Mia Mottley, Leader of the Opposition
Mia Mottley, Leader of the Opposition

Now that Minister of Agriculture David Estwick has been sworn in the political pundits will wait for The Estimates Debate to continue with the speculation. Unfortunately for the Stuart led government the slim 2-seat majority will continue to exert the weight of public scrutiny. Not sure if the public will ever achieve a comfort level in the current circumstances. This is a new political path for Barbados.

During all the post-general election debate the leadership transition from Arthur to Mottley – the heir apparent in the eyes of many – has avoided deeper discussion. This is the second bite of the cherry for Mottley since her removal by Payne, Marshall, Toppin, Clarke and Duguid – the so-called Gang of 5 – which paved the way for the return of Owen Arthur. The result of the 21 February 2012 is now history, it saw the defeat of Arthur and the BLP.

BU had hoped in the wake of all that has happened the disaffected members of the ‘Gang of 5” would have rallied behind Mottley, and in the process send a message to the world that old wounds were in an advanced state of healing. Unfortunately for Mottley the report of an 8 to 5 vote exposes a deep division within the BLP parliamentary group. And yes members of the group are entitled to vote conscience even though in the highest chamber of the land the idea of doing similarly is dispensed with.

Mia Mottley's second swearing in as Opposition Leader
Mia Mottley’s second swearing in as Opposition Leader

It was interesting also the position taken by Arthur to absent himself from the process of selecting the opposition leader. As a BLP member of parliament his participation was demanded. Even more so because of what he is on record as saying about Mottley’s leadership in a UWI interview after his other general election defeat in 2008. Does anyone buy the explanation offered by Arthur that he did not want to be a drag on the discussion to select the new leader of the BLP? By this single act he wedged the dagger a little deeper than it was lodged in 2008. Here was the perfect opportunity for Arthur and Mottley to show that the party was ready to shatter all doubts about the leadership of the party. What is to stop those Barbadians from believing that there is some angst still being shown by Arthur, and co, at the prospect of Mottley leading the BLP? What is it Arthur and co are not telling the public by their vote?

To some it seems that there is a bloc within the BLP parliamentary group who have sworn a pact to do all in their power to pervert Mottley from the path of ever becoming prime minister of Barbados. If there is a compelling reason by those in the BLP concerning Mottley becoming prime minister, the time has come to take the public into its confidence? If they don’t it will become a protracted issue which will have to be addressed the next time a general election is called. Why force Mottley to have to carry the spectre cast by this matter like an albatross on her back for the next five years? And to intensify the distrust enter Kerri Symmonds stage left.

Owen Arthur cannot regard the last parliament as poorakey and this time around suggests that he intends to fully participate.  The personnel is the same on the government side! His position reeks of hypocrisy. Perhaps the recent defeat has caused him to recant. We continue to navigate an interesting period in the political landscape of Barbados.

Mottley will have to demonstrate she has what it takes to lead the BLP into the next general election.

  1. Pacha

    Are you referring to a vaginal pun or a virginal pun …

  2. How about AX.c her final response was pathetic.assuming that not evry decision is going to make everyone happy. herstatement called for letting the status quo remain in place therby having to endure more years of the same erratic behaviour at AX. like i say she has a complex of wanting to please. a bad sign

  3. Georgie Porgie Avatar

    RE Hants | March 5, 2013 at 9:00 AM |
    @ ac wrote, “MIIA Likable”

    you can’t spell? you left out the “c”


  4. Georgie Porgie Avatar

    RE BAFBFP | March 5, 2013 at 11:15 AM |

    Are you referring to a vaginal pun or a virginal pun …

  5. Georgie I never hear nah Indian commentator talk ’bout bulling a wide or nuttin’ so .. you go’ a bias … HA HA HA

  6. Georgie Porgie Avatar

    This is a thought-provoking, one minute clip. Full of wisdom. It’s not a joke, it’s not religious, and it’s not political. It’s just . . . special. I think you’ll agree.

  7. ac; Typical and absolute illogic! Mia was the Opposition leader when she started the exposures on CLICO and called for a Judicial committee to be set up. OSA took over the Opposition leadership after that. What did you expect her to be able to do in her new position? How unfair can you get? But I forget, such illogic and crooked thinking is par for the course for you.

  8. Georgie Porgie Avatar


  9. GP; Very nice and thought provoking. Wish that some of the posters would read it and use the insight gained to modify their violent words against the other side. After all only 2 seats separated the sides.

  10. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ dercris | March 5, 2013 at 10:39 AM |
    “But the truly horrendous big beast in the room is the astronomical production of debt since 2008/09. We are currently in external debt to the sad-tune of approx $9 BILLION. It wasn’t even 1Billion in 2003 . And further how much have we borrowed from the NIS?”

    If these figures are correct then it is frighteningly scary with serious implications for the country’s fiscal viability and protection of the currency peg. Where would the money come from to service this high debt far less repay the capital?
    Did you get this information from the website of the BES? If not, where did you find it?

  11. @ BAF
    You better be careful. You gine get in trouble with your ‘colleague’. We would not know. We’ll have to be informed on these matters.

  12. David (not BU) Avatar

    to attempt to answer your question David, i will put this to you.

    OSA’s assistant before the last election is today MAM’s assistant. the same person.

    after MAM became leader of the BLP, the DLP went after Toppin in a big way to get him to cross the floor because for some reason they saw him as the weakest link. he turned them down and punish DEM with laughter.

    while MAM may not have gotten all 14 votes (i don’t know who get all the votes if that is what they are looking for), she got a enough to become leader.

    MAM is going about heeling the party and so far she is doing an excellence job at it. Proof of this would be the two examples listed above.

    this is her second bite and she clearly has learn from the first which tells me she has what it takes to be a leader, time will tell if she is a good one.

    this must scare the crap out of the DLP given the fact that who know what is happening on the DLP.

  13. I have no problems with divisions of loyalty amongst parliamentary party teams. Yes it is a new dispensation for party members to be so publicly disunited in parliament; However, the intent of parliament is to be the representative of a constituency, and less about party loyalty. So I welcome this new arrangement. May the Leaders in parliament truly realized that although seen and titled as first, they are nevertheless equal to other members of parliament, and must so be guided. I don’t care if you are the prime minister or the LOTO no one person runs this country; I’ve seen that attitude and understanding from Fruendel in the last two years as PM; I expect Mia Mottley to be guided by the 8-5 vote that resulted in her position. Every parliamentarian counts and as a consequence every constituency now counts.

  14. MAM main challenge is not the DLP, it is within the BLP ; she is repeating the mistakes of 2010. Unfortunately , MAM doesnot understand the workings of the BLP and why the BLP dislikes the MOTTLEYS. MAM is like in ST MICH NTH EAST but not in the majority of the ridings of the BLP.

  15. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    All does talk bare pupe …….shoite den….one Mia = 100,000 Mr. Hardins anyday…..how long all ya this Capone travesity gine last anyway?….I give them 6 months.

  16. Why are the gang of 5 MPs plus Symmonds plus Arthur so anti-MAM? Is it philosophical, a competence issue? What?

  17. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    Like Essie din last as long as a snow ball….what D rasta …LOL…he cudda really hush he throat….What a bag of bag of sand pipers… evaone….not worthy of the paper’ it ‘smears on…laughable…lead them Boss…..Jesse Oh Jesse…. Django what ….whaloss!

  18. here we go again, they will last longer than a rotten onion

  19. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    Voting is our given right,
    which men have died to keep.
    Voting shows our peoples might,
    so our country won’t get into deep.

    But there are those who never vote,
    and constantly seem to complain.
    Patriotism they don’t promote,
    and their rights they choose to abstain.

    Every vote does really count,
    to let our officials know.
    For their actions they must account,
    or their ratings will never grow.

    So come next election time,
    go cast your vote with pride.
    Voting doesn’t cost a dime,
    plus the out come you help decide.

    Bernard Howe

  20. Chavez Dead!! More problems for the entire region

  21. @Polly
    Give them 8 mnths before hot water

    I agree if you are referring to the shaky collection of opportunists called the opposition. You really think that George Payne and Dale Marshall after plotting with Arthur a few years ago to successfully get rid of Mottley, after declaring on national radio gleefully that they “have lost confidence in her” , after promoting Dale “Shallow Draught” Marshall as the heir will sit and allow Mottley to call shots for 5 years.
    Conversely,The Mottley supporters like Debbie Hughes and others have not forgotten when Arthur dropped all of them from the statutory boards. They now have been given a second chance and will try every method to flex their muscles. The BLP is as divided as it ever has been.

  22. !

    yah got them by their balls man.

  23. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    Like Essie had dem right !

  24. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    Is 16- 14 man…..one fall out and wanna up shoite creek….whaloss…some tiny balls …to the point..LOL

  25. @Onions
    You need to go and sit quietly in a corner. I would listen to political advice and strategy from Ninja Man before I take you seriously. You have been weighed in the balance and found wanting.

  26. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    @ !

    Hush do…this 2013 Elections was a pollster’s worse nightmare. Esp wid nuff blienzas and containers of C-U-L tings blingin…LOL…You so need to get a grip…

  27. onion have read,

    Watching | March 5, 2013 at 7:36 PM |
    Owen tried his best to appear impish and relaxed at the swearing in ceremony. He failed miserably. Standing next to George Pain who look vex and cruel as ass we know Owen could not be pleased.

    The man call for elections for over a year, he predicted a landslide for the Bees which he revised after Wickham’s wobble – factual -poll the one that had the Dems closing fast. He then said he would accept a 17/13 Bees win. Then he said he would be surprised if the the BLP lost. You could cut Owen’s arrogance and over confidence with a knife. Would you believe the man lost the whole thing including the opposition leadership to his nemesis MIA. No Owen you not fooling anyone with “my life is wonderful story.” You must be hurting bad old chap.

  28. Hugo … I luvs yah … My Socialist brother. Your detractors will try to paint a picture that you used the poor as a pawn to gain prominence and ruin the wealthy. They may even want to throw in economic indicators and emigration figures to give the impression that you were running with high inflation and subsidized programs to facilitate favours to the loyal and discomfort for the wealthier classes, but I am of the impression that you took over a very corrupted environment and turned it on the culprits.

    REST IN PEACE my Brother …!

  29. @ BAF
    Baffy boy, life is real unfair. Imagine scoundrels like Carson C Cadogan could be alive tonight and decent men like THE GREAT HUGO CHAVEZ could be dead. We would prefer an ailing Chavez on his death bed than 40 billion Carson C Cadogans on horseback. Further, if we had a choice between life and death for Chavez, on the one hand, and ALL other world leaders, on the other. All the other world leaders will have to face death for the life of the Great Hugo Chavez. LONG MAY HIS MEMORY LIFE IN OUR HEARTS

  30. This Post is the biggest piece of post election nonsense written so far.
    What Gang of 5 ?
    Stop trying to deal with things that you know nothing about.
    You do not know the real situation so just Shut to Crap Up===Please do !
    you monley handling Gun !

  31. poor onions

    still in wonderland, unable to comprehend how the dlp won the elections despite the major media house and the plethora of shoite that was written on saturdays and sundays by the politcal pundits against this administration.

    remember that only one person has to withdraw support for mai and u i shit street. That is she would only have support of 7 inculding her self. hope u got the drift.

  32. @Just

    BLP 29
    independent 1

    what was that u were writing, is it doo doo

    Just asking

  33. What has been happening in St.Kitts and Nevis and is about to happen shows how governments with slim majorities have to govern on the edge. The same applies to the Opposition.

  34. The only two answering the question are Dercris and Miller.

    The rest have all gone down the road of gossip, innuendo and nastiness.

    Thankfully, that will not change the reality that Mia has more abaility, more popularity than ANYONE in Parliament.

    Remember, the PM himself had to switch about constituencies to win a seat and even then was not first successful.

    Sinckler as MOF and you ask does Mia have waht it takes????


    Then a load of obtuse, ridiculous replies.

    No one had a problem with sweet sweet Cammie calling so many shots in BIm. The godfather of today’s candidature in the DLP.

    One must admit, he was brilliant, and that is why.

    Mia just as bright, dedicated and hard working.

    Go suck salt with all the nastiness and innuendo.

  35. beyond a shadow of a doubt mia is bright !and of good intelletct but does she have the intestinal fortitude of being able to transform her vision to those who opossed her within her party .

  36. @Ac

    bright does not mean that u r a good leader. The ability to regergitate is different from concepualising and implementing. I will wait and see, but nothing she has done when she was a minister impressed me.

  37. @Vrusoe

    mia had to switch constuency as well, didnt she::? Just asking

  38. A leader emerges and to guess if MAM is a leader is premature. She was tested before and was outwitted, let us see how she measures up.BU’s position remains, Arthur and the so called gang of five can do a lot to not distract her. Next general election Arthur will be closed to 70, so too Payne. What Arthur what!?!

  39. one thing that resonates in my mind that tells me is that she can be manipulated is the pm relating on the campaign trail how the blp members were no show or partial shows in parliament during the past four years,on mottley he said that when she was leader of the blp she showed up daily , however when that title was taken away she came on times that would serve her interest, not a sign of a good leader .

  40. @David

    morning, i am enquiring if i can get royalty for my use of the patented words gang of five,

    As it is ofeten said, a leader is not born, but emerges out of a situation, therefore this is an opportune time for mia to show if she is a leader. sh will have to manage the conflict that will raise its head from time to time. There will always be conflict as people personalites and exspectaons are not the same.,

  41. Age doesn’t matter Its is Arthur influence that carries the Sway inside and outside the Party, An ace that MIA does not have

  42. @ac

    You need to understand the circumstances which saw the return of Arthur. It was NOT Arthur it was the ‘others’ who brought him back. Arthur could not have retaken the party withOUT the support of his arch-enemy Paynes. Do you think Arthur was able to persuade him?

  43. Fractured BLP Avatar

    The current leader of the BLP will always be hampered by demons that she inherited from birth and were crystallised by the very name she bears.

    For example , one can easily search the appropiate sources to learn that the name – MIA (really means Must Insert Anything = MIA)

    This individual by her actions and mouthings has tried ferverently to live up to her name.

    Why should we blame her for such ? Why should Owen Artthur continue to publicly ridicule her such ? Why does Miller and other BLPites on BU try to deny this reality ?

    Come on guys……let us watch MIA take her ‘second bite of the cherry’ according to David of BU fame.

  44. @Fractured….repeated innuendo and nasty comments dont change the fact the she is more popular than the DLP all put together. Even Mara comparatively lost votes in every box, compared to last election. The PM hiumself won against someone who is extremely unpopular in the constituency, no big deal Deal with that!

    @ David ”She was tested before and was outwitted”

    I am not sur outwitted is the correct term. Conniving and a decrepit plan for Marshall to succeed Arhur, with the little man with the hat in charge.

    Mia is what I would call a nationalist, the others that connived are more concerned with their share of the pie, in my opinion.

    Therefore, guess who I support?

  45. Just looking on. Avatar
    Just looking on.

    @ miller
    I did not realise your powers of comprehension were so poor . Where in anything written BY ME have I made any reference to Miss Mottley ? I have addressed all of my comments TO YOU and your nastiness . DEAL WITH THAT.

  46. Fractured BLP Avatar

    On the issues of policy and governace of public affairs MAM has proven herself to be very weak to the extent that she can be deemed a failure .

    For example, can anyone point to any successes she was able to achieve in EDUTECH ? ( Yet milllions $$$$ of taxpayer funds were expended on this bottomless pit)

    For example, can anyone point to any successes she was able to achieve in the INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION COURT ruling ? ( Yet millions $$$$ of taxpayer funds were expended on this bottomless pit)

    For example, can anyone point to any successes she was able to achieve in the GLENDIARY PRISON fiasco ? ( Yet millions $$$$ of taxpayer funds were expended to remedy a situation that could have been averted if the Minister at the time had listened )

    Little wonder then that in 2013…… 5 of her BLP Parliamentary colleagues have shown no FAITH in her leadership capabiliities !!!!!

    Barbadian electorate……taketh note !

  47. @Fracured and just looking on

    well said.

  48. old onion bags Avatar
    old onion bags

    @.To all the ‘still’ ranting DLP Cohorts

    Crusoe | March 6, 2013 at 4:50 AM

    Mia just as bright, dedicated and hard working.

    Go suck salt with all the nastiness and innuendo.
    All ya strategy is most clear…whoever is the BLP LEADER..attack eeeee!

    Shoite hounds all you….a sorrowful lot led by the Queen of Liar ac……

    We know the 116 victory not sweet …so you all have to extract whatever you could….. 16 -14 is going to be a mess and I will continue to rub it in…..I give you all 6 mths …..so you all better start copying Owen manifesto quix if you waana make it 8….LOL

    Like I said Victory will neva B sweet when you have to eat a Peking Duck wid some feathers still on ..take that for huffin and give thnks too….LOL

  49. Bushie is not a great fan of O$A, but he has done Barbados a great service by removing or at least delaying the disaster of MAM becoming prime minister of Barbados ….with Peter Wickham becoming the minister of family, polls and spiritual affairs….and a predictable set of females running state entities.

    For this alone, Freundel needs to ensure that Owen is knighted.

  50. The BLP mps compromised leader was Ronald Toppin to unite the party.
    RT has the broadbased support of BLP party, MAM doesnt. AC and TTP know that PM FT will make minced meat of MAM

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