The Barbados Labour Party (BLP) has reported that they will be streaming (BLP) events from their Annual Conference taking place at Queens College this morning from 9.15 AM. They seem to be experiencing difficulties because up to 9.50 AM no stream was available but the BU family can keep trying!
BLP's St Michael South East branch nominated young attorney-at-law Santia Bradshaw as its candidate following the resignation of Member of Parliament Hamilton Lashley, who now sits as an Independent.
St Michael South East branch nominated attorney-at-law Santia Bradshaw as its candidate – triggered by the resignation of Member of Parliament Hamilton Lashley, who now sits as an Independent.

On behalf of the BU household we heartily congratulate the youthful daughter of former DLP-BLP member Delisle Bradshaw. In makes us feel good to see young people entering politics. The world is morphing and we will need our best young people to step forward to work with the experienced hands to move our proud nation forward.

What we find laudable is the fact that she has decided to join a party in opposition, to our way of thinking it says a lot about the character of the young lady. Some may take this observation as challenging Hamilton Lashley’s recent decision but his story is different.

We listened with interest to the explanation by leader of the opposition Mia Mottley  regarding her support for the young Santia as reported in the Nation, she identified Santia “as an example for the new generation of BLP leadership, Mottley said the BLP would showcase “about 14 or 15 new candidates going into the next election”. We look forward to the rebirth of the Barbados Labour Party (BLP), those of us who try to be independent recognize the importance of a strong opposition.

What we hope for is that Mia Mottley honour’s her promise to select candidates for the next election which reflect the cross section of Barbados. We continue to be concerned at the high number of lawyers who enter politics in Barbados. While we have nothing against lawyers, we have a problem how that profession has been allowed to terrorize Barbadians. We listened recently to Wilfred Abrahams, the President of the BAR Association who used statistics to favourably explain the four or five lawyers who have been disciplined in recent months out of a pool of six hundred. What he forgot to mention is the daily behaviour  exhibited by lawyers who fustrate Barbadians by processing simple transaction at snail pace for less than acceptable reasons.

The financial and mental impact to ordinary PEOPLE in Barbados has become an everyday talking point. How can we forget that  the Jippy Doyle case which was represented by Sir Richard Cheltenham took seven years, yet the honourable Knight was able to pursue a law suit on behalf of Opposition Leader Mia Mottley in relatively quick time.

We agree with Mia Mottley that the political parties must become reflective of the society which they have sworn to serve. The mistrust and cynicism which currently exist between the PEOPLE and the political parties must be addressed. We believe the cause of some of the cynicism can be attributed to how Barbadians perceive the legal profession.

We must depart from the old ways: Will the traditional composition of the political parties require that lawyers play a lesser role? We wish her party well for the sake of sustaining our stable political climate. What do you think?

119 responses to “Barbados Labour Party Throwing Out The Old”

  1. The next phase of the warring between mottley and Owing is the threat made by Owing to mottley to go do something to herself and wait and see if he comes back from London in time to attend the annual conference or not as he said he would stay away from attending and let the people ask her why he did not attend, true to form she would more likely concoct a wicked lie and pass it off in that manner, however in Owing present mindset he is not prepared to take nonsense from this overweight elephant so he WILL FIGHT BACK AND EXPOSE HER FOR WHAT SHE IS NOTHING BUT A POWER HUNGRY LOW LIFE.

  2. Mia Mottley has been power hungry from school days. Ask anyone from Cave Hill or QC. But ya know what? The same is true for Owen, David, Clyde, Hillary, Barrak and a whole heap of other egocentric characters. Dey jus’ born so…

  3. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha lol. WIV? uh OVERWEIGHT ELEPHANT?? HA HAHA HA HA what a ting!!!!! I have a video of her labouring up a set a of stairs behind Owen and Kofi Anan. If she keeps up her smoking and obesity i cannot see her living pass 55. We already know she has “health issues”

  4. You got to have a little laugh in life you know and these clowns do ertainly provide that avenue to do so.

    Don’t you agree with me that it is possible that it is an overweight elephant????

  5. Wishing In Vain // October 20, 2008 at 11:21 am

    Don’t you agree with me that it is possible that it is an overweight elephant????


    ha ha ha ha ha ha Aren’t all Elephants overweight? or at least over a certain weight? you make it seem like such is a bad thing?
    At least they can, with their weight (1 ton +) live well pass 42 years age. 🙂

  6. this thread is not worth responding to… why not call it the anti-Mia Thread. Or the bigots thread!

  7. Anonymous as you said Reluctant Non-Believer is 1 of the many stupid brainwashed, wash up black individual who eventhough they are seeing racism in their sight will not accept it.You are correct the name suits the hum bug.
    Anonymous you have highlighted the role many black leaders in Africa played in the slave trade and I do not have to necessarrily expand on it.
    If Reluctant Non-Believer is indeed from Ghana,he/she is a sad reflection of what Africans are,but I have my doubts that Reluctant Non-Believer is from Africa.
    Reluctant Non-Believer please deal with the issues I highlighted such as Chinese & Indo-Guyanese businesses in Barbados only hiring their own.Deal with the issues.
    Reluctant Non-believer you are another black human waste that should seek not to exist.You are no help to the black race.Eliminate yourself.

  8. // October 20, 2008 at 1:35 pm

    this thread is not worth responding to… why not call it the anti-Mia Thread. Or the bigots thread!

    It isn’ t worth responding too, yet you had to respond to let us know this. Maybe you think your opinion is so precious that it must be made in response to what you otherwise tell us is irresponsible? To call it the “Anti-Mia” thread could be appropiate,…it’s the only reason i am here, 🙂 but to call it the “Bigots” thread? Why? is Mia in of herself, a different creed, belief or opinion?

  9. Mia is dangerous // October 19, 2008 at 10:58 pm

    Notice that Sanita Bradshaw is getting heavy publicity and exposure in our local press.
    Who is she? What contribution has she made to the country? What positive change position will she bring?
    ….with a basic understanding of consumerism and marketing strategies, one would easily gather that after a product has been manufactured, a market for said product has to be also created. 🙂

  10. BAFBFR – touche!

  11. Santia Bradshaw co owns a company with Ruel Ward. If you do not know who Ruel Ward is, I would be more than happy to let know what others have to say about him. One consistent theme about Ruel Ward is allegations of theft. Now similar allegations have been leveled against the last BLP government and some have insisted that those current members of the opposition who were part of the last GoB need to come clean before anyone can begin accept a so called changed BLP. Would this not mean that Santia Bradshaw needs to address the allegations made against her business partner?

  12. Being in partnership with someone in a company has no legal connotation with that person being involved with an illegal activity. Even if Mr. Ward was accused of and remember he has not be found guilty, which means that he is still innocent, why would that interfere with the lady. Suppose Ms. Bradshaw was running for the DLP, would you be that concerned. Adrian, we must move away from these negativism based on partisan politics.

    I wonder when people start throwing information regarding same sex affairs regarding your partisan kin that you will be man enough and deal with it. We must start being positive and stop the crying down of one another. I am just sick of these stand pipe politics. Start your critique my brother.

  13. I wonder when people start throwing information regarding same sex affairs regarding your partisan kin that you will be man enough and deal with it.

    huh???? did you mean to say KIN or KIND? Either way PARTISAN KIN or PARTISAN KIND i am at a lost as to what or who mean. I am responsible for me, and not a sole else and nothing or no one will move me away from asking questions that i think are pertinent.

  14. I think questions concerning the associations and actions of all politicians and those aspiring to a life of politics is fair game. As for the partisan label! it will not stick. I am on record questioning and researching the possible relationship between Tom Adams and David Thompson, to the point that some said that Thompson’s mother is going to put me in court.

  15. Questions of missing millions from the public coffers and accusations of overseas bank accounts have been leveled against certain members of the last BLP government.

    Some are saying that Mia Mottley cannot be believed when she states that a new BLP is in the making until she answers questions about the behaviour of some of her former collegues. The implication here is, that while she is not implicated directly she is tainted by associations. Your are known by the friends you keep is not a new concept, and i understand your willingness to put away such traditional best practices as it does not suite you, but the majority of Barbadians may still hold to this saying, and demand in the least that an explanation be given. So with that i see similarities between Santia’s relationship with Ruel Ward and what is the case with Mia her parliamentary and governmental associations and questions surrounding their behaviour. Were Santia still a private citizen and not demostrating her intent to run for public office, i wouldn’t care one hoot with whom she associates. Ruel Ward not being found guilty doesn’t not mean that he did not take that which was not his. The removal of articles from the nationnews, and voice clips from cbc does not change what was reported. They don’t have them any longer but i do.

  16. I am responsible for me, and not a sole else and nothing or no one will move me away from asking questions that i think are pertinent.
    However you look at it, the answer will be the same. – “someone or something of the same or similar kind”.

    These Santia’s age grouping is the same young people that David are trying to protect and create a new Barbados, However, you are going counter clockwise in uplifting the said youths by your unnecessary criticism. Let the lady uplift the many youth who we as adults, keep pointing our hands stating the youths are hopeless.


    May 29, 2007 at 5:07 pm
    How come Clico’s messenger Mr.Cook has gone to jail while Ruel Ward still walking around this island?
    They both are accused of stealing huge sums of money….one ran away to Paris ,the other went home in the Pine.
    They took away his passport but his lawyer got it back for him ….client got a new job which requires him to travel he said.
    While the Pine resident didnt run,helped the police with their investigations,was not known to the court…yet still he was refused bail.
    What is the difference between these two.

    One is a lodge member …the other isnt.

    May 29, 2007 at 5:38 pm

    I was wondering who Ruel Ward was so I searched in the Nation Archives to see what I could find.

    Maybe I spelt the name wrong but nothing.

    I googled the name and got a reference for CBC.

    May 29, 2007 at 5:48 pm
    Interestingly, it looks in the CBC article like the guy who it is alleged stole the $1.3 million from the Psychiatric Hospital (aka Black Rock) got remanded.

    Does this mean he did not get bail like the messenger who allegedly stole the $1million from Clico?

    If this is so then since Ruel Ward allegedly stole $4 million from sagicor according to CBC and got bail it just might be that getting bail might also have something to do with the amount of money you allegedly stole.

    The more you allegedly steal the more likely you are to get bail.

  18. Wishing in Vain
    May 29, 2007 at 6:32 pm
    Ruel Ward here is a man from some of the best family backgrounds in the island a Ward from the Mount Gay rum clan of Wards and he finds himself in this mess he deserves to go to jail, but instead he will repay the money and the case will disappear quitely like it never happened , lets wait and see, I told you so is my call!!!
    Just asking
    May 29, 2007 at 7:23 pm
    Hey folks i see we have stirred up a hornets nest here with the messenger, well regards to Roel its not the first time he thief so i guess he has experience, what concerns me though is that we talk about a free media and access to news and all that yet Dale Miller steals thousands of dollars from the Barbados Water Authority gets charge with fraud tries ti skip the island and no one mentions it other than in a token reference in pudding n souse. When are we going to make an example of these guys, heard he too bought a plantation house, but i blame John King cause he said he want a plantation at any cost now all these guys following suit
    Ian Bourne
    May 29, 2007 at 8:57 pm
    It was his father who tried to repay the debt, it is also not the first time it happened!

    The father is no longer at Mt Gay… It is sad from what I understand – when ppl t’ief they usually set up apts or rent cars; he would just live large! Prez suites, LAND leather, Oakley titaniums, flying 1st Class and in an entourage – no investment!

    If I was guilty, I’d have to make sure I have a parachute!

    Hear that another person with sticky fingers is in hot WATER, they’re on leave right now – ppl trying to reclaim their loot seek the authority in every dale and cranny…

    Just asking
    May 29, 2007 at 9:42 pm
    hey Ian im in agreement with you this is not the first time the pompus bastard has stolen money, his old man would have repaid back monies to RM Jones where he worked as Manager as a result of family connections over $400,000 dollars and who were the ones who contributed? tax payers, these same bastard were given debt right off by BACT on monies owed to government by friendly hall plantation limited.

    Hope this doesnt happen with the water boy dale. no more Long necks at Lemon Arbour on Saturdays, see the ppl money and leave it theifing fellows

  19. The removal of articles from the nationnews, and voice clips from cbc does not change what was reported. They don’t have them any longer but i do.
    Am I to believe what you just wrote? This is not guilty by association, but guilty by admission. You said so Adrian!!!

  20. Adrian, yuh really do research. But I ain’t see the clip when he got charge for the crime, that mean he has been accused pending the outcome of the case. Until then, he is innocent. Just applying legal jargon.

  21. Tell me Why // October 23, 2008 at 4:16 pm

    I am responsible for me, and not a sole else and nothing or no one will move me away from asking questions that i think are pertinent.
    However you look at it, the answer will be the same. – “someone or something of the same or similar kind”.

    These Santia’s age grouping is the same young people that David are trying to protect and create a new Barbados, However, you are going counter clockwise in uplifting the said youths by your unnecessary criticism. Let the lady uplift the many youth who we as adults, keep pointing our hands stating the youths are hopeless.

    Santia is 32 years old and quite frankly if Owen Arthur is serious about the Bashment culture, why should i not see her promotion of it as a contributory factor? How do you combat smoking amongst young people while at the same time lifting up to national prominence people who do? How do you combat alcohol consumption while showering national acolades on persons who are known drunks, How do you combat the influence of the dub culture that we claim the zr culture spreads, by looking to the political future via person who made a business out of promoting the messengers of the dub culture? How do you Tell Me Why? Tell me please. We all agree that the ZR culture needs to be rain in yet we hear that who owns these vehicles are the reason nothing sustainable is achieved. Are we really serious about combating the bashment culture and the dub culture with persons like Santia leading us?

  22. Tell me why you are about winning an argument, one that has no interest in reality. The fact of the Sagicor Ruel Ward Case speaks more about corruption in Barbados than anything else.


    May 30, 2007 at 2:51 pm
    I do not have a vendetta against Ruel Ward…Lodge Man.
    I have a vendetta against corruption in this country perpetrated by people like him ,who break all the laws and get a slap on the wrist,while others get a different type of justice.
    I could care less if he drops off the earth but please let justice be fair for all.
    My comments about the lodge are just that ….my comments based on what I have seen and heard from friends who are members and would have asked me to join,the organisation is not as secretive as it used to be nowadays.
    The bar is a public place …therefore open to anyone who pays their tab and abides by the rules of conduct..anyone can come in freely and if you like it be sure to return…obviously the ambience suited him.
    I have said the so called lodges are filled with corruption or corrupted people……prove me wrong!!
    I went to court with a friend who had 5 different charges to answer,spent the whole day there ,he was the last to be called,I was sweating and it was HIM who had the charges.The prosecutor said something to the effect…i have no evidence to these charges (not the exact words).The Magistrate told him he can go……this after others with similar charges had to pay lofty fines.When I told him how lucky he was,this was his reply………benefits of the lodge.
    What was i to think then??
    I bet others have lots of these stories to tell.That is corruption in my opinion.
    Charges being dropped because of your fraternity?
    No prison time for crimes that others get?
    Dont make me laugh !!
    I have been approached by members for years,so please dont tell me what I know or dont know…….maybe back in the day with gran pa it was top secret but now with all the young people in it what do you think??


    1.6. Law and Justice: law aspires to, but
    does not always achieve justice.
    “Justice” is a set of ideals based on
    moral and ethical principles to which
    “law” aspires, but which it does not
    always achieve. Law, on the other hand,
    is a set of rules made by men and women
    for the regulation of every aspect of the
    life of their communities.
    In spite of its imperfections, “law”
    remains the foundation stone of a nation.
    It is the cement which holds together the
    building blocks of a society. It creates
    rights and imposes duties; it empowers
    enterprise and regulates its practice; it
    protects the security of the state and safeguards
    the rights of the citizen; it resolves
    disputes without fear or favour, and it
    tries to ensure that no one is above the

  23. Your law is not my law will get worse Mia once said, in reference to the company that hired 14 illegal indians to do work at Kesington Oval. She probably was reminded of it by the following taken from the report of the national commision on law and order


    (f) The Walkabouts: The walkabouts
    proposed were found to be a necessary
    means of gleaning first hand information
    regarding the problems with law and justice
    from the perspective of the “boys on
    the block” and those young persons who
    had not participated in the public meetings.
    The view was held that in their
    home environment, among their peers,
    such persons were likely to answer questions
    posed by the Commissioners with
    greater candour. The opportunity was
    taken to capture the views of young persons
    from several areas of the island.
    Walkabouts were conducted
    between Saturday, October 25, 2003
    and Saturday, November 1, 2003. Areas
    visited were:
    Public Service Vehicle Terminal, Cheapside
    Chapman Lane (Dog Pound), the City
    Brittons Hill (Lebanon), St. Michael
    Eden Lodge, St. Michael
    Proute, St. Thomas
    Clifton Hill, St. Thomas
    Lammings, St. Joseph
    Charles Rowe Bridge, St. George
    Gall Hill, St. John
    Haynesville, St. James
    The Commission was well represented
    at these walkabouts and there was free
    exchange between Commissioners and
    interviewees. The recurrent themes were:
    The work of the Police Force
    Injustice in the system of government
    The Educational System
    Legalisation of Marijuana
    Lack of support from the community

  24. Mr. Chad Blackman.
    Mr. Patrick Tannis.
    Mr. Ian Edgehill (he ain’t pedigree but..)
    Miss Santia Bradshaw.
    Mr. Steven Williams
    Mr. Ian Walcott (somebody got tuh plan dis ting)
    Mr.Henderson Bovell
    Mr. Gregory Nicholls

    A few names that will be making the rounds as possible BLP candidates on Mia’s team.

  25. Are we really serious about combating the bashment culture and the dub culture with persons like Santia leading us?
    ……………………………………………………….What Certain elements of Reggae on the Hill contains Bashment Culture and you know who usually attends, our well-loved Prime Minister. He don’t discriminate whilst in the company of youths. During his time in opposition he could be seen with the rasta community, the elite community, the black community, the white community, the immigrant community and any person especially the youth. But being friendly as Mr. Thompson displays, I surely would not call that Bashment or Dub culture, but being in tune with the youth. You have to take a back seat like me and stop criticising a culture that our children and possibly grand children are part of regarding if you like it or not. This have nothing to do with political leaders present or past.

  26. Tell me why; it is clear to see why things will continue to fall apart in Barbados. Your willingess to reconstruct social deviantcy into Social normalcy simply to project your brand of people will lead us all down a path that rewards stealing 4 million from Sagicor. Indeed we are there now. Please don’t ever ask “how de youth get so”, unless you are willing to truthfully give the answer. :0

    Do you remember Bumba calypso “They want to know?’

    They want to know,
    How moral you want them to be
    When you saturate de TV
    Wid old rats like JR and Julie,
    You get what you sow,
    and even what you allow to wildly grow.

  27. Your willingess to reconstruct social deviantcy into Social normalcy simply to project your brand of people will lead us all down a path that rewards stealing 4 million from Sagicor.
    It is all about us who stigmatise anyone with locks that walks into a bank and before we assess the person and ensure that he might be doing legitimate like you or I, we hurriedly call the police stating that a suspicious character is in the bank and we fear our safety. That’s how you are behaving. So cut out the talk about social deviantcy and bashment culture and deal with issues with an opened mind. You will be surprise that the real danger might be within the elitist social gatherings.


    LOVELY !

  29. Tell me Why // October 24, 2008 at 2:01 pm

    Your willingess to reconstruct social deviantcy into Social normalcy simply to project your brand of people will lead us all down a path that rewards stealing 4 million from Sagicor.
    It is all about us who stigmatise anyone with locks that walks into a bank and before we assess the person and ensure that he might be doing legitimate like you or I, we hurriedly call the police stating that a suspicious character is in the bank and we fear our safety. That’s how you are behaving. So cut out the talk about social deviantcy and bashment culture and deal with issues with an opened mind. You will be surprise that the real danger might be within the elitist social gatherings.

    Are you stating such as indicative of anything i have said? I have never judged a person by their hair do unless their Hair-do is all there is to them. Santia is a beautiful women one that i would i would be open to dating hair style and all, but I am guided to look more deeply at a person philosophy, habits, attitudes, beliefs etc than their looks. It is funny that you would wish to make me aware of what occurs in elitist circles, when your BLP is currently embarked on a strategy to highlight in a negative way the lack of pedigree of the current DLP parliamentarians, who went to school were etc. I keep telling wunnuh Barbados is a very small place, and 7,000 people is a lot of people to keep things away from, and as long as they are willing to talk i will always be listening. 🙂

    BTW i will not be leaving out the Bashment culture, or curtail my observation of the attempted social reconstruction of Barbados by self interested people. My mind is open as is my eyes and ears are, what more open do you want? If perchance it means suspending my God given right to think, and to reason, then you should know the answer. 🙂

  30. Adrian, i just used the locks to get over how Barbadians judge one another. BTW, if my memory serves me correct, the present administration promote its candidates along with qualifications and I must say they were all impressive, so I fail to understand where the stigmatisation came from. I am here to create the other side of the story regardless of any party’s loyalty.

  31. Tell me Why // October 24, 2008 at 3:58 pm

    Adrian, i just used the locks to get over how Barbadians judge one another.

    ……and this is to say that it had no direct bearing on anything i had said, but presented you with an opportunity to engage in righteousness??????? If so you could have started the piece by saying “this has nothing to do with you Adrian or has any bearing on anything you have said’ and i would not have bothered to respond. 🙂 next time you feel to go of on an unrelated tangent could yuh let me know? :0 lol!

  32. Sorry my friend, I did enjoyed our tete-a-tete to keep my adrenalin pumping. This also assisted in relieving you from being stressed out due to Obama winning. Lol

  33. Tell me Why // October 24, 2008 at 9:17 pm

    Sorry my friend, I did enjoyed our tete-a-tete to keep my adrenalin pumping. This also assisted in relieving you from being stressed out due to Obama winning. Lol

    Obama winning gine stress me out? you obviously do not know me. ha ha ha ha ha Don’t forget the real poll is Nov 4th. and I Looking for a Landslide victory and defeat for somebody or the other.

  34. Nothing has changed.

    sanita is simply old wine in a new bottle. She will just maintain the status quo. Nothing Earth shaking will come from her. Her father was a joke politician and as the saying goes the fruit don’t fall too far from the tree.

    Even though it has been many years now important questions relating to the murder of “Pele” Parris will be raised which will destroy her. The sins of the parents falling on the children. She will have to tell the Nation what her father discussed with her regarding “Pele” Parris’ murder. What role he played in it. Senior Suprintendant Byron Clarke is now dead and we are looking to her for answers to the “Pele” Parris murder.

    Plus don’t forget she is a lawyer, she belongs to one of the most dishonest professions in Barbados.

  35. Maybe Santia gives off different vibes in real life, but lookin at pictures and video clips of her on the internet, she seems disinterested, spaced out, tired…then some would say that’s the personality of a visionary. 🙂 We can’t even ask the Legend Ruel Ward to comment on this. He may have been sworn to secrecy, otherwise an accounting of 4 million dollars may suddenly appear. Anybody knows when Pyrimid was formed and can we ask to see it’s books?

  36. Ok, two hours later and BLP TV streaming has not started as promise. I gine assume um is technical difficulties, and nothing more.

  37. Boy yuh see why i does don’t put my faith in anything a Bajan say? It fast approaching 3 hours that the BLP promise to stream duh convention gathering, and i hey wasting my valuable time for nothing, although my wife tell muh uh might have been still wasting um even if um did streaming on time. 🙂 Anyway folks i gone, i gine and get my sweat on.

  38. …. somebody must be cut the wires.

  39. How many people on this blog manage to read through the verbiage posted by the ‘People’s Democratic Congress?’

  40. Will Clyde Mascoll be on Mia’s team?Could someone explain what could cause his expression on the front page of the Sunday Sun.

  41. Anybody knows when Pyrimid was formed and can we ask to see it’s books?
    Come on Adrian,yuh rushing into condemnation too fast. You should be ensuring that that all candidates who won in the January 15 polls declare assets as promised. Give de woman a chance.

  42. It is 2.20PM and the BLP webcast is still spluttering. Could this be an indication of how they continue to struggle with using technology as part of a strategy to communicate to the PEOPLE. Another broken promise by politicians which does nothing for the vocation.

  43. Could this be an indication of how they continue to struggle with using technology as part of a strategy to communicate to the PEOPLE.
    Who to trust?

  44. OBSERVER // October 26, 2008 at 1:07 pm

    How many people on this blog manage to read through the verbiage posted by the ‘People’s Democratic Congress?’

    My bet, none.

    It’s usually just blah, blah, blah, DLP sucks, blah, blah, BLP sucks, blah, blah, we’ll abolish taxes, blah, blah, blah.

  45. Tell me why i gine deal wid you, Santia, Ruel Ward and pyrimid later. Well i did get tuh listen to Mia after all. I have 7000 friends, a large portion of whom are in Barbados. ha ha ha ha ha ha

    Let me start at the end and this is only a brief synosis of her speech (got tuh run tuh a party in a couple min) Wunnuh saw that old man in the Kaki shirt bouncing to Shaggy, Old man got riddim den, and WIV made me believe that Clyde Griffith and Mia aint greeing and i see he dey looking as happy as ever. Also i did see a few people not clapping as Mia rap up, dem must be Owen supporters, who must be now saying boy Owing aint gine get back the leadership suh easy.
    I don’t like the woman and probably never will but Mia gave a great speech, a lot of facts and a lot of passion. In fact i was impress with her recitation of Rudyard Kiplings (IF) it is my signature anthem, and should be for anyone who don’t give a rat’s ass what people say bout yuh. Her ability to put in the most layman of terms the economic approach of Owen Arthur after 9/11 which i agreed with given the reality of Barbados being a socialist democracy, where a lot of people have been conditioned into depending on government. Her argument that the Capital works programs that were instituted during the period after 9/11 should continue or be restarted anew now that the financial crisis is certain to cause fall out in Bimshire. She made the case that this will happen and there for once again given the realities of Barbados being a socialist democracy where free markets are not practice then you have to protect jobs and people. I don’t like the dependecy that this has garnered over the years but this is real Barbados today and this is not a time to wean people off of Big government. Then again the DLP has always claimed to be more socialist democratic than the BLP, and they will have to prove it this time around. Mia is setting to challenge the belief that the BLP is the party of big business with white shadows. She attempted to do so in her speech but i am not convince that she made the case otherwise. What the DLP does going forward will either give her the opportunity to win this argumet or shut her up for good.

    If Thompson does not shape up, and Mia continues on the current trajectory she set with this speech, she will be unsoppable. In economic bad times people make choice they otherwise might not. One reason we are set to see a Barack presidency and may as well see a PM Mia.

    Got tuh run.

    I am black, and will not vote for Barack.

  46. So-called economist Mr. Clyde ” the Glide” Mascoll is one of those old jurassic thinkers in Barbados who deliberately continues to get himself in the way of tens of thousands of Barbadians seeing the greater light in this country. And, normally he does this with NO apologies or compunctions, what ever his very public pretensions and ambitions.

    What it is – though – is that when Mr. Mascoll sometimes behaves like that it must be that he must be construed as merely wanting to be “in the do” – to be seen whilst he is or seeks to be in the public’s light – HENCE, NO REAL SERIOUSNESS WHEN IT COMES TO MANY THINGS POLITICAL IN THIS COUNTRY. And, DONT THINK that the very stunning loss by him in the last St. Michael North West poll in the general election on the January 15, would have been enough to create that amount of damage to have brought a halt to his political gamesmanship.

    Well look at these facts and see for yourselves!! A political friend of our Political Leader, Mr. Mark Adamson, recently had the occasion to tell him (Adamson) that he saw Mr. Mascoll a few days ago down by Mr. Leron Gibbs’ business in Bridgetown and asked him what he was up to politically and how Mr. Mascoll quickly responded to him by saying that HE WAS FINISHED WITH PARTISAN POLITICS IN BARBADOS, THAT IT IS TOO DIRTY AND NASTY. But, little did Adamson’s friend know that he ( Adamson) knew Mr. Mascoll well enough to have known that that could NEVER have been so!! And, so, therefore and quite logically, our Political Leader was heard to point out to this friend that that was impossible, since, among other things, Mr. Mascoll has been writing a politically oriented column in the Weekend Nation Newspaper, attacking this DLP government’s so-called economic and financial policies. Yet, at this stage, this friend of our Political Leader must really be wondering what kinda of political animal is Mr. Mascoll to tell him so, when he Mascoll knew that he was going to be attending this same BLP Annnual Conference!!!

    Well, the truth is that this is NOT the first time NOR will it be the last time that Mr. Mascoll would have been caught disgustingly LYING. For, some years ago when we were just the Society For Mass Freedom and Democracy (SMFD), we had accepted the request of the same Mr. Mascoll – who was then Opposition Leader at the time – to come to one of our meetings and address the membership at Lord’s Court, Bridgetown. And, so, having sought and did secure Mascoll’s confirmation of attendance at this meeting, we had set about organizing for this special meeting. But ya know what, when the time had come for the meeting, we looked and looked intently for Mr. Mascoll’s attendance at this well attended meeting, and NEVER even saw the shadow of Mr. Clyde “the glide” Mascoll that afternoon.

    Nevertheless, some while after that though, at around that time when elections were in the air in 2003, we came upon Mr. Mascoll and other members of his now estranged DLP, handing out copies of the DLP’s Mini-Manifesto down at Kensignton Oval – because there was a Test Match that was being played down there that day and the environment – mainly in terms of the crowd – had lent to “Mr Massk” seeing it fit to distribute the Manifesto at the time. Well, we – Mr. Adamson and some other members of SMFD confronted Mr. Mascoll at the time about his non-appearance and ya know what “Massk’ s” excuse for NOT attending was… well: “I really had FORGOT all about the meeting”. Up to now we HAVE NEVER BELIEVED THAT RUBBISH.

    So ya see, Mr Mascoll is NOT to be trusted and confided at times, even as an image of him appears on the front page of today’s Sunday Sun ( October 26, 2008). Verily, you can look actually carefully at the image of his eyes and his facial expression in this newspaper – for, it is said by many people that a picture is worth a thousand words – and you would see that Mr. Mascoll is – in this newpaper’s copy of his “actual grimacing” posture at that BLP Conference – leaving the impression of being NOTHING more than a political trickster and shenanigan, who – in regard of this front page news story – is really about raising false and specious issues about the speed with which the NUPW and the Government concluded negotiations on salary increases.

    So, rather than really coming up with serious ideas, principles and policies for effectively dealing with the very tough times that Barbados now faces with regard to this so-called global economic and financial crisis that is so rapidly spreading and deepening at this stage, “Massk” prefers to be observed in the Sunday Sun newspaper raising petty, divisive, and distracting points and issues. What a practical joker he is!! And, yes, he wants thousands upon thousands of people in Barbados to continue ignoring the fact that TAXATION, INTEREST RATES, MOTOR VEHICLE INSURANCE, EXCHANGE RATES WITH THE BARBADOS DOLLAR, ETC., MUST BE ALTOGETHER ABOLISHED IN THIS COUNTRY, so as to better secure and maintain the relevant growth and development aims and potentialities of the masses and middle classes of people in Barbados, and so as to better position Barbados to deal with the sorts of international economic and financial shocks that are being felt right now in Barbados.


  47. ….wait where is everybody????? WIV where are you man? Mia got something big pun you man Hartley and i can’t hear a word from you. Tell me Why how come you aint up in here celebrating Mia maiden century. That was some fine batting, that speech was. Nuh body aint got nutten to say????

  48. Wishing In Vain Avatar

    David maybe it was not intended to work properly as they may not have wanted to display the sparse collection that made up the first day, or maybe even more likely it was not to let the public see that the former PM Owing See Thru Arthur stayed true to his promise to shaft mottley and belittle her by staying away from attending the annual conference which he so rightly did.

    Now mottley must tell the island how it is that her actions created the conditions that saw the former leader willfully slight her and refuse to present himself at their conference.

    News coming out of the conference is that when MM Blarney Noeless Lynch was asked by one of the members where See Thru was he relpied why do you not let sleeping dogs sleep, I am not sure that he was referring to See Thru as a dog or mottley but one way or the other there is trouble in the camp.

    It seems that after numerous years in the wilderness the short runt George Payne has now found his voice and has been selected as Chairman.

  49. PDC are you really serious though? You write all uh that to tell us that according to you, Mascoll is a bona fide liar? I actually read that entire contribution from you, something i do not do very often, and in addition to telling me that Mascoll is liar it also reaffirms why I haven’t seen it necessary to read your posting on a habitual basis.

  50. Tell me why i gine deal wid you, Santia, Ruel Ward and pyrimid later.
    ………………………………………………………Ah got tuh do some research time Adrian get back wid he spin. Sometimes we have to give Jack he jacket, or should I say Jill she Jacket. I was inpressed with her address in layman’s term. Politicians must start to realise that the status quos are not the only people who will vote for them, thus the reduction in academic language and simplify your economic terms with a bit of standpipe jargon.

    Adrian, you are a real man to compliment someone you are not fond about. By so doing, WIV will be mad with you after you have complimented his nemesis.

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