The wonderful sight of teacher and pupil reunited at the Alexandra School – Photo credit Barbados Advocate

It was evident to the most discerning when the Alexandra School issue reared its head – Alexandra School Dispute – Who Shall Lead The Children? – that the Barbados Secondary Teachers Union (BSTU) had reached the end of its tether fuelled by how past grievances were managed by the ministry of education. Many Barbadians became outraged that the ministry of education would have allowed the Alexandra dispute to become so protracted, six years and counting. Caswell Franklyn, Head of Unity Trade Union who possesses an above average knowledge of the workings of the public service posited that the – Alexandra School Impasse: [was] A Massive Failure Of Public Service Administration. He produced the PUBLIC SERVICE ACT 2007 – 41 with Amendment to support his view.

In fact when the BSTU departed from the heavily trodden path of grievance procedure and withheld labour which resulted in 30 Alexandra teachers on the picket line, acute discernment was unnecessary as to what was required. When the BSTU mobilized around a cry for the separation of Principal Broomes from the school it was obvious Houston had a problem. If that was not enough to spur all concerned into action, information revealed last week that the ministry of education was in possession of an inspection document for several months only served to confirm the lethargy and incompetence with which the fractured industrial relations climate at Alexandra Secondary School was allowed to descend.

Finally when a ministerial committee was constituted chaired by Minister of Education Ronald Jones, BU commentators knew it would have been in vain – “If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything”. The BSTU had travelled that road before and  was known to have lost confidence in Minister Ronald Jones. The Prime Minister would have to intervene which is consonant with how IR disputes are resolved in Barbados anyway.

After 20 days of strike action Prime Minister Fruendel Stuart finally intervened on the weekend. The objective was to get the striking teachers teachers back to work. He achieved the objective a result complimented by Caswell Franklyn.  It was obvious from early in the impasse – confirmed by Sir Roy Trotman after the Barbados Workers Union (BWU) gave its support to the BSTU – that there would be no perfect solution to the Alexandra dispute. Prime Minister Stuart got the teachers to return to work and more than hinted that the job of righting the wrongs at the school had to be started. It is regrettable that many Barbadians have not seen Stuart’s action for what it is i.e. getting the teachers back to the classroom.

BU agrees 100% with the Prime Minister that we live in a barbecue pig tail era where form too often seems to trump substance. Imagine BU’s surprise to hear President Walter Maloney expressing concern about the students being roped into the dispute. Why the hell did he not come out when it was happening and condemn it at that time? Why did Winston Crichlow, the head of the principals association feel constrain to comment after the Prime Minister got the teachers to return to the classroom, a prerequisite to moving the matter forward? Why did the Alexandra Parents Teachers feel they had to issue a statement to the press and demand that teachers and the ministry of education make an action plan available to them about making up the lost hours?

They all need to shut the hell up and allow Prime Minister to deliver what he has promised!

394 responses to “Alexandra School – The Way Forward”

  1. @Blogger2012 – what of the responsibilities and authority of the Board under the Education Regulations?

  2. Scout like a true t you does come to the rescue.
    But its too late…Broomesy in the departure lounge…looking for his naughty buddies– to reminisce on how it could have been
    Jeff will get his golden handshake after was right…and no Scout can say or do nothing about that. QED

  3. old onion bags
    You are dealing as though this is a soap opera court hearing, even if it was 100% instead of 95%, the evidence MUST still be factual. There are too many loop holes in that report for it to be considered in court and the P.M, who is a Q.C knows that. He is also a politician and he said and did what the PEOPLE wanted, NOT what the BSTU wanted.

  4. It would be intersting to see how this would play out if the matter went to court. In case our new C.J has to deal with it and came down in support of the government, then the case goes to the CCJ and they overturn the decision.,

  5. @ Scout
    I hear it’s also going be a tidy sum……i.e could buy he, you and the rest of his perry gang plenty rum…..One Eye Man..boy!
    Wonder if I could bring my toddy? Scout you could vouch for me buddy..

  6. Scout.
    PM said and did what the PEOPLE wanted,

    You fibbing again…you know full well 85% 0f Barbados wanted Mary Redman’s and the teachers scalp…..tell the truth man ..ya sounding like Jeff. (MOE letter)

  7. old onion bags
    I’ve already stated that Mr Broomes should accept the “golden ” handshake and enjoy the rest of his life, let whoever take on AX deal with those teachers. One thing for sure the teacher who though she desrved the post and was denied will not be the one to succeed Mr Broomes. The MOE would appoint a totally different person and he/she too would feel the wrath of the “old scholar” teachers at that school, who thinks they have a legitimate right to conduct the affairs of the school. I understand Mr Broomes has a tidy sum close to $1 million dangling in his face. The well fare of the students is the only thing in his way right now.

  8. Mr. Broomes is already a Rich man, plus the golden parachute that is being offered to him…He should not refuse!

  9. YES Calf.. I agree….Broomes should have a ball with that…he now needs a good accountant to invest it for him….and he can live comfortable for the rest of his life

  10. old onion bags
    Come on , come on , the main thing the people of Barbados wanted, especially the parents, was for the teachers to return to teach their children. The BSTU wanted Mr Broomes SEPARATED and this was the only negotiations that they were interested in, THEY FAILED. It would be of no sense getting the head of Mary Redman and complicate the matter, the return of the teachers was PARAMOUNT. Stop burying your head in the sand.

  11. If Mr Broomes accept the offer, he would retire with a tidy some, however, the teacher who caused all the controvesy will NEVER be elevated in the teaching service, as she is also of retirement age, therefore she would go home at her present scale in the service. If there is a winner and a loser, you can decide between the two who won and who lost.

  12. Scout

    There are no winners …..Broomes was an excellent educator…AX needs PR urgently…the Civil service is in a mess…the Teachers are traumatized for life after this ordeal…..we bloggers loss nuff sleep..the PM anxious…Gollop looking…Barbados…in turmoil..what winners….there are none.

  13. brutus

    i dont have the regulations so i wont hazard a guess.

  14. Brutus

    i dont have the regulations.

  15. Caswell Franklyn Avatar

    I have been monitoring the comments on this post, and have noticed a persistent reference to a golden handshake that Broomes would receive if he is forced out of the service. I wonder where that misinformation is coming from.

    Broomes would be entitled to the same golden handshake that any other public officer would receive when he retires from the service. That golden handshake is called a gratuity which has a formula that is set out in the law. Assuming that Mr. Broomes was employed for 33 and a third years, he would be entitled to receive a gratuity, if he chooses, of 25 months’ pay. If he opts for a gratuity, he would then be entitled to a pension of 1/2 his monthly salary. If he does not opt for the gratuity, he would be entitled to receive a pension of 2/3 his salary. That is the most he would be entitled to receive under the law. Anything over and above that would have to go to parliament.

    Broomes can be retired and would be entitled to appeal that forced retirement to the Privy Council. If he is charged with an offence coming out of this debacle, and is found guilty, he could lose his pension and gratuity.

    In my opinion, Broomes is going, kicking and screaming or with dignity: one way or the other he is going, the choice is his. Penniless or with his gratuity and a pension that is all that must be decided now, but that is up to him.

  16. who cares how he goes as long as he goes!

  17. Many thanks Caswell again you are the man..

    By the way …..would any of those option figures be close to a million…. to satisfy Bushie’s quest assertion??

  18. Caswell Franklyn Avatar

    Old Onion Bags

    According to the Public Service (Teachers) Order, 2008 which was published as S.I. 2008 No. 114, the annual salary of a principal of a secondary school is $109,114.08. Therefore the maximum gratuity any one at that salary would receive is $227,321: the maximum pension would be $4,546.42. Please note that these figures assumes that Broomes has 33 and a third years’ service.

    If he went to court and assuming that he had less than 33 and a third years, all that he would lose is the difference between what he received and the maximum gratuity. His damages would only be the difference. If he had 33 and a third years, why would he go to court, he would have lost nothing.

  19. Caswell is of course correct re. the official normal pension entitlements for Mr. Broome but there may be non standard ways that a pension could theoretically be supplemented.

    I seem to recall an anonymous private sector donor bailing out a Barbados government that was in a fix re. a strike several years ago, but I might be totally wrong. I also recall, very long ago, that the private sector supplemented the salary of a senior govt. officer when the basic salary of the post was deemed insufficient to attract and retain him. Of course that couldn’t happen now.

    Supplementation could also be through contracts for services, iron clad recommendations for consular or other overseas posts, etc. etc, (Mr Broomes is a DLP if lemuel is right, awright? He may still have a lot of friends in high places in the Party that could work to guarantee him significant financial benefits outside a statutory pension if he demitted AX and saved some peoples faces).

    Does anyone know what, if any, inducements were offered to the other principal who resigned under slightly similar circumstances? I think his name was King?

  20. Many thanks Caswell again…now Bushie and the Scout can be better informed.

  21. @Caswell

    On another note do you know if a former Minister who qualified for a pension (over 50 and two political terms) stands again for office and wins his parliamentary seat, does he receive both his MP salary and pension?

  22. Caswell

    Broomes cannot be retired without compensation for the eight or nine years he can work. You know that. I am sure that u r aware that he is going not where unless he wants to go, he cannot be forced to retire, so go and come again.

    Even though that i am aware that u r in contact with the pm, he would not dare discuss anything of that nature with u. HE AINT GOING NO WHERE UNLESS HE WANTS TO PURE AND SIMPLE.

  23. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn


    He would have an option, one or the other. If a person was in receipt of a prime minister’s or a minister’s pension and is subsequently re-elected to parliament but sits on the backbench, it would be to his advantage to opt to continue receiving the pension.

  24. Thanks Caswell!

  25. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    Blogger2012 | January 29, 2012 at 1:46 AM | Caswell
    Broomes cannot be retired without compensation for the eight or nine years he can work. You know that. I am sure that u r aware that he is going not where unless he wants to go, he cannot be forced to retire, so go and come again.

    That is simply not true. Read subsections 8 (1) (f) and 13A (2) (f) of the Pensions Act. Those two references deal with an officer who become unfit to perform his duties even though he is not suffering from any infirmity of the body or mind. Additionally, anyone who enters the service before July 15, 1985 can be compulsorily retired at any time after he attains the age of 55 years. Anyone who enter the service after July 15, 1985 can be compulsorily retired at any time after he attains the age of 60 years. In both scenarios, the officer could be retired five years earlier in special cases, and “special cases” is not defined in the Act. I am not making it up, check sections 11 and 13B of the Pensions Act.

  26. Watching Carefully and Listening. Avatar
    Watching Carefully and Listening.

    As a parting contribution to this blog I shall invite all you Broomes promoters / agents..Scoot , Observing et al , to investigate why he is known to his contemporaries as ” SHOW PIG and RACATEER “. Goodbye until later, but I shall continue my watch.

  27. @ Watching Carefully

    known to his contemporaries as ” SHOW PIG and RACATEER “.

    What D ram-goat….. Boy I though Jeff was a decent fellow.

    this blog is something else….what D ram

  28. One thing that has me baffled in this whole AX business is the concept of “honour among thieves”. Please note that I am not calling anyone a thief I am merely using the well known expression to illustrate a point. Of course everyone involved in this debacle are honourable men and women, with the possible exception of Mr. Broomes, of course, if we are to believe the various things that have been said about him by several persons on this blog, notably by the B group teacher and BSTU sympathisers.

    Apparently, according to this blog, Mr. Broomes is or was a high up de-jure member of the DLP. Yet he is vilified by most, including identifiable DLP stalwarts who seem to suggest that he is the worse of the worst, even though this runs diametrically counter to his public persona that is actually verifiable by significant good works. We now hear he is a drinkard, a liar, a show pig, a racateer and who knows what else. Did he have these characteristics when he was in the bosom of the DLP?

    Is the denigration campaign against him just a method of prosecuting this AX problem with extreme vigour or are there grains of truth in the allegations?

    The big honcho is not known for a predeliction to restrain himself from figuratively kicking persons with extreme violence when they are down. Could the treament of Mr. Broomes be an example of this characteristic again playing itself out?

  29. @checkit-out

    Where you analysis falls down a little is that any attempt to pension of Broomes must be supported by ‘facts’.

  30. “Show pig and Racateer…”

    As someone who only met Mr Broomes twice, Bushie is forced to note the “low mindedness” of most of his distractors… That alone tends to suggest to someone like the Bushman (who has been around for many moons) that Broomes may indeed be deserving of support.

    Why is it that with all the name calling, hate, and disdain for Mr Broomes, we have not yet – AFTER A WHOLE MONTH, heard of any Specific charges against the man? …surely with so many haters he must have some specific transgressions that have been leaked…. Even Bushie would have been associated with a long list of specific transgressions by this time….and don’t talk about Caswell (SMH)… But that is another story LOL…..

    How is it that a BAJAN man who obviously loves teaching, is not being told where he has breeched the rules, but being expected to give up his life dream, where he is loved by 90% of his stakeholders, and where results have been good, because 30 went on strike (most of those out of loyalty to their union)?

    Perhaps Bushie just recognizes that if a leader with a different perspective is imposed on any situation, there will be some degree of stress. Whether it is a good leader in a bad environment or vice versa.

    Bush Tea’s assessment of the education environment is well documented, so when a leader causes stress in a school in Barbados Bushie is inclined to come to one conclusion….

    old Onions
    Even if there is a good case against Broomes, there is no need to be so hateful….or dishonest. From the weekend article the man don’t want any money…all he wants to do is TEACH….

  31. @ check it -out

    GET REAL…when you were on your crusade asking for the necks of Mary Redman and those” rouge teachers” you were not withholding no venom.
    Like ac had predicted that this day would come .. and it seemingly has by your exhibition of solace and pleas of mercy for your limping buddy who has been lowered to the status he deserves.You are like him a pathetic soul who deserve no remorse and will be given none.
    The day of reckoning has come….wake up> ac,Caswell, an the brigade.

  32. David re. your January 29, 2012 post at 8:47 AM;

    My various analyses of the AX situation might have fallen down in several areas. But not re. suggesting that any attempt to pension off Broomes must be supported by facts. That is a given.

    If Broomes is unwilling to go then only facts provable, or likely to be provable, in a law court can make him go. The innuendos, etc., stated on this blog and even the inspection report , imho, cannot constitute such facts.

  33. @checkit-out

    Agreed, then the finger pointing by all and sundry makes the debate moot 🙂

  34. old onion bags re. your January 29, 2012 at 9:03 AM;

    Please show me where
    1) I was on on a crusade asking for the necks of Mary Redman and those ” rouge teachers”

    and 2), in the unlikely event that you can find some obscure statement that could reasonably be interpreted to suggest that I was asking for punishment of Mary Redman and the teachers, show me where I was doing so with venom.

    I think you are taking literary licence here.

  35. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    Bush Tea

    A love for teaching does not make you a good teacher. I remember reading on this blog that Broomes do not teach English to CXC. I am told that he taught only one CXC class and all failed.

  36. David; The joy is in the debate itself!

  37. @checkit-out


  38. TEACH but not in any of Barbados schools ! Knowing BROOMES and his tenacity he might opt to open A PRIVATE SCHOOL.

  39. @Caswell

    Your submission was updated yesterday and all and sundry must be surprised you have not engaged on it.

  40. @ check-it
    You really want me to go back and search for all those times you and Scout and Bush Tea went on a crusade to “burn Mary redman et al”…you gotto be crazy..

  41. Old Onion bags; I’m challenging your statement. If you can’t prove it when challenged, the decent thing to do is to withdraw it. But I would have to be really crazy to expect you to do the decent thing.

  42. Look Check-it
    I having my breakfast now, but I go leave you with this one (below)…when finish, I go have to recall previous articles to show your sustained attacks For now I shall begin with the FIRST ARTICLE on [ AX The way Forward] soft but its a start..

    Checkit-Out | January 24, 2012 at 7:06 PM |

    David; Looks like you’ve learnt well from the PM. This overview is one of the most one sided ones I’ve seen.

  43. @ Check-it
    Deep sarcasm.>>>For what” little “its worth<<>>> she doing the “tricking”..uh ha uh

    Checkit-Out | January 25, 2012 at 9:38 PM |

    The Scout; For what very little its worth. I think Mary Redman is an astute, fearless, competent, committed and intelligent Trade Unionist. I think she might be the one who did the “tricking” and got the PM to give rock solid assurances which he might not now be able to deliver on with dispatch as harsh reality sets in. But who knows?

  44. Tank rarely taught at HC.

    How could he unless needed in an emergency.

    How can a principal be timetabled to teach classes and still be principal?

    There are problems associated with 800 students, 52 teachers, ancilliary staff, the physical plant, relations with the Ministry, the Union etc. etc. etc.

    If you become principal you carry yourself differently from a teacher.

    The day to day activity of teaching is lost to you because your day is just too full.

    It does not matter if you love to teach a class, you gave up that avenue to express that love when you became principal.

    If you have an ounce of sense you will get satisfaction through the success of the teachers who work with you.

    You are no longer the point man in a platoon but the general of the army.

  45. There is one good thing in all this. The teachers and the union demonstrated that we are not only a nation of teeth skinners but they were actually prepared to DO something for what they regarded as just and right. They may have been misguided, and probably were, but that’s not the point. They were able to demonstrate the depth of their convictions by action when, as they would say, all else had failed. And that speaks volumes about determination, conviction and courage. Too often we just sit back – as here – and jaw and jaw and jaw. Every man makes himself an expert on everything but with no responsibility. The teachers and union recognised their responsibilities, as they perceived them, and carried on for what they regarded as a greater good – and told our political masters where to go. That is what freedom is in a democratic society and can ultimately only be good for the life of this nation.

  46. @ check-it
    Do you want more.? You may not be as crude as others but you were on the bandwagon shooting cloaked arrows that were intended to be benevolent to you all’s cause.

    Look if i continue to search…I can’t blog…so call it a day…I will take back the word venomous in its harsh state…damaging more apt
    orite boss?.

  47. @ john
    What a load of hog wash….shister..that’s why you won’t be a leader. If you ever heard of hands to the plough?

  48. I never saw Clive Lloyd terrorise batsmen with hostile pace bowling or bamboozle them with feidishly clever spin bowling.

    I read a wonderful piece by Dennis Waight who with Clive Lloyd decided to run Joel Garner and others up and down a hill so that by the time play started they were mean and vicious and wanted to express it against the batsmen.

    If all hands are on the plough who is looking at the time left for ploughing and what next to plough …. and plant … etc

    Recipe for disaster.

    Might work short term but not long term.

  49. One could read the hurt in Ada Straughn’s interview today.

    Why was the situation allowed to deteriorate to this point she wondered.

    Think on these things.

  50. There is a management technique I have come across MBWB (Management by Walking Bout)

    It more envisages the manager becoming aware of how things are running first hand and understanding the problems his staff faces in day to day activities.

    It works.

    But the Manager does not stop at one place for any extended period of time nor does he do it every day … just when he feels it is time to have a look see …. and if he is any good he knows when.

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