and eradication of other peoples. Years after and even when the truth is known we hear not about war reparations from the guilty belligerent. We, in the West, do not even want to recognize war crimes committed by America in Fallujah, for example, where depleted uranium (DU) weapons used by America has contamination the gene pool thus making generations for the 25000 years pay a price for America’s sins. But it is Obama and the current generation of war hawks and their supporters who would want to commit this future crime on the unborn of the Syrian Arab Republic. This thinking is just as culpable as that which came from the Hitlerian mind. It is a thinking which is indeed no better than that from the mind of the man who solemnly promised change but ends up being as brutal, as warlike, as Hitler himself.

We contend that any escalation in the Western sponsored war in Syria, as one of many scenarios, could see the manifestations of World War Three. That Obama and others could, on the basis of a pack of lies, be the chief cheerleader for this possible scenario tells us that hidden forces are speaking through him, that this was his intention from the beginning, that his office by its very nature can only be held by war criminals and that Obama has been assigned the duty of ending any resistance to Empire anywhere on the globe. On balance, America has been able to advance its cultural domination by telling a long series of lies in order to instigate wars, coups and other ‘unfriendly acts’. Whether it was the invasion of the Philippines, the Spanish-American War, the Gulf of Tonkin, the Iraq wars, the Grenada invasion, Lebanon, Haiti or Kosovo, the same game is played from the same play book of deception. Obama’s war of deception on Syria will fail, for this criminal act cannot be allowed to succeed. These tangled webs of deceit must be carefully unwoven if we are to find our better selves and assign all forms of warfare to the pages of history.

213 responses to “Obama’s America is Hitler’s Germany of 2013”

  1. The point to be made here and of course you will not see it ac is that it was years after that the US admitted to using CW in Vietnam. So you can lose your holier than thou attitude targeted at Putin. It is what countries do to press home geopolitical positions. The other point is that there is no proof which the US has put in the public domain that exposes Assad. The script is playing out just like Iraq and it is why many are distrustful of the US, including its staunchest ally as represented by the vote in the UK parliament.

  2. Pacha

    Haiti. Arming the opposition and banning the elected president from ever returning must count for something. Further, the US’s actions just following the earthquake are suspicious enough to have the event counted as a bombing

  3. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ David | September 6, 2013 at 9:21 PM |
    “Why would Obama refer to Putin as a jackass unless he was deliberately being provocative?”

    We might just see this as light comedy entertainment but beneath the surface are a few egos of megalomaniac proportions.
    Men in the past are known to wage war for far less than what is at stake here solely in the interest of satisfying their thirst for ultimate power. These leaders see the world as their big chess board and war is the ultimate move with the ordinary man just pawns in the game. I am sure keen students of World History would agree.

    Some other World leader with a level head needs to step up to the plate and part these two ego-driven men. This is not a true sparring of the eagle versus the bear.
    As it stands Obama seems to be on the ropes and has little leeway to inveigle his way out of the war corner he has boxed himself into. Putin has been insulted and with his macho oversized ego would carry this fight to the end to make Obama look lie a real “jackass”.
    We shall see how it is eventually played out.

    Maybe they can take a cue from the peace offering and olive branch Edmund Hinkson is holding out to George “Pain-in-the-ass” Payne.

    War is not an option at this stage if Barbados is NOT to succumb to the coming economic storm.

  4. The world is divided o this matter and some on BU would like to dismiss dissenting views. It is not a black or white matter. Hell even the Caribbean government are against military intervention.

    G20 Syria divide: World’s largest nations speak out against US-led strike

  5. @Miller

    Agree with your last comment and even if Obama were to get the approval of his congress, to wage a battle which swims against half of the world’s opinion explains why anti American sentiment will continue to incubate.

  6. Unfortunately the physchological warfre with “Iraq” aftermath because of the half truths that got the UN into the war is being used as a “weapon” in the theatre of public opinion . however unlike Iraq the evidence is more astounding and more profund as the pubic can see andwitness evidence relevant to CW on the victims. reviving past unfotrunate and digusting war crimes is not an excuse and answer of letting this situation go unattended as it continues to fester uncontrollably.

  7. @ac

    Let us make this 1 2 3 (A B C) so that you are able to follow. Seeing the victims (and we are all sorry about what has happened) does NOT make a case for who is responsible. Do you get it? If the US has incontrovertible evidence that Assad is responsible let them produce it.

  8. @David
    Why would Obama refer to Putin as a jackass unless he was deliberately being provocative?
    This is what happens when you follow slavishly follow Internet postings and are unable to provide context or separate satire from real news. The above is a farcical article something similar to what The Onion would publish but hey if Obama is a bad guy then it follows that he would say something provocative and undiplomatic to a leader from whom he is trying to coax into some kind of cooperative approach over Syria.

    The first casualty of war is truth and this has been demonstrated in many of the ramblings starting from the title, I am not in favour of limited air strikes over Syria as I don’t think that it will accomplish much except to make Assad somewhat of a sympathetic figure to many in the Islamic world.
    Please carry on with the propaganda.

  9. Hal,
    I think I once gave you this piece of advice that I have given to many over the years.

    Don’t argue with fools, they’ll only drag you down to their level.

    Enjoy your seminar in jovial company and have a glass or two and some good food, forget all the backward nonsense.

  10. With an unwarranted war coupled with tanking economies, guess who will suffer the most, it will certainly not be anyone in congress, house of representatives or the white house,, be careful for what you ask, you may just get it.

  11. O.K. david lets disregard eye witmness accounts. then should people also disregard al the evidence that Russia presented to the UN in july showing that the use of CW was dispensed as far back as Mar.even if one should disregard any thing else the facts supporting CW in Syria is one in which Russia and US agrees.


    Putin wants his cake and eat it too. The black boy Obama in his face says no but yes called him a jackass “in his face”.

  13. @ Sid

    Thanks. It is easy to hide behind a mask and talk nonsense. But we must challenge fools.

  14. It’s a waste of time Hal, there is no known cure for the disease from which fools suffer. It’s a life long affliction.

  15. Regardless of our opinions, what we think or know as fact, there will likely be war in Syria. If not now, further down the road. Russia China, certainly China won’t turn its back on the Middle East. Russia sells Syria artillery, wants money for it and needs it. The Middle East is China’s ONLY source of import oil. The Middle East is important to China, extremely. Obama in the United States however has proved himself intrepid, willing to fight [if] the United States Congress approves. Attacking a sovereign state without United Nations approval is a violation of international law. Mass murdering through the use of chemical weapons is also a violation of international law. China is concerned only with getting its hand on that oil, has to have that oil. Russia, the main menace in the mix insist on blocking the United Nations Council resolution against Syria but will to support Syria in a show down war. Russia wants its cake and eat it too. Russia is embarrassing itself also the Pachmana (poster), David (Blog Master/Barbados Underground) too, “ac tell us about agent orange”. David (blog master/Barbados Underground), tell us about Hitler gas chambers that killed millions of Jews? Tell us about the Syrian nerve gas?

    Chemical warfafe has a long and dark history involving many countries.
    Agree with Chris Floyd, the use of chemical weapons – or even the alleged use of chemical weapons is the most heinous crime that can be used by government.

  16. Russia cares nothing about the use of chemical weapons in Syria. Russia sells Syria artillery, wants that money and needs it; China also cares nothing about the use of chemical weapons because it needs that oil, has to have it. Unlike Godaffi in Libya, Assad in Syria has strong allies. The music of stockpiling and using chemical weapons in Syria won’t stop without forced military intervention involving the United States and its allies. The United Nations may intervene. The United States I think will indeed intervene.

  17. Assad is not doing a good job hiding his guilt, did not cover his tracks good enough either.

  18. @Baf

    You must be enjoying the semi, #9 punching above his level.


    Britain, France slaps the hand of Russia and China for supporting Assad, also the Germans.

  20. David
    The UK Parliament is erring on the side of caution.Tony Blair(A good PM misled by a bad US Vice President who also misled a brainless US President,but who had to bully a US Secretary of State to go before the UN to mislead the world)went on National TV and then repeated in Parliament that
    SH had WMD which could reach the UK in 45 minutes and thus got the support of a majority of the Commons(many but not enough dissented).The UK decided they will not be misled again,in addition they have horrible memories of the Iraq war both in the number of casualties and in the poor uncivilised behaviour of some of their troops.
    One other very important point to bear in mind is that the only Russian Military Base on foreign soil is to be found in Syria.

  21. @Gabriel Tackle

    That may will be so but it is still one big farce when the US would seek to justify its actions to enforce the accord which bans the use of CW but ignore the UN which was established to guide actions of this kind.

  22. The fact that Russia has only one foreign port, in Syria and consistently getting in the way of the United Nations Security Council attempting to resolve the matter should be seriously considered. The United States is doing just that. It is seriously considering forced military action due to FACT that Russia is consisently getting in the way.

  23. David
    Just read your post.The UN’s report should be the determining factor.I heard a BBC programme today in which the interviewee contends that the evidence points to the Assad involvement.There is too much posturing in this matter.
    We await the UN teams’ findings.

  24. There is no one language called Chinese and that’s why you will see 80 year old people trying to learn a different dialect and why English is the most used vehicle for communicating amongst Chinese.

  25. @ David

    I do most of my talking on

    4:00pm today will be the highlight of the year 🙂

  26. Yeap political pressure has begun to weighed down the political tyrannt. even wih a “stolen ” proposal by Russia foreign minister the odds of ass-ad accepting is nil as these proposals would come with necessary remedies one of which would included those who did the attack to be brought before the ICC for prosecution however the bets are that Assad would not approve

  27. @ac

    Do you mean that Obama has been given a lifeline to save face?


    No, No David (Blog Master/Barbados Underground), Syria has given in to save face and save Putin embarrassment.

  29. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ LOOK | September 10, 2013 at 11:11 AM |

    That is one view of the situation. Why not consider another view that Obama was being set up for impeachment but he smelled the rat and decided to put the ball in Congress’s court.
    Had Obama gone to war without Congress’s approval he would have been opening up himself for serious reprimand and the anti-Obama factions in both parties and in both Houses would have smelled the blood of a lame-duck president of a man to lynch politically (as in the old days).

  30. @Miller

    That is indeed a view which has strong currency. In fact he was warned that if one American boot was put on the ground a hostile Congress would do the rest.

  31. David u really can,t be serious. that idea came from John Kerry . tossed out their and now Russia has seized the opportunity which Obama ad kerry knows that the beligerant tyrrant would not accept given the consequences iof him being handed over to the public. Man obama is the captain of this ship .not Russia or China .he is the one throwing not taking. the lifelines.

  32. @ac

    The US position last time we checked was that it wanted the approval of Congress and the Senate to strike Syria BECAUSE it has crossed some red line by contravening an accord. The solution to place CWs in the hands of international has not changed the fact ACCORDING to the USA that Syria crossed a redline. The position is illogical now taken is a bailout for the US because the so called proof that it has that Syria gassed its people remains outstanding.

  33. @ Miller

    You’re an idiot. Obama is president of the United States and a lawyer.

    George Bush commenced the Iraq war without approval of the United Nations, but the United States Congress approved it; this is the ONLY reason George Bush could remain president and did. Obama could have chanced striking Syria without the United Nations approval and survived. He, however, would not have survived striking Syria without the United States congress approving it and knew it. He also knew that Assad is not innocent. What’s now so amazing is that some of those members in congress up until now have fought to block almost everything he put before them. They are the very ones supporting him to strike Syria. What makes the dessert taste even better is FACT the Assad is agreeing to surrender his chemical weapons. Obama now looks good in the mirror, a lot better than that jackass Putin.

  34. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ LOOK | September 10, 2013 at 11:49 AM |

    Why don’t you “LOOK” into your mirror and see who is the real idiot?
    Aren’t you arguing the same thing as I when you write:
    “He, however, would not have survived striking Syria without the United States congress approving it and knew it.”

    Sort your thoughts out before putting your mouth in gear, Lookie the Smartass.


    It was United States Representative John Kerry’ s idea NOT Russia requesting Syria to surrender chemical weapons. Kerry’s idea, forcing Syria to surrender chemical weapons even excited former Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

  36. @ Miller

    You like your God Owen Arthur have an identical ailment, Alzheimers Disease. You like Arthur should be put under watch by Jerome Walcott. What I stated above @11:49AM, I stated the same on another Barbados Underground Blog: Obama – The Case for War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity.

  37. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ LOOK | September 10, 2013 at 12:03 PM |

    You should not be so, should we say, arrantly assertive when it comes to knowing the real reasons behind decisions taken by superpowers in their hegemonic quest for geopolitical one-upmanship. Your black or white analysis of the situation does not cut it.

    Do you know whether Obama and Putin are on the phone daily to each other and are fully cognizant of the ramifications of a full-blown war in the ME? Hence the deal to make Syria surrender its CW’s as the first step to a resolution to the Syrian problem.

    The question to you is: what would Obama do if Assad continues to slaughter the Syrian people?
    Don’t you think that all like now Obama is negotiating with Putin for a safe passage for Assad to leave Syria and allow an interim government under UN supervision and the League of Arab Nations to take charge?

    Would you consider idea of America and the UK taking a back seat and allow Syria’s former colonial master France and Saudi Arabia to carry the fight to Syria.

    Have you noticed how China has gone all silent here of late?
    Have also noticed that Iran has toned down the rhetoric of Armageddon if America attacks?

  38. @Miller

    It is obvious there is some serious backdoor negotiations taking place.

  39. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ LOOK | September 10, 2013 at 12:20 PM |

    I was of the impression you thought MIA was my God(dess ).
    I am an anunnaki. We have no gods but ourselves.
    Check with yours and see if he can help out your friend Lowe down in the dumps.
    Or maybe you could ask Jerome W who is a surgeon to work on him for the sake of the healing of the nation.

  40. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ David | September 10, 2013 at 12:29 PM |

    And that is the way it should be if we are to avoid all out war in the ME that could easily escalate into a world war should Israel and Iran get involved.
    A war little countries like Bim could certainly do without; especially at this time.

  41. What ac and others need to appreciate is why would a Superpower back off a light weight country by exploring a diplomatic solution.

  42. @ Miller

    An Anunnaki! Now I understand. You don’t have a brain and believe you are what you’re not. Why don’t you walk along with Dorothy, The Tin Man, the Scarecrow and the lion. Maybe the wizard could give you a brain.

  43. Wait David why u think congress and the house was in closed door session yesterday. really if this proposal was taken seriously by President Obama they wouldn.t have been any more extended debate . tonight one step more is when Obama adress the american people . u think Obama is sleeping as a matter of fact such proposals were given to Asaad before and he decline. Now Russia is trying to give ass-ad one more bite at the apple

  44. @ac

    Obama is a figurehead.

  45. Meaning he has to do the bidding for themiltary industrial complex. however he is also a human being and knows right from wrong and is justifiably and morally correct in holding as-ad accountable

  46. @ ac….
    Is this the same moral human being who is killing innocent people with drone strikes on Pakistan?…….Who has increased the number of strikes since coming into office?

  47. Just waiting to see if Congress going to let Putin dictate american foreign policy. as of now the weak kneed British govt has succumbbed to the physchological warfare. ac just lookin and waiting to see if america congress going to succumbed only this time to the Russian dictates of Putin making america the buttof jokes in the ME.

  48. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    LOOK | September 10, 2013 at 12:53 PM
    “An Anunnaki! Now I understand.”

    Lookie here, Brains, could you let BU know who or what is an “Anunnaki” since you claim to understand. Forget about the miller and deal with the question, Looking Glass, as you pretend to be Alice in Wonderland (LOL!!).

  49. @rastafari ………..i wonder why ? for every action there is/a reaction ……….911………

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