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The Barbados Labour Party (BLP) is riding the CLICO Mess to go on the offensive. An indication of the political significance of the meeting is the fact that it will be held at the Haggatt Hall location (4/03/2012). This is the location which the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) used to lure thousand during the final days of the last general election to reveal information about the famous cheque for $75,000.

No one can deny, as many predicted, the CLICO noose is tightening around the necks of the DLP.  Political pundits continue to speculate how the DLP will toss this CLICO albatross from its back.

  1. Carson C.Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C.Cadogan

    I do hope that the crooked Barbados Labour Party dont forget to mention their role in the CLICO fiasco.

    They are very very fond of speaking half-truths. They also need to speak about the sizeable contribution they received from CLICO in 2003.

    I will be up front and center.

  2. This is the political diimension to the CLICO affair and as excpected the BLP will push it to its limit. But the B L P must go for the people who are still alive and who did nothing to save the hurt of the many thousands of people who now have nothng so far, Even though the heat has to be on the Thompsons, the fire must continue on the Dems and its leader who asserted that the CliCO debate should be punished with laughter, Who’s laughing now ? Who is laughing now when the Speaker of the House wanted to expel Mottley and Payne for daring to insist on their rights? And the DLP laughed and sneered when they shoulted put them out put them out! They cannot now pkead not guilty. This sordid mess wkas champoined by Mofttley and the BLP when some were accusing them of playing politics with it. I say the DEMS hae no shame and should I expect them to have ? NO . Thats how they have treated Fruendel, Thats how they have trated the people of Barbados . The B:P must press on for the good of the people . They must rescue rebuild restore the people of BIM to the high pinnacle which they once held . Think on these things

  3. Carson C.Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C.Cadogan

    Bear with me, but this is a reprint from another thread:-

    “Browne was then asked to explain a sizeable political contribution made to “the Barbados Labour Party’s campaign in 2003 for which he said he was acting on a directive from head office.

    “Directions may not have been in writing but we had directions, so we did in fact make political contributions out of cash, out of profit, not any inter-company transactions,” he said.””

    enuff & millertheanunnaki(May2012)

    What say you?

    I hope the crooked Barbados Labour Party mention all of this tonight, I will be there if life is spared.

    This “show & Half-Tell” tonight is going to be more fun than Bud & Lou and Laurel & Hardy all roll into one!!!!!!!!

    One wonders how “sizeable” this contribution was. I am sure it was larger than $75,000.00!!!!!

  4. @CCC
    This is not about campaign contributions , .This is about theiving and fraud. I suppose that the DEMS will get some contributions for the next elections. Deal with that!

  5. Carson C.Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C.Cadogan

    The Barbados Labour Party has no shame at all.

  6. I hope the f#ckin’ rain fall …

  7. NationBLPnewspaper Avatar

    One thjing for sure about the BLP liefest on Sunday evening, the BLP’S public relations firm commonly known as the Nation newspaper will be have extensive coverage.
    Pat Hoyos and Albert Branford are campaigning every Sunday with biased crap which is a disgrace to objective and informative journalism.
    The Nation’s standards continue to fall and fall and fall!
    We need responsible reporting on this CLICO matter not the Sh**e which is thrown at us by political cronies like Branford, Hoyos , Sanka Price and Mascoll.
    Let us hear from respectable persons about the corporate governane at the company and the role of the supervisor of insurance,etc.
    Mascoll’s role is to play politics – hence he is trying to diminish the importance of the Supervisor of Insurance because it would show that both he and Owen Arthur (1994 – 2008) were asleep at the wheel while this CLICO situation was ongoing.
    Sanka Price uses his “eff I wuz”, Question Time and Puddin and Souse articles on Saturday for straight all out attacks on the government.Sanka Price lambasted the government about its health care changes without acknowledging that the Barbados Government has been able to reduce government spending on drugs without compromising care which is something Barack Obama and the republicans in the USA are still fighting about.
    How can Patrick Hoyos still be employed at VOB as a “moderator” after his vicious one sided articles- the man has made his political preference clear and his family connections to the BLP are well known. But then again who owns VOB again – oh sorry- the Nation newspaper.
    Who was the head of the Senate under the BLP- Oh sorry, the past chairman of the Nation- you see the dots connecting folks!
    A word to the wise if you read the Nation, take the articles with a grain of salt . Remember the Nation’s role is not to give you the facts but to give you the BLP spin !

  8. Owen Athur never Rescue Barbados – Tell the BLP to stop telling the people of Barbados Lies!
    He never rescue Barbados- never,never,never!

  9. Arthur the tactician.

    Arthur announces that Mia Mottley will respond to the budget and not him.


  10. WAH wubba habba Owen ??
    OWEN hubba wubba ???
    WUNNA think Owen easy???
    WUNNA want sain wid Owen ???

  11. Owen Arthur is a joker- He had the audacity to say that in 2006 the Supervisor of Insurance told Parris not to sell the EFPA policies and Parris said to hell with that.
    Ladies and gentlemen – can anyone tell me who the supervisor of Insurance reported to in 2006?
    Answer – Owen Arthur, Minister Of Finance in 2006-
    Mr. Arthur thinks that the CLICO policy holders stupid or what. Arthur must take blame for what is happening at CLICO.
    He as a Minister Of Finance should have stepped in and Arthur did nothing.
    Heaven help us if we stupid “enuff” to vote for that incompetent joker again?

  12. Mia Mottley’s replying to a budget will be seen for what it is. Arthur is not as strong or as popular as some beleive. If not, he would never aquiesce to such.
    With such a weak and uninspiring field of BLP candidates, Arthur needs Mottley more than Mottley needs him and therefore he finds himself having to make such an overture.

    If Arthur was genuine and wanted to show his sincerity- He would have said “Ladies and gentleman- I am convinced that Mia Mottley is the best person after me to lead this party and I fully endorse her as my deputy and future Prime Minister”. He did not have the balls to do that!
    George Payne and Dale Marshall would have revolted.Mottley is well aware of Arthur’s stinking ways.
    Mottley will use the opportunity to continue to preach what she has been saying for the last 16 months.

    Nothing has changed and it is clear that Arthur will not and cannot think about winning this election without her despite all the talk about purging because the rest of the BLP field does not inspire any confidence at all.
    After all the song and dance, the BLP has nothing new to offer!

  13. Observing (please don't call me observer) Avatar
    Observing (please don’t call me observer)

    @david 10:22
    agreed. Kill four birds with one stone.

  14. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ I | March 4, 2012 at 10:32 PM |

    Can’t you be a bit more “level” in your analysis of the role of the Supervisor of Insurance (SoI) in relation to the Minister of Finance?

    A similar scenario played out under David Thompson. Parris himself displayed arrogance and divulged his dismissal of the SoI instructions by stepping over the head of the SoI and dealing with the Minister at the personal (unofficial) level. Same thing existed with PS Layne. Abject refusal to cooperate with the PS despite the paper tiger of an MoU. And all of this took place under David T watch.
    Fair enough, I!

  15. Power and the lust for political power knows no boundaries.

    Mia is not good enough to be leader of the opposition but she is suddenly going to reply to the most critical budget in the history of Barbados.

    Mia is a Lawyer and Owen is an ECONOMIST.

    Explain how this is brilliant David or do Bajans not deserve the best Economist in Barbados to reply to the budget.

  16. Random Thoughts Avatar
    Random Thoughts

    Sani-Pookie Parris???



  17. @Hants

    It is brilliant because it addresses the perception of a rift in the party between Mia and the party.

  18. I must say that if I was given a choice of being on the BLP ship and being on a DLP aircraft which is being flown on AUTOPILOT, I would much rather take my chances with the good ship BLP. After tonight CCC and the rest of the Dees only have roughly 10 more months (or less!) left in power. ONE TERM- NOT A DAY MORE!

  19. Hants-Explain how this is brilliant David or do Bajans not deserve the best Economist in Barbados to reply to the budget.

    my exact question Hants.
    Is this a cynical game Owen playing on Bajans.
    On CLICO this runway debacle ran the majority of its course under Owen and the BLP. The Dems reaping the whirlwind sowed by the BLP.
    As a nuetral there is a portion of blame on Thompson for not distancing himself from igrunt Parris.

    Despite that Parris and CLICO’s infelicities all occurred under the watch of the BLP. Bajans not as stupid as Owen and johnny come lately Muscle Mary think.

  20. Again there is that word perception.

    Like the Barrack matter Clico has blown up under the watch of the DLP.

    It is DLP’s mess to deal with now.

  21. Random Thoughts Avatar
    Random Thoughts

    Fine cool night, great turnout at the meeting. Parking lot st the former Julie’N full, most other parking in the area full, good quality sound system. Started about on time. Finished a mite after 11. Efficienly chaired (maybe the male Chairman could have said a littel lesss) Great speakers, short and sweet.

    Perfect election weather. Wish that the PM would call an election.

  22. @miller
    Owen Arthur himself is being very selective in his analysis of the CLICO situation. Anything that might point to his culpability as minister of Finance is being portrayed as secondary.
    Let us have all the facts but he must stop this foolishness. The politics of the situation is one thing but Arthur is blaming everyone except the Minsiter Of Finance from 1994 – 2008.

  23. Perhaps the story which will emerge in the coming days is the role of Mara Thompson.

    Whether she speaks now (doubt it) or on the election platform, what she has to say will be listened to very carefully.

  24. @Outlook | March 4, 2012 at 11:29 PM

    Bajans not as stupid as Owen and johnny come lately Muscle Mary think.
    If you are to be believed in that statement then can you tell me how in heaven’s name did “smart” Bajans end up with a party like the DEMs as government!

  25. Interesting that Kerrie was the penultimate speaker.

    His presentation got more stars than Dale.

    Interesting indeed.

  26. David (not BU) Avatar

    you know i really can’t take some of you all yardfowls.

    what Arthur said tonite about the SOI and the law is something that i will surely check up on but look at what happened and is still happening from 2008 to now with this Clico mess. is that Arthur’s mess too?

    Sani-Pookie and Thompson have more to answer for that Owen. what happened under Owen’s watch is something that he should of been voted of office for IF what he say is lies. what we are seeing with Parris and Thompson is stuff people go to jail for everyday.

  27. How come we never discussed Sinckler buying a car from Parris on BU?

    Maybe it passed in the wash.

    This big difference with the DLP BLP connection to CLICO is the sense that the relationship is incestuous as far as DLP Parris goes and this is how perceptions are formed by the public.

  28. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    To anyone who attended the meeting:

    Did any one of the speakers have the intestinal fortitude to call for the resignation of the then office manager who is now one of them sitting on the other side with the greater numbers?
    I was not there but I doubt very much these interlocking social networks would be dislocated. One broken link and the whole pyramid collapses.
    As BAF pointed out it’s all a pappy show with Tweedledum and Tweedledee.

  29. It is brilliant because it addresses the perception of a rift in the party between Mia and the party.

    You have got to be joking David.

    If Mia can forgive the abuse from Owen and the 5, call the Pope. saint Mia is with us?

  30. Carson. We all have a democratic right to support a political party of our choice, but don’t you realise that you are over doing it and making a total donkey of yourself with your political patriotism with the Governing party, or is it your ignorance based on your blindness regarding things that are happening around you. Come on my friend, check who is crooked. If Owen as an enemy received $75,000.00. Do tell us how much his friend would have received?

  31. @Hants

    You are reading this all wrong.

    A political relationship is not like a personal husband and wife relationship.

    Mia the political animal that she is has surveyed her options on the eve of a general election.

    Owen has maneuvered her into a position at the moment that she has to toe the line.

    The final piece of the puzzle is to strategize to get the public see a united BLP front.

    The BLP will be a united party going into the next elction/

  32. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    What a waste of time!!!!!!

    I didnt hear anything of importance.

  33. While you are coping with the political action in Barbados take time to monitor what is happening in the rest of the world.

    BLP, DLP, or PIMP there is a whole lot that is going to affect Barbados.

  34. Who will explain the gap between the time the young lawyers took over Thompson Associates and when the date of sale was recorded?

    Who was the person(s) running things especially as it relates to CLICO transactions?

  35. On the matter of perception- Bajans are not stupid. George Payne said that the BLP members of Parliament “have lost confidence in Mia Mottley” as he spoke when she was replaced as opposition leader.
    You are not good enough to lead the opposition but you will be put forward in that role to reply to a budget. The gullible will swallow that but intelligent educated Bajans will realise that this perception is meant to portray something that does not really exist – UNITY.
    Mottley does not want to feel like “an ordinary member” and Arthur needs Mottley. The BLP cannot win without Mia Mottley. We all know how Arthur, Payne , Marshall feel about Mottley – total disgust but they will pretend to get her on board.
    Bajans are not buying it and neither is Mottley because she cannot wait for an opportunity to get back at Payne , Marshall and that phony Mascoll.

  36. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Carson C. Cadogan | March 4, 2012 at 11:59 PM |

    Since you bottled some dew and attended, did anyone call for the resignation of the queen of St .John ?

  37. David wrote “The final piece of the puzzle is to strategize to get the public see a united BLP front.

    maybe you are right.

    Someone once wrote ” the masses are asses” and it wasn’t me.

  38. @hood

    smart bajans ended up with the Dems because they were unwilling to pay $22,000 to cut down a ackee tree limb.

    They were sick of losing $30million at a empty dump in the most scenic part of the country. They could’nt figure out when big mouth Dale Marshall declare the prison and the ABC costs if it was US$ or Bds$. One billion in overruns was killing the taxpayers.
    They voted the Bees out because Al Barrack a botcher we since learn could not even build a one room shingle house was awarded a contract to build skyscrapers. the BLP left the Dems to pay the same hum bug foreigner over $70million in taxpayers monies.

    Owen’s cronies were reaping big sweets. Ministers who were bouncing cheques a few years before were suddenly rich enough to buy plantations.The UDC was giviing away $10million under the BLP with no idea if it would be repaid. You want to me to go on hood , its time to sleep I’ll be back tomorrow to share more licks in you and the BLP||

  39. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Is this the best that the corrupt Barbados Labour Party has to offer?

  40. @miller

    There was a call for Mara to speak.

  41. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan


    You didnt miss a thing by not being there.

    And the answer to your question is no.

  42. In politics you have to understand tactics and strategy. When Owen says Mia will reply to the budget and will start off the response to Sinckler to the Estimates he is saying to all that the perception that she and Sinckler are in cahoots is falsle. He is saying to MIa Do your best you may have work for yourself. He may be saying to Mia I am shifting some of my men to other places, He is lining up a contest for the future of the two parties. He is sounding the deaf knell for the DLP Those DLP ites may hae to eat their wordsThink on these things

  43. The government will have to deal with the media and talk shows for the next 2-3 days about what transpired at Haggatt Hall.

    This is not good for the DLP.

  44. Nationnews “FORMER MINISTER OF TOURISM Noel Lynch tonight called on Prime Minister Freundel Stuart to “pass the law” to make public officials declare their assets.”

    yes little barney, hopefully it won’t be retroactive.

  45. It seems the “queen” has all the info on a lotta people who might have received funds thru a money laundering firm. nuh wonda intagrity legislasion teking suh lung, and mighton see the light auh day.

  46. @Hants

    Would you have imagined the BLP would have wrested the integrity legislation agenda from the DLP?

  47. Outlook you said “.The UDC was giviing away $10million under the BLP with no idea if it would be repaid. ”
    As we all know, the people who actually received funding were hairdressers, barbers, and the lower classes of society who were trying to become entrepreneurs. However, what about the $10 million given to Clico Mortgage. Did it assist that company or was it really assigned to an individual and I am asking you will we the taxpayers be repaid for such a foolish act?

  48. Did we hear Arthur hint at a payment model for CLICO which does not include 100% cashback?

  49. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @Hants | March 5, 2012 at 12:01 AM |
    “While you are coping with the political action in Barbados take time to monitor what is happening in the rest of the world.
    BLP, DLP, or PIMP there is a whole lot that is going to affect Barbados”

    Well said, Hants. The myopes can’t see the bigger picture. A war involving Israel, USA and Iran would spell the death of tourism and FDI. It would also involve Britain, parts of Western Europe, Russia and possibly China.

    This is not the early1940’s when agriculture was still the mainstay of the economy. There would be real suffering in the land.

  50. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Is this the same Mia Amor Mottley that Seethru said that the people of Barbados have a problem with?

    Or is he talking about another Mia Amor Mottley?

    I keep saying that the crooked Barbados Labour Party has no shame at all and everyday they are doing things to prove me correct.

    Mia will respond to the budget, I guess that Seethru figured that he had too many licks from Sinckler that he just cant take anymore. So he is going to hide behind Mia’s skirt. The same Mia that he told Barbados that she is no use.

    Seethru is hoping that Sinckler and the PM will be a little more kinder and gentler on Mia than they were on him.

    Listen to the blogg owner;-

    “Arthur announces that Mia Mottley will respond to the budget and not him.



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