The wonderful sight of teacher and pupil reunited at the Alexandra School – Photo credit Barbados Advocate

It was evident to the most discerning when the Alexandra School issue reared its head – Alexandra School Dispute – Who Shall Lead The Children? – that the Barbados Secondary Teachers Union (BSTU) had reached the end of its tether fuelled by how past grievances were managed by the ministry of education. Many Barbadians became outraged that the ministry of education would have allowed the Alexandra dispute to become so protracted, six years and counting. Caswell Franklyn, Head of Unity Trade Union who possesses an above average knowledge of the workings of the public service posited that the – Alexandra School Impasse: [was] A Massive Failure Of Public Service Administration. He produced the PUBLIC SERVICE ACT 2007 – 41 with Amendment to support his view.

In fact when the BSTU departed from the heavily trodden path of grievance procedure and withheld labour which resulted in 30 Alexandra teachers on the picket line, acute discernment was unnecessary as to what was required. When the BSTU mobilized around a cry for the separation of Principal Broomes from the school it was obvious Houston had a problem. If that was not enough to spur all concerned into action, information revealed last week that the ministry of education was in possession of an inspection document for several months only served to confirm the lethargy and incompetence with which the fractured industrial relations climate at Alexandra Secondary School was allowed to descend.

Finally when a ministerial committee was constituted chaired by Minister of Education Ronald Jones, BU commentators knew it would have been in vain – “If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything”. The BSTU had travelled that road before and  was known to have lost confidence in Minister Ronald Jones. The Prime Minister would have to intervene which is consonant with how IR disputes are resolved in Barbados anyway.

After 20 days of strike action Prime Minister Fruendel Stuart finally intervened on the weekend. The objective was to get the striking teachers teachers back to work. He achieved the objective a result complimented by Caswell Franklyn.  It was obvious from early in the impasse – confirmed by Sir Roy Trotman after the Barbados Workers Union (BWU) gave its support to the BSTU – that there would be no perfect solution to the Alexandra dispute. Prime Minister Stuart got the teachers to return to work and more than hinted that the job of righting the wrongs at the school had to be started. It is regrettable that many Barbadians have not seen Stuart’s action for what it is i.e. getting the teachers back to the classroom.

BU agrees 100% with the Prime Minister that we live in a barbecue pig tail era where form too often seems to trump substance. Imagine BU’s surprise to hear President Walter Maloney expressing concern about the students being roped into the dispute. Why the hell did he not come out when it was happening and condemn it at that time? Why did Winston Crichlow, the head of the principals association feel constrain to comment after the Prime Minister got the teachers to return to the classroom, a prerequisite to moving the matter forward? Why did the Alexandra Parents Teachers feel they had to issue a statement to the press and demand that teachers and the ministry of education make an action plan available to them about making up the lost hours?

They all need to shut the hell up and allow Prime Minister to deliver what he has promised!

394 responses to “Alexandra School – The Way Forward”

  1. David; Looks like you’ve learnt well from the PM. This overview is one of the most one sided ones I’ve seen.

  2. @checkit-out

    It was meant to express how BU feels on the matter.

    The PM needs to be given a chance to solve this 6-year old mess.

  3. There are many employees both in the public and private sector, the Prime Minister has now opened the way for employees to disregard their supiriors and go on wildcat strikes. The precedent has been set and in law once this has started it must continue. Yes, I commemd the P.M for getting the children back to school but the cost is going to haunt both government and the private sector. One must remember the Prime Minister is NOT the LAW, and as a Q.C he should have known that, He has overstepped his boundary

  4. @The Scout

    Are you aware that Broomes is represented by Vernon Smith QC, the NUPW and the principals association?

    Do you think the PM is so stupid to not recognize that Broomes has rights?

    Are you aware that there must be grounds to remove Broomes and it must be done following procedure or not it will end up in the Courts?

    Just chill and let us see how stage 2345 play out.

  5. @ Scout

    What non-sense you have come here and written. The PM cannot overstep his boundaries when the education of children or lack thereof is occuring.

    The PM has dealt with the matter, he has achieved measurable results and has promised to follow the matter to a full conclusion. Cost to the government and the private sector cannot be the yardstick to measure whether the children of Alexandra are taught or not.

  6. old onion bags | January 24, 2012 at 4:48 PM |


    My question go be short…are you one of those teachers ?

    Only if you are..then you qualified to speak…no words could describe the horrors that they have gone thru….some of them took ill ..some still ill from the duress… aint know half of it…and you talking about

    “preserving and passing on the institutional memory…..” ( outside D box)

    which more important .(Solomon al et bull.)..or you health..get real dawg.

    The answer is no I am not one of those teachers.

    I know enough from my school experience and from the opportunities I have had to observe teachers of children up close doing their job that the teaching profession is unlike any other profession.

    On occasions I have also been a part of extra curricular activities and watched some teachers in an environment where it was possible (but unlikely) for physical harm to come to their wards. I was not unduly worried.

    But, the first time I was in that situation I started to get nervous and wonder what I had got myself into.

    I realised the mother hen act was completely genuine.

    Quite apart from the fact that they were answerable to the children’s parents, these wards were in effect their children and they would suffer anything to prevent harm coming to them, …. even being thought of as mother hens by the same kids.

    I am actually paying, or trying to pay a compliment to teachers.

    Of course this situation will make some sick, they love their kids and want what is best for them but they know they have to go through hell to get it.

    When it is over, it will have been worth it, and it will be over.

    All that bull about Solomon was just an attempt to say that I think that every child for which a teacher is responsible is theirs and they take their job far more seriously than someone who is not a teacher.

    … and they do it for the love of it.

    Not many people will tell you they love their jobs!!

    I have watched some teachers show it.

    This situation is far more than a straightforward Union/management fight over straightforward bread and butter issues.

    This one is different.

    This one I think is about a higher principle.

  7. all eyes would be on AX as the striking teachers and their students reuinte. this going to be a sight to behold but the most intriguing question on all minds would be the role which once the now embattled and embroiled Principal has in the functiong and administration of the school .from what i have been told it would be almost nonexistence as most of the administrative issues would be forward and adressed by the MOE, leaving Broomes in limbo as he awaits his final results.

  8. AM I to believe that we have not progressed when we have to project this idea of the Maximum leader being able to solve every problem???
    ISNT this a form of laziness ?
    WHY were the people who are paid to do a job did not do the job thay are supposed to do ?
    DOES anyone really support this idea of the Prime Minister and his way of doing things ???

  9. Random Thoughts Avatar

    @Scout at 4:04 p.m. “The whole educational system needs revamping, never again should teacher be able to walk off their job willy-nilly. Policemen can’t do it nurses can’t do it , why should teachers be allowed to do it? Worse of all to be congratulated by the P.M for their behavior. Was Mr Stuart drugged?”

    Scout you don’t get tired of writing foolishness though?
    Employees own their labour. Get it. The Barbados constitution protects freedom of association, including the right to join trade unions. No Mr. Stuart was NOT drugged.

  10. Random Thoughts Avatar

    Dear Scout:

    The PM asked the teachers to return and thy will VOLUNTARILY do so Wednesday morning.

    Jones seemed to feel (and note I’ve said feel and not think) Jones seemed to feel that he could COMPEL them to go back.

    Let me tell you something in the 21st century it don’t work so.

    If Stuart does not come up with steps 2, 3, 4 etc. as promised it will be cat piss and peppa.

  11. Random Thoughts Avatar

    broomes and jones and stuart ain’t see nothing yet.

  12. Most of you bloggers seemed to be myopic. Did any of you see the Deputy Principal at any time with Jeff Broomes? Did any of you see them speaking to the press in harmony? Well If he is such a good leader, I being his Deputy would be up front and center with him to show solidarity, and good public relations. Food for thought huummmmmm!

    On the point of the BSTU not showing up for the meeting, that is nothing new. Owen Arthur publicly refused David Thompson’s invitation to have breakfast with him to discuss our economy. You all should still be flogging him.

    @David, I am in agreement with your post. Barbadians need to master the art of critical thinking and developing their analytical skills. Too many are like sponges and lazy. The suck in everything they read and hear with out taking the time to weigh the pros and cons.

  13. Random Thoughts Avatar

    Remember the BSTU could have called out hundreds of teachers but they chose not to.

  14. How many times have there been a teacher’s strike?

    I know for sure of one, 1968/9.

    I remember the Lodge Issue with Mr. Smith. Saw it was in 1983.

    There is no law requiring they do not strike so it is not the law that keeps them from striking.

    Teachers do not go around striking willy nilly.

    They love their jobs and take then seriously.

    They love their kids are like their own.

    Sure there are exceptions.

    When they strike you better stop and listen.

    Had Mr. Jones and his ministry listened this would not have ended up on the plate of the PM.

    And the PM is not without fault either in this.

    But, he stopped and listened.

    True, he did not have much choice, but he stopped and listened.

    So credit to him.

  15. but why would anybody think that all de other teachers associated arganisations would have shown any kind of support for the BSTU, right now everybody is able tosee the hypocriscy that drives those organisation. one cannot help but to know right now that they showing good face but they only wished was to see the PM drive a stake through the heart of the BSTU. Not one of those organisations had the guts to speak out about the digusting working conditions that the children and teachers had to work under. now they must be feeling like sh..t seeing that the PM had a sense of compassion towards the striking teachers . those organisations ought to bow their heads in shame for them it was all about protecting broomes and using the children as pawns and the PM called them out on it yesterday.

  16. @ BU
    How long exactly will the original BU David be away? Bushie realizes that everyone needs a break, but could not David’s stand-in be called by another name so as not to confuse the Bushman…?

    After three week of acrimony, wasted time, bitter hatred and slander, PM Stuart has managed to get the protagonists to go back to square one – except with increased hatred, more baggage and more public scrutiny …… And you BU David (temp) sees this as ‘progress’ to be praised?

    What progress what!?

    Stuart should have accomplished this on day 4 by issuing a directive to all persons to end all actions that are affecting the students or risk legislative sanction by his government to terminate them.

    If he has given the BSTU the impression that he will accede to their non- negotiable position to ‘seperate’ the principal….. When he in fact CAN’T or DON’T have the grounds to do so, he has only created a big hole for himself.

    If he does it anyway then he will just inherit the ‘mirror ‘ problem where now the principal and his lawyers get a high court injunction challenging the grounds for a such action as illegal……resulting in a ten year delay straight off…

    Look back at Bushie’s original solution again an see it it is not ‘the Solomon’ solution….

    1. Order everyone back to work…day 3
    2 impose an independent panel to monitor relations AND TO compile a study of the facts
    3 institute an onsite management review panel to report monthly on progress and relations at the school for six months.
    4 take strong and decisive action against any defaulters.
    5 once the FACTS are established, apply the RULES fairly and consistently…. Disciplining either the principal, the teachers, or both -if warranted by the FACTS.


    The current situation is like the PM jumped off a tall building and congratulates himself as he passed the 20th floor window with the reflection that ” all is well so far…”

    Bushie does not expect much from th PM in respect if strong assertive actions…. BUT IF HE EVER TAKES ADVICE FROM AC ON THIS MATTER, that would constitute final proof that the Mayans are indeed right, and that Dec 21 is the end…. LOLOLOLOL

  17. Note to winstonChrichlow just for your information the PM doesn’t need any of your advice moving forward or backward that was apparantly clear in his message yesterday as he addressed the nation. Where were you . or wern;t you even paying attention. Nows go advice your soon to be defunct friend JEFF BROOMES and by the way tell him what an A<SS he has made of himself and he should do the decent and right thing and resign for the good of the "CHILDREN" the ones he claims to so loved.

  18. Random Thoughts | January 24, 2012 at 9:42 PM |

    broomes and jones and stuart ain’t see nothing yet.

    If there are other examples of political interference as has been alleged in this case I would imagine you are right!!

    … time bombs waiting to explode.

    Next time maybe, the right people will have listened early enough and hopefully will have developed the procedures to contain and control the collateral damage that can clearly result.

    The moral is don’t play with teachers.

    They can send you to the headmaster for a flogging!

    … well maybe not nowadays!!

  19. yuh could add Ronald Jones name to the list of “Pig tail” mentality oink! OINK! Jones idea of calling a meeting is reminiscent of the story”THREE LITTLE PIGGIES WENT TO MARKET.”

  20. TO all WUNNA BROOMES SUPPORTERS maybe when he retires or eventually PUSHED out the Door all wunna can get togheter with BROOMES and Form a BAD A>>>SS MANS CLUB! talk nuff sh..t and barbeque curly PIGTAILS. and dont fuget the LIES Broomes is good at telling nuff yuh Dem. ask the MOE.

  21. But Bush Tea

    I thought there was a determination of facts by an investigation team a year ago.

    I more sure I even read the report and I even more sure everybody at the school had their say in the report.

    Man, I even sure I heard the BWU say words like they knew these facts from day 1 long before the report came out …. maybe it fell of a truck passing out Harmony Hall side.

  22. I have difficulty in understanding why the Prime Minister, has set out to place the BSTU on a pedestal, for its contribution have been formed in 1948, while lumping the Barbados Workers Union,established and registered in 1941 and presently headed by Sir Leroy Trotman, a former president of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions,and the National Union of Public Workers ,established in 1944 and registered in 1964 ,as part of a “circus.”

  23. to BU comments.

    i don’t think anyone could have a problem with the PM getting the teachers back in the class rooms but his comments are very disturbing given the fact that from those same comments, it sounds like he too has pick his side.

    what about that don’t you understand or see BU?

  24. From where the PM sits he must be privy to a whole lot of info which we are not. He should be given some elbow room to get the public service to respond.

  25. IF the PM had come down on the side of Broomes you David( not BU) would be singing another tune. The fact that the PM had the insight and was brave enough even though deliberate in his statements and using caution in his actions to expedite and oversee the continuity of the process need to having a final resolution for the quagmire some how for the Broomes supporters it is all or nothing You people are indeed Unbelievable. Pig tails and all.

  26. Caswell Franklyn Avatar

    The teacher at the centre of the dispute has not given her side publicly, and rightly so, since she is forbidden from doing so by the rules of the Public Service. The public is therefore only aware of Broomes’s version of events which I find very hard to believe.

    Mr. Broomes reported that a teacher refused to teach for a term. If this were in fact the case, what did he do about it? From reports he wrote the Ministry which is disputed by the Chief Education Officer.

    In the Public Service, it as an offence to refuse to carry out a LAWFUL instruction from your superior officer. The principal is empowered by the Public Service Act to suspend an officer from duty, if he is of the opinion that the officer committed an offence, and report the matter to the Public Service Commission for disciplinary action. I do not know of any right-thinking person who believes that Jeff Broomes would tolerate a teacher defying him and he sit passively by and do nothing for a whole term.

    I simply do not believe that Jeff Broomes issued a LAWFUL instruction to the teacher involve. Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to comply and then complain in the Public Service, where the instruction is unlawful.

  27. your ac off? now we have a new busy phrase, pig tails.

    the PM got the facts, the same PM who did not know of the report? that PM is who got all the facts or we talking about another PM.

    and if i was a supporter of Broomes, i would come and say so, you can’t beat me but then again maybe you would because you do know about blind justice.

  28. @david (not BU)

    What are you saying that if he was not apprised of the report preempts him being apprised now that the AX matter has become full blown?


    You raise an interesting point because inaction if we are to judge from Bush tea’s perspective does not fit the profile of Broomes.

    Why would he have allowed the matter to simmer for so long with the teacher?

    It seems you are calling Broomes a liar.

    Are you sure you want to do that Caswell?

  29. @ DAVID NOT BU)

    only in your blind twisted illogical way of thinking would you misinterpret what the PM said inreference to seeing and reading the report. His inference to was to specify the “Time” frame when he heard or received the report , The Pm did not say he did NOT read the REPORT when he received it .Now go to bed because obvious your are sleep deprived and cannot concentrate, Good night llittle Piggie!

  30. @David (not BU)

    Hell yes BROOMES is a pathological LIAR and you should stop drinking the kool aid because it is spiked with deceit!

  31. Watching Carefully and Listening. Avatar
    Watching Carefully and Listening.

    @ David ( not BU }
    you should have little worry whether Caswell called Broomes a liar. You should be much more concerned over the FACT that it was the CEO of the Ministry of Education who FIRST called him a liar. Broomes must refute this charge if he is to be seen as possessing ANY credibility at all. So far we have not had any adequate response from Broomes so in the meantime I shall diligently continue my watch.

  32. not one to gloat but balance is on record predicting that the dispute would have resolution at prime ministerial level out of respect for the office of the prime minister and further that resolution would come in favour of the trade union movement. The Prime Minister despite his obvious political and administrative deficiencies is a decent individual whoy his consistent support for labour in and out of Parliament has demonstrated that he has not forgotten his roots or the movement which paved the way for persons like him to attain such lofty positions on merit. For mr Broomes representatives to now cry wolf, wolf and scream for natural justice is disingenuos to say the least , for where was the cry for natural justice when mrs Greaves was tried by Mr Broomes in the court of public opinion and found guilty based on the evidence solely presented by mr broomes. I excuse mr maloney because he does not have trade union training nor indeed is he a trade unionist at heart; but i cannot understand how a seasoned tade union practioner like mr clarke could allow his emotions to take precedence over his trade union expertise and training.Mr Broomes has not yet been accused by his employers of anywrong doing so there is no need for bellicose representation but rather personal counsel and support. The teachers of the Alexandra school legally withheld their labour because they do not want to work with Mr Broomes and that is their prerogative as the prerogative of the Ministry of Education to to investigate and find out why. The impasse has not reached the level for intervention by the NUPW and the Prime Minister was right to castigate mr broomes visible representatives as cinterpolers.I leave this question for Mr clarke and Mr maloney whose membership embraces both public sector management and staff. Should there be an altercation between the Head of Department in a government office and the majority of staff, which side would you as general secretary and president represent?

  33. Random Thoughts Avatar

    Quoting Caswell at 11:58″I simply do not believe that Jeff Broomes issued a LAWFUL instruction to the teacher involve. Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to comply and then complain in the Public Service, where the instruction is unlawful.”

    And yet we have been hearing on this blog chiefly from Scout and crew that the world is going to fall apart if teachers do not obey thier principals. I have been trying to point out that teachers unlike slaves do not have to obey their principles if an unlawful instruction is issued.

    Also Both Jeff and his supporters would have us belive that Mrs. Greaves refused to teach for a whole term. If he is such an effective leader as he and his supporters would have us believe how come he permitted this situation continue. How come he did not take lawful means to immediately correct the situation.

  34. @Balance –Denis /Clarke and Walter Maloney will come down on the side of management —do you remember the the Educational Officers were going on sick out ,Denis clarke called Wendy Watson-Griffith and told her, she said that in the press ,Denis to this day never denied it ,the same Clarke called the AIRPORT and imformed them that the workers were going on sickout —-Denis and Walter and Roslyn Smith then went to the airport to a meeting, a sunday and came down on the side of management (by the way CASWELL FRANKLYN who was working on that case as the union employee was put out of that meeting -his employer did that -so that they could defend management )
    do you remember how Denis told the NURSES at the Q E H not to sign on with the board and at the last minute called us to a meeting and advise us to sign .
    walter will come down on the side of management do you balance recall (and i know that u know because u is a —Bayland Boy )how many time Walter has been telling people that he walk with the CPO on afternoons ,do you know that NUPW PAYS rent for a burn out building in Newton , that is not inuse —-Walter (the CLOWN has to play for his supper –who promoted him at NHC and who had that job before -do you remember that the former job holder went to nupw for representation -ask what happen when CLOWN Denis learned that CLOWN WALTER was getting the job -he refuse to represent the man .
    we waiting to hear about the medical hospital ,the draw downs of the workers pensions so the we can obtain a Home and the other promises that CLOWN maloney promise in all his elections .
    so Balance -DENIS(CEMENT PLANT ) CLARKE and Walter (cell phone ) Maloney will always support mamagement .—as you see this this JEFF BROOME case—see how they did at probation department –talk and talk then sell out .

  35. @Caswell Franklyn

    You need to define what is an unlawful instruction. You know me, i dont understand what I read, so I am inviting you to educate me before i spout some illogical rhetoric here. Lol,

  36. @All

    Neither the pm nor mr. jones has the legislative authority to order any public officer back to work.

  37. The grievances of the teachers involved in this dispute seem trivial in comparison with the grievances of the CLICO investors.
    Ms Redman has shown how to deal with sleepy PM Stuart.
    Can we expect Mrs Fowler of the aggrieved policy holders group to request an audience? A precedent has been set. Get your hankies out, people, and march on Ilaro Court.

  38. Report these crimes to Crime Stoppers Barbados Avatar
    Report these crimes to Crime Stoppers Barbados

  39. Good morning teachers and children of the AX school may this day be a happy and blessed day for all of you as you make your away on the tenatry land which was once presumably owned by MR, Broomes so he thought . You would notice the proverbial “white Elephant” standing but ignore him within due time he will be removed ,as the PM stated that a school needs a peaceful working enviroment that is tolerable to all and that meant ALL including staff as well as children. The day of removing that elephant is fast approaching to the staff and children be of good cheer .Keep up the good work. the PM has put the school on the right path and it can only get better from here.

  40. The words are flying once again with threats etc. If it is that the BSTU has won why the vitroil?

    There are three central issues.

    (1) The BSTU said they would not return to Alexandra School until Mr. Broomes was separated from the school, that was the reason for strike action.

    (2) I understand he is still in situ. Please correct me if I am wrong.

    (3) You might say next week, next month, next year you will see.

    The fundamental point is with or without reduced responsibilities he is there as Principal of Alexandra School. No amount of shouting can change that. Did BSTU take strike action for an objective that was impossible to achieve, under the existing circumstances.

  41. but the question is how can members tolerate such nonsenseby the two assains Clarke and Maloney Knowning how openly how deceitful they are and to whom their true alligenance lies. Doesnt any one on the governing board NUPW has any guts to suspend those two moles. this is a real depiction of”the enemy within”

  42. Just let the Prime Minister deal with the issue like he promised for godsaked!

  43. Look yardbroom stop trying to grandstand the issue, A bargaining chip was used by the PM to Secure the return of the teachers to work. without that the teachers would still be not working. wrapped up .neatly in that “Chip is the word “Separation” a word which was skilfully left out of the PM message so as not to ignite the flames of public opinion. You are not a stupid person.Moreover their are rules and laws which have to be followed to achieve such goal . i once again commend the PM on his way of handling the issue and his commitment to to:teachers” for a SEPARATION”

  44. AC and others. It seems that most have accepted that the PM used, perhaps pardonable guile, to get the Teachers back to work. It is only reasonable, reading between the lines, to recognize that he promised the BSTU that their one demand, the separation of broomes, would be achieved, guided by him, with dispatch. Everyone knows that the PM’s dispatch could mean months or even years but the teachers, probably to save some face, accepted the promise at face value.

    To live up to that promise, the PM had to be gushing in his praise of the BSTU and he also has to do everything to ensure that he finds a legal rationale for any basis that can be used to effect that separation. At present there is no such basis. No hard facts exist under which they can prove that Mr. Broomes has contravened any of the codes under which he could legally be separated or that he has not carried out his job adequately..

    The PM has suggested that the Inspection report can and will be used to provide such proof. I will once again contend that the inspection report is flawed in several respects, especially that of proving Mr. Broomes’ absolute and total culpability in the problems at the Alexandra school. Read it objectively and you will see why it will fall flat as evidence in any proper detailed investigation.

    The report, at several places gives information that there is an elephant in the school that might even be as culpable as Broomes, i.e. the B group of teachers. It does not seek to dissect, explore or quantify the answers of all the respondents to the various survey instruments but instead highlights the responses of some people in the various groups that suggest that Broomes had problems with all of them and therefore begs the question; If someone has problems with all these various groups then doesn’t he have to be the problem?

    Read the whole report, twice if necessary.

    The PM has instituted a process that will attempt to vilify a man whose sins have not been proven beyond an absolute doubt. We are now in stage two. If the legal process allows this, God help all those Principals and Heads of Departments out there who may have problems with recalcitrant workers and are trying their best to do their jobs.

  45. To Balance:
    If there is a dispute between members of any union who are both in the same union but at different administrative levels. the following should obtain. If the lower levels workers are being victimized or threatened with dismissal by the high administrative level officer, then the union has to represent those workers. Now if the high administrative office is being victimized or threatened with dismissal by his employer, the union should represent him. In the case of Broomes, he was never threatened with dismissal; then why was Dennis the mighty clarke and Maloney the champion at those meetings. The NUPW needs to appologize to the BSTU for the actions of Dennis the mighty clarke and Maloney the champion!!!

  46. Sometimes silence speaks louder than words.

    Sometimes it is more what is not said in a report than what is that communicates the story the report wants to communicate.

    The missing pieces I think are part of a paper trail which I believe do exist and will supplement the report if ……. it needs to be supplemented.

    The report is carefully crafted to keep dirty linen away from prying eyes who really do not need to see it but can be supplemented in a different forum like a Court of Law if necessary.

  47. To Check it out:
    In mathematics, there is a section on sets, which at times can intersect. Which indicates that each set has something in common. Now if you have five sets as demonstrated in the report and broomes alone forms the intersection, what do left us mortals to believe that it is perchance and the fault of some faulty instrument?

  48. Search the report for the name of the teacher who was allegedly disciplined and see what you find.

    Just plug in the name in the search box.

    I got two dates that really don’t make sense.

    Maybe I am reading the year wrong, different people use different formats.

    Tell me if the year of the letters is not 2008.

  49. @ David
    Just let the Prime Minister deal with the issue like he promised for god saked!

    I could’nt agree more…said 1000 times yesterday….but we have the Ole Boy’s Brigade as usual with their (too) long winded submits… that nobody but they are reading (because there are too long).hint

    Digress: Could someone tell the “Robot spokesman” from Central Bank…its not becoming how he sounds.

  50. John; Very good points in your 8:27 post. There is a possibility that you are correct. However, I think that the report should have been more explicit in showing that it had actually considered the divide between the responses of the teachers (The A and B groups) by at least explicitly recognizing the B group’s influence on certain negative aspects of the management of the school in its recommendations.

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