The Barbados Labour Party (BLP) has reported that they will be streaming (BLP) events from their Annual Conference taking place at Queens College this morning from 9.15 AM. They seem to be experiencing difficulties because up to 9.50 AM no stream was available but the BU family can keep trying!
BLP's St Michael South East branch nominated young attorney-at-law Santia Bradshaw as its candidate following the resignation of Member of Parliament Hamilton Lashley, who now sits as an Independent.
St Michael South East branch nominated attorney-at-law Santia Bradshaw as its candidate – triggered by the resignation of Member of Parliament Hamilton Lashley, who now sits as an Independent.

On behalf of the BU household we heartily congratulate the youthful daughter of former DLP-BLP member Delisle Bradshaw. In makes us feel good to see young people entering politics. The world is morphing and we will need our best young people to step forward to work with the experienced hands to move our proud nation forward.

What we find laudable is the fact that she has decided to join a party in opposition, to our way of thinking it says a lot about the character of the young lady. Some may take this observation as challenging Hamilton Lashley’s recent decision but his story is different.

We listened with interest to the explanation by leader of the opposition Mia Mottley  regarding her support for the young Santia as reported in the Nation, she identified Santia “as an example for the new generation of BLP leadership, Mottley said the BLP would showcase “about 14 or 15 new candidates going into the next election”. We look forward to the rebirth of the Barbados Labour Party (BLP), those of us who try to be independent recognize the importance of a strong opposition.

What we hope for is that Mia Mottley honour’s her promise to select candidates for the next election which reflect the cross section of Barbados. We continue to be concerned at the high number of lawyers who enter politics in Barbados. While we have nothing against lawyers, we have a problem how that profession has been allowed to terrorize Barbadians. We listened recently to Wilfred Abrahams, the President of the BAR Association who used statistics to favourably explain the four or five lawyers who have been disciplined in recent months out of a pool of six hundred. What he forgot to mention is the daily behaviour  exhibited by lawyers who fustrate Barbadians by processing simple transaction at snail pace for less than acceptable reasons.

The financial and mental impact to ordinary PEOPLE in Barbados has become an everyday talking point. How can we forget that  the Jippy Doyle case which was represented by Sir Richard Cheltenham took seven years, yet the honourable Knight was able to pursue a law suit on behalf of Opposition Leader Mia Mottley in relatively quick time.

We agree with Mia Mottley that the political parties must become reflective of the society which they have sworn to serve. The mistrust and cynicism which currently exist between the PEOPLE and the political parties must be addressed. We believe the cause of some of the cynicism can be attributed to how Barbadians perceive the legal profession.

We must depart from the old ways: Will the traditional composition of the political parties require that lawyers play a lesser role? We wish her party well for the sake of sustaining our stable political climate. What do you think?

119 responses to “Barbados Labour Party Throwing Out The Old”

  1. Does this girl know questions on Pele will be coming her way?

  2. I do not know who caused Pele’s death. But I do know that Santia was not resposible since she was an infant when Pele died.

    We should not be seeking to visit the sins of the father upon the children, because we are not GOD.

  3. J you may be right but that whole act of the MURDER OF PELE PARRIS and the cover up of it by Tom Adams, Bree St John to save Bryte and Delisle Bradshaw and company will always be seen as a dirty mark on our legal system one that was allowed to happen because of the influence and impact of power and greed.

    I now move onto the nomination issue, it very clearly says to me that this is a hurried attempt to imprint a mottley grouping onto the blp, having clearly heard that Owing is coming back to relieve her of her post she has sought to stamp her style onto the blp.

    If her manner and her style, run true to form we can very well expect to see an abundance of candidates being selected by her, with her same type of leanings as was her method of operation in every ministry she had the opportunity to abuse, she loaded it up with all her girls, I sincerely hope that this selection is not indicative of this same program being now started her selection process.

    Moreover it also shows yet another concern for her and that is her lack of loyalty or support from within the few sitting members, she now knows that her support is wafer thin and eroding at a tremendous rate so her 15 selections may well be more like 28 by the time the next General Election rolls around.

    The need to select 15 is amusing in that from press stories some that have been dropped are those that were Owing loyalist and were overlooked and never asked of their intention to again seek reelection, this says very clearly to me that, not that mottley is on a selection process but rather she is on a throw out the Owing clan and insert her clan, lord help us with this misguided program because for sure we know of her wants and her willingness to permit legal Gay and Lesbian and Prostitution and she will stop at nothing to try to make this a way of life for us decent Barbadians.

    To Ms Bradshaw I wish you well in your legal profession, as a politician you have only made one comment in the press and in that one comment it reeks with stupidity and ignorance, smarten up and think before you speak in future, remember opening a mouth and nonsense falling out is the domain of the leader of the opposition, we all understand and forgive her for that trait of callous disregard for anything truthful but in your case we expect some sense to fall out when you open your mouth.

    We the voting public deserve a balanced and sexually NORMAL list of candidates to at lease think about, so please forgive your desire to load the selection process with ladies you can manipulate and control for your own gains.

    Then again she has started so early in the process that by 2020 when they start to regroup and with a revised leader she may not even be around as Owing asserts himself on the blp.

    Then what happens to mottley ?

    Will she then form the Gay and Lesbian party of love for Barbados???

  4. Idiot Detector On Avatar
    Idiot Detector On

    If you are going to be describing a 32 yr. old woman as a “girl,” you are not just “looking back” – you’ve been left behind.

    Idiot Detector Off

  5. Santia Bradshaw is a young profession who has already blazed a trail in her relatively brief career. She has applied her legal training in the area of the entertainment arena. We have no problem with Santia per se, our issue is one which is targeting the extent to which the legal profession has dominated and manipulated our political landscape.

  6. J // October 17, 2008 at 9:55 am

    I do not know who caused Pele’s death. But I do know that Santia was not resposible since she was an infant when Pele died.
    This is the lowest ebb someone can go. Here it is BU is looking at the future of our Politics being in the hands of our youths and you could be so slimmy to align this lady with something she don’t know anything about and WIV enjoy exposing his profession.. This is the reason that our academics refuse to step up to the plate due to characters assassination by people of your kin. Let’s focus on the positives people. Peace

  7. Someone said the 'BLP Stalwart' Avatar
    Someone said the ‘BLP Stalwart’

    Thank you very much Tell Me Why. The more that I read comments from WIV, the more that I realise this is the utterances of a divisive and diabolical person who knows no end. The Dems are in government and they are still spinning as if in opposition. I can only say that a self-fulfilling prophecy would be to the advantage of all those thousands who expected positive and significant change. WIV, please get a life rather than try to destroy others’ lives.

  8. Sont worry about the dharacter assination; in politics that is the norm.

    I myself am a (young) person and one of my reasons for not entering politics although I love it is because I dont think I can conform or kiss anybody’s ass. So I know that I wont get far!

    I wish the young lady luck and God’s blessings. (That is if he has anything to do with politics) LOL1

  9. If Santia Bradshaw is the new type of young BLP leaders I think we are in trouble as a nation of predominately black people.The PEP column in today’s paper summed up Santia’s political agenda nicely.
    Political parties not dealing with race but looking at all of us as one is a recipe for disaster for blacks in this world.We have cases in Guyana & Trinidad where race plays a dominant role in all the political parties in those countries.We all know too well the racist oppressive Indian PPP government in Guyana.
    Race plays a vital role in all political parties in the world and santia’s views are backwards.
    I hope the likes of Santia Bradshaw Kerrie Symmonds,Mia Mottley,Gregory Niccholls & stupid former senator Ian Gooding Edghill who said he was glad for slavery because it allowed him to exist this part of the world and be able to own a BMW never be given the opportunity to rule Barbados.
    God help black people if they are given that opportunity .

  10. Wow, WIV!

    Low blow. Only a party faithful would do that! Tending to the birds in the yard.

  11. Dear Tell me Why:

    Why are you castigating me??? I did not say anything bad about Ms. Bradshaw.

    The first post from “Looking Back” asked a rude question and my response was in defense of Ms. Bradshaw who I pointed out was an INNOCENT INFANT back in the 1970’s .

    Anybody who reads these blogs knows that “J” is completely NON-PARTISAN.

  12. VPolitical parties not dealing with race but looking at all of us as one is a recipe for disaster for blacks in this world.We have cases in Guyana & Trinidad where race plays a dominant role in all the political parties in those countries.
    Your language seems that you would like to incite racism in politics. What’s wrong with the lady’s views of avoiding race and dealing with everybody as one. That’s admirable from a young person who is trying to avoid the racial pitfalls of her fore parents. What is better is to create One Barbados.

  13. Anybody who reads these blogs knows that “J” is completely NON-PARTISAN.
    ……………………………………………………….Yes, you might be non-partisan but you must state what was your motive by mentioning Pele and the girl’s father when the discussion was about youth in politics. I don’t want you to stoop to the level of WIV.

  14. When a “new generation” is announced in Barbados, it really means the sons and daughters of the last bunch of politicians that screwed it up and that is exactly what we have in Bradshaw.

    She allows the BLP to say “new and improved” but is in fact a way for the existing family and business power structures to carry on.

    Same as Mia was her father’s daughter and her role in government continued to empower her father’s power group.

  15. I like your take Missing. The Mottleys, The Millers ,The Adams more examples . Bradshaw was a joke politician . He fine tuned grasshopping. Probably how he contracted the piles that made him lone absentee in Sandi no confidence ruling. Politicians bah..away with them.

  16. The BU family should not be naive to think that she will not have to deal with the Pele case. We suspect that Santia is intelligent enough to know this and as articulate as we know she is she will have a response already crafted.

  17. New faces with the same old mentality and philosophy makes a new look party not a new party.
    What is needed in Barbados now is a new political class not the 2nd and 3rd generations of the old one. Politicans who will put country first. Politicians who seek office to represent the people and not for personal gain.
    Politicians who will endeavour to serve people always .
    Those who beleive they have a right just because and need not ask for the privilege to represent us, are not needed anymore.
    We need more people that serve the community voluntary to come forward, these are the real representatives of the people.

  18. reluctant nonbeliever Avatar
    reluctant nonbeliever

    Missing hits the target here.

    ‘New generation’ in Bajan politics (in fact across the Caribbean) too often means perpetuating a dynasty.

    It’s like old wine in new bottles.

    One correction to an earlier comment, though:

    WIV is dead wrong with his sleazy innuendo about her “leanings”. Nuff said about that.

    As for her stated attitude towards race – well, we’ll see how this translates into policy. But for now, anything that gets up the nose of the PEP and BU’s very own racial bigot Negroman can’t be bad…

  19. @Missing Home

    In the case of Santia we are struggling to identify her dynasty 🙂

  20. If the DLP play their cards well, I can’t see the BLP regaining government under ten years, not with Mia as leader. At one point, I had seen glimpsees of the old Barrow DLP days under Owen. The last five years spoilt all that. The NEW BLP will return to the elitist party that it was and bajans are going to find it hard to adjust to that.The DLP would have to do very badly for bajans to have to chose the better of the two evil.

  21. Both DLP and BLP must be eventually sent packing in this country. A fast growing number of people, esp. younger and lower middle aged ones in this country, are on a daily basis agreeing with us – PDC – that the DLP and BLP MUST GO.

    Hence, they are in agreement that in order for thousands upon thousands of people in Barbados to once and for all rid this country of DLP and BLP Government inspired/caused problems, the broad masses and middle classes of people in Barbados MUST STOP ELECT DLP and BLP Governments in this country.

    And, key to making sure that these wretched old parties are removed from political office is the evolution of a voting/electoral system; a political/governmental system; a financial system; a material/productive system; a social/value system; and a media system that altogether are reflective of and are controlled by the critical wants/needs, imageries and hopes of the masses and middle classes of people of this country.

    Finally, that is why, for example, the PDC holds firmly to the ideological and policy positions that were we the government today:

    1) Candidates in elections in Barbados would ONLY have to pay a nominal fee in order to participate in elections in this country – about BDS $ 30 not BDS $ 250 – State financing for ALL Candidates in Elections – NOT just party Candidates BUT ALSO non-party Candidates;

    2) Voters who would produce proof that they did vote in elections would be granted BDS $ 100 each for having voted;

    3) Constituents would be made to debate and pass the laws of this country in Constituency Assemblies – one each for every constituency -TRUE SOVEREIGN POWER TO THE PEOPLE;

    4) Voters across the country would vote in the President/Cabinet of this country – thus, even if you live in St.Lucy, St. Andrew, St. Peter, St. Thomas, St. James, you would have a similar chance as some one who lives in St. Michael, St.Thomas, St. George, St. John, St. Joseph, St. Philip or Christ Church, to vote for a candidate for President or for the Cabinet;

    5) A Non-Repayable Productive Loan system put in place;

    6) Only Partners in Partnership Enterprises in Barbados shall be the OWNERS ( except as provided below) of Partnership Enterprises in Barbados, which shall be the ONLY multi-member corporate business entities possible in Barbados – there shall be NO OWNERSHIP through mere investment of finance/in shares in these enterprises – every foreign investor must partner with a local investor in any local commercial venture/undertaking in Barbados – with the foreign investor having the maximum of 51 % ownership ;

    7) National Partnership Enterprises would be the main business organizational structure of the day in Barbados – NOT companies – present-day workers/supervisors/managers/owners shall therefore become partners in these enterprises and shall be remunerated in dividends/profits – NOT wages;

    8) There would have already been the beginning of the establishment of a real industrial base for Barbados – involving the assembling of aircraft, motor vehicles, satellites, missiles, the building of ships in Barbados;

    9) A nation/country first approach to many issues in the country, with such being seriously expressed in the school/education system and media system of the country;

    10) The notion/practice of our nation’s people being more creators, producers and exporters of wealth and income moreso than consumers and importers of the wealth of others and spenders of income – ours or NOT – such would be strongly expressed in the school/education system and the media system;

    11) The providing of a section in the Constitution of Barbados guaranteeing right to freedom of the Press/Media; and

    12 ) That for every view or comment or ideology/philosophy put in the media, every possible chance shall be given for a counter view, comment or ideology/philosophy to be placed there in and be free of any defamation suits arising in the process of doing that – only in cases of malicious or careless or reckless unproven allegations made by or through Press/Media will defamation suits be possible again the Press/media.

    So, down with the DLP and BLP!!


  22. Mr. Clyde “the Glide” Mascoll, in his Weekend Nation Column, pg 10, of October 17, 2008, squeaked: I have been asked by readers of the column to offer NOT ONLY criticism BUT some advice, especially because of the pending economic difficulties and also in light of the apparent daze that seems to have engulfed the country’s leader”.

    Therefore, Mr. Mascoll, went on to render advice that consisted of:

    (1) A speedy and adequate increase in wages and salaries for public sector workers;

    (2) A fair adjustment (downwards?) to the rate applied to property taxes; and

    (3) A reduction in energy “prices”.

    Such advice, Mr. Mascoll said, is, (1), designed to counter the economic downturn, (2), contain job losses, and,(3), restore some of the consumers’ spending power.

    Well, well, the fact is that what Mr. Mascoll is proposing the government does at this stage is so TOTALLY SHOCKINGLY inadequate and deficient, that it is so amazing that he could be proffering that kind of advice that could easily have been provided by a student in some foolish Cambridge A level economics course.

    While Mascoll does NOT propose any thing to reduce the cost of living – which is probably the major national concern at this stage – he yet proposes increases in public sector wages and salaries that will be quickly eroded by this skyrocketing cost of living, which already has a massive TAXATION component. What he implied tells us, therefore, is that the government, some merchant houses and the Banks would be the primary beneficiaries of these increases.

    Also, while terribly failing to address the matter of productivity and production – which are utmostly needed to be boosted at this time, he instead deals with one area that has very little marginal effect on boosting production/productivity at this stage, so-called property taxes. IF there are reductions in such, these will mainly serve to allow such property owners – most of whom would be middle class -to save a little more or do a little debt clearing. Such cannot lead to any substantial investment creation or expansion, which are areas that must really be targetted at this moment.

    3) Although any reductions in energy costs to individuals and other entities are needed at this stage, Mr. Mascoll still does NOT deal with the fact that Barbados needs to export more in order to boost its foreign exchange earing potential – which is a very critical area at this stage – given that Tourism and international financial services sectors – foreign exchange earning sectors that are bound to be seriously affected by the many prevailing external economic and financial shocks brought on by the sub-prime mortgage crisis and the international credit crisis, and that esp. Tourism is bound to be seriously affected by substantially high import costs. Reducing local energy costs to even reasonable levels, say, 2005 levels will NOT stabilize tourism at this stage far less manufacturing agriculture or even boost these very important sectors.

    Given that countercyclical measures were tried in 2002 by Mr. Owen Arthur, and to some degree failed, we are sure that these will also fail.


  23. PDC you should think about joining one the traditional parties moreso the Dees. You write and string your long winded thoughts together fairly well. I am sure DLP admin could find you a decent job dishing out information. Talk to WIV. I am serious. You wasting some talent here on your futile one man show.

  24. You write and string your long winded thoughts together fairly well. I am sure DLP admin could find you a decent job dishing out information
    That will surely spell disaster for the Dees.

  25. TMW you not nice at all,lol.

  26. Wishing In Vain
    Hoy hoy, look wah you saying ’bout Santia Bradshaw. Limme tell ya she Mudda got to be a looker cause de Father was never designed for TV…

    Missing Home
    I wid you. New wine from the same ol’ manufacturers.

    The Scout
    Miss Mottley past 40 yo a couple years ago and she still carrying a lot of physical weight. I don’ know.

    Mr Bradshaw did the BLP an incredible debt of service when he went to Antigua to have an operation on his pooch. His absence fixed the numbers in the House to allow the four DLP members to vote against Sandiford and not run the risk of bringing the administration down. (Of course Sandie pull up the stumps and went home). The BLP as a result enjoyed 14 years in office. Braddie got nothing for his help, not even a thank you and lost his seat in disgrace. His daughter must be a suck for punishment.

  27. Congratulations to Santia
    I met Santia briefly during a business interaction and I was immediately impressed with her demeanour. Unknown to her I paid some interest to her name as I saw it associated with various entities, ventures and events. It never occured to me that she had politics in her blood even though Braddies Bar featured in some of these events and her name is Bradshaw.

    I will be monitoring her progress.Why ?I dont know, but that one pleasant encounter that I had with her pique my interest in this young lady. It is just one of these things. Therfore, I was forced to comment here on this blog

  28. I want her to pose for Playboy…

  29. @PDC

    I would love to comment on your posts. I never read them… too damn long. After drafting, could you do a precis and publish that? We could be missing something worthwhile in your epistles.

    If you want to get out of file #19 where you sit with WIV and Q, please shorten your posts.

  30. Sir Bentwood Dick Avatar
    Sir Bentwood Dick

    Asiba and BAFBFP have just demonstrated Mia’s guile.

    I know which way all de young fellers (and many old) going be voting next election, in that constituency!

  31. Dear Tell Me Why you wrote”Yes, you might be non-partisan but you must state what was your motive ”

    Believe it or not NO MOTIVE.

    I was not even living in Barbados for many years before and many years after Pele died. I never “followed” the case. I know nothing about it. I don’t want to know anythig about it. Truly I don’t care anything about it. That is the truth. I am probably the only Bajan left who could sit on a jury for that case and not be predjudiced one way or another, because in truth I neither know nor care about the case.

    I vote all the time (and have voted a good number of times for both the BLP and the DLP) and I have worked in elections both here and abroad (for the Electoral and Boundaries Comission and the equivalent abroad) and I plan to continue doing so, however I have never been a member of any political party, I have never been invited to join any political party, I don’t plan to join any political party. During election season I ALWAYS attend meetings of ALL parties, including the PDC or whatever third, or fourth party is fielding candidates at the time. I have been attending political party public meetings from the time I was 6 years old and I plan to continue doing so until I am 106.

    BUT don’t invite me to your (political)party ’cause I ain’t coming.

    I remain

    Yours sincerely

    J Non-partisan (peace)

  32. Mia is dangerous Avatar
    Mia is dangerous

    Yes, she would be dangerous for Barbados.She must not become PM.
    Her morals will do great harm to this country.

    No political punches intended – Just mere common sense!

  33. Ok “J” I was a bit hard on you since I read your post and you call a spade a spade, but your first line “I do not know who caused Pele’s death.” did leave questions on your sincerity. Anyway, my apologies and let’s move on with the true debate. Peace my ……ah!!!!!! gender not known. Enjoy.

  34. Reluctant Non-Believer
    I hope when your children & grand children if you have any and if you are indeed black I hope you remember even if you are in the ancestral world your reluctance to accept the racist and oppressive world we live in towards blacks.
    The discrimination against us blacks is already beginning to occur in Barbados.Chinese businesses only hiring chinese workers to work on their projects, the massive chinese restaurant at Top Rock,Christ Church is a case in point.Indo-Guyanese businesses people in Barbados hiring only Indo-Guyanese the two Indo-Guyanese shops in Bay Street & the Indo-Guyanese shops in Brittons Hill are cases in point.I know idiots like you see nothing wrong in that and will refer to it as Indians & Chinese helping their own,but if we blacks do the same thing, black nuisances like you will refer to it as racism and and will state that every one regarding of race should be given an equal opportunity.
    The black race has a mental defect because it produces human waste like you and the large numbers of anti-black blacks & token blacks.Blacks like you are a waste of human life and should seek to exist

  35. I still want she pose for Playboy

  36. You too Pat

  37. reluctant nonbeliever Avatar
    reluctant nonbeliever

    negroman, i apologise for my earlier comment about you. i now see from your response that you are a deeply disturbed and suffering individual, more worthy of pity and than ridicule.
    your name is a cry of pain. you and people like you are a throw-back to a primitive kind of race consciousness. you are an evolutionary dead-end. you sound – forgive me – like a desperate slave (i am an african, born in ghana, brought up in the caribbean). i pray that you will be able to find the strength to free yourself from the mental servitude that binds and blinds you.

  38. Thanks, for the comments Observer, Pat and J.

    For those, who did NOT know, but have been thinking this way, we are NO one man show here. And you will be surprised to know about it too.

    Well, this is the first time since that last post above – which was done yesterday morning – that we are reading the blogs. You see, NO review was done of that at the time. We now therefore have recognized some errors. However, we would like to correct just one of those, which is, in the second last paragraph, line 6 – instead of the “-“, it must be “are”. Ok.

    Finally, we must commend BU and all other posters for generally keeping the standard of submissions at a fairly high and fairly reasoned level on this blogsite, no matter what the threads are.


  39. Wishing In Vain Avatar

    The revamp is not near complete but she will try.

    News reaching people this morning states that the 1000 lbs of blubber mottley in her effort to secure herself as the leader of the opposition created a very wayward and off track plan which she took to Owing about a week ago.

    This plan calls for Owing See Thru Arthur to step aside vacate his seat and in exchange for her to grant him a Knighthood and award him a big posting.

    The results of her desire was a near fisty blows result, with Owing lambasting her in a sea of cursing and ranting and raving at her inability to lead even as an Opposition leader furthermore as a Prime Minister, he referred to her moraless manner, her poor track record of Ministerial service and that she lacks the support even now to be considered a serious contender for the job, this he states is his domain , he feels that he has a sense of entitlement having once sat in that position.

    Whatever the outcome the blp have been burdened with more questions thast answers, the first of those who does mottley think that it is?

    Why does she feel that it is something that she is entiltled to ?

    Why would she feel so threatened by the short runt to set about seeking his removal from his repsentation of the people of St .Peter, by his lack of showing up in Parliament the people would be better served by Mr Haynesley Benn that the absentee representative, nevertheless it is most amazing and even amusing to learn thatmottley has cococted a plan to remove one of her sitting members her desire to dislodge her main challenge is so severe that she is willing to toss a sitting member to free herself of the challenge of leadership to present Mr Haynesley Benn with an easy route to success, so willful and desperate is this thing that like McCain she has lost her ability to be balanced and provide solid sensible opinions.

    Along with the firing of Clyde Griffith we are seeing more of what this thing mottley is really about, she, herself, me and I is her only thinking.

  40. Clyde Griffith din na sweet bread, he deserve wha’ he get.

    As for See Thru, yu faget how he retire Henry, Cheltenham and a whole host of others? But if he get retire by a younger turk, isn’t this about “what went around came back ’round”?

  41. The politics of inclusion just not working for Owing in this scene.

    They went at one another like cat P__S and pepper I am told, I would love to have been a fly on the wall to watch the 1000 lbs of blubber try to sell that scam to dislodge her thorn from out of her path to leadership.

  42. How could Mottley promise him a Knighthood? Last I checked this was an honour conferred by The Queen of England.

  43. @ BAFBFP // October 18, 2008 at 9:57 pm

    You too Pat.

    hahahahaha, hehehehehe, oh lawd muh belly gun bus. hahaha

    BAFBFP, this ole relic aint posing fuh nuthin. I ken sen dem some of me pics from young, posing pun de beach in bikinis, especially the red polka dot one. But today – nah sah!

  44. If I were Owen, I would be scared when Mia attacked me. Avatar
    If I were Owen, I would be scared when Mia attacked me.

    The BLP were a bunch of nasty people starting with Owen and Mia and including all in between.

    I to would not be at all surprised to learn of friction between Owen and Mia after all they say two man rats cannot live in the same place.

  45. Clyde Griffith din na sweet bread, he deserve wha’ he get.

    As for See Thru, yu faget how he retire Henry, Cheltenham and a whole host of others? But if he get retire by a younger turk, isn’t this about “what went around came back ’round”?

    And he looking for the DLP to tek he in now after all the cussing he do to them, he could go to hell if I was David.

  46. Anonymiss
    You betta check yaself. You in the wrong forum.

    So Pat,
    Don’ laff. I real serious. Because a woman might have a couple of decades on, I still wanna looksee.

  47. If I may be so presumptuous, to a young person – Sanita Bradshaw – starting out on a political career. I wish you good luck. The page for “you” is clean, you can write on it what ever you wish, but never forget the people, for without them – in politics – you are nothing.

  48. Mia is dangerous Avatar

    I was thinking the same thing. How can Mia, in Opposition, offer a knighthood and high-level job position to Arthur?

  49. Mia is dangerous Avatar

    Notice that Sanita Bradshaw is getting heavy publicity and exposure in our local press.
    Who is she? What contribution has she made to the country? What positive change position will she bring?

  50. Reluctant non believer do some history digging about your ancestors or should I say our ancestors (LOL)!

    Your/Our ancestors such as King Tegbesu of Dahomey made 250,000pounds a year from selling Africans in about 1750: this was far more that any English duke’s annual income.

    Moreover, King Alvare of Congo provided slaves to those bastards the Portugese from 1686; and lets not forget the King of Benin who in 1686 whose ancestors refused to sell men; but whose descendants sold every SINGLE ONE OF US to those European frauds.

    I have said this to say,


    Negro man not sick he just TOO REAL!

    I tired of persons trying to tell me that these realities dont or never exist stupse!

    I tired of people brainwashing me and my friends!

    Negorman I know you will not agree with me but reluctant non believer will always be reluctant to see the realities of the world! the name fits him/her well!

    RNB tell me that I am wrong about our ancestors selling us out?

    Negro man I know you gon give me some list for this argument but I had to do some research and boy, Reluctant non believer is King Alvare and the lot!

    Peace! Its just the truth Stupse!

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